The Expanded Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Sign-Ups | OOC | Character List

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What are your thoughts on the Lord of Hunger, Darth Nihilus?

  • Disappointing ..

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  • Sion was better.

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Rosé Moon

Original poster
  • [Fieldbox="Revan, Red, Solid"]"Nar-Shadaa, Master Kae, it's not the place I'd expect you to be, and yet... here you are. As close to where I needed you, right when the time came.". Perhaps it was the lack of Mandalorian mask. Or maybe it was his lack of flowing, dark robes. Or maybe it was the peace in the presence of his Master, but the 'Jedi Crusader' felt very little like a war hero here, in the neon illuminated night life of the scum-filled city streets of Nar-Shadaa, but his master? No, the former Jedi Master, Arren Kae, looked as though she demanded just as much respect as ever. Clad in her traditional, brown robes with only the area beneath her eyes visible underneath her cloak. He knew it was because the old woman was blind; well, that is, in the traditional sense. Although her eyes did not grant her sight, she saw. Possibly more than anyone in the entire galaxy. It was her teachings that had guided a young Revan into a world, even larger than the Jedi could show him. "I won't mince words, master. I would like to request your guidance with me in the War. The things I've discovered in unknown space... I need your guidance to understand their true value."[/fieldbox]
    [Fieldbox="Kreia, green, solid"]"I hear you've embraced this name the public has given you; this... 'Revan'." his silence to her statement was all the response she needed before continuing. If there was a being in this universe unaffected by Revan's seemingly boundless charisma, it was his first master. Her voice was as sharp and curt as ever, and it was evident in his positioning that he still heeding her words, as each muttering sounded like it could hide a deeper teaching.

    "I too, have changed my name. A sort of declaration if you will. I am going by Kreia now. A sign of duality. Proof of this new path.".

    She felt Revan arch an eyebrow. She could guess it was at her abandonment of the Jedi Order, and not her change in name. She didn't feel the need to explain herself, and she knew Revan knew enough that she wouldn't explain unless it was conversation she began.

    "I will not, however, be journeying out with you my dear apprentice." Revan was silent. Astute, and as hunger for knowledge as ever. "I have seen where you are going, and it is a place I too must go... but your road will take you there first and it is a path I cannot guide you through; it might dull the lesson for you". Up until this point, Arren Kae, now Kreia had seemed almost a statue. Now finally she shifted in the chair a bit. "You are going somewhere I must follow, but until you have prepared it, I cannot be there."[/fieldbox]

    [Fieldbox="Revan & Kreia, white, solid"]The gears of Revan's mind spun at the words of his old master. The way she spoke were as quizzical as possible. She spoke plainly, but there was tier, after tier of meaning. He didn't just need to hear her. He needed to understand her. Find the hidden meaning, behind the hidden meaning. However Kreia did not need him to understand her. Not now. Not yet. She knew he would, upon a far away world, covered in storms at the hands of a being of red-skin.

    A snap occurred in Revan's mind, and the time to think and contemplate had ended. An entire army had been placed on hold for him to find and request the aid of his master. He was not mad though. How could he? His master had shown him so much more. Was this inconvienient? Yes. Kreia-- Jedi Master Arren Kae would've been a great aid to him on the artifacts and temple he'd found on Malachor V.

    Her absence would not make him weak, just strong... slower.

    "Then I must depart, my master." Revan imparted, finally standing, and the the ambience of Nar-Shaada suddenly seeming to explode around them "I'm afraid there is a war waiting." Without another word, he turned his back to the older woman, who remained seated but finally looked up from beneath her hood, although she could not see. Not with her eyes at least. Through the Force, she examined him, with eyes as white as the braids of hair that fell over her shoulders. What she saw in him was a flurry; a storm of sorts. She saw a cloud of dark, contained and controlled by light. As if the rage of the darkside had been honed to a blades edge, and was effectively being wielded against what most would call 'evil', for the first time in known history. He truely was an anomaly. She would burn the entire galaxy down to make sure he could continue this path. No dogmatic views. Just the raw Force, controlled, not guiding Revan by the hood into his 'destiny'.

