CHARACTERS The Keepers of Lies and Secrets

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Noctis the Devious

Of Lies and Stories
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
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Sporadically, Though out the Day
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  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adaptable
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- Superhuman
Tenebris' Private Detective Agency

A family owed buisness of the unexpected kind. All employees are Tenebris Magi from the Sumners-Dragonfly family. The agency was founded by Dacian Sumners before he married into the Dragonfly family and found himself an unlikely investor in Rowan Dragonfly. Now it's grown to be far reaching with many offered services... some perhaps not even known to Dacian himself.

The Family

○ The Matriarch: Rowan Dragonfly || Tenebris Magi || 92 y/o || She/Her || Female

○ The Escort: Sadie Sunmers || Tenebris Magi || 61 y/o || She/Her || Female

○ The Detective: Dacian Sunmers || Tenebris Magi/
Melanistic Jaguar Were Hybrid || 65 y/o || He/Him || Male

○ The Criminal Investigator: Celeste Sunmers || Tenebris Magi/ Melanistic Jaguar Were Tribrid || 36 y/o || She/Her || Female

○ WIP: Selene Sunmers || Tenebris Magi/ Melanistic Jaguar Were Tribrid || 34 y/o || She/Her || Female

○ The Mercenary: Declan Sunmers || Tenebris Magi/ Melanistic Jaguar Were Tribrid || 27 y/o || He/Him || Male

○ The Vigilante: Raina Sunmers || Tenebris Magi/ Melanistic Jaguar Were Tribrid || 26 y/o || She/Her || Female

○ WIP: Kyler Sunmers || Tenebris Magi/ Melanistic Jaguar Were Tribrid || 24 y/o || He/Him || Male
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Rowan Dragonfly
Tenebris Magi
92 y/o

Rowan is a tall woman standing at the height of 6 '0'' exactly. A trait she once wished away but now finds elegance in. She allowed herself to age naturally and gracefully, and takes a great deal of care of her appearance with no need for permanent alterations. Her silver hair, once a beautiful black, is often done up in protective hairstyles, and she only ever wears expensive dresses and heavy jewelry. She's sworn off high-heels for the remainder of life, however.
A lady now of the upper class; born and raised in Oria City, Texas where she continues to live and operate as an investor for the Tenebris Private Detective Agency. A master of the Tenebris Magi house, she has a great horned owl for a familiar that goes by the name of Nyctimene - named after the Owl of Athena. Nyctimene can locate anyone that she has locked eyes with once, which comes in handy for delivering letters to pesky grandchildren who won't answer their phone, Raina.
An aloof woman who came from rags and worked her way into riches with a frightening work ethic. Many rumors of her being a spy or an assassin surrounds her, and occasionally she will be suspected of using black magic. Nothing has been proven of course, she's too careful for that, but the demeanor in which she carries herself will never see those rumors put to rest; the sharp and severe woman that she is. She is simply an artist, subtlety is her artform, and those who cross her will see all the brilliant colors she can paint in.
To say there isn't much to Rowan Dragonfly, The Dragonfly's Matriarch, would be a blanton lie, and one told often.

This is the grandmother of lies and secrets, but there were more before her. Her father was a tenacious man with a loud, deep belly laugh and calloused hands that have cooked and cleaned. That have served. There would be nothing more left of him than that and he made sure of it himself. She is not the daughter of a spy or an assassin. Or some vigilante. People who chose those careers only exist in the minds of children who still play cops and robbers.

There wasn't much her father could give her as they lived a modest life. As a teen, she wished what she did give her was his time. To stop leaving for many long nights and coming home too tired to do nothing more than spare a smile. He would cook and clean, and leave again. At the same time she realized this was selfish of her to want; time. As long lived as they were, time slipped away from the best of them. Her father chose to use this finite resource to make sure she always had what she needed. She was grateful.

When she was a young woman she sought her time with him by choosing to do what he did. She learned his trade and she learned it well. She was no spy. She was no assassin. There was no vigilante justice. She didn't know the meaning of those words. As she matured, she wished for something else entirely. She wished he would have shown her what kind of man to love. She loved her father, and women often found themselves in love with men who shared those traits with their fathers. She only wished someone sat her down and told her men like her father were not to be loved. He was a good father, but she never knew her mother, and that perhaps should have been her first clue.

