The Bureau of Peculiar Affairs OOC

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Creator of Worlds
Original poster
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  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
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Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Modern, Magical, Sc-fi, Horror, Steampunk, anything really

The Bureau of Peculiar Affairs OOC

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TBPA Encyclopedia - TBD

turbulent times

The United States of America has a secret branch of government that deals with unusual circumstances. The Bureau of Peculiar Affairs handles supernatural cases and ensures the public doesn't see these anomalies. The year is 2022, and something is causing hostile Peculiars to come out in droves. There is more than the regular share of incidents, and so the BPA is recruiting extra talent and informants to help them understand and stop these turbulent times. Join us to unravel the mysteries and investigate the truth behind each case. What role will you play within the BPA?

rules and guidelines

Rule 001. Follow all of Iwakuroleplay's Rules

  • This is the ultimate rule for every roleplay created on this site. If you don't know what's in the Terms of Service, you can read about the general rules here.

Rule 002. The GM is @Absyinthe

  • The main GM of this roleplay is Absyinthe and she has the final word on what goes on in this roleplay. Feel free to direct any idea suggestions, comments, and/or questions to her when necessary.

Rule 003. No Godmodding, Powerplay, Mary Sues-etc

  • Do not take advantage of another player's character without prior consent. Please try to make original characters that aren't all powerful. If the power of your peculiar is too OP I may ask you to modify it.

Rule 004. Let's all have some fun!

  • We are here to write and collaborate on a story together, please leave any OOC drama out of the roleplay. Let's enjoy ourselves and do some investigating!

Rule 005. Post Quality Not Quantity

  • The post length generally doesn't matter to me, as long as, what you are writing contributes substance to the plot and flow of the story. It can be a novel or one paragraph, just make it count!

Rule 005. IC Posts Every TWO WEEKS

  • I'd like to get out a GM post every two weeks. Obviously if life gets in the way we can work something out.

Rule 006. This thread is for CHARACTER SHEETS only.

  • You can discuss everything about the roleplay in the Discord.

character creation

If you want to join this roleplay, read over these notes on what kind of character you can create, then fill out the respective sheets for that type of character. If you have any questions, please address them in the discord. This thread is only for pending character sheets and comments about them.

Note 1. Four Characters Allowed

  • The general max is four characters per player. If you wish to make more than four, you will need to show me that you can engage all of your current characters in the plot.

Note 2. Art Images Only

  • I'd prefer it if all the character images were art and not photos of real people. Just descriptions are okay too.

Note 3. Read Each Tab

  • Read each tab below to understand what type of character you want to make. The respective character sheet for each type will be in the tab, as well.

Note 4. No Limit to Types

  • There is no limit to what types of characters you make for your four slots. You can have all four be peculiars, one of each, or however you please.

Investigator Character Sheet
investigator description

As an Investigator Character, you will explore and investigate cases of peculiars around the United States of America. This character is on the front lines of solving peculiar affairs. They report to a Council Member with their findings and have several Peculiar Informants to aid them in their missions. Investigators receive training from the moment they are accepted into the BPA to handle all sorts of scenarios and situations. Once an Investigator has been in the BPA long enough, they will receive a skill assessment and subsequent discipline training for the skill they show the most aptitude. Overall these characters are hardy and tough, eager to jump into the fray at a moment's notice.

investigator disciplines

Through effort and hard work, your character gains recognition for what they do best. The BPA lists skills that benefit an Investigator the most and forms training and workshops for your character to partake. With better work and more case files solved, rewards are sure to follow. The BPA takes care of their own. There are four disciplines to work on as an Investigator; Observation, Research, Communication, and Defense. More information about each is down below:

Observation DisciplineWhen you are investigating, do you prioritize observing your surroundings? Do you notice things others don't? Perhaps your character should focus on this Discipline Training if they wish to gain keen senses and discover the world with new lenses. Anyone who works hard enough in this discipline will notice things others may pass up. Overall, learning how to observe your character's surroundings will benefit them in future cases.

Research DisciplineEach Investigator must research the facts behind each event they experience. If your character is particularly studious and yearns to understand the knowledge behind each case, they should attend workshops that discuss the best tactics to finding clues in the text. Overall, those who use their brains to their advantage benefit most from this discipline.

Communication DisciplineWhen talking with Peculiars, an Investigator has to have some level of persuasion. They need to have a charismatic air about them that allows de-escalation of serious situations they may encounter. This discipline works on techniques your character can communicate if an event got out of hand. Overall, those that are better at compelling others to do what they wish, benefit most from this type of training.

Defense DisciplineThe most important part about dealing with the supernatural is defending yourself against attacks of any kind. Those that are strong and have no fear are the best examples of what an Investigator should strive to be. Everyone should have some Defense training regardless of their aptitude. Overall, those who have the gall to kill the worst of the Peculiars benefit the most from going all the way with this discipline.

investigator sheet

Fill out the sheet below and post your pending character to this thread for review. A quick copy and paste code is at the bottom.

Full Name:
What is your investigator's name?

How old is your character?

What is your character's gender/pronouns?

What does your character look like?

How does your character act?

What is your character's strongest traits?

What is your character afraid of?

Home Location:
Where did your investigator join the BPA?

Reason for Joining:
What was your character's reason for joining the BPA?

Best Discipline:
What Investigator Discipline is your character the best at?

Worst Discipline:
What Investigator Discipline is your character the worst at?

Extra Information:
Anything extra you wish to tell us about your investigator goes here.

[b]Full Name:[/b]
[i]What is your investigator's name?[/i]

[i]How old is your character?[/i]

[i]What is your character's gender/pronouns?[/i]

[i]What does your character look like?[/i]

[i]How does your character act?[/i]

[i]What is your character's strongest traits?[/i]

[i]What is your character afraid of?[/i]

[b]Home Location:[/b]
[i]Where did your investigator join the BPA?[/i]

[b]Reason for Joining:[/b]
[i]What was your character's reason for joining the BPA?[/i]

[b]Best Discipline:[/b]
[i]What Investigator Discipline is your character the best at?[/i]

[b]Worst Discipline:[/b]
[i]What Investigator Discipline is your character the worst at?[/i]

[b]Extra Information:[/b]
[i]Anything extra you wish to tell us about your investigator goes here.[/i]

Council Member Character Sheet
council member description

As a Council Member Character, you will understand the secret workings of the BPA, dish out cases to Investigators, and judge captured Peculiars on whether or not they deserve punishment and sometimes even rewards. There are several ranks to the Council, with the highest being Rank I and the lowest being Rank X. Certain privileges are only available to those at the highest tiers. You have the choice to pick the Rank your character starts at in the IC. You may only have one character that begins as a top-three rank level. The goal is to advance your standing in the Council through in-character actions.

council member duties

The BPA gives out a list of duties that a Council Member can accomplish within a workweek. These duties are split into four categories; Paperwork, Meetings, Judgement, and Support. More information about the duties for each category is down below:

Paperwork DutiesThese duties require you to deal with lots of paperwork. This duty is when you assign most cases to Investigators. Everything requires some form of paperwork to be signed, filed, and put away for record-keeping.

Meeting DutiesThere is a calendar of scheduled meetings and the dates your character can sign-up for them. These duties are always mandatory and very long. There usually is a meeting for every major decision and case that goes through the BPA. Everyone has to be in a meeting at some point, but Council Members are the ones who run them and plan how they go. The higher the Rank, the more responsibility you have over planning.

Judgement DutiesEvery Peculiar brought into the BPA has to be judged by a panel of Council Members. An outcome is determined by the severity of their actions. Each Judgement trial can have a different result; it could end in the Peculiar being imprisoned or promoted to an informant of the organization. This duty is to ensure a fair process of detaining Peculiars.

Support DutiesAs a Council Member, you are assigned one or more investigators that you must oversee their progress and support them along their journey in the BPA. Depending on the investigator you are assigned, they may require you to support them in several ways. Some may need backup in the field; others may need a hug after a tough day at work. Be sure to discuss what type of support is best for the investigators you are assigned. Remember, performance reviews are based on your level of support.

council member sheet

Fill out the sheet below and post your pending character to this thread for review. A quick copy and paste code is at the bottom.

