The Evrensel Conflict -- Prologue, Chapter 3, Mission 4: Long Road Ahead

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Wade Von Doom

All Caps when you spell the Man's name
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  2. Female
Sci-fi, modern, horror, a bit of dark romance stories.
High atop a large building complex within the ruins of the old city of Moscow, it over looked the last city of the human race on this world.


The smaller buildings were completely abandoned, while the larger buildings were where the population lived. The roads that connected them were often times infested with creatures from different worlds, and the buildings themselves had mounted turret systems along the sides to fire at anything that approached from the sky. The bottom was fortified against any monsters approaching from the ground, and lower levels were the civilian sectors, mainly of the impoverished. The high floors had the wealthy. Slowly, but surely, each building off in the distance was lost and overrun by creatures, and now, only a few remain protected as the hordes of beasts continue to get stronger and stronger. Time was running out for these people. And the heroes.

From where they stood, the Doctor was scanning the skyscrapers to find this mysterious energy source the mad god told them about. And sure enough, the highest one had a reading that matched the same energy source that brought them here. The flash of green light that teleported them all to this planet. Unlike their sudden arrival though, this source was a steady stream of gamma rays, smaller in size than the ones used to bring them here, yet no other building had the same readings. Whatever was producing energy here, it wasn't some type of nuclear reactor. The energy readings was emitting small, but noticeable electromagnetic waves. If they were experimenting with nuclei right above such a heavily populated building like this, that spelled trouble right away. Their job was to find it, and see if perhaps this was the reason why they were brought here.

"Soooo..... Anyone have an idea for how to get up there?" One of the MacManus brothers asked


Down below, however, on the streets of the old city, was a small convoy of rather 'villainous' characters. Doom had yet to come back, and they had begun their approach to the edge of the new city. Led by Dio, the plan was to find a way into the city, yet without Doom, their lead to how they could return to their homes was lost. It didn't help that accompanying them was an annoying, bratty little girl, proclaiming they were but morons in comparison to herself. Which often times made Malgus shock her with his lightning to make her shut up. After an hour of walking, they came to an opening. An old park that had overgrown over the decades, with a large camp site that housed dozens of soldiers of different backgrounds.


The walls were clearly made to keep out the creatures, and once inside, the soldier began to line up to the leaders. They were quite diverse, from Helghast, to old Sith commandos, Tarkatan warriors loyal only to the Kahn himself, AIM soliders with stained yellow suits, and even U.B.C.S. operators. Each lined up to the approaching leaders, saluting them accordingly in single file.

One such Tarkatan warrior approached the group with Radec by his side. Another loyalist to the Kahn, and the most feared of the Tarkatans.


Kneeling, Baraka spoke up, "Our scouts have cited a horde of beasts approaching the camp. They outnumber us by the dozens." While together, this rag tag team of soldiers was formidable, they were still small in numbers.

"The route to the city is clear for now, but we will need to leave now before the sun completely sets." Radec also informed, hands behind his back in a gentlemanly fashion, though in reality, he respected none of them.

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Red Hood

Jason looked at the shithole of a city, seeing the clear difference between the rich place and the impoverished. "Just like Gotham. Except shittier." He said, hands stuffed in his jacket's pockets. Only thing missing was a spotlight with a bat-symbol to summon a self-righteous ass to show up, pummel bad guys and then leave while going 'No killing, just maim and cripple for life or spare mass-murderers because of my moral code.'

Which was peculiar when he was brought along to snag some energy source thing with one of the many Doctors, who each seem to have a no-kill rule. As when shit hits the fan, he will go lethal. A warning he gave to the Doc this particular group had, but nonetheless was still added to said group. So maybe it would be alright if it got too harsh.

"I suggest we start climbing. Though if there was one thing Bruce taught me, it was that vents lead to anywhere if it is big enough." He'd say to the McManus Brothers in response to one of their questions.

@Wade Von Doom
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Dio Brando

As Dio led the others to their little camp, shade being just provided by the clouds, rays of death poking through every so often. Forcing Dio to carefully make his way around, his compatriots not suffering the same blight as Dio that he took on a hundred years ago when he donned the stone mask, using its power to transform into a vampire. The only two drawbacks to his limitless power, was Hamon and sunlight. The two going hand in hand in causing him issues, one was in the form of his former rival and provider of his current body, Jonathan Joestar. Whose descendants caused him so much trouble, killing his followers and ruining his plans, but he'll show them the results of daring to rival one such as he, Dio Brando. Rightful ruler of humanity, and master of all Stands, his [The World] standing above the rest.

Especially that damned Jotaro, who dared to invade his world of stopped time, and wounding Dio during each stop. Next time he wouldn't underestimate the bastard.

But that were plans for later, right now he had to mull over plans of invading the city, a goal set by Doctor Doom. A goal that shall be met with success thanks to Dio Brando. The one known as Baraka informed them of matters, with Radec backing him up with having to continue on before the sun set. A minor jab at his 'side effect.' The term weakness was un-befit for Dio that he refused to use it when concerning sunlight and Hamon.

