ALWAYS OPEN The Only Way To Go Is Up ~ Story Proper~

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  • A muscular man chomping a cigar started talking to Yuri Yaoi, whom they did not notice as they were silently praying. "Oh! You were you talking to me? I sincerely apologize. To answer your question, I do not." They answered and soon, more and more people started to come together to share what they have to say. Yuri took note of the brown-haired one who suggested to split into groups. Something about him tells Yuri that they shouldn't trust him. He then mentioned something about Archons.

    "Archons? So you must be gnostic then." They said and then a redhead woman in a winged helmet started saying about slitting the archons' throats. "No, no, the Lord would not want murder, nor is the Buddha." They told her. The girl in the red hood would start the introductions by introducing herself as Ruby Rose, followed by the skeleton named Poco. "Introductions, of course. Where are my manners?" Yuri spoke and then they lifted their skirt a bit as they bowed down to the group.

    "Salutations, my name is Yuri Yaoi of the House Kanou. Until I have reunited with my masters, I shall be your servant in the meantime. My only rule is that you do not say the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, or the Buddha in pure utter blasphemy."


  • A white mink in cowboy attire approached Shujinko out of curiosity upon hearing their banter. He let ot a sigh. "That is none of your business." He said "Shujinko's my name, and that idiot sister of mine is Retsujo. Like I've said, it's none of your business." Meanwhile, the demon woke up with fury, but then he pulled out a rubber duck and squeezed it thinking that it's his gun.

    Retsujo could not help but burst out laughing at the sight. When she calmed down, the demon asked where he is. "Like hell would I know? You, me and the rest are in the same boat." Retsujo answered just as someone hit her with a chop to the head. "Ow! What the fuck?!" She yelled as she turned around to see Shujinko, who appeared to be in a bad mood. "Retsujo, you do not wake people up by kicking their nutsack, you know." He said. "Oh come on! At least I was able to wake him up is all. Also, who's that little guy?" Retsujo looked down at Burt and already she was hypnotized by his cuteness.

    "Aww he's so cute!" Retsujo knelt down, grabbed his cheeks and she proceeded to gently caress them. "You're so soft and fluffy! You must be lost too huh? Don't worry, we're here for you little guy." She said before giving Burt some light kisses to the face.

The past few months had been... Insane. His boyfriend disappeared, Josefumi... His Secchan. The tsunami had destroyed his old apartment, until he twisted his sperm donor's arm into buying a new one. Joubin was gone too, not that he missed him. They got on like petrol and fire did, explosively and with constant conflict. His biological father's incessant lust for power got him into contact with those Rock Humans which lead to his demise. The chain-like flow of logic in this world, it came to his thoughts after their fight with Tooru and Wonder of You, who's cryptic messages about fate and calamity echoed in his mind months after their victory. As for the Higashikatas... He wanted to let them mourn. He couldn't mourn with them, but maybe in time... They could be family, of sorts.

It hadn't taken long to help Josuke accelerate his education to college level, he was a very smart individual and had a lot of the basics down. The three of them, himself, Josuke and Yasuho all attended the same college in Morioh, although they studied different things. After much debated, Josuke chose medicine as his field of study. Yasuho was doing sociology, and Saburo was doing computer science as he simply walked along the street, nibbling at dango balls on a stick. They'd overcome the flow of calamity and found the happiness that lay beyond it. This was their town, and they'd defended it from the literally inhuman menace that cast a dark shadow over it. Josefumi and Kira were avenged, now that was the truth, he slept better.

"I'm enjoying myself... It's nice to be just us, having fun somewhere. No crazy Stand abilities, no madness." Saburo offered, stretching a little in the summer sunshine as he wore a tank top and shorts, it could get very hot in their coastal town. Beaches were always packed with people. "Nah, I don't consider being squeezed violently by Ozone Baby to be a date. Might count fucking up Damo Tamaki as one, that was something we did together." He offered, finally avenging Secchan's murder with that act. Perhaps the sailor uniform-wearing man was overthinking it...

He knew it troubled Josuke... Not remembering who he used to be, while Saburo was familiar with both Kira and Josefumi. He had some elements of them, little echoes here and there, but he was still very much his own person and that was okay. He didn't love him because he used to be his Secchan, he loved him because he was Josuke. Unashamedly so. That confidence and strength, the desire to do what was right. It made it so easy to fall in love all over again, in a world that often scared him-

"Holy shit!" Saburo swore, seeing the colours overtaking the sky, like an aurora borealis. It was like the sky itself was an orchestra, with God conducting the performance as he stood in awe, readjusting his glasses. "I don't understand... Where's the user?" He asked, if this was freaking people out... It had to be some sort of indiscriminate Stand attack. They had to find and stop them, fuck them for ruining their date. It had taken two weeks of planning and schedule aligning to get this, he was not going to let some asshole ruin his weekend off because he wanted to show off his Stand!

He looked to Josuke as he spoke. "We did, I know we did... Besides, this isn't behaving like a normal calamity, where's the intent to pursue?" Saburo asked. He didn't have that intent, because he was certain both the Stand and it's user were dead. He saw Josuke blow them up with Go Beyond, he helped guide those bubbles with Alice Through The Looking Glass. Summoning his mirror-like Stand and charging up his glasses into an artefact with his magia ability, a heads-up display like interface appeared in his vision as he tried to analyze this anomaly. "Fascinating..." Shit, it was almost drawn to them.

"Josuke!" He called out, grabbing onto his boyfriend. It was going to hit...

