OPEN SIDE STORY The Evrensel Conflict -- Warden's Blues

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Devyn Rose
CITY OF ULU @Valkan @LenxKaitoYaoi @The Lotus Archives @Girania the Knightess @Wade Von Doom @Apothecary Bruce @Raffia Kiryuin

Life was fucking weird.

Devyn remained two steps behind the Doctor, hands raised palms-forward and looked liable to slip away at any given moment. Life was fucking weird and it was plain as day right there in her eyes —the discomfort at the unknown, the curiosity of the desperate, the palpable confusion of what was in front of her— gaze shuffling from form to form, taking in it all: tall, tiny, stout of shoulder, and squat of legs. She could feel herself spiraling into a hole of doubts and suspicions, but a familiar voice broke through the din.

Devyn smiled awkwardly at the introduction, cursing the nickname that was surely going to stick, and sent the Doctor a silent thanks.

The distraction from her thoughts— her fears —was exactly what she needed.

She replied to the blue creature in front of her, voice cracking. "It's n-nice to meet you too. Wh-um, what should I call... you...?" Devyn looked up and around at everyone gathered, "All of you, I mean."

She cleared her throat and looked to Ibra, who reminded her of Monsieur Evrard, though the latter was far, far past his prime. "I got here a week ago. Near abouts, I think. Mon-Monsieur Evrard might be able to give you exact dates... the fall made me sleepy, I guess, 'cause Evrard said I was asleep when he found me. Didn't wanna know for how long so I never did ask."

Glancing around the gathered peoples, she eyed the one she assumed was Ziv, the one who had died in front of the Doctor. Her gaze was soft and observant and decidedly noticeable, but all she did was give a small, shy smile if eye contact was made. The same could be said for the tiny, colorful being hovering about the unconscious one, though a wary coldness froze her in her steps when she took in the furious head stuck in the sand. Devyn took an involuntary step backwards, a brow rising in calculation.

I think I'll just play dead if that one comes after me.
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Once again, Villhaze found herself ensnared by a trap, falling victim to a cheap shot as the ground beneath her feet collapsed. With her lightning-fast reflexes, she managed to leap out of harm's way, or so she thought. But the freshly formed hole seemed to possess an insatiable hunger, swallowing her up like a hungry vacuum cleaner devouring a stray sock. Growling ferociously, she fought against the invisible force, her efforts initially showing promise as she struggled to break free. However, Ibra's cunning combination of earth and petrified roots proved too formidable to overcome, effectively restraining Villhaze at last. Her angry protests echoed through the air, particularly when she spotted Terakomari, the person she held dearest, injured and unconscious in the grasp of some mysterious entity. An aura of comical rage, reminiscent of a Super Saiyan, emanated from her as she renewed her attempts to break free, much to Ibra's amusement. Though it likely resembled an angry chihuahua challenging a pitbull to the outsider's eye. "Get your filthy hands off of her!" she snarled defiantly.


Meanwhile, at the crater moments earlier, Terakomari found herself cradled in the arms of none other than Sonic the Hedgehog. Despite her diminutive stature, she proved surprisingly light, making the task easier for the small hedgehog as he returned to the group of misfits gathered from across the multiverse. While Saber forged a contract with a new mage, a pair of individuals approached Terakomari, providing much-needed healing that hastened her recovery. In her unconscious state, she experienced fleeting visions and fragmented memories that did not belong to her. As she stirred awake, the source of these mysterious recollections revealed itself: the doctor...

Rising to her feet, Terakomari rubbed her forehead wearily and stifled a yawn. "I just want to go back to sleep," she grumbled, addressing no one in particular as her lack of motivation to deal with this rogue AI made itself apparent. Her gaze then fell upon her loyal maid, Villhaze, who remained trapped in the magical hole, struggling to break free. Without hesitation, Terakomari rushed to her aid, digging frantically at the edges of the enchanted prison. "What happened to you? Who did this?" she demanded, her concern evident as she worked to liberate her devoted servant.
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Girania watched as her patient awoke, mumbled about wanting to continue sleeping, then suddenly get up and run over to the woman that Ibra had bound with a spell. The Vieran woman was unsure of the current situation, but she was glad that the healing magicks had done their job. Selene had considered following the woman to further assist with injuries, but Girania had stopped her. As much as Girania wanted to believe her faerie friend could avoid harm as she usually does, she did not want to test how well her chances were against people whose poison worked more like acid.

As she got up, she mumbled to herself about her fee and unforeseen complications before approaching Ibra.

"Perhaps you should dispel your magick. With their panic, keeping her bound would only lead to them considering you, and by extension us, as their enemy."
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"I see, thank you." Ibra said to Sonic, before turning to the Doctor and Devyn "Fret not, Doctor, Devyn. I am not intent on violence. That said... he briefly glanced at the maid "I was tasked both as a peacekeeper and a guide to you scattered in our world. She arrived rather violently, and decided to act recklessly. I'd rather not take any risks. I don't know how I would face my King should I have let that one attack our guests." That's when the maid decided to speak up, as angrily and unreasonably as before. Ibra pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed when he saw the young one wake up and run to the violent one. Overhearing Girania's advice, Ibra muttered "I'm getting too old for this" under his breath.

"I will let you go. Feel free to follow us or not, up to you. I don't want to run late, and you really don't seem like you will listen to me soon enough. But know this: Nangarvat's fury will rain upon you, should you try to disturb the peace of this world, foreigners." The part about raining fury would cause a pang of an unknown fear to appear inside the maid's mind. With that said, Ibra tapped his longbow on the ground, and Villhaze would feel petrified roots forming a proper platform for her feet as they raised from under ground, and then spreading like a blossoming flower, which turned to dust as soon as she was fully released. Ibra put his bow away and looked at each of the rest present, then nodded "Let's get going, we have someone to meet. As for you two..." He then proceeded to explain to the Doctor and Devyn their mission, should they accept it. As for who they were meeting, that wouldn't take long to be figured out.