    It was then that she stood. Like her once padawan, she had places she needed to go, and things to explore. Unbeknownst to Kreia, Revan had been luring his master, Arren Kae. Though, she believed she now had the impulse to travel into unknown space this was actually thanks to Revan. His master was a threat. She was so knowledgable in the Force, that keeping her on the side was dangerous. She could help him bring the Mandalorians to their knees, and then have her discarded on Malachor with the rest of those that either didn't completely agree with his ideals. However, the Jedi Order had to think she had gone with the other Fallen Jedi. So... he'd shown his growth, it seemed. By implanting the location of Malachor in his masters mind. If she had felt his probing in her mind, she might have destroyed his mind. He knew she could. Her ability in the Force was, while perhaps not as strong, was much broader than his. That's why his approach had been simplistic, and seemed to had slide under her notice.

    "Farewell, Master Kae."[/fieldbox]

  • Have you ever played Knights of the Old Republic II? Even with the restored content mod on the PC version, it seems there was a lot of that gem of a game that will never see the light of day. As a lover of the Old Republic, I want to create a community of role-players dedicated to filling in the holes that can never be filled anymore. Who was Darth Nihilus before Malachor V? Where was Jedi Master Arren Kae before she exiled herself and became Darth Traya? This shall be a series of stories that I already have stories for! Instead of simply only writting them out on paper for me to enjoy, however, I wish to write them out with other players.

    Also, each episode will have an element that is very... Knights of the Old Republic. If you've finished the first, you know what I mean.

    I will be acting as a game-master as well as playing essential NPC's and occasionally having my own character. For the most part, however, I will be the world around you... one might even say I'm the Force.

    Characters will level up and grow, depending on their actions and how willing they are to act. There will also be a behind the scenes karma counter that I will take personal care of. This karma counter will influence how your ability advances as you level up. If you level up, and gained dark karma in that level, your ability will advance more to the dark, obviously.

  • [Fieldbox="Episode I: Revanchist Scabs of Malachor V, Red, Solid"]
    n 3960 BBY, Revan drove the Mandalorians increasingly farther back, and the Republic retook the Lianna system. Revan then forced a final confrontation at Malachor V, deploying a massive fleet to the planet in order to lure the Mandalorians into attacking. Revan also deployed a superweapon that he had prepared in secrecy: the Mass Shadow Generator, a gravitational weapon designed by the Zabrak engineer Bao-Dur. The generator was intended as the centerpiece of the trap at Malachor, where Revan hoped to bring an end to the conflict. Revan split his forces in two, giving half to Meetra Surik to lure the Mandalorians into range of the superweapon and tasking her with the activation of the Mass Shadow Generator. However, Revan himself was delayed outside of the Malachor system by a Mandalorian scouting party, and by the time he arrived in the system, a massive naval battle was underway between Mandalore the Ultimate's fleet and Surik's ships.

    Mandalore, realizing that defeat was inevitable due to the Republic reinforcements, challenged Revan to single combat aboard his flagship. Revan accepted his challenge and boarded the vessel, where he engaged in a duel to the death with the warrior chieftain. Despite Mandalore's strength, he was eventually overcome by his Jedi opponent; Revan struck down Mandalore, who ended up dying at the Jedi's feet. As the Taung coughed up blood, he removed his mask and began to speak to Revan about how he had been betrayed. Mandalore explained how the Sith had manipulated him, as the Sith's spell had broken in Mandalore's last moments, and in order to prove his story, he gave the coordinates of the planet Rekkiad to Revan. As Mandalore died, Revan picked up Mandalore's Mask, the symbol of Mandalorian leadership, and took it as his spoils of war, preventing a new Mandalore from being chosen.

    With Revan's victory over Mandalore, the Republic forces began to press the Mandalorian fleet ever closer to Malachor V, but they also suffered heavy casualties in the process, prompting Surik to command Bao-Dur to activate the Mass Shadow Generator. Both Revan and Surik's ships were out of range of the weapon, and they watched in horror as most of the Mandalorian fleet and a large part of the Republic fleet was drawn toward the planet into a massive gravity vortex. Tens of thousands died as hundreds of vessels collided with Malachor's surface, devastating the once-lush world and fracturing its core as the ships were crushed into the planet. The Republic suffered incredible casualties, though nowhere near as many as the Mandalorians, and the sheer number of deaths caused a substantial wound in the Force. Surik was the closest Jedi to the vortex to survive, and she instinctively severed her own connection to the Force to avoid being killed by the resulting shock wave. In the wake of the utter devastation, the remaining Mandalorians transmitted their unconditional surrender to the Republic.


