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OPEN SIGNUPS - Isle of Sanctuary OOC

[fieldbox="New Arrivals, red, solid"]

Mentioned: @Lethe @-A L I C E- @Dakota K5 @Kurogane86 @SoleStride

GM Post

The journey has been long.

After trying times in their own lives, the new islanders were whisked away to a place they could be accepted. A place where they could fit in and control their abilities. Now they have finally arrived.

The first sensation to greet you is the smell of the salty brine of the sea as you walk down from the ship you arrived on. All you have with you is a single suitcase full of whatever worldly possessions you loved the most. Everything else was left behind. As you step off the deck of the ship and onto the ramp that was lowered to the dock, others step down with you, all of them looking equally bedraggled from the journey. You are tired and your muscles stiff, you had been forced to all remain in tiny, separate cabins while the ship smuggled you all through a high security blockade set up by international collaborating navies around the triangle. It had been tough and tense, but you made it here now, to sanctuary.

The second sight you are greeted by, is a lone figured standing on the docks next to a sign that says "new arrivals come here". A boy, no older then fifteen, who looked nervous and out of place, clutching at something around his neck. Next to him stands a second figure, this one dressed in a pristine suit and looking right at home. On a patch on the shoulder of the suit you can spot the emblem of the island's academy, the place where you will be staying while you learn to control your abilities on the island. Perhaps he will have more information on what to do next.....[/fieldbox]
Adrian Hillier interacts with headmaster (I guess?)

Adrian felt the boat dock, he was finally free of this clostrophobic miserable vessel. He opened his bag and hurriedly stuffed his possessions away. He grabbed his clothes and his books. He considered his books more valuable than anything. As he put them away he came across a torn copy of the collective works of Shakespeare. He stopped for a second and looked fondly at the book as he placed it carefully into his bag. He zipped up the bag and slung it over his shoulder.

Adrian made his way to the deck, making his way to be the first off the boat. When the ramp was lowered Adrian hurried off the ramp to see two people waiting. One was a teenager that looked as if he was in the midst of a nervous breakdown, the other Adrian assumed was the headmaster. He walked up passed the boy and directly to the man. He adjusted his bag on his shoulder and spoke. "Sir, I am Adrian Hillier. I have several questions I would like answered since your pamphlet was clearly lacking information." He held up an imaginary pamphlet obviously being a smartass.

"My first question is what comes next? Do you intend for the adults to attend classes with..." He glanced at the nervous boy and sneered as he turned away. "Children. My next question is what of money? Are we being assigned carriers or do we need to perform manual labor? I would also like to add that I would do better in a supervisory position." He stood there arms crossed waiting for a response to his barrage of questions.
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Reactions: SoleStride
JoAnne Stephens

Interactions: Nervous Boy (@conman2163), Adrian Hillier (@Kurogane86)

Twisting and turning her fingers together in her lap, Jo sat quietly in her cabin until the unmistakable sensation of coming to a stop, jolted her forward. She braced her feet on the floor to keep herself steady and looked up expectantly to see what would happen. When nothing happened and no one came, the woman stood up to prepare to leave. After a few moments of standing as still as possible, trying to make sure she had good balance, she started forward again and slowly emerged from her cabin. With not a thing in her hands, JoAnne carefully made her way off the ship, following what appeared to be a younger man with glasses.

The boy walked straight up to the two at the dock – a man on a mission – and immediately started talking to the older gentleman. He was dressed pretty well, looking all formal, and was sided by a young boy with some sort of attention deficit or something. Maybe he was just hyperactive? Or nervous about newcomers? Who knew? Either way, the first guy off the boat completely ignored the child, so when JoAnne approached the two – since the sign recommended that's where they should go – the woman leaned down a little and gave the boy a warm smile.

"Hello there." She slowly put her hand out for the boy to shake. "Are you here to greet us? I'm JoAnne; it's nice to meet you. What's your name?" JoAnne looked over at the glasses man as he pummeled the older greeter with questions. Her brow rose in surprise. Was it really necessary to start on like that right from the get-go? "Darlin', I'm sure we'll have time ta talk about those things later. Everyone's not even off the ship yet." She addressed the man with glasses whom she still did not know in a slightly Southern accent, her voice serene and sweet as honey as she spoke. "Maybe it'd be best ta wait until we're all settled in 'fore we start throwing all kinds of questions at these kind people."
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Reactions: Kurogane86
[FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=7][COLOR=rgb(255, 153, 255)][I][U]S E N E C I O • A L L I U M[/U][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

@conman2163 @Kurogane86 @SoleStride
Not for the first time since his departure, Senecio silently swore that he would never get on a ship again. To say the journey had been hell was an understatement. It wasn't because of the cramped rooms, or the lack of sunlight, or even the constant weight of possibility to be found out. It was the aching loneliness. Senecio heard little word of the other passengers on the ship. There were times when he even wondered if he was the only one there. It was a crushing feeling, and too often Senecio could feel the edge of a complete breakdown.

