The Depth Online - [OOC & Signups]

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Yeah, this RP is supposed to be more freeform and most people take a lot less initiative than I'd hoped for. Alas.
Alright. So. It's been long enough and I've postponed this well past the point I wanted to because I've waited on other people far too long. Bad me, I know. So. Coming week, this thing is going to start it's damn quest. I know I can rely on @Conrad Norwood and @Ray C. I want to check if @CAS and @Valeric are still with us, so please let me know ASAP. Everyone else; you're out. This RP is now closed.

What are we going to do? Well, we're going to start our first raid. Every character is going to be included. Barong will put forward using the profits gained from their leather stunt to help equip everyone (so nobody will be deadweight) and we'll be creating a couple NPC's to fill in the gaps in our parties. I'll be posting to try and round stuff up for the current fights this weekend and introduce the event. Feel free to start on NPC ideas, I think we'll be needing healers at least, and get hyped.
For some reason I haven't been receiving alerts from this OOC. Hopefully my posting in here will help with that problem.

Now then, on to Kestrel's post. I'm kind of surprised you can say that I'm reliable on this RP since we don't post much on it to see if I can handle a regularly updated story. Either way, at least we're possibly going to move at a quicker pace now. I was disappointed when people kept disappearing or took days to post as it killed any mood associated with a scene.

So yeah, I'm happy we're going a quest.
Well my RP's tend to be slow... Still until we're hitting a monthly interval per post we're far from rock bottom. (And yeah that was a thing... We damn well finished the RP and every post was gigantic, but goddamn that RP was slow.) You've posted consistently every time, without me having to tag you too(!) So in my eyes that means you've been pretty reliable so far :)
Jesus, monthly? I can barely even wait every other week for a session of Pathfinder and one of those usually takes four hours to play. And gigantic posts disproves the quantity over quality idea (or as I call it, the WW2 USSR plan). They make me want to fall asleep and make RPs feel like jobs instead of a hobby.

Also, I'm having trouble with my alerts recently so you may need to start tagging me. I'll try to check hourly or so to make sure I don't miss anything.
It doesn't work very well often and it's not something I'll do soon again, but we had a good team of players. We had collabs where needed, but it mostly was separate adventures revolving the same conflict (stuff actually happened proportionate to the size of the posts) so it was drifting pretty far from the traditional RP set-up. Acquired taste, I'll give you that, but I loved that thing to death.

And hourly? Hah. Daily works fine. Better probably, knowing me ;x
Healers, huh. Hmmm... I could bring Skraps, since she's Engineer/Medic. Though a Cleric/Weaver would probably be the most effective. Then again, we could use another tank, so a Cleric/Sage might be preferable--except I'd prefer the healer in back where he can focus on healing. Decisions, decisions.
Alright then. That's a good idea to move things quickly. I think I'll let my character meet up with the party at/in the dungeon itself- hand over the details please.
Lancelot + 1xp
38 Broken Forunn Horn
36 Forunn Milk
4 Perfect Forunn Horn

Pulse + 0xp
44 Broken Forunn Horn
35 Forunn Milk
0 Perfect Forunn Horn

Tecumseh + 0xp
37 Broken Forunn Horn
42 Forunn Milk
2 Perfect Forunn Horn

Barong + 1xp
50 Raw Harenn Meat
41 Harenn Fur
3 Lucky Feet

Rissa + 2xp
+5xp achievement
46 Raw Harenn Meat
35 Harenn Fur
5 Lucky Feet

Vivy + 3xp
+5xp achievement
73 Raw Harenn Meat
66 Harenn Fur
2 Lucky Feet

And yeah, Vivy got some stuff for free. Just assume she fought about 30 harenn over the course of this.

I'm giving you guys an opportunity to come up with characters before taking off. We can either do 2 parties of 6, or 3 parties of 4. Lancelot is our only dedicated tank so far, though Barong can take bait and run when needed, and Vivy and Pulse are beefy characters who have some minor healing they can do. Rissa and Barong can scout. DPS is something we got a good base, I think. I'm not gonna tell you what kinda characters to make, but it will of course impact the difficulty of the dungeon. NPC's don't need full CS', but a quick rundown of looks and basic skills would be welcome. They'll only have 2-4 though given the level.

@Ray C Skraps would be cool. @Valeric, maybe Vivy's sister can join us?
@Kestrel: Alright, I've actually had some thought about her as a character.

