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"You'll never be alone."
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Anytime I have internet access, honestly.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Science fiction
Naturally developed romance
OC Fandom (ask about my fandoms!)

Out of Character || In Character || Character Index || Lore || Discord


About 105 years ago, the Dryverni and Shiren both found they were not alone. They discovered each other, and Earth as well. While they were both content to leave simple scouts on Earth, they weren't quite as sure what to do with the other species. At first, there was talk of a mutual alliance, but that was not to be. Instead, for the past 104 years, almost since they discovered each other, the Dryverni and Shiren have been at war. Nobody knows who started the war, and both species blame each other.

23 years ago, the fighting officially ceased. Instead, the two species are locked in a cold war, both of them continually trying to gain the upper hand over the other species. Currently, the Dryverni are winning, and there has been talk of the war finally ending. But the Shiren refuse to give up. Just when it seems like peace will finally come, the Shiren have come up with a plan that could change the course of the war. The Shiren are attacking influential Dryverni and taking control of their bodies, using their identities and memories to bring the Dryverni government down from the inside.

The only people who know what's happening are the people close enough to the Dryverni being possessed to notice the difference, or possibly a few who stumbled upon the Shiren possessing the Dryverni. Either way, they cannot be allowed to live. The Shiren are hunting those few Dryverni down and killing, imprisoning, or possessing them, ensuring that the Dryverni Council will not find out what is happening until it is too late. The unlucky Dryverni have been forced to flee to Earth, the one neutral ground left, to preserve their lives. However, Earth will not be neutral ground much longer. The Shiren will follow the Dryverni and stop them from contacting the Council, even if it means revealing their presence to humans.

[fieldbox="Definitions, #73738c, ridge, 6, papyrus"]
Dryverni ("drih-vear-nee") The sentient species of the planet Vyrela. A species of draconic humanoids capable of natural flight and manipulating Hzar.

Shiren ("shee-ren") The sentient species of the planet Zolar. A species of serpentine humanoids with typically intangible, ghostlike bodies and capable of manipulating Hzar.

Hzar ("hi-zar") The fourth fundamental force of the universe, alongside the strong force, the electroweak force, and the gravitational force. It is the life force and has strong ties to minds and energy.

(More information on both species exists in the Character Index.)

Within this roleplay, you will play the Dryverni on the run from the Shiren, the Shiren chasing them or traitor Shiren, and/or humans who become aware of what is happening and get involved. More information on the setting, species, and Hzar is included in the Info Dump.

1. Follow basic Iwaku rules at all times. This really shouldn't have to be said, but I've seen roleplays lose people because they broke the rules before, and I don't want that to happen here.
2. Don't be a jerk. This also shouldn't have to be said, but I'm saying it anyways.
3. Be active in the OOC as much as possible. This can mean the thread or the Discord, preferably both. I want to know you're sticking around and getting involved.
4. What mods say goes, period. Kim and I have the final word on everything, however. We will always do our best to explain our decisions and be fair, so please respect our wishes. If you don't think we're being fair, please tell us.
5. Please contact a mod if you have any issues or questions. We will try our best to help you out. This goes for dropping out as well.
6. Multiple characters are allowed and encouraged, as long as you can handle them and as long as you keep them somewhat equally developed. However, if you turn out unable to handle a character, we can turn them into an NPC or kill them off. Same goes for if you have to drop out.
7. Questions about the roleplay, lore, and whatever else are encouraged. If you have any, please ask on this thread or the designated channel on Discord, or PM me or a mod. I would recommend that if you ask through PM, you message me, since I created the world, but the other mods have the information about the world as well. Worst case scenario, they have to ask me about it anyway, so it's not a huge deal.
8. There is potential for your characters to die, but it is not guaranteed. That being said, I do have some plans for death of a few of my characters and NPCs lined up, and I will probably make similar plans for anybody with multiple characters or who is willing to make a new character. I will not kill your character off without talking to you first, but that is something to keep in mind.
9. For posts, I prefer multiple paragraphs with some detail to them and a post once every week or every two weeks, but as long as I have an idea how things are going and you're putting effort into everything and giving everybody something to work with, it's all good.
10. Have fun! If you're not, let somebody know, and we'll do our best to help you out.
11. Finally, I would request that you use the color guide if you're coloring your posts at all. This is not a hard requirement, but it makes everybody's lives easier.
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*joins the party*
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I'm interested, but I have a couple questions:

