The Evrensel Conflict -- Canon Claim

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Wade Von Doom

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Sci-fi, modern, horror, a bit of dark romance stories.


Canon (Where in the story are you taking them from?):

Abilities (This includes the character's skills):

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Hei, Lee Shengshun

Darker Than Black

Canon (Where in the story are you taking them from?):
After the events in season 2

Abilities (This includes the character's skills):
Molecular Manipulation: His contractor ability grants Hei the ability to generate either enough voltage through a conductive medium [like water, or metal or whatever material, or through a physical touch] to kill a grown healthy adult or overload a power system. Or acting as a taser to someone's nerves, effectively knocking them out.

The power is more than just this, as Hei can also alter material on the quantum level similar to how humans are made into Contractors, and also alter Gate's molecules.

Obeisance: Due to his sister fusing with him, Hei doesn't have a price to pay for using the powers.

Peak Human Physique: Hei's Contractor power are enhanced by his enhanced speed, agility, endurance, dexterity and natural strength.

Hand to Hand combatant: Hei's skill in martial arts and acrobats is on a level good enough that he can pull cartwheels and flips midair with almost no effort, to a point that he can take on other Contractors without having to use his power.

Tactician: Similar to other Contractors, Hei is a very intelligent and resourceful, able to easily improvise in the middle of a fight. And due to his ability needing either physical contact or a medium to use his power, he often uses the element of surprise to get in close and deliver a killing strike. This combined with his unpredictably and resourcefulness makes him a deadly fight.

Mask - A simple white mask with a red smile and purple lightning bolt over one eye that seemingly changes expression depending on the angle you view it.

Knife - A double edged knife that can connect to a wire, thus allowing it to not only be used to slash or stab at a distance but also act as a conductive medium for Hei's ability.

Wire - In addition to using it with his knife, Hei also uses his wire with a carabiner attached to the end, which allows the wire to anchor to any object that it wraps around. This is also used to wrap around enemies necks and allows Hei to deliver lethal shocks

Trench Coat - A black trench coat that in conjunction with Hei's power, becomes bullet proof and is used as a shield at times. Only able to be used by Hei, otherwise it's a normal coat to other people.
Name: Jotaro Kujo

Series: JoJo's Bizarre Adventures

Canon (Where in the story are you taking them from?): After the events that occurred in Morioh in Part 4

Abilities (This includes the character's skills):

[Star Platinum: The World] - A powerful Stand with superhuman strength, senses, accuracy, stamina and speed but suffers from lack range, only being able to move within 2-3 meters of Jotaro. The Stand also possesses the ability to stop time, but due to neglect from Jotaro over the years, the ability had degraded from the maximum of five seconds, but was raised back to only two seconds. And unlike Dio's The World, Jotaro cannot repeat use the ability, requiring a few seconds between usage.
Name: Terry McGinnis

Series: Batman Beyond

Canon (Where in the story are you taking them from?): Shortly after Season 1

Abilities (This includes the character's skills): Outside of the Batsuit, Terry is a skilled fighter and acrobat, both of which are enhanced by the Batsuit. The other skills that Terry has that aren't enhanced by the Batsuit are the young man's uncanny skill with driving vehicles and intellect. The latter skill is minor when compared to more intelligent individuals, but it is still notable.


The Batsuit worn by Terry is the last incarnation created by Bruce before his retirement. Though the technology in the suit is at least 20 years old, it is still considered cutting-edge. In addition, after Terry becomes Batman, it is implied that the suit is updated numerous times, and after it is destroyed, he and Wayne are seen rebuilding and modifying it. The cowl in this suit covers the face completely, with the mouth being the only opening. Lenses in the eyes transmit visual data to the wearer, allow for various scanning abilities and allow Wayne to monitor Terry's activities from the Batcave, seeing and hearing what he sees and hears and advising him. The traditional cape has been eliminated in favour of retractable glider wings under the arms. Thrusters built into the boots allow flight in the absence of wind, although for prolonged long-range flight Terry typically uses the Batmobile. In case the suit is stolen, the circuitry in the suit can be paralyzed remotely from the Batcave.

This Batsuit conforms to the size and physique of its wearer, being able to fit both the physically imposing Bruce and the significantly slimmer Terry. The form-fitting material provides almost no reduction in flexibility, while muscular enhancement technology enhances the wearer's strength and also grants the wearer agility and endurance. The material in the suit is resistant to massive concussive forces (in particular, it was able to take blows from Superman), fire, lasers, electric shocks, water pressure, wind force, bullets and even low levels of radiation. After an episode where Terry nearly drowns, a built-in rebreather is added to allow the user to remain underwater for long periods or breathe in other inhospitable areas.

The suit possesses a two-way audio-visual link with the Batcomputer, allowing Terry to keep in contact with Bruce for superior tactical planning. The same applies to the Batmobile, which will automatically fly to the user's location when summoned. Directional microphones in the fingertips allow the user to hear and record audio through walls or at a distance - this data can then be transferred to a separate microchip as evidence. The lenses in the cowl can scan a number of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum allowing night vision among other things. However, as the suit's visual capabilities are entirely electronic, the user is effectively rendered blind if they are disrupted.

The suit has several defensive capabilities. A device on the belt can electrically charge the suit to repel close attackers, added after Terry's encounters with the shapeshifting supervillain Inque; this same feature can be limited to just the hands, turning the defensive technology into an offensive one if need be. The suit (and the Batmobile) also possesses a cloaking device that can render Terry invisible to the naked eye - although it cannot, however, filter ultraviolet light. Pads on the feet can be magnetically charged, allowing the user to cling to metal surfaces even when upside-down.

The suit's offensive capabilities are also significant. It carries a large number of dispensable Batarangs which, when inactive, are compact enough to be invisible to the naked eye. These Batarangs come with a range of auxiliary functions, such as producing electric shocks or explosions. The Batarangs are usually thrown by hand, but can be fired from a wrist-mounted launcher. However, there is a limit to the amount of Batarangs the Batsuit can dispense; Batman has run out on at least one occasion.

