CHARACTERS WRITING The Children of False Gods -- Evrensel Side-Story

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Wade Von Doom

All Caps when you spell the Man's name
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Sci-fi, modern, horror, a bit of dark romance stories.
It was evening. Around four in the afternoon. The sky was clear of clouds and began to glow a soft yellow as the sun was slowly fading down below the horizon. There was a small house not too far from a village, near the fields of crops just on its outskirts. It was a farm house, with a barn not too far away. A woman wearing ragged clothing covered in dirt was finishing up for the day, as she pulled up a bucket of water from the nearby well. Clearing her forehead of sweat, she looked to the dirt road leading to the village; the fields of crops on both sides.

There, she saw a horse. Its fur was pure black with white marks on the hooves, and its rider wore a heavy armor. The sight was majestic, as the armor was beautifully crafted and shined off the sun's rays like the noble hero was finally returning home after a long journey. Course, he wasn't gone for very long, two days at minimum as he led a small group of soldiers to the borders of their home nation to check the outposts, as the neighboring country was heard to be having some 'issues.' Everything though was still good, and he returned home without a scratch.

He stopped his horse and got off, while the woman smiled softly and walked towards him, the two embracing each other with a hug. The man smiled back and was happy to be home. The woman took the horses reigns and guided the animal to the barn, while the man entered his home, removing his armor once inside. Relaxed, he went to the bedroom to check on the little man, his year old son; sound asleep in his crib and covered with a blanket. The young child looked more and more like his mother each day, as he had beautiful blue eyes and was starting to grow bright blonde hair, though he still retained his father's facial features.

As his father cradled the infant in his arms, the little man stayed asleep, with his father rocking back and forth to keep him so. The mother entered the room not too long after, watching the sleeping boy from over his shoulder. Both parents smiled to each other, then slowly kissed. They were very passionate for each other, becoming love birds since when they were children.

Of course, forces beyond their imagination were at play in their world.

Only a week later, on the porch of that same house, the sky was burning. In the distance, where the village was, every building was on fire, with the smoke billowing the night. It wasn't an invasion by the other country, far from it. Another army, one from what many believed was another dimension, invaded the other nation, destroyed it, and was now moving on to this one. They wielded weapons unlike anything seen before, as if they could harness the destructive power of the sun itself. The attack lasted only a day, as the villages defenses were no match for this invading armies weapons and might. The sky turned red and black from the smoke and fires burning away at the city.


The father was in charge of defending the village from the invaders, but his troops were no match. He fled to his home to save his wife and child, but he was too late. The enemy had reached his home first. The attacker tried to kill him, but while the man fought back with as much as he could, the enemy was too strong. The front door broke open, and collapsed was the father, his throat sliced open and spewing blood across the floor. As he was dying, the attacker slowly entered the house. He had no weapon, no armor, no shield, just a suit.

A suit and tie, which he straightened out as he walked inside. The mother was shaking behind a wall, fear taking over her thoughts, as she was scared for not herself, but her child. The invader walked around, looking for whoever he could, but as he peaked around the corner, the mother attacked; stabbing him in the throat. It did nothing. Only sparks flew off him, and the attacker was quick to smash the mothers head into the wall as hard as he could; knocking her out cold.

Without hesitation, he pulled out his actual weapon, and fired two rounds into her skull, smiling all too sadistically. The loud bangs caused the child to suddenly cry out, scared by such a noise, but drawing the attention of the attacker. He entered the bedroom and looked to the crib, seeing the lonely child crying tears of fear and wishing for care to calm him. He looked the child up and down, still smiling, though more of curiosity than sadistic glee. "Look at you," he said to the infant, "quite healthy, no physical disabilities." From what he could gather in his quick scans of the child. "Bet your father was pleased to have you. Raise you up the warrior to take his place when he couldn't hold a sword anymore. I imagine you'd be involved in this world, be a major player somehow, like a dragon slayer or savior of the realm." He continued to speak down to the child, as it stilled cried.

"Oh, come on now, no need to cry." The invader picked up the child by the arms and raised him up to the height of his head, his arms stretched out so the baby could see him in full. "I'm not gonna hurt you. It's my job to save people like you. Everyone else is disposable." The child stopped crying after some time and looked into the invader's red eyes. The invader cocked his head to the child, fascinated by its stare. "You like it? Everyone else is afraid of my look. Too menacing." He then cradled the child like his mother once did; the child's tears dripped down his face, with some snot coming out his nose. He picked up a rag hanging on the baby's bed and used it to wipe them away. The baby kept looking into his eyes though, even as the invader continued his unsettling smile. "You... really aren't bothered by me at all." The child had no real sense of fear, rather fascination, which caused some confusion in the invader. ".... Oooooh, I can't see you being put in cryo. You're way too interesting to keep in storage!" He again extended his arms out so the toddler was in full view. "No no no, you... You have something." He said in a pondering tone of voice. "And I think, maybe we take exception to you with my boss. You're in need of new parents after all, hate to see you raised without some guidance. We need to see this potential through!" He again raised his big smile, though now it was of enthusiasm. Yes, this child was something unique. And the invader had ideas in mind. What was parenthood like?