    With their defeats and victories settled, the Republic returned to the core worlds, and the Mandolorians fled with back into unknown space in great haste. Neither side wanted to revel in the void that Revan had wrote-- the Republic and Mandalorian's on the surface hadn't had a choice. While the sheer number of deaths upon Malachor V had created a great wound in the Force, the cut was not clean, nor concise. It was more abrasive. There were smaller injuries around the larger cuts. These scabs were the survivors that fled Malachor V unbeknownst to the Republic, Jedi Order, or the Mandolorians.

    We are the Scabs of Marachor V.[/fieldbox]

    • Follow Iwaku Rules. I threw up in mouth a little just typing that out because it's sickening how often that has to be stated.
    • The EOR is character driven, and responds heavily to character interaction. Because of this, romance is tricky. It is allowed. Of course. But it cannot be FORCEd or cheesy.
    • Characters will die, sometimes at the whim of other players. These stories are littered with more betrayal than the bible, and when it happens another character will only be warned through my GM foreshadowing, argo, through the Force. However, if a player wishes to betray another character, it must be discussed with me through PM. Murdering without story buildup will not be allowed.
    • I have no intention to deprive anyone the chance to play this, if it is there desire, but I do have low-expectations for grammar and literature. In-character posts should be submitted in the third-person, and to the best of your grammatical ability. Typos are fine, I rush and do it all the time, however text-speak is not alright.
    This will be expanded upon in time.
  • S
    [fieldbox=Arno Rayn -- Level 1, green, solid]

    Age: 30
    Race: Human
    Class: Republic Soldier
    Job: Combat and Ship Engineer
    Sexuality: Male (Bisexual)

    • Strength: 7
    • Dexterity: 4
    • Constitution: 3
    • Intelligence: 19
    • Wisdom: 7
    • Charisma: 10

    Likes: A well-stocked workshop, quality repair tools, droids, flirting, collecting spare parts, creating something out of scrap, the hum of the hyperdrive, exotic alcohol

    Dislikes: Wasting perfectly good scrap, being in charge, sloppy workmanship, being alone for too long, abusive behavior, condescending holier-than-thou attitude, betrayal

    Ability: Reverse Engineer [LVL 1]: When working with a droid, Arno is granted a temporary +4 to INT, and can use his droid comrade as a reference to recompile any disabled droid the party comes across. With the use of a single computer spike, Arno can reprogram their behavior to the benefit of the party, or to the benefit of himself.[/fieldbox]


    [fieldbox=Jena Lilith -- Level 1, blue, solid]

    Age: 26
    Race: Human
    Class: Fallen Jedi Guardian
    Job: Combat
    Sexuality: Female (Straight)

    • Strength: 10
    • Dexterity: 15
    • Constitution: 10
    • Intelligence: 4
    • Wisdom: 7
    • Charisma: 4

    Likes: Having a decent sparring partner, learning new techniques, combat, quality food, powerful individuals, rain, taking charge when appropriate, humiliating others

    Dislikes: Confined spaces, pretentious individuals, failure, stagnation, mood-killers, cheap booze, overly sour foods, cowardice

    Ability: Revanchist Guardian Sense [LVL 1]: You have left the Jedi Order, and it's teaching to fight for peace with the Jedi Crusader! You have fought countless Mandalorians, and you know your way around the battlefield. When outnumbered in a fight against foes with blasters (or any ranged weapon) you receive a +3 to DEX and a +1 STR. Against a single opponent, blaster fire can't touch you! You are one with the Force, the Force is with you!