The rainbow of energy engulfed him, and all he could do was scream as it felt like it was ripping him apart, cell by cell as his world span out of control, a ringing in his ears before feeling like he was being squeezed by very tight rubber tubing, being pinched and pulled in all directions as his vision went red, then black as he passed out.

Landing on the floor, he was in a crumpled heap sans Stand when Josuke found him. Still unconscious by the time he was carried to Aijo and Josuke, after a few moments he woke up, his eyes widening as he clutched his head as if in terrible pain. "Got to concentrate on one thing... One thing..." He panted, fumbling for his lopsided glasses and putting them on, looking around him. "Josuke?" He asked, looking up at his boyfriend.

@Gotham Knight Todd

  • Josuke was relieved to see Saburo wake up like that. He didn't blame Saburo for being freaked out, honestly he was only staying calm because it seemed they were not alone. And more specifically because he still had Saburo with him. That made courage so much easier for him. It really did. Especially since Saburo was the only person in the world that seemed to understand him. He gently ran a hand down Saburo's face. It was a relief to see he was still alive. He was eternally greatful that he at least had Saburo here to be with them. It was such a relief to have him be there.

    "I am glad you are okay Saburo. Those lights seem to have thankfully not hurt us too much. Not quite sure what the hell happened, but at least we somehow survived. That has to count for something, and you are right, it definitely was not a normal calamity. Maybe it was not Wonder of You that did the attack. I am not sure what the hell attacked us, but so far we seem to be completely safe and ready to do whatever we have to here." He assured his boyfriend before looking to their companion.

    "Thank you for the assurance that he was okay. As for your question, I am sorry to say that I do not know where we are. We just woke up here after some sort of Northern Lightsesque attack on us. I am Hagishikata Josuke. This is my boyfriend Katagiri Saburo. We were in Morioh Japan at the summer festival, taking a break from our college studies to have a little fun and enjoy the sun and company of our fellow citizens. Then poof, here we are." He offered a hand out to the person who had been helping them.

    "Might I ask what your name is? It is quite nice to meet you. And you seem to be the dependable sort, and safety in numbers I do say. Perhaps the three of us should travel together for a time." Josuke offered. "At least until we figure out just what the hell is going on here, and then from there we decide to what to do. What do you guys think?" Josuke asked as he looked between his boyfriend and their potential traveling companion. This was the only chance they really had to get through this, by all working together to get through this.
    Interactions @FactionParadox & @ThePotatoGod

  • Jason grunted some as they walked. This guy was definitely some sort of smart ass. Then again, so was he. And he did seem to at least have some respect to what he was doing. He sensed another presence nearby, but did not dare to look around. He had to focus on the here and now to protect himself and Richie as they walked through the place around them. The forest was one of the oddest things he had seen. He heard no wild life or anything else aside from this person here.

    "I suppose you think your fists can punch through steel then? Or through bodies? At the very least?" Jason asked, not impressed as Richie looked at the stranger in curiosity, wondering if the man was indeed strong enough to do any of those feets that his father had actually suggested he could. This place was scary, and he wanted his mother at the very least as well as his father, but this man was sort of an interesting person for them to meet. He wondered if maybe the man would be nicer soon.

    The hiss had Jason a bit nervous. "Richie, go hide. In those bushes. No coming out at all. What so ever. Until I tell you it is safe to fo so. Am I understood? Have I made myself perfectly clear?" The masked man asked as he looked down to his son.

    "Crystal clear daddy!" The boy ran right into the bushes and tried to settle down as he heard the wings that were flapping and heading their way that came after the hiss. He pulled his guns, ready for some combat. It had been awhile since he truly had fun to fight back against all of this.

    "I am sure they will at the very least help." Jason said as he drew his guns and spun his guns, ready to shoot these approaching monsters that he was ready to fight with. "What the fuck are these things?"
    Interaction @ThePotatoGod & @noob13241

Kirby had been asleep throughout the whole end of the world. It wasn't really a surprise to anyone who knew the puffball. He could sleep and eat better than most people.

He was still sleeping when King DeDeDe would go to shake him awake. If there was something that DeDeDe should have known, it was that Kirby didn't like to be woken up. He would frown... and look at his friend. "
No... sleep more poyo," Kirby would reply, turning away and back towards the ground and... then stared at it. Seeing that was not his usual sleeping spot, he would jump up.

"Poyo Not home poyo," he replied, only really knowing DeDeDe here and would look over at the rustling leaves and would hear the rustling of leaves and decided he was curious. He would race to the north, not giving DeDeDe the chance to react.

@NyxieRina @Gotham Knight Todd @ThePotatoGod

Ben, The Promotheus

Ben wasn't exactly what to make about the end of the world when it happened. All he knew was that it felt familiar to him... and he couldn't place why. That probably wasn't a good sign at all, but he decided to see what would happen and then would wake up in an unfamiliar place. He would look around the area.

I can't say that I know where we are... but it feels.... strangely familiar. I can't place why though. I'm sure that it's nothing though. We probably shouldn't stay in one place.... since we don't know what dangers are here."

@Gotham Knight Todd @FactionParadox @ThePotatoGod @Others

Live-Action Ben 10 ( Grass)

Benjamin Kirby Tennyson should have been used to the world ending around him. It felt like a typical Tuesday for him at times, but this one felt different. It felt like he had missed something.... and that was one thing he didn't like. As the colors faded, he would take a deep breath. " This is fine... this is fine...this is fine," he mumbled, as the other Bens would talk amongst themselves, only commenting that it was he looked like them.

