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You Are Far Too Nice, Mercy Has a Price
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Online Availability
Will be updated when school year starts. For now, pretty much whenever
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Hi, welcome to the Ever- Changing House OOC.

Plot: Your brother/sister and their four friends who happens to be your school's worst looking/average looking, flawed to the point of imperfection ( either physically or mentally ) stumble across a magical house . You and your friends have heard about this house over time. A house who can make you your perfect self. There are rumors that it corrupts you to the point of non-recognition. Your brother/sister and their friends enter the house, unaware of the dangers and the changes the house can bring in on you and unaware that amongst them, one of their friends isn't supposed to be there. That was the last you heard from them.

Six years later, your friends and you ( all siblings of the original five who enter) are in the same mess as them when the ever-changing house reappears. Unknown to you, this is the place where they vanished and something is working against you. Can you help save them and figure out the mystery of the house or will you lose yourself just like them?

Rules: - I am looking for anywhere from four to eight players for this game.

- Follow all iwaku rules.

- I want a character balance here. There shall be a total of ten characters ( minimum) to twenty characters ( maximum) and as such, everyone gets one character for each generation ( There will be two generations) . One female and one male character is preferred. The only exemption this rule are characters that will be affected by the mechanic. ( Example: You play two females, but for reasons they wish to be male, they may be played) There is going to be a maximum of two characters( one for each generation) who will be allowed this.

- Your character must start with some sort of flaw. The ever-changing house is about changing the weak to strong, not the other way around.

- I am the GM and I have final says in who has what roles.

- I am also going to accept 15 years old for this.

Listed below is a character sheet for your characters.

Gender: (Please denote gender changes. Limited to two, one per generation
Age :
Starter Appearance:
Appearance after side effects: (
There will be multiple rooms, so you may list them all here and I will randomly pick them as your 'side effects' in the house)
Starter personality:
Personality after being affected by the house:
Abilities/ skills:
Magical/ Mana resistance: ( Each person may have one character who is highly resistant to the effects, but no more than one. ( Similarily, this can be resistance to mental alterations if you wish to still have the physical ones)
History (optional, but highly recommended):

@Greenie @PoetLore @Michale CS @Rox_Monstgrr
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@Greenie yaaayyy! I can't wait to be in an RP with you again! : hug, hug :
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Greenie
so.... we are playing four characters each? It seems that way but there is some fuzz on that to me.

so.... we are playing four characters each? It seems that way but there is some fuzz on that to me.

Well, the idea was two characters between the two generations, but I am really bad at phrasing things. However, if we don't garner more interest, I may bump to three/four per person. But tentatively it's one per generation, two in total.
Two is good for me, too many and I'll overburden myself.

Btw, are the first siblings to get caught older or younger than the second sibling? Or can we choose?
Btw, are the first siblings to get caught older or younger than the second sibling? Or can we choose?

Older. It makes more sense from a narrative standpoint. However, if you have a way for it to work where the second sibling is older and still under 18 within six years go for it.
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I'm super into this!! Would it be possible to play only one character though? I get super mixed up with more than one in a thread.
I'm super into this!! Would it be possible to play only one character though? I get super mixed up with more than one in a thread.

Yes, it is entirely possible to play one character if you choose to. The explanation is that whatever generation your character is from is the living family member. ( Ideally, if you want to play one character, I would suggest gen 2 as I can write their sibling as entering but being murdered by someone.)
Interested. I'm wanting to get back into writing and this looks interesting. Also, if anyone wants to NOT play a male for some reason let me know. I'm willing to do a male and a female or two males but not two females so it would be easy to play off of.
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Name: Susanna Parker
Gender: Female (No change to that)
Age : 17
Starter Appearance: Susanne has beautiful wavy chestnut hair that falls almost to her hips. She has always considered it her crowning glory. She has never really had to worry about her weight, and though she does not consider herself a perfect body type being somewhat pear shaped, she is happy with that as well. She has murky blue eyes that change colors with her moods or environment from light gray to stormy hazel. Her most notable characteristic on an otherwise pretty face is that she was born with a cleft palate. Her parents had not had the money for the extra cosmetic surgeries that would have made the hideous scar on her upper lip less noticeable. Her repair surgery had not been a total success either, so she has a very pronounced lisp and her voice has a very nasal intonation.

Appearance after side effects: Lisp suddenly disappears, Cleft palate disappears, Is able for the first time in her life to sing, Becomes very moody and prideful, Becomes ultra paranoid (Can add to this later if necessary?)

Starter personality: Shy, quiet because she HATES her voice, thinks deeply and is smarter than she lets people know

Personality after being affected by the house:Proud and a bit arrogant, loud, forces opinions to be heard, still smart but much more in your face about it

Abilities/ skills: Can cook and sew, loves to write (Has always kept a journal), is fairly athletic being a member of the track team.