The utility belt is integrated into the suit and carries tracers, flash and smoke pellets, extinguisher capsules, flexicuffs and a detachable buzz saw on the buckle. Retractable claws on the fingers can be used to cut through objects and grip solid surfaces and the forearms are equipped with grappling hooks that can act as bolas.

Finally, the Batsuit possesses a number of other devices to aid in detective work. The right index finger possesses a retractable decoding device for electronic locks, the palms possess polygraph sensors, and the fingers can analyze most substances they are dipped into. Other, less-used devices, such as frequency scanners, also make appearances.



Name: Dio Brando

Series: JoJo's Bizarre Adventures [Part 3]

Canon (Where in the story are you taking them from?): After his defeat at the hands of Jotaro Kujo

Abilities (This includes the character's skills):
DIO's Stand is The World; a humanoid Stand that specializes in melee attack roughly equal, if not superior, in its immense force and speed to Jotaro Kujo's Star Platinum.

About a year after gaining his Stand, DIO discovered that it is capable of stopping time. At first, he could only do this for a very short amount of time, but by the end of Part 3, he is able to stop time for a maximum of 9 seconds. This duration would have continued to develop had DIO not been defeated. When stopping time, DIO gives the impression that he is teleporting or otherwise moving at impossible speeds.

The ability is best known for DIO's activation and cancellation phrases THE WORLD, Time, stop! and Time resumes.


Having had ample time to rest and train with The World, DIO is shown to have been thorough in exploring his Stand's abilities. Case in point, it was during an experiment session during which DIO sought to test the limit of The World's speed that he discovered his time stop ability.

To give himself an advantage, DIO has tried to keep the ability of The World a secret, only using it at key moments to psych out an opponent and perform incomprehensible sneak attacks, as well as only trusting its secret to a few confidants such as Enya the Hag and not hesitating to eliminate her as soon as she remotely risked to inform the Joestars of his timestop power. However, as soon as they understood its ability, DIO dropped the secret and showed a great degree of confidence about the supremacy of his power, ultimately not caring about his secret as he was convinced that no one could do anything about it. Thus, he began to liberally stop time against Jotaro. Thanks to the free time-frame of action granted by The World, DIO has made it possible to instantly reposition himself to avoid attacks or set himself up to attack, kill enemies instantly, or even displace his opponents to toy with them.

DIO has shown a high degree of control over The World, using it to battle Jotaro's Star Platinum to a standstill, but showing superior technique in hand to hand combat by using low kicks to unbalance Star Platinum or feints to out-punch Star Platinum. However, his Vampire constitution means that DIO never showed the same care at using The World defensively at he preferred to avoid being hit at all and regenerate by sucking blood.

Unlike practically every other Stand User, DIO has sought to improve his Stand's capabilities. He notably wanted the Joestar to come to him so that he could suck the blood of a Joestar and sync himself up with Jonathan's body to further improve his time stop ability. Araki indeed stated that DIO had the potential to stop time indefinitely. Moreover, DIO had searched a way to unlock a power even more powerful than The World, using esoteric knowledge to divine a plan to create another mightier Stand.

Jonathan's Stand
Due to an awakening power within Jonathan Joestar's body, DIO is capable of using a Hermit Purple-like Stand which allows him to create psychic images, be it on photographs or crystal balls. Due to the connection he has between Jonathan's body and his descendants, DIO is also able to sense the presence of other Joestars and can use this to track their position. He is even able to tell when Joseph uses Hermit Purple to take a psychic photograph of him, and instinctively knew that his acquisition of a Stand also awoke Stand abilities in Jonathan's descendants.

Superhuman Strength: Dio attains massive strength as a Vampire, allowing him feats such as forcibly walking on walls and single-handedly deflecting attacks such as Hierophant Green's Emerald Splash (volleys of substantially-sized emeralds flying at almost bullet speed). After absorbing Joseph's blood he is powerful enough to pick up and drop a steamroller on Jotaro.

Superhuman Speed: Dio also possesses superhuman speed and agility. At one point he was described by Speedwagon being faster than a cheetah.

Superhuman Senses: Demonstrated when placing his head on the ground to hear Jotaro's heartbeat, despite being a few meters away, Dio appears to have senses beyond human level.

Regeneration: Dio can regenerate his body faster than fire can consume it. His incredible vitality is maintained by consuming human beings (or their blood), which he commonly does by piercing them with his fingers. Like all JoJo Vampires, Dio sucks blood through tentacles in his fingers and has been seen at least once drinking blood from an unnamed girl. His body is able to live even after having vital body parts amputated and he can also control his detached body parts. The extent of Dio's own survivability is demonstrated when he could continue as just a head.

Space Ripper Stingy Eyes: Dio is able to pressurize bodily liquid in his eyeballs and then create small openings in his pupils, eventually unleashing two fluid jets powerful enough to slice through stone.

Vaporization Freezing Technique: An ability Dio utilized after learning of the Ripple energy and the danger it presents to him. By vaporizing the moisture in his body, he can absorb heat from any living being he is in physical contact with and freeze them. This ability can be circumvented by Ripple being channeled through items and fire. Dio loses this ability after his original body was destroyed.

Fusion: Dio possesses the ability to graft the body parts of different beings together, using this to create half-man half-beast pets. Dio later used this ability to graft his head onto Jonathan's body.

Flesh Buds: Introduced in Stardust Crusaders, Dio is able manipulate his hair to create parasites that he can insert into a human's head. The Flesh Bud will pierce through the skull into the part of the brain, making the afflicted compliant to Dio's charisma. As explained by Joseph, the parasite will gradually eat the inflicted's brain. If someone tries to take out the spore, which can prove fatal if it's not carefully removed, the Flesh Bud will sprout tentacles in an attempt to invade the intruder's brain. If the vampire wants, he can give permission to someone to activate the spore's tentacles anytime he wants if close to it. The spores possess another effect in case DIO himself ever dies. According to Keicho Nijimura, his father who was implanted by the spore underwent a mutation into a greenish animalistic form by having DIO's cells inside his body. Presumably, this is a side effect that the rest of the surviving Stand Users that DIO had implanted his spores inside of would suffer from.

