OPEN MAIN STORY The Evrensel Conflict: Act I, Chapter 1 -- Quando a Roma

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Upon Erin vanishing, she would notice the cloth covering her chest was gone. The rest of her clothing remained, but the part that was actually inside the monolith was now taken captive.

But never fear, breast-cloth, Erin is on the rescue!

With a big goddamn hammer!

Yet, once more, the monolith watched her with interest. As Ruby ran off with the crystal, the swirling hole that opened up vanished, instead bracing for the impact of the hammer. It believed it could withstand it.

..... It did not.

Erin, with the strength of a god-killer, and the tenfold strength needed to wield such a weapon, smashed the obelisk. Its outer layer was smashed to pieces like shards of a mirror, but its insides began to combust into pure black flames that spewed out from the cracks. For a few seconds, the monolith shook violently, like it tried to hold itself together as it broke apart, but the damage had been done.

The light of the room dimmed, the bricks of the floors and walls faded from sight, and the monolith began to 'howl.' If it could be called that. It was as if they were underwater in an endless ocean, and something far, far down below them, where the light of the sun couldn't reach, began to roar like it was awakening from a long sleep. It was deafening. The station turned to darkness, and the tomb that had been built around the obelisk faded into absolute nothingness.

Finally, it exploded outwards, and the flames engulfed them all and whatever light remained. The world vanished, and the howling stopped. For a few minutes, they could not even see their own hands in front of their faces, let alone tell how far apart they were to each other if they tried speaking up. But then a light finally reappeared.

It was small, but it was approaching them. A hand was holding a flickering flame, and the subtle sounds of heavy footsteps grew more noticeable with each patter against the ground.

"Well well," a low, gravely voice called out to them calmly, "The one soul among you who lacks any curiosity manages to open you a pathway to this place." When the light is close enough to illuminate their bodies once more, the man holding it was also visible. "Usually those who stumble upon my lord are quick to study or worship him. But you," he looked at Erin, "you could sense him watching back.... Hmph," the flame in his hand rose above them and formed into an orb.

Yet, even as it got brighter, their surroundings remained pitch black. "Tarnished," he realized about Erin, "that's why. And not just any ordinary one either... You're different from your kind. No one should be able to pierce through my lord's bier, and yet you struck it with an incredible blow... Well done to you." He complimented Erin.

He then looked to the others, pointing to each as he tried to remember their names. "Huntress," he started with Ruby, "Avatar," he pointed to the still unconscious Moon Knight, "Terminator... Series 800. Interesting group."
Ruby leans down in her crouched as Erin slams her weapon into the obelisk. The hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, and she squints when the light of the world around her dims to nothing. An awful howling rings in the air around her. She hugs the wrapped crystal is hugged to her chest, as if she were afraid letting it go could make this bad thing worse. The sound dulls down, and her eyes flutter open when she detects light through her eyelids.
A flame… a tiny flame. Slowly growing in size… no getting closer! And then those heavy footfalls… Ruby reaches back under her cape and once more grasps her folded up weapon. Using her other hand, she tucks the small cloth and crystal into the pouch at her hip. And the right hand wraps about the handle of Crescent Rose and she draws it from her cloak. Her arm whips to her side and her weapon unfolds with subtle clanking sounds emanating from it. She moves into a defensive stance, the long curved blade now shimmering in the increasing light. The blade of her scythe is over her shoulder and above her. Compared to her relatively small stature, the scythe she holds seems like it would be to bulky and awkward for her. Despite that, she wields it with incredible ease. She stands at a 3/4 profile towards the new being and her knees bent. She can still feel her Aura pulsing, though the fluttering rose petals have decreased now in frequency. And this fact makes it a bit more difficult to keep herself centered and calmed in the face of what appears to be, to her, a knight with old rusted armor.
He addresses Erin as Ruby stands still near one of the walls behind the group. The young girl scans the situation, and she is in sudden motion. Leaping up, she lands with a soft thud in front of where Moon Knight lays. Still in her defensive stance, those silver eyes watching the knight as it calls to each of them. "How do you know that? Who… what are you?" She says in an almost eerily calmed tone.
Erin, the tarnished

She was almost surprised at how effective it was as she'd feel the thing shatter through the hilt of her weapon, hefting the thing back onto her shoulder and holding it there as she'd watch the obelisk 'shriek' in pain with a morbid satisfaction, unphased by the spouting black flames. She was apparently very used to things not dying the first time she killed them as she'd wait for its little transformation to complete.

