The Depth Online - [OOC & Signups]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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So, I did read that this was closed, but I'm hoping for a major sword art online fan you would give me a chance to join. It would be well appreciated.
So, I did read that this was closed, but I'm hoping for a major sword art online fan you would give me a chance to join. It would be well appreciated.
Thanks for the interest, but as it says on the tin; we're closed. If I'd make exceptions, I wouldn't have tagged it as such, eh? :P

I might open it up later, but it will be after finishing this arc. If you're still interested by then, check back in a couple months.
I'll put all calculations in each post for clarity. I was supposed to do that for Vologhn but got lazy- you don't really seem to care about number churning in The Library at all...
I got a deadline for work I forgot about, so my weekend turned out a little different :x
Post is up. Assume everyone who doesn't have one gets an iron weapon and armour (shield for our tanks). Also we now have 13 members, since @VerbalAbuse is back (though please note, while I understand you've had some difficulties, I intend to push this RP a bit harder than before, so I might take control over your character if stuff happens) and I needed another healer. Meet Ilya. I'll whip up her 'profile' in a minute.

I'll put all calculations in each post for clarity. I was supposed to do that for Vologhn but got lazy- you don't really seem to care about number churning in The Library at all...
That's cause they got different goals. The Library is simply for rough power-levels and as a reward system in the form of skillz, but overall it's designed to be more of a guideline. TDO is an experiment with how number-heavy systems work.

@Conrad Norwood Here's your tag, as requested ;)


Gogo minimalistic NPC sheet;


    USERNAME: Ilya
    RACE: Human
    CLASSES: Cleric, Elementalist
    EXP: 0
    CREDIT: 0

    HP: 19 STR: 5
    MP: 17 VIT: 7
    P.CRIT: 5 INT: 10
    M.CRIT: 2 WIS: 13
    Fire: Earth: Light:
    Water: Air: Darkness:


    • Skill Name Lesser Heal
      Level learned 1
      Skill Type Activated
      Cost 3MP
      Skill Description Heals a target upto 25m away for 0.5WIS+INT

    • Skill Name Icicle Spear
      Level learned 1
      Skill Type Activated
      Cost 6MP
      Skill Description Launches a spear of ice at an opponent for 120% damage. Can pierce up to three times, but reduces the power by 30% per hit.


    WEAPON NAME Harch Staff
    Type: 1H Staff
    Stats: +7 P.atk | +7 P.crit | +7 M.atk |+7 M.crit
    Description: -
    ARMOUR NAME Iron Chainmail
    Type: Heavy Armour
    Stats: +4 P.def | +2 M.def
    Description: -

If you noticed I totally stole a skill and stats from @CAS.
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You thief!

With Christmas around the corner and my family for some ungodly reason celebrating it I may not be able to post too much, though I should have a post up within 24 hours assuming I can get onto my PC after work tomorrow. I have to find where Calice and Sav are for levels and XP then I can bring them to the slaughter party.
That is it precisely, Kestrel! This is the month we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. I can't put it more eloquently than the dozens of carols sounding in the streets.

God rest ye merry gentlemen, let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ, our Savior, was born on Christmas day
To save us all from Satan's power when we had gone astray.
O tidings of comfort and joy.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
What's the stats on the iron equipment, are they better than beginner stuff?

BTW, Mary Sue is the player name, not IGN?
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Ahem, so what would you guys say would be most useful as Tec's new abilities?
Made a post. Not my best, but I don't care. Well I do, but I don't. #rebelwithoutacause #whyisthisathing?

Equipment requests.

Iron Chainmail
Heavy Armour | +4 P.def | +2 M.def

Iron Axe
1h Axe | +10 P.atk | +10 P.crit

Iron Axe
1h Axe | +10 P.atk | +10 P.crit

Elarius (aka Mary Sue)
Iron Chainmail
Heavy Armour | +4 P.def | +2 M.def

Harch Staff
Staff | +7 P.atk | +7 P.crit | +7 M.atk |+7 M.crit

Are we going to have a post order for the raid?
What's the stats on the iron equipment, are they better than beginner stuff?

BTW, Mary Sue is the player name, not IGN?
Here's the list;

And I like Mary Sue better >.>


Ahem, so what would you guys say would be most useful as Tec's new abilities?

But yeah. That's up to you. Some AoE might be useful, though...
Grenades, grenades everywhere. What would you recommend for damage on them?
I'm a sloth, quite obviously ;p

I'm trying to get a Library post out this morning, but I'll be gone for the weekend.

EDIT: I lied. Here's your set-up. Prolly last post from me till Monday.
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