The New Mutants (80's Era Marvel AU; IC)

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I'm going to be my own kind of princess
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In no particular order: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Magical, Romance, anime, comic books, cartoons, video games..
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Jo noticed Ryan at first when he waved, but she wasn't sure if it was meant for her or someone else. When she heard her name, Jo perked up and turned to greet the man. Her attention shifted as the man approached and touched her shoulder gently. The hum of the magnetic fields seemed to fade into the background as she listened to the man offer to help with luggage. Jo smiled politely as she let her hand slip gently into Ryan's elbow after folding up her cane. As they walked towards the car, Jo replied, "No, just the backpack. I tend to travel light." After a short pause Jo continued, "It's good to hear an American accent. My name's Josephine Roche, but you can call me Jo, most people do. How far away is the school?" Jo was curious since she was rather unfamiliar with Westchester and was also pretty hungry. She had a snack on the train ride, but hadn't eaten anything really substantial. Hoping to get something in her stomach soon.

As they walked side by side, Jo noticed the feel of the fabric. It was nice quality and layered which probably meant Ryan was wearing a long sleeved shirt and a coat. His shoes thudded softly against the ground which indicated they were old and worn in. Jo listened to Ryan's voice as it seemed to pass through a thin sheet between them, meaning that Ryan had relatively long hair. Jo couldn't help but wonder how much Ryan knew about her. Obviously, he knew her name, but did he know about her 'gift'? What was his gift? How did he end up here? Jo had a lot of questions that she wanted answers to, but knew that it wasn't the time nor place to ask.

The station was still rather crowded and the two pushed against the flow at times which forced Jo to brush arms with other people as they passed. This wasn't anything unusual for Jo since she grew up in the city and would walk the streets every day just to get places. Besides, her powers allowed her to see them coming anyways, but there wasn't enough room to avoid everyone. When they finally got out of the station, Jo smiled. Ryan led her to a car where she got into the passenger's side, which felt very strange since she's used to driving on the opposite side of the road.

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Ryan nodded understandingly, though he knew that she didn't think she could tell. "Well, all right then," he said, "For what it's worth, I don't think you'll stick out too much. We've got students from all over the world, and a few have more...noticeable mutations than you or I," he continued, leading the girl out of the train station and into the parking lot outside. His car, an old green Chevrolet from the 60s, was parked within line of sight from the door. "Wait here for a second, I'll get the door," he said, briefly holding up both hands, as if to physically stop her. He moved briskly to open the passenger side front door of his car, then quickly making his way back to Jo, leading her carefully to the curb, "I don't know how far your abilities extend in the sensory department, but there's a bit of a drop here, in case you didn't know," he said. Once that obstacle was successfully traversed, he went back to conversation. "You know, I went to college in New York," he said, pointing a finger gun towards his student casually, "where are you from?" Ryan raised one of his eyebrows slightly, out of habit more than on purpose. As many of his coworkers could attest to, Ryan was a very animated person when he spoke. His hands constantly moved to enunciate the things he said, often times pointing or waving in a fashion that ran parallel to his words.

"Anyway, the school's far enough away from the city that it's pretty quiet, but the drive's not so bad most of the time, since there's not a lot of traffic once you get out of the major parts of the city," he explained, patting down his pants pockets in an attempt to find his keys, which had been left in his coat pocket. "Oh, and by the way, feel free to ask any questions you have, since that's basically my entire job," he continued, switching over to check the two rear pockets, only managing to find his wallet and X-Men communicator in his front ones. "And that goes for any time while you attend school, or after you graduate. I'm uh...well, currently I seem to be losing my mind, since I can't remember where on this planet I last had my car keys, but I was going to say that I'm always available if you ever need to talk about anything, or just have any questions," he said, sighing as he admitted to being unable to find his keys.

Jo always enjoyed watching how people first react to being a guide dog. Some were better than others, but all made the same handful of mistakes; it was just a matter of how many mistakes. Ryan made a few minor ones like throwing his hands up in front of her as if to make sure she didn't go flying through an invisible window. The second was treating the curb like it was mt. Everest. But overall, Ryan did really well for the first time. Jo could tell he was a very caring person, which made her feel more at ease. "You'd be surprised to know how much I actually 'see'. I can see just as much if not more than a sighted person. Something about the earth's magnetic fields and how they interact with different objects." Jo stated as she got into the car. "I'm from Manhattan, midtown to be more precise," Jo continued as she listened to Ryan fumble around trying to find his keys. Jo wondered what other kind of mutations there was. Since Jo was rather sheltered in the mutant department, she wasn't sure what to expect. Jo could only listen to the TV, which bored her so she rarely listened. When she heard gossip about mutants, she normally ignored it. Now, she was was involved so she'd have to learn.

