The Crow and The Black Cat (RP With @Krisan)

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Original poster
Way above the ground, in the night sky there was a little black thing... A crow that would search the ground for something or someone... Fleeing from something that was making it's heart race, suddenly the crow stopped as it found what it searched... But when it was going to land closer to it, he suddenly turned into a human and feel to the ground screaming. When that male was going to hit the ground, he woke up screaming in his bed while his cellphone would warn him that he was almost late for school... Quickly recovering himself from the dream, he would grab his school clothes and ran to take a quick bath, his dark colored hair would stay a little wet as his red colored eyes would see it on the mirror, his tanned skin would still be wet a little but he was sure it will be dry when he would ran to school.

After some minutes, he was in the school gates while the first bell would ring... He quickly ran to his class as he waited for his friends and for the girl he wanted to talk with appear.

It was a dark room. The air filled with rancid smell. She could feel a thin, cachetic fingers, pinched her back with its nails, brought her to screamed aloud and struggled. But rather than let her go, the hand pulled her into a big pot of liquid. I can't breathe! I can't breathe! Someone ... help me! I'll drown! Help!!

"NO!!" she screamed as that girl woke up. Then she mused a little while, before she wipes her sweat and tears. "Why am I dreaming it again? What was that?"

"No, forget it. It's just a dream. I should take a bath now." So then, Riana walked to the bathroom. Few minutes later, she had been prepared with her uniform on. She put a pair of white hairpin right above her left ear, while she let her long, black hair free behind her back. Riana took a glasses and thought a little whether she would wear it or not, it caused of her striking eyes color which made up of amber. Or light yellow? Usually, she used to wear glasses, but maybe only for today she would put it down back on the table.

So now Riana went to school, walked calmly all the way. When she stop awhile at the crossroad, Riana saw a man beside an old granny with a bad-seemed behavior, and he tried to reach the granny's little bag. He will steal it, Riana thought. Riana saw a can near her, she silently pointed at the can and it flee a little. Then she quickly point the man, caused the can flew fastly, and hit the man's face. Riana grins a little when the man confusedly look around with an anger on his face. "No one threw it to your face, man," Riana mumbled. "It's a simple spell, by a witch girl."

In short, Riana arrived on time at school. Now she walked at the hallway. The bell rang, and at the same time a guy ran quickly. He passed Riana and almost bumped her. Riana surprised a little, then continues her walk to her class. She thought, that guy is coming late. Finally, she came into her class, sat on her bench and she realized that someone walks toward her.
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It was almost like magic that the girl slowly appeared in the classroom, he smiled a little and walked towards her, he knew he needed to tell her about her 'magical powers', the sooner he told her about them, the faster they could get back to the witch and maybe destroy it... He needed her help and he was going to help her remember it all even if it was something bad. "Hi, how's you doing?" He started as he looked to the girl and noticed that she was without her glasses, with a raised eyebrow he would think why she wouldn't use them that day, maybe she was not needing them? In any case, he waited for her answer as he knew that the teacher could come in the room any time.
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Riana looked up and found a guy with dark hair and red eyes stood beside her table. Seems like he was the guy who running at the hallway before, Riana thought, she was talking about the guy who almost bumped her back then.

Riana smiled softly. "I'm alright," she replied. "How about you? After running at least from school gate to the class, you should be so tired, shouldn't you?"
"Nice... Me? Tiring of just a little run? Of course no, I like running and feeling the wind on my face... It's like... I was born to do that... Anyway I'm Marcus, you are Riana right? I've heard your name when the teacher called you yesterday... So will you do something on the lunchtime? I was thinking if we both could eat something on the roof, what do you say?" Marcus asked as he looked to her and smiled, crossing his arms and winking at her, he knew that it maybe was embarrassing but he needed to do that, he needed to know if she was remembering at least something from her past. Slowly a tired teacher would enter the room and Marcus just waited for Riana's answer and quickly run to his place waiting for the class to start.
Riana keep smiled, even when he asked her out right away, plus that wink. She just started a little ill behind that beautiful smiling mask. This guy really don't have any shame, Riana thought. Luckily, a teacher entered the class, and Marcus ran to his bench.