"Worry not, the weather is allowing some shade for those of us with less than fortunate circumstances concerning sunlight. We'll leave at once, but I do know of some tunnels that'll lead us there quicker, the former denizens no doubt being fed on by the filthy rats and bugs as we speak." It was true, for a good portion of the tunnels used by Dio were long cleared by him personally. He didn't even need to stop time for any of them, mutants, scavengers or just random blights on Dio's eyes were crushed by his Stand.

He'd add on. "So who is joining for our little excursion to the city?"

@Wade Von Doom @Wiggin @Whoever-Else-I-Forgot
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From what Arc could see, the villains' army were held up in the same position for a while. In the midst of the crumpled ruins of a former building, they had set up battlements and tents as a temporary camp. It had been several years since Arc had seen a camp like this, mainly due to his own fortress being mobile and having no need for a war camp. As they entered it, several soldiers came by to meet their cruel leaders. They saluted, some bowed, and others kneeled before them. The sight made Arc miss having his own soldiers, even if it had been a few hours since his arrival. One particular soldier walked up, standing out among the rest. Sharp teeth took up most of his face, and boney spikes and blades protruded from his arms. His name was Baraka, being one of Kahn's minions. From what he reported, monsters had been repeatedly attacking the surrounding area. That didn't concern Arc all that much, as anything could be taken control of if given enough time. The more pressing info was the fact that a path had been cleared to the city. Along with that, Dio pointed out that the sun was safe for them to pass under. It was a very specific detail to note, and intrigued Arc as to the reason he had pointed it out. Was he afraid of light? Did the sunlight do something to him? He couldn't find out for sure. Whatever the reason, he had explained that some tunnels had been cleared for them. This would allow easy access to the city. Dio looked to be asking for volunteers to go on the excursion. Arc assumed that everyone would head with Dio probably to gather info on the situation, him included. "I see no harm in participating in the excursion," he simply stated, looking over at Dio as he said it.
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- Thor Odinson, God of Thunder -

"Vents, climbing, flying for those of us who can, whatever gets us up quickly and can get us back down if we need to, well, run away swiftly. Though, I might struggle to fit in any of the vents, given my, *ahem*, stature." Thor chimed in, not so subtly pointing out his muscled physique verbally, though it was all in the name of getting all the facts out there, of course. Without missing a beat, Thor continued:

"So when we find this energy source, umm, remind me, what are we to do with it? Doctor?" He gestured in the direction of the Time Lord and calling out as such. While he wanted confirmation, Thor already assumed that it was something that needed smashing to pieces and while he no longer possessed Mjolnir, his Lightsaber would carve it up nicely...assuming destruction was required. Which it usually is in Thor's life.

- Shao Kahn, Konqueror of Realms, Ruler of Outworld -

The Kahn took Baraka's words to heart, looking to him and others nearby as he spoke: "Then we must press onto the City with all haste." It was then that the eponymous Dio piped up, the man continuing to exude power and confidence with every word spoken, even as they concerned potential aversion to sunlight and the existence of tunnels that were heretofore unmentioned.

"You know an awful lot about this area, but now isn't the time. I too will join you, Dio. I will crush anything that dares interfere beneath my hammer. Come, Baraka. Keep your blades sharp!" Shao Kahn was surprisingly brief in his address. Perhaps the lack of Doctor Doom's ego bearing down on his every word had allowed the Kahn to relax? That was best left to interpretation, rather than asking the man himself, lest one spoils his good mood.
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Noel stretches a bit and twirls his gun around with a finger as he looks outward towards the city. "Well, we should get going then." "We don't have a lot of time left." He takes out his grappling hook and puts the gun away all the while he motions for someone to take his hand. "I believe we can get our group there quicker if the ones with assistance can help the others get up there though."
Agam Azuron

Agam remained mostly quiet after leaving the apartment, even if his curiosity begged for more once things got weird. A god of chaos... a true agent of entropy... It all was amazing. He tried to get some details noted down on his spellbook. As much as he would've liked to do more analysis, duty called. So, after doing a little favor to a pretty young girl named Seras, he moved along with his team.
Once in their starting location, far below their target. One of the assassin brothers asked about how to proceed. Ideas were shared, and Agam wanted to chime in with his own. "I can get the people unable to fly up. Altering gravity... like this" Agam then floated slightly for a few moments, while also lifting the brother who asked off the ground briefly, at a slow speed "I can move you fast if necessary... Think of it like reverse skydiving, without the need of a parachute" he added with a cheery smile.

Marco Dekimotre

Feeling useless for the mission his first partner he had here took, Marco opted to go to the energy source locating mission. For now, though, he didn't have much to say. So he just observed his surroundings as things were being planned.
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Constantine Nero

Time passed on, and Nero was bored out of his mind. Following the group of assorted soldiers and their temporary leader, Dio, in an irregular march. Once at camp, Nero whistled upon seeing the full brunt of the army around him. Eventually, Nero heard from Dio wanting to go on a quest. Nero, idling nearby quickly chimed in "Are we doing a lot of killing? If so, I'll get some artillery... As, of course, I'm coming with. Boredom was killing me!"
The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

The TARDIS that had brought this contingent fades in and out, and makes that wheezing sound she has loved too much to silence, until it vanishes to return to the Cosmos lobby to serve as a base for the others. With its chameleon circuit still broken, to have the blue box just sitting on a highway overpass was too risky. The government was capable of taking a TARDIS after all.