Magical/ Mana resistance:None

History (optional, but highly recommended): Susie is the eldest of two children born to Jack and Louise Parker. Her father worked as a janitor for the local factory at night, and her mother stayed home and had a small daycare for people in their community. When she was born with the severe cleft palate, the surgery to repair it had been very costly. Her parents had sold most of their possessions and used all of their savings to pay for it, even though it had not been as successful as they had been led to believe, they were happy to have their daughter healthy and able to eat normally. When her little brother came along the parents were overjoyed to ahve a son. That joy was short lived however when it was evident that their boy was struggling. They were heartbroken to discover that he was suffering from cerebral palsy. They were told that many surgeries would be required to elongate the boy's tendons and enable him to continue to stand and possibly to walk. her father took extra jobs and worked himself until he was at the point of exhaustion to pay for these necessary surgeries. unfortunately he had a major heat attack and died when Susie was only 12 years old and the little boy, Devon was only 6. Their mother continued on, and was forced to work a second job at night as a waitress, which left Susie to care for ehr brother alone a lot of the time. the two were very close, and though he was not physically gifted, her brother was extremely intelligent and learned quickly anything he was exposed to, so the two spent a lot of time reading books and talking about places they wanted to go,and things they wanted to see or experience. But one day...Susie disappeared...

Family:Louise Parker (Mother), Devon Parker (brother)

Extra:Susie also had a large birthmark on the back of her right shoulder that looks a bit like a dove.
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Name:Devon Parker
Gender: Male (no change)
Age : 16
Starter Appearance: Devon has a wide beautiful smile that is the centerpiece of a very handsome face His cheerful, optimistic manner and words make him popular with anyone he meets. His hair is dark brown and his eyes grayish green. He stands 5'5" though he would be much taller if he was able to stand completely erect. He uses canes to walk, because of severe cerebral palsy that makes his legs and arms difficult and often impossible to bend. He gets around well, because he refuses to allow the palsy to defeat him.

Appearance after side effects: Is suddenly able to stand straight and walk normally, becomes very clumsy, experiences pain throughout his legs and arms, (his clothes would fit wrong I think once he can stand straight...pants too short, shirt too short..) I will add to this later

Starter personality: Optimistic, happy, energetic, smart, outgoing

Personality after being affected by the house:unsteady, cautious, very curious

Abilities/ skills: He is very smart, good problem solver

Magical/ Mana resistance:Very resistant to personality and mental changes but not physical ones

History (optional, but highly recommended):See Susanna Parker (Same history with this addendum) After Susie disappeared their mother fell into a deep depression and no longer left the house for any reason. She became more and more despondent leaving Devon to fend for himself most of the time. Devon would read to her and try to encourage her, and though she would listen and smile at him once in a while she still did not move from her chair often.

Family:Louise Parker (mom). Susanna Parker (sister)

Extra:Devon is afraid of most animals, since they tend to trip him when he is walking with his canes.
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Margaret Bennett

Nickname: Maggie

Gender: Female (Before and after)

Age : 20 (Entered house age 14)

Starter Appearance:

Most striking of Maggie's pre-house features was her eyes. Dark and intense, they stood in contrast to locks of flyaway auburn hair that appeared brassy in the sun. She was tall, and awkwardly so, towering over the boys, all knees and elbows with prominent shoulder bones that gave her the appearance of a marionette or some other dancing puppet. Though thin in frame, she did not seem underfed exactly but instead carried what her mother termed "baby weight" within a boyish frame. Her face was angular, skin mottled with freckles and acne typical for her age but not excessively. Teeth a bit crooked and made worse by braces. And though she often laughed nervously, she kept her teeth hidden. She wore glasses, ugly frames her parents couldn't quite afford to replace, but only when schoolwork forced her too. Really though, by all accounts Maggie was average looking and maybe even pretty but of course she would never think so. Nose too long, fingers too short, caterpillar eyelashes and a smattering of freckles she endlessly hid with makeup and wide brimmed hats.

