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Friendly Neighborhood Fanthing
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Online Availability
When I feel like popping online.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Futanari
  5. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Magical, Romance, Slice of Life, Horror and certain fandoms.
IC Thread ~ Click HERE

A long time ago, so long that no one can even remember when or who delivered the prophecy. It was said that four babies would be born. Each baby would a strong affinity for one of the elements. fire, water, earth, and wind. The king at the time was a tyrant who ruled with an iron fist. The lands were in ruins, the people lived in poverty. Yet legend said that these children would rise up and restore the land to its former glory. The children were born, as foretold, around twenty or so years ago. The moment these children were born, the king had his guards whisk them away and lock them in a tower together.

On top of the poverty, the two races fought for supremacy. Humans and Demons constantly fought for power and what little food there was. This kept most of his subjects out of his way. If they were too busy fighting each other, they would pay him no mind.

It has been many years since that day, yet brave warriors still rise up and try to reach the tower. It is not as easy as it seems though. The king had his mages plant spells around the tower, ones that are not easily broken. Not to mention the battalion of guards that watch the entrance day and night. Plus it is rumored that a large stone door seals the tower, a riddle written across it.

Will you be one of the brave and try to free the elementals? Or will you continue to live in poverty under the rule of the king?

Character Sheets

((Human or Demon))
Rank~ ((Where you are in society))
Elemental~ ((Yes or no))
Weapons~ ((If any))
Appearance~ ((Picture or *very* detailed description))


Name~ Kimiko
Gender~ Female
Age~ 21
Race~ Human
Rank~ Noble
Elemental~ Fire Elemental
Weapons~ None

Name~ Winola "Winny"
Gender~ Female
Age~ 23
Race~ Human
Rank~ Knight
Elemental~ No
Weapons~ Rapier

Learn them. Live them. Love them.
1. Obvious. No god-modding.
2. Respect the other people. If your character wants to bitch slap another character and cuss them out, go right ahead. If you want to bitch slap another person and cuss them out, take it out of the thread and preferably to a moderator. I'm not going to handle your petty arguments. At least not nicely.
3. Damn, shit, ass, etc... If you don't like it, don't continue because there is going to be much more of it in the future.
4. Literacy. Learn the word. Love it. Because I do. I'm not going to go all grammar Nazi on you, just please... please... respect the English language... After all. Good grammar is the difference between helping you Uncle Jack off a horse, and helping your uncle jack off a horse. I will behave. Until i 2ee 2hiit liike thii2. OR SHIT LIKE THIS. I do not want to feel like I am being screamed at through text. I, however, will not murder you for one or two misspellings. Everyone makes mistakes. I understand this. Just, like I said. Please don't abuse the English language. It is a beautiful thing.
5. One liners are the enemy. Can we have at least a paragraph? Is that too much to ask? If I see a single sentence post, I will go beyond flipping my shit. I understand writer's block is a common issue, just please don't drop below three sentences.
6. If you have read these rules in their complete glory, please put "Save the Elements" in your character sheet. If I do not see this, you do not get accepted. Plain and simple. I will tell you that you can have a place once you've read the rules.
7. All characters must be approved by me before joining the role play. This is to prevent stupidity and, once more, to prevent shit flipping.
8. Each person is allowed to have two characters.
9. If you are gone for more than a week without giving me a valid reason before you disappear, you will be removed from the RP. We're not all waiting on one person, we want to keep moving. If you are going on vacation or something tell me before you leave.
10. @Petricus Euryale has the same power I do. Listen to him like you'd listen to me. He's my husband and partner in crime. His words are law just like mine are.

Accepted Characters
**You are only accepted when you have my okay and you are listed here**

Fire ~ Kimiko ~ Helena Sky
Water ~ Jun ~ Camleen
Earth ~ Kami ~ Petricus Euryale
Air ~ William ~xLarius

Questing Heroes
Winny ~ Helena Sky
Sir Penderlin of Steele ~ Petricus Euryale
Reign ~ Iceydaze
Sir Alexander of the Dawn ~ Blitzfang43
Roderick Castiel (The Wolf) ~ Blitzfang43
Aria Greenwich ~ Dramma
Yllhana Ilecerys ~ Sasha Bliss

Guadalupe "Lupe" Aveza ~ Sushi
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Taken note of, darling ;)
Which of the available elements would you want in? Air or water cause I can play either
@Camleen You can be whichever you'd prefer to be. I don't really mind ^.^
Name~ Kami.
Gender~ Male.
Age~ 22.
Race~ Human.
Rank~ Commoner.
Elemental~ Earth Elemental.
Weapons~ Stone disc, can be shaped into various weapons with his elemental power.