"No need to worry now. You're in good hands." The invader cradled the infant and slowly rocked him. He walked out the room and past his mother's corpse, for which the young child looked at. "Up!" The invader muttered, blocking the child's eyes. "No need to see that. Much too gruesome." Outside, the invader placed the child on the ground, telling him, "I'll be right back!" He ran inside the house, then moments later came back out. "There we are! Best tie up loose ends." As he picked up the child and began to walk off, the house exploded into ablaze. Everything inside was burned to a crisp.


Years Later
That same child now now playing with some toys. Two Transformer toys, one Autobot, the other Decepticon. He was halfheartedly smashing them together, as he seemed deep in thought about something. Almost depressed really. As he sat on the ground, from the shadows of the room behind, red eyes began to glow. It slowly approached the child, smiling menacingly; hands raised above to jump at him. When suddenly. "I can hear you, dad." The child said.

"Ah, damn!" He shouted back, his smile now more friendly. "You're getting too good at hearing me!" He complimented, moving around so he could sit with his son.

"You make your foot steps louder each time." The child didn't look up to him though, instead he continued to play alone.

"Where's Divian?" His father asked.

"I dunno. We got into a fight."

His father didn't quite believe that. "Were you teasing him again?

"..... Yes." The child admitted.

"Ben!" His father shouted.

"It's not that I don't like him! He just makes it so easy! He gets so angry, and I just like fooling with him."

"But still! You and Divian are all you have here! Trust me, if you didn't have him here--"

"I know, I'd be alone and depressed all the time, and maybe go crazy." Ben repeated with a sigh.

"...... You're not depressed about him though, are you?" His father asked.

"...... Who were my parents?" The child asked. He had known for a very long time he was adopted, but his father never spoke about his parents.

"Ahhhhhh~" His father realized. "You feel out of place here, don't you?"

"No I don't."

"Nah nah nah, I get it. You're human, I'm not, and besides Divian, all you have is your uncles and aunts who don't seem interested in you like I am. It's okay to feel out of place, I'm shocked it didn't come sooner." His moved in closer to his son. "Your parents were VERY basic people. Your dad was a swordsman, your mother a farmer. They lived together on the outskirts of a small village under the protection of your father's kingdom."

"What was the kingdom like?"

"Very old fashion. They ruled with a king who wished to keep peace among his lands, with a queen who loved his husband with all her heart. Of course, the king had several issues: One being he found the company of other women more enjoyable than his actual wife."

"How come?"

"Hard to say. It wasn't that he didn't love her, he did, it was just he believed she wasn't willing to..." He had to stop himself before he went into further detail. "... Do things, for him, in the privacy of their bedroom. Really gross things to, it'd make you sick if I described it."

"I can handle it."

"No." He quickly put that down. "He believed if he was to save his marriage, he needed to find other women who could help him with his satisfaction. Keep him at peace mentally so he didn't harm his wife emotionally."

"Did she know about it?"

"Noooooo, he could never tell her. There would be fighting, heart break, scandal among the kingdom, it would just be a mess."

"So then, why did he keep it a secret?"

"What do you mean?"

"If he loved her, why didn't he just say he wanted to see other girls? Be honest with her."

His father laughed. "Because she wouldn't be open to it. There would be scandal there too--"

"But, I read that in really old days, men could have multiple wives at once openly! Why couldn't he do that?"

"How the hell did you read that?"

"There was a book about old people who lived in the desert in the library."

"Oh! Oh, you mean a harem!"


His father laughed harder. "Well the thing about that is... That would be smart. But human beings have different cultures. And some cultures believe in different things. To have multiple wives is against religion, or taboo, especially in the kingdom of your parents. Plus, the wife was never that open minded about that, she was raised to be a very religious woman."

"That's stupid."

"How so?"

"Why be with a girl who isn't willing to be open?"


"Share their love? Isn't it like making friends? Why have one wife, when love can be shared with all?"

This child's mind was bizarre. "... Because people are stupid." His father told him with an amused look. "For as complex as human beings can be, many simply abide by biases and social norms. To go against them is to be different, and often times, differences can be scary. When the norm is challenge, people who have lived within that norm feel threatened."

"Are they brainwashed?"

"Ehhhh... Little." He made a little hand gesture to follow it. "'It's complacency. And why challenge a system that's worked for them for so long?"

"But it doesn't work, because people don't have good lives with others."

"You are really hooked on relationships, aren't you?"

"Is that bad?"

"No! I'm fascinated that you're so fascinated by it! You're thinking more adult thoughts than most adults are. And I think that shows you want to learn and understand. Perhaps challenge the norms yourself. Make people see how you see things, and how much more they can benefit from that than be scared by it."

Ben smiled, happy his father was supportive. "Thanks."

"Tell you what," he placed a hand on the child's shoulder. "since you're so coupe up in here. How about the next time I go traveling, you come with me?"