Rowan had three husbands during the course of her life. The first she loved. She loved him and she was deeply hurt for it. She was hurt in a way that shamed herself and she was so sure her father as well. No. Her father simply dealt with the man and he helped piece her back together in the best way a man who was still figuring out fatherhood even at his age could. A man she never married showed her a life of glamor and decadence. The night was beautiful, the meats rich on her tongue and the wine nuanced - she didn't quite yet understand in what way so she took the man's word for it. Of course he only had her decorating his arm in finery as he was under the impression sex would end the night.

He never quite lasted that long.

Still it was this man that showed her exactly what kind of man she should want. The ones with deep pockets and a wanting for a woman's body that defied logic. So she found her second husband. To her credit they were married for at least eight years. As it would go, time slipped away even from even the best of them. It was this man that she had a child with. A little girl she would name Sadie and give the world too without abandon. If only someone told her she shouldn't. Her then husband wasn't much for fatherhood, and it twisted something inside of her that her little girl would never have a man in her life the same way she did.

The next lasted three years; she underestimated how unbearable his company was. At the time his money and land made up for it. Neither made up for his fowl eyes landing in her daughter. Into obscurity he slipped.

In her finer years she had more money than she would ever logically need and a home suitable for generations. In this environment she raised young Sadie, who even she could admit became spoiled. Yet another lesson her father left unsaid. She just wanted to give her everything she never had herself, including her time and attention, but the end result was a woman she could hardly be proud of. She failed as a wife and as a mother, so now she surrounds herself in lavish decadence and keeps her involvement in her grandchildrens' lives carefully moderated. Though she does ever so adore them.

Code by Nemopedia • Art by Noctis the Devious
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Sadie Sunmers
Tenebris Magi
61 y/o

Sadie hates that she stands 5 '10", rather much preferring to have a shorter stature. It's difficult to find a man taller than her when the average man can only meet her eyes. She splurges in her appearance in every way possible, forever chasing eternal youth and beauty, and would be caught dead before leaving the house without a face full of makeup done in a way that makes it seem she doesn't wear makeup at all. She refuses to look a day over 35 (and will say 32, but one mustn't ask a lady's age). Her clothing is decadent, her cheapest jewelry still in the triple digits, her painted nails always long and finely pointed, and teeth, tucked behind plush lips, filed sharp and perfect. Of course, if you ask is she's mimicking the visage of a Vampir, she would deny it and say it's how she was born; porcelain, ethereal, irresistible.
Of course she's upper-class, is there anywhere else she would be in life? Riches are her birthright, the world's resources marked with her name. The audacity this world had to not make her royal. Though she tends to play innocent and feeble, she is also a Master of Tenebris, but will only invoke such power and experience towards those she sees as stepping out of line - and if there is no man around to do it for her. Her familiar is an Afghan Hound with a dark, lucious coat, named Deianira. Her special little ability spears her chosen target with a deep seeded fear and is often used to heighten the intimidation factor of her Magi.

Born and raised in Oria, Texas, she travels and works as a high end escort for both men and women who can afford her thrice over. That's not including the gifts she also expects. Her favorite clients are those of vampirs, and if her services also extend towards a little biting? What happens behind closed doors, stays behind closed doors. She can currently be found in New Tokyo City, California. For now.
Sadie is an elegant, sensual woman, who moves with all the grace of one thoroughly disciplined. More perceptive than most will give her credit for, every reaction and gesture is finely tuned for her captive audience. Her beauty is only skin deep though, as underneath the gold and silks, lies a greedy little bitch who won't be satisfied with merely passible. She is only as sweet and the treasure pile is big, and when it runs out, she will show you just how unforgiving she can truly be.
Could one claim to have a father if they were never raised by one? Sure there were men around. A couple were married to her mother, others weren't. She never bothered to track which ones were which. She only cared if her mother was around, because her mother was a dotting thing that made sure she was comfortable and never without anything her little heart desired. If she wanted a violin she would get a violin. If it would only exist to collect dust then so be it. She was well and truly pampered, never knowing a single hardship in her life.