    [fieldbox=Sidarus Rao -- Level One, Red, solid]

    Age: 28
    Race: Mandalorian Human
    Class: Mandalorian POW (As in a Mandalorian who is now a Prisoner of War, not a Prisoner of War to the Mandalorians)
    Job: Soldier: Heavy Weapons Specialist
    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Stats: (distribute 50 points)
    • Strength: 14
    • Dexterity: 4
    • Constitution: 10
    • Intelligence: 8
    • Wisdom: 10
    • Charisma: 4

    Likes: Combat, Strong people, Wisdom, Honour and an Honourable death, Attractive People, Mando'a Caligraphy, Reading, Big Guns

    Dislikes: People who talk too much, Smart-asses, Preachers, Cowards, Military food, The idea of rotting in a cell, Dying for nothing

    Ability: Army of himself [LVL 1]: Sidarous hasn't just survived war, and helped the Mandalorians conquer worlds, but he has done so against the renegade Revanchist Jedi. Squaring off against lightsabers and telepathy comes naturally. When faced against a Jedi or Sith, Sidarous is impervious to mind affecting Force abilities, such as tricks, hypnosis, fear, or rallying. He also is granted a +5 to either CON or WIS. [/fieldbox]

    osè Moon
    [fieldbox=Yulon Hus -- Level One, yellow, solid]

    Age: 42
    Race: Cyborg
    Class: Revanchist Jedi Sentinel
    Job: Solider, Recon
    Sexuality: Asexual

    Stats: (distribute 50 points)
    • Strength: 7
    • Dexterity: 10
    • Constitution: 3
    • Intelligence:10
    • Wisdom: 18
    • Charisma:2

    Likes: Manners, addressing others by rank, well performed strategy, political discussion, and the Jedi Order.

    Dislikes: Speaking out of turn, disrespect, the unexpected, not getting his way, Revan and to a greater extent, Mandalorians.

    Ability: HK-531 [LVL 1]: Having fought in direct combat alongside the Jedi Crusader, Revan, Yulon understands the cruelty of war. His ability, HK-531, allows him to add +4 to wisdom when facing multiple enemies. He creates a dozen micro strategies and keeps himself several steps ahead of his opponent!

    oba Fit
    [fieldbox=Azesha Zekral -- Level 1, pink, solid]

    Her new Lightsabers after she left the order:

    Age: 22
    Race: Togruta
    Class: Grey Jedi (Former Guardian before she left the order)
    Job: Bounty Hunter & Mercenary (On the Republic payroll unofficially. Working in the shadows against the Mandalorians.)
    Sexuality: Female - Bisexual

    Stats: (distribute 50 points)
    • Strength: 12
    • Dexterity: 12
    • Constitution: 10
    • Intelligence: 4
    • Wisdom: 6
    • Charisma: 6

    Likes: Saber Form training, Studying the ways of the force, swoop bikes, proper food, open & strong minded people, alcohol, spice, and the Hidden Beks.

    Dislikes: Mandalorians, Sith, Haughty Jedi, Republic rations, Rodians, Rude men, any gang other than the hidden Beks, and the weak minded.

    Ability: Gray Righteousness: After the Jedi split, and some left to follow Revan into war and the remaining stay, sitting on their hands, you decided to side with either. Because of this, you hold a higher image in public eye. When speaking to someone not from the Jedi, or a Mandalorian, you are granted +6 to charisma.

    In battle, you benefit from your unusual training. Not following the guidelines of Jedi training, you are granted a +3 to either your DEX or your STR. This is lost after a battle, and the points cannot be reallocated to the other stat until the next battle.

    ero the Grimm

    [fieldbox=Nerese, purple, solid]

    Age: 43
    Race: Sephi
    Class: Jedi Consular
    Job: Jedi tactician
    Sexuality: Lesbian


    • Strength: 0
    • Dexterity: 12
    • Constitution: 4
    • Intelligence: 6
    • Wisdom: 10
    • Charisma: 18
    Likes: History, jedi relics, tea, The Force, reading

    Dislikes: Needless violence, destruction of culture and history,

    Ability: Nerese may not strike down her foes, but her charming wit, and experience make her nigh in fallible! The Faultless Beacon grants her a +2 to charisma when trying to deceive or influence, and a +5 to dexerity when not attacking during battle, but rather playing defense.


