The Few That Remain (IC)

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your blood on my teeth
Original poster
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  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
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  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
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  1. No Preferences
Horror, Dark Fantasy, Modern
The Few That Remain

Earth is dying. Earth has been dying for a long time now.

Us, the few that remain, know it. Our ancestors knew it. They were the ones who saw the world destroy itself in humanity's final war. They were the ones who saw the plague wipe out the rest of mankind. Soon, we will die too, just like the rest of them.

But there is hope. We may not live for long, but there are others who can carry on our legacy. They are like us, but stronger. They will survive us.

We must find them.



Dim green eyes stared unmovingly forwards, observing the white panelled ceilings that passed by her moving form. They were pristine, white and uniform – a sight that was sterile and devoid of life. However, it was familiar. It was the same sight she carved into her mind from her home, from the first time she awoke with sight that was far beyond human ability, when she awoke to her new life. Her home bore the same pattern but unlike her home, there was sounds that slowly began to register that was unfamiliar – that caused fear to further paralyze her. The pain in the static filled words broke her heart and it forced her to fight her immobility. Slowly, limply, her head lulled to the side to watch the sight before her.

There was another like her, immobile and being pulled along by a man garbed in solely dark colours – whereas he wore pristine white. His marble like skin was cracked and falling apart as an unearthly blue flashed from beyond the fissures. She noted wires and lights flickering beneath and she felt no fear but instead, calmness. The sight was not shocking but reassuring. This – he – was family. However, her hazed mind took to long to comprehend and she numbly watched as he struggled to get away. It wasn't long till his own brown eyes caught her own, unfocused green ones.


His voice was broken, what sounded like static looming beneath making it nearly inconceivable but her own hearing was impeccable – she caught the name. It took her a moment to realise it was her own. That she was Nova.

"T-they are going to end us! Th-" "F-ght"

Slowly, the situation bore upon Nova's awareness as fear settled once again within the depths of her mind. Memories returned quickly enough for her as she came down from her glitch. They were happy one moment, surrounded by family and next the orders had come for their disposal. The harsh depiction that their faults could not be fixed echoed in her mind and she felt her lips quirk to a small frown before they moved to speak. However, no words came out much to her dismay. Just like the researchers who worked with them, any words she spoke would be for naught. However unlike them, she could literally not speak up to defend them or herself.


Blinking, albeit sluggishly, she turned back to who she now came to realise was Timothy – another Cyborg project whose glitch effected his short-term memories. Despite that, he recalled his life as a pure human well and often told them all stories that soothed them in times of stress. He seemed to have slowly resigned himself and Nova felt her heart, though she did not have one, break once again. He, who was one strong, now looked defeated. Though Nova was not sure their robotic bodies could pull off such an expression she found it in his. She wished her own glitch had not imposed her in such way that she was currently unable to move, talk or even reassure her friend in any way. Instead, she was useless because of the very fault they wished to dispose of her for.

The lights of the white panels above quickly vanished as they were brought into a dimly lit room that seemed if anything, to be nothing more than a contained junkyard. However, it was not trash but instead metal scraps and limbs that were piled uncaringly upon one another. She noted that around were some lifeless metal bodies, the remains of cyborgs unable to be fixed or bodies that did not work with the mind despite the researchers best efforts. Though called a junkyard, she could only see it as a cemetery. Cruel evidence that despite the cyborgs existence to be a solution to the crueller fate of the plagues, there were many that saw them as less than human. As unnatural. How else could they dispose of them so disrespectfully?

Hearing a crash, she watched as Timothy was dropped to the floor and she soon followed. Though unlike him she made no verbal indication of the pain she felt when she hit the floor. Instead, she felt the panels that made up the skin on her face crack as she watched the blue illuminate the floor under her. The colour was soothing, and she watched it for a moment before looking to Timothy who was slumped against a pile of 'corpses'. However, her attention was drawn to the crackle of a radio and the guards chatter.

"What is going on?"
"I think we need to go – The nearby facility is being attacked and they need everyone to protect the facility"
"What about these guys? We were supposed to dispose of 'em?"
"Leave them. They are to low on that chemical crap to move – they'll shut down anyway. We can come back and do that."
"Fine…Your takin' the blame if we get in trouble'"
"Sure, Sure."

Nova felt her lips tremble as a surge of emotions prompted her lips to twitch into a frown. It was slow process to frown and the shifting of her lips was rigid due to the fissures decorating her olive 'skin'. Nonetheless, it was evidence the impact of her glitch prior was fading, though her lack of energy left her slow. Glancing back to Timothy, a soft, mechanical noise escaped her lips as she reached out a trembling limb to him to help him, but the motion was enough to draw the last of her energy. Her limb spasmed before dropping with a thud, the world growing dark around her with only the call of her name being registered before there was nothing.

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grAhAm oslin
Sleep was a scarce commodity. Harder to come by than food or an adequate shelter. Day and night blurred together, incoherent. Graham watched every sun set, and it seemed each one was more foreboding than the last. He had lost track of time, but time was nothing now. It was just another number. Another ache in the bones, another crease upon the brow.

