The Guardians; Heavens War

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Everyone knows the tale of God and his angels and their everlasting fight against the devil and his fallen angels. Well what people don't know, is heavens war is not only fought by the angels, but also by humans. These humans are blessed with an elemental power and guarded by their respective guardian angel.

Guardian angels and guardian fallen angels each have their own human to train and protect. And every human has a role to play. Friendships, families, and even romance are about to be put to the ultimate test.

Heavens war has been raging for centuries but, the tides are about to turn when new humans are chosen to fight the battle of good versus evil. But this time, evil has a new and powerful plan.

Basically this is a heaven versus hell role play with about 20 roles max. It's a basic outline and I would add more of the plot if I got enough interest! Basically the roles would be as followed...
5 humans with an elemental power, Water Air Fire Earth and Light. And 5 guardian angels.
5 humans with an elemental power, Water Air Fire Earth and Darkness. And 5 fallen angel guardians.

Please Let me know if you'd be interested! And please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas!
(I was looking for a co gm as well please message me if you're interested)

Thank you!
(Please feel free to tag anyone who may be interested as well)
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I think I may be able to involve myself in this roleplay
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I don't see why not
This does seem quite interesting, but I may need more plot info to fully invest. Although, consider this official interest until stated otherwise ^^