Full Name:
What is your council member's name?

How old is your character?

What is your character's gender/pronouns?

What does your character look like?

How does your character act?

What is your character's strongest traits?

What is your character afraid of?

Favored Branch Location:
Where is your Council Member's favored Branch Location?

Council Rank:
What rank is your character within the council?

Preferred Duty:
What is your character's preferred Council Member duty?

Undesirable Duty:
What duty does your character consider undesirable?

Extra Information:
Anything extra you wish to tell us about your Council Member goes here.

[b]Full Name:[/b]
[i]What is your council member's name?[/i]

[i]How old is your character?[/i]

[i]What is your character's gender/pronouns?[/i]

[i]What does your character look like?[/i]

[i]How does your character act?[/i]

[i]What is your character's strongest traits?[/i]

[i]What is your character afraid of?[/i]

[b]Favored Branch Location:[/b]
[i]Where is your Council Member's favored Branch Location?[/i]

[b]Council Rank:[/b]
[i]What rank is your character within the council?[/i]

[b]Preferred Duty:[/b]
[i]What is your character's preferred Council Member duty?[/i]

[b]Undesirable Duty:[/b]
[i]What duty does your character consider undesirable?[/i]

[b]Extra Information:[/b]
[i]Anything extra you wish to tell us about your Council Member goes here.[/i]

Peculiar Character Sheet
peculiar description

As a Peculiar Character, you are the subject of our investigations! You are peculiar in every sense of the word. Your character has strange and supernatural origins and powers that you can portray in many ways. Although there has to be some reason the BPA is keeping an eye on you, you can't just blend into normal society. Your Peculiar has to have some level of sentience for you to play as them. The GM plays any Monsters with low-level intelligence. So carefully consider in what way your character is Peculiar.

peculiar types

The BPA has made a list of four types they sort every Peculiar Case into; Helpful, Informant, Nuisance, and Dangerous. When creating a Peculiar, you are free to make them fit into whatever category you want. Information about each type is down below:

Helpful TypesThese Peculiars are generally harmless and rather helpful. However, these creatures may be exposing their kind to the general public without meaning to and have to be corrected by the BPA. In a Judgement Trial, if a helpful Peculiar is deemed worthy, they are offered a position as an informant in the BPA.

Informant TypesAs an Informant Peculiar, you are actively working with the BPA to seek out the more aggressive Peculiars and either gain information or help bring them in for questioning. You are legally an employee with the BPA and can receive benefits and salary upon request.

Nuisance TypesIf you choose to create this type of Peculiar, you are not the most dangerous in the world; however, you cause problems and are always at risk of imprisonment if you do something serious. Not necessarily true evil, but chaotic neutral.

Dangerous TypesIf you wish, you can create a Peculiar that is a massive danger to society, an aggressive sentient creature that is not afraid to take others down with it if that were the case. They would automatically be the first threat to take down in any scenario. Plot points could prove beneficial to these Peculiars.

peculiar sheet

Fill out the sheet below and post your pending character to this thread for review. A quick copy and paste code is at the bottom.

Full Name:
What is your peculiar's name?

Case #:
What is the Case Number for this Peculiar?

How old is your character?

What is your character's gender/pronouns?

What does your character look like?

How does your character act?

What makes your character classified as a Peculiar?

Peculiar Type:
What type of Peculiar are you?

What is your Peculiar's strengths?

What is your character's weaknesses?

Nesting Grounds:
Where can your character be found?

Extra Information:
Anything extra you wish to tell us about your Council Member goes here.

[b]Full Name:[/b]
[i]What is your peculiar's name?[/i]

[b]Case #:[/b]
[i]What is the Case Number for this Peculiar?[/i]

[i]How old is your character?[/i]

[i]What is your character's gender/pronouns?[/i]

[i]What does your character look like?[/i]

[i]How does your character act?[/i]

[i]What makes your character classified as a Peculiar?[/i]

[b]Peculiar Type:[/b]
[i]What type of Peculiar are you?[/i]

[i]What is your Peculiar's strengths?[/i]

[i]What is your character's weaknesses?[/i]

[b]Nesting Grounds:[/b]
[i]Where can your character be found?[/i]

[b]Extra Information:[/b]
[i]Anything extra you wish to tell us about your Council Member goes here.[/i]

Full Name:
Claudius "Claude" Atticus Oberlin


CisMale | He/Him

Claude is a man that does not go unnoticed, with his sharp eyes, dark hair, and serious presence. He's an unmistakably tall man standing at the large height of 5'7, and with a lean and slim figure to boot. His shoulders are broad and his jawline sharp and angular. The most notable features of his are his amber eyes and the dark bruises that lay under them from lack of sleep.

Perceptive | Stern | Diligent | Punctual | Active | Strategic | Clever | Sophisticated | Manipulative | Blunt | Passionate | Thoughtful | Sympathetic | Brave | Easily-agitated | Controlled | Intellectual

Critical Thinker | Strategic | Reading People | Well-read

Losing his loved ones | Trypophobia | Failure

Favored Branch Location:
Boston, MA, USA

Council Rank:
Rank 5

Preferred Duty:
Meeting Duties

Undesirable Duty:
Support Duties

Extra Information:
- He actually enjoys his paperwork duties to an extent. There's something almost calming about the organizing.
- Only his spouse is able to boss him around fully
- Barely sleeps
- Advocate for Peculiar Rights
- A trained swordfighter and gun handler
- Workaholic
- Cannot survive without coffee
- Wants to raise through the ranks to number 1
Full Name:
Joy Brigette Dubois

Case #:



Soft pink skin, red lips to match her red eyes, and horns sharp enough to cut you open protruding from her head. Joy is a dangerous and inhuman type of beauty and her body language shows as much. Her limbs are long and her frame slight, only full at her hips and breasts to tempt. Though her lips are pretty, behind them are sharp teeth and longer canines than humans. Furthermore, she has a long tail with a pointed end and a tuft of pink hair to match the bob cut of curly hair on her head. Her horns and tail aren't the only things pointed on her, her nails are naturally black and claw and her ears differ from being round, resembling elf ears. To top it off, she's tall peculiar, standing at the whopping height of 5'10".

Playful | Flirtatious | Vivacious | Expressive | Deceptive | Eloquent | Insightful | Emotionally Intelligent | Affectionate | Hot-tempered | Gentle-natured | Ill-mannered | Reckless

Hailing from both tiefling and succubus bloodline, Joy has a list of abilities. From her tiefling father, she possesses the ability to see in the dark clearly and to resist fire. Her succubus mother passed along her enhanced sex appeal and dream walking. From both, she has a strong tail and claws and teeth that would rip you to shreds.

Peculiar Type:

Emotionally intelligent | Winning others over | Flexible and agile | Sleight of hand | Empathetic

Has no fighting form | Poor at controlling her own strength | Inability to lie

Nesting Grounds:
Los Angeles, CA

Extra Information:
- I hope you like French, she speaks a lot of it and her accent is thick
- Loves to talk in riddles
- Never lies, but knows how to get around telling the truth
- Likes to play dress up
- "One kiss won't kill you. Well, maybe it might."
Last edited:

TBPA Character Sheet

Erik Schmidt

Full Name:
Erik Schmidt

Case #:

Looks to be either Mid 20s to early 30s, in actuality is 3 years of age.

Male pronouns

Erik looks 'off', not because he stands at 6'4 and looks like he consumes nothing but protein. But his face is unnatural looking, it looks human and from a distance you may not notice anything off. But once you get closer and look at how sickly the pale skin looks or how the gaunt face doesn't move beyond small movements. Especially with the hair that looks like a tight blonde fade, yet never moves or changes despite the conditions. Combine this with his constant wearing of gloves and shirts that cover his neck and such at all times, he's quite the oddity to observe. Underneath the facade of humanity, lies an alloyed metal body that almost resembles a skeleton with mechanical eyes that change color if not covered by the sunglasses. And despite looking he should weigh nothing more than 200 pounds, instead Erik clocks in at 450.