When the ship finally docked, it was like someone had opened the floodgates. Relief poured through Senecio as he gathered what few items he owned into a ragged dufflebag. He concentrated on his hands and a vine-like plant flourished from his palm. It solidified into an almost wood-like form, young leaves capping the top. Gripping the impromptu walking stick tightly, he nervously shuffled out of his room and followed the sound of footsteps off the ship.

Anxiety gripped Senecio's heart tightly, a bloom of moss and small flowers blossoming once his feet finally touched land. He walked towards a set of voices, one an inch close to condescending and the other tinged with a southern lilt, only to hesitate a few feet back. The young man swallowed hard, the flora growing at his feet blossoming as frantically as his heart beat, before taking a deep breath and approaching the gathered folks.

his voice faltered, before he cleared it and tried again. "Hello? I, erm, I'm Senecio. Senecio Allium. Is this where we're meant to go?"
Levi Black
Interaction: Senecio, JoAnne and Adrian
Mentioned: Nervous boy

Levi took a few cautious steps of the boat watching the others disembark as well, he had never been on a boat before and when the first signs of sea sickness started he had curbed it immediately with his power and willed himself to not be seasick anymore. It was odd for him as he seemed to be the oldest here, not by much but more than a year at least. He watched the others approach what appeared to be a rather nervous teen, three before he walked up to gentlemen and a woman. As he walked up he noticed the plain looking man was rather rude in his tone of speaking which was something Levi made note of in the back of his mind, the second thing he noticed was the woman who appeared to be of a mixed descent and from the south if her tone and accent was any indication and finally he noticed the teen who had plants both growing on and around him.
Levi walked up the group finally and looked to the southern woman first. "Howdy, my name's Levi and it's nice to meet you." He spoke as he inclined his head with a small smile before turning to the boy with plants growing on him. "It is also nice to meet you and I must say how fascinating that is, the plants I mean. I haven't seen something quite so extraordinary in a while." He looked the plain looking man in glasses with the rude tone. "Hello." He greeted simply.
[fieldbox="First meeting., red, solid"]

Unnamed Representative

The representative studied the man before him for a moment. He had opened up with a joke, so he assumed that this man had some sort of sense of humor. The mans words that followed ruined his impression of the man though. "Adrian Hiller you say..... yes I read about you, teaching one such as you will most certainly be interesting." The man chuckled a bit when the woman cut in after he finished speaking. She was most certainly concerned with everyone getting the information at one time. He gave her a smile. "Oh I assure you, this is no trouble. You all have a lot of questions I imagine and it's my job to answer them. Afterall, I am the school's representative. However, it is of course natural for you to be tired and stressed after such a long and dangerous journey." He turned his attention back to Adrian. "Therefore i'll keep my answers brief and to the point. The short version goes as follows. First off, yes, you'll be expected to learn with the new islanders. Second off, you'll be earning money at the local cafe, should you chose to work there. The school provides you all with free room, board, and food so long as you continue to attend it during your integration process, so really that money is for anything you want to do on the side. Finally, it's worth noting that you will be living with everyone that gets off the boat, so I would recommend learning to keep such a pompous attitude to yourself." After a moment, remembering that the Southern woman had attempted to speak to the young man standing next to him, but the boy had been far too focused one trying not to freak out that he had ignored her. He turned back to Joanne. "You'll have to excuse the young man standing next to me. He gets rather nervous and upset when meeting new people, and he just went through the same trip you all did, he only arrived an hour earlier, and his ability activates under duress from what I have read. It deserves a better explanation then that, but i'm afraid I don't have all the details just yet. You'll simply have to get them from him later, after he gets used to you." His next person that he wanted to address was the young man growing moss and flowers wherever he walked, the boards of the dock sprouting the flora spontaneously. He gave him a beaming smile as well. "Good afternoon, it is wonderful to meet you Senecio. You most certainly are in the right place." He nodded at Levi. "It is excellent to meet you as well Levi, i've heard quite a bit about you." The representative took a small brass watch from his pocket and opened it up, peering at it before slipping it back into his pocket. "We simply have two more arrivals we are waiting on and we can get underway."[/fieldbox]
Interactions: Sam and Elle with the group

Elle sat, curled into a small ball on what had served as her sad excuse for a bed, reading a book about astrophysics. The ambient sounds of waves breaking against the ship, and creaking wooden planks had been unsettling at first, but now they seemed almost homely. But, whatever kind of home this ship had been, she knew that her time here was coming to a close.
Sam opened the door to their small, dingy cabin and sighed as he saw his twin. The journey had been rough for both of them, but for some reason Elle seemed content to stay in the ship by herself forever. Maybe she was just nervous about meeting everyone.