"No, I remember that. It's not this. This is something else," LA Ben replied, taking a few deep breaths. He was fine, this was fine. Don't panic. Don't panic. " We probably should try to figure out where here is.

@ThePotatoGod @Crow @Others
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  • King Dedede - Southeast Magical Forest
    Interaction: @LuckycoolHawk9 (Kirby)

    "Aw, come on. Even a lazy puff like you's gotta wake up sometime!" King Dedede prodded, being only the slightest bit hypocritical. Hey, he might be lazy, but he wasn't 'nap during an invasion' lazy. No, he wasn't holding a grudge.

    Then, before he knew it, Kirby suddenly leaped from his arms and ran into the unknown. "Hey! Where are ya going?!" Dedede yelled at the puff, but the little bugger had already left. Typical Kirby. Whats gotten in the lil' guys head now?

    "Wait up Kirbs!"
    He called, leaving the clearing to chase after his little pink rival. He'd be a fool to let the only person he knew here outta his sight, especially in this strange new place.

  • PKMN Trainer Flora - Southwest Magical Forest
    Interaction: @ThePotatoGod (Ben Pink), @Crow (Ben Green), @LuckycoolHawk9 (Ben Grass)

    After what felt like an eternity (but was likely only a few minutes), Flora finally removed herself from Meatball.

    "Kroonn...?" [You okay?] Meatball crooned worriedly.

    Flora couldn't understand exactly what he said, but at this point in their journey, it wasn't hard to get the context for it. "...I'll be fine, Meatball." Flora gave a weak smile back. She couldn't falter here, her Pokemon needed her. Even in the face of uncertain and unimaginable odds she should be the light that guides others on. That is what a champion-ranked trainer should be. "We'll be fine."

    Wiping away the lingering tears, she turned to see who she could probably ask about the situation. Most seemed caught up in their own heads or were still unconscious, but a group of three near-identical men seemed like the best place to start. They were already in a group so they were probably making plans. She hoped they wouldn't mind the intrusion. She walked over to them, with Meatball following after her as moral support and protection.

    "H-Hello." She greeted, voice shaky from her emotions and a bit of shyness. "You seem to know what happened?" She didn't quite understand everything the men were saying considering her lack of context, but it sounded familiar enough. Could it have something to do with the time machine in Area Zero?

    "Roah?" [Hello?] Meatball seemed to have taken an interest in the oldest one of the three, sniffing curiously at the man. Hopefully, he didn't completely freak out with a Koraidon in his space.

Interactions: @Foxes81_of_Anime @Kirie98 @Sun_Lord (Splish-Splash, start a-posting)

@ThePotatoGod @Havoccultist @Crow @NyxieRina

Well, that had gotten everyone together on the same page at the le- odd, why was he hearing boss music?
"If this Archon of yours is anything like the gods I know," she began, coming up behind Childe like some specter of death. "Then I would sooner slit its throat instead."

Undoubtably, the sheer menace in her tone would have scared many a person to jump into the Abyss and never return. Luckily for the local Vanguard of the Fatui, he was the kind of person who would happily fight whoever that was and then jump down into the Abyss.

"Hah, not many who could say the same as you... and even fewer who have the power to back up such large talk."
"I'm not the type to pray for a solution, but I am the type to find the solution myself," Nobeta declares to Childe, before glancing towards her black cat with a signature blue bow on its tail.

"... and with a well-bonded partner. In any case, we have little reason to trust each other, or anyone else here for the matter."

"Well, I doubt that we have any other solution but to trek onward, and since everyone here is equally as confused... It seems to be the simplest solution to group up and travel onward, no?"​

She lets out a nervous sigh and turns to the others, "I'm Ruby. Ruby Rose."

"My name is Poco, I am the lead performer of the Starr Park Mariachi Bandstand." He sketches a quick bow. "It's nice to meet you all, though I wish the circumstances were better." He chuckled a little awkwardly.

"Hah, you all can just call me... Childe" He had little reason to use the alias, but it he had hardly used that name since the Events at Liyue.
"We should probably wait until everyone else has come to, that way no one is left behind."

"Normally I'd agree, but seeing as we don't know when they'll awaken..." Three orbs of water formed around his finger, lazily hovering in place. "I say we hurry their return to the living." With a flick of his hand, the watery orbs shot forward, with each finding their target on the three yet to wake, a blond woman in armor, a normal looking man, and what he hoped was a smaller man with a paper bag over this head. Honestly, he was being quite nice- normally he hosed down the lazier Fatui agents who were still asleep

After the inevitable asking of where they were and the very helpful answers of "we have no idea", it was time to begin to split up the party into groups. Taking a look and gauging the weapons, tools, and presumed combat methods of everyone there, Childe came to a single conclusion.

They had too many people focused solely on damage. Likely not a problem, unless there were any combat encounters... and someone get injured

"Alright, so... me, Ruby, Poco, and you." Pointing to the Rusted Knight, he continued "Can travel down the center pathway, while you, you, and you take the right path." Gesturing to Malenia, Nobeta, and Leonidas, he then finally turned towards the three who had woken up last. "and you three can take the left."

Now that he had settled that, he clapped his hands. "Any objections? We probably won't be seeing each other for some time."
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  • It may seem that this Childe person had decided to step up leadership and assigned everyone into three groups. For some unknown reason, he failed to mention Yuri. The servant would step up towards him and politely asked "I beg your pardon, m'lord, but it appears that you have failed to address my presence. Do you perhaps already dislike me? I do apologize if my presence distresses you. But please understand that for the moment, I am your servant until I have reunited with my masters. Please, where should I go with, m'lord?"

