The Carnival//Character Sheet

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Original poster

Appearance (no anime)
Age: (maximum of 300)

Vices: (bad traits)
Virtues: (good traits)

Job at the Carnival (check with me first to see if it is available)

Abilities: (maximum of three)

Bio (at least two paragraphs)

Gareth Bryne
Age: 285
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Gareth is actually a rather agreeable demon. Well, if you're a fellow carnival member that is. If you are he's one of the happiest beings you'll know, he'll even stop his smoking if you ask him to or he knows you have a problem with him smoking by you. If you're a regular human, however, you don't get the same courtesy. Humans were the ones that imprisoned him before he was freed and saved by the carnival, its only natural. Oh he'll be polite, but he's more likely to blow smoke in their face then just about anything else. But he isn't heartless, he'll help them if they really need it. He just needs to be convinced that they truly need help.

Vices: Gareth smokes like a chimney. For him its harmless, he's a fire demon after all. But for others it isn't the same. The physical representation of a flame, he needs to stay warm. Fuel and oxygen everyone needs. He just has the added hassle of needing to stay warm. He has an overwhelming fear of water. A fine mist won't bother him, but anything larger then a puddle and you'll have trouble with him.
Virtues: Considerate of others, he will try to accommodate for them. If they want him to stop smoking when he's around them, then he'll stop smoking when he's around them. Honest to almost a fault, he can tell a lie but he doesn't really want to. That being said, if you tell him a secret he will take it to the grave with him. No amount of torturing or pandering will get him to spill the beans, as it were.

Job at the Carnival: Fire eater/breather. (Side show)

Skills: Gareth is extremely adept at using a staff. This skill can be moved over to a baton, enhancing his performance and making the experience better for the carnival patrons as he twirls the emblazoned rod.
With an amazing lung capacity, Gareth can hold his breath for a long time and just keep going when breathing fire. If you can ever get him into water he could probably stay under for quite some time before having to come up for air. Good luck getting him in water though.
Suppressed gag reflex. Eating fire is the easy part, it's not throwing up when something pokes your uvula that's the hard part. And let's be honest, swallowing a rod that's set almost entirely on fire is much more impressive then just eating a cotton ball.

1.) Gareth can at will change into his demonic form, turning him into a massive monstrosity of flesh and flame.
2.) He has an innate control over flames, bending them to his will. Another perk of this ability is that fire doesn't actually hurt him.
3.) Being a demon, an aura of intimidation always surrounds him to some degree or another. He has the ability to shrink it to almost nothing or expand it to fill a small room.
Bio: Gareth was captured at a relatively young age, for a demon. At the age of 47, he was summoned and then captured by a group of spell casters. While individually he could have crushed them, together their magic became stronger and sharper, their control over it only growing stronger as more joined in. Naturally Gareth was bound by chain after chain, sometimes physical chains other times purely magical. These chains forced him to do their bidding, and if he were to try and harm someone they didn't say to harm, it would be returned to him. For example, if he decided to try and choke one of the spell casters to death, then the chains would wrap around his neck and begin choking him. Of course he'd die before the spell caster, they had more foresight then that.

For 238 years he served those spell casters, being passed on from generation to generation. Some didn't believe he existed, others used him daily doing mundane tasks such as finding the remote control. And through it all Gareth couldn't do a thing, forced to serve. That is, until the Ringleader came. And in a matter of weeks, a blink of an eye after so many years, he was free. Well, not entirely, the control had merely been transferred over to Faira. But she gave him his freedom, even if the chains aren't removed. For that he is eternally grateful, and whole heartedly joined the Carnival, performing as a fire eater and breather in one of the many side tents.​
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  • Love
Reactions: Chrysalism

Basic Information

Age: 300

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Job at the Carnival: Guard

Personality: To any normal person, they would cower in fear at the sight of such an abomination. But, the carnival staff would tell you that Sir Gallows was one of the most caring giants you could ever meet. Though he is usually not one for many words, his actions speak loud enough for anyone to tell what he was like. Never having to raise his weapon to any of his friends, but only to those who would interfere and make fun of the others.


Comprehension- Sir Gallows sometimes has trouble understanding what others ask him or even how to ask others questions in normal slang.

Revenge- Ever since his revival many years ago, Sir Gallows has always had the worst case of vengeance towards those that hurt him, or others he's grown close too. This will bring out the heavy drive to seek out retribution.

Grudges- Don't ever do wrong by Sir Gallows, he'll remember. Always.


Chivalrous- Once a knight to a proud King many years ago, Sir Gallows has always upheld a fine code of being loyal and protecting those he watches over with every ounce of himself.

Benevolent- A kind, gentle monster, seeking to keep those around him happy.

Knight's Training- In his time of living, Sir Gallows trained many hours by sword and shield and is skilled in combat.

Gardener- The big guy is actually quite fond of plants. Over the decades he took up the hobby to pass time.

Size- By no means an ordinary human, Sir Gallows towers above most friends and foes. This size also comes with great strength and durability. Yet, this hinders his ability to move fast and fit through a lot of doors and roofs.

Charge- Sir Gallows has lightning rods sticking out from his shoulders and part of his spine. These rods conduct electricity that charge Sir Gallows. When charged, his strength increases even further and can move slightly faster. However, should he gain too much charge for his body to handle will cause him to overcharge and be put in temporary immobilization.

Sir Gallows, a loyal knight of King Anthony II quest began many years ago. He, and a group of other knights were sent to the far away castle of Dr. Grimsly. Their task was to stop Grimsly's kidnapping of the local villagers. Their task started well but soon they had been captured as well. Days, weeks, and months went by as Gallows' comrades perished under the doctor's experimenting. When it came his turn to be the guinea pig for a daring procedure. For hours, Gallows was subjected to brutal torture. His limbs were cut off and replaced with different sized ones. Metal rods were shoved into his body, and even his insides were twisted with. The worst part was, Sir Gallows was awake the entire time. Only when Grimsly was done tampering with him did he let Gallows finally perish. .

Alas, such was not the fate of Gallows.

Grimsly brought the knight back to life by charging the rods infused within him. Gallows woke back to life, astonished and confused even though it had only been seconds, it felt like an eternity. Yet, it continued in an awful cycle. Gallows body had begun to alter with each shock of life until he had become almost unrecognizable. Grimsly would finely face retribution and meet the blade of knight's who were able to outsmart the doctor. It wouldn't be a happy reunion for Gallows and his order though. They saw only a monster that was left behind and slayed one of their own right where he stood.

The body of Sir Gallows was dragged by chains throughout the kingdom before finally being thrown into a hole in the furthest part of the cemetery.

Years passed and one storming night lightning struck the ground where he was buried. The lightning was just able to send a charge powerful enough to awaken the knight from his slumber once more. Gallows freed himself from the dirt ridden grave and awoken to see the world had changed from once he knew.. Things were so different and advanced it was terrifying. Not as terrifying as the image of himself. He wasn't anything like he used to be and in this new time, who knows what could happen.

Sir Gallows decided to embark in the world and see what purpose he could have now. His wandering led him to meet the Ringleader. She was the first who wasn't afraid of him and even offered a place of refuge in her carnival. Sir Gallows accepted the offer and even offered to guard her and the carnival with the same oath he took long ago.

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  • Love
Reactions: Chrysalism
The Ringleader

Name: Faira Dunaval
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: Faira is calm and slow to anger, but it's expected of someone of her age and wisdom. She has a fun demeanor and loves the feeling of being in a crowd. She doesn't enjoy bossing others around, but she has an assertive side that is backed by stubbornness. She's extremely loyal to her group, and she swears that she will make sure the Carnival and it's inhabitants will never go through what they have in the past ever again.

Vices: stubborn//hard-headed//Her friends are her weakness since she'll do whatever it takes to help them//
Virtues: protective//brave// humorous //commands attention

Abilities: Faira doesn't have a set power or element she wields, but instead she meddles in magic with herself being the medium or channel of magic. Her many, many years has given her an extensive variety of spells with quite some power. However, she is content on only doing small magic to keep the Carnival up and running. She likes making the very atmosphere euphoric and exciting, and she weaves spells that cause giddiness and cause the person to forget their problems. She has memorized most spells by heart, but in a locket around her neck is a crumbled list of three spells she must only use if someone else is threatened. She calls them her Terrible Three since they would most likely drain her to a fatal state.