With a soft smile, Jo raised her hand and Ryan's keys levitated in midair. They were tucked away in the inside pocket of Ryan's jacket. Jo couldn't help but wonder just who this guy was. It seemed like he was a very knowledgeable man, but not always fully put together. As Ryan started the car, Jo listened to the hum of the engine. She could hear the gears turning and the engine warming. Her powers also gave her the ability to see inside the car as well. Despite it's age, the car was in very good shape. The engine was good and the frame of the car was sturdy. By the sounds of the machine, Jo knew it needed an oil change in the near future, but it wasn't anything life-threatening.

They pulled away from the curb of the train station and headed towards the school. Jo heard the traffic forming and more vehicles fill the streets. The sounds were very different from midtown Manhattan, maybe it was the way the sound bounced off the buildings or how the four lane traffic congested slightly. This wasn't home, not by any stretch of the imagination, but Jo was ready to adapt. Jo relaxed into the seat as her backpack shifted on the floor between her feet. "I didn't catch your name," Jo stated hoping he wouldn't make a big deal about introductions. She just wanted to know what to call the man.

Janice hears the sketchbook falling, and watches Laura...sniff the air? She's reminded momentarily of a dog as Laura approaches, and then a chimp when she sees the younger girl start going through her things. Which is okay, she guesses, though she prefers if her tapes in particular were treated a little better. She gathers them up, asking "So what kind you like..." She asks and then fixes the stacking of her magazines and manuals after Laura was done sifting through them.

When picks up her Nintoaster, she stands up and puts it aside on the bed. "That's my...okay I guess you like that? Right? Here, let's turn it on." She gently stops Laura , picks it up, and turns it on. "Wanna hear a song?" She sits on her bed, sets it in front of her, cracks her knuckles, and starts to play 'The Girl from Ipanema', humming at first, then sings the lyrics.

"Tall and tan and young and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking and
When she passes, each one she passes goes "ah"
When she walks, she's like a samba
That swings so cool and sways so gentle that
When she passes, each one she passes goes..."

She continues the rest of the song, the sound of the piano not necessarily the best as the keyboard didnt quite have enough keys, and Janice's voice passable from practice. She looks from the keyboard, to Laura, smiling. She thinks Laura must be kinda like Greg back in school. I can't ask, that would be rude. Like Mrs. Eck said, I'll just need to be patient with her if she is. People like Greg and Laura just need more patience and caring than others.

Janice finishes the song, and asks "Did you like that? Want to try?"

Professor Charles Xavier

Now Xavier shakes his head a little as he (unwittingly) 'hears' Colt's most surface thoughts. Once more Colt hears Charles' voice in a gentle whispering cadence in his mind. ~We're not freaks, Colt. We were born with gifts, that's all. Just as an artist is born with the ability to create beautiful masterpieces. And like an artist… our gifts must be honed and mastered.~

Now Charles smiles a little with Colt's exclamation about school. He holds up his hand a little, palm towards Colt as he speaks. "Not all of your classes will revolve around mathematics or literature. They will be… often far more involved. But that can wait." Charles now reaches back, and with some effort grasps the dark blue backpack that had been hanging from the handles of his wheelchair. He then holds it out to Colt as he nods towards it. "Marilyn insisted I bring you something. But… frankly I think she just wanted to craft something." Inside of the backpack Colt would find a Capri Sun, a small bag of Fritos and a wrapped sandwich. The sandwich is a Turkey Club Sandwich (turkey on white with bacon and fresh veggies on it, with just a touch of cranberry sauce). "You can eat on the way back to the school, Mr. Walker. Your bail has been taken care of." His hands move to the wheels once more, and he turns himself slowly as he speaks softly. "And perhaps in time you will learn the folly of thinking of those who aren't mutants as 'normal'." Reacting to Colt's last thought. He now moves from the cell, and starts down the hall. "But yes, there are those at the school who aren't mutants. People that wish only to help young people, such as yourself."

Tagging: @KC
Laura continues to press the keys over and over as she stares at it, a small smile on her lips. She shrugs to Jan's question, and finally for the first time in almost a day she speaks in a soft and unassuming tone. "He listens to Pink Floyd a lot, so that's what I listen to." She says with a nod, it seems perfectly logical to her. And when Janice offers to turn it on, she wonders what she means. What could make this delightful little plastic thingy better? Curiously does she watch Janice, and as the keyboard is turned on… Laura's eyes widen to small saucer size and she takes a step back. As if afraid it would reach out and nip at her or something.