    That would probably rattle Childe a bit, if not put him in a very awkward position and could be the same to the rest. "'Childe'? Nobody would ever want to call their kid like that unless it is in their family name. I'm sorry, but I can see right through it that is not your true name. But, I'll play along for now." They thought as they bowed down to Childe as they await for his response.

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Poco - Northwest Magical Forest
Interaction: @SorryTM (Childe), @ThePotatoGod (Ruby), @Topless (Yuri Yaoi)
Mentioned: @Foxes81_of_Anime, @Kirie98, @Sun_Lord (Get healed lol)

Well, this boy did seem to have a good head on his shoulders as a leader. Though waking up others with water seemed a bit rude, what if they weren't allowed to get wet for whatever reason? To quickly remedy this, Poco strummed a chord on his guitar and a few angelic-sounding-and-looking notes appeared. The notes passed by the unconscious people and healed them slightly, removing any minor cuts, bruises, or water damage they got.

Poco wasn't a strategist so he didn't contribute when Childe was explaining his plans. He was a little concerned about splitting up so soon after they found themselves in this place, but it wasn't like anyone was going off on their own. Plus, he got to go with the people he knew. It wasn't by much, but he felt a bit more connected to staying with these guys anyway.

"That sounds alright." He remarked. Then another person spoke up, one which Poco would embarrassingly admit he didn't notice either. "Our group is already four so that might be unbalanced. But if Childe is your acting master then I don't think that you should be separated..." He commented. But, again, he wasn't much of s strategist, so he didn't know what the best course of action would be regarding Yuri.
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Lesser Lord
The hallway stared him down like an endless dark abyss, mysterious and vast in its grandeur, seeming to stretch on forever. Catching himself distracted by the crisis, he snapped out of his befuddlement when he found that others were present with him. He wasn't alone. The thought was more comforting knowing he found himself in yet another inescapable fun house with other unfamiliar people.

Other than that, he noticed the cube covered in eyes on the floor. The floor covered in blood. Now that... that made him nervous.

"Ohhhh, great! Another mindf@!#. At least I don't have to sweep the circus anymore! Yup, that's the least of MY worries now!"

"Right, random strangers I've never met before?"
he mused, addressing the others with him.

Surprisingly for Jax, the only other person who was with him was a child, dressed in a flowering dress and white dress who stared at him as if he was utterly insane. And a floating dog-thing that drifted in the air besides her. A single word escaped her mouth.


Nahida didn't like what had happened at all. Barely a second after II Dottore had agreed to destroy his clones, a sudden light had crashed through the Academia, and now... she had found herself here. She would have thought Celestia had somehow found about about her threat to destroy the Gnosises and attempted to erase her... if she wasn't still breathing in a location that certainly wasn't Celestia and staring at a person that seemed to be a cross-breed between an Arana and a human. Visibly uncomfortable by the blood around her, she hesitantly picked up the box Infront of her and turning it in her hands. It had no visible openings to take advantage of- a mystery for now. If there was something inside, it was heavily protected.

Looking forward revealed three pathways available... though one felt as if it was a mix of Dendro and something... different from any of the seven elements.

That was good enough for the Lesser Lord, as she proceeded to hightail it out of there as fast as she with said mystery box to escape the velvet smell of blood and the strange blue man

@Ori @ThePotatoGod


{[\/\/\| The Strongest Modern Sorcerer |/\/\/[}

Time was something unmeasurable to him now, stuck in this trap. A white haired man yawned before moving his blindfold over his strikingly blue eyes, getting comfortable.

Well, as comfortable as one could get while resting on skeletons

And thus continued Gojo Satoru's solitude within the one-man Prison, unaware that he had been moved from an ocean trench to the hands of a goddess...


Literally Child(e)

@ThePotatoGod @Topless @Havoccultist @NyxieRina
The servant would step up towards him and politely asked "I beg your pardon, m'lord, but it appears that you have failed to address my presence. Do you perhaps already dislike me? I do apologize if my presence distresses you. But please understand that for the moment, I am your servant until I have reunited with my masters. Please, where should I go with, m'lord?"

Damn himself to the Abyss, how did he forget...

"No, no that was just me being a little forgetful, I am very about forgetting you. And ah... to be blunt, please don't call me as m'lord? It feels rather.. odd, to say the least" He could excuse it when it was the Fatui, but having a random teenager call him "lord" just felt awkward at best. "Would it be alright if you were to travel on the right pathway, with Malenia?" With that, he turned towards the warrior of the rot, an unspoken plea in his eye to "please take her I don't wanna deal with this"​

"That sounds alright." He remarked. Then another person spoke up, one which Poco would embarrassingly admit he didn't notice either. "Our group is already four so that might be unbalanced. But if Childe is your acting master then I don't think that you should be separated..." He commented. But, again, he wasn't much of s strategist, so he didn't know what the best course of action would be regarding Yuri

"....I am not any kind of master with any teenage girls." He deadpanned. Tsarista above, please let this issue get resolved quickly.

  • There'd be a pause. While fantastical sights are all too familiar to the novelist, monsters are an odd blindspot for him. Sure, stories have their fair share of them, but not quite so strange in fairy tales.

    Regardless, the tension would rise in the air as both sides were ready to fight...and the one non-combatant of the group would take cover in the bushes.

