The Evrensel Conflict: Act 1 -- Chapter 1, Mission 4a - the Chevaliers du Ciel

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"Oh, what the fu-"
was all that came out of his mouth before several tons of angry metal slammed into him, sending him flying along with the Panzerhund's momentum. Both his arms kept the thing's jaw open, barely avoiding a nasty bite to his squishy head - his torso, along with the rest of his body, was getting trashed as the beast dragged Raiden across the ground in its efforts to rip him asunder. The mech's sleek metallic plates, adorned with the Iron Cross, terminated at exposed joints on the essential body parts - a natural target for his strikes. Pumping energy into his forearms to counteract the crushing force of the Panzerhund's jaw, Raiden managed to gradually pry the jaw wider and wider with his bulging cyber-muscles, ready to leverage himself against the-

Nevermind, its left paw smashed him in the face. With half a ton of metal dog paw on him, fueled by several tons more of metal and hydraulic pressure, he was getting pissed off. His left forearm was barely holding the paw at bay, as he found himself sinking deeper into the medieval paved street in a Raiden-shaped hole. Maneuvering his sword arm, Raiden managed to slice through the Panzerhund's paw, his HF-blade making mincemeat of the Nazi steel; he only got halfway through before he felt the full bite of the mech on his left leg, as it lifted its damaged paw and jerked its head, flinging him into the second floor of an adjacent building.

His limbs? Damaged. His poncho? Fucked. His mood? Very pissed off. Getting up from the pile of debris he'd made upon entry, he stepped back out to the front of the building, looking down at the Panzerhund. The thing hadn't followed him up here, no doubt running damage diagnosis protocols on its damaged front appendage, and temporarily (and erroneously) ignoring Amy in favor of the more overt threat - probably. "Amy, let's kick this thing's ass!" He yelled out to the earthbender, perched and ready to pounce on her go.

@Wade Von Doom
Gillan Manfred

Now, if the novice wizard had any opinion on the rest of the members of cell it would be the jealousy aspect. It seemed that whatever new campaign he was ported had characters with a lot more bullshit homebrew than his original one, like most of the crap they were doing and talking about was not even in the dungeon's master guide.

It didn't really matter to him though if he was perfectly honest about it, he was more bothered about the fact that this wasn't an xp world. Milestones made it much more difficult for him to figure out how to progress, which he desperately needed to do seeing how underpowered he was compared to the other PCs. Hopefully the dungeon master wasn't all that into killing dumb or unprepared PCs.

When the Nazis started flying out of the sky he let out a sigh, combat encounter started. He had 125 lbs of free space to carry, so that's 50 lbs of repeating crossbows and 75 lbs of bolts.

The man wouldn't make his way through the city at the same speed like the others, but casting expeditors retreat on himself meant he could move 90 feet every 6 seconds.

So on the way to the Spire he would hand the weaponry, which by the way he couldn't even use to due to lack of proficiency, and the ammunition to people who looked stupid enough to fight back.

God he wished he had fireball.
Otto Kadovah
On board Grn's ship

Listening to his alien companion speak over the comms to the pair, Otto was busy getting a few missiles ready for his jetpack's personal launcher to assist in their downing of the blimp. Limited in number, around ten, it'd require almost all of them to properly take down the blimp. Which is where the next issue arose in their plan. The ship was being chased off by the defense of the blimp, which meant he'd have to use said missiles to 'dissuade' their friends.

Pressing the aforementioned button to open the cargo bay doors, Otto watched as the ship was being pursued by Nazi fighter jets, the forcefield seemed to allow for lack of being tossed around. Being thankful, Otto braced himself as he reached up to his helmet, pulling down a range finder for the missile to lock onto one of the fighter jets. With a howl from the rocket launcher, the missile shot out of the jetpack and towards one of the fighter jets, impacting the cockpit and detonating the fighter jet into a flaming pile of metal that dipped below the sightline of the cargo bay. Loading another missile into the jetpack, Otto called out to Grn after loading the rest of the missiles into the compartment for Grn to fire them. "I will be jumping out, so avoid shooting me, please. I have loaded the missiles into the pod, use them on the blimp, while I take care of the fighter jets."

