The Asylum

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  6. One post per week
Writing Levels
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  3. Futanari
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  5. Primarily Prefer Female
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Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Magical, Mecha, Furry, Anthro, Horror, Historical, everything really.

The Asylum
Where you're your own worst enemy... or are you?

You wake up in an Asylum that is filled with blood and carnage--only to discover you're one of the monsters. Your human body is slowly changing into the monster locked inside you. Will you fight for your humanity or succumb to the evil you were meant to be? Can you fight off the evil tenants that lurk there?
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[fieldbox="Cast, white, solid"]



[fieldbox="Character Creation, white, solid"]

Doctor 1
Doctor 2
Nurse 1
Nurse 2
Nurse 3
Patients (no cap)
[fieldbox="Character Creation, white, solid"]

(Not all creatures need to be pulled to start the RP)
Vampire (Claimed)
Ghost (Claimed)
Succubus (Claimed)
Undead (a thinking zombie)
Whatever you like! <3 Get creative!


[Insert character image here]

Appearance Description: (can keep it short, include height, scars, tattoos, etc, if you want)
Nationality: (if applicable)
Negative Abilities:
Skills: (5 please)
Weaknesses (5 please)
History: (optional)
More: (optional)

[fieldbox="Rules, white, solid"]
1. Follow all Iwaku rules.
2. Character death must be PMed between the players involved and myself.
3. No one-liners, please.
4. Feel free to create other roles.
5. You can claim s many characters as you can carry. XD
6. Only one of each creature can be in the Asylum.
7. Have fun!

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Name: Selene
Entity: Vampire
Role: patient

[Insert character image here]

Appearance Description: (can keep it short, include height, scars, tattoos, etc, if you want)
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Nationality: Nordic
Abilities: most vampire abilities
Negative Abilities: need for blood
Skills: (5 please)
Weaknesses (5 please)
History: (optional)
More: (optional)
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W. I. P

Tom Riddstone



Appearance Description:
Tom had always been a lanky child which unfortunately for him, he never really grew out of until after his high school graduation. Now he's developed into a tall young man with a well proportioned slender frame from several years of ice skating. These days he doesn't really bother to keep track of his unruly, light ash hair and pushes his overgrown bangs to the side without much thought. He does however have a specific preference for 'fashion' which mostly consists of a plain looking shirt, faded jeans, and his signature midnight blue coat with an eye-catching shredded appearance. In correlation to his transformation his already pale complexion had began to develop a translucent tint, almost transparent in certain lighting. As for his eyes, the once bright cerulean had dulled into a opaque blue with unnaturally slit pupils.




Abilities & Negative Repurcussions:
Ghost Physiology & Powers
The more his powers grow the more he succumbs to the transformation.

Decent Climber

Lack of self preservation
Too Trusting

Being clean
Purple ~ Indigo ~ BLue
Ice Skating
Guitar ~ Piano

Crude language
Mess ~ Disorganization
Unnecessary Violence
Broken Promises

Eve Sherbert
[spoili]Tom's little nine year old godchild of which he'd volunteered to take in after his best friend Garry and his wife never came back from their vacation to Africa.[/spoili]

Garry Sherbert
[spoili]A man of many words and even more charisma that could a crowded rooms rapt attention. Where as Tom had been the social outcast in his high school days Garry had been the popular class president. It was a wonder how the two ever became best friends but one chance encounter and they'd just 'clicked'. Their friendship lasted all through high school, college, and eventually to Garry's wedding day where Tom had been the ring bearer. He had even been made the Godfather to their only child, Eve. It had been a punch to the gut when he had gotten the phone call that his best friend was gone. [/spoili]

During much of his adolescent years Tom had been constantly bullied due to his thin appearance. Regardless of how nice and gentle he was he would be picked on. It wasn't until he met Garry did the harassment lessen and he was sure it was due to the influence of his friend. After they both entered college however it stopped altogether as his toothpick-like frame had disappeared under a lithe physique. In fact he had even gained a significant amount of positive attention because of it. But what really made others stay was his sincere countenance and helpful demeanor.