Hypnosis: This ability was used twice on Jack the Ripper and Poco, respectively. In the case of the former, Dio hypnotized Jack to convince him to join as a servant, allowing Dio to drain his blood and turn him into a zombie. Poco was manipulated to lure Jonathan into a trap, though his consciousness returned after being subjected to Jonathan's Ripple.

Healing: Dio also seems to possess the ability to heal other people's wounds as he was able to completely cure Pucci's wounded foot by simply touching it. However, the origins of this power remain unknown.

Intelligence: Dio is naturally intelligent, displaying cunning and perceptiveness as well as imagination repeatedly.

As a child and teenager, Dio Brando managed to achieve academic excellence with ease, having planned to graduate from university as a top law student.

Otherwise Dio is a cunning villain and proficient tactician in combat. Dio almost managed to get away with two murders, bidding his time in order to have a perfect alibi and was only discovered by accident. Upon his return from the bottom of the ocean, DIO built in six years a powerful criminal empire spanning over several continents and which brought him many riches. In a fight, Dio is particularly cunning and perceptive, his ruthlessness making him able to exploit dishonorable and downright inhuman tactics to get ahead, such as leading his enemies into a trap, using hapless civilians as projectiles and sources of energy, or plain sneak attacks. Dio has the habit of analyzing his opponents and determine quickly a counter to their strengths, such as freezing blood in order to stop the flow of the Ripple, or forcing Jotaro's bluff by throwing multiple knives from all direction so that he's forced to act during the stopped time.

Naturally ambitious, Dio constantly seeks to improve himself and meticulously studies his abilities to make the most of them. As such, he developed a freezing power akin to the Pillar Men's Modes in just a month, and in six years, discovered enough about Stands to be able to fuse several together with souls in order to create the ultimate Stand. Arguably his most successful move, Dio experimented on how his vampiric powers allowed him to fuse two organisms together, and used that knowledge to steal Jonathan's body.

Though he doesn't show it often, Dio has become a natural philosopher, arguing about the human condition with multiple people.

Toughness: All prior to becoming a Vampire, Dio was already an able bare-handed fighter; A skill he says he developed in the slums of London. A good amateur sportsman, during a rugby game as a young adult, he is shown to have developed high athletic ability (as well as fantastic muscle mass).

Charisma: Dio is a cunning and charming individual. In addition to Stand Users, whom Avdol and Joseph suggest he recruits through sheer charm or charisma, he has seduced many women through his life.

Knowledge: Throughout both his humble youth and tempestuous maturity, Dio is often seen reading. During his pre-teens, he is seen playing chess with adults. In Part 6, in conversation with Enrico Pucci, he is shown to have accumulated some wisdom within the world of Stands. Importantly, Dio is able to concoct a plan, contained in his diary, incorporating vast, unknown information as to the deliberate creation of Stands of perfectly specific abilities.

Spiritual Connection: After stealing Jonathan's body, DIO began to share a spiritual connection with Jonathan's living descendants. He notably was instinctively aware of their presence and their well-being, allowing him to track them across Cairo. Joseph mentions that DIO probably cannot distinguish between him and Jotaro, and only feel their presence.


Vampiric Body:
All of this, however, is at the expense of having a body sustained by sheer willpower alone, rather than vital energy. A sufficiently powerful force of vitality - specifically sunlight or the Ripple - will negate the sustaining force's presence and disintegrate the long-unliving body.

Jonathan's Body (former): When he first acquired Jonathan Joestar's body and resurfaced from the ocean, he was unable to use the full power of his Stand, and had to acquire blood from a live Joestar to compensate and fully synchronize. Once this weakness was negated, he managed to grow significantly stronger, as did his Stand.

Equipment: N/A


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Name: Crossbreed Priscilla

Series: Dark Souls

Canon: Dark Souls 1

Lifehunt: This is the power that even the Gods feared, it allows her to heal as she strikes her enemies, draining her enemies' stamina. Greatly improves her ability to fight by allowing her to heal large injuries while weakening how long her opponents can continue to battle. This power manifests itself as her weapon. Likely to grow in power over time, namely millenia.

Invisibility: Priscilla can turn herself, what she is carrying, and her clothes, invisible. This, in combination with her naturally light footfall makes her hard to detect to those unwary. Those with other methods of finding her may still detect her, and if she is struck it is liable to break her ability to hide. Though unlike some, she can still attack even while unseen.

Crystal Breath: With this Priscilla breathes out a mist of Blue Particles that harm those it contacts, this lingers for a short period before fading.

Snow flurry: As long as the environment isn't too hot, Priscilla can summon up short lived Ice Flurries to better hide her movements and interfere with her opponents vision.

Inhuman body: Priscilla is very strong, and stands around 11 foot tall, while also remaining decently quick for a being of such size, capable of withstanding far more punishment than a human.

Draconic Senses: Priscilla's senses are sharp, with her being able to see well in the dark and having a strong sense of both smell and hearing making it difficult to hide from her.

Equipment: Lifehunt scythe - an abnormally large and sharp scythe that magically causes more lacerations on those it hits

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Shirou Emiya Portrait.jpg
Name: Shirou Emiya

Series: Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works

Canon: 1 year after the Fifth Holy Grail War


- Though Shirou possesses Magic Circuits like any other Magus, he never learned how to use them properly. For most of his life, he was limited to performing only a few specialized forms of magecraft, and only at a low level. But during the Fifth Holy Grail War, the beginnings of his true potential were unlocked, and under the ongoing tutelage of Rin Tohsaka, he gradually learned to properly harness the power of his Magic Circuits. Though his talents are still extremely narrow for a Magus, they also also grants him some very unique and powerful abilities. He also has smaller mana reserves than most other Mages.

[Structural Grasp Magecraft] - Shirou can magically project his senses to analyze the structure and material properties of non-living objects, including complex devices and machinery.