Without a word, Otto leapt out the back of the cargo bay, jetpack blazing to life and carrying Otto through the air, his target being a fighter jet that was attempting to cut Grn's ship off, the process of getting onto the fighter jet in question was a difficult one as Otto had to avoid being shot by the guns from the other fighter jets and plan ahead to cut off the target. Eventually Otto would just barely cut off the jet, keeping pace enough to not have his arm be ripped off or be pasted against the hull. Climbing along the jet's wing as the pilot attempted to swing Otto off his wing.

Otto eventually grabbed onto a decent piece of the cockpit's window, using his blaster to shoot through the window, before aiming his wrist into the cockpit, his flamethrower jutting out flame right into where the pilot was, essentially filling the cockpit with fire and condemning the bastard to a fate befit of a dishonorable foe. Jumping off the now rapidly descending fighter jet with burning alive pilot, Otto began to essentially dog fight any fighter jet coming after him with his blasters clipping through armor but thanks to the rather shaky method of which he had to aim, the pilots would be safe for the time being, but his goal right now is moreso getting them off Grn to hit the blimp as hard as he could. While also avoiding bullets from the fighter jets as he didn't have the safety of the forcefield from Grn, and Beskar could only do some much against physical force of bullet impacts...

@Trappy @Epiphany. @Wade Von Doom

The Quarian snuck past the chaos engulfing the alienage going through a smashed gate. Keeping an ever tight grip his Avenger rifle Karel ran forward, using the labyrinth of alleyways as cover. His heart pounding he continued while gunfire and explosions rang out nearby. Chest pounding Karel thought.

None of this madness makes any sense.

Just as Karel turned the next corner he suddenly halted, hearing running footsteps. Pressing himself to the corner he glanced out to see a column of men armed with strange crossbows rushing to the other end. Unlike the soldiers from before they were wearing medieval armor and outfits complete with face masks. More confused than before he watched them pass.

Taking a breath and quickly releasing it, Karel muttered. "They don't seem to be connected to the ones from earlier. Still appearances can be deceiving, especially if they're humans as well." Before the Quarian could consider what to do next when the sound of engines roared in the sky. Looking up he saw the incoming dive bombers.

"Keelah!" He exclaimed while sprinting in search for cover. The earth shook violently as explosions ignited and buildings toppled. Karel ran with all of his being desperate to escape the hell unleashed all around him. Suddenly he tripped and fell into a newly made crater swearing up and down in Khelish.

Hitting the ground with a grunt Karel stayed down until the bombardment finally stopped. Breathing heavily the Quarian grunted some more picking up his avenger rifle that dropped him. Never in his life had he ever expected to be caught up in this kind of experience. Shaking his head in mounting frustration Karel silently concluded while ash and smoke hung in the air.

I need to find a way out of here.

Climbing up to the edge of the crater he then heard a whistle followed by dozens of battle shouts. From the opposite side the former marine dozens of Nazis charging forth with five huge armored figures that resembled heavy mechs with three visible tanks as well. They were heading in this general direction!

For a few seconds Karel was dumbfounded at the sight. That shock and fear soon gave way to utter rage. White eyes narrowing through the visor he muttered. "Still don't know what's going on but I'm gonna kill as many of these bosh'ets as possible." Putting up the avenger he drew his Viper rifle instead.

Looking through scope he aimed the nearest infantry charging forth still yards away. Subsequently Karel squeezed down the trigger, firing two shots into one Nazi's head. The invader dropped dead, his face plate cut up like butter, followed by a second then another moments later. Karel kept up the firing, killing three more(each two rounds in the chest) and wounding one in the thigh until he had to duck down to reload a new thermal clip in the gun.

Whether he survived this onslaught or not Karel fully intended to make these new enemies suffer for it.

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"Oh, what the fu-"
was all that came out of his mouth before several tons of angry metal slammed into him, sending him flying along with the Panzerhund's momentum. Both his arms kept the thing's jaw open, barely avoiding a nasty bite to his squishy head - his torso, along with the rest of his body, was getting trashed as the beast dragged Raiden across the ground in its efforts to rip him asunder. The mech's sleek metallic plates, adorned with the Iron Cross, terminated at exposed joints on the essential body parts - a natural target for his strikes. Pumping energy into his forearms to counteract the crushing force of the Panzerhund's jaw, Raiden managed to gradually pry the jaw wider and wider with his bulging cyber-muscles, ready to leverage himself against the-

Nevermind, its left paw smashed him in the face. With half a ton of metal dog paw on him, fueled by several tons more of metal and hydraulic pressure, he was getting pissed off. His left forearm was barely holding the paw at bay, as he found himself sinking deeper into the medieval paved street in a Raiden-shaped hole. Maneuvering his sword arm, Raiden managed to slice through the Panzerhund's paw, his HF-blade making mincemeat of the Nazi steel; he only got halfway through before he felt the full bite of the mech on his left leg, as it lifted its damaged paw and jerked its head, flinging him into the second floor of an adjacent building.