    And while Touma would be one to step forth and join the two men, especially after seeing a figure that seems vaguely familiar and a phrase much more so, he doesn't. He cannot, not yet at least. And so, he takes cover in a bush as well, not quite far from the kid, however, just in case the worst comes to worst.
    Participants: @ThePotatoGod @Gotham Knight Todd
  • The chest would be having a lovely time as usual in the maze of glass trees. Silence. Wind. Dust. The perfect usual.

    It would then be immediately hit with a knife and a child would appear right on top of it, followed by said child prying it open.
    And if failing that, bashing it open.

  • "Hey, wait up!" Jax called as he ran after the little girl. He caught up to her even though she continued running, and he tried to talk to her as they ran down the hallway. He was especially fixated on the cube she was carrying.

    "Not that it's any of my business, but do you have any idea where that thing's been? You know, besides the puddle of... gross... red stuff it was sitting in? You know, do you even know where you're going?"


  • "Oh is that right? Is THAT how you wake someone up?" Blitz sneered at the girl who acted like kicking him point blanc in the groin was no big deal. "Remind me to never, EVER sleep ANYWHERE near you again. By the way, nobody's answered my question... Where exactly are we? I know this doesn't look like Hell but I certainly FEEL like it right now, no thanks to, what the f@!#, miss Japanese school girl over there. GO BACK TO YOUR HENTAI, B&@%#!" he yelled, before putting an ice bag up to his crotch.

    @ThePotatoGod as Aijo Kiirome
    @Gotham Knight Todd as Josuke Higashikata
    @FactionParadox as Saburo Katagiri
    @Foxes81_of_Anime as Jin
    @Goonfire as Ada Wong
    @Topless as Shujinko and Resujou Kanou
    @Kirie98 as Rudeus Greyrat
    @shinku as Burt Vaughn, 'The White Devil'
    @LuckycoolHawk9 as Ben, The P rometheus

  • Terezi looked around, smelling her surroundings. It seemed nobody heard her initially, but that was ok. She had time to adjust. She stood up and put her hands in her pockets, gravitating towards a small group of people who were having a conversation, she hoped they at least knew what was going on or had some kind of plan.

    She took a whiff... sultry pink, she could smell, and a lot of green. Three males, and a female... and, some kind of enormous beast? A lusus, perhaps?

    "Hey, mind if I join you guys? Do you also have no idea where we are, predictably? Please tell me we're all in the same boat of being stranded in a completely unfamiliar yet, beautiful landscape~"

    @ThePotatoGod as Ben Tennyson(Pink)
    @Crow as Ben Tennyson(Green)
    @LuckycoolHawk9 as Ben Tennyson(Grass)
    @Foxes81_of_Anime as Reverser
    @Goonfire as Veso-R
    @NyxieRina as Flora Escarlate
    @Kirie98 as Misaka Mikoto
    @PolikShadowbliss as Cpt. Jack Sparrow
    @dark as Dante Alighieri
    @Bixir as Samus Aran
Last edited:
Jaune Arc, the Rusted Knight
(Magical Forest>>>Northwest)

Jaune was perplexed by some of the individuals who were present. One of which was a tall elderly man carrying a large shield. The shape and the color reminded of...Could this man be a Huntsman? He certainly looked like it. But beore he could answer the man, his eyes instantly gravitated to the girl robbed in read with the high voice. Jaune couldn't believe it. Even less so than now. It was Ruby. Ruby Rose. Right in front of him. After all these years, she's finally here. But Jaune notice something was different. Her clothes were different. They looked identical to the clothes she wore during their days in Beacon. Is she really Ruby or just some cruel illusion? He moves past the aged warrior in front of him approaches her just as she finishes introducing herself "I . . ." Jaune stops and thinks for a moment. Would it really be a smart move to reveal himself to a seemingly younger Ruby? It shouldn't, atleast to him. But if she is younger Ruby, how'd she get here? She wouldn't have been anywhere close to the crossroads to Vacuo. Unless something happened to her like what the clock had done to him, only in reverse. Perhaps he ought to wait and see for sre if this really is Ruby first. "Hello...Ruby Rose," It felt so strange saying her name again after so long. "I am the Rusted Knight."

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  • "Ughh... where am I..? It feels like I fell out of my bed and hit my head on something.. Wait.."

    Misaka shot up. Something felt off. Like really, really off. The air here was different. Almost like a sort of odd miasma that was messing with her head. She was lying in the grass, and with her were other people, many of whom seemed to be in the same state of confusion.

    It felt like she had unconsciously joined some sort of costumed-weirdos meet up, but the fact that her head was aching felt very real, meant that this wasn't some sort of dream or nightmare. Come on, think. She rubbed her head, trying to remember the last thing that had happened...

    There was a bright light or something. But... damn, nothing's coming to mind. She doesn't remember being attacked or caught in some kind of world-wide destruction plot or something. Though, she can count on one thing, and that is when things like this happen, it usually involves that guy. Maybe he's around here somewhere. His right hand is almost always the key to fixing these issues.
    But well, first though.. what should she say?

    "Hello?" Her voice slips out. Actually, now that she just spoke, another thought came to mind, and that is if anyone here even speaks Japanese. Oh geez, is she going to be babbling nonsense to everyone around here?!

    It may seem not though, given that she could actually hear and understand the others talking. There may be some magic at play here. Or maybe that's because she studied a bit of English.

