CLOSED SIGNUPS The Lovers Club IC (Reboot)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Location: Island to Cabin
Interactions: Solaris @xLarius, Haruhi @ScarletNova, Medrin @Jig The Zom-B
Mood: Regretting

Screenshot (351).pngAt the mention of a Gigolo, Aya's interest perked back to the two lovebirds. Smile pulling into entertainment as she played with the thought. Senpai Kousei-chan a Gigolo? That would be highly convenient. Gigolo's were severely underused in Aya's mind. Sure they were often looked down on and seen as a source of humiliation among certain rich crowds, but in Aya's chosen crowds, they were as common as brown nosers. And overlooked just as much. Therein lay it's advantage. She'd often contemplated in keeping a Gigolo more than a few days. An experiment to see how effective they could truly be when put to good use. She was certain they'd make a great resource if done right. And she liked that they were so easy to please.

Hence, she found a tinge of disappointment at the lightheartedness of the entire conversation.

'I didn't know being a Gigolo was scary though.'

Keeping her smile entirely entertained, she half leaned, half sat on the edge of a particularly crumbled bit of the wall. Watching them banter as a high drama fan would a soap opera. "On the contrary, have you seen a Gigolo? They can be quite terrifying when they want to be." The humored tint matched the coy behind Haruhi's voice. As though they were sharing a personal joke between themselves. It was not too surprising when Tarzan guy dropped down from his high place and began introducing himself to Haruhi. Rich and personable, for Haruhi to not gain favor of those who esteemed themselves above the 'dirt' would be quite the sight. Not to mention she was the host of the entire club. The boy would have to have a death wish to continue his 'holier than thou' act around the club president. Or at the very least, wish to be kicked off the trip. It didn't seem to be the case.

But it would be a lie if she didn't admit that she was entirely caught off guard by him suddenly turning to Aya herself.

She'd seen her fair share of manipulators in her life time. Surrounded herself by them even. Yet there were rules created from living in such a place. Obvious signs that typically put a mark on people's heads. There had to be. In a world where everyone hid behind fake smiles and friendly masks, the successful knew what would disrupt all their cunning lies and deceptions and what would go beyond the typical backlash that came with losing such mind games. The most common were meddlers. People who watched and listened into affairs that weren't theirs, promising to keep secrets and then turning around and breaking the trusts they had been given without a penny of bribery. People like that often put targets on their backs faster than anyone else. As they were quickly labelled faulty and unreliable to use. Diving into another's mess of legal shark tanks and destroying it without dipping your own feet into the water was simply unfair. And after about one or two larks like such, more and more business people would rally to see said meddlers either safely behind bars, or publicly slandered into pieces.

Everyone was greedy, everyone wanted to play the game. So when people threatened to uncover all games ahead of them out of shear naivety to the game, it was everyone's best interest to find the outsider incapacitated.

To be honest, Aya hadn't expected to find someone like that among a mixture of poor and rich. Judging by the brands he wore alone, the boy had to be on the poorer side of things. Odd, if he were trying to play mind games, she would have thought he would have done it among those equal to him. Not to those who may be a multipurpose benefit. Yet he had clearly seen her enter into the area not a few minutes ago. Her arrival had been quite the pompous one, Kousei senpai chan had seen it. He'd even had the nerve to awknowledge her words to him. Yes, he had quite clearly and very decisively ignored her upon first confrontation. In which he'd had ample time to introduce himself. Yet now that Haruhi was in the clearing (of which he was at the very least smart enough not to recreate the same misdemeanor to both), he suddenly told her that being presented with the opportunity to meet her was a 'fortune'. The duality was very apparent. Almost tangible really. And that was where this Medrin Hymm had created himself a target.

The second type of people who had to leave the scene if manipulative business terrors wished to thrive, were the free-loaders. Those who felt they could treat anyone like anything then expect another to turn and play along with their little projects of manipulation. It always ruined more than it gave to those who were willing to betray so many. And it created a danger to anyone and everyone for how exposing their clumsy manipulations were. Those who free-loaded took down unsuspecting connections. And thus, needed to leave before all connections were broken and everyone was left to create their own weaker bits of malice on their own.

While Aya herself had dabbled in the meddling business a few times, she'd always thought freeloaders were quite stupid. It felt like common sense really. If someone wanted to use another to get to someone else, all they had to do was get in said actor's good graces. Then all that needed was the slight push. Betrayals and blatant disregard towards them aside could come later when they were no longer worth using. Burning bridges from the start and then expecting someone to act all buddy buddy towards the other was just plain dumb.