Though to her surprise, it wasn't a transformation. Instead, everything seemed to be consumed by the void, her hair billowing from the sudden burst of howling as she'd stare blindly with a silent, fierce determination as she'd hear a voice, and see a flickering light.

Listening to the monster's 'compliments', she'd keep an eye on him, before her attention would be brought to the only thing in the void that seemed to be brightened by the man's light, her unpleasant chest-piece.

Placing her hammer on the ground, she'd crouch down and retrieve the thing, re-wrapping it to cover up her battle-scarred chest with the same enthusiasm she held for everything, which was to say, none. Though as she'd retrieve her hammer again, the others would notice her having a little more difficulty with the thing as she'd find herself in a different weight-class, her brows furrowing at the inconvenience as she'd watch her supposed next opponent.

The friendly words of Ruby are lost on the cybernetic woman. As the chipper young woman speaks, the advanced computer behind her dark brown eyes processes all data she is able to compute from the two objects she holds and scans. She detects the spike in energy and temperature in time to drop the transporter before it can do more than singe her palm. Thea's eyes glow bright red for a moment, then flicker and she is again standing stock still as many things happen around her. Her processor struggles with the surge of data that had been transmitted with the explosion of the teleporter; it is treated as a virus as it alters the lines of code that constitute her mind. Blocks of programming are fractured and rewritten from intact memory files.

When everything is stitched together, and the rest of her processors resume function, Thea is aware they have been transported to another location, and someone has approached them. Thea stares at the knight, and something different happens to her upon hearing the mysterious man address Thea by her model and series: she smiles to register amusement.

"You are aware of us. They only know me as Thea, an alphanumeric acronym of my model and series." She says in her usual monotone despite the smile on her lips that also falls.

"Explain your name and intentions. Or else Erin, the one you called Tarnished, will become frustrated again and use all means at her disposal to compel you. " She says to him further not as a threat but as a matter of fact.

The knight chuckled at Thea's threat, taking amusement from her smile. Most would see it as sadistic enjoyment of the threat, but the knight understood it was something else. "I am Nux. Translator and servant of the Slumbering Elder Lords," He answers, placing the tip of his sword against the ground to lean his hands against the hilt. "Normally, such violence against any of my lords would not go unpunished. But, seeing as there is a much greater threat in the machines, and an interest in all those aboard your floating castle in the sky, we shall merely call this a 'miscommunication.'"

He then raised his hand up, "If I may?..." He gestured towards the black crystal, wishing to have it.
As she stands in front of Moon Knight, she lowers her center of gravity to better allow her to move quickly if she needed to. The deadly scythe she holds remains in a ready position, those sharp silver eyes watching the 'knight' intensely. So briefly does she glance in the direction of those others around her, those still on their feet. They are getting themselves back together, regrouping. She barely allows herself a brief glance over her shoulder to visually check on Moon Knight. Come on man… please get up… she thinks as her stern gaze moves back towards Nux.

Slumbering Elder Lords… ohhhhh what has she stumbled into?

But it's Ruby that Nux now focuses his attention. No, the crystal in her possession. Her sharp eyes narrow as the rusted knight asks her for it. At least she assumes so. What else could he be talking about? Her fingers reposition slightly against the handle and shaft of the scythe as she speaks in a short, succinct tone.


A pause, looking briefly to the others as she continues then.
"This thing… it has a lot of power, we all can feel it. This is something I know. But you… I don't know you. So until I do, this little crystal is going nowhere." Gone is her annoyingly persistent chipper tone, replaced by a stern tone of warning and expression of truth. But when she glanced to the others, that was kind of her silently asking what she should do. Even if all of them know nothing about this thing… they know more than she does.

While his face was covered, the man's body language remained poised by Rose's hesitance. "Very well," he calmly told her, retracting his hand to lean atop his sword's hilt. "But if you wish to find your 'Doctor,' then I won't be able to help."

Thea follows the eyes of Nux to Ruby, making it apparent she is the one with the black crystal. Analyzing the young woman's face and body language determines she is cautious. An appropriate response requiring another.