Diligent | Serious | Neutral | Analytical | Not-Too-Joke-Sided, almost Drax levels |

A combination of science and magic has made the machine masquerades as Erik Schmidt. Meant to be an achievement of a great man, now

Peculiar Type:

Inhuman Strength | Speed | Durability | Reflexes | Tech Savvy

Emotional Intelligence | Weak to EMPs | Can't really heal | Can't speak without compromising disguise | Can't be out in the heat or else the wax face he wears begins to melt.

Nesting Grounds:
Inside of the Hollywood Wax Museum, Kentucky.

Extra Information:
Created by Albert Schmidt, who wanted to prove that he could create a human using science and arcane methods, combining the two to form his 'son.' Erik Schmidt. At least he began the process, first he formed the insides and frame, perfecting the combination of metals until on par with titanium, experimenting with various power sources until finally getting the right one to ensure Erik could last a lifetime and then some. Unfortunately, this is all the progress he made before falling ill. Due to the nature of the affliction, Albert was unable to get proper medical aid and unfortunately passed away. Leaving Erik incomplete and alone in this new world, thankfully with the aid of the BPA, it didn't turn rogue or end up as potential hazard to human life. Setting up a fake identity, Erik now serves as a data collector/aid to BPA investigators should they call upon him.

I'm amazed by how much work you guys put into formatting your character sheets, I'm embarrassed to have such plain ones....

Full Name: Amaranth Zhen Buran

Age: Undisclosed

Gender: Female - She/Her

Appearance: Amaranth is tall, slender, and androgynously beautiful, with skin like alabaster and an effortless air of elegance. She moves with eerie precision and grace.


Personality: Calm, thoughtful, faultlessly polite and patient, and utterly unreadable. Her strongest expression is a shadow of a smile, or the slightest frown. But she can also be utterly ruthless, and order a Bureau agent on a suicide mission without the slightest qualm.

Strengths: Forethought - Amaranth plans for every contingency, has backups for her backups, and a vast network of friends and contacts who will do all sorts of favours for her when required.

Fears: The Fay

Favored Branch Location: TBA

Council Rank: III

Preferred Duty: Paperwork

Undesirable Duty: Judgement

Extra Information:
Amaranth is herself a Peculiar, a Faerie changeling stolen from her family centuries ago by the Fay. She is now a creature of alabaster and orichalcum, a clockwork teller of fortunes, and since her escape from the Fay she has vowed never to allow them to take her back. She has spent many, many years evading and occasionally fighting the Fay - and now she has the resources of the Bureau to back her up. She will not rest until she is forever free of the Faerie.

Full Name: Marit Folstad

Age: 26

Gender: Female - She/Her

Appearance: Ash-blonde, with eyes the colour of the fjord rivers, Marit is deceptively lithe and whipcord-strong.


Personality: Soft-spoken, but blunt and direct, Marit doesn't look for confrontation but she doesn't shy away from it either. She's independent-minded and stubborn, slow to anger but implacable once riled. Once you earn her trust though, her loyalty runs deep and fierce and sweet.

Strengths: Marit just doesn't quit. If she had, she'd be dead. She's a survivor, and she'll go to hell and back to make sure her comrades do too. She will never fold or give up.

Fears: Drowning. The sea is the one thing that doesn't care how strong or determined you are. It will always be stronger, and it will outlast you no matter what.

Home Location: TBA

Reason for Joining: Marit used to be a Jegertroppen operator of the Norwegian Forvarets Spesialkommando. During one training deployment, her troop ran into a... phenomenon. They survived, mostly due to Marit's determination and cunning, but it was a close-run thing. When the Bureau sought European cooperation, the Norwegians selected Marit for secondment to the Bureau.

Best Discipline: Defence

Worst Discipline: Communication

Extra Information: Marit is Norwegian - as such, she speaks better (or at least more grammatically correct) English than most native speakers. She also speaks Danish, Swedish, German and French, and she's just as blunt and occasionally downright rude in all of them.
She's an excellent skier and skater, as might be expected, but also a very strong swimmer.
Her specialisation in the Jegertroppen was as a scout/sniper.

The Bureau of Peculiar Affairs

roleplay update #1

02/13/22 - @Jenamos Characters are APPROVED
02/14/22 - @MaryGold Character is APPROVED
02/15/22 - @The Wanderer Character is APPROVED
02/15/22 - @Ariel Characters are APPROVED

roleplay comments

I plan on making the IC on 03/01/22. Feel free to make characters after the IC is up, as the signups are always open.


Full Name:
Inés "Nessa/Nessie" Xochiquetzal Vicario-Huerta—she tends to be called by her nickname more than her actual given name, but that might just be because the person that talks to her most often is her own brother.

Case #:

Twenty-two years old

AFAB female; she/her, but likely won't correct you if you use different pronouns

Nessa is a rather tall and somewhat unnerving-looking young lady—standing at roughly 5'10" (~178 cm) but usually hunched over or slouching and seeming shorter, she has a head full of messy, poorly-taken-care-of black hair that tends to fall over her face and down to her lower shoulders in skewed, loose curls. Her hair texture is roughly 3B-3C, but not as voluminous as it could be, and her bangs come down to her high cheekbones. Her nose is round and flat, complimenting her heart-shaped face. Her eyes are naturally angular in shape, but are usually softened by shyness.

Additionally, the color of her eyes is… peculiar, so to speak, if you could even call it a color—her eyes are almost totally see-through, with only a thin film of reflectiveness that light bounces off of to indicate that she has eyes at all. Otherwise, you can see through her eyes and into the sockets within. Despite this, she has roughly perfect vision. She tends to wear sunglasses when going outside most times, wearing a hood or moving her hair to cover her peripheral vision to make sure that no one peeks at her unnatural features from the side. Perhaps, in a tit-for-tat way, since her peculiarity tends to shut people out, the universe decided to be cruel and quite literally let everyone see in, in return.

She has a slimmer, softer frame, not with much muscle or mass, and jewel-toned brown skin with a clustered smattering of freckles over her face. She tends to wear comfy, baggy clothing, covering up everything from the neck-down, along with her aforementioned sunglasses.

Meek | Fearful | Caring | Soft-hearted | Polite | Pessimistic | Introverted

Nessa can "lock" any given solid object that she touches at will, effectively keeping its shape static and gluing it to its place in the world, even in midair. This works by setting a "password" that can unlock the object upon anyone that can see the object speaking it out loud, with or without intention of actually unlocking it. Because of this, she tends to choose uncommon words.

Peculiar Type:
Nuisance, most likely—she never physically hurts anyone, but she causes trouble.

Sprinting/generally traversing short distances in a pinch | Good with mathematics, physics, chemistry, & vocabulary | Eidetic memory | Quick learner & dedicated to self-improvement

Locked objects are potentially avoidable | Passwords can be attained (even accidentally) in many ways | Gullible | Anxious to the point where she leaves out important information or otherwise obstructs group cooperation

Nesting Grounds:
She's traveled around the US quite a lot, but currently resides in Chicago, Illinois.

Extra Information:
  • She's been dragged into a life of crime by her brother since they were two kids chucking eggs at mean people's houses, except their crimes have escalated to breaking into houses, apartments, banks, stores, and the like to steal and resell valuables. She desperately wants to get out, but she can't just leave Raúl behind, can she?

  • She's pretty sure she's the younger twin? She's not super sure, since their parents never really put much emphasis on the order they came into the world.

  • While she tries her best to hide her peculiar attributes and overall strangeness, her brother just keeps getting into deeper and deeper trouble, and she'll be inevitably pulled down with him.


Full Name:
Raúl Xochipilli Vicario-Huerta

Case #:

Twenty-two years old

AMAB male; he/him

Raúl stands just a little shorter than his sister at 5'8" (~173 cm), with a relaxed but relatively straight posture, his figure rather slim but with a good amount of lean, dry muscle that leaves him suited for many athletic activities. He has glossy black hair that falls to his mid-lower neck in loose 3A curls, usually pushed out of his face or tied up in a small, non-obtrusive ponytail—inevitably, though, a few shorter hairs fly loose and bob in front of his face until he readjusts his hair again; he tries his best to keep his hair in good condition with what he has. He has a heart-shaped face, a strong jaw, and a long, rather wide-ended nose with a slightly downturned arch to its bridge, and it has a single dark beauty mark near it.