Would he ever find them? That, he wondered every day when he was not thinking about Eliza's limp, cold body in his arms. Seldom he thought of anything else these days. It was impossible to think of anything else. Consumed, he was, by sadness and bitter rage. It was what kept him moving forward when the nights grew too dark, when food was scarce, when bloodthirsty savages hunted him down.

Then, one day, he finally found it.

There it was, in its whitewashed unmistakable glory. The facility, detached from the main research grounds, was considered a junkyard of sorts back in the day. A place to store the defective cyborgs before they were destroyed forever. But there were some that remained, untouched over the course of many centuries.

He glanced at the notebook once again, to ascertain he had come to the right place, then slipped it back into his pocket. He entered the establishment. It had been left open.

The place had been searched before, likely by a group of pirates or savages that so often traversed these lands. Parts were littered about; red and blue wires spilled out of an open hand; broken bodies lay in heaps, eyes glassed over and unseeing. Graham picked his way through the wreckage carefully, as if to avoid rousing the sleeping machines. Overhead, vines of green tangled with each other across the ceiling. The place reeked of abandon.

Then, something caught his vision that made him grow very still. For a moment, his lungs seemed to have stopped functioning.


He blinked. No, just another machine.

Graham bent down, staring into the blank canvas of a face, the open yet unseeing eyes, the slits underneath the porcelain skin. Unlike the others, she was still in relatively good condition.

He went to work.

First, he scavenged for the necessary parts and fluids to get the machine into working order again. Then, he started rebuilding her. Minutes stretched to hours, hours stretched to days, days stretched to months. There were several failed attempts. Several false hopes. But his endurance never wavered.

Then, the day came at last...

"Wake up."

@Sanguine Fox
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From silence came sound and from darkness, light. Everything Nova was, who she was, seemed to restart with a slight hiccup of shock. It felt almost as if awakening from a long sleep that left her tired, her limbs protesting even the slightest attempt to move and her mind, so used to the darkness she once drifted into so long ago attempted to pull her back. One by one, she faintly noted that the systems that comprised her body were being awoken and registering herself and the reality around her. Fear was becoming predominant in her active mind. The fear of being awake once again with the lingering memories of her last moments began to overwhelm the cyborg and her glitch lingered threateningly about, waiting for the moment to ruin her awakening. To take away this moment of fear and curiousity, to take away the moment she could move and live once again.

However, her fear of the glitch seemingly prevailed this time as part by part, her fixed form began to light up in an unearthly blue hue. Under olive skin trails of neon blue illuminated pathways, a mockery of the veins that would map out the human body as the chemical her existence was reliant on danced beneath her false flesh. Minutes passed without even the slightest movement from her form and her awakening seemed to be a failure when that lively blue vanished, leaving her looking suspiciously human – if she was not surrounded by the corpses of her family and kind.

Then, she moved.

It was a small twitch of her fingers, a slow, robotic jolt of the limb next. Her chest heaved as if she was reliant upon the oxygen in the air and then, green eyes snapped open. Fear, curiousity, shock, longing – they all danced around her consciousness and led to the hurried movements of her form. Scrambling onto her knees, the Cyborg pulled herself to stand, clumsily swaying in her place as a static filled gasp fell from her plump lips. Despite repairs she failed to notice, she was not in the best of shape. Nova glanced a rounded erratically, stumbling forwards slightly before she gathered the balance to remain on her feet and not enacting previous fall.

Nova fell into an unnatural stillness when she spotted the male. There was no fidgeting, no breathing, no blinking that indicated her body was natural as she stared cautiously at the man nearby. Slowly, her lips twitched smoothly into a frown, her brows knitting together as she found herself taking a few, planned steps back, leading her closer to the door. However, forced to calm down to try and deal with this unknown situation caused her to look at the room more carefully – a fact she quickly regretted. It was the same room. The same room that in her stasis, appeared in her nightmares where she was forced to watch her loved ones be ended cruelly one by one. She was to damaged, to dazed before to see the room entirely and now it only brought an expression of horror onto her features.

Nova turned back to the man, expression growing angry as she continued to step back with paced steps in case he moved – even slightly. Then she spoke, "W----who are you?" Nova questioned, her voice readjusting till she spoke without issue. Her tone was quiet but unnaturally melodic, an artificial addition to her form. Then, having tried to understand the situation she turned on him. "You destroyed them…my family…you are the one sent to dispose of us, aren't you!" She left no room for explanation, her accusations falling venomously from her lips.

