The Evrensel Conflict -- Prologue, Chapter 3, Mission 4: Long Road Ahead

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Marco Dekimotre

Marco decided to not quarrel along with the others, remaining silent. Especially after Morgan appeared. He stared off into the distance, worried... not that anyone would know, but still. He snapped back to reality once when a rain of bullets came. He was away from danger so he just transformed his weapon to a railgun and observed as the improvised teamwork stopped the fire. He then stepped in, following the pink blob and the wizard, only to be trapped. By this point, some of the bravery of the others in the room rubbed off on him, enabling him to act "O-Okay..." he said to the wizard. Marco them proceeded to precisely shoot at the robots he had clear sight of right in the head, slowly, as it was a railgun after all.
"GET THE HELL OUT!" Another shouted back, signaling everyone to retreat. But the bulkhead doors closed as they tried running, sealing them in. The being in the pool with Tex then suddenly stood up, screaming out as it tried biting Tex's neck like it wanted a chunk of flesh off her.
And then the lights went out, along with a very interesting song. For the moment the lights went out Kilgren's body froze. A sudden fear gripped her body and her face was that of terror. When the red lights came back on people would see her on her knees as if she collapsed. At least the music was helping. There was also the sudden arrival of alien creatures that had emerged from the various tanks. The creatures honestly reminded Kilgren of the undead the system had faced at the beginning stages of creating a civilization, but now wasn't the time to compare them to creatures they were not. The soldiers had also lessened their fire during the panic. Slowly, Kilgren stood back on her feet. She then noticed one of the creatures jumping out of the tank that the red head was in. If she tried to materialize a firearm she might miss and hit the girl, but she might also hit her with the flames in a slash. A firearm had a better chance of having less injuries, so she would go with that. The sword that Kilgren was holding quickly morphed into a revolver, which quickly took aim and fired a small ball of fire. It hit the monster in the shoulder, which might not bring it down but it would at least deter it.

Tex spurred into action as the creature moved. Disregarding the yelling from the Ruskies, she slammed the butt of her rifle into the jaw of the creature sweeping its arms out of the way. This left enough of an opening for the strange woman on the balcony's shot to land true. Tex on the other hand wasn't paying attention to that. The hand on the stock of her rifle dropped to her waist and quickly whipped a 1911 from its holster. To which she proceeded to plug three rounds into the creatures chest. A second later the three rounds in its chest detonated rather violently, leaving a gaping hole where its torso should be.

"Get me the hell out of this god damn pit!" She shouted as she holstered her pistol making a mental count of how many rounds she had in it.

"Ah... you... Help me up, and then I'll pull you out got it?" Tex slung her rifle by the sling on her back and moved over to a wall beckoning with a hand to Velvet.
The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

The Doctor waits for the others to get up and move before she does herself. Really, all this violence is not her 'thing' at all. Reminds her too much of a time in her long life she'd rather not think too much about.

The glass wall closes just inches from her heels and back, causing the blonde woman to stop in her tracks a moment before ducking and crawling along the floor toward some semblance of shelter from the rain of bullets. A row of chairs seems inadequate, but with a raise of her sonic it is just enough. The device sends out the same override signal that makes half the robots turn on the other half for a few brief moments before the virtual intelligence corrects the command. It's all The Doctor can do in the situation; keep sending out the override command to thin the numbers of their robotic enemies.

"Badass to the bone!" Thea says to Murphy taking a saying yelled often by a former Resistance target while she fought alongside him en route to his command post.

During her brief siege of the hallway, Red Hood would take advantage of her stream of bullets to detonate some explosives to clear out the more resilient robots in their way.

"Hallway is clear." Thea announces to the others. "And good thinking, Red Hood." She commends the apparently inventive man. She performs an ammo count on the run down the hallway. Two boxes left with no reloads available. Once this weapon was spent it would have to be abandoned and replaced. Luckily a scan of the downed robots yields adequate replacement and ammo. She stops quickly to sling a rifle over one shoulder.

When the alarms sound; the glass wall comes up behind them; the walls open up and more enemies march in; and that music plays, Thea identifies the two largest as the most vital targets and sprays them with automatic fire. One is eaten -for lack of a better word- by the pink organism allowing her to focus fire on the other from the top and down.

This focus opens her up to more enemy fire. Bullets puncture her flesh in several points before she ducks behind a chair, uttering some pained groans appropriate for the flesh wounds on her shoulders, right cheek. She and others may have been worse off if not for the efforts of the pink one and The Doctor.

"Securing post!" Thea yells as she uses her remaining heavy ammo to shoot out any robots that come into the area they have been made to occupy for cover.
"GET THE HELL OUT!" Another shouted back, signaling everyone to retreat. But the bulkhead doors closed as they tried running, sealing them in. The being in the pool with Tex then suddenly stood up, screaming out as it tried biting Tex's neck like it wanted a chunk of flesh off her.
And then the lights went out, along with a very interesting song. For the moment the lights went out Kilgren's body froze. A sudden fear gripped her body and her face was that of terror. When the red lights came back on people would see her on her knees as if she collapsed. At least the music was helping. There was also the sudden arrival of alien creatures that had emerged from the various tanks. The creatures honestly reminded Kilgren of the undead the system had faced at the beginning stages of creating a civilization, but now wasn't the time to compare them to creatures they were not. The soldiers had also lessened their fire during the panic. Slowly, Kilgren stood back on her feet. She then noticed one of the creatures jumping out of the tank that the red head was in. If she tried to materialize a firearm she might miss and hit the girl, but she might also hit her with the flames in a slash. A firearm had a better chance of having less injuries, so she would go with that. The sword that Kilgren was holding quickly morphed into a revolver, which quickly took aim and fired a small ball of fire. It hit the monster in the shoulder, which might not bring it down but it would at least deter it.

Tex spurred into action as the creature moved. Disregarding the yelling from the Ruskies, she slammed the butt of her rifle into the jaw of the creature sweeping its arms out of the way. This left enough of an opening for the strange woman on the balcony's shot to land true. Tex on the other hand wasn't paying attention to that. The hand on the stock of her rifle dropped to her waist and quickly whipped a 1911 from its holster. To which she proceeded to plug three rounds into the creatures chest. A second later the three rounds in its chest detonated rather violently, leaving a gaping hole where its torso should be.

