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So much heals! Before I opened this up, I questioned myself if I should include healer classes at all, or make a secondary character if I did... 'cause from my experience people always pick it last in RP's. Which I would probably have made elementalist/cleric too... Yeah no joke. Looks like my expectations turned upside down there.

Anyway, looking forward to it's completion, Mac. And welcome to the site.

And yes. I love the BB here. Couldn't help myself. I tried to make a html form where people could just download, fill in and a template would roll out, but damn, that's a lot of code even for me. I might do that later.
Every time I play an MMO with classes I always get stuck because I LOOOVVEE AOE's and I also wanna be that cleric holding up the team.... Usually I play the mage and my friend plays the cleric and she sticks around and heals me while I try to level up to the point of HAVING AOE's... But playing both?!? Dream come true.

I'll be finishing my CS up today I hope.
Finished my CS for ya Kestrel, all I need is Resistances.

The Multi-class mechanic is the reason for all the heals. Usually you have to spec into heals in order to make any difference in the field, but with Multi-classing you can have a Tank spec and a Heal spec and use all the abilities from both at the same time. Heal is just the most useful to have as a secondary skill set IMO because it makes you more versatile. You can heal, or you can CC or you can DPS or you can Tank. It just mixes it up and keeps it fresh. Otherwise you're just speccing more damage and, lets be honest, there's only so many ways to fire an arrow.

One final thing. I'm not sure if it's viable or not but I want to dual-wield shields and use them as weapons. Shields don't have attack modifiers/multipliers though, do they?

That's a good question I meant to ask earlier.

An elementalist cleric would be able to weird both a mace and the staff, but how about at the same time? Kind of hard to duel wield both but they coouuld make it work..
Every time I play an MMO with classes I always get stuck because I LOOOVVEE AOE's and I also wanna be that cleric holding up the team.... Usually I play the mage and my friend plays the cleric and she sticks around and heals me while I try to level up to the point of HAVING AOE's... But playing both?!? Dream come true.

I'll be finishing my CS up today I hope.
I actually like to tank, or have a lot of area control. If you ever played TERA, I had a warrior and she was just awesome. They are, contradictory to what the name makes you think, light-armoured and evasive characters that could dance around bosses endlessly... Provided you had the skill. That class is also an inspiration for my char right now.

Healing never was my forte, because you get people complaining about you screwing up when they screw up. I've done a little with friends on low levels, though. That can be pretty fun, but I gotta have something to do next to healing.

The Multi-class mechanic is the reason for all the heals. Usually you have to spec into heals in order to make any difference in the field, but with Multi-classing you can have a Tank spec and a Heal spec and use all the abilities from both at the same time. Heal is just the most useful to have as a secondary skill set IMO because it makes you more versatile. You can heal, or you can CC or you can DPS or you can Tank. It just mixes it up and keeps it fresh. Otherwise you're just speccing more damage and, lets be honest, there's only so many ways to fire an arrow.
Depends, there's usually mechanics to play with for DPS classes to prevent it from being rotation and repeat.

Finished my CS for ya Kestrel, all I need is Resistances.

One final thing. I'm not sure if it's viable or not but I want to dual-wield shields and use them as weapons. Shields don't have attack modifiers/multipliers though, do they?

Well, I was planning giving shields a small attack boost, because shield-bashing is pretty valid, though not to the same extent of weapons. Dual wielding shields though... er... Maybe dedicate a passive to it? Duel wielding is normally exclusive to berserkers, but for shields I can make an exception if you wanna use a skill-slot.

As for skills, just a few notes;

Mach punch is a bit too powerful for it's MP cost. Change the one or the other.
Gyrostorm is way too powerful ;p 500% is pretty huge, yo.
Reduce Shields up to 3 post duration or so, 5 is pretty much an entire battle, outside of bosses.
Vital Blast is also pretty OP for similar reasons as I told Arius earlier. Late-game, it's MP cost will be negligible and guaranteed 50% party healing is crazy powerful. I'd have to force monsters to 2hko the party if I want them to be any threat.

I really love you took a tech class though, we didn't have one of those yet :D

As for resistances, lessee...



That's a good question I meant to ask earlier.

An elementalist cleric would be able to weird both a mace and the staff, but how about at the same time? Kind of hard to duel wield both but they coouuld make it work..