But Janice doesn't seem afraid of it, so how bad could it possibly be? She seemed to relax a moment… but then her eyes widen once more when music started coming out of the little plastic box. She starts to smile more as she takes a hesitant step forward, and looks around the keyboard. As if looking for something more, like she added something else to make it play for her. Her gaze moves to Janice herself as she starts to sing, that smile remaining upon her lips. But her gaze moves back to Janice's fingers on the keys, a look of focus now crossing her young features.

Janice finishes playing, and now her eyes meet Janice's as she nods quickly. She plops down next to Janice on the bed, and she takes the keyboard from her gingerly. But she is careful with it, since she's not totally sure how it works or what will upset it. She sets it on her lap, precisely as Janice did, and she seems to study it for a few moments. Her fingers then move to the keys, and she starts to play. Her fingers move almost exactly as Janice's did, but not perfectly of course. You can't quite make out what the song might be, but you can tell there's a song there. She's not a talented pianist or anything. She's just mirroring the movement of Janice's fingers. Much of her combat training was done in this manner, her mirroring someone or some hologram or something. To the point she had it down perfectly. While she's not quite perfect in this, she gives it a noble try.

She plays the same few notes over and over, mimicking only what she focused on Janice playing. "I'm not singing." She says softly as she plays the notes a third time, and then lifts her fingers from the keys to end the 'song'.
The explanation of mutants was not lost on Colt although the teen didn't seem to respond to the professor's words and instead addressed his immediate concerns with some irritability in his tone.

"Hey…you've proven your point…but stay the hell out of my head man."

His hands remained within his pockets as Charles described the school's classes and whilst Colt was adamant on not attending them, he still wanted to know what the professor had meant about them being more involved. He watched the Professor pull the backpack out up from the wheelchair handles and eyed it suspiciously as the professor handed it to him. Hesitating momentarily he reluctantly pulled his left hand from his pocket, reaching over and grabbing the backpack before slowly opening it, listening as the professor spoke of some lady he didn't know. His eyes almost bulged with excitement when he pulled the sandwich from the bag, wasting little time in slinging the bag over his left shoulder and unwrapping the sandwich and shoving a corner of it into his mouth. His eyes closed as he groaned, the taste of food let alone the well-made sandwich absolutely magical to him.

god yes, Colt mumbled with his mouthful, raising a brow at the mention of his bail having been taken care of. If the guy had paid it out who was Colt to argue? He stayed silent as he stuffed the sandwich into his mouth again, his stomach growling with ravenous delight. Taking a few steps over Colt scooped up the foam sodden jumper from the floor. Professor Xavier had turned and wheeled himself out of the room with Colt in toe although he slowed when the professor explained that there were people at the school who weren't mutants that were willing to help them. A part of him wanted to ditch the professor as soon as he got into the street, though the other part of him was eager to go somewhere idyllic away from the troubles of his life.

He followed the professor through the station to the booking area where they were required to sign a stack of forms and Colt was able to get his jewellery and an old crappy pair of shoes back. He paused eating to put his belongings back on, grunting in response to the occasional directive of the booking sergeant who no doubt was used to such receptions. Once his shoes were back on, Colt gathered the backpack and jumper before going back to eating the remainder of the sandwich as he let the Professor lead the way.


Seeing his keys float up from his front pocket, Ryan plucked them out of the air without missing a beat. "So that's where they were. Thanks," he said, slipping it into the ignition with practiced ease.

So, apparently her powers let her see just fine. Now Ryan felt a bit bad. "Oh, okay. Sorry if I came off as patronizing then," he said, scratching the back of his head while pulling out of the parking lot. "My name is Ryan Stretz. Probably should have opened with that," he admitted with a chuckle. "Around the school, most people just call me Ryan, or if you're feeling formal, I suppose you can call me Bulwark, which is my 'super-duper fancy and official X-Men team member code name.' I may not look it, but I'm probably cooler than your last school councilor/substitute teacher," he continued with a wry smile, the kind that leaked into his voice like ink onto paper. Even as he drove, his fingers fluttered in a more restrained version of the physical animation that always accompanied his speech. Still, it didn't seem to effect his driving at all, as he navigated the clogged city streets with ease, avoiding any major blocks or serious traffic jams. He'd done a bit of work as a cab driver while looking for a proper job after graduating college. It had actually been while driving a cab that he'd been introduced to the professor, but that was a different story for another time and place. Eventually, he made a hard right turn off of the main streets, slowly beginning to head away from the hustle and bustle of the main city.