His wide eyes are naturally angular (and are usually half-lidded or narrowed with mischievous intent) and colored a warm, dark amber, with a solid ring of permanent black around the waterline that he usually excuses as eyeliner. His dark brown, umber-undertoned skin has patches of slightly lighter color across it, particularly at his neck, shoulders, hips, and thighs. These patches aren't from vitiligo, however, and seem to resemble a jaguar's pelt, like warbly honeycomb, and he tends to call them birthmarks (which, honestly, is not untrue).

Raúl tends to wear stylish yet somewhat functional clothing, like sturdy motorcycle jackets despite not owning or knowing how to drive a motorcycle. He adorns himself with jewelry at times, but they're usually piercings—he's got both ears (which seem a bit pointed and oddly-shaped) well-curated, a septum ring, and a lip frenulum piercing that shows whenever he flashes a sharp-toothed smile at someone.

Confident | Troublemaking | Protective | Stubborn | Dismissive (of "boring people") | Optimistic | Extroverted

Raúl is best described an odd version of the folkloric nagual—he's not actually a nagual in the traditional sense, but he can shapeshift to the form of a long, lean black jaguar at will and "pause" the process or manifest only certain traits whenever he pleases (though some actions might be awkward, like walking if he has one jaguar leg and one human leg, and he can't will away the markings on his skin). He retains his usual intelligence and temperament like this.

Peculiar Type:
A nuisance, for sure; while he rarely actually hurts people, he steals things and plays pranks.

Peak physicality | Charisma and quick wit | Hiding and sneaking around (when he can keep his mouth shut) | Pickpocketing

Distractible | Easily excitable/emotional | Never sticks to the plan | Uncooperative with those he deems "boring" or "assholes"

Nesting Grounds:
He's traveled around the US quite a lot, but currently resides in Chicago, Illinois.

Extra Information:
  • He sort of dragged his sister into a life of crime at a relatively early age—he could never just sit around and wait for life to come to him, could he? No, he always had to go out and chase it, which has gotten himself into a whole lot of trouble over the years.

  • Raúl is actually the younger twin, but doesn't bring that up to his sister because he knows she'll feel guilty about being the "older sister" and not being stronger or more reliable.

  • He makes little to no effort to hide his peculiarity or his inhuman traits—you notice that he transformed his hand to have claws so that he could scratch up something that he didn't like? You get suspicious of his skin markings and the way he oddly prances around at night? Whoops. Moving on.

TBPA Character Sheet

Daniel Collins

Full Name:
Daniel Collins

Case #:

Looks to be in mid 30s, is actually 152 years of age.

Male pronouns.

Daniel stands at a modest 5'8, lanky yet holding muscle to his frame akin to that of a swimmer. Dirty blonde hair kept in a constant swept back wild look to it, steel frame glasses covering one blue eye, with the other eye covered by an eyepatch. The start of mutton chops around his ears. His face is a little bit narrow but holds some roundness to some parts of his face. His attire originally consisted of vests and formal attire, now is laxer. Now wearing clothing like jackets, jeans and 'cowboy' boots, shirts of his favorite entertainment media. Including a shirt, he got from a store when 'The Goonies' movie came out. Or when 'Jurassic Park' first came out.

Hard-Working | Impulsive | Good-Natured | Cynical | Melancholic

Revenant - Part of the undead, Daniel during the day passes off a human who is cold to the touch, and causes cats, dogs to fear and snarl or run away from him. Crosses and other holy symbols make him uneasy or if shown to him during his 'reveal' will cause him to retreat as if fire was at his back. Hallowed ground can't be stepped on, nor can he pass a running river without assistance. His right eye that is covered by the eyepatch is that of a red eye with a glowing white iris. During the night, his true form is revealed. A decayed carcass wearing the outfit of a long dead gunslinger, skin covered in wounds and bones showing through rotten skin, his eyes glowing in the dark akin to red hot coals.

Peculiar Type:

Marksman | Able to sustain various injuries or wounds that'd kill a human | Can touch a dead body and ask it three questions | Good tracking experience and deduction skills from years working with the Pinkerton Detective Agency |

Weak to Holy Symbols | While he can shrug off injuries, too much damage and he must rest in his coffin or consume creatures that feast on the dead to partially recuperate so he may get back to his coffin | Can be killed if he is staked in the heart by a holy weapon and the stake remains in his heart.

Nesting Grounds:
An apartment complex in Texas, Austin. Sometimes a bar or at an abandoned ruin of a ranch in Texas.

Extra Information:
-Born in 1860
-Worked with the Pinkerton Detective Agency until his death in 1893
-Was brought back to the realm of the living as a Revenant from unknown causes in 1901
-Joined up in WW1 around 1915
-Bounced around from city to city, joining up with various Mafia families to get access to liquor and drugs for his own personal use, quote "To help deal with the pain."
-Was eventually convinced to join up with BPA, being treated for his addictions and overall mental health, now helping Investigators with certain cases.
-Is a big fan of movies.

Full Name:
Malik Lavigne


Male He/HIm

Hair: Wavy, ear length, light blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 120lbs
Complexion: Ivory, Clear, Soft
Build: Thin, Athletic, Sinuous

Ambitious, Charismatic, Confident, Impulsive, Prideful, Willful, Demanding, Boisterous, Intelligent

Public Speaking, Educated, Hardworking


Favored Branch Location:
New York City, New York

Council Rank:
Rank 4

Preferred Duty:
Judgment Duties

Undesirable Duty:
Paperwork Duties

Extra Information:

Full Name:

Sasha Dubois


Male He/Him

Hair: Curly, Black
Eyes: Grey
Height: 5'6
Weight: 120
Complexion: Tan, Smooth, Clear
Build: Lean, Slim, Willowy

Benevolent, Naive, Diligent, Earnest, Selfless, Empathetic, Strong-Willed

Intelligent, Well Read, Compassionate

Letting others down.

Home Location:
Portland, Oregan

Reason for Joining:
To help peculiars and humans live in harmony.

Best Discipline:
Research Discipline

Worst Discipline:
Defense Discipline

Extra Information:

Full Name:
Ambrose Caddel

Case #:


Male He/Him

Hair: Curly, Dark brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160
Complexion: Brown, Smooth, Lustrous
Build: Athletic, Toned, Tall
Monster Form: Shadowy Figure

Confident, Anarchist, Eccentric, Solitary, Reluctant, Enigmatic, Pessimistic, Complex, Passionate, Clever, Impatient, Sarcastic, Uncooperative

Ambrose's peculiarity is that he unconsciously attracts different types of spirits, ghosts, and demons to himself. This often results in him being harmed or experiencing horrible bad luck. However, this can also happen to those around him.

While in his normal human form, he is able to both see and speak with them. However, if he wants to rid himself of their haunting presence that is attached to himself, he must enter his peculiar form.

In this form, he becomes a wispy shadowy figure. This can cause the light to be sucked from the space, and he is able to move as a shadow, and even use his dark tendrils to attack people.

Peculiar Type:
Nuisance Types

Silver tongue, Camouflage, Experienced Fighter

Rash, Badmouth, Tendency to fight

Nesting Grounds:
New Orleans, Louisiana

Extra Information:

Full Name:
Milan Adair

Case #:


Genderfluid Male He/HIm

Hair: Short, Blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 105
Complexion: Pale, Flawless, Soft
Build: Skinny, Lithe, Short
Monster form: Pale Winged Creature

Reserved, Compassionate, Loyal, Self-conscious, Unaggressive, Impressionable, Forgiving, Humble,

Milan would be considered to be an incubus if looked at through the lens of historical folklore. Even while in his humanoid form he gives off a sweet scent that often attracts humans. His bodily fluids are a type of aphrodisiac that leaves his partners in a blissful state. He is able to feed by consuming the bodily fluids of his male partners during this act.

While he is engaged in sex, is when his real peculiar form is revealed. Milan's peculiarity also causes him to go into a sort of "heat" for a week during the full moon. Furthermore, if he doesn't eat he can go through symptoms of starvation and insanity.