His limbs? Damaged. His poncho? Fucked. His mood? Very pissed off. Getting up from the pile of debris he'd made upon entry, he stepped back out to the front of the building, looking down at the Panzerhund. The thing hadn't followed him up here, no doubt running damage diagnosis protocols on its damaged front appendage, and temporarily (and erroneously) ignoring Amy in favor of the more overt threat - probably. "Amy, let's kick this thing's ass!" He yelled out to the earthbender, perched and ready to pounce on her go.
Amy ducked when the hound first attacked, rolling to the side as it attacked Raiden. Coming around the corner of the left streets were soldiers, several by the looks of them, with more sure to come, looking to take the bombed out districts. She quickly pushed up a wall from the ground before they started firing, using it at first to shield from bullets, then pushing it forward to block off their side of the street. Its corners smashed against the tattered buildings, squeezing tightly between them, and pushing up the ash and dust left from the bombs. It wouldn't hold the Germans back for long, they could easily move around it through the buildings, but it would give them some time, especially if tanks were on the way.

Quickly turning, she looked to where the hund was; limping on its cut off paw leg as it reassessed its enemies. Even with the adrenaline rushing through her body, as the sweat teared down her face from her forehead, her whole body tingled from the nerves of everything happening. Still, she took her stance. She was good at building, and that's what she planned to do. Build. The Panzerhund began to charge, slowly walking around Amy's right side, before beginning to accelerate towards her. Her breathe quickened from the fear, yet she planted her feet to the ground stern, and just as the hund twisted its head sideways to bite into her abdomen, the Earthbender moved her hands up suddenly, pushing up yet another wall for it to smash into.

The thud vibrated some of her sweat off her face, and the metal creature fell to the ground stunned. She lowered her hands, before rising them again to fold two more walls on each side of the hund; giving it little space to move, and high enough it couldn't climb out. Before it could back out, she ran around the right side, folding up one last wall to close off the little earth box. Amy took stance once more, and slammed both her palms into the right side wall, pushing the creature right towards Raiden's direction. With it trapped, Raiden could come in for the kill.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Kabboom
Thinking quickly, Buck sprinted through the city streets, using his suit's sensor array to calculate the trajectories of the nearest falling bombs and weaving around the worst of their blast zones as much as he could while making his way to the Nazis' landing zones. Even then the volume of bombs meant it was a close thing, but he had been able to position himself so that his shielding could absorb the worst of the blast waves and shrapnel.

As he emerged from the smoke and burning debris of the last bombing run, he saw that a full platoon of regular troops plus a few tanks and a fireteam of Supersoldaten had made landfall nearby. That just wouldn't do.

After ducking in a nearby alley to let his shields recharge, he made his way around the left flank of the enemy group. He then raised his rifle at the nearest of the regular troopers, switched to burst-fire mode, and pulled the trigger.

A three sprays of red erupted from the soldier's head as he crumpled to the ground, the armor-piercing rounds punching right through his helmet and skull.

Before the other Nazis could adequately respond, Buck was already sprinting through another alley, taking maximum advantage of his superior reflexes and speed. Theoretically he could charge right in and smash through the lot of them like an angry war god, but with that number of enemies, especially with the presence of the tougher super-soldiers and tanks, that was just asking to get overwhelmed. Even his superior technology had a limit to the amount of punishment it could take, and they did have laser weapons.

And so he continued to weave between buildings and debris, taking down one or two troops at a time with with chest and headshots, then quickly moving on before they could get a bead on him, though that was growing more difficult now that he was drawing fire from the supersoldaten and the enemy tanks. He had mowed down about half the regular troops, but now the tougher units were now actively charging toward his direction, trying to box him in.

The screams and cries echoing out from nearby buildings were a grim reminder of the presence of civilians. He wanted to deal with this as quickly as possible before they got caught in the crossfire, but that was earlier said than done.