[Reinforcement] - Shirou is able to expend mana to enhance the properties and functions of items and even his own body, essentially making them into better versions of themselves. Examples include making a sword sharper or stronger, making lights shine brighter, and making his eyes see farther, among other things. He can amplify a specified attribute by between 2 to 5 times their original potency.

[Projection] - Shirou can expend mana to near instantly materialize certain objects, with a special emphasis on blades, thanks to possessing both the Spirit Origin and Elemental Affinity of "Sword". He can theoretically materialize more complex devices, however for anything more complex than a bow, the process would require much greater concentration, and would also be much less mana-efficient.

[Tracing] - After the events of the Fifth Holy Grail War, when paired with his Structural Grasp Magecraft, Shirou is able to 'Trace' and then project copies of bladed weapons (including magic weapons such as Noble Phantasms) in very rapid succession. In the case of Noble Phantasms, he can even temporarily replicate the skills and techniques of the original owner to a degree.

That said, while these copied weapons retain their inherent properties and passive abilities, replicating the fully unleashed power of a Noble Phantasm takes much more energy, and in most cases, the effect is inferior in potency compared to the original. Another limitation of this technique is that he can only trace weapons created by human or otherwise mortal means. Anything created by truly eldritch or divine power is beyond his ability to replicate.

[Unlimited Blade Works: Infinite Creation of Swords] - Shirou's ultimate ability, which manifested at the climax of the Fifth Holy Grail War. By reciting a certain aria to focus his will, Shirou is able materialize a Reality Marble, a reflection of Shiro's mind and soul projected upon the world as an entire self-contained pocket dimension. This Reality Marble contains a copy of every weapon Shirou has ever Traced, an endless field of blades, all of which can be called upon and controlled near instantly and with minimal mana cost. With this, Shirou can create a storm of weapons to strike down his opponent.

However, this technique is highly energy intensive, and can only be used for several minutes at most before Shirou's mana is depleted, and thus is only used as a measure of last resort. When not actively manifested, Unlimited Blade Works acts as an inner archive of Shirou's copied weapons, which aids him in projecting weapons at minimal mana cost. It can even be used to project and simultaneously fire multiple blades as projectiles.

[Swordsmanship] - Through the development of his specialist magecraft during the Fifth Grail War, Shirou gained extensive skill in swordfighting, which he continued to hone through ongoing training.

[Archery] - Shirou already had extensive experience with the bow and arrow thanks to his participation in his school archery club. In the wake of the Fifth Grail War, he took up the practice once more, making it a regular practice in addition to honing his swordplay.

[Mechanical Repair] - Thanks to his Structural Grasp Magecraft and tinkering hobby, Shirou is quite skilled at diagnosing and repairing issues with all sorts of machines.

[Cooking] - Shirou is very proficient in the kitchen, and is more than capable of whipping up delicious meals even with simple ingredients.


Shirou typically wears ordinary civilian clothes, and he doesn't carry any dedicated weapons or tools, since he can simply project a desired weapon or simple tool at will. That said, he does have a signature pair of swords that he favors in combat.

Kanshou and Byakuya.jpg

[Kanshou and Byakuya]

Replicas of a pair of mystically-bonded swords long since lost to time. These heavy shortswords were Archer's signature melee weapons during the Fifth Grail War, and Shirou in turn inherited them as his own. Their primary ability is their attraction to eachother. If one of these swords is thrown in the right way, if the wielder still holds onto the other sword, the thrown blade will reverse course like a boomerang to return to its owner, allowing for attacks from different directions.
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Villain Submission

"I am Shao Kahn! Konqueror of Worlds! You will taste no victory!"

Name: Shao Kahn, The Konqueror of Worlds, Ruler of Outworld

Series: Mortal Kombat

Canon: Mortal Kombat 11 - Post-Timequake

Abilities: Soul Magic and Energy Manipulation, the former is part of the reason Shao Kahn has endured the ages and can back up his boasting with great might from the absorption of many souls over the millennia. The latter is how Shao Kahn can dash forward at high speeds, often shoulder first, coated in a potent green energy, throw energy spears and orbs and summon forth his weapons on demand, amongst other, ferocious abilities. Shao Kahn possesses superhuman strength and durability, allowing him to doll out and take a great degree of punishment respectively, all the while taunting and laughing at his adversaries, attacking them mentally as insult to their many injuries.

Equipment: Wrath Hammer and Lance - The Wrath Hammer is Shao Kahn's primary weapon of choice, but it's not always swift enough and is far from precise, yet it is still capable of crushing anyone and anything that stands in the Kahn's path. The Lance he can switch to on the fly is able to cover the areas his Wrath Hammer cannot, allowing for swifter, more precise strikes, swipes and stabs.

"It's official: You suck!
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"Remember, Light only burns for so long, but Darkness is forever!"

Name: Eramis, Kell of Darkness

Series: Destiny

Canon: Post-Beyond Light - After her defeat at the hands of the Young Wolf, Eramis was frozen solid by her own Stasis powers, but Kridis, the Dark Priestess, hatched a plan to resurrect the Kell. This venture failed, but Kridis was confident in her ability to pull this off, an act that would surely elevate Eramis to a messianic status. To the Guardians, this threat was very real and while they managed to avert this, the potential for Eramis to return lingers...and now her statue has gone missing in a flash of green light and with some distance put between Eramis and the Europan Pyramid that betrayed her, anything could happen, not to mention the turbulent transportation process.

Abilities: Eramis possesses all of the natural strengths of a Kell-sized Eliksni, her physical strength matching that of her male peers and a cunning that eclipses that of Skolas; a necessary quality for one who aspires to be Kell of Kells as the Rabid Skolas once did. House Salvation, her Fallen House, worships the Darkness and has been rewarded for their fervor and the genius of the Technocrat by claiming the power of Stasis, a paracausal power similar to those manifested by the Light and the Traveler, except it is a corrupting power that requires one to master their temptations, body and soul in order to use it without fear of being consumed by it.