In the last two months he had faced the loss of his best friend and had also taken in his only daughter, Eve into his custody. The responsibility of such a decision was huge but it helped lessen the weight on his conscious and his heart. Besides they had always gotten along well and even now they lived comfortably together. The child in question had began to show signs of isolation and spoke very little when in front of others. Being a graduate in psychology Tom helped ease these habits significantly but he fears that maybe she's becoming too dependent on him.

-Began Ice Skating at a very young age (5) and continues it as a hobby to this day.
-Obtained Master's degree Psychology
-Smokes but is trying to quit after taking in Eve
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Hullo! So, I'm here from looking at the interest check thread, and while I'm not sure if you're especially looking for other people than those who expressed interest there (it's astounding, the depth to which I do not know how things work yet), I wrote up a character anyways! Seems like a really interesting concept!
EDIT: Oh dear I should have put that in a spoiler.

Asger Partanen



Appearance Description: A short, slightly stocky young man. Wears a pair of thick, silvery-framed glasses Perpetually drawn and frazzled in appearance, owing to chronic anxiety and insomnia problems – dark under-eyes, a tangled shock of hair, expressions usually ranging from quizzically startled to wild-eyed and panicking. Prefers to wear grays and muted colors in whatever combinations are both comfortable and clean at the time, being especially fond of a simple mid-gray hoodie and some old khaki cargo pants. Dirty-blond hair whose blond component tragically passed away a few years before high school, which stays looking like bedhead throughout the day despite any efforts to the contrary. Blue eyes bordering on gray depending on lighting. He keeps a thin beard on his face, just enough to darken the chin without getting either full or scruffy. Since the beginning of his transformation, he looks continually more tired than before because of his abilities' tendency to become more active if lower-level while he sleeps. Additionally, he has become increasingly more covered in bumps and bruises from various small objects being flung his way by happenstance.



United States; Danish-Finnish ancestry

Abilities/Negative Abilities:
Asger is subconsciously able to harness powerful telekinetic force that manifests as a kind of unpredictable current that rips through his vicinity when he is overcome by fight-or-flight response, kicking up a wind and throwing objects around in patterns that vary from random to self-destructive to openly malicious. He is completely unable to control this, as it is a direct process of his emotional state rather than an event caused by effort. The pattern is influenced by his subconscious thoughts, though, so the brunt of the destruction tends to direct itself at whatever viscerally causes his distress – whether that perceived cause is a real, rational threat or not. Especially unfortunately, he is prone to panic attacks when left alone at night, which result in especially chaotic tempests.

Skills: (5 please)
Surprisingly skilled cook
Good research skills
Good at hiding and just plain evading notice
Talented at drawing
Acute sense of empathy, more from socially-anxious inspection of people's motives than close connection with people

Weaknesses (5 please)
Lack of self-esteem
Sometimes slow to catch onto obvious things due to sleep deprivation
Chronic anxiety over being hated
Little upper-body strength
Inability to focus on tasks for extended periods of time

Physical human contact, dim light and rain, citrus fruits

Crowds, loud music, ambiguous messages

Parents, Kaja and Väinö
Older brother, Sampo

History: While I've certainly got plenty of thoughts here (a pretty solid plan honestly, forget just "thoughts") I'd sort of rather that things other than just "he's a college student with anxiety issues stemming from an antisocial childhood" come out in the course of the RP – keeps what I'm explaining IC and what makes sense for me to explain IC the same, and all.
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Reactions: YuriLucien
All apps look good! :3

Name: Charlotte Haynes
Entity: Succubus
Role: ?