Long explanation short, Aya was not at all interested in what she was certain was Hymm's hasty grab to act nice while in the audience of Haruhi. What else could it possibly be really? To blatantly ignore her until Haruhi showed up? Then suddenly act as though he 'hadn't had the fortune of learning her name'. Lies any blind bat could see from a mile away. Not only was it a nuisance for him to expect her to play along with the 'oh I haven't had the time to ask who you are yet, I really hope we can be friends', it was personally offensive to think that he genuinely thought she would not resent him for thinking she'd actually let him go through with it.

Really, he ought to have at least shown some interest if he'd wanted to use her. If one was going to play the part, they really ought to play it all.

At least she knew his target.

With this thought, she didn't bother to hide a smug grin as Haruhi spoke her compliments to Aya. Her head tilted slightly higher as she pushed herself off the wall and all but reciprocated the blatant ignoring that Medrin had done moments earlier as he introduced himself. "I am rather gracious to my good friends." She admitted to Haruhi. Luckily she thought herself kinder than Medrin, so she let her eyes slid over to him to show she did know he existed. "I always have their best interest in mind." She gave the boy a wink before returning her attentions back to Haruhi.

She could barely hold back a disbelieving scoff as Medrin continued on as though he were running the show. Quite the cocky one for someone who manipulated like a novice. Really, he couldn't be more obvious in his little power rush towards Haruhi. It was so dissatisfying to see really. Didn't he know he was making his own victim look like she was not even in charge? He didn't even have the decency to wait before acting as if he owned the group. In truth it was a little hilarious. Poor Haruhi, if this continued Aya was certain Haruhi was going to have the power fight of her life simply to keep this Hymm boy from trying to take her role as President. He was already leaving the Co-President without any jobs. Perhaps he meant to do that with the entire club. That would... honestly be fun to watch if she didn't already have her own plans for these people.

Her silent laughter cut short when the fool turned towards her and took off his coat. Immediately the humor dissipated. Her blood turning to ice as he offered said coat to her. More mind games. This was exactly why these people painted a target on their backs. She couldn't even hide her lip from curling in disgust. It wasn't that she didn't like being offered coats. She truly was missing Ren's hoodie. But for God's sake had he no shame? Wasn't this a bit much? Really, this whole 'see how fast I can flip to being a gentleman', was going a bit far. It was one thing to be used, it was entirely other thing to be used without receiving anything in return. Especially upon first meeting. She supposed he would walk away from this feeling accomplished for having caught her in between a rock and hard place.

It really was true, no good deed went unpunished. If she hadn't given Haruhi that hoodie, she wouldn't have to wear wool. There wasn't really a choice truly, seeing as Haruhi was practically ordering her to do what she wanted. The most frustrating part too. She hated feeling forced to do something. Ugh, she really did hate clumsy manipulators. They always got away with the stupidest things before being brought down to their knees. Of course she had to take it. Everyone was watching because this was the 'first time Medrin was able to introduce himself'. Not only would it look rude and childish to decline, both the vice president and the president would mark her as someone undignified and troublesome. Meaning she was forced to wear the coat until they were home.

She was seriously regretting the decision she'd made to give Haruhi Ren's hoodie. Kindness really was the worst kind of weakness. How many times did she have to live out scenarios like this before that lesson stuck? Apparently one more time.

Well, if he so terribly wanted her to help him play out this 'nice guy' routine, she could do it just as terribly as he did.

Giving him the largest, fakest smile, Aya let out an obnoxiously loud squeal as she clapped her hands together and proceeded to forcefully yank out the coat from Medrin's hands. "Oh thank you! Just for that I think I'll call you hubby wubby! So Kousei senpai-chan won't have to worry about false accusations." She grinned. "Hubby wubby... yes that works quite beautifully. Since your such hubby wubby material!" It really was fun to act the obnoxious part of pompous rich kid. Apart from the embarrassment she felt at acting such a doltish fool, she really did find some humor behind the shear stupidity of her persona. "You've really outdone yourself this year. Which comes to no surprise, seeing as I'm a member too aren't I?" The question wasn't meant to be answered. So she simply giggled like a ninny afterwards as she pulled on the coat.