"You ready to go?" he asked her.

Elle looked up over the top of her book and nodded briefly, dog-earing her page before closing the book and slipping it into the backpack filled with her only earthly possessions. It seemed that the two were the last to disembark the ship, but they couldn't be certain. During the trip they hadn't really seen any other people. It was almost as though they had been completely alone. Of course, that wasn't true, though, and on the dock stood a small group of people, all introducing themselves.
Sam led the way, Elle trailing a step or two behind him as they approached the group.

"Um, hi," he said, inserting himself into the group of people, "I'm Sam." He looked over at his sister and gave her an expectant look.
She hesitated, but eventually spoke. "I'm Elle," she said, introducing herself.

"It's good to meet you guys," Sam said, giving a friendly smile as he looked around the group.
Adrian Hillier

Adrian's eyes rolled as he heated the sound of some peon trying to speak to him. He sneered at her and looked through her as if addressing the air around her. "Excuse me Elly Mae but others are talking. It would do you well to learn your place when addressing those that are clearly a few steps higher on the social ladder."

More peons started to arrive. One covered the dock with weeds, Adrian sneered at the cowering arrival and pointed at a vine that was about to touch his shoe. He released a small beam of energy that vaporized the vine before it touched him. "Filthy" He said as dusted the ash from his pant leg.

An older man arrived next, he seemed fine except that he looked at the other two as if they were special. Adrian made a mental note to explain to this man that these two were inferior. He greeted Adrian but that was it, clearly this man needed help understanding the difference between Elites and Peons.

Others arrived but Adrian paid them no attention as the representative started to speak. He smiled as the representative seemed to understand how truly great Adrian was that is until he said he had a pompous attitude. "Pompous?" He muttered under his breath. This man had no idea how intelligent Adrian really was, how he had the best mind of his time and needed to be praised for it, just like mom used to. He paused for a moment, his face grew sullen as he remember ed his mother he left behind.
JoAnne Stephens

Interactions: Nervous Boy & Representative (@conman2163), Adrian Hillier (@Kurogane86), Senecio (@Lethe), Levi (@Dakota K5), Sam & Elle (@Frenchy)

JoAnne felt bombarded by all the people giving their greetings. She smiled brightly at the people coming by left and right and gave a friendly little wave to everyone as they approached and said hi. The more adult figure that had been waiting for them upon arrival spoke to her as well, letting her know that the younger boy was also an arrival and was rather shy and gets upset easily. Jo gave the representative man a smile and nod before crouching down in front of the nervous kid and giving him another smile as well. "I hope ta get ta know ya better. Hopefully, we can be good friends one day. Until then, you don't have ta say a thing, Sweetheart."

The woman waved at the two siblings to arrive, finally standing to full height again and giving her own greeting to everyone who'd greeted her. "It's a pleasure. Nice ta meet y'all." The mixed woman tucked her hands in her back pockets, cocking out a hip as she stood in waiting for whatever might happen next.

That next thing happened to be the glasses boy talking to her like she was nothing but dirt beneath his shoe. It was frustrating no doubt, but her more submissive side deemed she do nothing but turn up her nose and look away with a soft "hmph". Social ladder, my rear-end. What a jerk. She wrinkled her nose up a little, clearly annoyed with the guy but not willing to interact in a way that wasn't passive-aggressive.
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[FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=7][COLOR=rgb(255, 153, 255)][I][U]S E N E C I O • A L L I U M[/U][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

@conman2163 @Kurogane86 @SoleStride @Dakota K5 @Frenchy
Senecio mentally counted the people around him, tallying up to seven accompanying him. He gripped his stick tightly. This was the most people he'd been around in...well, ever, really. His face flushed, both at the greetings and compliment. To say this was nerve racking was an understatement. However, judging by their tones, it seemed that these people were friendly. Most of them, at least. He flinched at the pompous boy's--Adrian's--harsh remark, his heightened anxiety serving only to cause more flowers to grow on and around him.