Faira was born many years ago, back when humans were less inclined with technology and building. Faira was the product of a dark fae and human, and she was wanted by neither party. She was left in the woods to get eaten by animals, but a young witch found her and took her in with her two other sisters. Faira had magic in her veins naturally, and the witches sensed this and soon were teaching the child. She enjoyed her teachings immensely and picked up things very quickly.
The witches weren't the bad sort, and they mostly made healing potions and cared for the forest since the eldest sister, Josie, loved it to death. Faira was technically a creature of darkness, but the way she was brought up eliminated any opportunity for her to stray from the path of light.

Witches can live for a long time, and so the group lived peacefully in their nook of the woods, away from the civilization humans were building. Josie's sisters, Marva and Novia, kept coming back to the cottage at the end of the day weaving stories of clouds of smoke on the horizon. Josie said it could have been a fire or something. They all knew humans were out there, but they had never ventured close by.
However, humans soon started spreading across the area like a plague. The forest starting getting cut down to build towns, animals were being hunted for the first time in their lives, and the cottage was caught right in the middle of it. The witches didn't fight back, but they didn't want to be forced out. They warded the area to protect their cottage from prying eyes.
Faira was interested in humans more than she wanted to admit, and she slipped away to go to the town. She was caught up in the clamor of carriages and shouting from market stalls and stores setting up the bread that they had just baked. Faira conjured gold pieces under her cloak and bought colorful ribbons and buttons and all types of trinkets. She slipped them in her pouch so her adoptive family wouldn't see when she got home.
Unknown to the girl, she had caught the eye of a knight. He saw her pattern and found the perfect excuses to hang out at the town square to see the beautiful woman who was so secretive and vanished as quickly as she came. Faira was oblivious to the wants of men, and she didn't realize the knight existed until she ran into him (quite literally) and was caught before she was sent careening to the ground. She rushed off, but he started talking to her as often as he could. She didn't return his affections, but she was a nice person and he thought it meant she liked him back. He invited her to the Winter Ball, and she accepted. Josie and the others were delighted when she said she was going to a ball, and she soon found herself in a dress that would rival the queen's own.
Faira had never been in the castle, and seeing it adorned in such a fashion was amazing. She let the knight kiss her when she was too busy admiring the decor and listening to the music, but she was too entranced to mind. She left before the party was officialy over, but a village woman followed her. She had been vying for the knight's affection and was consumed by jealousy that the snipe of a girl had stolen it so easily and had come out of nowhere. She watched Faira vanish into thin air when she passed the ward, and she marked the area and returned to the castle, demanding she speak to the king. She said there was a witch that had bewitched the mind of the knight into falling for her and the woman had proof.
The woman led a group of guards to the area and showed them how her hand became invisible when it went past the certain area. The knight who had been in love with Faira had a sinking feeling in his stomach as he saw that there was proof of her meddling in dark forces. The guards
The guards suddenly appearing in the area was a shock to the group of witches, and Faira knew it had been her fault. Josie told her to leave while they distracted the guards, and Faira tearfully agreed. She ran as soon as Josie and the others called upon nature magic to hold the guards with vines as she ran past, only looking back once to see them tear through the vines with their swords and charge. She hid in a cave some distance away, and she returned only when she knew it was safe to. The ward was gone, and she saw the ransacked cottage. They were dead.
Faira traveled on the back of a wagon with nothing on her back put her ragged brown dress and cloak with no destination in mind. She was too overwhelmed with grief, and soon she didn't even feel like going on. She curled up next to a river and resigned.
She was found by an old merchant who placed the unconscious girl on his caravan and took her to a large town. He sold her to a slaver, and she woke up in chains.
She was sold to an older woman who just needed Faira because the woman was getting old and needed help.
The woman's name was Gurda, and she was a rich woman who's husband had died and her strength was failing as well. Faira had a lot of freedom, but Gurda was extremely strict and the young girl got whipped on her first day for accidentally dropping a plate.
Faira could've easily escaped if it had just been the older woman, but some kind of shade occupied the house that seemed to stop her attempts. The woman never spoke about the creature, but Faira could see that the woman knew it was there.

Gurda let Faira use her giant library and Faira found a considerable amount of books filled with spells and collections about magical creatures. She spent hours on the cold stone floor practicing hand gestures and feeling the weird words of power dance across her tongue. She zoomed through the books pretty quickly, and she realized how bored she was now that she had nothing to do. You couldn't exactly as for spellbooks in those times, so Faira was back to square one.
However, the shade approached her soon after that, it's shadow-like body hovering near.
It hovered in front of her before sinking into the shadows. It came back just as quickly but with a giant book in it's grasp. It seemingly offered it to her, and she took it. A giant spellbook.

This soon became a routine. She still couldn't leave, but now books piled around her in her room. She didn't ask where they came from, but the shade returned the oldest books so they must have belonged to someone.

The older woman seemed to be getting worse, and Faira went back to making healing potions. Making them reminded her of the witches who had adopted her, and she could feel sadness creep back.
Her potions were strong, but you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.
Faira buried the woman, and the shade didn't block Faira's way to the forest for the first time. However, Faira didn't leave. She awarded the area heavily before returning to her room and studying.

She had no interest in a lot of things, and even the shade had to sometimes remind her to eat. She grew her own food in a giant garden she made with magic, and it was normal to see spoons and bowls whirl around the kitchen while Faira occasionally moved her hand to control their paths.

It was a quiet life, but years flew by and Faira finally finished the last book. She had a book of her own, where she had devised her own spells. One page had been ripped out and scrawled on before being placed in her locket that she warded as well.
She was done with the place.
It was weird to know she was done, that he had gathered all the information she would ever need, but she felt it in her soul. She just needed something good to apply it to.
The shade apparently couldn't leave the house and could only reach the edge of the woods. Faira bonded it to a ring she made using a stone from the house, and away they went.

The world was terrifying and weird now, but she navigated it with the help of the shade and her magic.

The carnival idea came from seeing one personally. The environment was lovely and safe, the members knit together and enjoying sharing their skills.

The world had always been scared of magic and anyone different, but here they rejoiced it.

Faira started a carnival and her first member was a fiery maiden who couldn't keep her hands away from items of worth. Her group kept growing as the years passed. Faira came across them usually by accident because they were in trouble, and she never failed releasing them.

The carnival is her new home that she will care for until her last breath. However, Faira has felt dark forces coming for her home and the other magical creatures scattered around. She can't help everyone, but she wishes she could. Faira hasn't said this outloud to anyone, but she feels like her time is drawing near as the darkness approaches. The spells in her locket might give her carnival a fighting chance. When that day comes, her beloved carnival will be in her most trusted member; the Magician.[/bg][bg=purple]


[bg=#cc99ff] [/bg]​


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Shira "Red" Kahn (Fire Fae)

Hard headed
Short Temper
fiery attitude

Vices: Smoking, drinking, and magic
Virtues: commands all eyes on her hypnotic body, knows how to help in a bad situation. Knows how to manipulate as well for the better

Job at the Carnival:Fire/Belly dancer

Thieving- She is good at taking things from people and selling them.
Breaking and entering- She is very quite and knows how to pick locks goes along with her Thieving
Dancing-Her dance are like telling stories with fire and her body.
Violin-which is sometimes used in her dancesleep to really bring her fire magic alive
Fire magic-Fire and animals
Violin- playing music. She is great with music.
Knows how to enchant and tap into more then just fire magic.
Manipulation- Manipulating people and others to her will. It's how she never gets caught when stealing.

Shira had come to the circus as a child of 5. She knew no other family. She started out as the Ringleaders pet of sorts. She would help the woman and as she backed a teenager, she got her own side show. As she got even older and learned more she got her own show on a big fire proof stage, because her whole act revolved around fire. She would have a fire lit in the middle of the stage and aww audiences with her stunning fire tricks.

Shira is never able to remember her life before this. However she wakes up screaming out. Sweat would bead on her forehead and she would go out of her caravan to spend time with her hell hound and play some music. It would be slow and soft or fierce and fast, she was one of the oldest acts at the Carnival, besides Faira. Shira was loyal to the Carnival and she still kept her Gypsy ways. She steal and manipulate,but from the guests of the Carnival.​
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◊Fleur Corinne Valentina◊


Fleur is a spunky ball of energy. She's uplifting, fun loving, and caring. She prides herself on being very adventurous and fearless which is why flying though the air for entertainment value suits her very well. She's been known to say "I'll try anything once" Fleur thinks of herself as pretty charming and flirty, which tends to get the best of her sometimes. She's known for being pretty optimistic, but is very sensitive. She'll tend to look on the bright side and see the best in people. But she can be stubborn and doesn't like to take no for an answer. Fleur tends to be a bit of a gossip and likes to know everybody business, but she can keep a secret when it's serious. If you asked her, she'd describe herself as an open and honest book.