"Get me the hell out of this god damn pit!" She shouted as she holstered her pistol making a mental count of how many rounds she had in it.

"Ah... you... Help me up, and then I'll pull you out got it?" Tex slung her rifle by the sling on her back and moved over to a wall beckoning with a hand to Velvet.

It was amazing, how much fighting for your life on a constant basis let you get a handle on a situation quickly. Velvet quickly scanned the room, trying to get a grasp on the situation. From the looks of things, her friends didn't get teleported with her to this place (or if they did, they weren't anywhere close by). With that, and the ongoing clusterfuck, Velvet had to move and help these people deal with these soldiers and these abominations. With that, Velvet reached her human arm to pull up Tex.


"Tell me what you need me to do. I'm not much use in prolonged battles, so I'd like to end things quickly. I've got a couple options for long range if you need that, but I need targets and room," the Therion stated heatedly.
Rider & Ozwald Ahlgrim

They didn't stand a chance... Oz and Rider decimated the defending forces on the vicinity of the top of the wall. "A tad bit disappointing, don't you think? Considering it is the supposed last safe haven for humans" Oz said calmly, as he observed one of the spikes he made from the ground for a moment, impaling a soldier and a drone, before focusing his attention back on the battlefield below. "They weren't even worthy of my bow. Even if we didn't arrive, they all were bound to perish" he then steered his horse next to Ozwald's position, with one of his Noble Phantasms in hand. "Should we head back down? They seemed to have made a faster entrance to the city" Oz watched a little longer before nodding. Forming a slope of rock all the way down to the tunnel, the two white steeds flew down as white streaks due to their high speeds and heavy wind aura, with barely any flinch the streaks dived in, and only slowed down once they reached near the end. As they got out with a hop, both were able to pick up the direction of the teleporter. With that settled Rider and Oz, not feeling a particular rush, started trotting towards the building... Or they would have, but the group started dividing and turning on each other. Oz sighed. "Should we..." Rider asked, readying his sword for release. "Let's just see how this plays out... for a while at least. We shall head for the exit of this place if they take too long" that said Oz readied his energy saber, in case the fight got to them. They had moved enough from the tunnel to not be attacked from behind, unless somebody actually bothered to actually try... not that it would be effective, but the group didn't know that.
Red Hood

"Give me enough time and the right resources, I can whip up just about anything to kill or maim someone or something." He'd reply to Thea as they soon came under fire from more droids after they legit had a wall of glass pop down behind them, trapping them with the killer robots, Kirby literally swallowing one and taking on the features of it while Kirby shot his arm gun at said robots.

Jason was legit kinda jealous.

"....We're gonna talk about that later over beers." He commented. Jason taking aim with the rifle he had looted, letting out short bursts at the droids, taking cover whenever they returned fire. Unfortunately, he didn't have grenades or such to throw this time, so he was forced to kinda take up babysitting, which in this case was making sure the Doc didn't get hit by the bullets flying around everywhere. Noticing that Thea had been hit, Jason would wait til it was safe to make his way over to her. Providing covering fire as he took cover next to her.

"You need some help?" Jason asked, as he didn't have anything to deal with the bleeding, but hopefully they could find something to treat Thea's injuries.

@Amber Franklin
Max O'Reily

As the situation escalated into a full on firefight, Max struck. As the soldiers got burned and others turned into gore, Max took care of two soldiers. Beginning by delivering an elbow strike to one of the soldier's throat to keep him busy while Max shot a taser bolt into the second one, incapacitating the soldier instantly.

Before the punched-in-the-throat soldier could recover, Max used his knife to quickly slice the neck of said soldier, and taking his rifle. Stealth was out of the question as pure chaos overtook the room, returning fire at the more distant enemies that were firing at the strangers, whom were still unknown in terms of being on the same side as Max.

As he was effectively following the rule of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." So hopefully they would not shoot him.

@Henryboy003 @Wade Von Doom @Wiggin @Whoever-Else-I-Missed
"........ Ahhhhhh, shit." One soldier said, pretty much giving up. The two up the stairs ran off down the splitting hallways, with the commander running up to follow them. The other two below tried their luck with attacking him in CQC. One tried smashing his head open with the butt of his rifle, the other pulled out a knife from his boot and waited to see what his friend did, and whether it worked or not. Whatever happened, Bliss' situation got more strange, as the lights would go completely dark, and emergency red lights turned on. The placed went into lockdown, as over the speakers blaring sirens went off. "Containments breached. Quarantine lockdown in effect. Containments breached. Quarantine lockdown in effect. Containmeeeeeeeeeeee..." The sirens died down along with the voice, until, bizarrely, music started playing.
The plastic gunstock shatters on Mr Bliss' forehead, and he turns to look at the man.

"If the bullets wouldn't work, why would a gunstock?"

He reached out and grabbed the man's head by the chin and pushed, until the back of his skull was touching his shoulders. Letting the corpse fall to the floor, Mr Bliss reached out and grabbed the knife, snapping it in two.

"Let's not try that. I am Mr Bliss. You will tell me where I am, what is happening, and otherwise act to help me. Otherwise..." Mr Bliss turned to look at the man on the floor, his neck purpling as the blood slowly pooled inside it, the internal bleeding contained by the intact skin.

"Well, I will do that to you. Or worse. I hope I am understood?"
The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

The Doctor waits for the others to get up and move before she does herself. Really, all this violence is not her 'thing' at all. Reminds her too much of a time in her long life she'd rather not think too much about.

The glass wall closes just inches from her heels and back, causing the blonde woman to stop in her tracks a moment before ducking and crawling along the floor toward some semblance of shelter from the rain of bullets. A row of chairs seems inadequate, but with a raise of her sonic it is just enough. The device sends out the same override signal that makes half the robots turn on the other half for a few brief moments before the virtual intelligence corrects the command. It's all The Doctor can do in the situation; keep sending out the override command to thin the numbers of their robotic enemies.

"Badass to the bone!" Thea says to Murphy taking a saying yelled often by a former Resistance target while she fought alongside him en route to his command post.

During her brief siege of the hallway, Red Hood would take advantage of her stream of bullets to detonate some explosives to clear out the more resilient robots in their way.