Just calm down.
The old words of his mother returned to Senecio. The memory stung with bitter sadness, yet was swaddled in a fond familiarity that the young man's tension. Remember: do good and expect good. Taking a deep breath, he allowed himself a wobbly smile towards his new companions.

"U-um, thank you. It's nice to meet you all. You seem like wonderful people." His voice was shaky and quiet at best. Senecio swiveled his head, trying to pinpoint the direction of the shy boy, before giving up and casting his blank gaze to the ground. "Don't worry. I don't do well around people, either." He lifted his head toward the representative, almost hesitating as he asked his next question. "This cafe. Um, is it...is it alright if people with...difficulties...work there too?" His fingers softly brushed the moss growing over his eyes.
Levi Black
Interaction: Elle and Sam
Mentioned: Adrian, Senecio, JoAnne, nervous boy and Island representative

He narrowed his eyes at the young man, Adrian, as he insulted the mixed woman but he also cocked his head to the side when she did not say anything back to Adrian. He waved to the two siblings who arrived, Elle and Sam. He also looked sadly to the boy with the flowers named Senecio wishing he could do something for him without the use of his powers since that would only be temporary and he thought the same of the nervous boy standing next to the island rep whom Levi was listening to so that he got the basics of what was going on though for the most part he was focused on observing the others here with him then what the rep was saying.
[fieldbox="Initial Greetings, red, solid"]

Nervous Boy

The boy said nothing in response to the sweet southern lady, but he did make eye contact and give a little nod, before backing up a little. The new people, all of them strange like him from what he had been told, were to be his room mates from what he understood, a worrying prospect. He hoped that they would have seperate rooms at the very least. The prospect of working at a cafe made him curious though...

Unnamed Representative

The representative nodded to Elle and Sam as they joined the group, smiling. "Sam, Elle, I'm glad you made it off the ship alright. I was beginning to believe i'd need to send a rescue party." He smiled at Senecio's question and nodded. "This island was created for people like us. Of course you'll be able to work there too." The man held his right hand out and out of thin air popped a small red leather bound notebook, around the size of a wallet, that he then opened and flipped through for a moment, thumbing through the pages before coming to a stop. "Ah, here it is. The list of names. Seems everyone is here and it's all in order, so i'll be taking us to our first stop, the headmaster's office. He'll be eager to meet you all. Does anyone here have any difficulties with motor vehicles?" As he said that, a small white bus pulled around, on the side, written in bold black letters, were the words "Isle of Sanctuary Academy". As the representative finished speaking he shut the small notebook and it vanished just as quickly as it appeared.[/fieldbox]
Adrian Hillier

Adrian was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of a vehicle pulling up. He shook off that look of longing and took up his usual glare. The Representative made a notebook appear out of nowhere which caused Adrian to think of his power. 'Does he have a mater materialization type of power? Possibly the ability to teleport.'

Adrian suddenly left the group and headed twords the bus he wanted to get in the bus and read something. All of these Plebs were giving him a headache. He got on the bus, walked to the back and pulled out a thick paperback book. He flipped to the pages marked and continued reading.

He was finally able to relax, he knew he didn't have to pay attention to anyone here the only person he respected was the headmaster. He held onto the bookmark firmly in his hand recalling more memories with his mother.
JoAnne Stephens

Interactions: Nervous Boy & Representative (@conman2163), Adrian Hillier (@Kurogane86), Senecio (@Lethe), Levi (@Dakota K5), Sam & Elle (@Frenchy)

JoAnne turned her attention to the still mysterious representative who was only taking attendance and asking if anyone how any transportation problems. Did he mean car-sickness? Or maybe there were some people with abilities that conflicted with vehicles? She supposed it was possible. That would really stink. She simply shook her head to let him know that she didn't have any problems with motor vehicles and showing that she was ready to go by standing up straight, hands in her pockets, and ready to march.

"Ah… Ready when you are." The woman looked around at everyone, noting what luggage they had and gauging the size. Since she had nothing to carry, she thought she might offer to help, and did so with a smile. "Does anyone need any help with their luggage? I've got free hands." She noted the glasses boy walking away quickly as if he just couldn't handle being near them anymore, but the woman just gave a small shrug and held out her hands to offer help to anyone who wanted or needed it.
[FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=7][COLOR=rgb(255, 153, 255)][I][U]S E N E C I O • A L L I U M[/U][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

@conman2163 @Kurogane86 @SoleStride @Dakota K5 @Frenchy
Senecio relaxed and shook his head. As far as he knew, he had no problems with transportation. Then again, he'd never been in a car before, much less a bus. Still, it was better than ship. At least then he knew he wasn't alone. Shouldering his duffel bag, Senecio gave a reaffirming nod of readiness.