Anyway, Riana could feel someone kept on looked at her. Her instinc is kinda sharp for that. She took a little glance, found out that Marcus still looked at her. Maybe he still want an answer? So then Riana turned her head and nodded. A little talk wouldn't hurts, right? Then, the class started.
He smiled and nodded back to her, at least he would be able to make her remember... Maybe not but it was going to be a long and serious talk with Riana, he would need to do his best to make her believe in him... The only problem was how? She was thinking she was an human but... It was so strange to think on it... He took a deep breath and started thinking as the class was going on... He didn't even cared about the lecture, he could just use his magic to change his notes and make the teacher think he had done everything, it was easy but maybe that is why the teacher looked more and more tired.

After the class ended, Marcus quickly got up and walked slowly to Riana's desk, he smiled and waited for her to get up as he said "Are you ready or you want to buy something from the vending machines first?" He ended up asking her remembering it was for them to eat something... He didn't even brought a pen how could he have some food with him? He thought and thought on it as he would use his magic in a hidden way to make one of the girls from behind Riana to bring him something to eat... It didn't took too much and one of them had already given him an red apple that she 'didn't wanted' and he thanked her like it was normal for that to happen.
"No, I bring my lunch," Riana aswered, as she took out her lunch box. "We can eat it together if you want."

Riana never share her lunch before. She don't know, but her feelings told her to do that. Well, she was that type who always listen and trust her feelings. Anyway, if they eat together, Marcus don't need to buy anything, right? It seems like he didn't brings any food for lunch.
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"Yeah... So let's go before the lunchtime is over." Marcus said with a little smile as he would slowly walk closer to the door and wait for her, he took deep breath and looked at the apple in his hand thinking on what he should do to make her believe in him... His idea was to make her see what he could do and to show her his real form... Maybe she will just think it was a spell or something alike but he would do his best to make her remember everything from before.
So now Riana and Marcus walked to the roof. Riana glanced him a little, Marcus was all quiet, and he looked at the apple at his hand. She wondered what was he thinking about, seems like something depressful. Suddenly, Riana heard something cracked, followed with some shouts.

"Oh no! You hit that flower pot with that baseball of yours!"

"The pot will fall!"

"Hurry catch it! There's some students under!"

Riana rushed to the window beside. She looked up to a cracked pot and down to a teacher who sat right under there. The pot surely will hit the teacher. She suddenly turned her form, from the human into a black-colored little cat. She jumped out of the window and hit the cracked pot away, fully didn't care about Marcus who saw it and screamed at her. She had safe the teacher now, but then she forgot that it still far away from the ground, and still a bit far from the nearest tree.

Oh no!
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He was quiet and just thought on what he would do... The way she was maybe showed some of her cat traits but she was more human than he thought... Marcus continued to look at the apple as they continued, the red apple was making his stomach growl a little but somehow his attention turned to Riana which suddenly rushed to where a certain pot was falling.

Marcus ran with her but she suddenly turned to be a little cat... He was sure she would remember everything now but she was falling... And he was there looking at her fall... He jumped out of the window and turned into a crow a little bigger then her cat form, diving in a fast way, he would grab her by her neck fur and push her up to the rooftop. Up there he would let her on the ground safe and fly to the corner of the rooftop waiting to know what she would say as he would still stay in his crow form.
Her heart still racing in fear. What a stupid thing to do, why should she hit it when she can slap it easily with her magic? Now here she is, still trembling all over within her cat form. But ..., she tought, as a simple glimpse of Marcus who jumped out of the window passed trough her memories. What she remember later was a crow who saved her. Could it be ...? She looked right in front of her and found that crow stayed there. Of course, there was no crow fly in the city.