"Ruby makes a valid point." Thea says with a nod and smile in Ruby's direction then performs another scan of their surroundings with a slow pan of her head and turn of her body until coming back around to Ruby. "I detect no exit to this space. This Nux has some mechanism to leave. We are trapped without his cooperation, and compelling him by force is not likely to work. I strongly recommend giving me the crystal first if you cannot give it to him yourself. I accept full responsibility for any and all consequences to my decision."
Erin, the tarnished

Erin would remain quiet throughtout the exchange, her thoughts only known to herself as she'd place the head of her hammer on the 'void' below her, her tarnished eyes only briefly flickering to Thea at being mentioned, but otherwise keeping her eyes on Nux as Thea would take on the role of negotiator.

She wasn't violent by nature, but usually it just seemed to be the best course of action, at least to her, so seeing a pair of strangers talking so much was.. quite unique for her.

Nux held out his left arm and opened his hand to receive the crystal. Whenever it was finally given to him, Nux took it gracefully, careful with its handling like it was fragile. "Thank you," he told the group, before raising it up close to his face to study. "..... Hmmmmm.... Follow me," he said next, before turning around and leading everyone down further into the darkness.

Each foot they took, sounds echoed around them from the pitch black void. It was hard to make out what they were, like they were miles away from them, but they could hear the laughter of children. The bustling noises of a busy street. The sounds of gunfire and artillery being fired. Dragons shouting as their wings flapped in the air. Unnerving creaking and a sounds small legs crawling along the ground. Marching of a thousand soldiers in formation. A downpour of rain in a storm.

Nux remained unphased by it all. "All the fragments are connected together like a hive mind of insects. But are lost across the cosmos. So they send echoes of their locations to each other, hoping they can follow the sounds and finally combine back together. This one was attracted to the one held by the little girl," Anri he meant, "and now it's searching for the one attached to your Doctor."

After what would feel like an eternity of walking, Nux would stop; staring into the crystal. "Aaaaand.... we're here." He raised the crystal above his head, and slowly moving it down in the air, managed to cut a hole in the darkness. Light would shine through, and the group would see a city. An old city.

Rome. The birthplace of civilization. But it was worn down. The Colosseum was in ruins, the soldiers that patrolled the streets wore no Roman uniform, and the people were dressed in Renascence attire. This was not the beautiful city it once was, but a run-down shell of itself. "Hmm.... It seems it cannot locate its other half. It can only tell it is within the city, but not where exactly. You will have to find that out yourselves." Nux then waved the fragment across the hole; locating a suitable place to drop them all off.

That's when he sensed the other 'scattered' within the city. Or, more exactly, below it. The group's view of the city would focus to an underground sewer, where they could see 'scattered,' much like themselves, be teleported into the old underground of Rome. Before them, they would watch as they fought off men dressed in wolf skins, and try to find an escape to above, only to be trapped in a rapidly flooding room of water that would surely drown them.

"Seems you may need to hurry if you care enough to save these fools," Nux told them, before moving aside to let everyone move through the portal. Right before them was a large, concrete grate down to the flooding room. "Your Doctor is somewhere in this city. Look for a Box that doesn't belong here, and you'll find them." Nux would advise them.
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He speaks of helping this 'Doctor'… she doesn't know who he means, of course. Beyond what she sees right now at this moment, there isn't a lot Ruby DOES know. But she knows she has to keep her senses about herself, she needs to help those around her. That's what Ruby is, that's what a Huntress does.

The young girl doesn't move from her spot when Thea then speaks, offering only a moment to look in Thea's direction out of the corner of her eyes. Still keeping her focus on Nux. No exit… she presumes unless they get this Nux' help. Oh she doesn't like this. She doesn't like this at all.
To her credit, Thea offers a bargain that would let Ruby slip out of the position of responsibility for what might… or might not… come to be. And that just isn't who Ruby is. Thea is willing to make the call, Thea has agreed to do what she thinks is best. And Ruby can't argue with her, she can't disagree that this is the best course of action. She wishes she could argue, but she has nothing.

She gives Thea an apologetic look, but it slips into one of kindness. "No, no I won't put this on you." she says softly. She raises her scythe over her head and spins it almost impossibly fast, and as it spins over her it folds back into its rifle configuration. She holds the rifle in her right hand, aiming down and in front of her and uses her other hand to reach to her hip.