"I'm thinking that when we get back to the academy, I can give you the tour, if that's alright. Your room should be ready for you by the time we get there if you just want to crash, but it's a pretty big place. It took me longer than I'd like to admit just to find the bathrooms," he said, his tone friendly and open. "Hopefully, you won't find it too horrible a place to live, what with all the nature and the trees, and wide open spaces where you can safely practice your abilities without the risk of hurting anyone," he continued, "Oh, on an unrelated note, there's some chocolate in the glovebox if you want it," he offered, nodding his head down towards the place in question. Ryan always kept a handful of candy or gum with him, since it gave him something to do with his mouth when he wasn't talking.
  • Nice Execution!
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With an apologetic smile, Charles looks over his shoulder towards the trailing Colt. "Forgive me, Mr. Walker. When I'm around anyone, I can often 'hear' their surface thoughts. Without effort, I mean. I just… do. It's much the same as you overhearing a conversation in roomful of people. But you've my word I never delve deeper into anyone's mind without permission. But hearing common thoughts… well that's the downside of my gift."

They get to the front desk, and Charles never drifts far from Colt. He mostly keeps his eyes on the officer processing the young man, watching for any signs of deceit or malic. But as it is, the officer is only doing his job. Not exactly enthusiastically, but still doing his job. As they leave, one of the passing officers nods to Charles. And he they stop a moment, the officer and Charles just watching one another. After just a few moments, the officer nods again and says softly. "Thank you, Charles." The Professor holds up a hand as he smiles softly. "No need to thank me, Alex. Your daughter is a wonderful girl. I'm happy to be able to help her." They then shake hands, and Charles proceeds to lead Colt out of the station proper.

He leads them towards a waiting car… a Cadillac of all things, white in color. And leaning against it is a rather muscular man, his skin a faint shade of red. He's dressed casually, and clearly has been watching for Charles to return. And as the duo emerge from the police station, the man's eyes move immediately to Colt, looking him over. Charles motions to the man as he wheels closer to the curb. "Colt Walker, I would like you to meet Mr. Corsi. He's our phys ed teacher, and a darn good driver." Corsi stops just beside Xavier, holding out his to shake Colt's in greeting. He speaks with a very New York accent. "Walker, good ta finally meet you. Just call me Tom, okay?" He says with a little nod. As Tom greets Colt, Charles rolls closer to the car. He leans forward and with some effort he gets the rear door open… and Colt will see Tom's expression sour as he turns quickly. "Charles ya bullheaded… so an so. ya listen as good as Logan." He moves to the side of the wheelchair and leans down, and Charles slings his arm around Tom's shoulders as he speaks in a soft tone. "I am more than capable of getting into the car myself, Tom. I do wish I could argue with the bullheaded part, though." Tom sighs and now helps Charles slide into the back seat of the car, Charles settling in with some effort. Tom would then lean down and click a few switches on the wheelchair and fold it up. He picks it up with one hand, his other fishing in his pocket for his keys.

"Walker, get in. If yer still hungry, we can stop and get something on the way ta Westchester. Lil bit of a drive." When Tom says that, Xavier quickly rolls down his window and leans his head out a little, frowning up to Tom. "Tom I do not approve of that fast food garbage for our students." Tom nods, not looking towards Charles. Because this isn't the first time they've had this talk. "I know." He says with a little grin, walking towards the back of the car. Charles mutters something about being bullheaded as he rolls his window up. The wheelchair would be deposited into the trunk, an Tom then walks to the driver's side of the car, getting in.

He pulls his seatbelt on, and he starts the car as he speaks to Colt "Welp here we go. Yer in for quite the adventure, kiddo."
Janice claps when Laura finishes her first attempt at playing her piano. "That was good!" She says, honest as ever. She takes the keyboard back and hums as she thinks a moment.

"Pink Floyd is cool. I only know how to play this one bit." The girl plays the opening melody of 'Hey You', and actually concentrates before starting to sing.

"Hey you, out there in the cold
Getting lonely, getting old
Can you feel me?
Hey you, standing in the aisles
With itchy feet and fading smiles
Can you feel me?
Hey you, don't help them to bury the light
Don't give in without a fight.."

Janice stops and smiles at Laura "And that's it. I can't wait to start classes, meet the music and math teachers." She puts the keyboard on her desk and resumes putting her clothes away in the drawers and closet. It's all rather plain clothes, dresses with flower prints, tshirts and shorts.

"You said 'He listens to Pink Floyd'. Who is he?" Janice asks while putting her stuff away. She's glad the two of them are already off to a good start, and particularly that they might bond over music, one of her favorite topics besides technology, which is far less a talk topic from her school experience.

Laura smiles sheepishly as Janice claps for her performance. She knows she didn't do that good, and Janice is just being nice.

Which she wholly appreciates.

