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Apothecary Bruce

Shipwright with No Yards
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Science Fiction, Horror.


Open Faction - Characters Welcome

'In the years following the Gods' induction of Caesar into their ranks, His lands have been torn asunder by one band of profligates after another. The snakes who had slithered to the high ranks of Caesar's great legion each took their bite, and the bloodied carcass of His empire could not withstand the march of the Bear and the demon in his high tower who backed them. We had squandered Caesar's gifts, let them replace our strength with weakness, and taught the children of Caesar to abandon the ways of their fathers in the name of adopting the weakness of the West.'

'When I say weakness, my brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, I do not mean militarily. I am not blinded by my loyalty to Caesar to say that the New California Republic and its allies lacked military strength. They had the numerical advantage, the industrial advantage - for every recruit of the Legion, they had four well-equipped mediocre soldiers. For every centurion, who could butcher a hundred NCR men, they had three hundred. Their devils, the rangers, whose eyes glow red in the night like the beasts of hell they are, could use their infernal skill against our greatest warriors, and achieve victory. There is strength in the West, yet for all that strength, it is crippled by its philosophy.'

'The true, enfeebling weakness of the West is democracy. For all their might, for all their power, whether it is used right or improperly entirely depends on the politics and demands of its quibbling, mewling citizenry. Every few years, the West debates and votes on how effective or ineffective it will be, and often those fools choose the latter.'
'Yet we of the Legion know better. Like our god-emperor, the great and mighty Caesar, it is both age and strength of will which determines who is ruler. Who is Imperator of the Legion. To be Imperator is to serve the dream of Caesar until death. To be Imperator is to be unerring in serving the dream of Caesar. To be Imperator is to have real strength, a strength which most all men and women alike do not possess. The strength of eternal victory, of survival and prosperity. To endure, but never settle. To survive, but never remain on that cusp of death, of failure.'

'I am Imperator, my children. And with you all I shall hone a weapon which shall purge the infection of the West from the lands of His empire. We shall undo the efforts of the NCR, of the Couriers and New Vegas' overlord. From this new heart in the lands of Oklahoma, the Legion will be reborn. Yet unlike the old empire, I will ensure our homelands do not wither in my direct absence - my empire shall shine brighter than any seen before.'
'Soon, my children, we shall march westward. You shall teach those of the Four States Republic the glory which has been robbed of them. You shall break their defenders, turn each and every town from Elk City and Lawton to the shores of the Boneyard to the greatness of the Legion, and Caesar's dream. We shall be the great winds of Caesar, blowing down the I-40, taking all in our way and placing the banner of the Bull over every home of governance and every personal household. We shall drum their young into supporting our cause, we shall induct all who wish to join our cause, and by the time we reach Vegas, our power will be incomparable to all armies who have ever come before!'
'Ave, true to Caesar!'

Imperator Romulus, addressing his forces. September 9th, 2303.

After the death of Caesar, it had came down to the triarii. Romulus was a veteran decanus, a leader of men, serving under Centurion Leo in the lands of southern Arizona, fighting off not only opposing centurions but patrols and outriders from El Nuevo Parlamento de Sonora. In those times, Romulus viewed the Legion Civil War as a necessary blooding, like the disposal of Legate Joshua Graham after the First Battle of Hoover Dam. Weakness had infected the legion, and they needed to garner strength - victory - amongst themselves before they could be strong again.

After the siege of Flagstaff, and the death of Centurion Leo shortly thereafter, Romulus came to realize something - the Legion was not purifying itself here, it was destroying itself. Vegas had broke them, the Bear had broken them, and the Centuria were too power-hungry to see the dream of Caesar was facing a much too early grave.
So, Romulus gathered who he could, taking with him a strong core of soldiers, and a respectable gathering of free men and their slaves, to the lands east of even New Mexico. Brushing against the Glowing Plains, Romulus and his men entered the town of Guymon.
It had been plagued by raiders from Kanas for many years, and owing no allegiance to any nation or power, Romulus invited them to travel with his pack in their quest to found a new country. Despite their misgivings towards slavery, the promise of security and revenge against the degenerates who seemingly ran the world was enough for them.

By the time Romulus reached the deserted lands of El Reno, his caravan had grown to encompass over a thousand people, hardened by their travels, converted by his teachings and increasing skill with speeches. His army of soldiers had grown from fifty legionnaires to three hundred and fifty, all trained in battling off the raiders who had tried to pick at their great line of people.
News traveled down that line, once Romulus had seen the lively ruins of Oklahoma City. He had found the beginnings of his new Legion, fertile ground on which he could restart the dream of Caesar.

First, he sent out his frumentarii - three of the older spies, who had been training a handful of students each in their ways. They taught Romulus about the various gangs and minor states which squabbled over the city, who would resist them, who would welcome them. Potential allies, enemies, defenders, betrayers. Then, Romulus moved in, taking the western parts of the city.
From there, Romulus began his conquest. The followers of the Purple Church were banished from the city. The illustrious cowboys of the Horseshoe Gang were transformed into calvary units for the Legion. The Chickasaws, once potential rulers of Oklahoma City and the state as a whole, suffered defeat after defeat by the experienced Romulus and his council of advisors, all of them veterans of the Mojave.

