The line between us

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
*giggles and shakes head* nope!

So how're you, Ai?

*will try to cut the hyperness out and act semi mature again*
Silver aka jesi showed me this and i had no idea what i am doin here then she told me its thr trib rp n to ask to join sooooo i am asking :p and hi n sorry for popping up oiut of random but *points* its all her fault!! lol
I wanted to post.. but then what of next? ._. It would seem like Silvi-chan and I were the only ones playing.. haha
Yea, I s'pose that wouldn't be too good with the rp being a group one and all *laughs*
What did I miss? ANything?
Yeah so Eternal hasn't been on since April 26th...
Sorry, haven't realized I could click on the link in the error message that was coming up... I was starting to think that Iwaku had disappeared. I'm really sorry about the wait. Perhaps we can continue with the roleplay, if everyone is still interested... I'll have to put someone else as second in command for the summer... if this lasts that long. I will have little to no internet access all summer until I return home.
No worries Eternal. :) I hope everything went well for your show and everything else!

I am for sure still interested! I've never created a group rp or had any control in one ... but if need be, I can be your second in command if no one else is willing. Just let me know what you wished for in the rp and story wise or I could just create something up. This will be more of a group effort than anything.
Wooh! I thought you left me! But its ok because your back ^.^

Let the party begin! Onward to RP land!
Yay, I came back before all hope had perished ^_^ Still no sign of Desi, I assume?

We'll probably have to figure out where to start up some more action; and make sure those who still are waiting for the roleplay make sure I am back and that we are planning to continue so that they don't get left behind too.
It looks like only the four of us right now. But I think [MENTION=4395]Aiva[/MENTION] is still here. He was on sometime yesterday. Desi wasn't on since april 16th... so we need one more person or I could just fill the spot with a character.

[MENTION=2808]Grimm[/MENTION] could always fill the spot =3