Ibra led the group to the tavern area of an inn deeper in town. It was moderately packed, the highlight, was that there was a fully armored lady with a greatsword resting against the wall adjacent to her. "Over there." The beastkin pointed to the ones not aware of her by then. Ibra walked towards her, the woman met the group with her gaze. Her brows rose. "When Sir Ryan said 'odd looking group'... He certainly wasn't kidding... She commented once they were in earshot, Ibra, to be more precise. "Oh, where are my manners? I am Lady Victoria Kaenile. The... Warden of Sil Prison. The one you've been hearing about."
She would sigh, it was clear that weighed on her. "I'm the sole survivor of the riot, as far as I know. So the least I can do is help you deal with those crazed criminals." She would then reach under the table for a map, that she would roll out on the table. Down to business in record time. "Ulu is here." she pointed "And over here is their camp, not too far away, they are still going strong on resources from the last place they attacked, so they just thought to rest up and continue their rampage tomorrow. I've already scouted it, they have no one on guard. They think nobody is brave enough to face them. We will show them how wrong they are... That said, I'd like you to use non-lethal force. I know I may be asking much since they will aim for your lives if they can, but... Please just do." Victoria struggled with words at that last moment, trying not to be overcome by feelings, mostly frustration coming from anger and sadness.

"There is a hill near the camp. We will rush from there and stop them." Ibra then chimed in "I will stay on that hill and stop stragglers" Victoria nodded "That's great. Thank you, Sir Ibra. As for the rest of you, any questions?" It was clear she was raring to go.
A lot was going on quickly. Ziv decided his attention was best focused on Villhaze, nodding to Girania at her suggestion. "Good idea." He agreed. He settled on Villhaze after Ibra released her with a small smile. "I know it seems like a lot, but you did come here and start attacking things. Please try to understand our concerns. Despite what it feels like right now, we're the good guys. I promise, after we've finished our job here, we'll do what we can to help you, okay?"

With that said, he made to follow Ibra, though paused as he did so. He felt like he was being watched. It was easy enough to find the eyes on him, since the moment he did they smiled… shyly? He hummed to himself. What was that reaction? For the moment, his first only real conclusion was a potential crush, but that seemed a bit sudden. He supposed it was possible though. He shook the thought off and offered a smile of his own at her question. "Xivestial, but you can call me Ziv if it's easier." With that introduction and a slight bow, he took after Ibra. They could talk on the way, since Ibra was giving them the run down of the current events.

Once they arrived at the inn, they were greeted by a woman who looked somewhat… troubled. He shrugged to her comment about being odd. It didn't take long to understand why she was troubled, though, as she explained things. A difficult struggle to bear. But one he didn't have much time to comment on, so he offered a sympathetic smile before focusing on the map and the strategy at play. He crossed his arms as he thought about her request and Ibra's position. "I don't care to kill, anyway, so I can do that." Though he realize the frustration in her for such a thing, it was the smart move. They needed them alive. "I'm better suited to stealth and scouting, so I can take up the rear to watch our backs, or I can take post at Ulu and make sure none of them try to seek safety there." It was the best he could offer right now. He could fight in the front lines as well, though.
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Devyn Rose

Fighting wasn't her specialty. She could throw a mean left hook, kick a dude square in the nuts and smash his face in with her power armor helmet, but any more than that and she was a missing link. A chink in the armor. A dent in the divide between safety and harm. Devyn looked between Ibra and Lady Victoria; they held an air about themselves she'd rarely seen before back home. Regal. Noble. The wasteland wasn't made for such novelties, not anymore at least... but perhaps a taste of it here wouldn't be too bad.

"I can throw a couple one-two-combos," Devyn said with a small cough to clear her throat, "But I'm not exactly made for killin' either."

Not exactly.

She gave Lady Victoria an earnest smile to reiterate and acknowledge her request, "Non-lethal is good with me."

Devyn held up her left wrist, where her Pip-Boy- up until now -had been concealed by the warm and shaggy cloak she'd been gifted. It was a hefty hunk of green-tinted metal, with buttons, dials, and a small screen that flared with amber-colored diagnostics. It was capable of a bunch of different things, mostly benefit to her alone, but there was one thing that may be of use.

"This is from my world— it's called a Pip-Boy." She held up a hand and scrunched two fingers as she said, "'Personal Information Processor.' Buncha different functions, but what may be of use to you is the mapping capabilities it has." She flushed a little and flicked over to the map tab. Of her waking week here, she'd taken a few walks around town and widened her horizon... so to speak. The device on her wrist, from what she surmised over the years, used something called 'sonar' to measure and map out nearby locations. If she went low and slow (like she'd been doing the past few days during her walks) she could record incredible depth and detail from surrounding locations— but if she climbed somewhere high (like the hill she and Monsieur Everard climbed to the day before when traveling to farms north of the southern border), she could record a whole swathe of information, albeit lacking in details.

She showed the swathe of map she'd acquired to Ibra and Lady Victoria as she searched for the location the latter pointed out, curious to see if she revealed it, and placed a pin nearest the location regardless.

"I can help scout and record data and y'know, pass it along afterwards. I prefer stealth attacks myself, if I gotta be fightin', so I'll just get lost in the chaos I suppose. But uh, question, you gotta blunt weapon or somethin' I can use? I'd appreciate it. My normal's may be a bit too, uh, bloody."
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