Peculiar Type:
Helpful Types

Empathy, Flight, Trustworthy

Self-defense, Naive

Nesting Grounds:
Sacramento, California

Extra Information:
Declan "Decci" York


Full Name:
Declan Cicero York



Male (He/Him)

Declan is a large, well-built man in peak physical condition. He stands at 6 foot 2 inches and is 210 lbs of muscle hardened by years of combat and his upper body covered in tattoos of various designs. He keeps his dark brown hair and lumberjack beard well trimmed for a professional appearance. His primary outfit of choice is a red long sleeve flannel shirt with rolled sleeves with navy jeans, a black baseball cap, and work boots. On most field ops, Declan wears a plate carrier, battle belt with attached leg holster, ballistic sunglasses, and electronic ear muffs. If the mission calls for it, he has a helmet with quad night vision goggles and a gas mask.

Above all, Declan is loyal. Loyal to his country. Loyal to his friends. Loyal to his wife. He is the type of man to run head first into enemy gunfire to recover the corpse of his Marine so that their family will be able to at least have the comfort that no one abandoned their son or daughter, even in death.

Aside from his loyalty, Declan is a loud, boisterous man that can never seem to keep quiet in a room full of people for long. He loves talking to people, picking their brains for knowledge, joking around with them, and getting to know them as a human being. He has learned that in the toughest of situations, the ability to laugh and the connections you build are what keep you sane, and so, he seeks to do so with everyone. If he considers someone a friend, he's always willing to help them out to the fullest of his ability. However, beneath the extrovert is man still grieving his wife and trying to enact justice for her. When he is alone, his darker thoughts threaten to overwhelm him.

Going hand in hand with his loyalty is Declan's courage. He is terrified of dying, of the supernatural, of finding his friends dead despite the best of his efforts, but he still pushes on. Always able to find something higher to drive him, Declan is willing to face anything for the sake of his higher calling. With his loyalty and courage, Declan has proven to be a inspirational and guiding light to his brothers in arms, being able to push them for the sake of their mission and their survival.

Declan fears dying before he is able to solve the mystery of his wife's death, even more so of dying to something that he doesn't know or understand. He's not afraid of man, because they're predictable, but Peculiars are a whole other level to him.

Home Location:
San Diego, California

Reason for Joining:
After finishing his service in the Marines in Force Recon, Declan was planning on marrying his fiance and starting a family. However, not long after he left, his wife disappeared under extraordinarily strange circumstances. He put all his effort and money into finding her, but in the end, all he found was her mutilated corpse and a glimpse of a monster months later. With the love of his life and his savings gone, he wandered the nation as a drifter, doing odd jobs to keep himself fed and housed as he looked for peace. When one of Declan's friends from a government agency found him and learned of his situation, he recommended him to the BPA. Declan took the opportunity to put his skills to good use and look for some answers regarding what killed his wife.

Best Discipline: Defense
Being a former Recon Marine with four combat deployments under his belt, Declan is a seasoned operator. He is very proficient with firearms, stealth, reconnaissance, and the full suite of skills that comes with being part of a special operations capable unit. His proficiency toes the line between Defense and Observation, but he is first and foremost a Marine who is capable of killing any threat, not a mere watcher.

Worst Discipline: Research
Despite being high skilled and always capable of picking up new tactics and techniques, Declan's ability to look into and analyze the supernatural is very limited. His ability to research and defeat human adversaries is no laughing matter, but being so used to thinking in terms of humans leaves him without a clue on Peculiars. That is also not to mention his dislike for studying.

Extra Information:
  • He's acquired a sizable collection of equipment during his years serving the military using his own money, including firearms, armor, radios, and survival gear. For a time, he was a doomsday prepper, but he's since given up to focus more on the threats he now faces everyday.
  • He refuses to drink or smoke because he believes that if he starts, he won't stop while he's still grieving his wife.
  • Even when he's not in the field, he conceal carries a P320 pistol (Image) in 9mm and a combat knife on his belt.
  • His nickname, "Decci", is derived from the first three letters of his first name and first two letters of his middle name names and it is pronounced like "messy", but with a "d". He received it because when he writes his name out, no letters are distinguishable except those five.
  • Declan's preffered armaments are a custom AR-15 (Image) and an MPX-K (Image).

  • Faceclaim: Crossfire X
  • AR-15: Artstation - Andy Huang
  • MPX-K: Artstation - Sohail Abbas
  • P320: Artstation - Rico Peters
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Full Name:

Case #:

27 years old

Agender Masculine (he/they/it)

Standing at about 5'10" tall; Atrysus has pale grey skin and white-ish grey hair. His hair is about shoulder length and he has two prominant horns that stick out from his forehead. Atyrsus has bright, golden eyes that seem to have a glow to them and these black-furred legs with black hooves at the end. He also has a small, black deer-like tail.

Atrysus is a rather sweet individual and can come across as rather innocent as well. He has a large heart and is too compassionate for his own good. Rightly paranoid and easily frightened; he tends to avoid human contact and can be quite socially inept. Though he is also massively subborn as well; often sticking to something once his mind is made up. Sensitive to a fault, Atrysys makes a great friend while also trying to be a comedic relief whenever he can. Though whether his jokes are funny or just uncomfortable is up for debate.

Atrysus resembles that of a satyr, or half human half hooved beast, though his horns and appearance suggest there might be some demon mixed into his bloodline.

Peculiar Type:
He is an informant type peculiar

-Exceedingly quick
-Has a large knowledge base of herbal medicine
-Super friendly for no reason
-Strong legs; great for round house kicking someone into next week

-Easily frighened
-Sruggles with social situations
-Prey animal instincts are a bitch
-STRONG hatred for thunder storms

Nesting Grounds:
Oregon City, Oregon; mainly in the Rocky Mountains

Extra Information:
-Is Autistic coded
-Is baby ngl
-Half demons oriented; basic demon powers
-Ability to see the dead

coded by coyote.

Rohan Ó Kinley

Rohan Ó Kinley

Full Name:
Rohan Ó Kinley

29 years old

Cisgendered Masculine (he/him)

Rohan stands at nearly 6'2" and has short, neatly cut red hair. He has pale white skin, plenty of freckles decorating his arms, chest and legs, and a full red beard as well. He has soft hazel/golden eyes, a rather square face shape and an average, albiet skinnier build.

Rohan is a rather stoic and a no-nonsense type of person. He doesn't deal with funny buisness and would rather just get the work done then go home before he would ever interact with a co-worker. He isn't a social person and finds most people within the BPA as annoying to say the least. Rohan though is very civilized as a person; often being polite when speaking to others and coming off as friendly to most. Though he only speaks when spoken to, and often speaks very posh. He has a heavy Irish accent so he can be not understandable at times.

-He is an incredibly hard worker
-Doesn't deal with funny buisness
-Very good communicator despite not really a talker
-Super organized to the point of insanity

-Rohan is terrified of water; whether it be streams, lakes and very much so the ocean
-He is afraid of developing schizophrenia because it runs on his mothers' side
-Strangely afraid of heights
-Terrified of cotton/cotton balls
-Fear of many holes

Favored Branch Location:
His favorite branch locations are the Japanese one, and the one closest to home which is London or England.

Council Rank:

Preferred Duty:
Support Duty

Undesirable Duty:
Judgement Duty, Paperwork Duty

Extra Information:
Nothing as of not right now
song name here
Code by Jenamos


location mentions interactions
Full Name:
Leia Tanaka

Case #:

20 years old

Feminine Presenting (she/her)

Leia is a rather small person in stature, standing at about 5'2" and very petite frame. She has long, ebony hair that always seems to be matted or a mess, often hanging in her face and she has ghostly white skin. Her eyes are dark brown, almost black looking, and she wears often just a plain white night gown.

How one would describe this young woman would be along the lines of disturbing or creepy. Leia is often seen just staring at people with her dark eyes, not saying a single thing but feels like she can see every part of your soul. She behaves very child-like with a mischivious streak when it comes to the BPA. Often spooking them, following them or doing something out of bounds. Leia doesn't usually speak but when she does her voice is very raspy and low, almost doubling itself as well. Due to her being comprised from sorrow or rage, she is often very aggressive towards people or other pecurliars. Or she can be seen crying hysterically before it becomes aggression.