A lurch of disgust sent a shiver through her as she briefly wondered if it was warm from Medrin's sweat having climbed trees like a monkey while holding onto the thing. Her jaw clenched as she felt it rub her skin a bit raw from the wool. She meant to use this coat on him if he truly valued it, he severely needed to understand basic manipulation cordiality.

As stormy as she felt towards being forced to wear a wool coat against her better judgement (she might as well be wearing a straight jacket), Haruhi had called her cute. Not only that, she'd offer to care for her in case she got sick. That took a bit of her steam away, and she even found it rather easy to smile in amusement at the other pretty girl. "You'll tempt me to fall ill on purpose if you promise that."

She smirked as Haruhi and Kousei-senpai-chan shared another look. They certainly had something going on between them. Though what Aya couldn't be sure.

Still repulsed at being forced to wear a coat against her will due to giving Haruhi something, Aya's hand slightly flinched as Haruhi went to grasp it. Something about the show made Aya feel more weary now. Haruhi was proving to be a very upfront person. Between her ease at showing her deep rooted connection and affection with Kousei-kun and how quickly she'd uncovered Aya's act of giving her Ren's coat, who knew what else Haruhi would give away to other people.

'Don't let her catch on', Aya eased further into the smile. Letting the girl grasp her hand and returning the hold with a small squeeze of reassurance. Her eyes flicked to Medrin, hoping he saw his efforts to gain the rich kid's approval was helping Aya more than Medrin. Her smile grew larger as she let Haruhi pull her along. Batting her eyes towards the two others for greater effect. "Riches and success are rather hard to beat. Jealousy is the only right response for any of this." She nodded, turning to give Haruhi a school girl smile. "As long as they realize I'll not be swayed by even the terrifying Gigolo, we should be fine~"

She let herself be tugged along by Haruhi, the back of her mind still preparing herself for the trip back knowing full well that her skin would be thoroughly irritated by the time they got back wool certainly was an itchy sort of material. Next time she wouldn't give Haruhi her hoodie. That point was obvious.

The ride back she continued to return Medrin's blatant ignorance with her own. Let him talk to her, the only time she'd ever reply back, would be away from those who she needed to keep a good relations with. She didn't trust herself to say anything good otherwise. Instead she simply returned to enjoy the feel of wind on her face. Speed boats were nice. Water was nice. The noise especially was nice. She didn't have to talk to anyone or pretend anything when they were all muted by the engine.

As she expected her skin was raw. Though not as bad as she supposed. Still, the discomfort was large. She couldn't even properly enjoy the fact that Kousei senpai chan had purposefully stayed behind with Haruhi for a hidden moment of privacy, before she was off and hurrying towards the cabin. She'd have to grab a blanket from somewhere. Truth be told, the fact that it all felt like a successful manipulation as he had inevitably forced her to take his feigned kindness, ruined the entire point of wearing his coat. Thus she found herself eager to get the dreadful thing off.

She paused at the door. Straightening as she caught her misstep. No, she shouldn't show the Hymm boy she was annoyed at his little jab. It was better for her to have him believe he had successfully won her compliance over a meager coat. If he truly was naive as he was. Even if he wasn't, she would have an upper hand by having him think she was as malleable as he thought.

She twisted around and grinned at Medrin, a mischievous spark in her eye, "Didn't Kousei-kun and Haruhi look absolutely adorable together?!" She asked to him, forcing her aching skin to relax into the grained wool. "Do you think they're dating?"

Summary lol:
Aya feels Medrin is trying to manipulate her into helping him gain Haruhi's favor. Which she doesn't really like since he ignored her at first (boo hoo so mean), Haruhi cools her off a bit because she compliments Aya (Compliments are :heartbeat:). Aya ignores Medrin for the speedboat ride back, and then tries to make amends before they go into the cabin by gossiping about Haruhi and Sol's relationship
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He was happy that Aya accepted the coat, though the nickname she gave was an odd one. Hubby wubby? Well, it wasn't an insult, so he would just live with it. At least he could say he had a nickname now. "Thank you, though I believe Kousei-San will be fine. I can't see him getting accused of anything here." He didn't care if that she snatched it, he was a stranger to the club. If she disliked him then so be it. He would still do his best and keep an olive branch extended. With the task at hand over and done, he was more than happy to whisk away back towards the shore with the others. Taking a second to ensure he had all belongings and nothing was to be left behind, began to follow the group back towards the boat. The walk back was a quiet one for him, letting Kousei, Haru and Aya talk amongst each other. Their conversation as they walked completely passed over his head, his attention caught elsewhere. Each step, his should would silently throb at him. Sour pain. Periodically, his attention would return back to the trio walking ahead of him, Aya and Haru holding hands as they walked, no doubt teasing Kousei-San. A small smile as the trio's banter seemed so friendly. Chances were that they were all good friends. He was just happy to have met the club president and her Vice president. He wasn't sure what position Aya held in the group though. Speaking of the prez, there was a similarity to the duo he had met earlier.