Thirteen scans with her sonic screwdriver, and in short order isolates the power source they have come to uncover. While the others debate means of ascending to that tower, Thirteen is capable of listening to all of them while also working over the problem it seems others are not considering. To an outside observer it would seem like she's not listening, but rest assured she is.

"Agam's anti-gravity would be the best option to climb that tower, yes." Thirteen turns around to the rest of the group wagging her finger in the air.

"Buuut, we have to get there first." Thirteen makes sweeping motion over the miles between them and the tower.

"Now, fastest is obviously we use the roofs like lily pads, and hop on over like happy little frogs...buuut that exposes us all the way from here to there." Thirteen clicks her tongue and points down.

"Which means our only other option, is to get on the ground level and fight off whatever nasty thing we run into, without making too big a show of it." She spins on her heels and starts to power-walk down the highway overpass toward the tower. For a few feet at least, until she veers off to the side and stands at the edge.

"Agam." She says to the young man beckoning him forth. "If you would, please." She points down and waits.

The CPU within T-851 was the latest advancement of Cyberdyne Systems in its quest to advance beyond the minds that had originally conceived of Skynet. It has proven capable of deceiving humans time and again. The business of trying to understand Sheograth was far outside the CPU's significant parameters. T-851 had stood in 'Standy Mode' collecting only information it deemed essential, as anything else was threatening to overload the CPU. To outsiders, 'Thea' would appear to have a thousand-yard stare indicative of post-traumatic stress disorder. It had deemed it would be advantageous to be in the group seeking the power source; it was a potential means of travel that would set the original mission back in order.

Likewise, Thea had gathered what data she could about the team, and agreed with the strategy put forth by The Doctor and followed behind her with the large gun she'd acquired from Ayami ready.

"I will be the last. I can provide fire support if needed from here." Thea says standing aside Thirteen scanning the area directly below them for any threats. Her tone is dispassionate, disconnected.
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Dio Brando

As Dio led the others to their little camp, shade being just provided by the clouds, rays of death poking through every so often. Forcing Dio to carefully make his way around, his compatriots not suffering the same blight as Dio that he took on a hundred years ago when he donned the stone mask, using its power to transform into a vampire. The only two drawbacks to his limitless power, was Hamon and sunlight. The two going hand in hand in causing him issues, one was in the form of his former rival and provider of his current body, Jonathan Joestar. Whose descendants caused him so much trouble, killing his followers and ruining his plans, but he'll show them the results of daring to rival one such as he, Dio Brando. Rightful ruler of humanity, and master of all Stands, his [The World] standing above the rest.

Especially that damned Jotaro, who dared to invade his world of stopped time, and wounding Dio during each stop. Next time he wouldn't underestimate the bastard.

But that were plans for later, right now he had to mull over plans of invading the city, a goal set by Doctor Doom. A goal that shall be met with success thanks to Dio Brando. The one known as Baraka informed them of matters, with Radec backing him up with having to continue on before the sun set. A minor jab at his 'side effect.' The term weakness was un-befit for Dio that he refused to use it when concerning sunlight and Hamon.

"Worry not, the weather is allowing some shade for those of us with less than fortunate circumstances concerning sunlight. We'll leave at once, but I do know of some tunnels that'll lead us there quicker, the former denizens no doubt being fed on by the filthy rats and bugs as we speak." It was true, for a good portion of the tunnels used by Dio were long cleared by him personally. He didn't even need to stop time for any of them, mutants, scavengers or just random blights on Dio's eyes were crushed by his Stand.

He'd add on. "So who is joining for our little excursion to the city?"

@Wade Von Doom @Wiggin @Whoever-Else-I-Forgot

With the others agreeing to follow Dio through the tunnels that lead to the city quicker, Malgus also agreed to join him. "Then it's settled. We'll pack up the camp immediately. You," He pointed to a commander of his small legion of troops. "Bring all essentials we'll need for the trip, food, water, and whatever ammunition you have remaining."

"Once we are near the city itself, I shall coordinate the best route to take to find our target. However, I cannot guarantee our casualties will be small. The city is heavily fortified with mechanized units, automated turrets, and a hundred dozen soldiers just manning the walls to keep out the beasts in these ruins." And it wasn't accounting for what lied inside they would have to face, MODOK explained.