She is an Onryō or 'vengeful spirit' created out of a curse of extreme rage or sorrow. Sometimes rooted in jealousy

Peculiar Type:
Dangerous Type

-She has ghost-like abilities like fazing through walls
-Ultimate spoop factor
-Very stealthy
-Champion at staring competitions

-Holy water
-Bears or stuffed animals
-Questions; she cannot lie
-Always in a rage

Nesting Grounds:
She originates from Osaka, Japan, but currently lives in Los Angeles, California

Extra Information:
-Was human at some point
-Part Japanese
-Doesn't speak a lick of Japanese
-Will use fears against people
-Base off the Grudge

location mentions interactions
Full Name:
Lindsay Bourland-Black

33 years

Trans Masculine (FTM he/him)

Lindsay is a tall, willowy person with a rather thin frame. He has pale white skin with raven black hair that he often dyes that color to cover the greys that started to puop up. He has a angular face with a sharp nose and a plethera of tattoos cover his body. Simple ones that have a lot of meaning to him. He had dark brown eyes.

Lindsay is a rather strange man. Very monotoned with a bit of a angry streak to him. He is very charming thought despite this and can be persausive, but that doesn't help hus more stubborn or easily annoyed nature. Lindsay is rather kind individual when he tries to be and offers face-value care as well.

- His stubbornness is rather helpful
- Willingness to learn everything and anything
- Hubby is a high ranking council member
- Strangely persausive

- Loosing his husband
- Fear of many holes
- Fear of birds

Home Location:
Washington DC

Reason for Joining:
He has always been interest in that of the unknown. Always wanting to uncover answers as to why these things were around, what they wanted, so on and so forth.

Best Discipline:
Communication Discipline

Worst Discipline:
Defense Discipline

Extra Information:
Nothing extra at the moment

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Full name: Aine Moira O'Brien [AWN-yuh MOY-ruh o'BRI-uhn]

Case #: Ban-0327-XX

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Appearance: A stiff breeze is, by all appearances, the most deadly foe to Aine. Small in every sense of the word, barely weighing 100 pounds soaking wet, the young woman only stands 5'1". Built to be a dancer through and through, there are sinewy limbs in her deceptively frail frame, and though she is no superwoman, she is no slouch at her work. Perhaps in small part due to a perpetual graveyard shift, Aine's complexion is exceptionally pale, save for the sprinkling of freckles dusted across her skin. Her hair is hazelnut brown, inherited from her father, and she observes the world through a pair of ice blue eyes. Yet oftentimes, as she sings, her eyes begin to glow brightly.

Personality - Strengths and Weaknesses of Character:

• Kind - Aine is, before anything else, kind. She lets no obstacle prevent her from doing for someone else, and it's not uncommon for her supervisors to have to tell her to go home, as she routinely works far past her shift. Though nursing doesn't pay terribly well, she also spends a great deal of her free time seeking out ways to help others, whether that mean mowing her old neighbor's grass or helping a local charity out with cleaning up the local park.

• Cunning - For all her kindness, Aine is anything but naive. Not all who seek to help do so without thought for themselves, and many people offer aid with an angle for profit. Too, she has been burned on more than one occasion when offering help herself, and it has encouraged her to find more situationally appropriate ways to aid people. Her cunning has also found application at the nursing home, and Aine has a unique ability to see what it is that meets her patients' needs of the moment best.

• Overbearing - Regrettably, the mixture of kindness and cunning often results in a person becoming rather intrusive in their desire to help, and apart from her patients, Aine has a sometimes deserved reputation of being a busy body. Some bear her aggressive goodwill with patience; others less so, willing her to merely let them be.

• Prideful - Because she puts so much of her self identity in her willingness to aid others, she places a great deal of value in doing so. Every acceptance is taken with gratitude, and every denial is met with offense. Veiled (if badly veiled) offense, to be sure; the kindness that is her foundation almost always wins out in how she responds to people. But there is an edge to her for days after, and more than once patients have asked about her uncharacteristic reservation.

• Vulnerable - Aine wears her heart on her sleeve. Save when she can hide behind an act or word of immediate charity or kindness, she finds it difficult to hide her emotions, when indeed she tries to hide them at all. Readily joyful, sorrowful, angry, and afraid, people rarely have to guess at what she may be feeling at any given moment.

Peculiar Type: Half-Banshee / Helpful / Harmless? (See entry below)


• The Voice of Mourning - Aine, thanks to her heritage, is capable of singing tunes that inspire any range of the more passive emotions: sorrow, peace, regret, despair, comfort, anger, and even ennui. The song always reaches the ears of those for whom it was meant, regardless of ambient noise or the deafness of the person, or even distance. Her heart is not always in every song she sings, and unless she feels inspiration, it does not activate. But when it does, the individual for whom she sings very often dies soon after, her song having heralded (or perhaps caused, though this is unclear) their death.

• Unnatural Constitution - Being of supernatural heritage, Aine is less prone to injury, sickness, and even the effects of age. They all occur, of course; she is not a fully supernatural being. But she is more resistant than most mortals.

Nesting Grounds: the Ben Franklin Retirement Home, working as a care nurse in the Alzheimer's unit

Peculiar's Origin, Per Research

Aine was born in Aldenburg and has known nothing else as home. The only living child of Paul and Aibell O'Brien, she grew up poor in a poor town and never knew comfort or luxury. Much of what they had was donated to them or handed down from older cousins, and even purchasing a nice coat or a comfortable chair from a thrift store was a rarity. Their dwelling was small, with a single bedroom, and their board was meager, most often watered down soup, but somehow they managed. Paul, an aspiring writer, worked whatever odd jobs he could find, most often the heavy labor of a farm hand, and Aibell offered services as a seamstress for the repair of clothing.

Yet despite the utter Lack in their lives, Paul and Aibell were unerringly generous to whomever might come to them seeking aid. More than that; every Saturday, Aibell would show up at the Aldenburg's Caring Place charity center, volunteering in whatever capacity she was needed. As she worked, she would hum to herself or sing a tune under her breath. Those around her took notice, and she was requested to sing at local events.

But she would only sing at funerals. Aibell was a Banshee (Case # Ban-0298-XX), born in Ireland long centuries before meeting Paul as he had visited the Emerald Isle for writing inspiration. For years she had been the guardian spirit of the Dalcassians, a family of prominence, and at the impending death of one of the family, her voice could be heard echoing through the hills and forests, bearing a sorrowful tune. But in Paul O'Brien, Aibell found happiness for the first time in her long life. She left her guardianship of the Dalcassians, coming back to Pennsylvania when her lover returned there.

Aine had been born a year later, and afraid of retribution from others across the sea, Aibell had raised her closely, schooling her at home. But as a consequence, Aine saw closely her mother's kindness and generosity and came to exhibit the same qualities. She became tied to Aldenburg and loved the town dearly. Yet she longed for something she couldn't articulate, and it saddened her; Aibell had only ever told Paul what she truly was, and Aine never knew.

The older Aine got, and the more engrossed she became in charity work, the more sympathetic she became for the plight of the elderly. Many, it seemed to her, were placed in retirement homes and promptly forgotten about by their families, particularly those whose minds had begun to slip due to illness. She sought employment with the local home, and with hardwork and scholarship, she obtained a nursing degree and became a registered nurse at the Ben Franklin Retirement Home. She became a favorite with many of her patients, despite their issue with memory, and the soft songs she would sing to them that she'd learned from Aibell would bring them a restful solace they couldn't explain. On occasion, they would fall asleep soon after and never awaken, but invariably they would be found with a peaceful smile on their face.

And so Aine remained at the home, living with her parents, finding purpose in her work but still bothered by some unnamed discontent that she could never explain.

Mundane skills

• Vocal talent - Apart from the supernatural aspect of her voice, Aine is a legitimately talented and skillful vocalist. She can anticipate the way a song will progress after hearing a few bars and has been known to simply ad lib a vocalization on the fly.

• RN - As a Registered Nurse, Aine is well trained in every aspect of her job that would be required of her. Deft of fingers, strong of arm, and sharp of mind, her supervisors rarely have issue with her.

• Sewing - Though not nearly so talented as Aibell, Aine has taken up sewing by necessity in order to extend the lives of hers and her parents' clothing.