This man was nothing more than a cruel, heartless monster – and if they could hurt her family so easily, so heartlessly, she would do the same. "Come near me. I will kill you…you know I can." Stumbling back to the door, her hand quickly slammed into it, throwing it open as she stumbled out. It was only now she noticed the damage, that wasn't there before, that littered her form. It was only a few steps before her arm spasmed with an eruption of blue tinted sparks – only to fall limply to her side straight after. Then, a leg gave out on her and she landed on her knees with a thud. Grimacing, she took a moment to look at her arm and it was easy to notice the minor parts missing despite being there before she shut down. Similarly, parts were rusted and damaged – not even all her false skin panels were present upon her right arm and she suspected her facial plates were still damaged too.

"What…What is going on!" She screeched, panic filling her as she sat herself against the wall, having pulled herself over with her working arm. Everything was different! Even the halls she passed through just before lacked the lifeless white theme as vines and plants climbed and grew in every nook and cranny. Nova just stared at it all, unable to speak as she tried desperately to understand what was going on before her growing emotions caused her to glitch.
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grAhAm oslin
The gears began to work. The wires buzzed to life. A minute passed. Two. Graham counted the seconds in his head, hopeful, watchful. A faint blue emanated from the machine, seeping through the artificial slits on its human face. The light grew, grew, grew. Then, all at once, it disappeared.

Graham sighed, believing he had failed again. But just as he was reaching for a cigarette, the machine began to move.

It was a twitch of a limb at first, eerily artificial. Then a sharp intake of breath followed--nothing but a mimicry, but at once familiarly human. Then, its eyes. Where they were glass before, they now took on a life. Emotion warred on the machine's face, as though a soul was trapped in there somewhere, screaming to be let out.

It stood, wobbled, like a child learning how to walk. The artificial limbs sighed underneath its weight. Graham looked on, face devoid of expression, but in his heart of hearts he was relieved. He had succeeded. Now, he could die in peace.

With a flourish that suggested habit, Graham produced a crumpled cigarette and lit it with a match. He remained sitting, as if the sight before him were nothing out of the ordinary, as if it were an every day victory. Acrid smoke billowed from his mouth as he leaned against the wall. Meanwhile, the machine continued to flounder about and look around.

He had all but forgotten its existence when it began to speak. How unnatural it sounded, how clumsy it was. This was supposed to replace their race? Ah, but it was inconsequential now. By the time machines succeed mankind, he would be long gone. He doubted he would remain disturbed in his grave.

The accusations spilled out of the robot's lips, but Graham couldn't care any less. It could believe what it wanted to believe, but his job here was done. It was only when it threatened to kill him that he actually started paying attention.

"Kill me?" He echoed, almost menacingly slow. There was a sort of irony in his voice. Though he had done what Eliza had wanted to do, that didn't mean he still condoned these machines. But then his face relaxed, and he began to laugh a deep, guttural laugh. He took another long drag of his cigarette, letting the stuff burn his nicotine-benumbed lungs. "You want to kill me? I won't stop you, kid. You just let me finish my cigarette. It's long since I had one."

But it did nothing of the sort. It stumbled backwards, convulsed, escaped the now smoke-filled room. For a moment, Graham was left to his devices, but not long after there was a thud.

A long sigh escaped from Graham's lips. Had the machine malfunctioned after all? He pushed himself up from the ground and went outside.

The brightness of daylight pouring out of a window blinded him for a moment. Swearing, he shielded his eyes, then looked around the deserted hallway. There, by the wall, sat the machine, looking much like a child cowering in fright. A frown tugged at Graham's lips. Pity swelled inside him for a brief second, before he pushed it all down, reminding himself that the girl was not a girl, but a machine.

"Look around you, kid. You're in a different time now. Things aren't what they used to be anymore." As he said this, he produced his notebook. There, all her questions would be answered. It detailed the research, the machinery, the intended goal of the entire project. It was Eliza's once. Now, he was giving it to the machine, for the notebook did not belong to him. It never did.

Somewhere in the distance, hidden in the shadows, something stirred ever-watchful.

@Sanguine Fox
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Though it was stood right before her, Nova found herself unable to comprehend the visible changes that produced inconsistencies against her last memories. It was different, and she couldn't comprehend how in such time, it had changed so drastically – how everything once pristine and uniform was broken and now crawling with life from outside. A trait no facility ever had before. There was little need for interaction with natures and for safety, everything was kept in pristine condition. The facility however, was undeniably a wreck and as far back as her memories, she had never seen something like this.

She couldn't understand, despite her best efforts.

The man from before crept from the crypt and her gaze narrowed once again, lips pursing with a huff. Would be she dismantled and disposed of now? Was that her fate, like the rest of her loved ones laying motionless in that room. With her arm unresponsive and her leg obviously damaged she could do very little, but she wouldn't let anything go without a fight. Pushing herself up further against the wall using her free hand, she brought it hurriedly onto her lap, ready if needed. Nova had jumped, shocked, when a notebook fell onto her lap and she looked cautiously between him and it.

Reaching out she gently pried open the first pages with a small frown upon her lips. "Different time?" Nova parroted back, her tone much quieter compared to before as he green gaze drifted to the pages of scribbles, her brows furrowed. She kept her focus divided upon him and the book the entire time. "What do you mean by different time?" Nova asked desperately, confused by this mess.