"What matters to me is removing myself from this filthy planet." Malgus didn't quite care how many would be lost. "Whether my troops join me for my return is of no consequence." Thank god none of his soldiers heard that as they packed up. "But... What to do about the girl?" Sumi was still with them, and they had no plans to keep her alive beyond some information about the other group that had continuously ambushed them in the city. Thy could cause more problems, and she was their only lead. But, as the camp packed, something began to happen. The ground vibrated slightly. As the seconds passed, it shook even more, like an earthquake was about to happen. Yet, they could see in the distance, a cloud of dust blowing up into the sky like a dust storm. Something was approaching them. Something big. The ground shook even more, and it began to crack; rising and lowering as the earth shifted by some force under their feet. "What is happening!" Malgus shouted out, trying to keep his balance.

"Earthquuaaaaaake!" A soldier shouted out from within the camp. It certainly seemed like that. But, as the dust cloud finally reached them, it was something else causing the ground to move. Something big.


It was a giant worm. And riding it, was the man who they believed wouldn't return. Doom. Standing atop it, holding a leash in his hands to control the worm, with three others holding onto the worm's leathery skin. Joining them, several smaller worm like creatures popped out from the ground, shrieking.The soldiers shouted and ran out of their war, as they popped out the ground with the force of a speeding car.


They were of a different species than the worm Doom rode on, yet they didn't attack. It was as though Doom had control over them as he did the worm. As the creature stopped, it let out a roar, with the smaller worm creatures joining it in an ear piercing pitch. Doom slid off its side to land on he ground besides the camp, now completely tattered by the ground shifts. It seemed no one was majorly hurt, perhaps bruised, but well enough to continue onto the city. Doom approached the other villains, paying no mind to anything else.

"It worked!" MODOK shouted out with a massive smile on his face, raising his little arms in the air. "My device successfully captured such a creature!"

"I, captured it." Doom told him as he approached. "Your device simply allowed me to enter the creature's mind. I made it bend to my will."

"What.... in Visari's name did you capture?" Radec asked, completely stunned for the first time in his life.

"A Sandworm. There are only a handful of them in this world, and with MODOK's device, we found the closest one to our location within the Siberian deserts. These smaller creatures followed it, connected to each other through animal instincts. They now follow my commands." Doom explained. "I found these three in the desert while I tamed the beast. They will be joining us." He waved his hand to Ren, Rider, and Oswald.

Malgus immediately could tell Kylo was of the dark side. Both from the clothing, and how he could sense his hatred like a strong odor. "You're Sith." He said to Kylo. ".... But from a different time?" Both force users could sense they were of two generations far removed by time, but how was impossible to speculate.

"Who is this?" Doom then asked about Sumi, who stared her down from behind his iron mask.

"A child we captured in the ruins of the city. She was spying on us, and spoke of the other group that have been ambushing--" Within a second, Doom raised his hand in the air, and blasted Sumi with green energy. She would fly through what remained of the wooden wall that surrounded their camp.

"I have no time for prisoners." Doom told them all.

"... But... what of the other group?" Radec asked.

"What of them?" They didn't matter now. They couldn't stop them now. They could begin the attack.​
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The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

The TARDIS that had brought this contingent fades in and out, and makes that wheezing sound she has loved too much to silence, until it vanishes to return to the Cosmos lobby to serve as a base for the others. With its chameleon circuit still broken, to have the blue box just sitting on a highway overpass was too risky. The government was capable of taking a TARDIS after all.

Thirteen scans with her sonic screwdriver, and in short order isolates the power source they have come to uncover. While the others debate means of ascending to that tower, Thirteen is capable of listening to all of them while also working over the problem it seems others are not considering. To an outside observer it would seem like she's not listening, but rest assured she is.

"Agam's anti-gravity would be the best option to climb that tower, yes." Thirteen turns around to the rest of the group wagging her finger in the air.

"Buuut, we have to get there first." Thirteen makes sweeping motion over the miles between them and the tower.

"Now, fastest is obviously we use the roofs like lily pads, and hop on over like happy little frogs...buuut that exposes us all the way from here to there." Thirteen clicks her tongue and points down.

"Which means our only other option, is to get on the ground level and fight off whatever nasty thing we run into, without making too big a show of it." She spins on her heels and starts to power-walk down the highway overpass toward the tower. For a few feet at least, until she veers off to the side and stands at the edge.

"Agam." She says to the young man beckoning him forth. "If you would, please." She points down and waits.

The CPU within T-851 was the latest advancement of Cyberdyne Systems in its quest to advance beyond the minds that had originally conceived of Skynet. It has proven capable of deceiving humans time and again. The business of trying to understand Sheograth was far outside the CPU's significant parameters. T-851 had stood in 'Standy Mode' collecting only information it deemed essential, as anything else was threatening to overload the CPU. To outsiders, 'Thea' would appear to have a thousand-yard stare indicative of post-traumatic stress disorder. It had deemed it would be advantageous to be in the group seeking the power source; it was a potential means of travel that would set the original mission back in order.

Likewise, Thea had gathered what data she could about the team, and agreed with the strategy put forth by The Doctor and followed behind her with the large gun she'd acquired from Ayami ready.

"I will be the last. I can provide fire support if needed from here." Thea says standing aside Thirteen scanning the area directly below them for any threats. Her tone is dispassionate, disconnected.