She sits up a little on the edge of the bed as Janice starts to play, and her head tilts a little to one side as she almost immediately recognizes the melody. It is a pretty distinct melody. She finds herself smiling a little. The album that song is from is… very long. And it has a story in it, which she has picked up on after listening to it a few times. While she has never fully understood all of it (it's a pretty complicated piece and she's 13), she knows the first part is about Pink's want for his father. After that, it gets pretty convoluted. She thinks there's something about… Nazis or something. But at least that first part resonates with her.

Laura is staring at Janice's fingers as she plays, wanting to memorize how her fingers move against the keys. So maybe she can learn to play it on her own someday. When she stops, Laura looks to her and smiles back. She remains sitting there as Janice now starts putting her things way in their room. Feh. It's supposed to be her room. When Jan asks about who Laura referenced, well she comments on Janice's first statement at the start. "Mr. Collins teaches math… Mrs. Armstrong teaches music stuff. She also teaches beating people up." She now slides off of Janice's bed, standing next to her like a little shadow, looking at everything she unpacks. Why is Laura being so nosey? Well when she came here, she literally had nothing. The clothes on her back was filled with bullet holes or burned away. So when someone comes into her room with 'things', she's naturally curious.

She speaks as she stares at some of the dresses, her hands folded behind her back in the 'don't touch things while we're in the store' stance. "Weapon X… I'm sposed to call him Logan… likes Pink Floyd. And Johnny Cash. And Travelling Wilburys." She pauses as she takes mental inventory of Janice's things "They want me to take classes." She says kind of to herself.
"It's alright. That sort of thing happens all the time," Jo replied as she shifted slightly in her seat. The car drove smoothly across the pavement. Internally Jo played with addressing the man by Ryan, Mr. Stretz, and Bulwark. To be honest, Jo didn't really care for the last two and decided on Ryan. The thought of a code name was also somewhat surprising. Recently, Jo heard about the X-men, but didn't give them much thought. She wondered if the code names meant anything. Were they reminiscent of the individual's powers? If so then why Bulwark? She'd never heard of that word before. Maybe it was code for something else. Turning towards Ryan, Jo stated, "Well, you seem like an interesting guy. I can't say much about my past teachers, but you definitely don't fit into the boring category." If Jo was honest, she really hoped Ryan wasn't like the other teachers. School was difficult for Jo, so much so that she dropped out and got her GED just a year before. She wasn't really smart but she was clever. Unfortunately the struggle of getting accommodations in public school was difficult...then there was the social aspect.

Jo decided to grab that chocolate and snack. As she snacked she wondered how large this place was. Ryan made it seem like a mansion or something. Jo imagined a large school building, but then again she was used to the schools in the city. "I'd love a tour," Jo stated between mouthfuls of chocolate. She wasn't exactly the most refined eater, but she wasn't a slob. Either way, Jo finished the chocolate in no time. She felt somewhat embarrassed by the speed at which she ate. Putting the empty box in her lap, Jo sat quietly as they got closer to the school.

"I didn't think it'd be that big," Jo stated as they turned into the school. About a quarter mile away Jo became aware of the large building in the center of the space, but when they turned in Jo got the full effect. The magnetic waves seemed to warp around the building in a way that indicated a huge structure. "It's a mansion," Jo continued softly to herself as they pulled up to the front. There were lots of people inside that made Jo somewhat uncomfortable. She'd never been near so many mutants before and the thought of being with others like her was both exhilarating and terrifying. Jo looked to Ryan as if asking for him to calm her nerves magically.

"Weapon X? That's an interesting nickname." Janice comments as she holds out a dress to make sure it wasn't wrinkled too badly during the trip. Deeming it fine, she hangs it in the closet. Next, she brings her tapes and NES games, controllers over to her desk and arranges them in neat stacks. "I saw you looking at this. It's my Nintoaster. " She holds up the device Laura had been holding earlier. "It's a Nintendo, but in a toaster, get it?" She giggles and sets in on top of her desk. Janice would love to get into the technical aspects of why she had chosen to gut her NES, then reconfigure it in such a quirky casing, but in her experience most kids her age didn't really care for the specifics. So instead Janice gives her justification as "I think it's cooler this way. If I get a Sega I might put it in a toaster too. Haven't decided yet." She finishes arranging, sits down in the spinning chair and gives herself a good spin around, stopping to look at Laura with a big smile.

"We're gonna have fun!"


Amelia Armstrong stands in the front foyer of the mansion. She was too later to meet the other girl, Janice, upon arrival as she'd been on a call to her husband about being home a little later than usual. She sits on the front steps of the stairs, chewing on her fourth energy bar for the hour and thinking over the letter she and the others had received from Professor Xavier. Amelia wasn't a full member of the current team, but she has her suit and helmet for if the occasion calls for it. Her passions were her husband, music, and martial arts, in that order. In her teens and early twenties, the idea of what the X-Men did was attractive. Now that she was thirty and married, not so much.