"Hallway is clear." Thea announces to the others. "And good thinking, Red Hood." She commends the apparently inventive man. She performs an ammo count on the run down the hallway. Two boxes left with no reloads available. Once this weapon was spent it would have to be abandoned and replaced. Luckily a scan of the downed robots yields adequate replacement and ammo. She stops quickly to sling a rifle over one shoulder.

When the alarms sound; the glass wall comes up behind them; the walls open up and more enemies march in; and that music plays, Thea identifies the two largest as the most vital targets and sprays them with automatic fire. One is eaten -for lack of a better word- by the pink organism allowing her to focus fire on the other from the top and down.

This focus opens her up to more enemy fire. Bullets puncture her flesh in several points before she ducks behind a chair, uttering some pained groans appropriate for the flesh wounds on her shoulders, right cheek. She and others may have been worse off if not for the efforts of the pink one and The Doctor.

"Securing post!" Thea yells as she uses her remaining heavy ammo to shoot out any robots that come into the area they have been made to occupy for cover.

The droids in their way didn't stand a chance. They were taken out in a matter of a minutes, and what remained killed each other by The Doctor's tampering. Kirby transformed back into his regular form, and again signaled the group to continue on, waiting for the Doctor to take the lead. With the way clear, the group would find no resistance left, with the alarms going off from Thirteen's meddling in their systems, and whatever was causing the emergency lighting to come on, all they had to do was follow the trail of the emergency signature from The Doctor's device, which led to them a rather big and important looking door.


"I was hoping it'd be one of these." The Doctor taps the door.

"That way, we lock this behind us, it's a big shield while we finagle another way out." She peers through the small window quickly. All she can see are some white coated people at work who are apparently unaware or unconcerned with the battle that has been raging all around this building.

"Alright, looks to be a room full of intellectuals. But all the same." Thirteen stands aside from the door holding her sonic up.

"Just to be on the safe side. Now do not shoot first and ask questions later. We want answers here. Understood?" She says to everyone holding a gun in particular with the look of a school teacher telling her students not to stray on a class field trip.

"Yes, ma'am." Murphy said back in a polite manner, since he didn't wanna piss her off. She had that look of disapproval that sent shivers down your back. He and his brother stood up straight, and held their weapons up near their heads, but when she stared at them specifically, they both looked to each other, then slowly put them down next to their holsters.

"Affirmative." Thea complies. She brings down the assault rifle taken from a fallen droid. Her nicks and cuts have stopped bleeding by now.

"Right then." The sonic screwdriver whirrs. The controls are overridden and released, making the doors slide open. One of the scientists who was passing stood in the middle of the doorway in absolute shock, as there was a group of scattered standing right beside him. The lab was massive in size, holding around 15-20 scientists and engineers that looked tired and overworked. They had bangs under their lids and bloodshot eyeballs, yet they all came alive and frozen in fear once the group approached them all.


The scientist in front of them stumbled backwards, almost falling onto his behind. A soldier from behind them tried to sneak up, but both MacManus brothers heard his footsteps and turned around with one pistol each drawn to his face. "Drop it!" Connor shouted, to which the guard did. The other guards tried aiming at them, but Kirby, being the weird puffball he was, managed to quickly slash at their weapons with his sword/cutting their rifles in half cleanly. Anyone else didn't even bother, just throwing their hands up.

"P-P-Please don't hurt us, I-I-I-I have a wife and child at home!" One of the other scientists pleaded, backing up into the console.

"GET THE HELL OUT!" Another shouted back, signaling everyone to retreat. But the bulkhead doors closed as they tried running, sealing them in. The being in the pool with Tex then suddenly stood up, screaming out as it tried biting Tex's neck like it wanted a chunk of flesh off her.
And then the lights went out, along with a very interesting song. For the moment the lights went out Kilgren's body froze. A sudden fear gripped her body and her face was that of terror. When the red lights came back on people would see her on her knees as if she collapsed. At least the music was helping. There was also the sudden arrival of alien creatures that had emerged from the various tanks. The creatures honestly reminded Kilgren of the undead the system had faced at the beginning stages of creating a civilization, but now wasn't the time to compare them to creatures they were not. The soldiers had also lessened their fire during the panic. Slowly, Kilgren stood back on her feet. She then noticed one of the creatures jumping out of the tank that the red head was in. If she tried to materialize a firearm she might miss and hit the girl, but she might also hit her with the flames in a slash. A firearm had a better chance of having less injuries, so she would go with that. The sword that Kilgren was holding quickly morphed into a revolver, which quickly took aim and fired a small ball of fire. It hit the monster in the shoulder, which might not bring it down but it would at least deter it.

Tex spurred into action as the creature moved. Disregarding the yelling from the Ruskies, she slammed the butt of her rifle into the jaw of the creature sweeping its arms out of the way. This left enough of an opening for the strange woman on the balcony's shot to land true. Tex on the other hand wasn't paying attention to that. The hand on the stock of her rifle dropped to her waist and quickly whipped a 1911 from its holster. To which she proceeded to plug three rounds into the creatures chest. A second later the three rounds in its chest detonated rather violently, leaving a gaping hole where its torso should be.

"Get me the hell out of this god damn pit!" She shouted as she holstered her pistol making a mental count of how many rounds she had in it.

"Ah... you... Help me up, and then I'll pull you out got it?" Tex slung her rifle by the sling on her back and moved over to a wall beckoning with a hand to Velvet.

It was amazing, how much fighting for your life on a constant basis let you get a handle on a situation quickly. Velvet quickly scanned the room, trying to get a grasp on the situation. From the looks of things, her friends didn't get teleported with her to this place (or if they did, they weren't anywhere close by). With that, and the ongoing clusterfuck, Velvet had to move and help these people deal with these soldiers and these abominations. With that, Velvet reached her human arm to pull up Tex.

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"Tell me what you need me to do. I'm not much use in prolonged battles, so I'd like to end things quickly. I've got a couple options for long range if you need that, but I need targets and room," the Therion stated heatedly.

The creature stumbled in its tank from the shot to the shoulder by Kilgren, and with the three rounds by Tex, it fell back into the blue goo good as dead. The whole lab they were in was filled with gunfire and shouting, along with the song still playing. The alien that landed on the platforms above had run off down to the other end, fighting off both soldiers and these creatures; trying to find the doorway out of here. And as Velvet spoke to Tex, one of those creatures tried wrapping itself around her from behind; sneaking up with distracted. Its legs and arms wrapped around her torso, while its mouth tried taking a bite into her neck.