1. How is hzar used? What can be done with it? How does it affect objects/beings? Are there any side effects?
2. Since the Shiren are intangible, how do they interact with the world? With objects? With technology? With other beings?
3. How do the Shiren possess the Dryverni?
4. What era is humanity in? Modern, etc.
I'm interested, but I have a couple questions:

1. How is hzar used? What can be done with it? How does it affect objects/beings? Are there any side effects?
2. Since the Shiren are intangible, how do they interact with the world? With objects? With technology? With other beings?
3. How do the Shiren possess the Dryverni?
4. What era is humanity in? Modern, etc.

Heyo, so as for your first couple questions, I believe you can find at least partial answers in the Character Index linked at the top of the page. I'm in a car just now so I can't do in-depth answers for a little bit yet, but here are the short answers.

1. Hzar's applications include telekinesis, telepathy, thawing and refreezing matter, and manipulating various types of energy (heat, electricity, light, sound, kinetic, etc.) When manipulated by itself for telekinesis or when thawing matter, it takes the form of a semi-solid mist similar to what the MCU version of Scarlet Witch uses for her telekinesis and messing with your head. Since it is life force and heavily tied to mental effort, using it too extensively can lead to exhaustion, headache, loss of consciousness, and possibly death.
2. The intangibility of the Shiren comes from a natural affinity for shifting matter. They are constantly shapeshifting and in a partially "thawed" state. They can easily solidify if they so choose, or go fully intangible.
3. By entering their minds and overpowering them to control their bodies, to put it as simply as possible.
4. Humanity is in the modern era.
Heyo, so as for your first couple questions, I believe you can find at least partial answers in the Character Index linked at the top of the page. I'm in a car just now so I can't do in-depth answers for a little bit yet, but here are the short answers.

1. Hzar's applications include telekinesis, telepathy, thawing and refreezing matter, and manipulating various types of energy (heat, electricity, light, sound, kinetic, etc.) When manipulated by itself for telekinesis or when thawing matter, it takes the form of a semi-solid mist similar to what the MCU version of Scarlet Witch uses for her telekinesis and messing with your head. Since it is life force and heavily tied to mental effort, using it too extensively can lead to exhaustion, headache, loss of consciousness, and possibly death.
2. The intangibility of the Shiren comes from a natural affinity for shifting matter. They are constantly shapeshifting and in a partially "thawed" state. They can easily solidify if they so choose, or go fully intangible.
3. By entering their minds and overpowering them to control their bodies, to put it as simply as possible.
4. Humanity is in the modern era.
Thanks! Sorry about not checking out the character index; I've been on hiatus a while and it's a new trend that has appeared in my time gone. Gotta get used to that.
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Thanks! Sorry about not checking out the character index; I've been on hiatus a while and it's a new trend that has appeared in my time gone. Gotta get used to that.
Yeah, it's no problem ^^ I just added the Discord invite link to the links up there, so if you want to pop in there and look at the information there, feel free!
Hey guys, I may have to shelve this for now. >_> Life has gotten a *lot* harder and more stressful for me as of late, and I didn't see it coming, at all. I can barely keep up with the other RPs I'm in--all but one that I seem to be able to write for most easily--and I honestly do *not* think I organized or planned this very well, and it's hurt my ability to make sure this starts or progresses past the character creation stage.

Now, if y'all feel like we should keep working from what we have now and try to get the RP rolling--all well and good, and I would be interested in trying that. But I don't know how well I can handle it with the rut I'm in and how poorly I planned this.

I'm really sorry, guys. :/ I love this idea and I want to GM it as an RP, I really do, but...I can barely write posts for any of my other roleplays right now. I'm just...in a rut and can't get anything done.

I'm sorry for keeping you all waiting and all...Like I said, I definitely want to GM this again, I just...need more time and maybe a retry. :/
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