    Misaka - #54ACD2

    @ThePotatoGod as Ben Tennyson(Pink)
    @Crow as Ben Tennyson(Green)
    @LuckycoolHawk9 as Ben Tennyson(Grass)
    @Foxes81_of_Anime as Reverser
    @Goonfire as Veso-R
    @NyxieRina as Flora Escarlate
    @Kirie98 as Misaka Mikoto
    @PolikShadowbliss as Cpt. Jack Sparrow
    @dark as Dante Alighieri
    @Ori as Teruzi
    @Bixir as Samus Aran

  • Well, this is quite weird...

    Rudeus can't really understand how this can happen twice, but... as he woke up in a panic and looked at his surroundings, it only confirmed his suspicion of what just occurred. It appeared, after all, that he had been teleported twice. Luckily, it happened when he was carrying most of everything important to him, his hand still holding onto Aqua Heartia confirming its very real presence in his grip.

    Most importantly, as he reached into his bag, he could still feel it in there. Thank goodness. He might've gone crazy knowing that it could've been lost somewhere.

    As he looks around, he can see others around him. A few guys, and a few girls. And also, some kind of cowboy rodent. He's not even sure whether to be surprised or bewildered by it's existence here. Wait, is this even the same world? He can feel the presence of Magic in this place, but it's an alien feeling.

    Does that mean.. he's been isekai'd twice? Looking down, Rudeus was still himself. Nothing about him had changed at all, no being born again or some other thing. Had he finally shed his old self? Well, the good thing is, he's intact. Though, what was that spell that sent him here? Is there a way he can engineer a way back?

    Around him, he can already hear people bickering and chatting. Nobody seems to be malicious, at the very least. There's already a comedic duo here who had just kicked a horned figure, who was probably some sort of devil given the tail and horns. There's another horned person too, but their features were harder to make out. The duo came from Japan given their names, but there's a chance that they came from a different Japan. Then there's the Sailor and the sleeping friend he was caring for, along with the woman checking on him, though he seemed to be fine after being woken up.

    Not to mention, there's a hot chick in a red dress. However, a part of him feels like he's seen her somewhere. It's hard to think and joggle his mind for that though, right after being teleported.

    He could approach and ask them about what had just happened, but they all seem just as bewildered at their current predicament as he is. Maybe it's best to stand and watch for now to try and figure out everyone's character. Best not to get off on the wrong foot too.

    Rudeus - #E25041

    @ThePotatoGod as Aijo Kiirome
    @Gotham Knight Todd as Josuke Higashikata
    @FactionParadox as Saburo Katagiri
    @Foxes81_of_Anime as Jin
    @Ori as Blitzo
    @Goonfire as Ada Wong
    @Topless as Shujinko and Resujou Kanou
    @Kirie98 as Rudeus Greyrat
    @shinku as Burt Vaughn, 'The White Devil'
    @LuckycoolHawk9 as Ben, The Prometheus

  • Jeanne was unsure of what had just taken place. The final assembled attack on Assassin of Red's Hanging Garden was about to take place, before a white flash had overtaken everyone. Given it's direction of origin, it was certainly not the doing of Kotomine or the Grail, but rather an outside force. So sudden and quick was it, that nobody had time to react to it. Jeanne certainly couldn't, as she had narrowly any time to summon her banner and put up a barrier.

    Then, the feeling of cold, flowing water splashed over her face, waking her up to reality.

    Waking up, Jeanne soon found herself laying atop the earth, surrounded by a forest, leaves rustling as a gentle breeze passes by them. She wasn't the only one here, but those around her were unfamiliar figures.

    The remaining Masters of Black, their Servants, The Red Saber and her Master, nor Sieg were not here. Rather, around in the same field were others. The young maiden slowly rose up, and began to study the people around her. From a glance, she can tell that most here are warriors. Was this some kind of gathering similar to the Grail Wars? Using True Name Discernment was pointless, since nobody here had the presence of a Servant. The only one that doesn't seem to be capable of fighting is the small toy-like figure. The way it moved and spoke was peculiar and somewhat endearing. She wondered if it was magical in nature, like an automated puppet of sorts?

    It seemed by the time she had gotten up, things had already started to move. A singular person was directing the others around him. Seeing as he seems to have a jist of things in mind, Jeanne approached him.

    "It seems that you're in charge, at least from what I gathered from just waking moments ago." Jeanne says. "How long have I been asleep? I'm assuming much like me, you must be from elsewhere too? If I may ask, wouldn't it be better to stick together in this unfamiliar place? I understand splitting up to cover more ground, but we're walking on ground that's unmapped. It'd be difficult to assemble again unless we backtrack to here."

    Jeanne - #F7DA64

    @ThePotatoGod as Ruby Rose
    @Midle1998 as Jaune Arc
    @SorryTM as Tartaglia - Interacting.
    @Foxes81_of_Anime as Mono
    @NyxieRina as Poco
    @Topless as Yuri Yaoi
    @Havoccultist as Malenia, Blade of Miquella
    @Kirie98 as Jeanne D'Arc
    @dark as Leonidas
    @Sun_Lord as Kyle Reyner of The Red Lanterns
    @Crow as The Great Wizard, Nobeta

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Mono {Interactions;; None}

The child would've been in the middle of traversing the Pale City when it happened. The moans of felled monsters, then the humming of the Signal Tower as it dissolved into a mass of flesh, squirming and rigging its way around desperately as it tried to get away, reaching for Mono--its saviour! The Transmittor! The Transmittor! The Signal Tower called over and over again, trying to reach the child with increasing panic. Just as it was about to reach the brown-haired boy, it let out a guttural shriek as it dissolved into pale white light, just like the others.