After taking stock of his position and his sensor map of the enemy positions, rapidly moved to the other end of the block and then charged out, snapping off another couple lethal bursts at the regulars before, sprinting at the supersoldaten on the right edge of the group. He leapt into the air before using his back-mounted jumpjets, triggering them again as he fell upon the monstrosity like a meteor, the force circuits magnifying his strength well into superhuman potency.

The impact rang out like a thunderbolt, shock alone cracking the stone in the ground. The supersoldaten crumpled to the ground, its entire head caved in. Simultaneously, bullets and laser fire began to rain onto his suit's shield, pushing it again to its breaking point. Wasting no time, he grabbed the dead soldier's heavy laser machine gun and took off into another alley for cover until he could find another opening.

Turns out the pipsqueak was useful after all! If he weren't in the thick of it, the sight of Amy being helpful in a fight would've brought a tear to his eye - in this case, it just brought the Panzerhund to a standstill. Good enough for him. His eyes then went to the Panzerhund, and then up to the skies to plot a solution. Winding up his powerful leg muscles, Raiden pounced upon the robodog stuck in its earthen pen, blade readied for death from above. Coming down head-first, his HF-Blade was aimed directly at the Panzerhund's 'brain' area, and with any luck, he'll connect with the thing and kill it in its tracks before it can dodge or get out of the trap.
Gillan Manfred

Now, if the novice wizard had any opinion on the rest of the members of cell it would be the jealousy aspect. It seemed that whatever new campaign he was ported had characters with a lot more bullshit homebrew than his original one, like most of the crap they were doing and talking about was not even in the dungeon's master guide.

It didn't really matter to him though if he was perfectly honest about it, he was more bothered about the fact that this wasn't an xp world. Milestones made it much more difficult for him to figure out how to progress, which he desperately needed to do seeing how underpowered he was compared to the other PCs. Hopefully the dungeon master wasn't all that into killing dumb or unprepared PCs.

When the Nazis started flying out of the sky he let out a sigh, combat encounter started. He had 125 lbs of free space to carry, so that's 50 lbs of repeating crossbows and 75 lbs of bolts.

The man wouldn't make his way through the city at the same speed like the others, but casting expeditors retreat on himself meant he could move 90 feet every 6 seconds.

So on the way to the Spire he would hand the weaponry, which by the way he couldn't even use to due to lack of proficiency, and the ammunition to people who looked stupid enough to fight back.

God he wished he had fireball.
As Gillan made his jog across the city, the action in the sky was heating up. Grn and Otto's fights with the jet fighters above were working in their favor, as Otto was too small a target to keep track of, and Grn's ship made the perfect distraction, with Valkyrie Providing ground fire with her astounding aim. Unfortunately, it also meant Grn was the primary target in the skies. The dozens of planes now coming out of the zeppelin were all targeting him, as they swarmed around him like flies on a carcass and fired upon him at all sides.

The planes were also quick to bring focus onto Valkyrie once she fired up at the Zeppelin itself, as the commanders so up high were confused on who was able to shoot them from such a distance. They were up in the damn clouds, how did their bullets even get so high? She was able to take out on of the pilots, before the rest ducked for cover, and with the order to find and kill the ground shooter, three planes took turn from Grn and focused on her once they saw her position. They fired on her quickly, aiming at both her and the building, so if she took one out, the others could destroy the building she was standing on.

The pilot Otto set ablaze was coming down to the ground fast, and unfortunately, right to where Gillan was. It was barrel-rolling right into his oncoming path, first crashing into the buildings between the road he was on; breaking apart into massive debris, and the flaming cockpit coming right at him.


As Buck took cover in the alley, something would bust through the wall of the building he was covering against. Bricks and dust would fall onto him, and for a brief second, all he would see is a massive red, glowing eye. When enough settled around him, Buck was faced with a massive machine twice his size.


It let out a robotic screech, before its three fingered hand grabbed Buck by the head and threw him across the building it broke through and the street it was on, before crushing through another building. Once he hit the ground again, he was in the same street as Karel was, just a foot away from his shell hole. The soldiers Karel was fighting off against took cover, only for then a new enemy to appear. Another Panzerhund, charging over to both Karel and Buck, and breathing out a wave of fire from its mouth like a dragon, intent on torching the Spartan and Quarian in his little hidey hole.



With all this chaos, how the hell could it get even more crazy?

