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Weeaboo Author with No Preferences or Opinions
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, magical, action, sci-fi, romance, modern, slice of life.
Welcome to the signups! If you didn't see the story's info and want to see it, click on this link:
INTEREST CHECK - The Magic Way: An EXTREMELY different Earth

Here's your character sheet. The * means it's required
Name* (Real, nick, or both):
Alignment (Your character's self interests define your alignment. Click on the link here for an alignment chart: Alignment ):
Characteristics (Another word for it is Personality, but put into single words):
History (A little about your character's past):
Abilities/ Magic (This would be a good idea):
Items (Any special items on your character):

You can have more than one character, and I will make character sheets for the important people, like the Dark Lord, later.

UPDATE: Here's the RP thread: OPEN SIGNUPS - The Magic Way: An EXTREMELY Different Earth
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Name*: Karmann/Karma
Age*: Immortal, but 103 in human years.
Race*: Angel
Class*: Exempt from the system.
Faction*: Holy Alliance
Alignment ( Alignment ): Chaotic Good (Rebel)
Characteristics: Childish, funny, and over-protective.
History: Karmann doesn't have much of a history. He came to Earth on a prayer, as a mother had been willing to give everything to save her sick child, even her own life. Such selflessness should always be rewarded, and Karma saved the child's life. In return, the child became a priest, spreading love and religion throughout the land, even helping to found the Holy Alliance. Karmann couldn't help the priest forever, however, and he watched in sadness as the priest was assassinated by an agent of the Darkness at the age of 87. He vowed his life to avenging the priest, and pledged his services to the Holy Alliance, boosting their morale since he was a real angel.
Abilities/ Magic:
1. Holy Charge: When Karma and 5 others charge into battle, he can bless them with holy light that makes them stronger and able to take more hits.
2. Angelic Blitz: Able to supercharge his attack and strike with the ferocity of a lightning bolt, blasting forward at light speed. Able to kill normal people in a single swipe, and sometimes even multiple people.
3. Blessed Light: Heals an ally or other person, but it takes more energy to heal larger wounds.
4. Death to the Unholy!: When fighting any troop from the darkness, he begins to glow and light on fire. Demons and undead creatures cannot harm Karma in this state, and the fire deals with arrows and projectiles by dissolving them.
Items: Hand-and-half sword, roughly 4 feet long. Also has a heater shield that's diamond shaped. The shield also glows in the presence of demons and undead creatures.
Image: Replace the katana with a straight sword.
Might want to let the people in the interest check know that you edited the link into the first post. Iwaku's alert system doesn't alert you to edited posts. Also, I should be getting my CS in by sometime later today. One more thing, I can't find a good image so I'll just get one and say the parts that should be changed to make it fitting.
Might want to let the people in the interest check know that you edited the link into the first post. Iwaku's alert system doesn't alert you to edited posts. Also, I should be getting my CS in by sometime later today. One more thing, I can't find a good image so I'll just get one and say the parts that should be changed to make it fitting.
I see, awesome, thank you, and that's okay :)
Update: I may just get the image modified to work nicely. I'll submit everything but the image once I finish that and I'll edit the image in once I get it. This fine?
Ok, one question. What exactly is the plot here? Not sure you specified that, but I might have missed it.


Name he goes by: Cyll (pronounced sill)
Real Name: Autonomous Unit - 1091
Age: 305 human years. Only looks about 16
Race: autonomous, living relic
Class: N/A
Faction: Magic Enterprise
Alignment: Neutral Good
Characteristics: unfeeling, helpful
(First, an origin rundown)
He was just one of some 2000 automatons created by an ancient civilization located in Farsnik. The civilization was quite short lived and eventually was destroyed due to civil war within itself. The reason for the creation of these automatons was to crush the rebellion, which they did. However, this was not before the rebels had planted incendiary bombs (they pretty much just set everything on fire) in all of the makeshift labs and government buildings. In turn, society there completely collapsed, leaving all in ruins. Most of the automatons were destroyed in the fires, as they were deactivated due to not being needed.