Staring at Nux she slips the crystal carefully from its hiding place, the red cloth falling away. "I trust you, I do. You know more than I do right now. And if this is a mistake, I'll be the one that makes it." She now steps forward, her boots thudding lightly on the deck. With a dissatisfied frown she holds the crystal out to Nux, her whole body tensed in readiness. She doesn't look towards the others, she hopes they won't hold this against her when it goes bad.

Handing off the small shimmering crystal, she then stands back as still she scowls. Then he turns and Ruby once more looks towards Moon Knight. Luckily someone is able to carry him, she doesn't want to leave him behind. And she doesn't have the muscles for it.

Into the darkness does she move, her eyes are wide and constantly moving. Sounds.. so many sounds and seeming to come from the air all around them. Such sounds she never has heard before, sounds that make her afraid. Mostly because she can't see what is unfamiliar there in the darkness. She holds her rifle close to her now, hugging it a bit. While Nux explains a bit, Ruby is only half listening. Even if she were totally focused on his words, she probably wouldn't understand it all anyways.

And the next few moments are filled with sights and sounds she just doesn't recognize. While the dress of the people around the ruined Colosseum would seem out of place to the others, Ruby has no reference. But when the weird view switches to the fighting, to the rising water… Ruby suddenly focuses. She feels her heart start to race as she realizes the situation, they are trapped. And they will drown once that water reaches the gate. She half hears what Nux says, about the box. But her mind does make note of it. When he moves aside, Ruby runs towards the open energy doorway and leaps through. For a moment her body wraps into a red flowing ribbon trailed by rose petals. She emerges once more and lands on her feet next to the grate. She looks along it as she waits for the others, but she has a plan.

Another smile comes to Theas' face as she watches Ruby surrender the crystal to Nux. She walks over to collect the unconscious Moon Knight, hoisting him over her right shoulder with ease and following after Nux. Their surroundings as they travel are observed and recorded but Thea offers no comment on them. Of note for her records is the fact these crystals share a form of hive mind. How they could use that exactly was unknown at this moment, but would be noted for others of other expertise to potentially exploit.

"Renaissance era Rome, Italy. Earth." Thea says aloud the moment she observes more detail of their destination through the portal Nux opens with the black crystal. Her data on this time period could be useful. His advice to look for a box that did not belong is registered as a key phrase to search as they travel and she observes.

It is no question for Thea to save the Scattered they are shown or not. Their mission is not to act as rescue explicitly, but being acquainted with The Doctor had changed her programming to compel her to jump into action alongside Ruby. Moon Knight is placed gently aside away from the sewer opening before Thea turns away to assess the situation. The stone grate, according to her records, was not designed to be opened.
Thea kneels over the grate, yelling through the holes "Look out below!" before bringing both arms up, hands together, and hitting the center of the grate with what she calculated to be sufficient force to break it open.[/URL]
Erin, the tarnished

Erin would feel right at home in Rome. Battle-torn and scarred as it was, it fit a person like her much more than that strange ship they had been spending their time on, or the void they were in, so with no further quarrels, she would hop after the two women.

She barely listened to a word any of them said, understanding little of it and sensing none of it was really directed at her. She didn't have the best memory at the best of times, so she'd sit back for the moment as Thea would seem to sift through what they'd been told and decide on attacking the grate.

Mildly surprised that the one with the big hammer hadn't been asked, she'd let out a soft huff of disappointment at the action of breaking something being taken on by someone else, her eyes sharp as she'd look down at the other party.

"Wet." Was all she'd say, pursing her lips at the prospect. She really wasn't a swimmer, as in to say, she couldn't, as the creases on her face would make apparent.
(~~Temporary semi-chaotic GM~~)

As prepared as they were to save people from drowning, it seemed as if both groups had a similar mindset. So similar, that both had decided to resort to destruction in order to bring about salvation. Unfortunately for them, such a mindset was bound only to work against them. The group on the ground level had forced open a grate so that the rising water would bring the quartet to safety, but the group in the sewer had already created a large hole in the wall that would drain the water from that room into another. It would take forever for the planned outcome to occur, which would be enough time for enemies of both parties to notice and act.