The only thing she ever really put any effort in was her magic. It was the only thing she allowed herself to fail in and work at. She was a greedy woman, and even magic would be hers. Utterly and completely. She learned other skills as a result, sure, but magic was just short of money when it came to what she valued. It was this need to be a master and hardly bested that forged something else entirely within her.

She was seventeen when she found herself alone with one of the men her mother kept around. She saw him frequently at that point, but never alone. They were her mother's men and as long as they had what she needed to satiate her daughter's greed she didn't care much for them. He wanted her to fill his wine and sit pretty on his lap. Her mother walked in the middle of his last request. She never saw him again. Men were disposable like that.

No, her first love was a regal vampiress she fell head over heels for. That woman had a young Sadie wrapped around her little finger. Well, until she told her she wasn't enough. She was too new. Too awkward. Too ugly. Whatever obsession she may or may not have now, this was the driving force behind it. She wanted to be - no had to be - beautiful, elegant, experienced, powerful. Everything and more.

But first she had to drown her emotions at a local club. Never had Sadie of all people ever not been wanted. Never had her needs not been met nor has she ever failed to meet someone's standards! She was the standard! So caught up in her rants she didn't realize the men she was speaking with were no friends of her mother. Quite the opposite really. Which is how she got kidnapped and held for ransom.

One thing led to another and suddenly she was being rescued by a handsome private detective. Of course she got his number. Of course they eventually started dating (it took way too long to widdle the man down, does no one in this forsakened city have eyes?!), and of course they were wed. This was the expected outcome. She was 24 when she had her first child, Celeste, and pregnancy made her glow. She was doted on and cared for, and of course any complication or inconvenience was solved with magic. The end result was a daughter she could coddle and dress up (and pass off to a nanny when child rearing became too difficult). She absolutely loved it.

Over the span of the next twelve years she would go on to have four more children. Though differences in how they wanted to parent and the amount of kids they were having would eventually strain their relationship. All well and good. Sadie was beginning to get bored and marriage and motherhood (what she even experienced with it anyway considering her lack of relationship to any of her children), was beginning to lose her interest. Especially after her husband, Dacian, rejected the idea of being only one of her husbands.

She quickly washed her hands of him and began working on herself as if having a husband and five children happened in some past life and she didn't actively start a large family. It all sounded better on paper anyway. She left when Kyler, her youngest, was barely a year old.

Code by Nemopedia • Art by Noctis the Devious
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Dacian Sunmers
67 y/o

Dacian stands 6 '3", and yet somehow barely met Sadie's standards in terms of height. He knew men that stood taller than him, sure, but not many consider him short. Water under the bridge, he supposed. Excuse the rest of his appearance; one divorce, five children, and his career as a detective may have left him worse for wear. The most notable thing about him is skin easily tans, a trait that, for the most part with the exception being Kyler, sets him apart from the rest of his family. The rest of his children just burn. It's like raising a little litter of Vampir honestly.

While still tone and able to keep up with his children, he mourns the six pack he once had... He departed with it too soon.
Detective Dacian was born and raised in Elkwood Town, Pennsylvania. He moved around a lot during his college years and was, at one point, homeless and couch surfing. But he was determined to get his bachelor's degree in criminal justice, and at least an associate's degree in criminology. Ever since he was a child he was determined to become a detective. It was fascinating work! He was finally able to open his own office in Oris City, Texas but his business wouldn't truly take off until he was hired by a particularly wealthy client...

As a Tenebris Magi/Melanistic Jaguar Were hybrid, he has all the strengths that come with being a magi, but only inherited enhanced agility and sharp predator instincts from his were side. His werefeline heritage also means he has a weakness to gold and silver on top of his fear of electricity. Go and figure. If he transforms or has heats, he's good at hiding it. Not even a trace of suppressants can be found. He prefers to completely blend in to the Magi community, especially now that he has his kids to think about in a time where hate crimes against hybrids are on the rise. Though having some time of healing factor would have been nice to have and pass down with all the cuts and scrapes his children endured over their childhoods.