[I'll submit the picture when I'm done drawing it]

Appearance Description:

Charlotte Haynes

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Nationality: (if applicable)


(Will be added soon)

Negative Abilities:

Skills: (5 please)

Weaknesses (5 please)




History: (optional)
More: (optional)​
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Reactions: YuriLucien
Looking forward to seeing your fleshed out character.
A b o u t

Danys Blue Mendeiros

Entity:​ W e r e f e l i s
Role:​ P a t i e n t

Appearance Description:​
5'8 154 lbs brown eyes curly dark hair slim, athletic build

Age:​ 23
Gender:​ Male, Agender
Nationality:​ Caribbean

Shapeshifting - can transform at will into a tiger
Enhanced Strength and Agility - not as powerful when in human form
Beast Traits - felines canines and claws

Negative Abilities:​

Skills:​ (5 please)
Weaknesses:​ (5 please)


History: (optional)
More: (optional)

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Name: Raggimuffin
Nicknames: Rags
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Role: Patient
Voice: Quiet but with a hint of a growl.
Eyes: Right eye is missing but covered with a stitched in black button, Left eye blood red.
Complexion: Very pale.
Build: Rags is very thin, mostly skin and bones due to malnutrition.
Height: 5'0"
Hair: Dirty black
Tattoos/markings: Glasgow smile (mouth slashed from corners of lips up to eye level) Black button replacing right eye. Hundreds of scars and cuts covering his whole body.
Demeanor: Rags is very temperamental and often in a bad mood. Simply breathing can tick him off. Rags absolutely hates crowds (People really) and will lash out if not left alone.
Likes: Being alone, picking on others, blood.
Dislikes: Bright lights, loud sounds, crowds, people in general, being wet.
Human: Stealthy and tends to fit into extra small spaces. (Kinda like a rat.)
Monster: As a monster, Rag's body is slowly turning into very fine yet very durable strings and he is able to separate parts of his body, like an arm or leg, by disconnecting the thread. Rags is also able to use his body like a big backpack, seeming to store items that aren't too big under the threads of his skin. He is limited to the size and weight of the items he can store. (A knife a nurse accidentally left out in the kitchen? Perfect size. A piano? Uh no.) One of Rags's favorite things to do is store sharp objects that he can then replace for one of his fingers. (Ex. Arranging the threads of his hand to wrap around a
knife, letting the knife shoot out of his palm.) Due to his skin being thread Rags has the ability to regenerate and recover from almost any damage, though the regeneration does take time, like a lizard losing it's tail.
Rag's hates being wet, absolutely refusing to do anything with water besides drinking it. This can cause great issues when it comes to hygiene and can lead to hard times when the nurses pretty much have to sedate him to get him clean. The reason for this hatred is because when his skin gets wet the threads begin to hold water and sag, kinda like wearing a wet full body sweater.
As a child, Rags (not his name at the time) and his sister Emily was sold by their prostitute mother to a strange man. The man who bought them kept them hostage, starving and mistreating them. As they grew, the man would experiment on Rags, cutting his skin and even removing his left eye and replacing it with a button, while he saved more unspeakable acts for poor Emily. After 10 years of mistreatment and torture the end finally came. It was found out that Emily was pregnant with the man's child and, out of grief, hung herself. Rags was the first to see the body, and at the sight of his beloved sister's body he went into a rage and plotted to kill the man. Now, Rags had tried to kill the man before but that only ended in harsher treatment for the children. Now that Emily could not feel anymore pain, it was time for a final attempt to bring the man to justice. However, his attempt failed, Rags ending up with the Glasgow smile and dying in a pool of his own blood. That's when a voice spoke to him, a very quiet voice that was familiar. "You can't die." And everything turned red. When Rags opened his eye he was in the asylum.
Rags's real name is unknown, lost like his childhood and humanity. Raggimuffin is the name of Emily's rag doll that her mother gave her before she sold the children.

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@~Dark Disney~ @Isomia.n @Starburn @Jessica2477 @tigertruth @OddlyEverAfter

Great profiles (but I need pics) ! Please remember: it's a dark, violent rp with character death (if you allow for your character). Immortality play is a plus. We're all here to survive something worse than the monsters we are. Great creative with abilities and have fun! Make the right friends.

@OddlyEverAfter I do need a pic, sorrrry. I know that feeling, but it's essential. <3 If I can help, let me know.
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