"Marcus?" Riana said, her voice also trembled. As she knew that, she decided to sat down and hided her face behind her two front legs. She can't speak like this, Riana should calm her down first. But it seems isn't that easy since she never jumped out from that high place. She knew that her behavior which always listens to her feelings will never always come out fine, but it never came out to be that dangerous.
Slowly the crow would fly up only to transform back to normal, making Marcus appear and letting out a deep breath he would smile "I knew you would remember that... So Riana... Are you remembering everything now?" He suddenly stopped asking as he looked to her and saw that she was still in her cat form, she looked like she was in total fear and like she was still in total danger... Grabbing the little cat in his arms, he would slowly pet it "Hey... Don't worry... I'm here and you are fine... Nothing bad will happen to you when I'm close ok? I'll be your protector and will do my best to make you feel fine just thrust me."

He continued petting her as he would want to make her feel safe and sound, his voice was calming and sounding really really comforting somehow, Marcus slowly started singing a little son from when he was on the witch's experiment... It was in a strange language but calming almost like a chant or something alike. He started remembering the time he was being tested and all the memories he had from that place made him feel hurt but he continued the little song wanting to make the little cat in his arms calm itself.
When Marcus reached his arms to her, Riana isn't really noticed it, only until her sensitive hearings heard his soft wishper and at the same time realized his pet on her. She surprised inside, but also doesn't know what to react. Besides, she wont get away, still want him to pet her slowly. Then she heard Marcus sang a little song. She doesn't know what he said, but the song felt kinda familiar. And it all started feel familiar for her, like something like this ever happens before. That scary dream about her drown in a pot by someone suddenly passed by her minds, and she doesn't even understand why she remembered that dream at a time like this. She doesn't know what to say.

Riana heard that Marcus stopped singing. That time, Riana kept stay silently in his arms, still doesn't want to get away. But she just can't stay like this forever. Riana jumped and walked away as she turned back into a human. A little does she feel that her cheek is blushing, it felt hot that Riana put her hands at her cheek. It was embarrassing. How could he do that like I really is a little kitty? He did see me changed, didn't he? she said in her mind. As she stopped, she put her hands down and turns slowly to see the person who saved her, and calm her down. "Um, thank you," Riana said. "And ... who are you actually?"
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Keeping an eye on her, Marcus would wait for the right time to say something... He knew that she loved being pet like that but he never needed to sang that song to calm her down fully... He could know that she remembered something of it by the way her cheeks turned to a bright pink or maybe it was because he was holding her? He knew it was something between those two alternatives, even if she looked a little confused and calm, Marcus would do his best to make her feel safer as he got closer to her and gave her a tight hug, she felt smaller in his hands while he would say it whispering on her ear "You really don't remember me? You... Riana... You don't remember the experiments right? The fingers slowly grabbing you... The fingers thin and boney... The fingers that would only hurt you when they hold you... The fingers that would just let you go if you are ready for water... The fingers would get you out of the water only to change you completely... D-Don't... Don't you remember all that? The... Nights and days we spent together in that horrible place... Please... Say that you remember..."

Marcus held his little cat in his arms tighter as he buried his face on her neck, his tears slowly falling from his face to hit her shoulder slowly. He could feel all the memories coming back and the bruises pulsating from just remembering the place... Marcus was totally afraid of being found again but he would do his best to hide himself and Riana from their past and if he could, he would find and destroy that witch who made them what they were now with the help of his cat friend's magic.
Riana just tried to hold him back as she know that Marcus would hug her. But he hold her tightly, made her felt bad to push him away. She thought, maybe she can have it if only a little hug. But then Marcus whispering her, on her ear. "Ng...." She just can't take it if someone whispering something to her so close. She surprised that Marcus said something so similar with her dream, that nightmare which always haunt her sleeps. It heard like ... he know something about her, if it's not then why he said it. Why should he hug her like this?

No way, Riana refused in her mind. We just met this morning. It's should not going like this. I don't even know him, there's no way he can know something about me. It's a lie. Then a simple thinking cross her mind. He is a witch, right? Sure, it's a lie! It's a lie!