He's a little embarrassed to admit it, especially at his age, but between his studies and him flipping between lower class and middle class money wise, he only has an intermediate handle on his magic. He's making an effort to improve his magical ability to at least be considered of advanced skill, but it's slow going. His familiar is a little black cat with a bob for a tail he fondly calls Noir.
Dacian is down-to-earth and humble for a man who is fairly successful as a detective. He's well mannered, disciplined, and reasonable, though a bit of a workaholic. He's also susceptible to bouts of anxiety and stress. Ever since becoming a father, he also experiences caution in situations he never used to, and it's not far-fetched to say he turned into a bit of a coward. At least compared to all of the dare-devilry he used to get up to in his youth. His children are grown now, but he still doesn't want to worry them needlessly when they have their own lives to live.
As a young detective just starting out, it was nothing more than being in the right place at the right time when Ms. Dragonfly barged into his office and hired him to find her daughter. There were 101 ways Rowan Dragonfly was advised on how to handle the hostage situation, there was only one way she was going to go about it. Why someone wanted to piss off a woman so fierce was anyone's guess. Either way, he accepted the case, despite the tight deadline he was under and the ten different ways it could go wrong. It was nothing short of a miracle that he found and even managed to rescue the young inheritress given the circumstance, but it was a good thing he did, otherwise he would not be in the fortunate position he is in now.

It didn't have such a fortunate beginning.

Of course he found Sadie to be an attractive young woman, but it was hardly appropriate to come on to someone who came out of a high stress situation! But through a mix of peer pressure and Sadie actively courting him while dressed to the nines in gold, he could only resist for so long before he gave her that damned yes. During the entire course of their relationship, he never once told her he was actually a hybrid. They were married. They had kids. Dacian was no saint. Some part of him was eaten up by this nasty little secret, but it was buried underneath the need and want to be nothing more than a Magi.

Besides, he was pretty sure Sadie's entire side of their family was hiding way more from than he was for her. He respectfully kept out of their business. Why couldn't he ask for the same courtesy (the five tribrids he brought into the world notwithstanding)?

But it wasn't the fucked up situation and lack of trust that broke their relationship. It was Sadie's infatuation with being pregnant. She was an insatiable woman before her first pregnancy, sure, and Dacian always wanted a large family. At first, he assumed he found someone who shared this desire as well. Until he realized Sadie wanted to be pregnant for the sake of being pregnant. It wasn't something he could pick up on immediately given their first child took up all of their time and focus (before Sadie got bored and handed the child off to a nanny), and that there was at least two years between their first born Celeste, and second born, Selene. But then there was hardly a year and a half between Declan and Raina!

Raina was supposed to be their last child. First because four children seemed as good of an amount as many (though he imagined himself having more - not with this woman!), then because of the constant fighting that occurred. Often it was over Decian not paying attention to her. Granted Dacian's attention was split between his work and home life, he also felt neglected by Sadie, who only offered the bare amount to him while expecting the world in return. Upkeeping a relationship with such a high maintenance individual with children (who she was also neglecting) felt impossible.

The only reason Kyler happened was because of make up sex. To this day he doesn't know if Sadie knew if he was werefeline or not, but she certainly knew dressing in gold made her irresistible to him. He tried making it work now that they had yet another infant in the mix, but the divorce happened anyway and the only reason he didn't lose everything in it was because of his mother-in-law, Ms. Dragonfly.

To this day it was difficult explaining to people that no, he was not having inappropriate relations with the 92 year [young] mother of his ex-wife. Mainly because it was really difficult to explain that he was - as a grown man - effectively adopted. Even after the divorce happened, even after he spilled every after being a hybrid and never telling them just to make hate him, Ms. Dragonfly still chose the sin he never had over her own daughter.

Code by Nemopedia • Art by Noctis the Devious
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Celeste Sunmers

At 6 '0", Celeste is a tall, lean woman that keeps her sleek black hair is a sharp A-cut hairstyle. Coincidentally, she's much like her mom in the way she she moves and carries herself is currated for her captive audience. While working, she wesrs professional attire that's covering and easy to move around in. Her casual wear, however, tends to be more revealing. Well, unless a role she plays calls for something else entirely.