"I'll go up the side of the building before I get back into a vent with this fat fucker." Murphy told the group, as the last time they had to travel through a vent, it went.. badly, let's just say.

"It that fuckin' stupid rope you brought with us, that thing weighed a ton!" Connor interjected.

"Well without it, we wouldn't be standing here, because you had to get us lost." Murphy retorted.

"We were wearing masks in a dark, cramped space, I'd like to see you fuckin' get us there faster!"

While the brothers argued like how most brothers would... if they were children still, the pink glob with little feet was watching the distance. That cloud of kicked up dust floating into the sky from the large hoard approaching the city was getting closer by the minute. And while still far away, time was ticking, and they needed to get moving. Walking between the brothers, who stopped arguing once they realized Kirby was with them, he came over to the Doctor's side, tugged on her sleeve to get her attention, and pointed to where the dust clouds were. Mass heat sources could been scanned just from where they stood, even through they were miles away from the cloud. It wasn't a giant beast, but hundreds of them together.
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W's never had a "splitting" headache before, but she thinks it's going to happen any second now.

There's been a influx of new events; destroyed city, campsite, more people, and now a giant worm that would put even the most Originium-mutated creatures to shame. There's a limit to how much a plan can deviate, and after seeing Doom blast Sumi - she's been looking for opportunities to sneak her away - through a wall to fuck knows where, the deviation is at its end. Time to kiss everyone goodbye - metaphorically, and from a very long distance away.

When the heads were turned, W dashed to the side, into the gap between some piles of rubble. Three smoke bombs went off in separate locations, none of them next to her. Before she cleared the immediate area, she turned around to see Talulah stride - always a stride, calm, unhurried stride - off into a broken building, and vanish before she could blink.

W smiled, and then was gone, concealed by the forest of ruins.


"This is their camp, boss." The scout said, with more than a hint of nervousness in his voice. He passed Steve the binoculars.

The Sankta sniper could see a lot, but not everything, courtesy of the giant sandworm beside the group. As he stared, three smoke clouds popped, and two figures detached from the big group. From his vantage point five stories up, he can barely identify the Reunion Movement leader's distinct Draconian horns and silvery-white hair. The other was a similarly white-haired individual, but wearing slightly more red.

"That's two of the Movement's big-shots, boss." The scout said, now one-hundred percent nervous. "You sure you wanna tangle with these guys?"

Steve nodded and passed the binoculars back to him. "We move out now."


"Eyes up, chest puffed and look sharp, boys." Steve said, quietly. "Look presentable."

He had brought quite a number of people with him. Not all of them, of course; any commander worth their salt knew to not put all his troops in one basket. Still, he elected to bring his best people, along with a column of elite Defenders and Art Guards. He hoped their didn't look too dirty.

"Coming up on them now. Stay quiet, let me do the talking, and don't be too aggressive."

When they were a hundred meters away from the camp perimeters, the formation stopped. Steve cleared hid throat.

"Ahem. Hello! We bear no ill will! We would like to talk!"
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- Shao Kahn, Konqueror of Realms, Ruler of Outworld -

Shao Kahn audibly groaned when Doctor Doom had not only returned, but arrived on the back of a vicious beast that he laid claim to controlling, in spite of being provided the means to do so by MODOK. Such blatant egotism irritated the Kahn, a hypocritical notion to observers but one they would keep to themselves if they valued their lives.

The blasting of Sumi through the nearest wall was something he could get behind with no complaints. That vile girl being kept prisoner puzzled Shao Kahn, yet he had a feeling she wasn't killed by Doom's blast, nor was he happy about Doom's blatant disregard for their opposition.

"Don't be a fool, Doctor! To ignore our enemies or their potential strength will spell defeat for us. All of this?" He gestured all around him, arms outstretched. "Will have been for nothing!" He then looked to those loyal to him and pointed. "Keep your eyes peeled for anyone fool enough to attack us and show them no mercy! Hold nothing back!" Shao Kahn then summoned his Wrath Hammer and slung it over his shoulder, keeping it at the ready before their departure.

"I hope that beast of yours is fierce enough to weather the coming storm."

- Kylo Ren, Master of the Knights of Ren -

After dismounting the Sandworm with Doctor Doom, the man formerly known as Ben Solo was surprised to be addressed by a Sith Lord of Eld. At least he had to figure Malgus was from the past, unless the Sith made a resurgence in the distant future. Though Kylo never called himself "Sith", nor was he named a Lord of the Sith by Supreme Leader Snoke, the term felt fitting enough.

One thing was for certain: Darth Malgus radiated the power of the Dark Side and his hatred and wrath could be tasted in the air whenever he was near. He was Kylo Ren's superior and Kylo hated this feeling more than anything, to be dwarfed by a darker warrior, be it his own Master or this stranger from history.

"I am Kylo Ren. I, look forward, to working with you." Was all he said; a begrudging "respect" for his elder and a disregard for all others present for the time being.

- Thor Odinson, God of Thunder -

Thor would not even pretend to understand everything Thirteen had said. While not stupid, Thor hadn't too much care for the specifics of anti-gravity and such tech, so he just rolled his shoulders and nodded.