• Mandolin player - By way of accompanying her vocals, Aine has taken up learning the mandolin. While still very amateur, she is taking to it reasonably well and can pluck out enough cords to not sound awful.

Failures and flaws: Aine is terrified of performing in front of groups. Any size of crowd at all frightens her in that capacity, and she has been known to do anything she can think of to avoid doing so. She also has to walk everywhere, due to her lack of training or license for a car. Aine has also never drank alcohol of any capacity; should she do so, she'll find that she becomes highly intoxicated at the smallest amount, thanks to the strange way her ancestry affects her tolerance of it.


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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Full Name:
Solstice Arcanum

Case #:


Male- He/Him

Appearance 1:
Dark hair, yellow right eye, collar, gasmask covering his entire face other than his left eye, pale skin, black clothes, and black gloves.
Appearance 2:
Dark hair, yellow right eye, gray left eye, scarred face, pale skin, black clothes, and black gloves.
Before awakening:
Distant, quiet, and basically invisible to the world.
After awakening:
Usually expressionless, mostly calm, but he can get a bit annoyed due to the chaos going on in his head.

Different Forms:

  • Case #:
    Mischievous, a trickster, and has a insatiable hunger.
    The same abilities as most ghosts.
    Extra Information:
    Can never find anything to fill it's appetite so it eats every lifeform it can.

  • Case number:
    Chaotic, has a fascination for jewelry, and has an insatiable greed.
    Control the light and darkness around it.
    Extra Information:
    In search for a balance in everything.

  • Case number:
    Chaotic, dangerous, and has an insatiable wrath.
    Flame control, flight.
    Extra Information:
    Always looking for something to burn.

  • Case number:
    Expressionless, lack of fucks to give, and has an insatiable pride
    Inflict paralysis on a person when they gets cut by on of the blades.
    Extra Information:
    Wants to find someone worthy of a battle.

  • Case number:
    (without the horse)
    Righteous, lovestruck, and has an insatiable envy.
    Can freeze whatever it touches.
    Extra Information:
    Has a cold air that is felt when around people.
    In search of a worthy steed.
    In search of a long lost lover.

He is a Shapeshifter.
Peculiar Type:
Lockpicking, stealing, and murder.
Responsible for several missing persons, doesn't fit in due to his scars and gasmask, and can only shapeshift into certain forms.
Nesting Grounds:
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Extra Information:
Solstice has Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Solstice does loose his cool a bit and yells at his personalities when they all speak at once.

Owners(that I could find) of the images I used:

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Full Name: Vox Zéro

Age: 31

Gender: Male- He/ Him

Vox is 6 feet and 7 inches tall. He has long white hair, he wears dark clothes, he has a scar on his neck, which cut his vocal cords, a scar across his face, scars on his back and chest. green eyes, he is very fit under his clothes, and he wears a name tag.

Vox's Scars:

Vox's Nametag

Personality: He is lovable, considerate, comedic, helpful, he can get a bit annoyed, but overall he is a joy to be around.
Strengths: He can do well in a fight and is very skillful with his scythe, Kuro.
Fears: Anemophobia: the fear of Fans.
Home Location: Richmond, West Virginia.
Reason for Joining: Vox was recruited due to him being well known with multiple humans and peculiars.
Best Discipline: Communication.
Worst Discipline: Defense.
Extra Information:
Vox knows several different types of sign language, but he uses texts and sticky notes to speak with people.
Vox is originally from Reine, Norway.

Full Name:

Case #:
DW- 5409


Female- She/ Her

Kuro Human Form:
Kuro Scythe Form:
Kuro is basically a Kuudere: someone who is calm and collected on the outside and never panics. They show little emotion, and in extreme cases, are completely emotionless, but they may be hiding their true feelings deep down.
Kuro has the ability to turn herself into a scythe, and her limbs into scythe blades.
She is a Demon Weapon.
Peculiar Type:
Being a weapon and person, good with secrets, and a good therapist.
Doesn't share important information to some people and doesn't show her emotions at times it'd be best that she should.
Nesting Grounds:
Richmond, Virginia.
Extra Information:
Kuro has a master's degree in psychology.
Kuro will do anything to keep Vox safe.

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Full Name:
Peter "Pete" Monroe


He/Him Pronouns

Peter who originally stood at 5'5 and weighed 167 Ibs, now is less because of the loss of his right leg and damaged muscles of the left leg. Slightly tanned skin and black hair that's rather long and tied into a ponytail, a moustache and goatee combo on a face with a squarish face marred with scars from shrapnel. Peter has several tattoos of various designs, one being a tribute to his department's number for him, and some being cards or his favorite, the cover to one of Elton John's albums.

Joking | Sarcastic | Patient | Loves Music

Resourceful | Quick-Thinking | Knows his way around cameras, and dealing with explosives/booby traps |

Being Isolated | Losing his chair | The Dark | Vampires

Home Location:
New York, Albany

Reason for Joining:
Peter joined up after saving an agent during an incident where police were dispatched first before BPA could intercept the officers, and a Dangerous peculiar used an IED in attempt to kill agents that arrived on scene after a massacre of the officers by several 'Nosferatu.' Peter being the first to react, put a metal covering over the explosive and his foot on it in hopes of lessening the blast. Unfortunately, the blast not only took his leg but left his other leg damaged that even when it healed, the muscle damage left it useless. After the situation was resolved and Peter was questioned after his placement into the hospital, he was given an offer and he readily accepted.

Best Discipline:
Observation - His years of ED training and expertise has made him apt for spotting traps or defusing said traps, but his condition has made him take up camera placement and regular observation duties on top of his other skills. Currently working on making a lens that can detect beings otherwise invisible to the human eye.

Worst Discipline:
Defense - Since his condition means he cannot defend himself as he once could, Peter has to rely on a gun or devices to defend himself should he be forced to fight, however to mitigate this weakness, he stays in a van just off site in a situation, talking to onsite personal or if it is safe, come onto the site to use his skills.

Extra Information:
A foodie by heart, Peter loves cooking and working out to avoid gaining weight, especially now since he can't walk, doing pushups or pullups or weight lifting. He also loves music, specifically Elton John.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica

TBPA Character Sheet

Fire Mother

Full Name:
The Fire Mother, UNS-1322

Castanea Fullthorne

Case #:
UNS-1322 - Primary case
Last Operative Note: Found. Binding clearly degrading and appears to be now known as 'The Fire Mother'. Escaped containment via fire ax through operative vehicle roof. Returned without any public events to fire station via unknown non-observational movement method centered on the handle. Possible related events not hostile in nature, suggest in-situ monitoring.

FAE-2265 - LOST, DANGEROUS - hammer ax 'Malleus Nomen'
Council Note: Should the location of FAE-2265 ever be conclusively known UNS-1322 is immediately reclassified to Dangerous and another attempt to acquire it made. Do not attempt to handle FAE-2265 without appropriate briefing by a superior. Avoid circumstances that bring the object near the anchor of UNS-1322 by any means necessary.

Estimated birthdate: ~1220CE
Appears at a human equivalent of the early thirties.

Female - She/Her

A creature of fae rage toward corruptive entities is frustrated by extreme-term imprisonment. Attempts by civilians to communicate with the myth have made have gone entirely unanswered. Between difficult to translate obscenities received from letters to the council and later attempts at contact she's very bitter toward the council as she blames them for the extended confinement. Though she will exert violence toward a clear and present danger to those hostile to 'her' forest rangers if an unobserved angle exists. Has a soft spot for children especially if in a fire. Otherwise unwillingly walks a tolerable line of not warranting further action by the council lest they deprive her of all agency entirely.

A fae demon hunter attached to an artifact later named by the church as the 'Malleus Nomen'. Many of the peculiarities ascribed to her in antiquity actually stem from the Malleus Noman itself. In spite of their efforts to remove the weapon from her person could not separate it from her possession. The events in 1945 that appeared to successfully do so are still of an unknown nature.

As for innate peculiarities, other than vulnerabilities of the Fae, she has extreme resistance to anomalous types of coercion. Evidence of mutual caustic contact response to spirits, demons, or some other Peculiars inhibits either mundane contact or possession. Otherwise heals via aggressive depletion of proximal plant life but by withering rather than by fire. While she is muscular and very strong it is of a partly mundane nature as she neither atrophies nor ages in any practical sense and thus is simply at top form by virtue of practice and exercise. Her armor is a byproduct of the healing process as inert plant matter concretes to a protective layer and thus frequently takes on flowers and other motifs.