At the Southern woman's offer, he sheepishly moved towards the sound of her voice and held up his bag.
"Um, if it doesn't trouble you at all." His voice dipped nervously, but he attempted a small smile nonetheless. "I mean, ah, it's not too heavy, but..." Senecio ducked his head and flushed. First attempt at making friends and he was already stumbling over words. The abruptness of that condescending fellow had shaken him more than he'd expected.
Levi Black
Interaction: Senecio and JoAnne

He heard JoAnne offer to help with bags and for Senecio to take her up on the offer but Levi would feel bad if he didn't help as well. He walked up to the two of them so that they would be in his field of affect. "Let me help the both of you." He spoke to the two with a small smile as he willed the bags they all carried to weigh nothing or rather next to nothing so they wouldn't drop them without realizing. "You'll notice your bag is much lighter now...Senecio right? I was never quite good with names as I should be." He spoke to the younger man in a slow direct manner with a bit of a midwestern tilt to the words before looking at JoAnne. "And I'll also help with the bags if you'd permit me to Ms. Stephens." He spoke with an inclination of his head. "Oh I almost forgot, try and stay within ten feet of me otherwise that affect with the bags will go away." He remembered to inform the two.
Things being affected by powers:

Bags being carried by those near him
Near weightlessness.​
JoAnne Stephens

Interactions: Senecio (@Lethe), Levi (@Dakota K5)

"It's no trouble at all, Sweetpea!" JoAnne grinned and happily took Senecio's bag for him, putting it on her shoulder just about when another man approached them and offered to make it lighter. Not that she needed the help, but it was a nice gesture. Either way, the woman flashed her free hand and gave a little spin to show that she carried no bag herself and appeared at the moment to have nothing on her but the clothes on her back. She'd store Senecio's bag the same way as her own supplies but she wasn't sure of the dimensions. Plus... a little mystery wasn't so bad. There was no point in using inhuman abilities for a human problem just yet. "I got nothin' to carry, but I sure appreciate it."

"Ms. Stephens…?" She tilted her head a little, smirking slightly. "I don't recall tellin' you my name. In fact, no one here has said my name, including myself." She took on an amused, but puzzled, expression. "You some kinda mind reader? Either way, JoAnne or Jo'll do just fine. None of this miss or ms stuff." The woman then offered an arm out to Senecio, to touch his hand with her own limb. "Want a guide? I can multitask. And tell me both your names again, 'cause I need repetition to remember things."
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[fieldbox="Time for a little roadtrip, red, solid"]

@Lethe @SoleStride @Dakota K5 @Kurogane86 @Frenchy

The Representative

With little time to spare, the representative ushered them all onto the bus, the shy boy included, and saw them seated before speaking to the bus driver, who nodded. Soon the bus was underway, and the representative spoke to them all. "We'll be arriving shortly at the headmaster's office, he's very eager to meet you all. In the meantime though, i'd like for us all to get an icebreaker out of the way. Since we all are here because of a unique ability we have, please state what that ability is loud enough for everyone to hear." This was not simply an excercise in speaking that they were participating in, it was an act of trust. Everyone here had been on the run from their abilities, and they must have learned to fear speaking about them. Telling partial strangers about them.... well that was an interesting proposition to say the least, and the representative was eager to see how they would respond.[/fieldbox]
Adrian Hillier

Adrian felt the bus move when the man started talking about getting to know each other by introducing their powers. He sighed closed his book and stood up. "Since it seems as though I might be stuck with you all it's high time you all realize whose the elite." Adrian removed his glasses and made his eyes glow a bright purple color, they started sparking and the electricity seem to course through out all of his body. "This is my power. I call it Recharge." He took out a couple of batteries from his bag and held them in his right hand. His fist started to glow as he absorbed the electricity from the batteries. As he absorbed the electricity his mood seem to brighten.

He opened up his left hand showing all the energy he just siphoned from the batteries. "my ability allows me to siphon energy from anything and use it however I like. I can create energy beams as you saw earlier or I can use it to enhance the electric receptors in my body to allow me to become stronger, faster more agile etc." he smiled as he tossed the now drained batteries in his bag. "this is my power and I am quite skilled at using it, make sure you do your best to not annoy me with your existence."

Adrian sat down and picked up his book and continued to read, clearly uninterested in the others.
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