-Holds Grudges


Job at the Carnival:
Trapeze Performer

♥Attention to details♥
♥Conflict Resolution

{Adaptive Muscle Memory}:The ability to replicate any physical action after seeing it performed
{Levitation}:The ability to levitate and move extremely heavy objects with the mind
{Elasticity}:The ability to to stretch, deform, expand, and contract one's body

Fleur was born on a harsh winter night in the northern part of France. She was left on the doorstep of a nunnery with a note saying that the infant was the incarnation of the devil. The nuns wanted to burn her, after she was caught levitating. The night before she was to be burned, a young nun stole the child and begged a local band of traveling gypsies to take the child. The gypsy's, intrigued by the child, took pity on the poor infant and took her under their wing. As she grew, she was taught in the ways of palm readings, fortune telling, talking to the dead, and of course pick pocketing.

When she was little the gypsies would use her to sneak under the tables to move them and then steal money out of the bags and pockets of the naive clients. Before the villagers knew what had happened, the gypsies would be gone. The constant traveling gave Fleur a new take on life and fueled her love for adventure. The only legitimate part of the gypsies were the shows Fleur would put on in the villages. Often cursed as a witch, Fleur would levitate and perform flips and other flexibility acts. However, when she turned 16, everything changed. A village had heard rumors of the scamming ways of the gypsies and that they were keeping a witch. In the middle of the night, the caverns of the gypsies were burned. Fleur's mother figure, Alifair, covered Fleur in a cloak and pushed her out of the camp. She would have been burned at the stake, had she been caught.

So Fleur traveled backroads, performing tricks for parties and sneaking her way onto wagons, then trains, then ships, finally making her way to America. When she arrived in New York, at the turn of the century. She knew little English, mostly taught from another stowaway on the ship, and no money to her name. When Faira found her she was a little less than "magical", living in a box in an alley. However with a little love and compassion she has flourished into a dazzling acrobat. She's now very content with her little family and fears nothing more than loosing them. She wonders now and then about her past and where the origins of her powers come from, her ability to remain ageless is unknown.
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  • Love
Reactions: Chrysalism

Gareth Bryne
Age: 285
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Gareth is actually a rather agreeable demon. Well, if you're a fellow carnival member that is. If you are he's one of the happiest beings you'll know, he'll even stop his smoking if you ask him to or he knows you have a problem with him smoking by you. If you're a regular human, however, you don't get the same courtesy. Humans were the ones that imprisoned him before he was freed and saved by the carnival, its only natural. Oh he'll be polite, but he's more likely to blow smoke in their face then just about anything else. But he isn't heartless, he'll help them if they really need it. He just needs to be convinced that they truly need help.

Vices: Gareth smokes like a chimney. For him its harmless, he's a fire demon after all. But for others it isn't the same. The physical representation of a flame, he needs to stay warm. Fuel and oxygen everyone needs. He just has the added hassle of needing to stay warm. He has an overwhelming fear of water. A fine mist won't bother him, but anything larger then a puddle and you'll have trouble with him.
Virtues: Considerate of others, he will try to accommodate for them. If they want him to stop smoking when he's around them, then he'll stop smoking when he's around them. Honest to almost a fault, he can tell a lie but he doesn't really want to. That being said, if you tell him a secret he will take it to the grave with him. No amount of torturing or pandering will get him to spill the beans, as it were.

Job at the Carnival: Fire eater/breather. (Side show)

Skills: Gareth is extremely adept at using a staff. This skill can be moved over to a baton, enhancing his performance and making the experience better for the carnival patrons as he twirls the emblazoned rod.
With an amazing lung capacity, Gareth can hold his breath for a long time and just keep going when breathing fire. If you can ever get him into water he could probably stay under for quite some time before having to come up for air. Good luck getting him in water though.
Suppressed gag reflex. Eating fire is the easy part, it's not throwing up when something pokes your uvula that's the hard part. And let's be honest, swallowing a rod that's set almost entirely on fire is much more impressive then just eating a cotton ball.

1.) Gareth can at will change into his demonic form, turning him into a massive monstrosity of flesh and flame.
2.) He has an innate control over flames, bending them to his will. Another perk of this ability is that fire doesn't actually hurt him.
3.) Being a demon, an aura of intimidation always surrounds him to some degree or another. He has the ability to shrink it to almost nothing or expand it to fill a small room.
Bio: Gareth was captured at a relatively young age, for a demon. At the age of 47, he was summoned and then captured by a group of spell casters. While individually he could have crushed them, together their magic became stronger and sharper, their control over it only growing stronger as more joined in. Naturally Gareth was bound by chain after chain, sometimes physical chains other times purely magical. These chains forced him to do their bidding, and if he were to try and harm someone they didn't say to harm, it would be returned to him. For example, if he decided to try and choke one of the spell casters to death, then the chains would wrap around his neck and begin choking him. Of course he'd die before the spell caster, they had more foresight then that.

Four 238 years he served those spell casters, being passed on from generation to generation. Some didn't believe he existed, others used him daily doing mundane tasks such as finding the remote control. And through it all Gareth couldn't do a thing, forced to serve. That is, until the Ringleader came. And in a matter of weeks, a blink of an eye after so many years, he was free. Well, not entirely, the control had merely been transferred over to Faira. But she gave him his freedom, even if the chains aren't removed. For that he is eternally grateful, and whole heartedly joined the Carnival, performing as a fire eater and breather in one of the many side tents.​

Basic Information

Age: 300

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Job at the Carnival: Guard

Personality: To any normal person, they would cower in fear at the sight of such an abomination. But, the carnival staff would tell you that Sir Gallows was one of the most caring giants you could ever meet. Though he is usually not one for many words, his actions speak loud enough for anyone to tell what he was like. Never having to raise his weapon to any of his friends, but only to those who would interfere and make fun of the others.


Comprehension- Sir Gallows sometimes has trouble understanding what others ask him or even how to ask others questions in normal slang.

Revenge- Ever since his revival many years ago, Sir Gallows has always had the worst case of vengeance towards those that hurt him, or others he's grown close too. This will bring out the heavy drive to seek out retribution.

Grudges- Don't ever do wrong by Sir Gallows, he'll remember. Always.


Chivalrous- Once a knight to a proud King many years ago, Sir Gallows has always upheld a fine code of being loyal and protecting those he watches over with every ounce of himself.

Benevolent- A kind, gentle monster, seeking to keep those around him happy.

Knight's Training- In his time of living, Sir Gallows trained many hours by sword and shield and is skilled in combat.

Gardener- The big guy is actually quite fond of plants. Over the decades he took up the hobby to pass time.

Size- By no means an ordinary human, Sir Gallows towers above most friends and foes. This size also comes with great strength and durability. Yet, this hinders his ability to move fast and fit through a lot of doors and roofs.

Charge- Sir Gallows has lightning rods sticking out from his shoulders and part of his spine. These rods conduct electricity that charge Sir Gallows. When charged, his strength increases even further and can move slightly faster. However, should he gain too much charge for his body to handle will cause him to overcharge and be put in temporary immobilization.

Sir Gallows, a loyal knight of King Anthony II quest began many years ago. He, and a group of other knights were sent to the far away castle of Dr. Grimsly. Their task was to stop Grimsly's kidnapping of the local villagers. Their task started well but soon they had been captured as well. Days, weeks, and months went by as Gallows' comrades perished under the doctor's experimenting. When it came his turn to be the guinea pig for a daring procedure. For hours, Gallows was subjected to brutal torture. His limbs were cut off and replaced with different sized ones. Metal rods were shoved into his body, and even his insides were twisted with. The worst part was, Sir Gallows was awake the entire time. Only when Grimsly was done tampering with him did he let Gallows finally perish. .

Alas, such was not the fate of Gallows.