Nope, this one is a definite no ;p
I actually like to tank, or have a lot of area control. If you ever played TERA, I had a warrior and she was just awesome. They are, contradictory to what the name makes you think, light-armoured and evasive characters that could dance around bosses endlessly... Provided you had the skill. That class is also an inspiration for my char right now.

Healing never was my forte, because you get people complaining about you screwing up when they screw up. I've done a little with friends on low levels, though. That can be pretty fun, but I gotta have something to do next to healing.

Depends, there's usually mechanics to play with for DPS classes to prevent it from being rotation and repeat.

Well, I was planning giving shields a small attack boost, because shield-bashing is pretty valid, though not to the same extent of weapons. Dual wielding shields though... er... Maybe dedicate a passive to it? Duel wielding is normally exclusive to berserkers, but for shields I can make an exception if you wanna use a skill-slot.

As for skills, just a few notes;

Mach punch is a bit too powerful for it's MP cost. Change the one or the other.
Gyrostorm is way too powerful ;p 500% is pretty huge, yo.
Reduce Shields up to 3 post duration or so, 5 is pretty much an entire battle, outside of bosses.
Vital Blast is also pretty OP for similar reasons as I told Arius earlier. Late-game, it's MP cost will be negligible and guaranteed 50% party healing is crazy powerful. I'd have to force monsters to 2hko the party if I want them to be any threat.

I really love you took a tech class though, we didn't have one of those yet :D

As for resistances, lessee...



Nope, this one is a definite no ;p
My thing with healing is just the teamwork of it. Clerics will always be needed and always will have value, especially GOOD ones. Guilds are going to need their clerics, and parties will too ^^
Yeah, as a tank-player I can assure you every good healer I came across instantly got on my friend list. I've been pretty lucky with healers as far as guild ones went, too.

EDIT: Also, @Bolour Kardia I see you rating a lot of the posts in here. Should we be eagerly expecting a CS from you? :D
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I feel like my character skills are so weak comparatively now haha. There are so many tanks too, I almost want to change over to a different class, maybe a Beserker Templar of magic destroying magnitude who happens to be a glass sword simultaneously. At least now we have someone who can resurrect me when I die though! No more fear of rocks forever!
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Too bad I'm a cleric that fears rocks...

Gonn need two clerics lmfao
I feel like my character skills are so weak comparatively now haha. There are so many tanks too, I almost want to change over to a different class, maybe a Beserker Templar of magic destroying magnitude who happens to be a glass sword simultaneously. At least now we have someone who can resurrect me when I die though! No more fear of rocks forever!
Well, if you wanna change classes that's fine, just gotta go through the screening process again. Hell I'd even let you play 2 characters if you'd be up for that ;p But with resistances calculated in, one tank may be better fit for one situation than the other. Also, Mac's tank lacks an threat generating skill, which is pretty important for a main tank.
Alright, I've changed everything except Gyrostorm. I want to plead my case for that one before I inevitably concede.

1. It's a stationary skill. It will only hit things in melee range when it is activated and things that move into melee range during it's effect. So unless I'm being charged by a whole bunch of guys in a corridor (extremely situational), then all it does is create breathing room in my immediate area.

2. DPS. When you get right down to it the only time anything is going to take the full 500% damage is if I activate it right next to a Boss, provided it doesn't move out of range. Which will mean it's probably a slow moving, heavily armoured boss. In which case, it becomes a useful (if situational) Boss Nuker.

3. Stat crunch. I just filled out a table that projects my stat growth upto Level 100. I am now modifying all of my MP costs so that they scale with my attributes rather than being a set amount of points. In the end, it looks like the modifiers/multipliers on gear will be the way to boost the damage.

EDIT: I'm actually going for a DPS/Heal build. I considered Tanking, but it doesn't really fit the role my character would play.
We can add more skills later, right?

The formatting of the CS is making it difficult to add them X-x
A couple things I would invest in if I were you, Rainjay.

- Some sort of buff or passive skill that boosts your resistances
- Armour with Earth Resist
- Bookmark the first page of this thread. You can just copypasta the code from the skills section as many times as you need it and it saves time trying to make all the formatting match.
- ???
- Profit
A couple things I would invest in if I were you, Rainjay.