By the way, can characters choose only one class, or is dual-classing a must?
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@Kestrel sorry for not answering earlier. Tis the season of being really goddamn busy. I'm up for the raid 100%, and can dedicare Sav as a DPS and Calice as a tank if needed. I can also throw together a healer character if we need to balance some things out.
@Kestrel: Alright, I've actually had some thought about her as a character.

By the way, can characters choose only one class, or is dual-classing a must?
You can solo-class, but it's a handicap because you'll only get half the skills.

@Kestrel sorry for not answering earlier. Tis the season of being really goddamn busy. I'm up for the raid 100%, and can dedicare Sav as a DPS and Calice as a tank if needed. I can also throw together a healer character if we need to balance some things out.
No worries, you're still in. And that'd be great :D
Okay. @Kestrel a forewarning: I intend to abuse the Weaver's linking abilities for the Warlock spells. In particular, I am intending to bypass the short cast range of the Warlock by casting spells through linked mediums. More cross class interactions will follow. Do tell me if it is too powerful. (Wait, why am I thinking so far. xD I guess I do want to play her eventually. I kinda want her to become an antagonist.)


    FULL NAME: Marianne Sarkozi
    APPEARANCE: A thin, almost anorexic girl with curly copper hair. Unlike her tall and athletic elder sister, Maria is a short girl and hasn't seen much of the sun. Her skin tone is also pale as a result of her sedentary lifestyle. Despite being nearly in her twenties, Maria retains her girlish features, a trait that runs strongly in the family.

    BIRTHDAY & AGE: April 14th, 2015 (19 years old)
    OCCUPATION: College student

    Marianne was the wallflower of the class. Plagued with anxiety, she rarely stepped out of her own small group of close female friends. Her grades were relatively good- her parents were only too happy to have a child unlike their firstborn. She was polite and obedient, if a little shy. However, tragedy struck when she was fifteen. Caught in a car accident, Maria had her legs amputated to save her life. Although relieved that she was still alive, Maria's sweet nature became bitter at the world. She became frustrated with her fate and the future that awaited her. Only with the support of her friends and family did she manage to continue her life normally, but she would never be the same girl. Since the world had dealt her a bad hand, Maria made a vow to take whatever she wanted without hesitation. That was what the world owed her, after all she had been through. Maria has since become increasingly manipulative, and only thinks about the gains for herself.


    USERNAME: Angelle
    A robed female character with killer proportions. Silky straight black hair flows down to her waist. Her attire is extremely provocative, revealing most of her curvaceous body. Her facial features are soft and very feminine, accentuated by expertly applied make-up during character creation.
    RACE: Elf
    CLASSES: Warlock / Weaver
    LEVEL: 1
    EXP: 0
    CREDIT: 0

    HP: 25 STR: 5
    MP: 12.5 VIT: 10
    P.CRIT: 5 INT: 10
    M.CRIT: 2.5 WIS: 10
    Fire: Earth: Light:
    Water: Air: Darkness:


    • Skill Name Stygian Virus
      Level learned 1
      Skill Type Active Debuff
      Cost 4 MP
      Skill Description The Warlock summons dark magic in her hands and infects an enemy with it. Deals 40% magic damage per post for 6 posts on 1 target. 3 meter cast range.
      Skill Name Necroparasite
      Level learned 5
      Skill Type Active Debuff
      Cost 6 MP
      Skill Description Curses a target with an eldritch parasite. Obstructs the target's healing effects, reducing it by 50%. When the curse ends or upon manual deactivation, the Warlock can send the parasite into another target to heal them for 20% of the total amount of damage suffered by the target over the duration of the spell. Recasting this spell on the same target will prolong the duration, at half the MP cost only. 3 meter cast range, lasts 4 posts.

    • Skill Name Spirit Link
      Level learned 1
      Skill Type Active Buff/Debuff
      Cost 2 MP
      Skill Description The Weaver forms a magic link with a target that lasts for the whole battle. Activates the Weaver's Special Ability effect. If an enemy is linked, there is the additional bonus of being able to locate it without using regular senses. Can link up to three allies/enemies with each cast. Link breaks when target moves beyond 50 meters. 10 meter cast range.
      Skill Name Spirit Medium
      Level learned 5
      Skill Type Active Buff/Debuff
      Cost 4 MP
      Skill Description Once activated on a single target, all of the Weaver's spells can be cast from the linked target's position. Weapon skills cannot be transferred.