Her current physical state is that of a wooden handle to which civilians attached and maintained a fire ax head since the mid-20th century. It's the anchor for her limited un-presence since the complex anomalous transfiguration binding began wearing down but has no other peculiarities. It is presumed by the council that if the Malleus Nomen comes into a range where she can hold it that she can banish the binding entirely and regain objective physicality. However, when the holder of the handle is unobserved by others she already can take on physicality if at all willing to do so.

Peculiar Type:
Conditional Nuisance

Infernal/obscure Knowledge, Persistence, Resilience, No need to return favors (fae)

  • Currently, Lacks a world presence the instant she's observed whether by a sapient being. Also, the same applies they observe the area she's in through objects like cameras. Whatever she's interacting with at the time drops as she ceases to exist before being perceived. Even being heard makes her movements sluggish and weak. In either case, interacts with the world as if a physical being so doesn't pass through walls or fall through floors when observed. Consequently, can neither be heard by intelligent agency nor recording.
  • Confined to the proximity of her current transfigured form.
  • Has little appreciation for teamwork
  • Antipathy toward the council but otherwise forced politeness toward its agents if mutual.
  • If she tells the council her name or confirms it they gain authority over her until they give it back.
  • Cannot enter a home that she or her anchor hasn't been brought or invited into.
  • Vulnerable to cast iron
  • Unable to lie but not obligated to speak.
  • Poor understanding of technology

Nesting Grounds:
Old Forge, NY, NYSDEC forest rangers.

Extra Information:
  • Binding Date: 1849-1849 First conclusive sighting. Suspect in famine, multiple unidentified anomalous deaths. Broke containment.
  • Imprison Date: 1871-1881 - First known movement in USA. Suspect in wildfires. Compliant but otherwise refused to testify on her own behalf or give her name. Could not be safely separated from FAE-2265 at the time. Confined to solitary for twenty years in wrought iron.
  • Imprison Date: ~1945-present - Reports indicate multiple wartime executions of cult members and soldiers. Later found contained by the US Army after a bombing and returned to the USA as a wartime trophy, FAE-2265 was never recovered.
  • Located: 2010 - Monitoring established.
Last edited:
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica

The Bureau of Peculiar Affairs

roleplay update #2

02/19/22 - allthekingsmen Characters are APPROVED
02/22/22 - TheWanderer Character is APPROVED
02/24/22 - MiharuAya Characters are APPROVED
03/01/22 - Qiz Character is APPROVED
03/06/22 - Wolf_ Characters are APPROVED
03/06/22 - Coyote Characters are APPROVED
03/21/22 - RedThunder Character is APPROVED
03/26/22 - Hillvale Character is APPROVED
03/26/22 - SolsticeArcanum Characters is APPROVED
03/27/22 - SolsticeArcanum Characters is APPROVED
03/28/22 - TheWanderer Character is APPROVED
05/05/22 - LittleKreen Character is APPROVED

roleplay comments

Comments that are not character sheets will be removed to leave this thread clean! Any extra information can be discussed in the discord whenever you want!

The IC will be up by Monday!

This sounds hella fun. When I get the right insperation I'm gonna try this out.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Full Name:
What is your investigator's name?

Masuku (real name unknown)

How old is your character?


What is your character's gender/pronouns?

Non-Binary and They/Them

What does your character look like?

How does your character act?

Sardonic, Quiet, Non-Judgmental, Mysterious

What is your character's strongest traits?

Masuku tends to keep to themselves but talks little and instead does many things by gestures and eye movements. As for what they excel at, is not fighting so much as annoying the living crap out of their enemies by using tricks such as illusions and curses/hexes. Though they tend to sigh when annoyed or bored, and the two seem to come hand and hand for just about anything they find unimportant or uninteresting. They do not use weapons either, but the environment's natural consequences instead. Agile and typically staring off into space, many think they're just not paying attention or uninterested. However, while the ruse is just a act about half of the time, he considers their enemies as equals and not to underestimate in the least.

What is your character afraid of?

Taking their mask off. Masuku's face from the nose down is covered in stitches, primarily their mouth which they cannot use to eat but can drink, so they generally eat foods that're of a liquid kind or substance. Their mouth is sealed due to a ravenous craving for flesh of the supernatural kind. If not sealed, they will go on a rampage and try to devour their enemy until nothing is left. Living, undead or otherwise, he hungers constantly for flesh. But keeps that trait at bay by having their mouth stitched shut since they were young.

Home Location:
Where did your investigator join the BPA?

In a Cave located deep in a ancient forest

Reason for Joining:
What was your character's reason for joining the BPA?

To repress the cravings of supernatural flesh and to help those in need. Wishes to repent for the past actions committed against the innocent and guilty parties they devoured without resistant. It tortures them constantly that they inflicted so much pain and killed so many to satisfy their insatiable hunger...

Best Discipline:
What Investigator Discipline is your character the best at?


Worst Discipline:
What Investigator Discipline is your character the worst at?


Extra Information:
Anything extra you wish to tell us about your investigator goes here.

It is unclear if they are of full human heritage and why they crave flesh of the supernatural so desperately. As a child they would consume flesh of the supernatural to try and keep themselves at bay, but the hunger pains became so intense as a teen they were forced to sew their mouth shut and take up a purely liquid diet...(more info to come as character develops)
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Full Name:
What is your investigator's name?

Masuku (real name unknown)

How old is your character?


What is your character's gender/pronouns?

Non-Binary and They/Them

What does your character look like?
View attachment 231038

How does your character act?

Sardonic, Quiet, Non-Judgmental, Mysterious

What is your character's strongest traits?

Masuku tends to keep to themselves but talks little and instead does many things by gestures and eye movements. As for what they excel at, is not fighting so much as annoying the living crap out of their enemies by using tricks such as illusions and curses/hexes. Though they tend to sigh when annoyed or bored, and the two seem to come hand and hand for just about anything they find unimportant or uninteresting. They do not use weapons either, but the environment's natural consequences instead. Agile and typically staring off into space, many think they're just not paying attention or uninterested. However, while the ruse is just a act about half of the time, he considers their enemies as equals and not to underestimate in the least.

What is your character afraid of?

Taking their mask off. Masuku's face from the nose down is covered in stitches, primarily their mouth which they cannot use to eat but can drink, so they generally eat foods that're of a liquid kind or substance. Their mouth is sealed due to a ravenous craving for flesh of the supernatural kind. If not sealed, they will go on a rampage and try to devour their enemy until nothing is left. Living, undead or otherwise, he hungers constantly for flesh. But keeps that trait at bay by having their mouth stitched shut since they were young.

Home Location:
Where did your investigator join the BPA?

In a Cave located deep in a ancient forest

Reason for Joining:
What was your character's reason for joining the BPA?

To repress the cravings of supernatural flesh and to help those in need. Wishes to repent for the past actions committed against the innocent and guilty parties they devoured without resistant. It tortures them constantly that they inflicted so much pain and killed so many to satisfy their insatiable hunger...

Best Discipline:
What Investigator Discipline is your character the best at?


Worst Discipline:
What Investigator Discipline is your character the worst at?


Extra Information:
Anything extra you wish to tell us about your investigator goes here.

It is unclear if they are of full human heritage and why they crave the flesh of the supernatural so desperately. As a child they would consume flesh of the supernatural to try and keep themselves at bay, but the hunger pains became so intense as a teen they were forced to sew their mouth shut and take up a purely liquid diet...(more info to come as the character develops)

For the most part, your character is good. I just have a few questions for you before I fully approve him!

It is only supernaturals this character eats right? They wouldn't be able to join the BPA if they had a craving for mortal flesh at all, that seems too dangerous.

When they would consume peculiars how do they go about it? Not every peculiar is easy to swallow so to speak? I just am curious in what manner they use their "gift"? I don't mind if they are also peculiar too.

Hmm I think that's all the questions I have for now, just let me know and he should be good to go.
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