Grimsly brought the knight back to life by charging the rods infused within him. Gallows woke back to life, astonished and confused even though it had only been seconds, it felt like an eternity. Yet, it continued in an awful cycle. Gallows body had begun to alter with each shock of life until he had become almost unrecognizable. Grimsly would finely face retribution and meet the blade of knight's who were able to outsmart the doctor. It wouldn't be a happy reunion for Gallows and his order though. They saw only a monster that was left behind and slayed one of their own right where he stood.

The body of Sir Gallows was dragged by chains throughout the kingdom before finally being thrown into a hole in the furthest part of the cemetery.

Years passed and one storming night lightning struck the ground where he was buried. The lightning was just able to send a charge powerful enough to awaken the knight from his slumber once more. Gallows freed himself from the dirt ridden grave and awoken to see the world had changed from once he knew.. Things were so different and advanced it was terrifying. Not as terrifying as the image of himself. He wasn't anything like he used to be and in this new time, who knows what could happen.

Sir Gallows decided to embark in the world and see what purpose he could have now. His wandering led him to meet the Ringleader. She was the first who wasn't afraid of him and even offered a place of refuge in her carnival. Sir Gallows accepted the offer and even offered to guard her and the carnival with the same oath he took long ago.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Chriyu
Shira "Red" Kahn (Fire Fae)

View attachment 130709
Hard headed
Short Temper
fiery attitude

Vices: Smoking, drinking, and magic
Virtues: commands all eyes on her hypnotic body, knows how to help in a bad situation. Knows how to manipulate as well for the better

Job at the Carnival:Fire/Belly dancer

Thieving- She is good at taking things from people and selling them.
Breaking and entering- She is very quite and knows how to pick locks goes along with her Thieving
Dancing-Her dance are like telling stories with fire and her body.
Violin-which is sometimes used in her dancesleep to really bring her fire magic alive
Fire magic-Fire and animals
Violin- playing music. She is great with music.
Knows how to enchant and tap into more then just fire magic.
Manipulation- Manipulating people and others to her will. It's how she never gets caught when stealing.

Shira had come to the circus as a child of 5. She knew no other family. She started out as the Ringleaders pet of sorts. She would help the woman and as she backed a teenager, she got her own side show. As she got even older and learned more she got her own show on a big fire proof stage, because her whole act revolved around fire. She would have a fire lit in the middle of the stage and aww audiences with her stunning fire tricks.

Shira is never able to remember her life before this. However she wakes up screaming out. Sweat would bead on her forehead and she would go out of her caravan to spend time with her hell hound and play some music. It would be slow and soft or fierce and fast, she was one of the oldest acts at the Carnival, besides Faira. Shira was loyal to the Carnival and she still kept her Gypsy ways. She steal and manipulate,but from the guests of the Carnival.​
What do you mean she has fire and animal abilities?


Age: 49
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual​

Personality: Amanda is a friendly person who often lacks boundaries. She can be annoyingly persistent when she wants to know something, but if she gets yelled at, she'll apologize after awhile. She can be a little argumentative and very childish. Sometimes if she's having a bad day, she'll argue with someone just for the sake if arguing. When she's upset she often releases her anger in unhealthy fashions, however she is working on that aspect of herself. That being said, she does have numerous good qualities. She is a strong advocate for her friends and she will have their back for anything even if they're in the wrong. She likes to cheer her friends up when they're sad and she'll stick with them even when they're being a buzzkill. She is naturally a loud and rowdy person and she finds it hard to deal with people who like peace and quiet.

Vices: Slovenly, Intrusive and Immature
Virtues: Extroverted, Flexible and Loyal
Job at the Carnival
Member of the Freakshow / "SalaMandy"​

Clowning Around - Sometimes Amanda stands in as one of the carnival's clowns and she enjoys letting loose and making people laugh at her and laughing at herself.
Cooking - Amanda is a spectacular cook, although when she's done in the kitchen it looks like a war zone. Her signature dish is her Loaded Gun Nachos*, which she will gladly make for anyone who wants it.
*Nacho chips topped with ground beef with one side slathered in medium nacho cheese and the other side with spicier nacho cheese, then topped with pico de gallo, guacamole, sour cream and stuffed breaded jalapenos.​
Skater - Amanda is an avid skater and can often be seen skating to her destination or just around the grounds.

Limited Salamander Physiology - Amanda can remove her limbs at the joint and reattach them. When her limbs are disconnect from her physically, they can still function and can perform tasks. If her limbs are injured when attached to her, she can regenerate them, however if they are destroyed while disconnected, she can never grow them back. (This is what happened to her left forearm.) Amanda cannot remove her head.

Decelerated Aging - She isn't immortal but Amanda ages much slower than most due to her regeneration. She has looked the same as she does currently for thirty years.

Bio: Amanda's uniqueness did not manifest when she was a child. Sure she always looked a few years younger than her peers but everyone always chalked that up to her having good genes. She had a great relationship with her parents and she was an above average student. She graduated nineteenth in her class of twenty six and she went to community college for a degree in the culinary arts. Her goal was to graduate with a masters and get her own restaurant but life chose not to bend to her will. She did graduate, but she didn't get her own restaurant. She instead got a job as a sous chef at a fancy restaurant called, "Paris!" (except it was pronounced 'pah-ree' like the way French people said it).

Amanda first realized she was special when she accidentally chopped her pinky off while angrily chopping vegetables in her kitchen. She had just found out that her boss, the owner of Paris had reneged on her agreement to let Amanda design a dish. Amanda slammed her knife down in anger and chopped her pinky clean off instead of the intended carrot. Amanda screamed but not because she was in pain (she was, but only a little and that was weird as hell) no, she screamed because her pinky was hastily inching its way towards her formerly blood knuckle. Naturally everyone around her screamed in horror and more than a few of them called the cops. Confused and frightened, Amanda grabbed her wriggling digit and booked it out the backdoor of the restaurant.

She headed home to where her boyfriend, Lance lived with her and she told him what happened. She feared that he would think she was a freak but instead he was in awe and his eyes glittered with excitement. That should have been her first warning. He suggested that she let her pinky crawl freely and they both watched as it reattached itself to her knuckle. Then Lance suggested that they test out a theory and chop off another finger. Amanda recoiled appalled and broke up with him on the spot, before packing a bag and leaving.

It was her intention to high tail home to collapse in the comfort of her parent's arms, but Amanda never made it there. Instead she was attacked from behind by Lance and knocked out. When she woke up she was in a cage and hundreds of people were staring at her. Or rather, they were staring at her hand which was being held under a machete which was held by a masked man with a familiar voice. She tried to get up and run but she was restrained by chains. The machete wielder began hyping up the crowd as if what he was about to do was drop a sick beat not cut off her fucking arm. The blade slammed down and Amanda expected to feel immense pain but it only felt like she had gotten a paper cut. Just like when she had chopped off her pinky, her arm bled for a few seconds, then stopped and her disconnected limb began to drag itself towards her. The crowd cried out in excitement and awe as the limb reattached. And from that day on for the next month or so, the masked man chopped off Amanda's limbs and the crowd watched then reattach. Amanda thought this would be her life forever until she was saved by Faira Dunaval. Unfortunately though, the ringmaster did save her, Lance got away and in a fit of rage he took Amanda's left forearm with him.
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"As they say, age is nothing but a number. Nothing more, nothing less..."
Age: Unknown.

"I don't know if I should be flattered or insulted that you can't just tell."
Gender: Male

"I consider myself a very loving and caring individual. I shouldn't have to label that."
Sexuality: Sexually Fluid

"There is a lot that can be said about me. All good, I hope."
Personality: Mr. Magnificent is a mysterious one. No one knows his true identity and if asked, he will most likely change the subject or ignore the question. Though he isn't an open book when it comes to his own life, the magic performing extraordinaire has charm for days and loyalty for years. Once he brings someone into his small circle of close friends, there is no way he will ever turn his back on them. He treats everyone on the same level, until they change his mind. Either for the good or the bad. He isn't judgmental and doesn't care what others' beliefs and views are. As long as the don't go around trying to force everyone to be like them, then he will be alright. A friendly and helpful type. Having a father figure type of vibe about him. Wanting to teach the newer performers about the Carnival and how to make an audience scream for more. He loves watching the other performers show the crowd how beautiful they truly are. Not one hateful or envious bone in his body. He might be one of the oldest person that have been at Dunaval's Carnival, but instead of being bitter and spiteful, the magic man wants everyone to do their best and kill it on stage when it's their turn. A sweet man who has many secrets that only The Ringleader knows about. Being the closes to her over everyone else. When around her, people can see the obvious attraction he has for her. He has never acted on it, because of the respect level that they have for one another. That's the downside of his sweet and respectful nature, not one to act before he thinks. Usually overthinking everything until it's too late to do anything about his feelings and thoughts.