(Now, Cyll during all of this)
Cyll was finally completed, a unit designed to crush anything it deemed evil. For creating something designed to destroy however, his creators were deemed evil and thus killed in cold blood. As he left the laboratory, he saw some paperwork on a desk labeled "Cyll Laboratories". Cyll was the name he thus chose for himself. After being damaged heavily in the fires, he automatically deactivated due to energy deficiency. He was found some 304 years later by a small team from the ME. This team almost died though, they ran out of water and moved slowly because of trying to lug their discovery across the desert. Only one survived and brought back the team's find to the ME in Dalgotro. It was there that he was repaired and reactivated. It took some getting used to, but he learned to live there without too much trouble. He actually works as a blacksmith, interestingly enough. His wares normally fetch a high price, but cost less than his level of quality normally would due to the fact that he doesn't have to put too much effort into making them.

•(default) Internal Forge: If he sees an object, he can recreate it. This takes a fair bit of energy and only works on objects smaller than him.

•(ability) Enhanced Forge: He can create more powerful versions of his weapons. To do this, he has to say the name of the desired weapon. Each of his more powerful ones has its own name that it is saved as. All "enhanced forge" items take a fair amount of energy to use.

•(ability) Siphon: If he is touching a power source, he can siphon power and store it. This applies to both sources of magic, and other forms of energy.

•(default) Enhanced Physical Performance: Being an autonomous unit, he doesn't have muscles or nerves. This means that he doesn't have as severe of physical limits and doesn't feel pain. He can still get injured, he just doesn't actually feel it. His main enhancement is incredible speed when in battle.

•(ability) Forge Storm: He accesses stored forge files from his core and begins replicating them. This basically means that he can create vast amounts of weapons all at once. This ability allows full control over all newly created weapons (by him) so he can rain them down upon many enemies at once. This ability takes a while to "charge" and uses a huge amount of energy.

•(ability) Overdrive: Greatly increases physical abilities to around double his normal capabilities. All forged weapons also gain 2x power.

•Salvation Core: A special implant in his intelligence core (aka brain) that gives him the sole purpose to destroy all he deems evil with extreme prejudice.

•Unit-1091 Custom Armaments: A set of equipment specially designed for the unit-1091. This includes a full set of lightweight armor, an internal forge, and a single mimic drive. The armor is deceptively strong, able to protect against most normal weaponry. An internal forge allows for the recreation of items he has seen before. A mimic drive is a special drive inserted into his intelligence core and is able to store up to five items or abilities copied from others. Of course, the copies aren't as strong as the originals.