Like Sayu and Aki, Haru and Kousei seemed to have something similar. At the very least, Haru seemed quite worried from what he saw, though he wasn't entirely sure if he was seeing that or not. Perhaps she hid it as swiftly as it shew up? His eye's moved to her wet clothing. Haru had returned Kousei's phone that the lake had returned, it was important enough to dive to retrieve. Though how she knew it was there was a concerning question that he refused to follow down the rabbit hole. All he knew there was that she knew the phone was in the lake and dove to get it. His eye's moving back to Kousei. He's a lucky guy. Maybe he was guessing wrong here, but the lovers club has at least two couples here. Even if he was wrong, he still thought that they would look quite endearing together, similar to the pink and purple one. A silent chuckle rumbling in his throat.

Once back on the shore, he wasted little time, returning back to where he had left the makeshift rod and pulled in the line. Sure enough, there wasn't anything on the end, the hook gleaming as it popped from the water, though the worm was long gone. Seemed whatever went by was smart or lucky enough to get a free worm without hitting the point. Snapping the line, placed the hook back into his pocket, rolling up the string back into a small wet ball. Best not to leave the string here, lest something get tangled. With the string and hook in tow, got sat in the boat.

He would let the girls and Kousei onto the boat before him, hopping on and taking a seat on the back. His clothing was starting to get incredibly uncomfortable, though his wet shirt was at the very least keeping his injured shoulder cool. If the cabin had a shower, he was going to have to wash, then find a small ice-pack to wrap to his arm later in the day. He was just hoping that he would still be able to lift his arm properly tomorrow. As the boat began to speed them across the water's, he simply just quietly sat. He couldn't think of much to say. He had introduced himself and done his best to help Kousei get the piece and offer his coat to Aya. Frankly the thought of doing much else already tired the boy out. He had hoped though that there would have been a bite on the hook, removing it from his pocket and cleaning it of any mud and grime, then wrapping the pointed tip in cloth to stop it stabbing through anything when he put it back in his pocket. Before he knew it, they were back on the shore, his attention snapping back as the boat came to a slow halt and the engine died down. He hadn't heard his name called, so just hoped that the ride back had no conversation he needed to be a part of.

Once free of the boat, looked to Kousei as he gestured and asked him and Aya to go on ahead of him and Haru. "Sure." Giving a small wave with his good arm and beginning his walk back in the direction of the cabin. Either the duo wanted to talk about club activities, or they just wanted some privacy alone. Regardless of the answer, it wasn't a place for him to be there. He was happy if anything to be dismissed, eager to return back to the cabin and change. Thankfully he had a spare change of clothing, though he would have to get his current ones right into the washing.

He didn't even really get to see Aya before noticing she was already ahead of him. She certainly seemed eager to return to the cabin. She had his coat, though he figured she would return it at some point, so for now she could keep it. It was a good coat after all. He didn't rush after her, walking at a pace that didn't agitate his arm. He was being a bit careful to stay to the path too. Often he was happy to take little shortcuts, though he wasn't wanting to risk doing anything else to his arm. He just hoped Kousei was having a better time than he was! Then again he was with Haru, chances were that he was being teased by Haru or something. As he walked, the sound of a helicopter began to ring louder and louder, looking to the sky through a gap in the canopy, he would see it. A black blur of motion that way flying awful close to the ground. His head turned back to the direction he was coming from, the way the chopper seemed to be headed. Was Haru and Kousei leaving on a chopper? Was someone arriving? Confusing, though again he figure it may be best not to ask too many questions and just take things as they come. The sound of the chopper got closer again, then further as it flew back the way it came. Here was hoping that there wasn't too many more of those, he hated the noise.