"Everyone, even Mr. Magnificent, has a dark side."
Vices: Overthinking Too Serious At Times Works Too Hard Dad Jokes Nosy Secretive Mysterious People Pleaser Overly Nice & Forgiving

"Ahh. The good parts that everyone loves to know."
Virtues: Caring Helpful Charming Forgiving Thoughtful Romantic Lighthearted Mature Excellent Magic User & Teacher Nonviolent Great Hygiene Highly Intelligent

"Have you never seen one of my outstanding and legendary performances?"
Job at the Carnival: The Magical Extraordinaire

"Have a seat children. Mr. Magnificent has a story to tell."
Skills: Card Reading. Magic Tricks. Palm Reading. Storytelling. Singing. Dancing.

"This is where it gets good. Hold onto your hats, ladies and gentlemen!"
Ability: Mr. Magnificent doesn't use parlor tricks and sleight of hand to trick the audience into believing that he can do magic. No! He is an actual Magic User; a powerful Sorcerer from years before magic was as feared as it is now. Using his connection to the mystical arts for light and fun shows and events for the kids and adults who still believe. Mr. M loves making an audience member disappear, actually making them poof in thin air. Only to bring them back with no memory of ever leaving the stage. But Mr. Magnificent's favorite trick or more like performance is his legendary storytelling. He will actually speak the story into existence. If he read a book about a butterfly with wings made of rainbows, the creature would come flying from the book or around the corner. Surprising all in attendance. It's the best time for the younger crowd. His magic knowledge is far greater than what he uses when he performs. Being able to protect the other members of the carnival with the help of The beautiful Ringleader, Faira Dunaval. When they put their brains and magic capabilities together, anyone wanting to do harm to the Dunaval's Carnival performers better think twice.

"This I care not much to answer, but if you insist..."
History: Born in a small cottage many years ago, in an even smaller village, where time seemed to stand at a halt. Nothing in his homeland changed for many years. Mr. M never knew his birth parents. Both leaving him to die in a ditch not far from the town. Luckily a man that Mr. M calls "Poppy" found him on a rainy and stormy day and took him in. The old man was able to tell from first sight that Mr. M would be one powerful and determined individual when he grew up. You see, Poppy was a sorcerer, actually the sorcerer that taught Mr. M everything. It's been said by the people that lived in the old village at the time, that Poppy was Mr. M's grandfather and his parents knew he would inherit the old man's gift; which is why they abandoned him. Not having the courage and love to take care of him in a world they knew wouldn't accept him for too much longer. No one knew the truth and Poppy hasn't ever spoken about that rumor.

Years and years went on, as Mr. M learned and came into his magical abilities. From the beginning, Poppy told him to keep his little "gift" a secret from the mundanes (humans) of the world. He knew that it would be dangerous if such a powerful user of magic was discovered. Not wanting to disappoint the only parent figure he ever had in his life, Mr. M promised to never let a human find out about his gift.

Around this time is when he started performing for money; going by the stage name, Mr. Magnificent. Which eventually became his name, on and off the stage. Using "fake" tricks to earn money and jewels to keep a roof over his and Poppy's head. His father figure was getting older and when a sorcerer got old, they started to diminish in power and strength. It was up to Mr. M to keep them fed and sheltered. Having no other skills but his magic.

A sad day came when Mr. M discovered that Poppy died in his sleep. Crying for weeks. He couldn't let their home and his father perish in such a manner. Using all of his magical knowledge to cast a protection spell over the deceased body and home. Which has been standing in the same place for decades in the rundown village. Mr. M knew he couldn't just stay there for the rest of his years; know telling how long his life would last. Poppy would've wanted him to explore the world and become the great sorcerer he was meant to be. That's exactly what he did. After putting the spell over the home and Poppy's body, Mr. M left to explore the massive and unknown world around him.

Finding himself joining The Dunaval's Carnival years later and never turning back. It felt like the home he was suppose to have. Every performance he dedicates to Poppy. Without that man, Mr. Magnificent wouldn't be Magnificent at all...
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"As they say, age is nothing but a number. Nothing more, nothing less..."
Age: Unknown.

"I don't know if I should be flattered or insulted that you can't just tell."
Gender: Male

"I consider myself a very loving and caring individual. I shouldn't have to label that."
Sexuality: Sexually Fluid

"There is a lot that can be said about me. All good, I hope."
Personality: Mr. Magnificent is a mysterious one. No one knows his true identity and if asked, he will most likely change the subject or ignore the question. Though he isn't an open book when it comes to his own life, the magic performing extraordinaire has charm for days and loyalty for years. Once he brings someone into his small circle of close friends, there is no way he will ever turn his back on them. He treats everyone on the same level, until they change his mind. Either for the good or the bad. He isn't judgmental and doesn't care what others' beliefs and views are. As long as the don't go around trying to force everyone to be like them, then he will be alright. A friendly and helpful type. Having a father figure type of vibe about him. Wanting to teach the newer performers about the Carnival and how to make an audience scream for more. He loves watching the other performers show the crowd how beautiful they truly are. Not one hateful or envious bone in his body. He might be one of the oldest person that have been at Dunaval's Carnival, but instead of being bitter and spiteful, the magic man wants everyone to do their best and kill it on stage when it's their turn. A sweet man who has many secrets that only The Ringleader knows about. Being the closes to her over everyone else. When around her, people can see the obvious attraction he has for her. He has never acted on it, because of the respect level that they have for one another. That's the downside of his sweet and respectful nature, not one to act before he thinks. Usually overthinking everything until it's too late to do anything about his feelings and thoughts.

"Everyone, even Mr. Magnificent, has a dark side."
Vices: Overthinking Too Serious At Times Works Too Hard Dad Jokes Nosy Secretive Mysterious People Pleaser Overly Nice & Forgiving

"Ahh. The good parts that everyone loves to know."
Virtues: Caring Helpful Charming Forgiving Thoughtful Romantic Lighthearted Mature Excellent Magic User & Teacher Nonviolent Great Hygiene Highly Intelligent

"Have you never seen one of my outstanding and legendary performances?"
Job at the Carnival: The Magical Extraordinaire

"Have a seat children. Mr. Magnificent has a story to tell."
Skills: Card Reading. Magic Tricks. Palm Reading. Storytelling. Singing. Dancing.

"This is where it gets good. Hold onto your hats, ladies and gentlemen!"
Ability: Mr. Magnificent doesn't use parlor tricks and sleight of hand to trick the audience into believing that he can do magic. No! He is an actual Magic User; a powerful Sorcerer from years before magic was as feared as it is now. Using his connection to the mystical arts for light and fun shows and events for the kids and adults who still believe. Mr. M loves making an audience member disappear, actually making them poof in thin air. Only to bring them back with no memory of ever leaving the stage. But Mr. Magnificent's favorite trick or more like performance is his legendary storytelling. He will actually speak the story into existence. If he read a book about a butterfly with wings made of rainbows, the creature would come flying from the book or around the corner. Surprising all in attendance. It's the best time for the younger crowd. His magic knowledge is far greater than what he uses when he performs. Being able to protect the other members of the carnival with the help of The beautiful Ringleader, Faira Dunaval. When they put their brains and magic capabilities together, anyone wanting to do harm to the Dunaval's Carnival performers better think twice.

"This I care not much to answer, but if you insist..."
History: Born in a small cottage many years ago, in an even smaller village, where time seemed to stand at a halt. Nothing in his homeland changed for many years. Mr. M never knew his birth parents. Both leaving him to die in a ditch not far from the town. Luckily a man that Mr. M calls "Poppy" found him on a rainy and stormy day and took him in. The old man was able to tell from first sight that Mr. M would be one powerful and determined individual when he grew up. You see, Poppy was a sorcerer, actually the sorcerer that taught Mr. M everything. It's been said by the people that lived in the old village at the time, that Poppy was Mr. M's grandfather and his parents knew he would inherit the old man's gift; which is why they abandoned him. Not having the courage and love to take care of him in a world they knew wouldn't accept him for too much longer. No one knew the truth and Poppy hasn't ever spoken about that rumor.