The three were quickly joined by more, as the creatures jumped down from the balconies and approached from the other end of the labs. A few dozen at least, charging at them on like zombies.

"........ Ahhhhhh, shit." One soldier said, pretty much giving up. The two up the stairs ran off down the splitting hallways, with the commander running up to follow them. The other two below tried their luck with attacking him in CQC. One tried smashing his head open with the butt of his rifle, the other pulled out a knife from his boot and waited to see what his friend did, and whether it worked or not. Whatever happened, Bliss' situation got more strange, as the lights would go completely dark, and emergency red lights turned on. The placed went into lockdown, as over the speakers blaring sirens went off. "Containments breached. Quarantine lockdown in effect. Containments breached. Quarantine lockdown in effect. Containmeeeeeeeeeeee..." The sirens died down along with the voice, until, bizarrely, music started playing.
The plastic gunstock shatters on Mr Bliss' forehead, and he turns to look at the man.

"If the bullets wouldn't work, why would a gunstock?"

He reached out and grabbed the man's head by the chin and pushed, until the back of his skull was touching his shoulders. Letting the corpse fall to the floor, Mr Bliss reached out and grabbed the knife, snapping it in two.

"Let's not try that. I am Mr Bliss. You will tell me where I am, what is happening, and otherwise act to help me. Otherwise..." Mr Bliss turned to look at the man on the floor, his neck purpling as the blood slowly pooled inside it, the internal bleeding contained by the intact skin.

"Well, I will do that to you. Or worse. I hope I am understood?"

The soldier he killed first fell to his knees, then the rest of his body fell backwards towards the other guy, who now had a good view of his buddies neck. He looked between him and Bliss, having no clue on what to say to him. "Buddy," he said, raising his hands up. "I have no idea what to say to you. Let's just... take it easy, alright." He tried to sound calm, but Bliss would tell his voice was cracking. "I-I can take you to someone who'd know better! They could probably help you out, okay?"

- Kylo Ren, Master of the Knights of Ren -

So, not so long after Kylo Ren joins the merry band of ne'er-do-wells, they all begin turning on each other the moment things get easy, with the hammer-wielding titan trying to cave in the steel schemer's head and then all who were aligned with their respective leaders fighting each other for their own reasons. Some likely to curry favour with the survivor of the bout, others to enact their own plans and a few simply to survive.

Snoke's Apprentice had but one thing in mind: Show them the Dark Side. He held no loyalty to any of these knaves and only the vaguest of familiarity with Darth Malgus, a man who he'd be willing to grit his teeth and work with over either of these egocentric fools. Drawing his Lightsaber with its distinctive dark crackle, he seized the moment against Shao Kahn, who was already stunned from Doctor Doom's blow, to cut him down.

- Shao Kahn, Konqueror of Realms, Ruler of Outworld -

While not admitting it aloud, Shao Kahn figured his betrayal was far too telegraphed, but it made no difference. Doctor Doom would die this day, for the runt in iron held no value to him anymore, not when they were so close to escape. To let him live was too much of a risk and to serve under him for longer than he needed to was too infuriating a thought to even entertain.

Though before the Kahn could begin to postulate, their new arrival, the dark warrior Kylo Ren, was rushing at him, crimson blade drawn and poised to cut him down. The nerve of the Knight of Ren sent Shao Kahn into a fury, as he would swing his Wrath Hammer to meet Kylo's Lightsaber in a clash. The clash was brief, with Kylo Ren dragging his saber across the handle of the hammer, scorching the Kahn's hand and then bring it up and around to slash at the stunned Kahn several times, wounding him and ending it with a Force Push.

Shao Kahn was sent several feet back, still standing and now pulsing with an emerald aura, flexing his arms outwards and roaring in rage at Kylo Ren, now dead set on killing this whelp.

- Thor Odinson, God of Thunder -

"Honestly, I trust that peculiar pink blob. He's my favourite." Thor chimed in regarding Murphy's question on Kirby's place in the group, before following suit with everyone else and taking off after Kirby for some time before being cut off by, who could've guessed? More robots! Kirby then reinforced Thor's favour in him by consuming one of the meaner looking bots and taking on its traits. Peculiar as it was, it wasn't the weirdest thing Thor had seen today...that would be the Thermal Phantom.

Though he had a feeling the other machines would be resistant to Lightning as well, he wasn't about to discount the option yet: His remaining eye aglow, Thor charged up a stronger blast of Lightning and unleashed it in the direction of the other massive, chaingun-bearing Droid, from his free hand.

@Wade Von Doom @Epiphany. @The Wanderer @Others I may have missed.

With the kick, Baraka was pushed back several feet from Arc, hunched over as he landed on his feet again. Doom was quick to finish him of, sending a blast of green energy at him, which caused the Tarkatan to go flying through the wall to his left. "Anyone else?" Doom asked the group, wanting to see if anyone else would be foolish enough to attack him. Turns out, a few others were. From behind, Doom didn't see Malgus slashed him from his shoulder to across his hip. His metal body protected The Doctor from a killing blow, but there was a clear mark of darkness from where the lightsaber got him. Anymore, and Doom would be fatally wounded for sure. Malgus tried for another attack, while Arc would be attacked again, this time by Wesker.


The two men didn't trust this group from the second they laid eyes on them. The less people in their way, the better. Radec saw the chaos as an opportunity, as when he men started to aim their weapons, he signaled them to stand down, and follow his lead. The building with the teleporter was only a mile away, straight in front of them. They could use the head start. The Helghast ran off to around the corner where the road split off, planning to stick to the back allies.
The soldier he killed first fell to his knees, then the rest of his body fell backwards towards the other guy, who now had a good view of his buddies neck. He looked between him and Bliss, having no clue on what to say to him. "Buddy," he said, raising his hands up. "I have no idea what to say to you. Let's just... take it easy, alright." He tried to sound calm, but Bliss would tell his voice was cracking. "I-I can take you to someone who'd know better! They could probably help you out, okay?"
Mr Bliss dusted his hands, and nodded at the man.

