The Aberration League (An Original Super Hero Roleplay, See inside for Details)

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The One True Pibbles
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male




"We apologize for interrupting your regularly scheduled programming, but this just in; it was confirmed that at twelve-o'clock this afternoon, an explosion came from the headquarters of the world-renowned super-team, "The Chaperon Sentinels". When authorities arrived at the scene, they discovered the burnt remains of those who made up the team. The leader of the Sentinels, Irwin McAllister, otherwise known as "The Steel Patriot", was the only member who survived the blast and was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. The team was most well-remembered for their triumph over the nefarious super villain, "Doctor Abbadon", after his devastating assault on Chicago three years ago that claimed the lives of countless heroes, law-enforcement, and government officials.

Although authorities cannot pinpoint an exact cause of death for the heroes, many speculate that this is connected to the string of gruesome murders of costumed heroes around the world. This year alone has seen an almost 70% rise in hero-on-hero murders within the 'Meta human' community, beginning with the mutilation of Lady Speedster by her deranged brother, Captain Quick.

The city of New York has already begun funeral preparations for the deceased team and an open-invitation has been extended to the people of the world to celebrate the lives of these great men and women who fought for peace, justice, and honour.

This is Shelley Cooper with Channel Six News, and this has been a breaking news story.


Since the dawn of man, there has existed two-branches of the human species; everyday Homo-Sapiens, and the people we now refer to as "Homo-Superior". Homo-Superior was thought to be the next stage of human evolution and was meant to drive Homo-Sapien into extinction, but we now know that both species managed to survive and evolve alongside one another until the 4th century, when Homo-Sapiens began to fear their advanced brethren. Years of prejudice, extreme acts of violence, and fear-mongering commuted by Humans led to strained relations with the Homo-Superiors (or "Meta Humans" as modern vernacular now refers to them, which is often just shorted to 'Metas').

But as the turn of the 19th century reared its head and humanity was thrust into a series of revolutions that furthered their evolution as a species, they realized the potential that their advanced-brethren possessed and by the time the First World War had come to an end, the US made an official 'apology' for the years of segregation the Meta Humans had experienced in the past and offered them the equal and basic rights they had been denied for so long (mostly since because many Metas had joined up with both sides of the conflict and in the end, it was a Meta General who convinced the US government to join the conflict, telling President Woodrow Wilson that he saw a vision of the future; if they got involved, the war would be won in a year's time and the world would rejoice).

As part of their new-found alliance, humans and metas worked on building stronger foundations between their species and eventually, by the 1920's, the first man-made 'Meta Human' was born Manhattan at the New York University working in-cooperation with Oxford University. As such, this Meta Human was named "Dr. Manhattan" (as the man who volunteered to be the test subject had a doctorate in psychology) and was seen as the world's first true 'super hero'.

In the following conflict of the Second World War and shortly after the USA's involvement, Dr. Manhattan was put in charge of a group of five super powered individuals, creating the world's first super-team "The Minutemen". The US government trained them to function as a perfect unit and in 1945, they took to the battlefield and helped the Allied Powers win the war. When Japan refused to back out of the war, the subsequent obliteration of Hiroshima by Dr. Manhattan's nuclear-based powers forced their surrender and forced all eyes on the USA. Although many Metas possessed incredible abilities, even they feared Dr. Manhattan's destructive abilities and some believed he was a literal God.

Knowing the danger he posed as a soldier for the US to do with as they pleased, Dr. Manhattan and the Minutemen swore that from then on, they would serve the people of the world and not one government specifically, deciding to distance themselves from the conflict of the war as much as they could. But just as they had banded together to do good, their actions encouraged many Metas and humans alike to take up mantles of their own and used whatever powers they possessed (or they used their resources if they were powerless) to prevent the world from ever entering a conflict like the previous war.

But then, the world's first 'super villain' rose to power; Doctor Abbadon. Born from a Nazi scientist who had managed to steal the serum that created Dr. Manhattan, Doctor Abbadon sought revenge upon the world at large for Germany's loss in the war and attacked an emergency meeting of the United Nations that took place in Chicago. Thankfully his attempts to slaughter the residing members were thwarted and he was immediately sent to jail, but his actions encouraged criminals and 'monsters' from all over the world to follow in his footsteps, mirroring the 'heroes' who had followed in the footsteps of the Minutemen.

