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Legens Legentis

Deus Ex Machina
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, & Romance


[BCOLOR=transparent]Unity[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] over Health, Health over Humanity[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent].[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]There are few privileges in life as great as an admission into the Lehane Sanitarium. Secluded in the mountains of western Montana, there is no shortage of natural beauty to be found here, away from the corrupting desires of the world below. It's the perfect getaway, just the place you needed after it all snapped. You know, when the pressures of modernity kept piling on your back until reality seemed a bit off. Some arrive to the asylum on their own free will, some do not. Rest assured, all are satisfied in the end.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The institution has a long and fascinating history to complement its elegance. It was built in the mid 19th century by a wealthy philanthropist, one who saw the dire need for adequate mental hospitals after the Civil War. The design was largely borrowed from numerous European castles, combining security with grace and luxury. Afterwards, the facility narrowed down its selection of patients to a very unique group. A strange phenomena had captured the full attention of the sanitarium's directors. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]That phenomena was the imaginary friend. Of course, it was never unusual to see a child with one, but an increasingly large number of adults who had one found themselves living inside the asylum's walls. Over the years, countless advancements in psychology were made in those very same walls. Treatment after treatment, the problem never seemed to fully go away. Nevertheless, the Lehane Sanitarium is proud to announce that it has finally developed a cure for this particular delusion. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Some might say that the asylum is more of a grand hotel than a hospital. It provides excellent nutrition, exercise, and recreation to the patients who accept the ultimate treatment. Despite the unorthodox nature of this cure, it is a resounding success over any lesser therapy. The scale of what has been achieved here renders the lobotomy a mere footnote in science. It is pure Transcendence.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent][question=red]What is Transcendence?[/question][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Excellent question! Transcendence is cold-blooded torture the process of ridding the body of an impure mind. You see, imaginary friends are not mere hallucinations. They can see and experience phenomena which baffle most researchers at the asylum. Limited telekinesis, emotional telepathy, these are the traits which an imaginary friend may wield. The treatment developed here replaces the original mind of the patient with that of the imaginary friend. Although this creates a new person altogether (completely unrecognizable to friends and family), it also acts as an effective cure for insanity. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent][question=goldenrod]What am I supposed to do here?[/question][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]An even better question! The patients and the staff are a bit divided in terms of goals. The former may wish to escape, or accept the Transcendence once and for all. The latter keeps a close eye on everyone, making sure nothing can interfere with the treatment in every stage. The imaginary friends themselves are the real wild card. They are parasites, plain and simple, emerging from another realm or dimension. They feast on strong emotions. Some are intent on remaining parasites for life, while others desire a physical body of their own, causing them to mislead their host into undergoing the asylum's vicious treatments.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The first thing to greet the arriving patients.
[BCOLOR=transparent]Decadence is a small price to pay for good health.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Knowledge is by every means a luxury of its own.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Appetites of the mind and body must be sated.
Dining Hall
[BCOLOR=transparent]Social interaction is a necessity while enjoying a good meal.

[BCOLOR=transparent]There is always room for dancing.
Calmness is the path to sanity.
Tennis Court
[BCOLOR=transparent]Includes other sports as well, for the physically-inclined.
Art Gallery
[BCOLOR=transparent]To stimulate the imagination is the highest honor.
Swimming Pool
[BCOLOR=transparent]Doubles as a spa and bathhouse, depending on location.
Meditation Center
[BCOLOR=transparent]Yoga, group therapy, and other forms of spiritual guidance are sure to relieve stress.
Neglecting the body is as cruel as ignoring the mind.
[BCOLOR=transparent]Not feeling well? By all means, rest.
Psychiatric Office
[BCOLOR=transparent]Inform us of all your concerns, perceived or otherwise, immediately.
Sensory Deprivation Chamber
[BCOLOR=transparent]Rise above the constraints of your senses.
Electroshock Therapy
[BCOLOR=transparent]Some treatments are more extreme than others.
Our research will not be stopped. It cannot be stopped.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
Padded Cell
[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Unwanted aggression leads to unwanted consequences.
Operating Room
[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]You're not getting out of this as easily as you might think.
There's no place you'd rather be.
God help you.