"Excellent. I am not sorry for being so direct, but you were being quite remarkably stubborn." His voice was reflectful, as if considering the past, but not apologetic.

Mr Bliss examined the man who was quite obviously scared almost out of his wits, and nodded. He was not enough of a fool, he thought, to betray him now.

"Lead on, Macduff."
Dio Brando

Knocking the bothersome swordsman away into some rubble, Dio didn't stay to check if the pest was dead or not, for he had something important to do. That being rejoining the others as distant sounds of chaos and destruction told him that they had begun to breach the city. Skies darkened as Dio used his Stand to launch himself from building to building until he was essentially a blonde missile heading towards the others that had begun to get into the city proper, the feeling of a certain hat wearing shitheel being nearby made him want to scour the city to even the score against that brat. This time, he wouldn't underestimate Jotaro, he'd kill him with knife after knife until the poor bastard resembled a pin cushion of flesh and blood, but that'd come later.

Part of him smirked, thankful that the fools hadn't yet continued on and to the place where the ability to get back to their universes, proving they might just be worthy of Dio's secret regarding Stand arrows. But as he got closer in the air, the momentum of the last 'launch' slowly vanishing. Dio could see that the group had begun to break into infighting, betrayal evident in the air.

The smirk he had grew into a rather nasty grin as the revelation hit him. Now he didn't have to worry about certain individuals getting a Stand on par with his [The World], or even better than it. As much as that particular thought made him want to vomit, he focused on the fight below. Should he turn it into a three-way fight, or pick one to 'support' before turning on them.

Or as he watched a certain commander split off and towards what he presumed was the building that housed the way home, he would instead head them off before they got the chance to get to whatever they needed to get out of here and rob him of all beings, the rightful throne at the top of his world.

He wouldn't have it.

With a resounding 'Wrrrrry!' he used part of the wall to launch himself at the building the Helghast were heading towards, crashing through a window and flatting some poor bastard that used be human and now resembled a pile of flesh and blood with a crushed name tag that read as something bland like 'Fred' or something.

Didn't matter, he was in the building. Granted, he was low and too far from wherever they were holding it, but it wouldn't take him long. And better yet, he could dispatch of those foolish Helghast if they crossed paths.

Walking through the door, on to whatever would lead him to his goal.

@Wade Von Doom
Red Hood

Jason walked into the room with the others, rifle at the ready, nearly blowing the head off the first guard had the brothers not take care of that particular problem.

He still had his gun at the ready, not pointing it at folks as per Doc's orders, but ready in case one of the guards got any wise ideas. "Just listen to the lady and we'll be out of your hair real quick." He said to them, gesturing at the Doc. "Anyone get any ideas, well you're gonna come down with a bad case of lead poisoning."
@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Valkan @Whoever-Else-I-Missed
Ozwald Ahlgrim

Based on the data the nanomachines in his guinea pig were giving, Oz was killing time by having some more of his nanomachines build a weapon for him right behind him. Muttering under his breath in order to provide certain properties to his project. As for the fight, well, it was still a work in progress, so who knew of it'll be something that was worth watching yet... It didn't look too promising though, one side seemed to be having the upper hand. "Should I interfere?" he pondered. No, it wasn't really worth it, he was better off just watching though. A blonde fellow from before flew past them, probably not wanting to bother with the result based on his expression. Interesting guy, the most likely source of the temporal alterations he has been feeling. However, despite how uninterested Oz truly was on the battle, someone else had a little bit more... Curiosity.


Rider attentively observed the techniques these particular individuals were using to battle each other, somewhat fascinated. But then, something ticked him off. A group abandoned battle, attempting to hide from it. Rider appeared calm on the outside, but he was not letting that go. Knowing he was not his master, but still feeling that sort of relationship with him, he said to Oz "I am confronting the cowards that ran off" Oz just nodded. Rider took that as enough validation and his horse swiftly dashed after the running Helghast. A streak of white tackled the left side of the group, sending soldiers flying in that direction and slamming against a wall violently. Rider stopped in front of the group, Khargis Uur Khilen in hand, fully powered. "Anything to say, spineless worms?" pointing his Noble Phantasm's tip to what seemed like the leader.
Agam Azuron

The trap was simply no match for the group's combined efforts, the droids were quickly dispatched. So they continued on, led by the Doctor again. Agam looked at the group as he continued, floating ahead. He saw Thea's bullet wounds, and quickly offered with a smile "Want me to heal you right now? It'll take just a moment..." she seemed very combat focused, so she might want to soldier on, hence the question.
Regardless, the group arrived at a very ominous door, which Doctor examined, and gave instructions to the group before entering... Mostly to the trigger happy part of the group. Oddly enough, Thea's wounds stopped bleeding. Did they still need healing? The wounds were there... Odd woman. In any case, once they got in, the situation was controlled rather quickly. One of the scientists pleaded for his life, talking about family. Agam wasn't quite sure if he could buy that. "Okay, but away from the console, you!" he said as he pointed his staff at the guy, he could have a panic button there or something of the sort.

Marco Dekimotre

The android followed upon seeing the droids were no longer a threat. That led them to a heavy duty security door. Upon hearing the Doctor's strict warning, he slinged Emperor to stick to his back and nodded. Having no face proved it to be difficult, but that was somewhat intimidating.
Once the door opened and the area was secured, Marco faced the door until the Doctor closed it, just in case something wanted to slip in. Then silently surveyed the area from a corner.
"Tell me what you need me to do. I'm not much use in prolonged battles, so I'd like to end things quickly. I've got a couple options for long range if you need that, but I need targets and room," the Therion stated heatedly.

"I... I am not your CO, try to get through this... and then we can talk. Ah... Fuckit... Clear the AO, and lets go from there. Anyone shooting at you is hostile. Just assume that." Tex growled as she holstered her pistol and climbed out of the goo pit. Her hand went to her pocket as she drew out a large bayonet and affixed it to the end of her RB-44. The fuckers wanted to be close. Better kit out to be close.

As the situation escalated into a full on firefight, Max struck. As the soldiers got burned and others turned into gore, Max took care of two soldiers. Beginning by delivering an elbow strike to one of the soldier's throat to keep him busy while Max shot a taser bolt into the second one, incapacitating the soldier instantly.