The cabin coming into view, Aya only just ahead of him by the door, approached only to notice Aya turning to him and asking about the prez and vice-Prez. "Haru and Kousei-San? They do make a nice picture. I would be surprised if they weren't dating. One doesn't just dive into a lake to retrieve someone's phone unless they were special. Though i can be wrong." Smiling warmly, "I've seen a couple people now that make for quite a nice coupling. I'm curious to see just how many in the lovers club have partners." The thought that he was in such a club was a funny one. He didn't dislike the idea, though he was certain to make at least a couple friends here. At least he hoped so anyway. His first impression of Kousei seemed to go well. "I'm still very much new to the club. I hadn't met either Haru or Kousei or really anybody here before today, so I'm happy to have at least introduced myself." A throb from his arm poked sourly at him, though his stoicism let none of it show. Opening the door, let Aya walk in first. "Oh, by the way. There is no rush in returning the coat. Feel free to give it back whenever." Closing the door behind him, his attention turning towards the kitchen as the smell of someone cooking reached him. He wasn't sure if they were done cooking or still mid-prep, but someone was making something. He could tell the ingredients, though not what meal was created. His curiosity was certainly there, but he was already trailing water in after him. A change of clothing came first, figuring out what was going on second.

"I need to change and clean off, pardon me. Aya-San." Giving a polite little bow before excusing himself and heading towards the stairs. Now the smell of tea was reaching him. The kitchen seemed to be getting some use today! Coming to the stop step, turned not towards the the bunk rooms, but a side closet containing several folded futons, some cleaning supplies and a bit of dust. Atop the pile of folded futons sat a small bag. Collecting it, opened it to find his spare clothes and a small silver game boy advanced. Smiling, resealed the bag and began his way towards the bathroom. Once inside, noted the condensation. The heat and sweet smell of shampoo in the air. Seemed the place had been warmed up for him. Closing the door behind him, locking it too. Ran the water and removed his clothing. Looking to a wall mirror, finaly took a second to inspect his shoulder. Sure enough, the upper arm on the side was a bright purple. Clicking his tongue, he'd done it now it seemed. Clenching his fist a few times, testing the muscles and motions, gauged that he would be fine. Just very sore and stiff for a while. Though nothing a shower, food and rest wouldn't fix. Folding his wet clothing, got himself clean.

With the smell of lake water gone, freshly cleaned, opened a small cabinet and retrieved some bandage, wrapping his upper arm before getting dried proper and dressed. His next destination, the washing room. He had a set of clothes that were in dire need of cleaning, plus it was his only other set of clothing right now. He had to get it cleaned sooner than later. Dressed in a plain long sleeved shirt, combat fatigues and some grey socks. Began his way, headed down the stairs and found it. A room with a washing machine and dryer. Opening the washing machine, began getting it set up with detergents and putting his clothing inside. The quiet rumble of the tumbler spinning his clothing in the background, sat himself next to it and let himself lean back to get comfortable. "So tiring, here is really hoping that the other trials aren't as taxing this time around." On the bright side, his arm wasn't annoying him too much, as long as he didn't agitate it, he was confident it would be fine. Resting it on his lap, enjoyed the the peace for now.

Mention('s) - Sayuri: @Monbon - Akari: @ScarletNova
Interaction('s) - Kousei: @xLarius - Haru - Aya: @YetieBetie
Location('s) - Ruins -> Cabin -> Washing room

Joseph(Joe) Tsuyo-sa
Location: Waterfall
Mentions: N/A
Interactions: @Monbon , Hanae

When Hanae mentioned introducing Joe to her little brother, he smiled a little. "That sounds nice, I'd be glad to meet him." Hanae's mention of strength being nice had Joe's expression become a neutral one. "Strength can be nice…" Joe then mumbles, "But there were times when I felt or wished I didn't have any..."

Once Hanae started to express worry for Joe facing the same danger, he would feel the need to reassure her. "I have dealt with worse dangers Niijima-chan. I can handle this." After she agrees to let Joe go down he thanks her, as he wouldn't have been able to contain his worry if she was to be the one to go down and something had happened.

Before Joe took his dive, he would set his bag down; remove his jacket, tie, and glasses; and then finally empty his pockets. Joe began to think about whether he should remove his shirt: he didn't want to get it wet making it tighter than it already was(since clothes are hard to find in his size), but he also didn't want to chance Hanae becoming uncomfortable because he was shirtless.