  • [fieldbox=CHARACTER NAME HERE, green, solid]Character Image or Description here

    Class: (Fallen Jedi (Guardian, Consular, or Sentry), Republic Soldier or Mandolorian and Mandolorian POW)
    Job: (If you choose a Republic Soldier, or Mandolorian, specify the job your character held in their respective army.)
    Sexuality: (Only Important for development situations)

    Stats: (distribute 50 points)
    • Strength:
    • Dexterity:
    • Constitution:
    • Intelligence:
    • Wisdom:
    • Charisma:



    Ability: (Given by GM after approval, don't worry about this)
    [fieldbox=CHARACTER NAME HERE, green, solid]Character Image or Description here
    Class: (Fallen Jedi (Guardian, Consular, or Sentry), Republic Soldier or Mandolorian and Mandolorian POW)
    Job: (If you choose a Republic Soldier, or Mandolorian, specify the job your character held in their respective army.)
    Sexuality: (Only Important for development situations)
    Stats: (distribute 50 points)
    Ability: (Given by GM after approval, don't worry about this)

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[fieldbox=Yulon Hus -- Level One, blue, solid]

Age: 42
Race: Cyborg
Class: Revanchist Jedi Sentinel
Job: Solider, Recon
Sexuality: Asexual

Stats: (distribute 50 points)
  • Strength: 7
  • Dexterity: 10
  • Constitution: 3
  • Intelligence:10
  • Wisdom: 18
  • Charisma:2

Likes: Manners, addressing others by rank, well performed strategy, political discussion, and the Jedi Order.

Dislikes: Speaking out of turn, disrespect, the unexpected, not getting his way, Revan and to a greater extent, Mandalorians.

Ability: HK-531 [LVL 1]: Having fought in direct combat alongside the Jedi Crusader, Revan, Yulon understands the cruelty of war. His ability, HK-531, allows him to add +4 to wisdom when facing multiple enemies. He creates a dozen micro strategies and keeps himself several steps ahead of his opponent!
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[fieldbox=Arno Rayn, green, solid]

Age: 30
Race: Human
Class: Republic Soldier
Job: Combat and Ship Engineer
Sexuality: Male (Bisexual)

  • Strength: 7
  • Dexterity: 4
  • Constitution: 3
  • Intelligence: 19
  • Wisdom: 7
  • Charisma: 10

Likes: A well-stocked workshop, quality repair tools, droids, flirting, collecting spare parts, creating something out of scrap, the hum of the hyperdrive, exotic alcohol

Dislikes: Wasting perfectly good scrap, being in charge, sloppy workmanship, being alone for too long, abusive behaviour, condescending holier-than-thou attitude, betrayal

Ability: (Given by GM after approval, don't worry about this)

Sooo... Can I be like a mechanic type character? I can't seem to remember if Repair is based on Int but it seems the most logical one. I think Computer might be based on Int too... Well, I would like that kind of focus for my character, like a grease monkey or a computers expert if that makes sense within the RP, if not I'll have to go back and think of a different angle.
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Reactions: Rosé Moon
A engineer from the Republic Fleet is totally fine! I think I'll tweak the skeleton part of the OP, on that note.

Edit: I added a Job section to the skeleton! If you want to add that, I'll get you your ability and you'll be our first player character!
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  • Thank You
Reactions: Snowflake
Yaaay, I hope it's ok to give him a bit of a wide spectrum of knowledge rather than throw heavy focus on either ships, vehicles or droids. If not then I hope you can suggest what would be better to focus on based on the plot, Ship Engineer if a lot of time will be spent on a ship or a field/droid engineer/technician if it's going to be only fieldwork.

Also, I edited the job in.
Yaaay, I hope it's ok to give him a bit of a wide spectrum of knowledge rather than throw heavy focus on either ships, vehicles or droids. If not then I hope you can suggest what would be better to focus on based on the plot, Ship Engineer if a lot of time will be spent on a ship or a field/droid engineer/technician if it's going to be only fieldwork.

Also, I edited the job in.

And with that-- approved! I will come up with Arno's ability and add him to the roster shortly!