Before the punched-in-the-throat soldier could recover, Max used his knife to quickly slice the neck of said soldier, and taking his rifle. Stealth was out of the question as pure chaos overtook the room, returning fire at the more distant enemies that were firing at the strangers, whom were still unknown in terms of being on the same side as Max.

As he was effectively following the rule of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." So hopefully they would not shoot him.

Tex quickly shot a look to the strange man that was bouncing in and out of the fight. She gave a small shrug as her training took over. She dove for any cover she could get her rifle switching grips to her left hand and bracing along the control panel of one of the tanks and returned fire on the Russians that were shooting at them. She didn't even need to hit them, just near them, or around them. The explosions should keep them distanced for now.

The three were quickly joined by more, as the creatures jumped down from the balconies and approached from the other end of the labs. A few dozen at least, charging at them on like zombies.

"Shit..." Tex spat out as she snapped her rifle over to the charging fools. Instead of aiming for the chest she aimed for their legs, right in front of them. She sucked in a breath and squeezed the trigger a few times. Either it hit their legs, or the ground below them. Either way, something was going to happen.
"Tell me what you need me to do. I'm not much use in prolonged battles, so I'd like to end things quickly. I've got a couple options for long range if you need that, but I need targets and room," the Therion stated heatedly.

"I... I am not your CO, try to get through this... and then we can talk. Ah... Fuckit... Clear the AO, and lets go from there. Anyone shooting at you is hostile. Just assume that." Tex growled as she holstered her pistol and climbed out of the goo pit. Her hand went to her pocket as she drew out a large bayonet and affixed it to the end of her RB-44. The fuckers wanted to be close. Better kit out to be close.

This was going to be a bit of an issue: Velvet wasn't the most reliable when it came to mass group battles like this, and since her friends weren't around -gods, where WERE they-, she'd have to have faith that this new group could hold their own. At least the woman that gave her instructions seemed competent enough (even if she had no clue what that weapon was).


"Get back! DEVOUR!" Her demonic arm swiped at one of the zombies, instantly reducing it to nothing. Her speed and offensive strategy were, she decided, best used to pick off individual targets, and try and draw away the weakened ones so that the other people could focus. That said, she did have to keep close and manage her stamina accordingly: too much use of the power and she would be left vulnerable, and she doubted she could be revived here...

Well. Hopefully this wouldn't take long.

They needed to find an exit before the group was overwhelmed. It seemed that Kilgren's assistance with the one stranger was useful, as she had been able to repel the strange creature. Perhaps the being that had appeared on the upper balconies was able to see some sort of escape that didn't have these creatures in its way. Before Kilgren had been able to ask the alien however, several more creatures jumped down from the balcony. It was at least a dozen by Kilgren's count, but her body's eyesight could not be fully reliable since the adrenaline was still coursing through it after the blackout. The stranger with the rifle seemed to have handled tense situations like this, probably being a soldier from what Kilgren had heard earlier. This other character that had helped her out of the pit was from a vastly different world, seeing from the clothing and the way she reacted to the bullets being shot from around the room. There was apparently another figure lurking in the shadows, but Kilgren had not been able to get a clear view of them.

Keeping her literal firearm in her hand wasn't going to assist as well as the sword and shield, as this body was more accustomed to that fighting style. With a twirl of the gun, it morphed back into the shape of a falchion, along with the formation of a pavise shield in her other hand. She was able to block the oncoming bullets with the shield, while slashing at both the enemy soldiers and alien creatures with her sword. She then attempted to call up to the red alien on the upper balcony again, shouting "excuse me red turtle, but do you see an exit or any way out that is not surrounded by hostiles up there? We may be able to find one down here, but it is always good to check for the path of-" she took a moment to stop to bash one of the alien creatures that had gotten too close to her with a shield, "-Least resistance!" she finished. She then turned her head back towards Velvet and Tex. being the strategist, she had to think of some sort of organized task for them to do, and since it seemed that Velvet was the one more used to up close combat, she would need to handle the alien creatures. "You, with the black hair, please take care of these creatures. The redhead and us will try to handle the ranged combatants. Once we finish those off, we will come to aid you. Does that sound fair?" She finished the order with a simple question, making it not seem so apparent that Kilgren wanted to control the situation and along with that the people involved.


Arc had been successfully able to fight baraka off. Once they were a decent distance apart, baraka was hit with an energy blast that glowed a bright green. Doom had assisted him, Arc questioned why, but was not able to get into it as he was soon attacked once again. This time he was attacked by Whesker, the most intelligent one in the group in Arc's opinion. He was nefarious too with how he manipulated Doom in certain ways.

A flurry of punches soon barraged Arc. He had only been able to defend from them due to the sheer speed and unpredictability of what seemed to be a teleportation ability that Whesker had. Arc attempted to stop the punches by slashing out with both of his short swords in a cross slash. Even though his body language told his opponent that he was obviously attacking with a slash, his intention wasn't to actually hit Whesker with his blades. A jolt of electricity raced through the handles of the blades and out the ends of the metal tips, dipping their way towards Whesker at an alarming speed. If it did hit, it would definitely cause a bit of damage, but it wasn't lethal. The electricity had lost its lethality when it had run through the blades instead of Arc's hands.
The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

"Stay calm everyone! Calm down! I told them not to shoot any of you. We want answers, had about our fill of violence for days by now." The Doctor walks around with her hands raised, voice raised but non-threatening. She sighs hearing the brothers getting aggressive with a soldier. She walks, slowly, up to the scientist that pleaded for his life.

"Calm down. Just answer some questions, and we get you out of here so you can see your family again. That sound fair? Good. Now. Project status, please."

Thea meanwhile has kept her rifle down, standing behind The Doctor as she has designated herself the Time Lady's primary protector. She'd heard Agam ask if she had needed her minor damage checked, to which she'd only shook her head. That one uses magic to heal. Could not risk his discovery of her internals.

Instead Thea busies herself with gaining control of the area. Her rifle is kept low but it's presence and her demeanor will be used to intimidate as she goes around to the other scientists and engineers.

"Get on your knees and put your hands on the floor. We don't want any of you working anything while we question you." She says as she walks, eyeing each person she passes until they follow instructions. She does a scan of each for any physiological signs they will turn aggressive with a plan to subdue them non-lethally. Per The Doctor's orders.

Nobody resists. They avoid her eyes and comply.