[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][FONT=book antiqua]
[div=min-width: 575px; margin-right: 17%; margin-left: 17%; padding: 15px; border: 5px #8a916e solid; backgroundimage:url('http://www.color-hex.com/palettes/7707.png'); background-repeat: repeat;]
[FONT=courier][SIZE=6]CHARACTER NAME[/SIZE][/FONT][CENTER][SIZE=2][Patient Dossier][/SIZE][/CENTER][/div]
[div=border-top: 5px solid #8a916e;] [/div]
[div=font-family: calibri; font-size: 1em; text-align: justify;]
[div=float:right; display: inline-block; margin-top: -25px; padding-left: 5px;][img]https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=23&txt=250%C3%97250&w=250&h=250[/img][/div]
[div=min-width: 250px; padding: 0px; font-size: 1em;]» [font=courier]age :[/font][/div]
[div=min-width: 250px; padding: 0px; font-size: 1em;]» [font=courier]eye colour :[/font][/div]
[div=min-width: 250px; padding: 0px; font-size: 1em;]» [font=courier]hair colour :[/font][/div]
[div=min-width: 250px; padding: 0px; font-size: 1em;]» [font=courier]height :[/font][/div]
[div=min-width: 250px; padding: 0px; font-size: 1em;]» [font=courier]weight :[/font][/div]
[div=min-width: 250px; padding: 0px; font-size: 1em;]» [font=courier]appearance :[/font][/div]
[FONT=courier][SIZE=5][COLOR=#c8ec21][/COLOR]   [B]⌜[/B] PERSONALITY & HISTORY [B]⌟[/B] [/SIZE][/FONT][div=border-top: 5px solid #8a916e;] [/div]
[div=padding: 5px; height: 300px; position: absolute; text-align: justify; overflow: auto;]
[div=min-width: 250px; padding: 0px; font-size: 1em;]» [font=courier]mental disorder :[/font][/div]
[div=min-width: 250px; padding: 0px; font-size: 1em;]» [font=courier]biography :[/font][/div][div=min-width: 250px; padding: 0px; font-size: 1em;]» [font=courier]Personality :[/font][/div]
[div=min-width: 250px; padding: 0px; font-size: 1em;]» [font=courier]likes & dislikes :[/font][/div][/div]
[FONT=courier][SIZE=5][COLOR=#c8ec21][/COLOR]   [B]⌜[/B] EXTRA [B]⌟[/B] [/SIZE][/FONT][div=border-top: 5px solid #8a916e;] [/div]
[div=padding: 5px; height: 300px; position: absolute; text-align: justify; overflow: auto;]
[div=min-width: 250px; padding: 0px; font-size: 1em;]» [font=courier]prompt :[/font] [font=calibri][indent][Provide any additional information that you find necessary. For patients, this is where you shall give a brief description of your imaginary friend.][/indent][/font][/div][/div]


[fieldbox="Rules, blue, solid"]1. No godmodding.
2. No bullying of fellow Iwaku members.
3. Despite the presence of torture and gore, try to keep the site rules in mind and avoid excess where it is not needed.
4. Character death is a possibility.
5. OP's word is law.
6. Never be afraid to ask questions or give suggestions![/fieldbox]​
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I'm eagerly awaiting more info but i'm in!
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Interested. <3
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Reactions: Legens Legentis
It appears as though I'm having issues with the bb coding (never my specialty). Worry not, for the updates will come nonetheless.
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Reactions: beautie
I could possibly help, I'm not an expert or anything but I know stuff.
I could possibly help, I'm not an expert or anything but I know stuff.
At the moment, the biggest problem is the additional accordion tab despite that not appearing in the code itself.
A few new rooms have been added, but I've not yet solved the coding issue.
After hours and hours of improvement, I've finally fixed the most glaring coding issues! Huzzah!
I too am interested. I am slightly confused as what the roles are exactly, but that could just be me needing to reread when I am not half asleep. But I am interested in this as well!​
I too am interested. I am slightly confused as what the roles are exactly, but that could just be me needing to reread when I am not half asleep. But I am interested in this as well!​
'Tis my fault for not explaining that properly.
Overall, patients want to escape, staff wants patients to stay.
But this guideline isn't set in stone.
Okay I'm excited for this indeed 8)
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Reactions: Legens Legentis
'Tis my fault for not explaining that properly.
Overall, patients want to escape, staff wants patients to stay.
But this guideline isn't set in stone.
Ah yes. Thank you. This story would be very interesting!
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Reactions: Legens Legentis
If all goes as it should, OOC ought to be up by tonight. My infinite gratitude to each and every one of ye!
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Reactions: beautie
Okay! I will have to do it tomorrow x.x I have to get up early in the morning so its my bedtime x.x
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