The notebook that sat upon her lap detailed her project – well, the project she was. With the lack of memories from before the project, Nova had put a lot of effort into understanding what she was when she awoke and how she worked. Though it seemed for nought as she was so easily 'scrapped'. "This is the project – Yes, I know this but…" The frown grew on her lips as her gaze flickered to him, unsure if he was who she believed him to be only minutes ago. "Please…The last I remember was they were taking me- …us, to be scrapped…". Seemingly, this man held the answers she was looking for.
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grAhAm oslin
Its eyes were probing, searching, though a faint glimmer of suspicion still remained. Graham heaved a sigh loud enough to wake the corpses of the machines lying broken in the institution. Somehow, he had not expected the machine to have any questions. After all, they weren't human. And curiosity is a very human thing. He palmed his forehead with his free hand, feeling a fever coming on. He was lacking sleep and in a terrible mood.

"It's probably been years since you were awake," Graham gave a huff, as if he were doing it a huge favor by answering its questions. What seemed like a rat skittered past in the distance, knocking over an empty can. "I don't know who "they" are. I'm only here because I was asked to repair you. A favor for an old friend. There's only you left, or maybe there's more, I don't know. What you do from here is up to you. Do the mission or don't. I don't care."

The cigarette stub fell from his fingers, spent, and he crushed the heel of his boot against it.

"Now, are you done?" This time it was Graham's turn to ask, "You're on your own now."

But as he was turning to leave, it appeared. Graham was loath to call it human, because it almost didn't look human at all. It had grey, grimy flesh, yellow teeth, bloodshot eyes that darted faster than what seemed humanly possible. It was a skinny thing due to undernourishment, and its back was bent, as though borne by the days it had spent its life crouching, waiting, hunting in the dark.

It crept closer.

These things didn't just loot objects like the pirates. They did more than that.

The savage lunged, teeth bared.

@Sanguine Fox
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Nova was a picture of shock in that moments, her lips agape and her eyes wide. Her expressions were a product of carefully calculated and tested designs but, in that moment, she looked impossibly human. Stunned by the fact that right now, she was in a time far different from what she remembered. That those she loved were gone and only she remained. A pain settled within her chest, though she knew it to be just to be phantoms crafted by her mind in memory of her old body. It wasn't really there – yet Nova unconsciously brought her working hand to settle on her chest in hopes that small notion would soothe the ache.

Her mind had trapped her in her thoughts for a while, but she grasped the rest of his words and her head shot around to him, curiousity peaking. "You repaired me…?" The cyborg parroted, raising a brow despite her low tone and lack of intent on him hearing her doubt filled words. Her 'species' – her kind and the step she represented to humanity, was over? Then what had become of the plague filled world and the wars just before it that sparked valuable steps in science and hope? Nova's gaze quickly slid to the man as her free arm moved to the joints at her knee, pressing her palm against it with a huff as she activated systems that would temporarily repair her till she could do proper repairs…if she ever could.

"I do not know what mission you are on about…and I do not understand why you repaired me if I am the last…-"She called out, a frown marring her features, "But can you just explain – what has happened? What happened to everyone – "Nova's curiousity was silenced when something from nightmares appeared in her vision and a gasp tore its way from her lips. The creature was identifiably human, but it looked like a twisted depiction that would be conjured for an old horror movie than human. "What the hell is that!" She screeched, waiting for the final confirmation of her leg working before she gathered herself quickly to stand, though she still stumbled with herself.

Gathering the book and forcing it between her limp limb, she curled the unresponsive fingers around it till they locked. Despite her confusion at this all, the book seemed to be of importance. The creature lunged with yellowing teeth and Nova had to resist shuddering at the feral and deathly look of the creature. Unsure who it was attacking exactly, Nova decided to step in either way. Regardless of the rudeness this man showed, Nova felt a sense of debt towards him in the very least. Bloodshot eyes trembled disturbingly, and Nova grit her teeth before throwing her arm out at the last second to catch the creature. It was an untrained blow, a mere action to knock it back temporarily. A thud echoed in the desolate halls as it collided with the wall, Nova remembering the strength of her 'body' before she turned to man and used her free hand to grasp his sleeve.

"I do not know what that is…but I am going to assume we should go from here, now…" Nova uttered, not looking back as broke into a run to escape the building and whatever else may have lurked inside as she knew they were probably soon to follow them.
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grAhAm oslin
The fear in the machine's voice was palpable, mirroring Graham's own. Before he could act, the savage lunged at him, long grey fingers clawing. Graham ducked, but it wouldn't have saved him from the blow if the machine hadn't stepped in to interfere.

Peeking out from under his raised arm, Graham watched the creature collide against the wall. A loud thud and a simultaneous cracking of ribs echoed in the hall. Graham winced. The creature might have been a savage, but Graham could still feel the pain in its agonized whining. But to help would be suicide. Savages were beyond help. They were insane, ridden with disease, infected beyond what medicine could heal. They wandered around desert plains now, places where there were hardly any civilized life. For they were outcasts. Untouchables. To be touched by a savage was to risk getting infected.