"Right, at least we have a plan. Let's be about then, hmm?"
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Dio Brando

As the gathered heads of their respective groups began to plan their attack without the dear doctor went on, their 'leader' would arrive on a gigantic worm with more additions to their numbers. Dio would appear to be smirking but underneath the future rightful ruler of mankind's visage was one of sheer unadulterated anger, as Doom's return now slightly hampered Dio's plans to slowly turn the others against him.

But no matter, if things came to it, Dio was positive [The World] and its time-stop ability would lay waste to Doom and any who remain loyal to him. Though from the looks of it, Shao Kahn was just as fond of Doom as Dio was. Suffice to say that Dio was pleased, perhaps he didn't need to lay waste to all of them.

To voice his thoughts on the matter. Dio would call out. "Indeed, to underestimate our foes would lead to our destruction. Hell, the former owner of this body, Jonathan Joestar was someone who I underestimated. An error that costed me dearly, so I made sure not to repeat said underestimation with the fool, nor any of his descendants. So take the lesson well, Doctor. Underestimate your foe at your own peril." Before anymore comments could be made, Dio and no doubt the others in the camp would hear someone calling to them.

With his vampiric senses, he could see a good number of people gathered at their perimeter, not big enough for a siege party, but just large enough to be a good sized escort. Considering his previous absence from the previous skirmish, Dio would not want Doom to use his lack of activity as motive to turn the others against Dio instead of the other way around, so speaking to Doom, Dio would say. "I do technically owe you as part of not taking part in that lovely display of violence earlier. I will go see what is at our doorstep while you take the others, and continue on with the attack, as if this is the group that wretch was speaking of, I'll go and see what they want. And if need so. Dispose of them." The last part came out as some sort of purr from the vampire as he moseyed his way to the side of the camp where the group was gathered, exiting through a gap in the defenses.

Standing before the group, Dio would size them up, before speaking in ever so velvety voice. "It's considered quite rude to ask for an audience without first introducing yourselves. Here, I'll lead by example. You stand before I, Dio Brando." As if practiced, Dio would execute a pose, his back arched just ever so slightly, arms poised as if presenting himself as a priceless piece of art to be admired. His burgundy red cape flapping just slightly at the gentle breeze blowing through.

"And what I, Dio wish to know. Is who you are and what brings you here?" His first question, while bland at first would lead a slew of other questions to follow. But Dio just hoped this was to end either bloodily, or with new underlings serving under him. The thought made him smile, fangs showing as he awaited a response.

@Agent_Puncake @Wade Von Doom @Nero Kunivas @Wiggin @Whoever-Else-I-Forgot-Sorry
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The 13th Doctor - Character Sheet

Thirteen rolls her eyes at the MacManus Brothers.

"Lads! Can it, if you could, please? We have far more important things to do." She says to the pair.

The small pink blob with eyes and the most rudimentary arms and legs comes to her then.

"Mr. Squishy? Whats wrong?" Thirteen follows where he points.

"Oh no…" Thirteen looks at the approaching dust cloud, and knows from experience it's not a common dust storm. That was the dust trail of many things charging on the city.

"Alright! No more dawdling! We need to move! Now!" Thirteen gestures wildly at Agam.

"Agam! Do the...thing! Now please?!" She asks loudly grabbing Mr. Squishy and holding him under one arm like one would a rugby ball.

In the span of their pointless argument, T-851 had made a definitive assessment of the MacManus Brothers

Terminate. Tactical liability.

The brothers were lucky they were not alone with the Terminator in that moment.

Thea made a visible face of annoyance as she had seen others make in response to such a situation and opened her lips to essentially restate Thirteen's plea as an order, but is stopped by the pink blob only given a name by Morgan approaching Thirteen. Her eyes snap to the direction indicated by Mr. Squishy's pink nub. Analysis of the profile of the dust cloud determines it is the massive trail of an advancing army.

"We can't drop down now! We need to hop across the rooftops. The city defenses will be focused on whatever that is as the most imminent threat." Thea recommends very strongly.
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Noel Takao

"She's right, you know." Noel says to the brothers as he walks past them to join 13. "Especially since we're all working together here."

In the middle of trying to get the brothers to stop fighting, he notices the pink fluff ball known as Kirby walking towards them, trying to get the Doctor's attention. He looks up to where the ball was pointing at and notices the dust clouds in the air.

"I agree with her, with them in the city, we don't have a lot of time for detours and battles anyways." "We'll just have to take that risk."
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The group paused as they looked at the man before them, "crazy fucker" running through most of their heads.

"My name is Steve, no last name. You may call me Seraph." Whoever this guy is, he's got a hell of a show running here, and Steve hoped to suppress his charisma at least some what. "We-"

"We're here to look for our people."

Steve face palmed internally. The voice belonged to one of his lieutenants, an Arts Guard. He had always been fast on the verbal spars, and even faster on his feet, but Steve had hoped to take things slow. His next words, however, made him tense up.