- Some sort of buff or passive skill that boosts your resistances
- Armour with Earth Resist
- Bookmark the first page of this thread. You can just copypasta the code from the skills section as many times as you need it and it saves time trying to make all the formatting match.
- ???
- Profit
Yeah I had to use the CS copy paste for it. But blah. So much code.

And I think somewhere I read that opening armor couldn't have stats, hence why it has no Earth resist.

But now that you bring up a resistance buff, I am going to go add it. As soon as the BB code stops hating me.

EDIT: Put in a general resistance + buff. I can get Earth resistant armor later xD
We can add more skills later, right?

The formatting of the CS is making it difficult to add them X-x

Yup, you will get more. I added up to 20 so everyone would have some examples to go by. Though honestly, I got them planned out until... 65 >.> But that seemed a bit intimidating (plus I can spend more time to tweak them now)

If you want a template though; here you go

[table][tr][td][b][font=Courier New][color=#a6ff4d]Skill Name[/font][/color][/b][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][b][font=Courier New][color=#a6ff4d]Level learned[/font][/color][/b][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][b][font=Courier New][color=#a6ff4d]Skill Type[/font][/color][/b][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][b][font=Courier New][color=#a6ff4d]Cost[/font][/color][/b][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][b][font=Courier New][color=#a6ff4d]Skill Description[/font][/color][/b][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table]

Alright, I've changed everything except Gyrostorm. I want to plead my case for that one before I inevitably concede.

1. It's a stationary skill. It will only hit things in melee range when it is activated and things that move into melee range during it's effect. So unless I'm being charged by a whole bunch of guys in a corridor (extremely situational), then all it does is create breathing room in my immediate area.

2. DPS. When you get right down to it the only time anything is going to take the full 500% damage is if I activate it right next to a Boss, provided it doesn't move out of range. Which will mean it's probably a slow moving, heavily armoured boss. In which case, it becomes a useful (if situational) Boss Nuker.

Hm. Considering my character has, at max output, a ranged 450% while stationary, 300% of which an AoE, in 2 posts, that isn't that unfair. Considering the disadvantages, anyway. I trust you won't abuse it. Everything else looks in order, now.

Also hurray for being back to off-tank ;p
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Yeah, as a tank-player I can assure you every good healer I came across instantly got on my friend list. I've been pretty lucky with healers as far as guild ones went, too.

EDIT: Also, @Bolour Kardia I see you rating a lot of the posts in here. Should we be eagerly expecting a CS from you? :D
Lol looks like im caught, I love MMO's and SAO so this caught my attention. I love the detail and creativity you put into it =D
Ill work on a CS today/tonight tho it might take awhile, those BB codes are intimidating lol
I think I may make a second character after all. Some beserker carnage to share friends maybe. Hell I could make em the friend mentioned in my first characters bio. That'd make me have to talk to myself though so maybe I wont... hmmm the possibilities.
Lol looks like im caught, I love MMO's and SAO so this caught my attention. I love the detail and creativity you put into it =D
Ill work on a CS today/tonight tho it might take awhile, those BB codes are intimidating lol
Hah, looking forward to it. Unfortunately I dn't have an easy way to fill it in, but if you need help let me know. Or check out this post I made earlier;

I think I may make a second character after all. Some beserker carnage to share friends maybe. Hell I could make em the friend mentioned in my first characters bio. That'd make me have to talk to myself though so maybe I wont... hmmm the possibilities.
Speaking of which, if you guys want your characters t have pre-existing relationships, ie friends or family IRL or having played another MMO together before, feel free to discuss it in the thread or PM each other.

EDIT: @Rainjay @Bolour Kardia

If you guys are really having a lot of trouble with fitting the skills into the table, try this one;

[b][font=Courier New][color=#a6ff4d]Skill Name:[/font][/color][/b]
[b][font=Courier New][color=#a6ff4d]Level learned:[/font][/color][/b]
[b][font=Courier New][color=#a6ff4d]Skill Type:[/font][/color][/b]
[b][font=Courier New][color=#a6ff4d]Cost:[/font][/color][/b]
[b][font=Courier New][color=#a6ff4d]Skill Description:[/font][/color][/b]

Skill Name:
Level learned:
Skill Type:
Skill Description:

It's not as clean as a table, but should be a lot easier to work with.
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