She's particularly good at disguising herself and keeps on hand realistic masks, wigs, and a robust wardrobe. Though her height makes it difficult to slip into the role of someone small feeble, even with tricks too make it look like she's wearing high heels when she's not.
Celeste has a bachelor's degree in Psychology and 2 undergraduate degrees in sociology and criminology. In the past she's worked as a police officer for the Oria City's municipality department for three years before she finally settled on being hired on as a detective by her father as a criminal investigator. It pays well enough to land her solidly in middle class wealth wise. Her job and the resources at her disposable allow her to investigate anything to her heart's content, including cases outside of Oria. She mostly stays in Oria though.

As a Tribrid, all the remains of her werefeline heritage is perhaps some lingering predatory insticts. Yes she's a aware of it. No she does not disclose this information. They should have all learned their lesson from Declan's mistake regarding this subject. As a Tenebris Magi, though it may have taken longer for most people, she managed to keep up her magic studies well enough to qualify as advanced in her magic. Though this was a rather recent development. Her familiar is a black-footed cat, a deceptive little thing that looks like a household kitten, but will gut sheep and take down prey much larger than it. She named her Tigress. Her special ability is shadow camouflage, which allows her to blend in to any shadow cast, and her small size and natural camouflage benefits it greatly.
Celeste is, in short, is behaviorist. Every gesture, every micro-expression, every small detail is being analyzed and mentally cataloged to form a base line. Once that baseline is created, she forms a clear line of dialogue to navigate conversations, predict specific reactions, and steer interactions towards desired outcomes. To say she's analytical would be an understatement. Despite this, out of all of her siblings, she's the most charismatic and permissible. She can make almost anyone like her. Her sociability has allowed her to devise an impressive network of contacts from informats she used to work with as a cop to neighborly people just wanting to be helpful. Prostitutes and the homeless are also endlessly helpful pools of information.

The longer she talks to you, the better she will be at detecting whether or not you're lying.
Celeste was around 10 when she was first told she was a child of a Hybrid, right after signing her name in her family's old Grimoire. She still isn't sure her father was joking or not when he called them "tribrids" and hoped to never have to hear that ridiculous term again. But regardless of their tampered blood, she was brought up as a Magi with typical Magi values, and an emphasis on her magical studies. There was some disappointment when she diverted into more mundane studies and never quite succeeded in climbing the magical ranks in her youth, but magic couldn'thold her interest the same was puzzling out people did.

It's hard to say if her being a manipulator was one of the predetor insticts passed down and amplified in her, but she did take great delight in predicting how someone would react to something she said or did and being right. She also took great delight in causing a lot of drama in her informative years. Of course hardly anyone ever suspected her of anything, but she caused more breakups than a jealous toxic lover. None of them were even her relationships. Despite not being on the Ace-spectrum - she still experienced both sexual and romantic attraction - she was never emotionally available for one and never sought one out, even when she developed an interest in an individual in that way.

She only became a cop because she knew she would be good at it. And good at it she was. What did taking the occasional bribe even hurt? Certainly not her reputation. When she moved to being a criminal investigator, she may have slipped back into her old ways when desperate spouses hired her to prove whether or not they're significant other was cheating (they always were, even if she came up with nothing), so instead of school yard crushes, she moved up to ruining marriages for fun.

Code by Nemopedia • Art by Noctis the Devious
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Selene Sunmers
34 y/o



Declan Sunmers
27 y/o

Declan was six feet tall by the time he was 16, and in the same year he was diagnosed with scoliosis, which wasn't thoroughly treated until he was kicked from the army. Now he stands 6 '2'' with a broad, muscular build he often uses to purposefully loom over people who he wants to go away. Just in case his resting bitch face didn't do a good enough job. He keeps his appearance well groomed and his black hair is often slick back save for a few stubborn strands that are always flying free. He has a few tattoos but he usually keeps them hidden under his clothes (skin tight Ts with a deep v-neck are a personal favorite of his - not that he would freely admit to it).
Declan's plan for himself mainly involved finding a nice woman and settling down. He wanted to be domestic. Unfortunately, being a husband wasn't really an acceptable answer when it came to questions like "what do you want to be when you grow up" or "where do you see yourself in five years". The people he was surrounded by often associated marriage with success. Not that he could blame them for it. Truth be told, he had no idea what he wanted to do. He knew he wanted to marry and have kids. That's it. That's as far as he planned his future. Working at the detective agency was an option, but not at first. Not for him. He wanted a more quiet and unexciting life for himself.