Then she sees one engineer avoid eye contact and comply, but the scan yields a result that causes her to stop in her tracks, and swing up her rifle to unload a full clip into them without hesitation.

The other scientists and engineers scream and fall to the floor.
The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

"Stay calm everyone! Calm down! I told them not to shoot any of you. We want answers, had about our fill of violence for days by now." The Doctor walks around with her hands raised, voice raised but non-threatening. She sighs hearing the brothers getting aggressive with a soldier. She walks, slowly, up to the scientist that pleaded for his life.

"Calm down. Just answer some questions, and we get you out of here so you can see your family again. That sound fair? Good. Now. Project status, please."

Thea meanwhile has kept her rifle down, standing behind The Doctor as she has designated herself the Time Lady's primary protector. She'd heard Agam ask if she had needed her minor damage checked, to which she'd only shook her head. That one uses magic to heal. Could not risk his discovery of her internals.

Instead Thea busies herself with gaining control of the area. Her rifle is kept low but it's presence and her demeanor will be used to intimidate as she goes around to the other scientists and engineers.

"Get on your knees and put your hands on the floor. We don't want any of you working anything while we question you." She says as she walks, eyeing each person she passes until they follow instructions. She does a scan of each for any physiological signs they will turn aggressive with a plan to subdue them non-lethally. Per The Doctor's orders.

Nobody resists. They avoid her eyes and comply.

Then she sees one engineer avoid eye contact and comply, but the scan yields a result that causes her to stop in her tracks, and swing up her rifle to unload a full clip into them without hesitation.

The other scientists and engineers scream and fall to the floor.

The scientists and engineers did as they were instructed, gathering in the center of the room in a group, and keeping their hands to the floor as they knelt down. All except the one who The Doctor talked to, who had a mixture of confusion and frozen fear in his face as she brought up the project. "I-I Uh.... W-What project?" He says, standing behind the giant metal ball a few feet away from them all, slightly humming and emitting a dim, but noticeable bright blue aura around it.

Both MacManus brothers looked at him with annoyance. "Don't do that." Connor told him simply.

"We're here for that." Murphy pointed to the metal ball, which was the source of the energy readings that brought them all here. "Or is that not a universal teleporter?"

"Uhhhh..... No, not it's not--" Both brothers raised their weapons up at him. "Yes--Yes, it's a teleporter." The scientist quickly informed. B-But if you're thinking of using it, we haven't perfected the process!"

"What's wrong with it?" Connor asked, as both brothers lowered their arms.

"Well... the machine is meant to increase fractures that cause scattered to arrive here, making one big enough to travel through. The problem though is while we've been able to open a fracture, the temperature inside it is... hot. Very hot. Nearly the temperature of the sun." He explained. "Anyone that even gets close to it turns them into dust the size of particles, we've only been able to keep it contained inside the cyrosphere!" He pointed to the ball, meaning the actual teleporter was inside it. "If you open it, the fracture inside could very easily kill us all if we're not careful!"

If it wasn't the teleporter, it'd be Tea who killed them, because once he finished speaking, she emptied a whole magazine into the back of some poor scientist who hadn't moved an inch since he got on his hands and knees. His lab coat broke apart as the bullets entered him, and eventually, slowly became red, and blood poured out from his wounds and onto the floor. The brothers quickly intervened, both grabbing her and yanking her gun away. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Murphy yelled, infuriated that she murdered an innocent in cold blood.

The soldier he killed first fell to his knees, then the rest of his body fell backwards towards the other guy, who now had a good view of his buddies neck. He looked between him and Bliss, having no clue on what to say to him. "Buddy," he said, raising his hands up. "I have no idea what to say to you. Let's just... take it easy, alright." He tried to sound calm, but Bliss would tell his voice was cracking. "I-I can take you to someone who'd know better! They could probably help you out, okay?"
Mr Bliss dusted his hands, and nodded at the man.

"Excellent. I am not sorry for being so direct, but you were being quite remarkably stubborn." His voice was reflectful, as if considering the past, but not apologetic.

Mr Bliss examined the man who was quite obviously scared almost out of his wits, and nodded. He was not enough of a fool, he thought, to betray him now.

"Lead on, Macduff."

Just as all that chaos went on, the door behind them all opened, and out stepped a guard with his hands up, and looking petrified. Behind him was Mr. Bliss, who was finally able to meet The Doctor and the others, along with a dead body in the center of the room, and two trying to pin Thea to the ground.


They needed to find an exit before the group was overwhelmed. It seemed that Kilgren's assistance with the one stranger was useful, as she had been able to repel the strange creature. Perhaps the being that had appeared on the upper balconies was able to see some sort of escape that didn't have these creatures in its way. Before Kilgren had been able to ask the alien however, several more creatures jumped down from the balcony. It was at least a dozen by Kilgren's count, but her body's eyesight could not be fully reliable since the adrenaline was still coursing through it after the blackout. The stranger with the rifle seemed to have handled tense situations like this, probably being a soldier from what Kilgren had heard earlier. This other character that had helped her out of the pit was from a vastly different world, seeing from the clothing and the way she reacted to the bullets being shot from around the room. There was apparently another figure lurking in the shadows, but Kilgren had not been able to get a clear view of them.

Keeping her literal firearm in her hand wasn't going to assist as well as the sword and shield, as this body was more accustomed to that fighting style. With a twirl of the gun, it morphed back into the shape of a falchion, along with the formation of a pavise shield in her other hand. She was able to block the oncoming bullets with the shield, while slashing at both the enemy soldiers and alien creatures with her sword. She then attempted to call up to the red alien on the upper balcony again, shouting "excuse me red turtle, but do you see an exit or any way out that is not surrounded by hostiles up there? We may be able to find one down here, but it is always good to check for the path of-" she took a moment to stop to bash one of the alien creatures that had gotten too close to her with a shield, "-Least resistance!" she finished. She then turned her head back towards Velvet and Tex. being the strategist, she had to think of some sort of organized task for them to do, and since it seemed that Velvet was the one more used to up close combat, she would need to handle the alien creatures. "You, with the black hair, please take care of these creatures. The redhead and us will try to handle the ranged combatants. Once we finish those off, we will come to aid you. Does that sound fair?" She finished the order with a simple question, making it not seem so apparent that Kilgren wanted to control the situation and along with that the people involved.