"S-sorry ... I don't know what you ...." Riana pushed him slowly to loosen his hug at her. She isn't short, but she didn't get it that Marcus could easily hug her, or he just that tall? She doesn't know. "I don't know what you said. Please let me go," she continues without looking up, and mend to go away.
Marcus could feel that she wasn't liking the hug but it was needed... He knew that a hug would make her calmer or something... Or maybe he was totally wrong? Since he was experimented by the witch he started having some memory losses but he recovered them after he saw Riana in school... He felt her magic and soon all the nightmares came back to his mind. Her way of wanting to take him away from her made him feel a little bad, he was just trying to help and she was being a little rude but who was he to say she was being rude? He was the one to hug her in the first place.

Being slowly pushed away made his face slowly flee from her neck and for him to look at her, she was at least a palm smaller then him, he could simply call her little Ria like he always did... That's it! Calling her by what he called her would make her remember him or maybe something more from those experiments... As she said she wanted to go away from him, he would grab her arm gently and ask her "But... Little Ria... You...You really don't remember me? The big guy on the bird cage... Remember? Was the experiment too much for you? Don't you really remember it? The strange... Water in that strange... Pot... Being soaked in that thing made your fur get sticky and you didn't wanted to clean it off because it tasted bad... The same on my feathers... I still feel that strange smell when I take a bath... But you really don't remember it? Being thrown in that goo and suddenly feeling strange... Seeing different... Moving different... Head dizzy and hands instead of paws or wings... Don't you remember?"
Just when she heard 'Little Ria', Riana looked up and meant to yell at him. She just meant to said, "I'm not little!" but then what was it? Like she take it as a childhood call, or something. Moreover, Riana never get what she just heard. The pot, the water, feather, paws, wings, just what is he talking about?

Anyway, Riana surprised again that time when she looked up and got that tears fell from that red eyes. Is he ... crying? A strange, painful feeling hit her heart so sudden. What?

"Stop that," Riana said as she pull back her arm from him. Her tone turned out to be as cold as ice. "I don't know what are you trying to do to me, but I tell you I would never let you if you meant to try 'something' out with me," she continues. As she would said again, Riana turns, so she wouldn't see those tears. "Maybe I never know my parents, but I know I have this pure witch blood inside my soul—don't ever look down on me, witch."
He could see in her face... It was all different for her... She didn't remembered a thing but maybe if he tried some more maybe if he could remember how the witch was... But everything looked somehow shady now that he tried to remember. He could remember a lot of times that he helped Riana with her fur getting soaked but he couldn't remember who was the witch and how she or he was...

He quickly stopped his tears as he cleaned his face, he took a deep breath and heard her, she was already upset and somehow she wasn't like the same that he knew... She had changed and changed a lot. He slowly moved his head down and let his hair cover his face, she wasn't thinking on anything, she was just assuming he was the evil one there... He had doubts about that but he knew that it would happen sooner or later... He kept hearing her and as she turned around, he let out a simple laugh, she never knew her parents because she was a cat... And Pure Witch Blood in her soul? Where did she came up with that? Why she would think on something like that instead of being a experiment? She could remember some of it and he was sure of it, he just needed to trigger the right thing and she would remember more of it...

"Parents? Pure Witch Blood in your soul? I being a witch? You sure is funny... If I was a witch you know I would have let you fall from and hit the ground before... A witch that would be wanting you dead would simply let you destroy yourself... Don't you think it is foolish to leave this place without answers? Don't you have dreams... No, nightmares about a strange place... Everything around you look different and scary... Making you just want to wake up from it? Please... Hear me... I'm not the enemy here..." He said completely serious, he wasn't wanting to use it on her but if needed... He would have to use the mind control spell.
Heard that serious tone just made her guard up herself inside. "How do I believe you are not my enemy?" Riana started to took a step back, aware herself if something bad would happen. "You even know that dream intensely. The finger, the pot, the water. How could I know ..." She never believed that now she said this blameful words. "That you are not the one who send that dreams to me?"