Too bad that's not how it worked out. He ended up being a college drop out and, worried he would be the family disappointment, joined the military for a few years until a hip injury related to his scoliosis put an end to that career path, which worked well enough in his favor. He was stupid good at what he did, but he also hated it. He was then hired to be the bouncer for a club for a time since being big and intimidating came easy for him. Worked a temporary shift as security for a horse racetrack at one point too. They even called him back for a second year when the season started up again.

How he ended up being a freelance mercenary was anyone's guess. It was a mixture of his grandmother being Rowan Dragonfly and being at the right place at the right time, he supposed. The detective agency was supposed to be a cover for it until he also got wrapped in that too. What the fuck was his life?

He has an advanced grasp on his darkness magic, and he was mostly trained to use it for combat. His familiar is a specter bat cleverly named Spectre. He shares this familiar species with his younger siblings and the three bats have formed their own family colony. He's naturally athletic with some predator instincts, but that's all that's left from his were-side.

He's middle class and doing well for himself at the agency. Was born and raised in Oria City, Texas, but is currently in Black City, dragged their by Rains who wanted to attend some Halloweem rave or something (and totally not get involved with the murders even though though were not hired for that case).
Declan is pretty aloof. He's easily exhausted by people and values his alone time. He's also an asshole, as his little sister oh so loves to remind him. Some of the things he says are pretty fucked up; brutal honesty doesn't cover for half of it. He's not one to feel apologetic about it either. He doesn't speak for the fun of it after all. He also still has a militaristic away of carrying himself from his time serving.
The pressure he put on himself to succeed was entirely of his own making. Logically speaking, there wasn't anything Dacian wouldn't brag about them for. They could've ended up serial killers and Declan is sure he still would've found something about them he needed to mention to passing strangers. Even so, his older sisters were highly educated and stupidly good at what they did. Him and Celeste never saw eye-to-eye but deep down she was still someone he grudgingly respected. It was because of those two he pushed himself to go to college despite not coming to a decision on what he was going for, which led to him eventually burning out.

But one good thing did come out of his college years, and that was meeting Amber, another Magi. That girl saw him at his worst and still supported him when he went off to join the army and lived on base. After he was medically discharged they got engaged. The only problem? Amber didn't know he wasn't a full blooded Magi. He originally resolved never to tell her, but that was before they started becoming more serious and Declan could honestly see settling down and starting a family. He told her on the night of the anniversary they started dating.

And she slapped him.

That's when he found out she wouldn't even have given him the time of day if she knew he wasn't purely a magi to begin with. He became a cautionary tale to the rest of his family; they don't have to say anything to him to know this. He's taken a step back dating since then. Well, until a case wound up in their hands. A scornful wife of some important political figure came barreling in and demanded proof he was cheating on her. It was one of those "I know he's cheating, but I want to throw the physical evidence in his face" deals. She specifically wanted pictures of him and all of his side pieces eating dinner at an upscale restaurant that, of course, only seated two.

Declan, drawing the short straw and definitely not keen on taking one of his siblings, now has to find a girlfriend in the next week or else they lose a very expensive client. Since when did his life become the summary on the back of one of his trashy romance novels? Not that reads trashy romance novels or anything...

Code by Nemopedia • Art by Noctis the Devious
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Raina Sunmers
26 y/o

Raina is 5 '9" short and will forever be mad about it. Where the fuck were the rest of her four inches? Why couldn't she be 6 ft tall? The fuck?! She has a toned and flexible build with most of her muscle building being focused in her legs, mostly for throwing herself around and not running. She loathed running. At 22-24 inches long, her hair is long and black, and well taken care of, falling around mid waist. Her fashion tends to fall into three trends: athleisure wear, soft grunge, and casual goth. Most of it is thrifted. The only item of clothing she tends to consistently invest good money in being footwear. Specifically boots.
When Raina was a kid she wanted to be a knight. She was fascinated by them as a concept. Though what eventually ended up doing was splitting her focus between her magic studies and gymnastics. It was during the one year break she took between graduating highschool and going to college when she learned that knights tended to have a degree in Business and Strategic Intelligence. So she got an undergraduate bachelor's degree in that subject area. But, while taking a deeper look into the criteria to make knighthood, Raina experienced self doubt for the first time. She didn't have it in her to get a full bachelor's but she did love the subject matter for what it was.