This new 'mentorship' opportunity however, intrigues her. Makes her think of when she'd been the pupil of the famous Bruce Lee when he was starting Jeet Kune Do. The relationship between a sifu and the pupil wasn't something that could really be achieved in the normal American teaching dynamic, even here at Xavier's School.

But maybe this mentorship was an opportunity for that. One could only wait and see. And unlike others with her skillset, she has the patience to wait.

@Eon @abalint @Camleen
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Laura only glances towards Janice as she comments on the 'interesting nickname'. Well she's not wrong… but for Laura it goes deeper than that. Almost to her core. But the young girl, for the most part, keeps her eyes on each garment that is produced by the trunk, sitting on her knees on the floor now. And as Janice produces the actual cassette tapes and NES cartridges and controllers, Laura scoots over to Janice's desk on her knees. Her hands grasp the edge of the desk, peering at the various little neat piles.

Ah… comforting organization.

Her eyes draw up towards Janice as she explains the Nintoaster, her gaze moving from Janice to the device and then back to Janice. She wonders why a Nintendo would want to be inside of a toaster. "Doesn't the Nintendo get hot and melty? Isn't it made of plastic? Does the toaster play the Nintendo game things?" She reaches up and grasps the Nintoaster a moment, peering inside of it… as if to make sure it's okay in there. She sets it down carefully, making sure it's aligned as it was.

Janice mentions the Sega thingy… and Laura glances towards the door. She thinks there's one of those downstairs… in the loud room with the television. Hmph…

As Janice plops down in her chair, Laura pushes herself to her feet. She absently brushes off her knees, though there couldn't possibly be dirt on them. Laura returns Janice's smile with a half-smile of her own, as if forcing it for Janice. Because she's forcing it for Janice. She starts to say something about people not having fun when she's around… but she doesn't want to get into that. Not with Janice… not yet. Janice will realize it soon enough on her own. "Yes, fun." She says in a flat tone, moving back to her bed. She sits on the floor just in front of her bed, her hands pressing to the floor between her legs as she looks up at Janice. "There's a Sega thingy in the television room… do you want me to get it for you? The other kids wouldn't try to stop me. They wouldn't want to try to stop me. I can get it for you. We can put it inside of… uh…" she looks around, looking for something small… "um…" she sighs to herself and looks back to Janice, shrugging a little. "Something… cool."
"Well," Ryan said with a wide smile, "Thanks!" He pulled into the driveway, watching the girl consume his chocolate in a matter of moments. He needed to make a trip into town anyway to get a couple of new pens, so now he just had to remember to add that to the list.

Ryan had to bite his tongue to stop himself from making a "that's what she said" joke. Such humor would be rude and inappropriate under the circumstances, even if it would have been pretty funny. Bringing the car to a stop along the dirt driveway that led up to the impressive double doors that made the mansion's front entrance. "Oh yeah, it's a huge place. Apparently, the professor lived here alone for a while, before...well, before getting the bright idea to found a school for mutants like you and me. Can you imagine, just being alone in a place this huge for years? He didn't even have a dog, according to Hank...Err, I think he prefers students to call him Mr. McCoy," Ryan continued, stumbling slightly over his words. He wasn't really supposed to talk to students about what the professor had gotten up to in the years leading up to the school's founding. Ryan didn't really know that much about it, but he knew enough that he was probably supposed to have been shot by some terrifying G-man by now.

Reaching up and across to unfold the sun-visor on Jo's side, Ryan caught the small device that fell out of it in one hand with practiced ease. "I think you'll like this," he said, clicking a small button on it. It was basically a garage door opener, but instead of just opening any old garage door, it opened the hangar-entrance under the front lawn of the mansion, allowing for easy access into school's underbelly. When he clicked the button, the device made a small beeping noise, which was followed by a great rumbling from underneath as the mansion's driveway basically split down the middle, revealing a ramp down into where the rest of the X-Men kept their vehicles. Technically, he was supposed to use one of the other ways in that didn't make such loud and schoolwork disruptive sounds, but what was the point of ferrying students to the mansion if he didn't get to make a good impression. You could hear the hangar front doors opening from basically anywhere in the mansion, the low rumbling noise reverberating inescapably through the bones of the mansion.