"Of course! First trip we take, I'll show you your home world. That's a promise."

"Thanks dad!" The child jumped up to hug his father, who gladly hugged back. He had no regrets of taking this child in. He was a fascinating experiment, to say the least.
With his eyes closed, he waited for his arrival. Two droids on each side, aiming weapons at his head if he tried to move. It wasn't to kill him. Just temporarily knock him out. If half his brains were scattered on the floor, his body would regenerate it. It always regenerated his body if he was injured. He was a parasite taking human form, the only way to kill him is to destroy him entirely. You can't hit the vital organs. He wish he could die normally though. Living this way was unpleasant. And it was thanks to his 'father.' The thing that had him in chains, with a collar around his neck that limited his movement. For his entire childhood, his 'father' had experimented on him. Genetically altered his body to become something more than human. A new sub-species of it. It was pain, misery, and sadistic abuse from a creature who's very existence was evil. He wanted to kill. He'd been trying to for years. But, he was caught by him instead.

"Divian." A voice said from behind. Divian recognized it. He could never forget that voice. He walked around the side; hands behind his back, looking down upon Divian with a disappointed look. Or as disappointed as he could look.


"You're a mess." Was all he could say.

Divian didn't say anything back.

"You came all this way to give me the silent treament? Fifteen years of hunting me and Ben for that?"

Divian breathed slowly, but heavily.

"Okay." His father threw his hands up and started pacing back and forth. "I'm happy to throw you in a cell and wait it out. I'd prefer to have a serious conversation, but if you wanna be this way, I'll just wait another fifteen for you to finally speak up."

Divian still didn't say anything.

"......... Though I'd prefer to know what's on my son's mind--"

"I'm not your son." Divian finally spoke up.

His father stops to look at him, smiling. "There we go. It's good to express your feelings, helps let out some steam."

Divian doesn't respond.

"....... aaaaand back to silence, for the love of--"

"Why am I still alive?"

His father looked confused.

"If you hate me, why am I still alive?"

"Hate you?....... Is that what you think? That I hate you?"

Divian simply stared at his father in contempt.

"...... Oooooooooh. I see. You want me to say I hate you."

"You do."

"And why is that?"

Divian didn't answer, simply stare into his father's red eyes.

"Answer the question--"

"You already know."

"Pretend I don't, why do you want me to hate you?"

"You do--"

"I don't, tell me."

"You know--"

"I don't--"

"YOU KNOW!" Divian shouted. His father didn't jump, only continue the smile. "You... Y-You made me this 'thing.'" Suddenly, Divian felt uncomposed. His hands were slightly shaking between the cuffs.

"I don't think that's the full reason."

"You... experimented on me. You tortured me, you violated me, you hurt a child because you enjoyed it."

"And that's what you think? I hurt you because I hated you? Nonono, I'm guessing the real reason is you want me to hate you, because I did it out of love for my son--"

"You do not love me--"

"And that's why you hate me. You want me to validate your pain, because you don't just hate me for what I gave you....Divian," his father leaned in. "What I gave you, I wouldn't do it if I hated you. I gave you your gift because I loved you as a son."

"No you didn't--"

"If I hated you, I wouldn't have given you this life."

"You gave me misery--"

"I gave you potential! What I made you is humanity perfected. You are quicker, you can think faster, you're stronger, you have a human body that is better than any other, but what I left you was the ambition and complexities of any human mind. I left within you the ability for dreams and desires, and what did you desire the most? To kill men and Ben, to live in a past because you can't move on, and that is NOT why I gave you this body! I parented you and Ben differently, no question about it, but I instilled in both of you the same message: To carve out your own goddamn paths! When I gave up Ben after you escaped, he didn't wallow away inside an orphanage, waiting for me to return, no, the moment he got a new family, he set out for a new life for himself. He didn't stay in the past, he made himself a future he was going to get, that's why I gave him his device. Not because I wanted to reunite with him, but as a graduation present for becoming the man he is!"

At that point, Divian began to tear up.

"You stayed in the past. You gave up on forging ahead, because you blamed your faults on me. But what did I do to ruin your life? You escaped, right? Nobody knew who you were. You can eat regular food, you can have sex without consequences, your body can behave as if it was regular, but instead, you spent your whole life ignoring people, keeping yourself isolated from them, and hiding in plain sight like a coward. So who the fuck is to blame for your failures as an adult? You didn't move on, you became complacent in anger, and you failed to see the bigger picture of your life, when I taught you and Ben that this universe is bigger than pettiness and jealousies. You have gifts beyond what any human could imagine, and you can create something more with them. And I wouldn't have taught you this if I hated you!"

Divian was now weeping silently.

"If you wanna blame your past, than I won't stop you, but don't think killing me and Ben will solve anything. You're better off dying than living at that point." That was all his father could say, before staring down at his son, watching him cry. ".........." He smiled again though as he watched. "I don't hate you Divian. I never did.... Take him to a cell now."

The droids did as told, carrying him by his arms. It wasn't the talk and shouting that made him cry. It was that his father didn't say it.​