It also helped her become a better fighter.

She would come to work at her father's office as well as a cover after stumbling into vigilante work, but only part time as she also does MMA. When no one is looking, and it's really hard to get a house full of detectives to mind their own fucking buisness, she occasionally participates in underground fights for fun.

She's an advanced magic user with a specter bat just like her brothers. She named him Night Terror with no regrets, though it's often just shortened to Terror. His special ability is literally to smell like lavender to soothe his magi. From her were side she has natural athleticism, and predatory instincts. She was born and raised in Oria City, Texas, and is currently in Black City as a Halloween Party at a local club has piqued her interest. If there just happens to also be a curious slew of hybrid killings? No one could fault her for being curious.
Raina is an agressive, assertive person. She doesn't take too kindly to being told what to do with some exceptions. Boredom is also a nightmare for her to deal with. No one is certain if it's from having were blood, but she reacts to lack of mental stimulation and "enrichment" the same way an animal would, which means a lot of stress and lashing out if she goes a prolonged period of time without anything to do. Though, she's quite the temperamental person in general and easy to set off. Most of the time her anger isn't entirely genuine. No, a truly angry Raina, is a quiet Raina. Silence from one usually so loud, never bodes well.

She often gets boiled down to a reckless jock with no sense of self preservation. Only some of that is true. Fearless isn't quite the word to use for whatever she has going on. She's a hard person to shake to a terrifying, worryingly extent, but that's not to say she can't be scared at all. One of her worst fears, for example, is failing to protect her family. It's concepts like these that really scare her. How could falling from a great height and breaking an arm ever compare that? She's also a person that values loyalty and justice, something that Dacian instilled in her from a young age, though unintentionally.
Raina's volatile temperament actually caused a lot of concern during her formative years. At first Dacian almost thought she was turning into a Vargulf until he realized she was just like that. It did break his heart to hear her already telling him to get out of her room three years old when he wasn't due to hear that from her for another 10 years, but he still took her stupidly abrasive personality into stride (though he could do without them growing up so fast).

With her and Declan being so close in age, they were often mistaken for twins. It didn't help that, wherever Daclan went Raina wasn't far behind and vice versa. Then Kyler came along and the dynamic duo became the terrorizing trio. They were the troublemakers of the family. Raina was mainly the instigator but her brothers could have just said no. But they didn't so it wasn't all her fault! Declan in particular found it difficult to say no to his little sister, which is how he ended up being the dummy that had whatever move Raina saw on TV being practiced on him. The worst one yet was the "Black Widow".

It came to no surprise when she ended up being the most athletic out of all of her siblings. Dacian started her off in toddler gymnastics just to help her burn some energy, which, even after trying out a host of other mini sports, managed to stick with her even as she started growing an interest in fighting. She begged him to show her some hand to hand combat after hearing he learned some, and he taught her some basics, and that led her to start looking into learning kickboxing before getting into MMA. Yet she still managed to barely pass her PE class despite being one of her favorite courses - she really disliked running.

Rain had just graduated highschool and was looking into colleges when the stress of being an Undeclared Major got to Declan and he dropped out. When he suddenly announced he was joining the military, Raina was all for joining with him, something he was highly against. He even told her why he didn't want her to join with him! Granted they were passed "always being seen together" at that point, but it was rare for them to miss important milestones in each other's lives. Joining the army together seemed like something she didn't want to miss out on! He instead pointed her in the direction of college. "She had a bright future in front of her''. What did that even mean?!

This is what led her to the aforementioned break from school and doing solo traveling before learning about BSI as a major. She lived out of her van for the time and is still proud of the conversation she and Kyler did on it to make it livable. Now that she's settled in her own apartment in the city, it's currently parked in Kyle's garage. At first she only planned to stick around long enough to finish her collage courses, but after getting into some vigilante buisness she needed a cover before she was found out, which is how she became yet another private eye added to her father's roster. She mostly handle misding person's and pet cases, retrieval of lost or stolen belongings, but tends to play fast and loose with her job description. If that also means more vigilantism? What's it to you?
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Kyler Sunmers
24 y/o