Eramis can use Stasis to freeze her opponents with Stasis Bolts, Pillars of Ice-like structures, shattering them with slams, Umbral Blasts and yet more power that she will come to rely upon now more than ever, as it's now her only offensive and defensive tool.

Equipment: Originally used a Shrapnel Launcher but it was destroyed during her climactic battle with the Young Wolf, leaving her with just Stasis to keep her going.

"Ha! Cling to your Machine God. With this power...we make our own fate."
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Name: Raiden

Series: Metal Gear Solid / Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Canon (Where in the story are you taking them from?): post-Revengeance

Abilities (This includes the character's skills):
+ Custom cyborg body: Raiden's superhuman durability makes him highly resistant due to the parts of his body made entirely out of steel and artificial muscle fibers. He has a pain inhibitor that prevents him feeling any pain. Raiden's body is built for speed and efficiency, fueled by artificial blood and high-pressure synthetic muscle enhancements.

+ Blade skill: He has impressive precision and skill with his blade, improved on by his cyborg capabilities. A direct link between Raiden's internal fuel cells and his reflexes allowed a state referred to as Blade Mode, in which the apparent passage of time slowed to allow for super-fast or high-precision cuts with the HF Blade, also boosting Raiden's strength in this state. Blade mode depleted Raiden's fuel cells rapidly while in use, requiring regular recharging from his enemies or disposable electrolyte packs.

+ Crazy athleticism and speed: With complete flexibility and dexterity in all of his limbs, Raiden could use his feet to grip and grab hold of objects and edges in a similar manner to an ape or bat. He also could grip, hold, and even throw objects with inhuman ease and precision in his mouth. Raiden's superhuman speed enabled him to run extremely fast for great distances, even up walls of a remarkable height. Raiden also supplements this with a superb augmented sense of balance, being able to stand directly on his blade, and use the blade as a surrogate for a limb.

+ Gun training and combat experience: Drawing from his experiences in VR training and since he was a child soldier, Raiden has a penchant for combat and for conventional weaponry, especially bladed weapons. He can be expected to confidently operate most other small arms, as long as they aren't too outlandish or obscure in design.

HF blades: high-frequency blade, sword reinforced by a powerful alternating current and resonating at extremely high vibration frequencies. This oscillation weakened the molecular bonds of anything it cuts, thereby increasing its cutting ability. Raiden wields one such blade as his primary, and has a shorter knife as a sidearm in case his sword is taken away from him.

Mariachi costume: Kept, either on purpose or on accident, the costume was purchased by Raiden in an attempt to 'blend in' during a mission in Mexico. He thinks it fits the mood sometimes - that's probably just him though.

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Name: Zaheer

The Legend of Korra

Post Season 3 in imprisonment.


Even without his air bending Zaheer is a master martial artist, capable to pose as a threat to require the presence of Firelord Zuko, The White Lotus and Chief Sokka, who subsequently died in capturing him. He was later imprisoned at a peak of a mountain away from civilization, the only access to his platform being a bridge that would extend to his jail cell so the guards could give him food.

After receiving his air bending Zaheer would become an anomaly in the world of air benders, whereas traditionally air benders use their powers to redirect and dodge attacks Zaheer used his air bending in very direct ways. However, even with this he was no match to a master air bender.

Finally, after losing the love of life Zaheer lost all his worldly tethers, allowing him to master flight without a glider.


The clothes on his back.
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In memory of Sean Connery



Series: James Bond -- 007

Canon: After 'You Only Live Twice'

Abilities: Good with pistols, long ranged weapons, stealth assignments, CQC, and being a good spy for her majesty's government.

Equipment: While that is always changing, one thing he always makes sure to carry is a Walter PPK​
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Name: Victor Von Doom -- Doctor Doom

Series: Marvel

Canon: Marvel Comics, after their reboot of the universe in..... I think 2016? I dunno, they do it so frequently.

Abilities: Besides his super-genius intelligence and MMA training, MASTER Matrial Arts, but his power suit can fire off psyonic, cybernetic, and even electric attacks. He's also dabbled in mystical powers as well, so he's a good sorcerer.

Equipment: Doom only needs his suit. It is his eternal body of pure perfect power.​
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Name: Wade Wilson -- Deadpool

Series: Marvel

Canon: I'm not even gonna attempt to find a canon place for him

Equipment: DP's greatest weapons are his dual Katana blades, the pride and joy of his life, outside of getting money, watching My Little Pony, and snorting enough cocaine to make Scarface jealous. He also carries a few guns on hims as well, such as two small SMG's, two pistols, a third of which is hidden somewhere on his body, (guess where,) some grenades, and throwing knifes. He can also teleport a short distance thanks to a teleporting device on his belt.

Abilities: Regenerative Health. The trolliest of abilities.


Anyway, DP is also good in MMA, sword combat (which is previously mentioned,) can speak in several languages like Japanese, Spanish and German. *Though sometimes really badly.* and actually cannot be telepathically messed with, thanks to how fucked his mentality is. Still, the man is quite good at fighting, and is a very skilled assassin.​
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Name: The 10th Doctor

Series: Doctor Who

Canon: Before The End of the World

Abilities: Regeneration

Equipment: Sonic Screwdriver​
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Name: Jin Sakai

Series: Ghost of Tsushima

Canon: Between Act 2, trying to retake Castle Shimura

Abilities: Jin is a technical master at several styles of sword techniques. The Stone, Water, Wind, & Moon stances, each specialized in engaging different combatants on the battlefield. He has also trained himself in stealth and assassination through makeshift poisons and throwable objects like Kunai's, bombs, and wind chimes to distract enemies. Above all, Jin is a Samuari. One of the best you will ever meet. Pray you do not fight him face to face. And fear him if he is your enemy.

Equipment: Beyond his Katana and Tanto, and the mentioned bombs, Kunai's, poisoned darts, and wind chimes, Jin also equips a grappling hook to scale buildings and large walls in his path. Along with a bow to fire at long range enemies.​
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Tsunade- Character Sheet


Series: Naruto

Canon: The year after the end of the Fourth Shinobi World War


Medical Ninjutsu: Techniques using chakra to heal injuries and perform surgery.