As time went on, the rate of costumed Metas and Humans began to increase all across the world. Eventually the founding Minutemen passed on their mantles to younger men and women who swore to fight for peace, honour, and justice. The battles between heroes and villains grew exponentially and planet Earth eventually saw the arrival of extra-terrestrials in the late 1960's after a vessel crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. While the Greys who crashed in Roswell had come in peace, many future visitors would not be so kind. However, Earth's heroes fought valiantly against the ensuing invasions and although times looked dark, the heroes managed to triumph over their extra-terrestrial foes in the end.

By the dawn of the 20th century, the world had been revolutionized both ideologically and technologically. Using the resources provided (either willingly as an act of friendship or by defeating them and stealing whatever they left behind) by the aliens who came to the third rock from the sun, the people of Earth launched themselves into an advanced age previously thought to only exist in the world of fiction. The humans and metas finally learned how to properly isolate and contain the dangerous super-criminals and villains who threatened their world and built a prison known as "The Pit"; a high-security underground facility located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Each cell was designed specifically for a criminal with the intent of nullifying any powers/abilities they may possess and forcing them to remain in lock-up indefinitely. If a prisoner managed to escape, an automatic security lock-down would engage and seal off the entrance elevator, forcing them to take their chances with the intense water-pressure of the ocean that surrounded the facility.

Although the Pit was thought to be inescapable, the first-ever mass breakout occurred ten years after its original construction in 2004, led by Prisoner Zero; Doctor Abbadon. Due to a miscalculation in his application of the Meta serum he ingested during the 40's, Doctor Abbadon was given unnaturally long life (as was Dr. Manhattan), but learned that the intense nuclear fission within his body that gave him his powers was running out; he was undergoing a nuclear meltdown. When the meltdown was complete, he would die. Dr. Manhattan, having learned of his former foe's condition and fearing that he too might succumb to such a fate one day, worked with the brightest scientific minds in the world to find a cure (or at least a cooling agent to make the meltdown non-catastrophic, as it was estimated that the explosion from their combined bodies could potentially decimate the entire world).

Not one to sit and allow death to take him, Doctor Abbadon plotted an escape. His dying state gave his powers an incredible boost that the security programs couldn't account for and after a short conflict with the guards, Doctor Abbadon freed the entirety of the Pit and promised them that when he finally succumbed to the meltdown, they could rebuild the world and rule it as part of a new order. In a symbolic twist of fate, Doctor Abbadon decided to launch his final assault on the planet where he had first begun his career as a 'super villain'; Chicago.

The ensuing fight (remembered as "the Battle of Chicago") lasted for almost ten days and during the conflict, thousands of Metas (heroes, villains, and civilians), humans, law-enforcement officers and government officials were slaughtered in what seemed to be a never-ending siege. The city of Chicago was reduced to rubble and Doctor Abbadon promised that Chicago's fate would befall the rest of the world. But at last, after having left to planet to search for a way to prevent the meltdown, Dr. Manhattan returned to Earth and fought with Doctor Abbadon one last time. Just as the conflict seemed to end in Doctor Abbadon's favour, Dr. Manhattan grabbed his long-time foe and flew into the Sun. The additional radiation absorbed by both men sped up the meltdown process immensely and once it had reached a critical point, they exploded like a supernova, but the Earth was protected from the blast. Without the strengthened super villain to lead them, many of the escaped criminals were finally defeated while others fled, scattering across the world so as to avoid being re-captured.

The world mourned the loss of Dr. Manhattan and all those who perished during the assault, either defending the city of Chicago or as casualties of the dying villain's rampage.

But now, a new threat has arisen to challenge the Meta community. Seemingly at random, it appears that many costumed heroes (all of which are Metas) across the world are apparently losing their minds, slaughtering both friend, foe, and anyone who gets in their way. Each time the one responsible is apprehended, they are found dead the following day with no brain-activity.

Nobody can seem to understand why the heroes have begun turning against one another, let alone why they always wind up dead after the rampage. Many speculate that some powerful telekinetic being is behind the whole thing, but nobody knows for sure. All they know is any and all investigations into the cause of the 'temporary insanity' by both Metas and Humans have come up empty.

But while the heroes are out killing one another, the villains of the world are out plotting something big.

That's where you come in.

