The Ordained (OOC & Discussion)

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"And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God. The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise -- with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disentrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country from the silent shadowy demons that lurk. We therefore are the ordained oh humanity. " Abraham Lincoln

The year is 1865 and the great American Civil War is finally over. However there was another war that was waged in secret. When President Lincoln mentioned the demons that lurked...that was no figure of speech. The war was not simply to free slaves, but to stop America from being over run by a shadow nation of...vampires. Oh yes, they are quite real and have existed for thousands of years. Our sixteenth president led a covert band of hunters and slayers to dismantle the vampiric South from within, they were christened...The Ordained. They succeeded, but at a terrible price. A shadowy vampire overlord named John Wilkes Booth, ambushed Mr. Lincoln. Before anyone knew what happened, he was gone and Lincoln was dead. Now we, The Ordained, must hunt down this monstrous assassin through a ruined and vampire infested South to seek justice, to exact revenge and to secure retribution.

Character Profile
Physical Appearance: (Written Description, Pic Or Drawing...No Anime)
History: (At least two paragraphs)

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Name: Michael Andrew Conover
Age: 25
Height: 6'3
Weight: 200 lbs.
Physical Appearance: Conover.jpg
Occupation: Army Captian/Vampire Hunter
Abilties: Proficient firearms and explosives expert
Keen Strategist and Tactician
Expert at wielding axe in close combat

Michael Andrew Conover was born illegitimately in the summer of 1840 in Boston, Massachusetts to William Conover...a dashing Officer in the Federal Army and his nineteen year old mistress Constance Todd...half sister of Mary Todd. When Michael was only a year old, his father walked out on him and his mother. Constance struggled to raise the young boy and by 1847 he was sent to live with his aunt Mary and uncle Abe, who could raise him in a proper home. Lacking a father figure, young Michael idolized his uncle Abraham, always seeking to emulate him.

With the help of his family's rising political influence, Michael joined the West Point Military Academy in 1857 to become an Officer. He graduated as a Second Lieutenant in 1861 just as his uncle Abe had been elected to the Presidential office and the eruption of civil war between North and South.

One night, while Michael was spending an evening of partying with some of his fellow officers, he drunkenly spies his uncle stealing away in a carriage headed to an unknown location. He mounts his horse and decides to follow. A little while later, he follows Lincoln's carriage to an isolated bridge, hides behind some brush and witnesses his uncle conversing with some shadowy figures. He is suddenly ambushed from behind by a fanged attacker, subdued and brought before his uncle. The men try to barter Lincoln's cooperation in exchange for Michael's life.

What happened next took Michael completely off guard. His kindly and mild mannered uncle Abe, suddenly became a kick ass action hero of such fighting prowess, he could hardly believe his eyes. Lincoln produced a worn rail splitter's axe and dispatched his foes with such skill and agility, he seemed an all together different person. After the battle, Michael than learned about the existence of vampires, they're threat to the future of the United States and his uncle's decades long struggle to destroy them. Out of shame, humiliation and his drive to prove himself, Michael begged Lincoln to teach him the ways of a hunter. After some consideration, Abraham conceded and began to mold his nephew into a vampire slaying machine, akin to his own skill. Michael took up his uncle's signature axe as a sign of respect. A short while later, Lincoln formed the secret vampire hunting unit code named "The Ordained", to operate covertly and dismantle the Southern vampire stronghold from within.

After his Lincoln was assassinated, Michael became the defacto leader of the unit and burned with vengeance for his slain uncle. He vows to hunt down the vampire overlord who murdered his mentor, no matter what the cost.

Name: Jericho "Eagle's Claw" Mehmed
Age: 31
Height: 6'1
Weight: 185 lbs.
Physical Apperance:Jericho.jpg
Occupation: Vampire Hunter
Abilties: Speed, strength, algilty and heigntened senses if a wolf
Expert marksman
Proficient at Tomahawk and knife close quarter combat

Jericho was born in the Ottoman Empire, his bloodline the direct descendants of Sultan Mehmed II, the Muslim king who waged war against Vlad Tepesh Dracula. For centuries his lineage had been trained in the art of hunting vampires. When he was only a child, the Sultan had dispatched a special unit of the Mehmed bloodline, including Jericho's father, to chase down the centuries old Dracula...whom had temporarily fled to America. Omaris, brought his young son along to forge him into a formidable hunter. Unfortunately, they underestimated the powerful vampire and Jericho's father as well as the others were killed in front of the boy's eyes. Dracula was going to feed on the child as well but was driven off by a contingent of Comanche braves.

Jericho was than taken in by the Comanche chieftan, and given the name of Eagle's Claw. However just three years later, his village would be raided and young Jericho kidnapped by white calvarymen and sold into southern slavery. There he was taken under the wing of an old black man by the name of Mioses Bambara. Moises was a kidnapped free man from the north and as such was a literate and learned man. He secretly taught Jericho how to read and write. Tragically when Jericho was eighteen, he witnessed Moises being savagely attacked and killed by the plantation owner, now revealed to be a vampire himself. In terror he fled and managed to escape the plantation. He wandered for a time until he fell in with a group of rough and tumble bandits known as the Creed gang. For five years, he rode with the Creed, learning how to handle a gun and becoming quite proficient with one.

After which, Jericho felt he needed to return to his Comanche kin. He tracked down his adoptive father, now an old man. For another five years he trained amongst the native peoples and learning the ways of a Comanche brave, becoming a hardened a battle tested warrior. As a final gift, the old cheiftan performed a ritual on Jericho, merging his essence with the Totem spirit of a wolf...granting him fantastic new powers. He now had the strength, speed, agility and heightened senses of a pack animal. Armed with his new powers, an arsenal of weapons and a warrior's spirit, he sought revenge against the monsters that had taken so much from him. He journeyed back to the plantation where his mentor had been brutally murdered in front of his eyes. With his newfound abilities, the resident vampires were no match for Jericho. He slaughtered them with ease, set the plantation ablaze and freed the remaining slaves.

However his journey was not yet over, with the outbreak of civil war...Jericho realized that a much larger battle loomed and the vampire scourge now threatened to take over the entire free nation of the United States. He traveled to the North to offer his unique talents to aid the Union. He sought an audience with President Lincoln and was surprised to find that old honest Abe was an avid vampire slayer in his own right. The President soon formed an elite and secret vampire hunting unit, he dubbed "The Ordained" and swiftly inducted Jericho as one of his prime recruits.
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Name: Rebekah Mikaelson
Age: 24 real age unknown
Height: 5'7
Weight: 110
Physical Appearance: rebekah-the-vampire.jpg
Occupation: Vampire/ Vampire Hunter
Abilities: Agile, smart Manipulative, quick, stealthy, Good with poisons and daggers
History: See her brother

Name: Elijah Mikaelson
Age: 25 real age unknown
Height: 6'4
Weight: 165
Physical Appearance: 2d3f49c707cb5196601683552cbc9173.jpg
Occupation: Vampire/Vampire hunter
Abilities: Smart, quick, stealthy, calm and thoughtful

Elijah and Rebekah were born in the middle 9th century. wip
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