Chakra Level and Control: Her lineage gives her access to more chakra than many other shinobi in her world, and her expert control of it are the roots of her other abilities.

Physical Prowess: Without augmenting her body with chakra Tsunade is very strong and durable, surviving multiple mortal wounds long enough to heal herself.

Chakra Strike: By focusing her chakra into one precise burst, her physical attacks are augmented greatly to superhuman levels.

Strength of a Hundred Seal: The violet diamond on her forehead is actually a seal that stores chakra while Tsunade is not using it. When released it can be used to rapidly heal herself, others, or amplify other's techniques.

Creation Rebirth: A jutsu she invented to heal injuries no matter their severity by forcing cells to divide and thus repair near-instantly. This is done at the cost of shortening her natural lifespan, and so only uses it in the most dire of situations.

Transformation Jutsu: Though she is at least sixty years old, this allows her to appear to be only in her twenties or younger/older as she wishes. This is active even when asleep or unconscious, but does end when she is depleted of her chakra, at which point she reverts to her natural appearance.

Various Ninjutsu, Taijutsu(physical attacks), Genjutsu(Illusions).

Extensive knowledge of poisons and their antidotes

Normally she can use Summoning Jutsu to summon slugs to aid her in battle and healing, but this is null due to being out of her own universe.

Current Equipment:

Lightsaber(Green blade) , satchel of medical supplies.
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The 13th Doctor


Name: The Doctor

Series: Doctor Who

Canon: Shortly after thwarting a Dalek invasion on New Year's Day 2019.


  • Regeneration: Time Lords can regenerate their entire body to prevent their own death from fatal injury. The process rearranges their brain resulting in a new personality and a new appearance.
    • Con: Being fatally wounded while regenerating can stop it and cause permanent death.
  • Alien Anatomy: Has two hearts(more with which to love and care), respiratory bypass system, and strength and endurance higher than a baseline human.
  • Telepathy: Limited to telepathy with individuals she can physically touch.
  • Intelligence: Time Lords naturally possess a high intellect and coupled with centuries of adventuring across space and time, The Doctor is a veritable genius in several fields.
  • Plot Armor: Has an uncanny ability to avoid being harmed even when faced with armed enemies and deadly obstacles, usually able to talk her way out or devise some plan (pre-emptively or totally improvised) to achieve her goals in a given situation.

The TARDIS: Not just another 'time machine' it also serves as The Doctor's only constant home through various adventures. While it lacks conventional weapons, it has proven to be a dangerous thing when tampered with, or when touched by a recently regenerated Doctor. Dimensional Engineering makes it much bigger on the inside, able to hold several people and many many supplies. It can travel most anywhere and be there at anytime, but tends to only take or drop The Doctor where The Doctor is most needed.

Sonic Screwdriver: A multipurpose tool and scanning device capable of emulating thousands of tools and scanners, while transmitting scanned data through high-burst optical feedback and telepathic impression. This one she made herself using materials found in a metalwork shop.


Psychic Paper: Capable of projecting official-seeming authorization to be wherever she happens to be. It appears as the most believable credentials the viewer will believe, not what she would want or prefer(It has given credentials for Inspector, Detective, Janitor etc.). Completely ineffectual on psychics, highly advanced races or sophisticated intelligences.

Dimensionally Transcendental Pockets: When given the opportunity, the pockets of her coat can hold many things that logically should be able to fit in said pockets together. Generally nothing more dangerous than a fork, spoon, rubber bands, treats, etc.
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Name:Princess Earth Queen Crown Princess Princess Azula

Series: Avatar the Last Airbender

Canon: One year after the comic Smoke and Shadow, Part Three (18 years old)


Firebending: Considered a prodigy of firebending who produces blue flames, the highest temperature to occur naturally in her world. She has the focus to produce:
Fire balls able to pulverize stone with their concussive force.
Condensed blades able to make fine cuts
Propel herself with jets of flame from her feet
Fire shields
Fire discs
Breathe fire from her mouth

Lightning Generation/Redirection: A sub-skill of firebending. She can create lighting of varied intensity from blinding flashes to compressed ball lightning. She also easily learned how to redirect lightning after learning it was possible.

Tactical and Martial Intelligence:A studious girl who utilized the vast resources of the Fire Nation to learn military tactics gained over a century of warfare. Her greatest tactical accomplishment is staging a coup with only two other companions to conquer the Earth Kingdom for the Fire Nation.

She has also been skilled enough to learn and adapt the martial skills of her opponents for herself. If it is able to surprise her, she deems it worth putting into her skillset.

Unarmed Combat/Agility:She is capable of disarming skilled fighters without her firebending; avoid other bending attacks with only jumps and reflexive dodges; running up walls;perform mid-air twirls and other acrobatic feats.


Shuriken and daggers are her only consistent forms of weaponry.
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Name: Robin

Series: Fire Emblem: Awakening

Canon: During the time skip.

Tactician: Competent in both magic and melee, Robin has a great deal of versatility in and out of combat. Perhaps more significant however is his ability to come up with crazy and unusual plans through sheer inspiration. Surprisingly, they often work despite the odds. Could this be skill, or simply luck?

Veteran: Robin is capable of growing at a faster pace than most others, and will gain more experience in battle

Grima's Vessel: Robin has been specifically prepared through his lineage and childhood to host the Fell Dragon, Grima. Although his mother took him away from the Grimleal cult at a young age, the Dragon God of Destruction has already managed to possess him. In a dark future where Grima rules almost uncontested, his spirit travelled to the past and merged with both his previous self and the vessel. This is the source of Robin's amnesia and his greatest weakness. Though the act has left the vile being in a dormant state, should he be fully awakened his malevolent will shall seep into his host's mind and take control of his body. His draconic nature may be of potential use to Robin, but this power is not without it's dangers...

Levin Sword: A weapon with an unusual, jagged shape, possessing the ability to fire blasts of lightning and charge itself with electricity for additional power. The Levin Sword inflicts magical damage, and can be used for both melee and ranged combat.