Your ability has been added to the player list, as well as his ability Reverse Engineer!
  • Love
Reactions: Snowflake
Whoa, a single computer spike at level 1, that's insane. I remember having to blow maybe 15 spikes to get a security droid/system to kill a bunch of dudes in a room nearby. xD
Whoa, a single computer spike at level 1, that's insane. I remember having to blow maybe 15 spikes to get a security droid/system to kill a bunch of dudes in a room nearby. xD

That is only when a comrade droid is nearby! But yes, that will definitely come in handy.
  • Love
Reactions: Snowflake
Out of curiosity, how hard would it be to acquire one non-homicidal droid? Or are they going to be more like PCs and NPCs?
Out of curiosity, how hard would it be to acquire one non-homicidal droid? Or are they going to be more like PCs and NPCs?

That will be up to your eventual comrades. I will introduce, and play, NPC droids from time to time but they can be destroyed easily (at least the ones that are east to come across), and through circumstance if players aren't careful. Or if there is a traitor among you that you've rubbed the wrong way.
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Reactions: Snowflake
I'm still adding to the OP, but I hope we can get at least two or three more people on board so we can start. I can't wat to run some players through my ideas!
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Reactions: Snowflake
I am not gonna lie when I say that just seeing the RP made we go and download KotOR on my PC. I loved the second one even for all its broken mess at the end, but I never did beat the first one. Maybe now I'll get to doing it... For research purposes, of course. :P
  • Love
Reactions: Rosé Moon
[fieldbox=Jena Lilith, blue, solid]Jenna Lilith.jpg

Age: 26
Race: Human
Class: Fallen Jedi Guardian
Job: Combat
Sexuality: Female (Straight)

  • Strength: 10
  • Dexterity: 15
  • Constitution: 10
  • Intelligence: 4
  • Wisdom: 7
  • Charisma: 4

Likes: Having a decent sparring partner, learning new techniques, combat, quality food, powerful individuals, rain, taking charge when appropriate, humiliating others

Dislikes: Confined spaces, pretentious individuals, failure, stagnation, mood-killers, cheap booze, overly sour foods, cowardice

Ability: (Given by GM after approval, don't worry about this)


  • Jena Lilith.jpg
    Jena Lilith.jpg
    65.8 KB · Views: 2
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[fieldbox=Jena Lilith, blue, solid]View attachment 163535

Age: 26
Race: Human
Class: Fallen Jedi Guardian
Job: Combat
Sexuality: Female (Straight)

  • Strength: 10
  • Dexterity: 15
  • Constitution: 10
  • Intelligence: 4
  • Wisdom: 7
  • Charisma: 4

Likes: Having a decent sparring partner, learning new techniques, combat, quality food, powerful individuals, rain, taking charge when appropriate, humiliating others

Dislikes: Confined spaces, pretentious individuals, failure, stagnation, mood-killers, cheap booze, overly sour foods, cowardice

Ability: (Given by GM after approval, don't worry about this)
Our first Revanchist Jedi! Welcome aboard, I'll have Jena added to the list asap, complete with an ability!!
@BlueFlameNikku Jena has been added, along with her ability, Revanchist Guardian Sense! Which will provide a dex boost, since that seemed to be your favored stat, when against multiple opponents with blasters!
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Reactions: Snowflake
  • Like
Reactions: Snowflake
[fieldbox=Sidarus Rao - Level One, Red, solid]

Age: 28
Race: Mandalorian Human
Class: Mandalorian POW (As in a Mandalorian who is now a Prisoner of War, not a Prisoner of War to the Mandalorians)
Job: Soldier: Heavy Weapons Specialist
Sexuality: Bisexual

Stats: (distribute 50 points)
  • Strength: 14
  • Dexterity: 4
  • Constitution: 10
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Wisdom: 10
  • Charisma: 4

Likes: Combat, Strong people, Wisdom, Honour and an Honourable death, Attractive People, Mando'a Caligraphy, Reading, Big Guns

Dislikes: People who talk too much, Smart-asses, Preachers, Cowards, Military food, The idea of rotting in a cell, Dying for nothing

Ability: Army of Himself! Sidarus' many conflicts against the Jedi has made him resistant to Jedi mind abilities, as well as addting to his CON, or WIS.
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