Years and years went on, as Mr. M learned and came into his magical abilities. From the beginning, Poppy told him to keep his little "gift" a secret from the mundanes (humans) of the world. He knew that it would be dangerous if such a powerful user of magic was discovered. Not wanting to disappoint the only parent figure he ever had in his life, Mr. M promised to never let a human find out about his gift.

Around this time is when he started performing for money; going by the stage name, Mr. Magnificent. Which eventually became his name, on and off the stage. Using "fake" tricks to earn money and jewels to keep a roof over his and Poppy's head. His father figure was getting older and when a sorcerer got old, they started to diminish in power and strength. It was up to Mr. M to keep them fed and sheltered. Having no other skills but his magic.

A sad day came when Mr. M discovered that Poppy died in his sleep. Crying for weeks. He couldn't let their home and his father perish in such a manner. Using all of his magical knowledge to cast a protection spell over the deceased body and home. Which has been standing in the same place for decades in the rundown village. Mr. M knew he couldn't just stay there for the rest of his years; know telling how long his life would last. Poppy would've wanted him to explore the world and become the great sorcerer he was meant to be. That's exactly what he did. After putting the spell over the home and Poppy's body, Mr. M left to explore the massive and unknown world around him.

Finding himself joining The Dunaval's Carnival years later and never turning back. It felt like the home he was suppose to have. Every performance he dedicates to Poppy. Without that man, Mr. Magnificent wouldn't be Magnificent at all...
Love him. Accepted!
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◊Fleur Corinne Valentina◊


Fleur is a spunky ball of energy. She's uplifting, fun loving, and caring. She prides herself on being very adventurous and fearless which is why flying though the air for entertainment value suits her very well. She's been known to say "I'll try anything once" Fleur thinks of herself as pretty charming and flirty, which tends to get the best of her sometimes. She's known for being pretty optimistic, but is very sensitive. She'll tend to look on the bright side and see the best in people. But she can be stubborn and doesn't like to take no for an answer. Fleur tends to be a bit of a gossip and likes to know everybody business, but she can secret when it's serious. If you asked her, she'd describe herself as an open and honest book.

-Holds Grudges


Job at the Carnival:
Trapeze Performer

♥Attention to details♥
♥Conflict Resolution

{Adaptive Muscle Memory}:The ability to replicate any physical action after seeing it performed
{Levitation}:The ability to levitate and move extremely heavy objects with the mind
{Elasticity}:The ability to to stretch, deform, expand, and contract one's body

Fleur was born on a harsh winter night in the northern part of France. She was left on the doorstep of a nunnery with a note, the infant was caused of being the devil. The nuns wanted to burn her, after she levitated. The night before she was to be burned, a young nun stole the child and begged a local band of traveling gypsies to take the child. The gypsy's, intrigued by the child, took pity on the poor infant and took her under their wing. As she grew, she was taught in the ways of palm readings, fortune telling, talking to the dead, and of course pick pocketing.

When she was little the gypsies would use her to sneak under the tables to move them and then steal money out of the bags and pockets of the naive clients. Before the villagers knew what had happened, the gypsies would be gone. The constant traveling gave Fleur a new take on life. The only legitimate part of the gypsies were the shows Fleur would put on in the villages. Often cursed as a witch, Fleur would levitate and performer flips and other flexibility acts. However, when she turned 16, everything changed. A village had caught on to the scamming ways of the gypsies and that they were keeping a witch. In the middle of the night, the caverns of the gypsies were burned. Fleur's mother figure, Alifair, covered Fleur in a cloak and pushed her out of the camp. She would have been burned at the stake, had she been caught.

So Fleur traveled backroads, performing tricks for parties and sneaking her way onto wagons, then trains, then ships, finally making her way to America. When she arrived in New York, at the turn of the century. She knew little English, mostly taught from another stowaway on the ship, and no money to her name. When Faira found her she was a little less than "magical", living in a box in an alley. However with little love and compassion she has flourished into a dazzling acrobat. She's now very content with her little family and fears nothing more than loosing them. She wonders now and then about her past and where the origins of her powers come from, her ability to remain ageless is unknown.
awesome! accepted~
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Anya "Hedley Kow" Hedley

Human form:
anya hedley.jpg
Image by slshimerdla

True form:

Illustration by John D. Batten

Age: 128
Gender: female (gender actually plays no meaning to her but she calls herself female until she wants to play tricks on others)
Sexuality: pansexual
Personality: Mischievous and energic, Anya brings both curse and blessing to the carnival. It is mostly the first. People that just know her will thinks she is unpredictable, while it actually the reverse; she brings mischief every time she got the chance. Regardless of her carefree, lack of decency and annoying attitudes, Anya respects the Ringleader, although that doesn't stop her from doing mischiefs.

mischievous, have no sense of morality, lack of decency
carefree, energic, brave

Job at the Carnival: Caretaker of dark ride

- Master of Horror: Working in the dark ride have refined Anya's knowledge of what will scare people to death and what will only shock them.
- Sewing: Anya sews scary dolls for the dark ride.
- Mechanic: Anya knows how to fix the machinery of the dark ride.

- Shapeshift: Anya can shapeshift into anything. This doesn't make her stronger or weaker as if she just mold her form into other things. Neither gives her extra capabilities. eg: if she turns into an iron pan, if you drive a knife to her, she will still bleed. If she turns into a bird, she can't fly.
- True form: Anya turns to her actual Hedley Kow form, which is a shadowy goat-like creature with a row of poisonous fangs of a snake.
- Paralyzing bite: Only on true form, Anya's bite injects venom that causes the victim to be paralyzed for at least five hours.

Anya is one of the few last Hedley Kow left in the Earth. Her kin gains sustenance by tricking people and with the age of technology, most people have gone too cynical to even notice their tricks. One by one the Hedley Kow evaporates as they failed to cause mischiefs and Anya have to race with time. She founds a trick that works, and that is to scare people with ghosts and the like, but even that was barely effective as humans enjoy scaring each other on the Halloween.

Ironically it is that fact that humans love being scared by others which give Anya a way to survive. She joined an amateur carnival, making a house of horror out of bed sheets and using her own ability of shapeshifting to scares the people. Yet this carnival can't stand of her mischievousness so she is fired. Anya moves from carnival to carnival, only to never stay long in them, either because she is too mischievous for the team or the carnival is run by humans and they wanted explanations of how she get her 'monsters and ghosts'. It took her awhile to stumble upon Dunaval's Carnival, where the folks are more tolerant and she has no need to worry about humans inquiring about her kinds of stuff. As technology advances, Anya has abandoned house of horror and now working on a detachable dark ride.
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~ Polina Rose O'Reilly ~


~ Everyone just calls me Po. ~




Asexual ( actually still in the closet Lesbian)

Po is that dorky girl that everyone can't help but feel sorry for. She's a bit too eager, a bit too girl scout, and a bit too happy. Yes, she is pretty but she doesn't flaunt it, in fact, she doesn't realize how pretty she is. But to be honest, looks are not a priority with Miss O'Reilly. She likes nice people and in hopes that people will be nice to her, she is quite nice to them. But this always leads to her getting manipulated or bullied. And she doesn't realize it until someone else thrusts it in her face. Even then she is too timid to confront the bully... even with the power to shift in to something like say... a polar bear.

Polina isn't exactly clumsy but she tends to do too many things at once or commit to too many jobs that usually end up in things crashing down or a terrible terrible comedy of errors and misunderstandings. But her heart is always in the right place. Speaking of heart, she has a soft spot for kids 10 years old or younger. That certain age has to do with her lost twin sisters.

All in all she is just a dorky but sweet, good girl. She just wants to be loved. And she just wants the guilt and pain to go away.

Self-depricating, too hard on herself, takes on more than she can chew, timid in times of conflict, subordinate if only to try to please everyone, guilt and shame ridden, cries easily, naive and a bit simple-minded, in the closet.

Sweet, polite, helpful, caring, thoughtful, easy-going, full of smiles and giggles, hard working, non-violent and sometimes just a little girl with big dreams and a huge heart. (Takes extra special care of those 10 or younger. Not only was Po 10 when abducted but her little twin sisters would be 10 now too.)