After the impressive display of the school's resources, someone would surely want to chastise him, but Ryan didn't really mind. He could handle whatever the other teachers threw his way, if it meant a little extra excitement for the students. So many people came to Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters after potentially years of hardships caused by their abilities, he wanted to make it clear that this place would be different from their lives thus far.
Jo would be lying if she said she wasn't impressed by the high tech garage. The sheer magnitude of the hangar was something to gawk at alone. As they pulled into the garage, Jo took in the sensation of the vehicles and the expensive equipment. She could feel the cars, the trucks, and the aircraft. It was all extremely exciting. Jo turned to Ryan and asked, "So what's next? Are you going to show off something else? Because I don't think anything will be as extravagant as that." Jo got out of the car and stood in the hangar taking a deep breath. As she breathed, the machines seemed to breathe with her. A soft creak came from each machine. Jo loved the feeling of being surrounded by vehicles, it felt like home.

Above her Jo felt the sensation of many people moving around. The shuffle of human bodies...mutants made Jo somewhat unnerved. She never liked school so living in a school was going to be a bit of an adjustment. At least, she wouldn't have to hide her powers...or pretend that she wasn't aware of others around her. Jo didn't exactly want to leave the hangar or the machines, but she knew it was probably too good to be true. She'd be locked up in a classroom with a teacher, a chalk board, and expected to learn something. Jo never really understood 'education' in the traditional sense. She was a strong proponent of learning a trade instead of getting a formal education, unfortunately, most people wouldn't hire a blind mechanic. At least here she'd have the chance to do what she loves without being seen as 'disabled'.

Jo turned to Ryan and asked, "So that tour?"

@Eon @Ms.Ezra
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Ryan laughed, parking the door next to the giant obsidian aircraft that was the Blackbird. His car looked tiny in comparison, which was part of why he picked this spot, since it was kind of funny to look at. "Nah, technically, I'm not even supposed to open the hangar that way unless there's some reason to get you inside really fast. Somebody will probably chew me out for it later," he admitted, reaching out a hand to his student. "Cool stuff though, right? Some of the other teachers say that some of the technology in this place was made by aliens, but I'm pretty sure they're just messing with me. Besides, what kind of name is 'Shi'ar' for a galactic civilization anyway?" He continued with a wide smile. He'd never heard the hangar creak quite like that before, but he didn't think much of it.

"Anyway, about that tour. The elevator's right this way," he said, leading her to a pair of secure-looking metal doors with a keypad next to them, "this is normally the part where I'd tell you not to look, since the elevator code is supposed to be for staff only, but I don't know how much that's worth, given your situation," Ryan said, unsure if it would be rude or not to tell her to look away. Punching in his code quickly, the elevator produced a mechanical ding before the doors slid open. The passcode wasn't required for all elevator usage, mostly just having been put in place to prevent students from accidentally wandering into the Danger Room. Once Jo was inside the elevator with him, Ryan pressed a button, causing the doors to close and the elevator to rise upwards rapidly. Passing through the two other sub-levels in the blink of an eye, the elevator opened up into a hallway just off of the main foyer. Gesturing around grandly, "And this, dear student, is a hallway off of the main foyer. One of four that has an elevator in them," he explained before beginning to lead his student into the proper front entrance, "not the most interesting spot to start our tour, but there you are. Now, if you'll follow me into the main foyer..."

Ryan lead her into the large, foyer where a few students were hanging out in small groups. Above was a balcony, attached to the second floor and granting a vantage point over the door. The whole entryway was bigger than the house Ryan had grown up in, and as such tended to inspire a degree of jaw-dropping awe in those who saw it for the first time. He wasn't sure how the blind girl would react, but he did notice one of his coworkers, Amelia standing by herself, waiting. Ryan gave her a polite wave, gesturing for her to come over and introduce herself.

@abalint @Ms.Ezra
Janice is about to tell Laura she would never dream of gutting someone else's property, when they hear this very loud noise that startles her enough she squeaks. Which of course makes her blush, even if Laura were to offer no indication she registered how cute/funny it was, which was the usual response people had to her squeaks of surprise.

"What's that?" She puts her hand to the wall near her bed, and accesses the security system. Through it, she learns that the mansion has a large hangar, and the sound was its large outer door being opened. As a result of this, the security systems also reveals the large underground base the hangar was part of.

"Cool! This place has an underground base? I wanna go see it!" Jan hops off her bed, and trots out of the girl's dorm to the front foyer rather quickly, obviously overcome with excitement. A secret base? Just like the movies and TV shows? Who could resist?

When she arrives, she comes to a skidding stop upon seeing two adults who had to be teachers. Her excited expression falls slightly to embarassment. Their first impression of me is me spazzing out....greeeat!

Ummm hi! I'm Janice, I just got here and came to check out that loud noise.." She explains, smiling as she nervously crosses her legs and puts her hands behind her back.