Soon enough he decided to remove his shirt, he didn't want to have even tighter clothes. But there was one thing Joe forgot about, it was the scars that he had from his fights. He didn't consider them to be a possible issue as he's had most of them for as long as he can remember. After Joe took off his shirt, he took a deep breath and dove into the water.​
Hanae "Hani" Niijima
|| Location: Outside: Waterfall || Interactions: Joe @SolsticeArcanum || Mood: Concerned, Frustrated, Sad ||
Happy to hear Joe liked the idea of meeting her little brother, Hanae clapped her hands, excited for the two becoming friends. She wasn't sure what he meant about not wanting to be so strong. Was it hard to control? Was he prone to accidentally breaking things? Thinking it was just a matter of clumsiness, Hani made a mental note of it and didn't think much of it past that.

What concerned her was his next statement. He probably meant to reassure her but his reassurance was anything but reassuring.

Something more dangerous? Just what did he mean by that? "Worse dangers?" She wanted to probe. God she wanted to probe but her kouhai was already removing his jacket and preparing to dive in. It was just a glimpse but Hanae being Hanae, quickly averted her gaze and focused on the stones on the ground.

What was she thinking of again? "Ah, the puzzle…" She reminded herself, stubbornly looking under rocks and through bushes, keeping herself distracted. The soft sound of fabric rustling behind her was strangely deafening.

Thinking she had to check on him to make sure he was alright, she turned just in time to catch a glimpse of tanned skin and stopped in her tracks.

Joseph was an outlier when it came to the other boys at school. While he was taller than average, his body type also set him apart by leaps and bounds. The male's muscles were prominent, like what one would expect from a body builder.

However, that wasn't what made her pause. Face pale, Hani watched wide eyed and taken aback by the sight of the numerous scars that marred Joe's flesh. Before she could reach forward to pull him back and ask one of the many questions coming to mind, the younger male had already dove in, leaving Hani at the edge of the lake, mind reeling.

"I shouldn't pry." She tried to convince herself, pulling her empty hand back and holding it with her other, gently rubbing the palm. It'd definitely make someone as soft spoken as Joe close up or avoid her if she forcefully tried to get answers.

Tears of frustration stung at the corner of her eyes. Whatever Joe was going through to give him such wounds was probably something she couldn't help him with. Angry at her own incompetence, Hani turned back to what she could do and sped up her search for that puzzle piece. This was definitely something she had to bring up to Haruhi later in private. If anyone had the ability to help Joe, it'd be her.

After some time searching, Hanae found nothing at all but the movement helped vent her frustration enough to sigh it off and force on her neutral expression, her smile a little more downcast than before. "Tsuyo-sa-san! Any luck on your end?!" She called out towards the lake before looking back at the poem and the map. Were they in the wrong location?

Joseph(Joe) Tsuyo-sa
Location: Waterfall
Mentions: N/A
Interactions: @Monbon, Hanae

Joe dove further and further down into the lake, seeing nothing but darkness. The deeper Joe went down into the lake the darker it was, and Joe's terrible vision only made it less and less visible. Joe knew he could go deeper, but doubted any other person could. It was unlikely anyone would put something down here, no one could be expected to get it from this deep.

Joe swam back up to the surface, following the slowly brightening light. Once he resurfaced, Joe heard Hanae call out to him and ask if he found anything. Joe swam up to the coast and walked onto land. "There's nothing down there, it's too deep..." Joe's muscles glistened from lake water, his hair was damp and darker, and his face was unlike usual, it looked more serious and grimaced. "Did you find anything?"
Daichi Sato

Location: Woods
Mood: Done with Ren

The moment Ren leaned into him he knew that his chances of slipping out of the situation have gone down to zero, but at least the asshole was no longer trying to mess with him. He honestly just wanted to get over this quest as early as humanly possible so he and Ren never have to interact again. Thankfully Ren shared the same sentiment which cause Daichi to nod in agreement as he opened the map to look for where the sundial would be.

"Well it says here that there is one located nearby a river" he said, before turning to the left, "so I guess we're going this way" he responded pointing towards the right direction. He briefly turned to the other two, partly worried if the girl was gonna be okay, I kind of feel bad for trying to run off and leave them behind, he thought to himself before he started walking.

Interactions: Ren Fujiwara ( @Monbon )
Mentions: Moriko Tanaka (@ScarletNova ), Shin Fukushima (@YetieBetie )​