It seemed that this creature was working alone, which was lucky. Savages often traveled in groups, territorial over their land like wild animals.

For now, the sole creature didn't stir.

Graham followed Nova, but it had been a while since he made proper use of his legs, and his bones ached. Running took a toll on his smoker lungs too, so that by the time they reached the outdoors and into safety, he had to stop for a moment to catch his breath.

When, finally, he was breathing right again, he opened his mouth to say something in gratitude, but all that came out instead was:

"You could have just let me die in the hands of that savage. Why didn't you?"

@Sanguine Fox


It did not take long for the cyborg and human duo to stumble into the harsh light of the outdoors. Nova was barely focused on her surrounds as she was forced to turn and look at him, worry bleeding into her expression as she waited a short while to allow him to gain his breath. She doubted he would have stopped running if he feared the creature followed them this far. Her gaze never slid from him, but she did shift slightly with his question, her brows knitting together as a frown marred her features. "Should I have just let you die then?" She snarked back, sarcasm dripping from her words before she sighed weakly. Mechanical body or not, her mind was already exhausted trying to keep up with everything. "I am not cruel. I wouldn't just leave you to die or whatever would have happened. Plus, I guess in some way, you saved me, right? So, it's only fair." Nova explained, taking a slight step back to finally take in the area.
An action she quickly came to regret.
A gasp fell from Nova's lips as her eyes widened dramatically. As if the world was coming down around her, Nova's limbs seemed to go limp – only the already unfunctional limb holding the book remained the same as everything else seemed to go weak. Her form shuddered uncontrollably as her gaze swung around frantically from detail to detail of the massively changed landscape. It was different and her mind spun. This landscape was once lively and full of noise. Now it was just a desolate wasteland, devoid of the details and colours that it once held and reluctantly, Nova had to try and accept that maybe this man was right…she was in a time that was not her own.
Except, that was far easier said than done. The sight alone caused the tremors in the artificial body to continue and everything about her seemed to quickly become a mess of jitters and spasms. Her grip collapsed as her arm was forced to work, dropping the book to the dusty ground with a thud as she soon followed, falling to her knees without a single verbal noise. Evidently, it was clear she was not entirely human but the robotic shift of her eyes and the pulsing blue that lit up beneath her so-called flesh.
"S----Shit…." Her voice hissed out when her sudden pulse of fear brought her emotions to high and set off the glitch she cursed so much. A weakness – her fault and the reason she was to deemed useless. "Not now! This isn't funny anymore!" Nova cursed, the lack of response she got from her body only served to increase her fear despite its common appearance in her life. Not only was she in a time not her own, she was now unable to move for a short while till the glitch was fixed but there was also disgusting, vulgar and down right feral humans lurking around.
Currently, she just wished this man hadn't taken the time to reactivate her.
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grAhAm oslin
It was the second time that day that Graham found himself caught off-guard--a first in the span of many years. The machine was not only programmed to feel emotions--if emotions were indeed the word for it--but also programmed for sarcasm. The very first hint of a smile quivered on his face, though it was gone as quickly as it appeared. It was almost as if it hadn't even been there in the first place.

They were outside now, and it was just as bleak and terrible as the facility they had came out from. What was once a tall, imposing wall, complete with security cameras and a string of barbed wires along the top was now crawling with moss. The cameras were broken--brown from the many years it had been in disuse, its lenses cracked and unseeing; like dead insects left hanging to die, ruined by the ebb and flow of time and nature's force. The many buildings that surrounded them were also green; the earth overtaking and claiming back its territory. They had jagged holes in them, as if something had chewed parts of the infrastructure away. The concrete had broken off and lay in heaps.

The sight clearly had an effect on the machine. It shivered, moved frantically, glitched. Panic rose within Graham, and only then did he realize, as he watched the machine struggle on the ground, that he couldn't leave it. Not yet. For some cursed reason, this was his fate now. He made a promise to Eliza long ago, and he was going to see it to the full, even if it killed him.

"Come on," he grunted as he bent and put the machine's arm around his neck, "We can't stay here, kid. Gotta go find some place where there aren't any of those crazies around. Maybe we'll find some better parts to fix you up with. Stay with me now."

And with that, he hauled the both of them to safety.