Mono stared in both horror and disbelief as the white light drew closer and closer, stumbling backward but tripping and falling on his back, not even being able to scream as he felt himself being torn apart piece by piece.

Later on, he snapped awake, looking around frantically as he clutched his paper bag, wincing at the sudden light, even though he didn't know what it was. He stared at the sun, 'Tv...? Tv bright.' he thought before sliding his paper bag on and looking around at the others, noticing the woman in red. His eyes immediately widened. Blood? Although, the child hadn't ever seen anything other than the monotone colours of the Pale City to go by...and of course, Six. He scooted away from her, careful not to make a sound. Monster. At least--he assumed it was, despite how bright she was.

Everything was still huge--to him. He found slight comfort in that, despite how terrifying it still was. He decided to resort to staring at a tree trunk--the brown was still really bright for him, but it was better than whatever else was going on around him. He was like a doll compared to them.

Jin {Interactions;; None? }

The last thing the demon remembered, they were trying to convince the Owner to let them play their music in his territory.
"C'mon! Just one try!" Jin hopped up and down, putting a hand on the vinyl. "One try!"

The Owner stared at it with a deadpan face, "OK." he muttered as he spun it, listening to the music before shaking his head. "No. Deal's off."

"WHAT!? But why?" Jin's partner, Ray, had interrupted then.
Afterwards? All a blur. Until...
"Boss! Boss!" A guy rushed in, "There's trouble comin'! Disaster! Ruin! Calamity!"
"What? Did those damned loan sharks catch us already?" The Owner stood up before he saw the white light coming, his eyes going wide before he screamed. Ray scampered off with a quick motion to Jin to meet up at their hideout.
Without thinking, Jin had barely managed to teleport away, but Hell was in the same state. Panic. Eventually...

The demon snapped awake, tail swishing desperately. "Ray?" Despite their vow, they had gotten rather attached to the anemic human. "Rayray?" they looked around for it but shook their head. Hopefully, it was safe. Although...considering the human, probably not.

Reverser {Interactions;; None}

The dual-coloured villain slowly awoke, clutching his head as he groaned in pain. "Hawk Moth?" he muttered under his breath, waiting for the telltale mask to appear over his face and for the supervillain's voice to appear. Nothing.

"Huh." he hissed, relieved that he was free...for now. Until HM came back. The dude's presence was giving him a headache, for goodness' sake! He thought back to his last memory. His notebook being ripped up...the akumatization...being chased by Ladybug and Chat Noir. The two superheroes were unstoppable, he admitted, but he could've beaten them. He thought again. What had happened...?

Then he remembered. The blinding light. The light that had swallowed the world, barely giving him time to react. Was that what brought him here? Or had Hawk Moth caused this? He supposed it was the former. Although Hawk Moth was powerful, there was only so much those damned Miraculouses could've done.

He surveyed his surroundings. He noticed a man with bright magenta pants--woah. That looked awful. No offense to him, of course, but he was honestly being honest. Compared to his angular, black-and-white form, that...person was certainly bright.​
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  • 1706029054655.png

    That's when the Spartan King looked over at Ruby Rose for a second, raising an eyebrow and then back at The Rusted Knight.

    Leonidas kept quiet and frowned as Ruby Rose began to introduce herself before the other knight made their presence known to her.

    "So, if you are Ruby Rose, and you are a knight, then I should introduce myself."

    Leonidas crossed his arms and nodded "Ever heard of the famous Spartan King that fought 10,000 Persians with 300 of my men? Well… That's me. I'm Leonidas. He was directly speaking to Ruby and the Knight and already someone named Childe stepped up and began dividing the group into thirds.

    "Alright, then Childe, who's going with who?"

    He didn't like the idea of being told what to do but he'd suck it up.. for now, plus the small girls (Yoai Yuri) seemed to be taking this "master" thing literally.

    Finally hearing the order Childe said, Leonidas looked over at the other two, a magic person of some kind with a cat, and another creature he had no idea about
    Malenia. He glared at the two of them and lightly lifted his cigar out of his mouth. "Fine with me."

    The Spartan King preferred his independence though, mostly.

    He frowned "Maybe we should get moving?"



    (Maybe going left?)

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    "No, I do not know you, Ben. But you may call me Dante."

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Location: The Magical Forest – Northwest Quadrant.
Interactions: @Crow, @Topless, @Midle1998, @ThePotatoGod, @NyxieRina, @SorryTM, @dark.

Seeing that everyone was making introductions, or being rudely awoken by a splash of water to the face, Malenia put forth her name as well. Both as a matter of courtesy as well as convenience.

"I am Malenia," she said simply, noting Childe's silent plea regarding the newest member of their ragtag little group with a sideways glance of her own. Otherwise, she gave no indication one way or the other when it came to his unspoken request as, truthfully, she didn't really know what she could do. The girl seemed dead set on following him after all, what with all that talk of him being her master - whether he actually was or not be damned. "Blade of Miquella and ruling sovereign of the Lands Between..."

There was a pause, then, as a flurry of different emotions flitted across her face along with no small amount of pain. Whatever conflict was threatening to brew inside of her, however, she quickly overcame and pushed it away.

"Or I was, at least. Considering this place," she gestured at the forest around them, "does not resemble any region I am familiar with, along with the fact that the last thing I bore witness to before waking up here was a blinding flash of light, I think it only prudent to assume that I am no longer in my world but somewhere else entirely."

She met each of their gazes in turn.