"And you know what else is rude? Pulling that passive aggressive bullshit. We're not here to start trouble if you don't give us any, and we only wanna know where our gals went, what y'all are doing, and maybe we come to agreements, huh?"

The Sankta sniper held his tongue. In any other circumstances, he would've reprimanded the guy, but here... here he had to battle for an invisible dominance. There's something wrong with this guy; too much charisma packed into too small an area. Maybe he's got Arts too... or maybe it's something else. Something dangerous. Maybe even a trap.
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- Shao Kahn, Konqueror of Realms, Ruler of Outworld -

Shao Kahn audibly groaned when Doctor Doom had not only returned, but arrived on the back of a vicious beast that he laid claim to controlling, in spite of being provided the means to do so by MODOK. Such blatant egotism irritated the Kahn, a hypocritical notion to observers but one they would keep to themselves if they valued their lives.

The blasting of Sumi through the nearest wall was something he could get behind with no complaints. That vile girl being kept prisoner puzzled Shao Kahn, yet he had a feeling she wasn't killed by Doom's blast, nor was he happy about Doom's blatant disregard for their opposition.

"Don't be a fool, Doctor! To ignore our enemies or their potential strength will spell defeat for us. All of this?" He gestured all around him, arms outstretched. "Will have been for nothing!" He then looked to those loyal to him and pointed. "Keep your eyes peeled for anyone fool enough to attack us and show them no mercy! Hold nothing back!" Shao Kahn then summoned his Wrath Hammer and slung it over his shoulder, keeping it at the ready before their departure.

"I hope that beast of yours is fierce enough to weather the coming storm."

- Kylo Ren, Master of the Knights of Ren -

After dismounting the Sandworm with Doctor Doom, the man formerly known as Ben Solo was surprised to be addressed by a Sith Lord of Eld. At least he had to figure Malgus was from the past, unless the Sith made a resurgence in the distant future. Though Kylo never called himself "Sith", nor was he named a Lord of the Sith by Supreme Leader Snoke, the term felt fitting enough.

One thing was for certain: Darth Malgus radiated the power of the Dark Side and his hatred and wrath could be tasted in the air whenever he was near. He was Kylo Ren's superior and Kylo hated this feeling more than anything, to be dwarfed by a darker warrior, be it his own Master or this stranger from history.

"I am Kylo Ren. I, look forward, to working with you." Was all he said; a begrudging "respect" for his elder and a disregard for all others present for the time being.

- Thor Odinson, God of Thunder -

Thor would not even pretend to understand everything Thirteen had said. While not stupid, Thor hadn't too much care for the specifics of anti-gravity and such tech, so he just rolled his shoulders and nodded.

"Right, at least we have a plan. Let's be about then, hmm?"
Dio Brando

As the gathered heads of their respective groups began to plan their attack without the dear doctor went on, their 'leader' would arrive on a gigantic worm with more additions to their numbers. Dio would appear to be smirking but underneath the future rightful ruler of mankind's visage was one of sheer unadulterated anger, as Doom's return now slightly hampered Dio's plans to slowly turn the others against him.

But no matter, if things came to it, Dio was positive [The World] and its time-stop ability would lay waste to Doom and any who remain loyal to him. Though from the looks of it, Shao Kahn was just as fond of Doom as Dio was. Suffice to say that Dio was pleased, perhaps he didn't need to lay waste to all of them.

To voice his thoughts on the matter. Dio would call out. "Indeed, to underestimate our foes would lead to our destruction. Hell, the former owner of this body, Jonathan Joestar was someone who I underestimated. An error that costed me dearly, so I made sure not to repeat said underestimation with the fool, nor any of his descendants. So take the lesson well, Doctor. Underestimate your foe at your own peril." Before anymore comments could be made, Dio and no doubt the others in the camp would hear someone calling to them.

With his vampiric senses, he could see a good number of people gathered at their perimeter, not big enough for a siege party, but just large enough to be a good sized escort. Considering his previous absence from the previous skirmish, Dio would not want Doom to use his lack of activity as motive to turn the others against Dio instead of the other way around, so speaking to Doom, Dio would say. "I do technically owe you as part of not taking part in that lovely display of violence earlier. I will go see what is at our doorstep while you take the others, and continue on with the attack, as if this is the group that wretch was speaking of, I'll go and see what they want. And if need so. Dispose of them." The last part came out as some sort of purr from the vampire as he moseyed his way to the side of the camp where the group was gathered, exiting through a gap in the defenses.

Standing before the group, Dio would size them up, before speaking in ever so velvety voice. "It's considered quite rude to ask for an audience without first introducing yourselves. Here, I'll lead by example. You stand before I, Dio Brando." As if practiced, Dio would execute a pose, his back arched just ever so slightly, arms poised as if presenting himself as a priceless piece of art to be admired. His burgundy red cape flapping just slightly at the gentle breeze blowing through.

"And what I, Dio wish to know. Is who you are and what brings you here?" His first question, while bland at first would lead a slew of other questions to follow. But Dio just hoped this was to end either bloodily, or with new underlings serving under him. The thought made him smile, fangs showing as he awaited a response.