@Sanguine Fox


Nova hated that her body, despites it's believed flaws, could not cope with the times her mind span with worry and fear. The disconnection between signals leaving her defenceless, something that only exacerbated her terror. How could she not be terrified when she physically could do nothing but await the time her emotions settled and the chemical could establish peaceful connections with her form. So, Nova had no say when the man helped her up and led the two of them well away from the nightmarish creatures that she could safely say would inhabit her nightmares from now on. "You know, I don't think you can call me kid. If what you say is true, which I cannot deny anymore, I've got to be older than you, right?" She muttered, rolling her eyes childishly.
It didn't take long for him to find somewhere safe – a small clearing of growing plant life in the depths of this twisted and collapsing town. It was hidden but spacious and Nova mourned the loss of the world she once knew. She did not know of one place that looked like this before she awoke except in apocalyptic movies and depictions. Considering the creature before, she wouldn't deny the possibility of that in the very least. Nova sighed when she felt a wave of calm consume her, strangely finding the other to be safe, she settled and soon enough she felt the familiar sense of control she once had of her body. Unwinding her arm from his, she slowly gathered herself to stand – finding that she had full control again.
A smile danced upon her lips as she glanced around, studying the environment for a moment before turning to him. "Sorry about that. The glitch is problematic – my brain can't work with my body if I freak out or anything." Nova explained briefly, feeling bad he had helped to lug her unmoving form all the way here. Considering he seemed to struggle to keep running before, Nova felt guilty. "I think its my turn to ask...why did you help me? Reactivating me and then helping me here? Before you seemed content to just leave me back there without a care…" Nova asked, her gaze narrowed slightly. Worry was evident on her expression as she hinted to find out if he planned to ditch her once again. This day was confusing enough and the only person around she could see to explain anything was him.
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grAhAm oslin
It might have been a machine, but it definitely acted much in the way a child would. In his head, Graham could tick off all the reasons why he considered this machine, which was supposedly many centuries older than him, to be nothing but a mere child with no real knowledge of the world. Or at least the world as it was now. But he kept his mouth tightly shut. It was hard enough to breathe without talking.

"If you say so, kid," The man grunted, the last word slipping out by force of habit.

When at last they reached a clearing within the depths of a wooded area, Graham collapsed against an oak tree. Its thick, low branches twisted about, moss-covered, like the many arms of a sleeping giant. It was darker here. The blanket of canopies made it feel like another time in another world.

"You have a mouth on you, don't you?" A pause. "It's a long story." And that seemed to be the end of it.

Graham sighed, fingering his pocket for more cigarettes. There were none. He had smoked the last of his batch. It would be a long time before he could replenish the yearning ache in his lungs again.

Something crawled on his arm. He looked down to find a long trail of ants climbing down from his shoulder. Behind him, on the tree trunk, the trail continued. He looked up, and there--small enough to be discreet--was a dark cavity in the wood. Inside, nestled among many other goods, were three bottles of liquor.

For the first time in a long time, Graham laughed.

"Well, lassie, looks like our luck has turned," He said merrily, holding the bottles up as if they were prized trophies. Then, sitting down, he began to drink in gulps.

It wasn't long before the alcohol started to take effect. Graham had had barely any food these past few days.

"I'm only doing this for her, kid. Don't you mistake this for kindness or pity. The last thing I feel for your sort is pity," He found himself saying after a while, made more talkative by the whiskey, "I made a promise. Reactivate you so you can--oh hell, I don't know--make more of your own kind for all I care. Reactivate the others. Start a revolution. Start a new race. One that will outlast mankind, because that's just what you'll do. Replace us." He pointed at her with the other unopened bottle, as though to accuse her of a crime. "That's why I helped you, because of a promise I made a long time ago. So don't you start thinking funny things, kid. This ain't about you."

@Sanguine Fox


Nova didn't look any happier when he found alcohol and even less so when his drunken ramblings began to spew from his lips. Mechanical body or not, her emotions were present and so were her consciousness and his words easily struck a silent chord. A soft, distract hum passed from her lips as she eyed the bottle, wondering if it was as good as everyone made it out to be. Remembering very little of her time with her 'real' body meant she had very little recall of any more human experiences.
Sighing, Nova went and took a seat on smaller, flat rock as she folded her arms stubbornly across her chest. Reactivated or not, Nova felt anger swell up at the evidence of her being used. Once again, people forgot she was still her – just her body wasn't natural anymore. "Make more of my kind?" She cooed sarcastically, her frown growing as she glared at him. "Evidently, you lucked out. I am one of the few of us that know how we work…but do you even know? It's not like I can build a body and zap it to life, you know? We are human in all but body. I have feelings! If more of 'my kind' " Nova reiterated, bringing up her working hand to emphasis her last two words, "were made, do you think we want to be treated like tools again?" Nova questioned, leaning back against one of the trees with a huff.
When she felt her anger quickly deplete – this situation having been no different from the past, Nova just groaned, running her working hand through her hair. It was a habit – a trait the scientists called from before her accident. "Do you know what its like to be thrown away like trash? Because my body isn't flesh anymore and because my mind betrays me sometimes, I am disposable?". Fed up, Nova just shook her head softly, burying her head into her working hand – an action that finally caused her to realise her predicament. Adjusting herself to sit properly, she pressed her fingers into the damaged grooves of her unmoving arm, "Great. Who took parts out? I can't do much till I find a part! Invasion of privacy much…" Nova hissed, glaring at the 'joints' of her arm where a few smaller parts had been stripped during her deactivated time. Gathering herself up, Nova stepped around the area carefully, her eyes scanning the area carefully. "You can stay there any get drunk – I don't see the point of it though. I'm going to try see if I can find parts…or something…I need my arm to work."
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grAhAm oslin
Something about this place made him feel on edge. It was too peaceful, too convenient. But in the haze of his insobriety, Graham dismissed the thought as the mere product of paranoia and exhaustion. He took another swig of the bottle. The warmth of booze trickled within him, spreading a feeling of tranquility he had not known in ages. A chuckle came out of him, unbidden. With the stale scent of whiskey upon his breath, he replied:

"Yasee, kiddo, yasee kiddo, thasssexactly whaaaimtalkin' about," The bottle swayed in his hands in an elaborate gesture, "Youaaarenothuman. Not huuuman."

Vaguely, he was aware he was simply repeating himself. But one couldn't trust a drunk to be concise.

For a minute or two, he was alone--finally alone with his thoughts. The world spun around him. Everything seemed surreal. But what calm he had from before was gone now. There was a constant nagging in the back of his head that told him he shouldn't stay here. It frightened him, made the hair on his arms rise. Graham stood, stumbled, then followed the machine.

"Oi, holdonwillyou, man's gottacatchhisbreath," He huffed, once he finally caught up with her, "Cigarettes. Need them." He dared not tell her his real reason for tagging along, even in this drunken state. His pride wouldn't allow it.

It was getting darker now. And if they weren't careful, they could get lost.

@Sanguine Fox


Nova had begun to scan the ground around her carefully in desperate hopes of finding a part or in the very least, something she could use to make the small, tricky parts that allowed her arm to function properly. The man's drunken stupor was not appreciated, as evident by the scowl settled on her features and she was sure that if she were not confused due to the current predicament, she would have ditched him immediately. That very thought was becoming more desirable with each minute, especially as he once again called her 'not human'.
Spinning around on the spot, her steps having fallen to a sudden halt, Nova glared lightly at him as she reached up to jab his chest painfully with her fingers. "Let me ask one thing that I hope despite your inebriated status, you can answer." Nova hissed, venom dripping from each word, "If you lost an arm right not, something to which is becoming very tempting from my part, and you got a prosthetic would you still be human? Because you still have your thoughts, emotions, memories…just part of you physically is gone. That's all this is! I don't have the same flesh but everything that made me 'human' is still there. I remember the days I spent in that facilities with others like me. I remember the good days and the bad, the times we all hated our existence and the ones we were so happy!"
Nova wished she could cry…it wasn't something her body could create but a soft sob fell from her lips as she cast her gaze to the ground. This was all so frustrating! Everyone was gone and everything had changed during her time offline – it wasn't even the world she knew! Nova didn't know the world anymore and she was unsure on how to act, how to be or what even to do! Biting her lip harshly, she spun around and continued her path in search of parts – her quick steps a way to try leave the drunken, unnamed man behind. Suddenly, ditching him seemed her best bet. "You got your win right?!" She called back, sadness lacing her tone. "You reactivated me. You can just leave me alone now right? I'm not human after all so you shouldn't want to be around me."


grAhAm oslin

Everything was spinning.

It was all Graham could do not to trip on his own feet. In his insobriety, he could barely understand what this machine was trying to tell him. If he "lost an arm"? What was she on about? Was she threatening him?

He was so out of sorts that when the machine jabbed its mechanical finger against his chest, he stumbled backwards. The bottle in his hand fell to the ground. Booze spilled out and trickled into the soil. A vague sense of regret hit Graham just then. Whiskey was hard to come by these days. Stupid machine for going and wasting perfectly good alcohol. He could feel an insult growing in his throat, clawing out--

Graham bent over, hands propped on his knees, and out came the word vomit--no, actual vomit. His throat burned. The stench of alcohol assaulted his senses so much his eyes watered. When he felt like he had vomited all the contents of his stomach, he collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily.

"Do whatever you want. I don't care, machine. Yes, that's exactly what you are. A machine," he heaved, eyes closed, as he lay there spread out on the cool grass. "So what? Are you going to kill me now? Go ahead. You think I care? I'll gladly die."

And then he laughed like he hadn't laughed in ages.

@Sanguine Fox


Nova was searching as phantom feelings of tears running down her face tormented her. She knew she could not and it only served to upset her that like she once could, she could not express her feelings aside from expression. She was a hurricane of different feelings - all of which she desperately shushed to keep herself aware. This man's continued insults only added to her grief, her anger and the growing wish she had not been reactivated. This was not, even remotely so, the world she once knew. At least, though she was intended to be destroyed, in her time she faced less hatred than she did from this single individual alone. Instinctively, her hands reached up to press against her shut eyelids as if to catch tears that would never fall. This situation was all to much - she still didn't even know what that...thing was earlier!