Name~ Sir Penderlin of Steele.
Gender~ Male.
Age~ 25.
Race~ Human.
Rank~ Knight.
Elemental~ No.
Weapons~ Witch Hunter Sword, an enchanted sword that can cut through magic. Any spell that is stronger than the sword may be weakened but not directly damaged. This weapon can not cut through the elements of the four (is yet to discover this and may just end up finding out the hard way). While a melee attack with this weapon has the strongest effect, as a quick but weak dispel he can fire a bolt of purple lightning capable of breaking weak magic.
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  • Thank You
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Then I think I would ask water to be reserved please. Ill do cs tonight. At work now. Do the 4 know one another yet?
@Camleen Consider it reserved! And yes. When each of them were born, the king had a tower specifically made to contain the four of them. They've lived together and known each other since children.
I'd like to reserve air?
I'm sorry I missed the part about the tower. Kinda read quick while on break.
Tell me this... Do they all just manipulate the elements or can they produce them? Is water and air seem to just appear by condensing and strengthening what's in the atmosphere already?
@xLarius Your spot is reserved =33

@Camleen My husband will be answering this question of yours seeing as he can explain my thoughts on this better than I can.... which is kinda weird O.o
Replying on behalf of the waifu here:

@Camleen The air elemental is able to manipulate air but NOT create air (so if they were in a vacuum, they can't make breathable air, but just out in the world they have ALLLLL the air they want to work with). Water is not technically able to create water. However, water can manipulate the moisture in the air and separate it to use on their own... Which may as well be creating it. Fire is very similar, can not technically create it but can pull combustible elements from the air and ignite them to create fire. Then, of course, she can also manipulate fire, obviously. Earth can not create in any form, technicality or otherwise.

We're also thinking of building a combo type thing for them to do together: Such as air and water combining their powers to create and control ice. Maybe water and fire to use steam-based elemental abilities together. And possibly fire and earth working together for lava or magma. Earth and air combine for metal. And fire and air for lightning. That's what we're thinking for now... xD
So can they just manipulate the elements in regards to moving it physically? Example: would the water elemental be a able to take water through its different phases? Like make steam out of water or make it into ice? Or will that just be exclusively something they can just use in pairs?
Well, the combinations should not be possible without the appropriate pairing. As to what the final combinations will be, we don't know. Water's combinations are our biggest area of doubt because we think that, maybe, ice and steam are just forms of water and it would make sense for water to be able to control them on their own. Likewise, since magma/lava is molten rock the same principle may apply to earth too. We will have to keep thinking it over for a little while.
Hello! Is it okay if I just post my character sheet sans appearance here? I can't get to my sketchbook atm and I don't particularly like using preexisting images as basis for my OCs, personally.

edit: image added!

Name: Guadalupe "Lupe" Aveza
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Rank: Poor, thief
Elemental: No
Weapons: Whatever she can find, usually poisoned knives for ease of battle; keeps a scythe in her hideout

Save the elements!
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@Sushi Of course! I can understand that. If I could draw better I'd use my own images, and I can't afford to commission ALL my ideas XD Anyways, You forgot one little piece of your character sheet and then I can formally accept your character. Please read through the rules ^.^ Also, would she be doing or own thing or questing with the "heroes" to get to the tower? Come to think of it, I really need to fix that from saying "Knights" >_>
A demonic knight sounds appealing. Perhaps something foxy? Not sure yet. If I go with that, may I add a little more info onto my sheet? Just to help both of us understand them more~

Mainly when it comes to abilities, 'cause the elemental's powers are pretty out there, it wouldn't be fair to have a demon's abilities and stuff hidden. o .o
@Iceydaze That would be awesome! Creativity is key here, so go nuts and have fun =33 Also, if you want to include some of the abilities, feel free. I won't force you to make them public knowledge. I would like to approve them though, if that makes sense =33
Awesome~ Sounds good. I'll just pm you the abilities after I finish the character~
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