How about two alchemists falling from the sky?

Above the blimp, that same green flash of light that had brought everyone to this world had brought yet another pair across the multiverse. Except now, they were falling from a great height. One was a small lad in a red jacket with yellow hair, the other was a massive suit of armor. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The armor screamed out, spinning in circles as he had no clue where his center of gravity was anymore after such a strange journey. "BROTHER!" It yelled out.

The two would bounce off the top of the blimp, as the fabric would thankfully break their fall. However, it didn't stop them from also slipping down its side, with the metal brother smashing his arm into the zeppelin's metal plating in hopes of grabbing onto something. He would just about grip a loose piece of it, bending it from his weight, but luckily not breaking away. He held out his other hand to grab his brother.


With the blade stabbed into the hund, it screamed out in pain; thrashing from side to side in its pen, before collapsing onto its own legs. Raiden had killed it, and when Amy couldn't feel it moving anymore, she pushed the walls back down into the earth. The cyborg would notice the earth-bender was visibly shaking from the adrenaline.

The wall she made across the street to block the Nazi infantry exploded into pieces from a tank shell on the other side, and they began to move towards them once more. Thinking quickly, Amy pushed up another giant wall to give them both cover; bullets smacking against the other side. "We need to find the others!" She called out to him, keeping her hands up to add support to their cover.
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For a wizard with below average stats in both strength and dexterity, Gillan was moving as fast as the fastest marathon runner without breaking a sweat, magic was really the greatest steroid one could wish for. Unfortunately as the wizard would soon find out, steroids didn't save you from weird metal birds being shot out of the sky and crashing mere feet from you.

"For fucks sake! Why didn't the guy who made this module just use drakes or something, at least you can eat those when they crash..." He said, staring at the hunks of metal, there was probably some bullshit custom race who could eat those.

Gillan would just dodge past the crashing cockpit, feeling worse for whatever was piloting it than himself. But now the street was completely blocked by the rubble...

Now, if he had something to say about it, he would just pretend to do some fancy wizard bullshit and say he helped when the good guys inevitably won. But he was probably going to be found pretty quick since he was level 1.

He was certainly not screwing around with whatever the fuck those outfit coordinated fuckers who were attacking them, way out of his pay grade. So he guessed he was on community duty.

The man would spend the rest of the time, in that exact same location using the mending cantrip on the destroyed building and fixing it one cubic foot at a time, hoping to get people or at least corpses out of the rubble.

The armored beast finally went down. Raiden was just a tad fearful that it was going to dodge at the last minute and flip the tables on him, but Murphy's Law took no effect during his plunge. His leg muscles tensed, his sword whirred as it cut through the Panzerhund's armored carapace and pierced what seemed to be its main processing unit, and relief overcame him as the thing collapsed inside its earthen pen. As Amy lowered the walls, Raiden hopped off the thing and pressed his blade sharp-side up against the crook of his elbow, slowly wiping mechanical fluids and Nazi metal fragments off his HF-Blade. "Good work, Amy."

His augmented-eye immediately began running damage control diagnostics, and it wasn't looking good; for one, his poncho and sombrero are proper fucked. His left leg, bitten by the Panzerhund when it chucked him into a building, was leaking coolant and hydraulic fluid, while his entire backside was peppered with stone shrapnel and minor scraping damage. Automatically dispensing nano-repair paste from his body, the cybernetic musculature in his left calf began putting themselves together slowly but surely. It'll be a while before he can do acrobatics with his left leg again.

As another earth wall narrowly saved the duo from getting vaporized by a tank shell. Glancing to where Raiden was originally headed, the White Spire, Raiden began plotting a course with the aid of his cyborg eye, when he suddenly noticed massive amounts of gunfire and explosions, not far down the street. Perhaps those are the newcomers that Picard mentioned? Linking up with them would greatly enhance their capabilities. Change of plans then.

"Amy, you hear that gunfire down the street? Bend a direct path to it. I'll protect you!" Raiden held his sword with both arms, took up a proper stance and readied himself to deflect large quantities of small arms fire as soon as her earth wall went down - intentionally or not.

@Wade Von Doom
Much to the Quarian's astonishment he spotted the rest of the enemy troops getting decimated by what he guessed was an assault rifle's fire. Through the scope he saw some of the effects and whistled. "That's impressive shooting." In renewed disbelief the shooting went from one another direction in another at a speed Karl didn't believe was possible.