Job at the Carnival:
Hostess and Actress! (also Scout-type role)

Performance: Acting, dancing, costume knowledge, stage knowledge.
Mood detector: With Vec's help, she may sniff out a persons general mood or intent.
Tracking: trained to find tracks, signs and go on manhunts.

Shapeshift into Caniform animals of all sizes and sexes.
Telepathic speech with all dogs.
And the Secret Power:

See this animal pelt I always wear? It's actually alive. Wait till he opens his eyes... hi, boy!! This is what became of Vector; this is what that Devil did to my dog. I need him to live as much as he needs me to live. We cannot be separate for too long or else he dies. I cant bear the thought. I would rather die first. But anyways... yeah. We can talk in our heads. Weird, I know right? But it gets weirder. I can fit inside his pelt form and we turn into this... thing. Yeah...


Monstrous, powerful bear sized canine with super~canine five senses and super~canine physicality. A 6-eyed watchdog that keeps the carnivale safe... or tracks down runaway cast members when the devil Ringmaster deems necessary. It moves seamlessly into shadow or dark, with only the eyes being able to be seen from the blackness. The sets of eyes can move anywhere along the body of the Vader. One pair is Po's eyes, another pair is Vector's eyes, and last pair is for the spying eyes of their former devil Ringmaster. They have a collar that they wear to grant immunity to their former master's power and so they vow never to change into this beast, this IT, ever again.


I'm 5'3" -ish? Green eyes. And in pretty good shape... but like not super tough. Yeah. Oh! And my hair wasn't always this light silver. It turned this colour after the... um... modifications. Like check the eyebrows and the... um... um, yeeeaahh. Nevermind.

Anyways... so! I'm originally from the west coast of Canada. Vancouver Island. A little place called Tofino. My dad was a moderately successful NHLer and my maman was a cop. I had two younger siblings. Twins. Amelie and Jacqueline. I took good care of them. We had a dog called Vector, named after the cereal. I took good care of him too. We had a nice house near the water. We had two boats and two cars and a RV. Like I said, Dad was in the NHL.

Then maman got shot on duty. She was in critical condition and in a coma. Dad starting drinking. Hard. He lost his contract. And he wasnt himself anymore. I prayed to god that things would get better.

I stopped believing in god when they said maman wasn't going to make it and they would pull the plug on her cuz she was basically braindead. I stopped believing in god when dad took maman's gun that she hid in a hollow in the bathroom cabinet and put it into his mouth and... and... yeah. And i stopped believing in god when They were going to take me and my sisters away and put us in custody of the Crown. I stopped believing in god because I'm a coward and ran away to leave my sisters... my poor poor sweet innocent sisters to go into adoption or foster care without me. I am such a coward and a terrible person. I left them. Our folks are dead and I left them. I was 10 and I ran away from my baby sisters and they will never forgive me.

I will never forgive me. And god will never forgive me.

But I will never forgive god either. He took our parents from us.

And so maybe its punishment me n' Vector ended up there; Playthings in the twisted Carnivale Prison of the Devil. It was 6 years of humiliation and pain... and we thought we would never escape. Cuz no one ever did. I'm sorry Amie, Jackie, Daddy and Maman. I'm soooooo sorry. And I'm sorry especially to you , Vector. Cuz I ran away and took you with me. Now look what happened to you... look what he did to you. What he did to us... no. What I did to us. I'm sorry, boy.


But at least we were family there in that twisted Devil`s prison.


...and then the day came when I ran once more. And I left them behind too. I ran away from my new family because I am such a coward. Again I brought you with me, Vec. And again we are in another Carnivale. But this time, this master, this Ring Leader rescued us. And she did not put any magical torture constraints upon us. I like her. I really do. I just want to make her happy, Vec. And I want us to fit in. I want us to be happy. Like, it's only been less than a month here... but I got a good feeling about this...

We just have make to sure we always wear that collar, 'kay? We must never take it off. We just cannot let IT out. We just cannot let that slaver Devil find us. And we need to make more collars. Cuz we made a promise right? It was supposed to be all of us that escaped the Devil's prison. All of us. Together. One day, we will go back and make it right. Vector, I swear we will. We just got to, boy. We just cannot stop trying...


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Anya "Hedley Kow" Hedley

Human form:
View attachment 130920
Image by slshimerdla

True form:

Illustration by John D. Batten

Age: 128
Gender: female (gender actually plays no meaning to her but she calls herself female until she wants to play tricks on others)
Sexuality: pansexual
Personality: Mischievous and energic, Anya brings both curse and blessing to the carnival. It is mostly the first. People that just know her will thinks she is unpredictable, while it actually the reverse; she brings mischief every time she got the chance. Regardless of her carefree, lack of decency and annoying attitudes, Anya respects the Ringleader, although that doesn't stop her from doing mischiefs.

mischievous, have no sense of morality, lack of decency
carefree, energic, brave

Job at the Carnival: Caretaker of dark ride

- Master of Horror: Working in the dark ride have refined Anya's knowledge of what will scare people to death and what will only shock them.
- Sewing: Anya sews scary dolls for the dark ride.
- Mechanic: Anya knows how to fix the machinery of the dark ride.

- Shapeshift: Anya can shapeshift into anything. This doesn't make her stronger or weaker as if she just mold her form into other things. Neither gives her extra capabilities. eg: if she turns into an iron pan, if you drive a knife to her, she will still bleed. If she turns into a bird, she can't fly.
- True form: Anya turns to her actual Hedley Kow form, which is a shadowy goat-like creature with a row of poisonous fangs of a snake.
- Paralyzing bite: Only on true form, Anya's bite injects venom that causes the victim to be paralyzed for at least five hours.

Anya is one of the few last Hedley Kow left in the Earth. Her kin gains sustenance by tricking people and with the age of technology, most people have gone too cynical to even notice their tricks. One by one the Hedley Kow evaporates as they failed to cause mischiefs and Anya have to race with time. She founds a trick that works, and that is to scare people with ghosts and the like, but even that was barely effective as humans enjoy scaring each other on the Halloween.

Ironically it is that fact that humans love being scared by others which give Anya a way to survive. She joined an amateur carnival, making a house of horror out of bed sheets and using her own ability of shapeshifting to scares the people. Yet this carnival can't stand of her mischievousness so she is fired. Anya moves from carnival to carnival, only to never stay long in them, either because she is too mischievous for the team or the carnival is run by humans and they wanted explanations of how she get her 'monsters and ghosts'. It took her awhile to stumble upon Dunaval's Carnival, where the folks are more tolerant and she has no need to worry about humans inquiring about her kinds of stuff. As technology advances, Anya has abandoned house of horror and now working on a detachable dark ride.
Polina Rose O'Reilly ~ Everyone just calls me Po.





Asexual ( actually still in the closet Lesbian)

Po is that dorky girl that everyone can't help but feel sorry for. She's a bit too eager, a bit too girl scout, and a bit too happy. Yes, she is pretty but she doesn't flaunt it, in fact, she doesn't realize how pretty she is. But to be honest, looks are not a priority with Miss O'Reilly. She likes nice people and in hopes that people will be nice to her, she is quite nice to them. But this always leads to her getting manipulated or bullied. And she doesn't realize it until someone else thrusts it in her face. Even then she is too timid to confront the bully... even with the power to shift in to something like say... a polar bear.

Polina isn't exactly clumsy but she tends to do too many things at once or commit to too many jobs that usually end up in things crashing down or a terrible terrible comedy of errors and misunderstandings. But her heart is always in the right place. Speaking of heart, she has a soft spot for kids 10 years old or younger. That certain age has to do with her lost twin sisters.

All in all, she just wants to be loved. And she just wants the guilt and pain to go away.

Self-depricating, too hard on herself, takes on more than she can chew, timid in times of conflict, subordinate if only to try to please everyone, guilt and shame ridden, cries easily, naive and a bit simple-minded, in the closet.

Sweet, polite, helpful, caring, thoughtful, easy-going, full of smiles and giggles, hard working, non-violent and sometimes just a little girl with big dreams and a huge heart. (Takes extra special care of those 10 or younger. Not only was Po 10 when abducted but her little twin sisters would be 10 now too.)


Job at the Carnival:
Hostess and Actress! (also Scout-type role)

Performance: Acting, dancing, costume knowledge, stage knowledge.
Mood detector: With the help of Vec she is able to sniff out the general mood or intent of a person
Tracking: trained to find tracks, signs and go on manhunts.