    WEAPON NAME Chipped Axe
    Type: Hand-Axe
    Stats: -
    Description: A worn and old one-handed axe. Light enough to be thrown, but has terrible balance. Its chipped and used metal head gives off an ominous feeling, as if it had once ended a life.
    ARMOUR NAME Occultist's Vestments
    Type: Robes
    Stats: -
    Description: A fine dress with embroidered hems. The low cut front shows off the cleavage of the wearer, and there are multiple gaps in the fabric of the clothing that appears to have no functional value. Overall this piece of equipment offers no protection against any form of attack, not does it even protect your modesty.

Alerts aren't working for me, but what else is new? I may or may not create a new character to help out as I generally don't like controlling more than one main character during an RP.
So here's my healer rough and gruff.


    FULL NAME: Mary Sue
    Irrelevant really. We'll say they're pretty good looking, average from afar, a subtle kind of homey beauty up close.

    BIRTHDAY & AGE: 2 July 2012
    OCCUPATION: University Student (Accounting)
    NATIONALITY: British?

    Again this ain't all too important. Mary Sue had a pretty good childhood though if you're wondering. She was always pretty smart and had lots of friends and stuff. Did well at everything and sometimes might have attracted too much attention.


    USERNAME: Elarius
    An androgynous armour clad figure wearing light blue robes. Despite the avatar being female the armour obscures any telltale signs other than tufts of tied blond hair that fall around the neck.
    RACE: Human
    CLASSES: Cleric, Sage
    EXP: 0
    CREDIT: 0

    HP: 19 STR: 5
    MP: 17 VIT: 7
    P.CRIT: 5 INT: 10
    M.CRIT: 2 WIS: 13
    Fire: Earth: Light:
    Water: Air: Darkness:


    • Skill Name Lesser Heal
      Level learned 1
      Skill Type Activated
      Cost 3MP
      Skill Description Heals a target upto 25m away for 0.5WIS+INT

    • Skill Name Magic Shield
      Level learned 1
      Skill Type Activated
      Cost 12MP
      Skill Description Covers the target with a magic shield that adds 25% of Elarius' WIS as a damage reduction for all attack types. Lasts 4 Posts.


    WEAPON NAME Clerics Staff
    Type: 1H Staff
    Stats: None
    Description: A basic clergy staff. Can be used to channel holy power to attack enemies. Or so it's said. Honestly it's a flimsy stick to hit things with.
    ARMOUR NAME Sages BattlePlate
    Type: Heavy Armour
    Stats: None
    Description: A set of heavy armour covered in blue robes that obscure the wearer. Offer limited protection from attacks, but offers excellent insulation against the cold.

  • Coming soon tm​

  • YOU

    EXPECTATIONS: To be a healer for one raid then somehow disappear. Not die, just not be anywhere until needed again.
    ROMANCE: Strictly Platonic and only when not in raids.
    OTHER: This character isn't a Mary Sue. Just saying.
    SIGNATURE: CAS. PS quack quack.

This character seems pretty legit now that I look at it. Might have to purge Sav to make room.

On second though lets not.

For the Raid I'll request 2x 1H Iron Axes for Sav and a Medium Torso Armour for him if you deem appropriate.

For Calice I think he'll do fine, though I've no idea of the upcoming difficulties.
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Sorry for the delay guys, had some other stuff to do. I'll look into the submissions as soon as... Well no, after I take care after a bunch of other things because letting stuff pile up is how I apparently do things. Soon, though.
Okay. @Kestrel a forewarning: I intend to abuse the Weaver's linking abilities for the Warlock spells. In particular, I am intending to bypass the short cast range of the Warlock by casting spells through linked mediums. More cross class interactions will follow. Do tell me if it is too powerful. (Wait, why am I thinking so far. xD I guess I do want to play her eventually. I kinda want her to become an antagonist.)
Hah, good fun. Only thing I wanna know is what kind of defensive check you're running on the DoT. Does every hit run the RES/MDEF check? Does the entire DoT check it just once and split?

@CAS Looks good. Love the name ;p

Alerts aren't working for me, but what else is new? I may or may not create a new character to help out as I generally don't like controlling more than one main character during an RP.
Usually it only messes it up for me if I don't check the thread. Though I'm sure quoting works ;p
@Kestrel I was thinking of checking every turn. The original plan was for her to be a DoT/debuff mage, but as I was looking for a suitable second class to go for warlock I thought the weaver might be interesting. Now, playing her might be very complex, especially if I add more funky weaver skills.
Gotcha, and good then. It might be a bit powerful, but I actually really like how you combined the skill so I'm biased +p
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