Appearance after side effects:

1) Acne clears. Teeth become aligned and braces disappear. Maggie realizes she no longer needs glasses to see. Although no other dramatic changes happen her features seem less angular, her skin brighter, and her hair more managable.
2) Freckles reduce and skin pales. Hair becomes a pretty auburn color that falls naturally. Maggie suddenly appears to grow into her frame and although she still appears awkward in a way typical to her age she would no longer be considered gangly. Above average appearence, but wouldn't look out of place at a normal high school.
3) Height reduces, frame fills out. Any semblance of a belly is replaced with a model-like figure. Maggie's figure becomes more adult and womanly. Men turn to stare when they see her on the street.
Starter personality: Quiet, polite, and helpful. Maggie is described by adults as a "nice girl" without any other noteworthy attributes. In contrast her peers find her awkward, needy, and a little grating. Maggie tended to follow the crowd. Her interests were generally more nerdy (and she's actually quite smart despite lackluster grades) but starting in middle school she began to hide these interests in favor of those deemed "popular". Maggie tends to latch on to people but in general tends to stay on the peripheral of any social circle (with the exception of some friends from elementary school who she distanced herself from in an attempt to be cool). She tries to hard to fit in and doesn't read peoples intentions well. Maggie can be a rude and ungrateful. Although she would carry on her duties caring for her brother and keeping the house up, she also complained a lot. In Maggie's head, the world has been out to get her long before she entered the house of many rooms.

Personality after being affected by the house: No longer shy and quiet, present day Maggie is a leader who dominates the room. Although now capable of being in a leader in a way she never was previously, Maggie has also become selfish, shallow, and biting. Thinking little of anyone but herself. She is confident, cool, and calculating. The new Maggie lives on the edge, seeking pleasure and popularity no matter the cost to others.

Abilities/ skills: Present day Maggie is a leader. She's not afraid to take charge and act in a situation and will take risks. Also has basic medical and first aid knowledge.

Magical/ Mana resistance: None

History: The first born child of an Orthodontist and his old-money wife, Maggie's earliest years were filled with all the benefits that having older, upper-middle class parents ought to give including the best in Montessori preschools, day trips to the museums, and Suzuki violin lessons. Maggie thrived beneath the towering elm trees behind her parents ornate tudor-style home and her parents watchful care. Though Maggie was occasionally watched by nannies, her parents worlds revolved around her and when one day her mother sat Maggie down on her knee and explained that she was to have a baby brother, Maggie was excited rather than apprehensive.

And then Michael was born.

A fussy baby who seemed to cry constantly, Michael was in and out of the hospital from birth demanding the near undivided attention of their parents. Suddenly, Maggie found herself spending more time in the care of nannies and relatives and then, when her parents were home, the subject of frequent correction because of their own tiredness "Just wait a moment, dear", "We'll take you next week", "Don't be selfish Margaret". This pattern only increased after Michael's diagnoses of cystic fibrosis, a disease that caused an excess of mucus build up in the body and lungs, with their mother in particular making it her mission to care for the younger child. Treatments and therapies, special diets, and a pristine home environment. For Michael's sake, children visiting the home were limited and Maggie's kittens given away to a neighbor family. Although Maggie was encouraged to help her mother with her little brother to a certain extent, their relationship remained distant for most of Michael's younger years and by the time Maggie was entering high school she had grown to resent her brother and parents.

At school, Maggie slowly morphed from a star student to an average one. She flitted from group to group and acted the rebellious teen but really only to a certain extent. She dyed her hair and wore clothes her mother hated but also maintained "good-enough" grades in school. She jumped from crowd to crowd in an attempt to be popular and also perhaps to gain her parents attention. At some point during her Freshman year, Maggie entered the Ever-Changing-House.... and was never seen again.

Family: David Bennett (Father), Eleanor Bennett (Mother), Michael Bennett (Brother), Robyn Ellis (Maternal grandmother).

Extra: Let me know if you want your character to have any sort of connection with Maggie.
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Michael Bennett

Nickname: At home, Michael gained the unfortunate nickname of "Ducky" by his mother but only family would really be aware of this. He doesn't care for being called Mike.

Gender: Male (Before and After)

Age : 15

Starter Appearance: Thick glasses, pale skin, and inquisitive blue eyes hidden beneath a mop of bright red hair. Michael is someone who looks generally unkempt. Michael is someone who is often mistaken for being younger than he is. Though not unnaturally thin at present, Michael is someone who appears sickly. Grey circles sit beneath his eyes even when he's well rested and his upon close inspection his fingernails tend to look a bit blueish from inadequate circulation. At times, depending on how sick he is at the moment, Michael wears a nasal canula and carries an oxygen tank, something that garnered strange looks back when he was in school. In addition to his sickly palor, Michael often appears quite twitchy and nervous. He has a smattering of small ticks such as jerking his head to one side and clenching his fists repetitively that tend to act up whenever he's around people. Michael habitually avoids eye contact and although he's about average height, often appears smaller than he is due to a slouch. Michael has a somewhat immature and nerdy fashion sense and would stick out in your typical high school. He wears lots of bracelets and is usually either wearing headphones or has them hanging around his neck.


