The Conduit

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Original poster
Rural Louisiana...1922

The winding dirt roads stretch as far as the eye could see as the Ford Model T barrels it way down the country back waters on the very outskirts some forty miles outside of Baton Rouge. The grueling fourteen hundred mile journey from Red Hook, New York had definitely taken it's toll on the newly married couple that occupied the car. Damien squints ahead of him as the dust from the dirt road begins to kick up and he casually glances down at his young bride, Cindy, as she naps peacefully on his arm. They had left nearly everything behind them back in New York, all they had known. The idle gossip, the snickering and staring...but most of all the condemnation, it was all behind them now. Damien looks into the rear view mirror and stares back at his own reflection. He really couldn't understand the back lash.

By all accounts, Damien Alvarado fit the dashing military officer type. He was tall, fit and did seem to imbue all the classical traits of a good looking fellow..."Just that damn nose and a slightly built in tan." he whispered to himself. He looks down to Cindy who was now letting off ever so delicate snores "What did you ever see in half gypsy mongrel like me, huh?" he chuckled to himself.

After about twenty more minutes of driving, the car pulls in front of an old and isolated farm house. Damien puts the vehicle in park and leans back in his seat, letting off a long sigh. He looks in the back seat and sees the large parcel wrapped in black sack cloth...which contains the book of incomprehensible secrets and dark unhallowed wizardry they had so haphazardly decided to bring along on their impromptu flight to the bayous of Louisiana. As the thick cloud of road dust starts to clear, Damien can make out three figures lounging out in front of the old house.

"Oh great, just what we need a redneck welcoming committee..." he gently nudges his wife "Cin, wake up doll. I think we got company."
Cindy stirs and opens her eyes, blinking at the bright sunlight. She sits up and glances back at the book, almost resentfully. She'd been having strange dreams ever since they took it. She automatically smooths her blonde hair back into place as she takes in their surroundings, and Damien's words.

"Well, I've heard great things about Southern hospitality," she says, putting on a hopeful smile. She suspected what her husband was worrying about, and added, "Besides, you look European more than anything else."
"Besides, you look European more than anything else."

Damien shoots his wife a sarcastic glance, with raised eyebrows "Sure I do, love..." he says as he gets out of the car. The three men approach closer and stop just short of Damien. They all are dressed in slacks and suspenders. The man at the rear holds a large whiskey bottle and chomps on a pipe. Damien stands tall and crosses his arms in a confrontational stance.

"You folks lost or sumthin?" asks the man at the front.

"This is 20 Ceshire Lane ain't it?" asks Damien, slightly squinting in the bright noon sun.

"Well yes, I believe she is." says the man.

"...and this is the back country of Boedock County, am I right?" Damien asks, his voice sounding a bit more antagonistic.

The front man narrows his eyes a bit, obviously taking not of the rising hostility in Damien's voice "That's right..."

"Well than we're in exactly the right place." says Damien with confidence as he crosses in front of the car and nonchalantly begins to retrieve bags from the back seat.

"Well now look here boy..." starts to say the front man.

"Hold it Lester...looky what we got here." says the man with the whiskey bottle as he strides closer to the car and taking a quick notice of the pretty blonde in the passenger seat.

"Well I'll be dipped in hog's honey, hello pretty blue." says Lester as he takes a swig from the whiskey bottle "I think you've got a might explanin to do here Creole or whatever the hell your breed is."

The middle man lets out a drunken laugh "Yer right as rain Les...this boy does look like some kind ass backwards injun breed, don't he."

"Is everyhthing alright darlin, you in any kinda trouble here with this boy?" says Lester as he addresses Cindy.

Damien impatiently chuckles to himself as he reaches into the back seat "You gotta love these goddamn inbreds. Cin, why don't you get out of the car an introduce yourself...we wouldn't wanna seem rude, would we?" says Damien as he zips open a bag to reveal a 1911 hand gun...
Cindy gets out of the car quickly, putting a hand over the open bag. She really, really doesn't want to start their new life here with a gunfight. Their new neighbors might be slimeballs, but that's all, nothing worth going to prison for, assuming they got that far.

"Isn't it a little early to begin drinking?" She asks the men, giving the whiskey bottles a distasteful look. "And may I ask what brought you all the way out here? I know this house doesn't belong to any of you, because the deed's in one of those bags."