But, some are more fortunate than others. Ruby, Erin, and Thea's actions shook the area around them. Not enough to cause any sort of earthquake, mind you, but enough to knock a long length of rope down at their feet. A solution for their predicament, should find a way to implement it correctly. But they must act swiftly, for every passing moment raises the suspicion of their enemies.

Good luck, heroes. You'll need every hand you can get for the coming ordeals...
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"Brilliant." Thea says watching the grate break open and the stone fall down into the sewer. She grabs the rope that fell nearby, throwing one end to Erin. "Tie that end to the head of your hammer and hold it steady. They will need a counterweight to climb out.

Assuming Erin knew how to tie a basic stable knot, or simply holds that end herself, Thea drops the rest of the rope down the open sewer. The end of the rope splashes into the water.

Thea kneels over the open sewer in case any of them needed assistance climbing out, while also looking around to be aware of any interference. Erin is the most inconspicuous, however Thea and Ruby were not simply looking at their attire. Locals would be curious at best, disruptive at worst.
Kota Mizuhara [#ff8a8a]​

Kota snapped out of his reveries as soon as he heard the sound of the rope splashing, wading through the water to try and get to it and cursing throughout, shivering like a wet cat.​

Glancing around to see if his companions were ready to climb out of this horrid place as well, he grabbed the rope and hoisted himself up...before his hands slipped and he immediately fell back into the water, getting drenched in the process.

Mumbling even more curses, he stood up again, adjusted his sleeves and slowly started to make his way up the rope, his dagger nearly falling out of his pocket in the process.
X Alter & L'Arathras & ???

While Alter managed to bust through a good chunk of one of the stones, the water would still beat them if she didn't properly destroy the obstacle. There was only one, quite severe problem. She was running low on mana. That's when she noticed the ceiling had been busted open, and a rope had dropped down. Someone wanted to aid them, it would seem. Alter unsummoned Necro-Calibur and slowly made her way back to the group. She suddenly stopped halfway through.

Anyone with a sense of magic detection, or something akin to it, would feel two new presences slowly manifesting. The air grew colder and colder as said presence became more apparent, both for those above and below. A golden line appeared next to Alter, a voice coming from it "Alter? Alter!? Can you hear me?" The voice emanating from the glowing line came off as familiar to Alter. Confused, she asked "Who are you?" Preparing herself for another fight, but not yet drawing out Necro-Calibur, she was running too low on mana to freely use it.

"Looks like you were right, Voyager" She said to an apparent third party. The line quickly stretched out, revealing the body behind the voice "You forgot about your roommate already?" The mysterious girl giggled, but then she started to switch into a more serious tone and expression "Come on, Chaldea still needs us" she said as she offered a hand to Alter "Chal... Chaldea?" something about that word clicked with her, slowly undoing her mental knot retaining her memories
After a few moments of hesitation, Alter took her hand "Please take me back to Chaldea... I... don't know what is going on here, but we should take care of our issues, before trying to help other worlds." She looked back at the group, "I'm sorry, but I am needed elsewhere. I can't be far from my own world for too long anyway..." it was then that an unfamiliar hand patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, Chaldean. I'll take it from here, go refill your mana posthaste. Your world needs you."
Out of the shadows, a pale blue flame ignited, sitting on top of a headless set of armor, as if using the flame as a head. The Dullahan walked out of the portal, making his surroundings grow colder. "Thank you, Voyager!" the mysterious blonde affirmed. "There's dangers ahead in your path. Never let your guard down. We might even have to see each other... But for your world's good, I hope we don't"