Nonetheless the attack stalled and the tanks and mech-like soldiers were focused on their primary threat. Karel took advantage of the chaos, nailing another Nazi hiding behind debris with two rounds into the head followed by another burst that caught his comrade. Then to his greater surprise one of the supersoldaten collapsed dead struck by an armored figure that sprinted off under fire before he could see what it was.

Spotting a third Nazi who had his back turned he let loose a concussive shot. Moments later the invader struck by the projectile, flew a few feet before crashing to the dirt. No doubt the impact would break a lot of the soldier's bones if he is somehow still alive. Karel switched to his Avenger rifle, preparing for close quarters when suddenly something tore a building next to him and crashed into the opposite before collapsing.

Before the former marine could even comprehend what just happened he spotted the metal monster charging toward him. Eyes widened he nonetheless aimed and fired five rounds toward it yet that didn't stop the Panzarhund. He fired ten this time with similar results though its metal plates were being chipped away.

Subsequently the Panzarhund was unleashing fire from its mouth, forcing Karel to jump and roll out of the shell hole, just as his shields went down again and a spark of flame caught his left side below the arms. Shouting at the top of his lungs in pain and fury, he squeezed down the trigger, shooting up the rest of his bullets into the mechanical beast. The sheer force and amount of mass effect rounds tore through the Panzarhund's head causing it to collapse sideways into the shell hole.

Breathing heavily and feeling the searing burn on part of his suit Karel grimaces underneath the helmet. "Worse those FENRIS Mechs." Rolling again he found cover to a fallen column as his shields came back online and he reloaded with a fresh thermal clip.

@BobTheNinja @Kabboom @Wade Von Doom
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Grn was at the edge of his seat at the helm. He was no stranger to combat, and the truth was the ship's advanced systems left little work for Grn himself, so the alien was instead enthralled at a monitor, observing the Mandalorian warrior's rapid maneauvers. He was jumping between the aircrafts, wrecking havoc while expertly avoiding incoming fire, surely disorienting the Nazi pilots and targeting systems alike. The whole scene looked like an intense match of a fearless pit-fighter, simultaneously taunting and fending off monstrous beasts in one of the low gravity arenas he had visited in his early years. He believed the humanoids had similar games, like the Earthling 'matadors'. Grn had to force himself to lay off the match at times to fend off the enemy's intense defences, redirecting course and focused on his destination: the blimp.

Between the Circumspect Curiosity's defensive systems pouring everything it had at the Nazi interceptors and Otto's distraction, Grn climbed and climbed until his systems notified him that he had reached sufficient range. Wasting no time, the Cri assumed manual targeting, aligned his aim, locked, and emptied Otto's missiles at the giant airship's side.

@The Wanderer @Epiphany.
For a wizard with below average stats in both strength and dexterity, Gillan was moving as fast as the fastest marathon runner without breaking a sweat, magic was really the greatest steroid one could wish for. Unfortunately as the wizard would soon find out, steroids didn't save you from weird metal birds being shot out of the sky and crashing mere feet from you.

"For fucks sake! Why didn't the guy who made this module just use drakes or something, at least you can eat those when they crash..." He said, staring at the hunks of metal, there was probably some bullshit custom race who could eat those.

Gillan would just dodge past the crashing cockpit, feeling worse for whatever was piloting it than himself. But now the street was completely blocked by the rubble...

Now, if he had something to say about it, he would just pretend to do some fancy wizard bullshit and say he helped when the good guys inevitably won. But he was probably going to be found pretty quick since he was level 1.

He was certainly not screwing around with whatever the fuck those outfit coordinated fuckers who were attacking them, way out of his pay grade. So he guessed he was on community duty.

The man would spend the rest of the time, in that exact same location using the mending cantrip on the destroyed building and fixing it one cubic foot at a time, hoping to get people or at least corpses out of the rubble.
However long it took for Gillan to rebuild, his efforts bore fruit, as the people inside, a few commoners and some children who took shelter inside. They quickly rushed out, now that the entrance was fixed. No bodies to recover, which was great luck. As they ran out, they thanked him in their native tongue, before heading off away from the carnage. Before they were out of his sight, another building exploded into dust and debris, as a tank suddenly blocked their way.