@Agent_Puncake @Wade Von Doom @Nero Kunivas @Wiggin @Whoever-Else-I-Forgot-Sorry

"You misunderstand our enemies, both of you!" Doom shouted back to Kahn and Dio. "This Jostar, the cowboy out of time, those miscreant brothers, those buffoons who arrived in our presence, they are all nothing in comparison to our power! They may hold great power, but our goal lies not with them, but within that city. Our enemy is that which protects it. By the time these 'heroes' find out our plans, it will have become too late. If you truly fear them, then continuing hiding within these ruins and hunt them down. But, I will break through to that city, and my way up each floor of the tallest building until I reach that which will bring me to my domain."

Before Doom could continue on, Steve spoke up. As if perhaps coming out into the open like that was a bad idea, every soldier within the camp came out and aimed their weapons right at Steve and his lieutenant. Doom approached first, standing in front of Kahn and Dio. As Steve was interrupted by his lieutenant, who began to rant about their treatment as uninvited guests. Before he knew it, that same lieutenant would begin to be choked, and be lifted off the ground be a few feet. Malgus wasn't impressed.

"If you wish to negotiate, keep your pets on its leashes." He threatened, his hand held outward; shaking as he choked Steve's soldier.

Doom shouted. "Release him." He demanded. "I will shed no blood here."

Malgus looked to Doom for a few seconds, before releasing the lieutenant. "Who are these women you speak of?" Doom asked.
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The man spluttered, coughed, and roared: "I am no pet!"

The Arts Guard went for his blade, but found Steve's hand around his wrist, pressing it down and keeping the sword firmly on his back. He turned to look at his superior, who stared at him sternly, unrelenting. The standoff continued for a few seconds, until the Arts Guard's hand relaxed. Steve pulled his hands away as well, and the other man turned back around to stare at Malgus with a death stare - not very effective, Steve could imagine, but let him do what he wants - short of getting himself killed. The people behind him rustled with unrest and fear - disciplined, yes, but mightily less so than these men and their soldiers.

Not to mention that the first time these guys saw a gun, it was likely the Laterano military coming to box them in like lambs for slaughter. And there's a lot of guns here, not counting his.

"Well, surely you've noticed the smoke?" He answered. "They're both silver-haired, one of them wore a... okay, their attires weren't exactly very sensible, one of them had on this... frilly short skirt over some stockings, and this turtleneck-jacket thing, the other one had a real aristocrat-looking dress and a longsword."

Maybe this had been a worse idea than I thought, Steve reasoned. I have at least one unruly soldier - fuck knows how many more - and a group of people much tougher than anything we've ever encountered.

He knew that, given the signal, the casters and drones a few blocks away could provide long-range support as they made a run for it; but how many would die? Not that it was extremely likely, so long as he kept his people in check. And if he couldn't - well, then he'd at least be rid of some troublesome soldiers.
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Agam Azuron

Agam briefly put his attention on the argument of the brothers for a moment, sighing as he did. "Of all the times you both could've picked to argue like children... I doubt this is an appropriate one." His focus then went to the Doctor, who wanted to be brought down to the street level, Agam nodded, lifting a hand in her general direction. "Right, Do-" before he could finish addressing the woman, the peculiar pink blob called his attention, as it approached the Doctor in an apparent hurry. The creature signaled out something to her. Following its pink stump, Agam turned, and saw an immense dust cloud slowly closing in. "Visara Vitala!" Agam exclaimed as he pointed out one of his hands towards it, only to confirm his suspicions. Multiple lifeforms, charging in towards the city. He turned to the Doctor, who urged him to act. Agam once again pointed one of his hands on the Doctor's direction, but before he could say anything, some members of the team suggested against going down, and go straight instead. Agam didn't say anything, leaving the ones who needed a hand to discuss it. However, they didn't have all the time in the world, so Agam had to urge them to decide. The Doctor seemed like a good point to start. "Very well, take your pick, Doctor. Then, all you need to do is jump." True to his word, once she voiced her choice and jumped, an invisible force would guide her to either the street below, or the nearest rooftop in front of her in a swift but controlled manner, and of course, a smooth landing on her feet. While that happened, Agam took interest in the blob, who seemed sentient and smart, yet it couldn't talk. Agam pondered if thought-talk could be a way to communicate with it, or its thoughts were too chaotic for that. Only one way to know... "Hello. Can you understand me?" he conveyed to the puff ball's mind.

Marco Dekimotre

Once again, Marco was quiet. Analyzing the situation unfolding before him. Two brothers arguing about a past adventure. Everyone seemed reprehensive towards them because of it. They were on enemy territory, after all, so it made sense to act that way. Then a pink ball with appendages went to their impromptu leader, calling her attention to something Marco had noticed a while ago. An invading force, heading their way. However, something was off. Marco started shaking slightly. Something in that cloud was off, it scared him. Marco didn't know why, but he wanted to be away from it. Knowing from his time as a mercenary that showing fear was wrong. He tried his best to casually move things forward "M-make a choice, but h-hurry...'"
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