The blonde sword wielder sighed, concerned. "I know. I'll- no. We'll be rooting for you". "Thank you. Goodbye" With a wave of his hand the golden rectangle closed. "Now then" The headless armor turned to face the people on the underground. A space magician of sorts, a magician similar to what he used to be, and... a regular human? What was the logic behind that one? Regardless, it was time to get things rolling.
Suppressing his fear inducing aura he walked up to the group. "Greetings" seeing the human struggling he rose his left hand, and snapped his fingers "Please. Allow me..." A platform of bones manifested beneath their feet and took them all upwards, the remaining distance to the surface, if they weren't already climbing. The platform would catch up with the human though. Once they were on surface level the undead ruler stepped out of the platform and scanned his surroundings. New faces up here, too. Just one remained familiar. "Hello, Thea. It has been a while."
From within the blue flame emerged a helmet, with two small flames, as well as a halo of them above his head, with one last burst of flame engulfing the helmet, it revealed the face of an old ally whom only Thea would recognize, though now he was paler than the last time they met.
Ruby watches as the others descend now, and she remains there crouched next to the grate. She hears Thea call out… well Thea says a few words that Ruby just doesn't recognize. Rome, Italy, Earth. Yeah those are regions in Remnant, none that she has ever heard. But then, she reminds herself, no longer is she on Renmant. Thea then warns the people below, Ruby's eyes widen when Thea's arms raise over her head. She's seen that enough to know she's about to hammer down on the grate.
Now she has seen Yang do something similar, but Ruby is wholly unfamiliar with Thea. So her first thought is that Thea will harm herself. She starts to reach out to Thea… and the grate is smashed down from its holdings. With a squeak Ruby backpeddles, surprise apparent with the action. She crouches just slightly, her knees bending to allow herself to stay upon her feet.
And as Erin would tie the end of the rope to her hammer, Ruby looks back down into the new break. She looks to Thea and then Erin with a sweet smile as she speaks "Wow that was way easier than what I had in plan!" Now she is sitting on one knee, one of her hands reaching out towards any that would be coming up the rope to help them up if they needed it. Her other hand braces her on the edge of the opening. "Come on! Everybody out! It's okay now!"
Is it, though?

Sevestre was getting exhausted. Not only from the use of such a strong spell, but from the continuous stream of events that followed one after another. First the new exit is abandoned (though that was more logical, since there was a faster way out), then some new group bashed open a grate and tossed down a rope in an attempt to save them, then the teenager slipped and splashed about in the water, then just as X Alter attempted to help and climb another magic anomaly occurs. It turns out that X Alter's home world managed to find her and bring her back. Though it seemed that things were urgent for their own situation, there was a part of him that wishes they would have stayed to help return everyone to where they belonged. Then there was the newcomer. An individual that knew necromancy, or at least necromancy-inspired magic.

He made the rope redundant as he created a platform that raised everyone through the hole and onto dry land. Not only that, the supposed necromancer seemed to know one of these new strangers, and Sevestre still had an little to no answers for anything related to how and why anyone got there. At the very least, some young girl was attempting to help some sort of innocence in her voice, but none of that mattered at the moment.

Sevestre found a place to sit down and catch his breath. He then proceeded to ask,

"Does anyone know what in the seven hells is going on? How and why are we here?"
The rescued sewer people were sure to notice the unconscious man dressed in pure white besides Thea. All this action had taken place, and the poor man was still out cold. Although, alarmingly, his whole body started twitching and convulsing. As if he was having a seizure. Maybe Erin broke his brain physically.


Or maybe not. Moon Knight, right out of the blue as his convulsions got more intense, quickly sat up with a loud inhale of air like he had been drowning. Yet, as everyone would notice when they looked at him again, his attire had changed. Drastically.


"Oooof... That was uncomfortable," he said aloud between pants, yet had a noticeable change in accent from subtle Chicagoan to thick Londoner. He then tried standing up straight, jumping onto his feet, but stumbled a bit and wobbled side to side from the dizziness. "Oh, my heads killing me," he then commented, trying to keep his eyesight focused and straight, but instead nearly stumbling backwards into the open sewer grate Thea busted open.

He managed to regain his balance before doing so, though if someone wanted to grab him so he could stand still, it would be good for him too.

"Hello!" He finally looked to everyone in his uneasy state, giving them all a wave. "I know... You," he pointed to Thea first, "and you," then Ruby, "Don't know you, don't know you," pointed to Sevestre, then Kota next, "Don't know you," then Agam, almost stumbling forward into him, "You, I think I know-- did you punch me?" He just about recognized Erin, although things were a bit fuzzy on that part.

"Everything's kinda mixed up in head right now. Marc was keeping me and Jake locked up, or well, had a handle on us so we didn't cause trouble, but after he found that black crystal, things kinda got hectic between the three of us. So, I'm a little fuzzy on details right now, but I think I've got the gist of things." He spoke like everyone would know what he was talking about, and when he tried looking around the area to see where they all were, he ended up spinning around in circles so much, he fell over onto his face.

"OW!" He shouted upon smashing into a piece of old Roman debris. "I'm okay!" He then stood back up. "I'm alright. Sorry."