The people froze in place, quickly backing up down the street to where Gillan was, as the tank's barrel slowly rotated towards them. "Bring sie aus dem Weg!" The tank's commander shouted from inside; loading the mounted machine gun's ammo-belt. Before the tank could fire, someone jumped from the building above it; landing on its roof and cutting off the barrel. The figure quickly whipped her glowing swords around to up her arm, and stabbed it through the turret, killing the gunner. A soldier popped out from the hatch, trying to aim his pistol at her head, but the figure quickly cut off his hand, causing the soldier to scream in pain.

With a quick motion of her hand, she managed to levitate the soldier a few feet above the hatch, pull off a grenade and its pin from him, and throw back into the tank, before simultaneously throwing the soldier into the air and jumping off backwards; landing just as it exploded into a fiery wreck. The figured turned, revealing herself to be one of Gillan's three commanders: Ahsoka Tano. "Prenez la ruelle jusqu'à la Grande Cathédrale. Il y a un abri contre les envahisseurs là-bas. Aller!" She explained to the commoners and their children, pointing them in the direction they needed to go. Once they ran off, she turned to Gillan himself.

"Gillan." She told him in a pleasant voice. "Glad to see you're okay."


The armored beast finally went down. Raiden was just a tad fearful that it was going to dodge at the last minute and flip the tables on him, but Murphy's Law took no effect during his plunge. His leg muscles tensed, his sword whirred as it cut through the Panzerhund's armored carapace and pierced what seemed to be its main processing unit, and relief overcame him as the thing collapsed inside its earthen pen. As Amy lowered the walls, Raiden hopped off the thing and pressed his blade sharp-side up against the crook of his elbow, slowly wiping mechanical fluids and Nazi metal fragments off his HF-Blade. "Good work, Amy."

His augmented-eye immediately began running damage control diagnostics, and it wasn't looking good; for one, his poncho and sombrero are proper fucked. His left leg, bitten by the Panzerhund when it chucked him into a building, was leaking coolant and hydraulic fluid, while his entire backside was peppered with stone shrapnel and minor scraping damage. Automatically dispensing nano-repair paste from his body, the cybernetic musculature in his left calf began putting themselves together slowly but surely. It'll be a while before he can do acrobatics with his left leg again.

As another earth wall narrowly saved the duo from getting vaporized by a tank shell. Glancing to where Raiden was originally headed, the White Spire, Raiden began plotting a course with the aid of his cyborg eye, when he suddenly noticed massive amounts of gunfire and explosions, not far down the street. Perhaps those are the newcomers that Picard mentioned? Linking up with them would greatly enhance their capabilities. Change of plans then.

"Amy, you hear that gunfire down the street? Bend a direct path to it. I'll protect you!" Raiden held his sword with both arms, took up a proper stance and readied himself to deflect large quantities of small arms fire as soon as her earth wall went down - intentionally or not.

@Wade Von Doom

"Okay!" Amy shouted back to him. It was weird, she thought she would've thrown up by this point from all the fear enducing moments of near death experiences, but actually, the adrenaline in her body was pumping so fast, she didn't even feel the nerves affect her anymore... Although she did feel like she was going to have a panic attack. Or a heart attack. Just, something bad was going to happen to her by the end of this. But first, getting out of here before they died.

While their cover started to crumble away from the bullets, Amy was fast in her work, building up more walls, first creating a half circle to provide more protection from their sides incase the Nazi's tried flanking them, then once they started moving, built up a narrow path down the street where the other gunfire was. Once they reached it, the buildings would protect them, and they could hopefully join up with some allies. Their first wall then crumbled after one last tank shell shattered it into debris, as the soldiers fired upon Raiden first.

"Aufgeben! Du bist umgeben--" A soldier shouted out to the both of them, before his helmet went flying off his head from a sniper round.

"Scharfschütze!" Another soldier shouted, causing them to scatter for cover, not before two more were shot down with expert headshots. It was at that moment that someone tried to ping Raiden on his comms.
Valeria Oconitrillo

"Tsk tsk, like I'm not gonna see you from down here~" She said as she noticed the abrupt change in trajectory of three planes. Levi being already loaded, all she did was pull the trigger three times, and there were three nazi bastards without a head now. However, this meant she was already noticed. So projected threads from her hip and started swinging and vaulting around and over buildings. For now she limited herself to cover Grn, taking out pilots with every shot. She kept reloading and shooting as she moved, waiting for a change.