Shape shift into canine animals of all sizes and sexes.
Telepathic speech with dogs.
And the Secret Power:

See this animal pelt I always wear? It's actually alive. Wait till he opens his eyes... hi, boy!! This is what became of Vector; this is what that Devil did to my dog. I need him to live as much as he needs me to live. We cannot be separate for too long or else he dies. I cant bear the thought. I would rather die first. But anyways... yeah. We can talk in our heads. Weird, I know right? But it gets weirder. I can fit inside his pelt form and we turn into this... thing. Yeah...


Monstrous, powerful bear sized canine with super~canine five senses and super~canine physicality. A 6-eyed watchdog that keeps the carnivale safe... or tracks down runaway cast members when the devil Ringmaster deems necessary. It moves seamlessly into shadow or dark, with only the eyes being able to be seen from the blackness. The sets of eyes can move anywhere along the body of the Vader. One pair is Po's eyes, another pair is Vector's eyes, and last pair is for the spying eyes of their former devil Ringmaster. They have a collar that they wear to grant immunity to their former master's power and so they vow never to change into this beast, this IT ever again.


I'm 5'3" -ish? Green eyes. And in pretty good shape... but like not super tough. Yeah. Oh! And my hair wasn't always this light silver. It turned this colour after the... um... modifications. Like check the eyebrows and the... um... um, yeeeaahh. Nevermind.

Anyways... so! I'm originally from the west coast of Canada. Vancouver Island. A little place called Tofino. My dad was a moderately successful NHLer and my maman was a cop. I had two younger siblings. Twins. Amelie and Jacqueline. i took good care of them. We had a dog called Vector, named after the cereal. I took good care of him too. We had a nice house near the water. We had two boats and two cars and a RV. Like I said, Dad was in the NHL.

Then maman got shot on duty. She was in critical condition and in a coma. Dad starting drinking. Hard. He lost his contract. And he wasnt himself anymore. I prayed to god that things would get better.

I stopped believing in god when they said maman wasn't going to make it and they would pull the plug on her cuz she was basically braindead. I stopped believing in god when dad took maman's gun that she hid in a hollow in the bathroom cabinet and put it into his mouth and... and... yeah. And i stopped believing in god when they were going to take me and my sisters away and put us in custody of the Crown. I stopped believing in god because I'm a coward and ran away to leave my sisters... my poor poor sweet innocent sisters to go into adoption or foster care without me. I am such a coward and a terrible person. I left them. Our folks are dead and I left them. I ran away and they will never forgive me.

I will never forgive me. And god will never forgive me.

But I will never forgive god either. He took our parents from us.

And so maybe its punishment we ended up there; Playthings in the twisted Carnivale Prison of the Devil. It was 6 years... and we thought we would never escape. Cuz no one ever did. I'm sorry Amie, Jackie, Daddy and Maman. I'm soooooo sorry. And I'm sorry especially to you , Vector. Cuz I ran away and took you with me. Now look what happened to you... look what he did to you. What he did to us... no. What I did to us. I'm sorry, boy.


But at least we were family there in that twisted Devil`s prison.


...and then the day came when I ran once more. And I left them behind too. I ran away from my new family because I am such a coward. Again I brought you with me, Vec. And again we are in another Carnivale. But this time, this master, this Ring Leader rescued us. And she did not put any magical torture constraints upon us. I like her. I really do. I just want to make her happy, Vec. And I want us to fit in. I want us to be happy. Like, it's only been less than a month here... but I got a good feeling about this...

We just have make sure we always wear that collar, 'kay? We must never take it off. We just cannot let IT out. And we need to make more collars. Cuz we made a promise right? It was supposed to be all of us that escaped the Devil's prison. All of us. Together. One day, we will go back and make it right. Vector, I swear we will. We just got to, boy. We just cannot stop trying...


I'd why but I couldn't see all the info on my laptop, but I see it on mobile. Accepted!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Age: 49
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual​

Personality: Amanda is a friendly person who often lacks boundaries. She can be annoyingly persistent when she wants to know something, but if she gets yelled at, she'll apologize after awhile. She can be a little argumentative and very childish. Sometimes if she's having a bad day, she'll argue with someone just for the sake if arguing. When she's upset she often releases her anger in unhealthy fashions, however she is working on that aspect of herself. That being said, she does have numerous good qualities. She is a strong advocate for her friends and she will have their back for anything even if they're in the wrong. She likes to cheer her friends up when they're sad and she'll stick with them even when they're being a buzzkill. She is naturally a loud and rowdy person and she finds it hard to deal with people who like peace and quiet.

Vices: Slovenly, Intrusive and Immature
Virtues: Extroverted, Flexible and Loyal
Job at the Carnival
Member of the Freakshow / "SalaMandy"​

Clowning Around - Sometimes Amanda stands in as one of the carnival's clowns and she enjoys letting loose and making people laugh at her and laughing at herself.
Cooking - Amanda is a spectacular cook, although when she's done in the kitchen it looks like a war zone. Her signature dish is her Loaded Gun Nachos*, which she will gladly make for anyone who wants it.
*Nacho chips topped with ground beef with one side slathered in medium nacho cheese and the other side with spicier nacho cheese, then topped with pico de gallo, guacamole, sour cream and stuffed breaded jalapenos.​
Skater - Amanda is an avid skater and can often be seen skating to her destination or just around the grounds.

Limited Salamander Physiology - Amanda can remove her limbs at the joint and reattach them. When her limbs are disconnect from her physically, they can still function and can perform tasks. If her limbs are injured when attached to her, she can regenerate them, however if they are destroyed while disconnected, she can never grow them back. (This is what happened to her left forearm.) Amanda cannot remove her head.

Decelerated Aging - She isn't immortal but Amanda ages much slower than most due to her regeneration. She has looked the same as she does currently for thirty years.

Bio: Amanda's uniqueness did not manifest when she was a child. Sure she always looked a few years younger than her peers but everyone always chalked that up to her having good genes. She had a great relationship with her parents and she was an above average student. She graduated nineteenth in her class of twenty six and she went to community college for a degree in the culinary arts. Her goal was to graduate with a masters and get her own restaurant but life chose not to bend to her will. She did graduate, but she didn't get her own restaurant. She instead got a job as a sous chef at a fancy restaurant called, "Paris!" (except it was pronounced 'pah-ree' like the way French people said it).

Amanda first realized she was special when she accidentally chopped her pinky off while angrily chopping vegetables in her kitchen. She had just found out that her boss, the owner of Paris had reneged on her agreement to let Amanda design a dish. Amanda slammed her knife down in anger and chopped her pinky clean off instead of the intended carrot. Amanda screamed but not because she was in pain (she was, but only a little and that was weird as hell) no, she screamed because her pinky was hastily inching its way towards her formerly blood knuckle. Naturally everyone around her screamed in horror and more than a few of them called the cops. Confused and frightened, Amanda grabbed her wriggling digit and booked it out the backdoor of the restaurant.

She headed home to where her boyfriend, Lance lived with her and she told him what happened. She feared that he would think she was a freak but instead he was in awe and his eyes glittered with excitement. That should have been her first warning. He suggested that she let her pinky crawl freely and they both watched as it reattached itself to her knuckle. Then Lance suggested that they test out a theory and chop off another finger. Amanda recoiled appalled and broke up with him on the spot, before packing a bag and leaving.

It was her intention to high tail home to collapse in the comfort of her parent's arms, but Amanda never made it there. Instead she was attacked from behind by Lance and knocked out. When she woke up she was in a cage and hundreds of people were staring at her. Or rather, they were staring at her hand which was being held under a machete which was held by a masked man with a familiar voice. She tried to get up and run but she was restrained by chains. The machete wielder began hyping up the crowd as if what he was about to do was drop a sick beat not cut off her fucking arm. The blade slammed down and Amanda expected to feel immense pain but it only felt like she had gotten a paper cut. Just like when she had chopped off her pinky, her arm bled for a few seconds, then stopped and her disconnected limb began to drag itself towards her. The crowd cried out in excitement and awe as the limb reattached. And from that day on for the next month or so, the masked man chopped off Amanda's limbs and the crowd watched then reattach. Amanda thought this would be her life forever until she was saved by Faira Dunaval. Unfortunately though, the ringmaster did save her, Lance got away and in a fit of rage he took Amanda's left forearm with him.
  • Love
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