Appearance after side effects:
1.) Health improves somewhat, stabilizes and won't get work. Eyesight improves. Pallor becomes more normal.
2.) Health continues to improve until Michael is effective cured. Michael fills out and appears to mature in appearance. Michael's appearance doesn't change dramatically but he goes from looking frail, small, and young to normal for his age.

Idk I guess just less goofy looking Ed Sheeran? I'm not imagining big changes appearance wise, more like not looking ill and the twitches go away. I'll find a pic later. Sorry for using someone so well known!

Starter personality: Gentle but naive, Michael can best be described as immature both socially and emotionally making you think of a child rather than a teenager. Having had limited social interaction growing up, Michael is generally more comfortable around adults and is more shy and awkward around his peers and when he is forced to interact with others in some way often appears visibly nervous and will fixate on one or two familiar topics. Michael is very nervous and worries constantly, about germs, about crowds, about natural disasters. Although he really is sickly, Michael complains and worries about more health problems than he should and has hypochondriac tendencies. He has a rather unhealthy relationship with is mother and is very much dependent on her and other members of his family. Although he does occasionally go out with friends (the few he has) this is somewhat unusual, especially in the last few years. Michael is very bright and spends most of his time pent up in his room reading or listening (and composing) music. Although his nervousness makes him useless in stressful situations, he has a lot of knowledge on hand if someone can encourage him to access it. Michael thinks a lot about the nature of the universe and the "big questions" of why people are here. Although he lacks Maggie's sense of being a martyr he is often quite melancholy and pessimistic once you actually get talking to him. He's not a happy person, but he doesn't see a way to change it.

Personality after being affected by the house: Through the house, Michael gains confidence and loses his paranoia of day to day things. He becomes more independent and less clingy. He is able to make decisions faster and becomes less selfish. Still, in his newfound bravery Michael becomes a bit reckless, brash, and self-destructive.

Abilities/ skills: Has a lot of information on various areas of interest, animals, botany, chemistry, literature, history, philosophy... you name it, he's probably read the book. Michael is also quite gifted musically and can play a variety of instruments though he's probably never show that to you.

Magical/ Mana resistance: Somewhat resistant both physically and mentally.

History (optional, but highly recommended): Like Maggie, Michael has benefited from having well of parents however, while Maggie benefited in her early life by having a host of experiences and learning opportunities, Michael's advantage has always been tied to his family having access to the medications, therapies, and treatments to help keep him healthy.

Michael's early life was spent in and out of hospitals, with frequent stints where he was cared for in his home but generally denied access to any people or children outside his family and medical team. Because his mother didn't want him to catch any childhood illnesses, Michael did not attend school till the third grade and even then he had poor attendance. In school, Michael was known to be quiet and shy, often refusing to talk and, in his elementary years, crying too easily. He was the target for some bullying but for the most part his peers simply left him alone. He made a few friends, but even these he only saw rarely outside of school. His mother made sure he was involved in at least a few extracurricular activities and since he was always hopeless in sports, these were usually based on his musical or academic talent such as being in orchestra or a quiz team.

Michael always enjoyed his sister but their relationship was strained for reasons outside of his control. When he was 10 years old, Maggie went missing and for nearly a year Michael's entire world turned upside down. His parents led the charge to find her as well as the other missing teens, but nothing ever turned up. His father became reclusive and obsessed with work and his mother became even more hovering and protective of him. Michael's anxiety increased and he did most of his schooling at home.

Family: David Bennett (Father), Eleanor Bennett (Mother), Margaret Bennett (Sister), Robyn Ellis (Maternal grandmother).

Extra: Michael has Cystic Fibrosis and a smattering of other ailments stemming from that.... and also from being an insufferable hypochondriac. He may or may not be allergic to dogs, cats, pollen, bees, mold, strawberries, shell fish, grass etc.. etc.. Supposed gluten and lactose intolerance. He has a weirdly close relationship with his mother, which his grandmother disapproves of.... She thinks Eleanor's hovering only encourages Michael's neurotocism.
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Yeah, I'm just waiting on character sheets/ working on mine @Nicole Birdy. ( Also, by the way, all four characters made so far have been accepted.) I just need four more characters ( or two more people besides myself to finish first) @Nicole Birdy
I'll look at the sheet and give it a go tomorrow I suppose
Sorry. Bowing out of this. I'm not coming up with enough inspiration to get the original characters set and the idea was on the bubble for my interest anyway. Good luck all!
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@PoetLore and @Lackadaisical if you don't mind, I am going to eliminate the generation theme and rework some details and have all characters enter at once ( if that is cool with you) and maybe get this running. Of course, if you would still like to do the generation thing, I shall go and work on my own Gen 1 sheet.