Within a year, the city was taken. By the year 2287, Romulus had found where he could begin the empire of Caesar anew. For the next five years, his empire, now spreading like wildfire, fought against the Chickasaws, who were not keen on giving up their newly regained prestige and power. The state of Oklahoma was fully divided between the control of Centurion Romulus and Miko Yakni, chieftain and war-leader of the resurgent tribe.
It was a brutal war, yet ultimately, not one the Chickasaws would win. With the loss of Sulphor, the 'land of rippling waters', Miko Yakni decided to take what remained of his people and quest eastward, deciding to seek out their true ancestral lands, from before the days of the United States. The irony was not lost on Romulus.

Impressed by the efforts of the Chickasaws, their war-tactics and agricultural skills, as well as their ability to perform scouting and reconnaissance at a superior speed and with superior detail to his own scouts, Romulus did not subjugate the population he had freshly gained as harshly as Caesar might've. Instead, he encouraged them to keep their culture, their strength, and abandon their only weakness - their inferior and fallen state. As the frumentarii had planted the idea that Miko Yakni was a coward among the populace well before he left his people for the east, it was a popular sentiment.

With the manpower of the Chickasaws behind him, and with Oklahoma City rebuilt in a similar manner to Flagstaff in Arizona, Romulus' Empire had been secured. Next came the Seminoles, who impressed Romulus somewhat less. The majority of their population was offered up to the Chickasaw warriors who sided with Romulus, as well as their Arizonan commanders. This saw the great resurgence of slavery in Romulus' Empire, a change which - while providing a backbone for the economy - forever set Romulus's nation against the western nations, especially the Legion under Abraham Eastman.

With hatred and scorn Romulus saw as the lands of Great Caesar were westernized, driven towards the weakness of democracy, the future promised by Caesar stolen by profligates. Disgusted by this turn of events, a new fire was set in Romulus' heart. No longer was preserving the dream of Caesar Romulus' primary desire - it was rebuilding the Legion, as well as his empire, so that he might reclaim the four states from the Republican poison that had taken it.

Now, in 2303, after preparing for decades, amassing territory, power and wealth, Romulus has prepared for war - a conflict which is soon to come...
Romulus' Empire inherits much from Caesar's Legion. Though they do not use Legion currency as much as they do Imperial scrip, paper money like the NCR, gold and silver coins are still worth plenty in Imperial lands.
Only men are allowed to take command of Imperial provinces, but women are allowed in the senate. After all, any woman fierce enough to make it on the senate is fierce enough to heard and respected by any man, including Romulus himself.

Slavery is still alive and well. The most common type of slave was once Seminole, but through acts of honor or military service, many of their people have regained their freedom. Slavery is not a life sentience, except if such a life is decided by the Imperial courts as punishment for a crime. Usually, this indentured servitude lasts upwards of ten years, with several clauses for potentially longer terms, but anything longer than twenty years is rare. Terms can be shortened by military service, something encouraged by the Empire.
It is common practice for raiding parties to snatch away citizens from border towns in Texas or Arkansas, funnel them into the military and collect their soldier's pay, and then free them at the end of their term. High-ranking military officials - centurions and above - can also declare a slave be freed, though this is usually in exchange for further military service.

The Empire has few outside allies, at least in the form of nation-states. By their very nature, the Empire is at war with the New California Republic and all of its allies. Relations with the Four States Republic could not be worse. Romulus' Frumentarii do all they can to worsen divisions in the fledgling nation, preying upon the competing desires of its various institutions, secretly compromising their army and funneling whatever resources they can from their military.
While Romulus' influence in Arizona and Utah are negligible, the east borders of Colorado and New Mexico have begun to feel the pressure, the prelude to true invasion.

However, they are not completely without support. The New American Foundation had proven a great ally as of late, despite the Frumentarii's wariness. They had provided much funding to the Legion, and allowed Romulus to divert his empire's resources back towards itself, ensuring prosperity at home - meaning his empire wouldn't suffer nearly the same fate as Caesar's had, even if his campaign westward leaves the Imperator dead.



CRASSUS - Leader of the Frumentarii, Veteran of the Mojave, Long Ears
[Light armor, melee specific, infiltrator]

OCHABA - Legate of the Legion, The Stigini, Champion of the Chickasaws, The Destined
[Medium armor, melee specific, military-minded, champion]

TISHO DEBES - Centurion of the Legion, High-Rider, The Butcher
[Medium armor, calvary master, tactician, warrior]

FELIX - Centurion of the Legion, Oklahoma Devil, The Bull's Horn
[Medium armor, flexible commander, ranged specific]

ADRIAN - Centurion of the Legion, Purifier, Beast-Slayer
[Power armor, crushing advances, warrior, mutant killer]

ATTICUS - Master of Coin, Imperial Economist

CAIUS - Imperial Lord Ambassador

FAUNUS - Master of Food, 'Lord of Wheat'

ALBA - Imperial Land Overseer, Resource Acquisitionist, Enforcer of Imperial Demands