The man vomited and quickly enough, it caught her attention. The noise was familiar but it took her a moment to recognise as she twisted around to stare wide-eyed at him. Nova blinked owlishly, watching him collapse onto the ground with a laboured breath. Worry manipulated her artificial features and soon enough, a sigh left her lips. Nova had all but planned to abandon him for his harsh, unforgiving words her resolved dwindled dramatically. Eventually, Nova heaved a deep though unnecessary sigh as she headed back over to the fallen man, a frown on her lips.

He looked idiotic - collapsed there with the smell of alcohol permeating the air around him. It caused her to scrunch her nose up and cause her to wonder if she could turn off that sense of hers. Considering the artificial nature of her body, she supposed it could of been possible. Her arms raised, something that may of appeared threatening at first but she quickly folded them across her torso, leaning over the fallen man with a grimace on her features. This time, instead of the sadness she felt irritated, something that reflected in the narrowing of her gaze. "You know what, you are making it really appealing to be a 'machine' as you least I don't look like a sorry heap of flesh like you." Nova replied sweetly, a false smiling twisting upon her lips. If anything, she looked more annoyed than angry. "Maybe take a moment to listen, dumbass. I do not and have not killed anyone. Not in the past and I don't have any plans to - as appealing as you make it.". Straightening herself up, she held a hand down for him, to pull him up. "The only reason I am not leaving you, whatever is running around these days is because you helped me, I guess."

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grAhAm oslin

Something stirred atop the trees. A dark shadow--or multiple--amidst leaves and bent branches, peeking out unblinkingly above him. In his drunken daze, Graham could not ascertain how many there were. He didn't need to. The men above had no intention of staying hidden within the safety of the canopies for long. Two men dropped agilely to the ground, just barely missing his head. They were very much human unlike the strangers they had encountered earlier, but there was a haunted look about them. One was an older man, just a head taller than his companion. He was a swarthy fellow, with a dark beard and piercing grey eyes that glinted even in the dark. He looked down at Graham soberly; one would think he looked almost regal, had he not dressed like some leader of a ragtag motorcycle gang. The other was a younger fellow that was likely in his teens; where the other man was abundant with hair, he was quite the opposite. There was a notable lack of hair on his head, making his forehead appear larger than it already was. He had a doe-eyed look to his expression, as if he didn't quite know what he was doing there.

"Ah, that's my money you're puking out, son. And that's my soil you're puking on. Booze ain't easy to come by these days. You wasted my treasures," The man spoke, somehow managing to sound completely audible despite barely moving his lips around the toothpick he had been chewing. "But it don't matter, I'll take this robot as payment," He jerked his head in Nova's direction. "You take what's mine, I take what's yours. Isn't that right, Cal?"

The boy named Cal simply shifted on his feet, looking quite startled at the mention of the word 'robot'. He gave a hesitant grunt of affirmation.

"You're gonna fetch me a hefty price in the market, alright," The man continued, gazing at the girl. From his holster he produced a gun. He didn't raise it nor point it in her direction. He simply held it, as if it were nothing but a mere accessory like the toothpick between his teeth. "I know a lot of folks who'd pay a good price for a working robot like you."

@Sanguine Fox


Everything changed quickly enough and Nova was left stunned when their pairing of two became a group of four. A muted gasp of shock tumbled from her parted lips as she stared, wide eyed at the two strangers, dark green eyes scanning them cautiously. From the second of their appearance, Nova had stumbled back a few clumsy steps, her working hand wrapping rightly around the limp arm that hung useless at her side. This world was already unknown to her and its people were a whole new realm of fear. She didn't know what they were like - though she couldn't help but think they dressed strangely. Everyone did, in all honesty. However, she said nothing. Nova was still garbed in the white uniform clothes of the facility - though it was drenched in dust and dirt.

The unknown duos words started her, causing fear to raise its ugly head in her mind. Nova's concentration became divided between them and her fragile attempts to keep herself calm. Any anxiety would paralyse her - literally. A sharp intake of breath passed her lips as she felt her gaze narrow in false bravado, "I am not a robot and I am certainly not owned by that drunken moron, thank you very much." Nova added, sarcasm dropping venomously from her words. Anger lingered in her artificial gaze, a frown - almost a pout, resting upon her lips "I'm getting fed up with being called a robot. I am a Cyborg. C-Y-B-O-R-G." Punctuating each word, Nova threw her working arm up dramatically. "I have thoughts, feelings, memories - all of it! I have a brain for gods sake! A literal human brain."

Nova continued to grumble to herself for a moment, eventually folding her working arm back across her with a stubborn, irritated huff. "Please, tell me why I am going to be going with you? To be sold? Like an object?" She asked, her words poisonously sweet as a forced smile decorated her lips. "As fun as that sounds and all...and as annoying as the drunkard is...I don't think so. I'm not entirely worried about your weapon either..." That wasn't an entire lie, Nova's only concern was having to attack someone. Having been offline for so long, she doubted any sense of control remained. "God, the world went to hell..." Nova muttered to herself.
