The Lost Soul

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
He sat up to look at her, narrowing his eyes. "How did you know I was thinking about that?"
Raine chuckled. "I've gotten very good at reading you, haven't I?"
"I guess so. And I'm not entirely sure how to feel about that," he replied, unnarrowing his eyes.
Raine chuckled. "Thankful? Although next time you decide to be quiet, try not to almost die."
"Nah, pass. On all of the above. There's a reason I usually have something to say, and that is it. Because if I don't, I will probably end up close to death."
Raine chuckled. "Alright, alright. So… what happened while you were passed out? Any memories?"
He nodded. "A few." Nik made no effort to expand on that, as he continued to sit, returning his gaze to hers.
Raine nodded a little. "I figured, based on the question about my potions."
"Yeah. It was supposed to be a joke, remember?" If it truly was, it was a poor one.
Raine rolled her eyes slightly. "Sure, sure."
"Clearly, you're too tired to understand," he sighed dramatically.
Raine nodded. "Yup. That's totally it. So, have you figured what your name is or do I have to make one up?"
"I know that's it; that's why I said it," he replied, pausing as she asked for his name. Everything screamed at him not to tell her. "Nik," he replied. "And you're not allowed to make one up, because the one you would choose would be lame."
Raine shook her head, chuckling a little. "Well then, Nik, I guess it's about time we finally officially met."
"About time is right. You've been letting me stay in your house and eat your food and you never even knew my name." He paused, raising his eyebrows. "You even let me sleep in your room without knowing my name. I'm pretty sure that's how a few horror stories start."
Raine nodded. "Yup, exactly. So you should be grateful."
"...And remind me what exactly I have to be grateful for?" He asked. "The human decency that you decided to show, or…?" Nik made sure to put a playful tone for the last half so he wasn't as likely to get smacked.
Raine rolled her eyes slightly but chuckled. "Yeah, human decency that no human bothers to share."
"So then what's the point of calling it human decency if it doesn't even truly exist?"
Raine shrugged. "It did exist. Once. Probably."