Tex was able to shoot out a few of the creature's legs, but they came in so many numbers, she'd run out of ammo faster that she could reload. Velvet and Kilgren, however, did an amazing job at keeping them back, as their attacks cut through their numbers like a hot knife through butter. They were either crushed by Velvet's black hand, or burned alive by Kilgren, giving them room to make a break for the exit at the far end of the room. It look to be 50-60 feet from them, with more of those creatures jumping out of their tanks and thinning the soldiers.

The red turtle man soon joined them as well, as he tackled one of the soldiers on the balcony above through the safety railing, and landed on two of the humanoid creatures. His bodyweight pretty much crushed all three, and when one of those creatures tried attacking him, its hand bounced off his thick forehead plating, and he both punched it hard in the face, and threw it into three more of those things. "Think it's over there!" He shouted to Kilgren and the others, pointing to the exit.
The scientists and engineers did as they were instructed, gathering in the center of the room in a group, and keeping their hands to the floor as they knelt down. All except the one who The Doctor talked to, who had a mixture of confusion and frozen fear in his face as she brought up the project. "I-I Uh.... W-What project?" He says, standing behind the giant metal ball a few feet away from them all, slightly humming and emitting a dim, but noticeable bright blue aura around it.

Both MacManus brothers looked at him with annoyance. "Don't do that." Connor told him simply.

"We're here for that." Murphy pointed to the metal ball, which was the source of the energy readings that brought them all here. "Or is that not a universal teleporter?"

"Uhhhh..... No, not it's not--" Both brothers raised their weapons up at him. "Yes--Yes, it's a teleporter." The scientist quickly informed. B-But if you're thinking of using it, we haven't perfected the process!"

"What's wrong with it?" Connor asked, as both brothers lowered their arms.

"Well... the machine is meant to increase fractures that cause scattered to arrive here, making one big enough to travel through. The problem though is while we've been able to open a fracture, the temperature inside it is... hot. Very hot. Nearly the temperature of the sun." He explained. "Anyone that even gets close to it turns them into dust the size of particles, we've only been able to keep it contained inside the cyrosphere!" He pointed to the ball, meaning the actual teleporter was inside it. "If you open it, the fracture inside could very easily kill us all if we're not careful!"

If it wasn't the teleporter, it'd be Tea who killed them, because once he finished speaking, she emptied a whole magazine into the back of some poor scientist who hadn't moved an inch since he got on his hands and knees. His lab coat broke apart as the bullets entered him, and eventually, slowly became red, and blood poured out from his wounds and onto the floor. The brothers quickly intervened, both grabbing her and yanking her gun away. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Murphy yelled, infuriated that she murdered an innocent in cold blood.

Wade Von Doom said: The soldier he killed first fell to his knees, then the rest of his body fell backwards towards the other guy, who now had a good view of his buddies neck. He looked between him and Bliss, having no clue on what to say to him. "Buddy," he said, raising his hands up. "I have no idea what to say to you. Let's just... take it easy, alright." He tried to sound calm, but Bliss would tell his voice was cracking. "I-I can take you to someone who'd know better! They could probably help you out, okay?" Click to expand... Mr Bliss dusted his hands, and nodded at the man.

"Excellent. I am not sorry for being so direct, but you were being quite remarkably stubborn." His voice was reflectful, as if considering the past, but not apologetic.

Mr Bliss examined the man who was quite obviously scared almost out of his wits, and nodded. He was not enough of a fool, he thought, to betray him now.

"Lead on, Macduff."
Just as all that chaos went on, the door behind them all opened, and out stepped a guard with his hands up, and looking petrified. Behind him was Mr. Bliss, who was finally able to meet The Doctor and the others, along with a dead body in the center of the room, and two trying to pin Thea to the ground.
Mr Bliss turned around, and raised an eyebrow at the mess.

"Gentlemen, ladies. I do hope you don't try to kill me, as it's frankly getting repetative. Now, if one of you could kindly explain exactly what is going on, I would appreciate it. And, of course, why you're restraining that woman."

The attacks seemed to be effective for the most part, as Kilgren was able to dispatch these creatures much like how her other bodies had done with the undead that had invaded her land from time to time. The red turtle-like creature had pointed out a door that Kilgren had not seen before, probably because Kilgren's body had adrenaline rushing through it which made her vision slightly less effective.

"Ah, so the exit should not be too hard to reach if we keep up this pace, make sure none come up behind us while we approach the door!" Kilgren shouted towards the krogan. Now that he was down on their level, the group had another asset to be used in defense. Once they were at the door, Kilgren let the rest of the group go first before exiting herself as a defense against the creatures.
The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

"Uh-huh." The Doctor nods as she listens to the scientist not even wanting to snip at the brothers for their usual potty mouths.

"So you are at least very close. Well if you lot have done the bulk of the work then me, myself and I should make it work from there."

The Doctor jumps as shots ring out and she turns to its source. Thea with a smoking gun over a dead body.

"Oh...biscuits!" The Doctor says the closest thing to an expletive she will allow herself to use. Even when a man has been blown away, The Doctor does not swear. By the looks of the others, getting more answers would be more difficult.

"What did I say? Did you not hear me, Thea?" She asks, raising her hands to hopefully calm the rest of them to calm down.

Just about then is when a door opens, and someone else holding a guard hostage comes into the room.

"Oh lovely, one more." The Doctor announces with some exasperation. "Hello! Doctor here, rest of the introductions later, we're trying to get out of here and to our forthcoming ship, if you care to join us?" She asks as if offering Mr. Bliss a seat at the tea table for lunch.

"We are in danger." Thea says to the brothers, who are trying their hardest to pin her, but put on full alert she is immovable to even two young and virile men. and eyeing her weapon that had been taken by her permission. She looks at The Doctor and points at the man she had gunned down with her chin.

"Scan with your screwdriver. That is not a human and we are in danger. We need to take the transporter and leave immediately!" Thea insists, raising her voice a couple octaves.

"What's gotten into you? You were doing very well until now." The Doctor shakes her head but decides to oblige Thea to salvage something from this situation. She points her sonic screwdriver at the dead man. It whirs and her expression changes.

"Get the teleporter and run!" She yells to the others loudly and suddenly.
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