Amelia had her arms crossed over her chest, and was prepared to reprimand her fellow faculty member when Janice arrives. She turns to the girl, and can't help but smile at her. This was one of the prospects? She was certainly....not combat ready. At all. Like the other girl Ryan has at his side, really. She already thinks these two will be needing the most work from everyone. Her manners and people skills were already top marks over Laura at least. So less work on the diplomatic side, at least.

"Hi Janice, Jo, I'm Mrs. Armstrong." She says to both, looking between them then looking at Ryan. "Fair warning kids, I won't be as fun as Mr. Stretz. My car is much nicer though, that can't be argued." She laughs and shrugs "Welcome, girls, to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Mr. Stretz, shall we both give the tour?" She asks.

@abalint @Eon @Camleen
A moment before the rumbling started, Laura seemed to be aware of it coming. Firstly, her senses are far sharper than most peoples… and… she's kind of used to it by now. Living at 'mutie school', you start to grow accustomed to certain things. Like jets below you. Or super fantastical computer systems. Or blue furry people. So, when Janice feels/hears it, Laura doesn't seem that put out.

Laura's head tilts to one side, and a little grin creeps onto her features with Janice's squeak of surprise. She looks away from Janice, covering her own mouth a little to perhaps hide her amusement. She would push herself to her feet when Janice moves to the wall, and Laura watches her curiously. Does she know about the substructures because she touched the wall? Did she somehow hear about them beforehand? How could she know? "But we're…" she starts softly as Janice takes off. Now she scowls as she looks towards her bed, towards the bottom of it specifically. With a soft she is in a sudden jog, catching up to Janice as she gets closer to the stairs. "We're not sposed to talk about the underground places." She says softly, almost a whisper. As if afraid others would hear. Not the content of what she says… just the fact she says something.

Of course, she neglects to mention that pretty much everyone at the school knows about the underground base that no one is supposed to know about.

But as she gets to Amelia and Ryan, she once more transforms back into her usual quiet self. She stops just next to Janice, her dark eyes staring at Jo. Someone new… well newer. Newer than Janice. She knows Jo has never stepped foot in the school before. Laura would be able to tell. Her gaze moves back to Amelia as she introduces herself, and then towards Ryan. She folds her hands in front of her, wondering if she should even be here. This is for the new students. She isn't new. And… technically not a student yet. But then she thinks that perhaps she could be of use to Amelia or Ryan in helping these new students. So discretely she once more looks towards Jo out of the corner of her eyes, a small thoughtful frown upon her lips.

Tagging: @abalint, @Eon, @Ms.Ezra
Logan Aka Wolverine

Logan noticed Ryan leave in his rickety old Chevy. Stretz was nice enough and he had to admit, a handy fellow to have in a pinch. That means really that Chuck's plan was starting. Time to meet and greet. Generally he frankly despised the meet and greet thing, but this time perhaps it had it's uses.

Also, he thought it prudent to get Piotr. If Chuck & Hank's plan was to work...This team had better start getting used to one another. He had to time it just right. He knew how long it would take for Stretz to get back and forth from the train station. It had been long since that Piotr had been given the tour, Laura too. But they were going to help the others assimilate to the school more quickly.

A half hour or so of training Pete in the fine art of protecting innocents should do the trick...


Piotr had just gotten into his book when Logan struck. It took longer to get into the book than normal after spending time with little ghost and meeting Janice. Who seems to have caught his mental eye. Logan, seems to have gotten it into his head that Piotr needs this "" Advanced training "" This was not done with Piotr's consideration or permission.

It at least didn't make him miserable. It kept him busy and for the most part interested. Also, Logan spoke Russian quite well. Today was odd though. For half an hour, Logan had him stand between a set of lifelike dummies. Then Logan tried to "" kill "" them while Piotr blocked whatever "" attack "" Logan simulated. After that, Logan told him that he wanted Piotr to meet another new student and if he'd come along for that. Piotr agreed, it seemed easy enough.

The two of them approached the others gathered in a group.

(( Logan )) Mr. Stretz, Mrs. Armstrong, nice tah see the two of you.


Logan looked over at Laura and gave her a wink. He looked at Janice.

"Miss Kissel, Miss Roche, my name is Logan and you've met Piotr.
Nice to meet you both. "

The back to the teachers. He liked Armstrong, she was smart, knew her stuff and taught well.

" Yah know that Xavier is bringing someone back, I got the text from Tom. I think they'll be along pretty soon, should we wait ? And, when we are done with the tour, we three should (( smiles )) discuss our plans !"

Logan took out the remains of an unlit cigar from a pocket and looked at the students with as much of an evil grin as he could manage without breaking into laughter.

@abalint @Eon @Ms.Ezra @Camleen