Elwind: A tome holding an advanced wind spell. When cast, it launches several blades of wind. Despite it's purpose being to cut, it's nature as wind magic allows alternative functions, such as a method of extremely brief flight.

Arcfire: A tome holding a powerful fire spell. When cast, it emits a large blast of flame. The potency can be reduced for more minor effects, but generally this spell's purpose is to cause destruction.

Thunder: A tome holding a basic lightning spell. When cast, a bolt of lightning leaps from the caster towards their target. Electricity is often useful against armoured opponents, as it tends to move through most physical obstacles. Useful for non-lethal takedowns.

Nosferatu: A dark magic tome holding a dangerous life-draining spell. This spell consumes the very life force of its victims, channeling it into the caster, healing and empowering them. Curiously, it appears able to affect inanimate objects as well, functioning much as it would against living targets.

Grimleal Cloak: Comfortable and spacious, this article of clothing offers protection from the elements and plenty of room to keep items safely hidden. It's remarkably durable as well.
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Name: Reinhard Van Astraea

Series: Re:Zero - Starting Life In Another World

Canon: Start

Defective Gate: Reinhard's gate is unable to release the mana inside of his body back out into the atmosphere, though he is able to absorb an incredible amount and it doesn't cause any harm to his body as he uses all of his mana to boost his physical abilities. Because of this, he can make others unable to use any magic or spirit magic while he's absorbing mana. Also, Reinhard has no affinity with magic, making him unable to use it at all.

Pseudo Spirit Affinity: Minor Spirits are attracted to Reinhard and try to heal him whenever he becomes injured. However, he is unable to order or use the Spirits himself.

Divine Blessings: Reinhard's divine gift is to gain any Divine Protection that he wants, although he himself does not create them. Rather, the Od Laguna will assign them to him based on his needs as appropriate. He has all of the following Divine Protections listed here, among others.

  • Divine Protection of the Sword Saint: Whoever holds this Divine Protection becomes the Sword Saint and inherits its powers which draws out maximum martial skill potential within them. Also grants the user the ability to see floating white rays of battle which if they were to merely follow the rays and trace them with their sword, they would unquestionably kill their opponent. The ability grants the user battle instincts which are heightened to perfection, and they can see and read the trajectories of their opponents attacks.
  • Divine Protection of Arrow Avoidance: It makes Projectiles and long-distance attacks change their trajectory, effectively making it impossible for them to hit the user.
  • Divine Protection of Arrow Guarantee: Any projectile he uses is guaranteed to hit the target.
  • Divine Protection of Magic Resistance: The user is immune against curses and debuffs like yin magic. Though the user is able to get buffed by yang magic or any other magic.
  • Divine Protection of Fire Avoidance: The user is 80% immune to fire damage.
  • Divine Protection of Wind Absorption: The user absorbs 80% of wind magic.
  • Divine Protection of Earth Resistance: Earth magic has an 80% reduced effect on the user.
  • Divine Protection of Water Reflection: The user reflects 80% of water magic.
  • Divine Protection of Darkness Immunity: The user nullifies 80% of yin (Dark) magic.
  • Divine Protection of Light Sharing: The user shares 80% of yang (Light) magic with another target.
  • Divine Protection of Swiftness: The user can move at superhuman speed. When riding an earth dragon or another mount, this blessing affects them too.
  • Divine Protection of Riding Mastery: The user is able to ride any kind of mount. The mount doesn't have to like him, he is still able to ride it.
  • Divine Protection of Initiative: He cannot be ambushed, and all initial attacks from Reinhard connect unless otherwise impossible.
  • Divine Protection of First Sight: The first time an attack is performed at Reinhardt, he automatically dodges regardless of his awareness of the attack. The blessing will wake him up even if he's asleep. This does not work if he is physically incapable of avoiding the attack.
  • Divine Protection of Advent: The second attack and all following attacks miss him, as he automatically dodges them. This does not work if he is physically incapable of avoiding the attack.
  • Divine Protection of Teary Skies: The user becomes stronger when under rainy skies.
  • Divine Protection of Blue Skies: The user becomes stronger when under blue skies.
  • Divine Protection of Night Skies: The user becomes stronger when under the night sky.
  • Divine Protection of Mind Reading: Vague understanding of what's on other people's mind.
  • Divine Protection of Item Mastery: The user is able to know how to use any item he holds.
  • Divine Protection of Unarmed Mastery: The user is very strong even without any weapons. He can use a swordless style of fighting in which he uses his hand like a sword.
  • Divine Protection of War God: Able to use any weapons masterfully, this extends to even things like iron pipes or disposable chopsticks, he can easily use them as weapons to cut through things.
  • Divine Protection of Lake: Can walk on water. Can also be used to submerge himself in water if he wishes.
  • Divine Protection of Mist: Mist does not hinder his view.
  • Divine Protection of Cloud: The user can walk on clouds.
  • Divine Protection of Lightning: The user cannot be hit by lightning.
  • Divine Protection of Salt Reasoning: He will never get salt and sugar mixed up.
  • Divine Protection of Training Mastery: Can train not only his body, but also other people to their maximum potential.
  • Divine Protection of Poison Immunity: Immunity to all poisons.
  • Divine Protection of Illness Immunity: Immunity to all diseases.
  • Divine Protection of Power Bleeding: The user is not negatively affected by bleeding. Bleeding actually makes the user stronger.
  • Divine Protection of Phoenix: It enables the user to come back to life immediately only once if they die. While he can't receive the same benefit endlessly, after he uses the blessing he will acquire "Divine Protection of Phoenix - Next", and then "Divine Protection of Phoenix - Next Next" and so on endlessly, as Od laguna won't let him die.
  • Divine Protection of Judgment: It enables the user to know of any Divine Protections their opponents have.
  • Divine Protection of Nuclear Deactivation: It has been stated that if a tactical nuke was used on Reinhard, it wouldn't go off.
  • Divine Protection of Wind Evasion: A blessing that only ground dragons should have, it enables Reinhard to be unaffected by the wind and not encounter any wind resistance while running.
  • Divine Protection of Telepathy: It enables the user to tell other people their thoughts telepathically. While it's normally used to tell close friends certain thoughts, it can be combined with singing to increase the strength and effect range.
  • Divine Protection of Mind-Changing: It allows the user to change the mind of the person they target with the Divine Protection. Due to it's potency, this Divine Protection has been renowned as being dangerous to the rule of nations throughout history.
  • Divine Protection of Drafts: Lets him know where any escape route is, so people cannot get away from him.
  • Divine Protection of Precognition: He has a super sense which through his intuition alerts him of danger, and distinguishes all attacks in advance.