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Ok, one question. What exactly is the plot here? Not sure you specified that, but I might have missed it.
The plot goes:
MAIN PLOT: The three factions fight the darkness in hopes of regaining some semblance of peace..
SIDE PLOT: There are vikings loose on the land who have a force large enough to reveal that there is in fact a fourth continent somewhere, possibly larger or smaller than the three known continents. Vikings are revered as gods because of their complete immunity to magic and their ability to go berserk, giving them the strength of a hundred men.
SECOND SIDE PLOT: Two of the three factions have begin to attack one another and intend to kill each other. No-one knows what caused this shift, but the Holy Alliance has withdrawn from the role of peacekeeper between the two to fight the coming darkness, though they are not completely alone.
Got it, thanks for that. By the way, anything need to be changed on my CS?
Also, great character, for some reason I keep thinking of the iron giant. :/
Here's another character, sort of NPC figure:
Name: Super Heat Rending Energized Deemed Dangerous Robot/SHREDDR (Pronounced shredder)
Age: 59
Race: Robot
Class: N/A
Faction: Darkness
Alignment: True Neutral/ Neutral Neutral
Characteristics: Emotionless, violent, "insane"
History: SHREDDR was a training bot modified for more harsh enemies, but something went awry with his circuiting and he went on a rampage. He has been caught and put into various robot deactivation centers, but he always escapes. Eventually the Darkness captured him and uses him as a tool of destruction when ransacking villages and attacking villagers and troops alike.
Abilities/ Magic:
Regenerate - He runs on archaic energies, as he was made to take much punishment and bounce back for more training, which means that SHREDDR can repair himself in a matter of seconds.
Analyze - When SHREDDR engages in combat against an opponent, he can analyze their movements and attack strategies and begin to predict their movements. He keeps all movements in a database, which he then uses to compare fighting styles to find ones that match. If you fight SHREDDR for too long, he can mirror your attacks or avoid them all together.
Spell-proof - SHREDDR is immune to all magical attacks or abilities, including hexes and healing. Instead of deflecting them all together, however, he absorbs the magical energies, charging his own core. You can thank the Anti-Magic League for that one.
Discharge - SHREDDR can discharge magical energy because of his magic core through physical contact. This ranges from anything simple, like fire, ice, poison, or electricity.
Sawmill - You thought you could use a blade against SHREDDR? Ha, funny. The Darkness has provided him with a special magical artifact, a circular saw-blade that always comes back and is always spinning once thrown. How exactly is it thrown? Ask SHREDDR, but oh yeah, he can't talk.
Smart-blade - a Saw-blade that always comes back for more.
Coming along, I had a lot to take care of yesterday and I couldn't really get much done at work on thursday, when I get to my room at the B&B I'm staying at I'll work on it some more
Coming along, I had a lot to take care of yesterday and I couldn't really get much done at work on thursday, when I get to my room at the B&B I'm staying at I'll work on it some more
Cool, good luck with all that, I hope that it goes smoothly for you.
Yet another NPC character:
Name: High Lord Makarov
Age: 39
Race: Human
Class: Nobility
Faction: Holy Alliance
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Characteristics: Haughty, selfish, powerful, zealot, cocky
History: Makarov had a relatively normal childhood as one of the noble family members. He was a natural in the art of swordplay and dueling, as well as understanding the higher rings of magic. Makarov quickly gained many titles, even becoming the baron of his own estate at the age of 14. Known as Makarov the Righteous Hand, Makarov the Blade-bender, Makarov the Holy Knight, and other titles of high prestige. Makarov's main advantage is that he never uses magic of any sort, or hardly any abilities for that matter, he is just purely talented. However, ever since the war, he has become more and more of a hero, causing him to be evermore self-righteous and overconfident. These are things that the Darkness takes advantage of, and their dark magics have slipped their way through his natural defenses against magic and is slowly corrupting his mind. Those who look at him as a boy and then look at him now would not be able to see any similarities because he has become so warped and changed.
Abilities/ Magic:
Inspiration: All allies nearby become inspired, driving themselves and claiming victory more often than not.
Intimidate: Makarov can strike fear into the hearts of his enemies with a single glare, driving them to a submissive state.
What Magic?: Makarov was strangely born with an immunity to magic, unless there is exposure to a constant source for a long period of time. Harmful magic deals only a small amount of damage to Makarov, and hexes and curses have no effect on him.
Duelist Blade: A simple rapier adorned with many jewels and enchantments, originally meant for dueling.
Cross-blade: A strange blade given to him by an equally strange blacksmith, a cross-blade is a blade that is actually two blades in one. The handles mechanically fuse together while the blades cross over one another, resembling a long pair of scissors. The cross-blade can separate into blades that resemble katanas, but there are no cross-guards.
Medallion: A simple piece of jewelry, this silver medallion was given to him by his mother as a dying gift, and it has been given blessings by a priest, though Makarov doubts that they have any sort of significance other than to make it another symbol of the church.
Image: The silver medallion is always around his neck, and falls under his shirt to rest on his heart.
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