"And given the marked differences in your clothing and speech, or appearance as the case may be, I can only assume that the same must be true for all of you."

Shifting her attention once more, she turned her gaze towards the two people Childe had paired her up with. One looked to be a sorceress of some kind and the other... well, he was your typical warrior. They both seemed capable enough, especially now that the latter had introduced himself - Leonidas his name was, King of the Spartans his title - so she took little issue with either of them. That he had led men in battle before was good, more so than the fact that he was a king in all honesty. Although the latter was a great reassurance that he could in fact lead people on a larger scale, and likely wasn't too bloodthirsty if he was halfway decent at statecraft, kingship could be passed down just as easily as earned through challenge and through struggle. Indeed, the two often walked hand-in-hand. Regardless, it was good to know that she would have capable fighters watching her back during their journey to... wherever it was they were going. On that note she found herself agreeing with Leonidas. The sooner they got moving, the quicker they would be able to figure out where they were, what had brought them all here (wherever here was), and most importantly, how to get back home.

Assuming they even had a home to go back to, that is.
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  • It looks like the servant will be going with the group heading the right path. "Very well. I also thank you for your concern, Poco. But please know that when I mean that i shall be your servant, that means ALL of you are my masters for the time being. I was born to serve a noble house after all." Yuri spoke and then they turned to the group Childe had mentioned. They took note of the little witch girl who will be along with them and the names of the other two; Malenia and Leonidas, the latter they most certainly heard of.

    "Leonaidas? The King of Sparta who held the last stand in Thermopylae with his 300 Spartans against thousands of Persians lead by King Xerxes? I've read about your story in history books. And as history has told, you failed, but your sacrifice had inspired the rest of Greece to fight back the Persian Empire from taking over the country, had you not told one of your soldiers to go back and tell about your tale." They said and then they asked "If you don't mind me asking; were you summoned here by the Counter Force? Is your Class Berserker?"

    Little did Yuri know is that this Leonaidas hails from a different universe, one where the concept of the Counter Force does not exist, nor is the concept of a Holy Grail War.


  • "I do apologize for the stupidity of my sister." Shujinko calmly spoke much to Retsujo's dismay. "Hey! I did said that I was able to wake him up you know?" She said and then the demon had the gall to tell her to "go back to her hentai". This made Retsujo very furious. "What the fuck did you just say shithead?!" She asked. Shujinko, sensing imminent danger, said "Retsujo, don't take this personally. Let's just leave the guy be, alright?"

    "Oh no, this is personal alright. Do I look like a whore to you huh?!"
    Retsujo was really having none of it as she drew out her gun and aimed it right at the demon's forehead. "Say it again." She said "Say it again. I dare you. I DOUBLE DARE YOU! I DOUBLE FUCKING DARE YOU! I MOTHERFUCKING DOUBLE FUCKING DARE YOU! I MOTHERFUCKING DOUBLE FUCKING DARE FUCKING YOU!" Shujinko pinched the bridge of his nose in pure utter disappointment.

    "Damn it. Where is Yuri when you need them?"

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Blitzø's mouth widened into a devilish, toothy grin as he watched Retsujo completely lose her shit over such a hilarious insult. He was about to pull out another weapon in defense but the pain in his nutsack jolted him at the slightest movement and caused him to reel.

"Go on, you might as well take your shot now... I reeeally got nothing else to live for but my sense of humor. Heh... I don't even know if there's anywhere to go when we die now. Hell's been completely wiped out. My best friends along with it."

Blitz still had no idea if that was a dream or if it really happened. Either way, he saw it happen, and he believed it. There was nothing else for him if not for the actual apocalypse. He felt comfortable enough staring down the barrel of a gun knowing he might never get to see the other demons again.

Magical Forest >> Northeast

Burt can't help but raise an eyebrow at Shinkujo's cold response but in his maturity, he understood the boy. It wasn't a good thing to just poke one's nose into some other's businesses after all. He was however, taken aback by Retsujo's sudden display of affection. He couldn't help but blink in surprise. The caresses and light kisses on his face left him momentarily bemused, unsure how to react to the unexpected attention.

"Err... thank you," he uttered, his voice carrying a hint of awkwardness. "Now, how do you...," he trailed but was cut off by the demon that Retsujo woke up. He could only observe as the mere exchange of words quickly escalated into a conflict.

Recognizing the need for intervention, Burt stepped forward, raising a hand in a calming gesture, attempting to ease the tension that hung thick in the air. "Alright let's all take a step back and calm down," Burt spoke in a measured tone, addressing both Retsujo and the demon. "I don't want to be the annoying guy here but I don't think killing each each other would solve anything. skinned guy, we're all in the same boat here. We are all just as clueless as you are. And if we want to figure it out, I think working together is what we mostly need. And, Retsujo is it? Maybe let's let go of the gun and try to solve this calmly."

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  • Retsujo was just a few moments away from pulling the trigger. The demon's taunts made the situation all the worse. That is when Burt stepped in the line of fire in an attempt to diffuse the situation. Shujinko calmly watched as if he knows what will be the outcome. Retsujo looked down at the mink and because of how cute he is, she begins to calm down. She lowered her gun and said "Oh alright, if only because you're this damn cute. Come here."

    She tucked her gun away and knelt down before Burt as she picked up for a cuddle. "Well now, it seems my sister has taken a good liking for you. You should be proud that you at least quell her anger if only a bit." He said and then he turned to the demon to ask "What's your name, demon? You most certainly don't look like a yokai."