The Dragon Sword Reid: A sword said to have been created by the Sword God, it was used by the first Sword Saint and has been passed down by successive Sword Saints. The sword can only be drawn against opponents it deems worthy for it to be used against. It's durability is nigh-absolute and it's power is such that in the hands of Reinhard, it could force Satella, the Witch of Envy who wrought destruction upon half of the known world, into a stalemate.

Royal Knight Uniform: An outfit worn by the knights of Lugnica. The Protection it provides is more than what it seems, but for Reinhard this is mostly redundant.

Name: Celebrimbor, the Ring-Maker and Bright Lord of Mordor

Series: Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Canon: Post Shadow of War


Combat Skill: Celebrimbor was a highly capable combatant boasting skill with the sword, dagger, hammer, glaive and bow above all else. His tremendous life span has allowed him to hone these talents greatly, and though he has not seen combat for much time, he retains much of that ability even as a disembodied spirit.

Crafting Knowledge: In life Celebrimbor was a master craftsman, capable of forging wonders both great and terrible. With his mithril hammer Turánn and the counsel of Annatar, he was even able to forge Rings of Power.

Wraith Powers: Having become an undead ghost, Celebrimbor has gained several unique abilities his living kin could not hope to replicate. These can all be shared with his hosts. Most notably among them, he can only be harmed by attacks that affect spiritual entities, making him as close to immortal as one who is already dead can possibly be.
  • The Power of Domination: The most terrifying and possibly the most useful of his abilities, Celebrimbor can exert his will over those his physical vessels are near to enter and control minds. Against the weak-willed he is unstoppable, but those with strong minds or great and unusual powers can resist him. At least, so long as they aren't severely weakened, worn down or mentally lessened.
  • Possession: Due to his nature as a wraith, he cannot always rely on his own body to interact with the world around him. To combat this, he is able to attach himself to beings and objects to both form equal contracts with them or freely puppet them should they lack the power to resist him.
  • Phantom Weaponry: Though limited in his ability to affect the physical world on his own, Celebrimbor can form weapons and ammunition of hardened wraith energy for combat. They can even be modified to hold elemental effects.
  • Teleportation: Both Celebrimbor and his host can easily make quick and short movements through the wraith-world to avoid attacks or close in on a nearby foe. Via an expenditure of energy, he can also warp to farther targets. Lastly, he can traverse vast distances to certain locations he holds a strong enough connection to, such as a Haedir tower he has infused with his essence. Somewhat related to this is the power to summon others, be they man, Uruk or beast to himself and his host if prepared properly ahead of time.
  • Wraith Vision: As he is a spirit, other entities of a similar nature are unable to hide from him without specific abilities meant to avoid detection. Beyond that he can perceive people, objects and many other things through obstructions at quite a distance, track targets through echoes of their presence, and even sense the strengths and weaknesses of his foes. However, identifying weaknesses in particular often requires further investigation beyond the obvious.
  • Partial Manifestation: Last among his primary abilities, he is able to somewhat affect the real world in a wide variety of minor ways. These can range from appearing separately from his host to fight in tandem with them, to poisoning nearby drinks at range, to creating a small light or sound in the distance to cause distractions and more.|

Focus: A talent of several notable warriors in Middle Earth. With mental energy, one can enhance their agility, slow their perception of time and more. Celebrimbor is capable of using this ability to an impressive degree, due to it having plenty of synergy with his nature as a wraith.

Elven Rage: After gathering enough energy through combat and effort, Celebrimbor may enter a greatly empowered state for a short time, dramatically enhancing his abilities both physical and spiritual. The effects, while already potent for his hosts are further pronounced on his wraith form, allowing him to use many of his more costly abilities with more ease as well as both move and teleport fast enough to seem as though he's in multiple places at once.

Infusion: A talent known to the highest of craftsmen and some of the magically learned. One can put their own essence into something to both tie it to themselves and empower it beyond the mundane. As a wraith, Celebrimbor can take this further and perform the action with fewer consequences. But much like Sauron before him, were he too put too much of himself into one vessel, his very un-life could be irrevocably tied to it's survival. This is something to used with caution.


Azkâr: Forged by the legendary dwarven smith Narvi for his friend Celebrimbor, this bow was relied upon for so long that it could be manifested spiritually even after the death of it's wielder. Though competent with many tools of war, this was Celebrimbor's favoured instrument of death.

Turánn: The mithril hammer given to Celebrimbor by Annatar, the Lord of Gifts. It was this tool that forged the Three Elven Rings of Power. Beyond only crafting, this hammer was also a mighty weapon that smote many of the Ring-Maker's foes in life. He can still summon it now, to build and to destroy, whatever it's master wishes.
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Name: Yuumi

Series: League of Legends

Canon (Where in the story are you taking them from?): Doesn't matter - Yuumi doesn't have a linear storyline.

Abilities (This includes the character's skills):
  • Magic - Yuumi is a capable user of magic and can use it to shoot projectiles, create powerful shields and, most notably, heal others with great proficiency. Her most powerful spell is a burst of seven waves of stunning energy - when someone is hit by three of them, they are rendered unconscious.
Equipment: A magical book that allows Yuumi to see auras and through illusions. Its pages allow teleportation worldwide, but the book has a sentience of its own and won't comply with most requests. The teleportation aspect has been rendered null by the dimensional travel, since the book was made on Runeterra and won't interface with other places.