Although not all Metas have succumbed to what the world has dubbed 'The Meta Fever', there is a definite possibility that sooner or later, most of them could turn against their own countries and cause a total-world epidemic. Seeing as how the world and many Metas are too busy dealing with the Meta Fever to pay attention to the non-hero threats that might potentially pop-up, a non-government organization known as T.H.U.N.D.E.R. (The Higher United Nations Defense Enforcement Reserves) has decided to recruit an elite task force of their own to secretly keep the peace while the world focuses on curing the Meta Fever.

The point of this task force is to recruit those who prefer to work without recognition for their actions, have little/no regard for their own lives (and potentially the lives of civilians who might get caught in the crossfire), and those who are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done, no matter the consequences; essentially acting as a super hero 'Suicide Squad'.

These individuals can come from all branches of life. They could be average joes with too much money on their hands trying to redeem Mommy and Daddy's death, they could be high-class heroes who've saved the world from the end countless times, or they could even be former-villains and psychopaths looking for a quick-way out of prison/the Pit. Whatever your history, if you agree to the terms and are willing to do as they say, then T.H.U.N.D.E.R. could care less about who you are and what you've done.

Those who agree to join the task force are given a nanite injection to ensure the safety of themselves and their fellow teammates. Due to the 'open invitation' nature of the recruitment process, the nanites are a requirement to ensure one of two possibilities doesn't occur;

1.) If any of the Metas in the team (heroes or former villains) show signs of 'Meta Fever', they can be remotely terminated via a remote control that tells the nanites to attack to nervous system; instantly killing them (or at least rendering them useless/incapacitated as is the case for those with advanced healing factors).

2.) Should any of the members (Meta or Human) decide to opt-out of the program 'prematurely' (or turn their backs on the team by going rogue), the nanites will target the nervous system and effectively kill/incapacitate them.

Those enlisted in the task force have no obligation to stay longer then they desire and may opt-out at any time after a mission. If they leave, the Nanites inside them will be disabled and depending on what they've done for the team, discussions may lead to 'rewards' for their actions (in the case of a criminal, they may be rewarded with a clean-slate and a new identity, for example).

So... Do you think you have what it takes to join this task force? If so, just sign your name below and we'll get started on your introduction.


So basically, this RP is going to follow a more linear plot progression where our characters bounce between missions to take down potential super-baddies and along the way, perhaps stumble across the cause of the mysterious Meta Fever.

Since this is an original universe RP, I have to ask that you not use a pre-existing character ((I know I used Dr. Manhattan in the description, but that's a different guy then the one who appeared in Watchmen. I just liked the name xD)). That being said, you can definitely base your character off of a pre-existing hero/villain, but I'm going to ask that you not copy them word-for-word (you can have the same powers, but don't make their backstory 100% the same. Make the character your own!)

Now as mentioned in the blurb above, you can chose to play either a Hero, a Villian/Criminal, or a Neutral/Anti-Hero (although no matter which one you pick you'll be working as a member team). You can also chose to be a Meta Human, a Human, or you could even an alien, a robot, or some kind of alien-God person (like Thor) if you want. It's a super hero world; anything is possible!

Anyways if you're interested then post below and feel free to ask any questions you might have about this! We'll probably be accepting up to 6-7 people (I'm including myself as the 1st, so by the end of this we should have 8 players in total), but you can play up to 3 characters if you'd like (that way you can technically have one character from each 'side' if you want).

When you post to show your interest, let me know if there's a specific power/characteristic/gimmick you want for your superhero so we don't wind up having a lot of repeats of the same thing (ex. 5 Spider-Man-esque characters on the team is a little excessive, so let's stick with one for now).

As for my character, I'll be playing Seraph, a Meta Street-Level Hero with Ghost powers (flight, becoming incorporeal, ectoplasm manipulation/generation, etc. Think Danny Phantom meets John Constantine).
...-slow claps- This looks awesome! I'm busy for the next few days, so I may not be able to post then, but I am posting now to show my interest! For this roleplay, the character I want to use is going to be either an MCU Scarlet Witch-style telekinetic and telepath or a sorcerer. I might even play both of them ^^
I'd like a spot as a user of dark magic. You know like a succubus or vampire. I am thinking as an anti-villain wrangled into helping to "pay" for her past misadventures.

-Draining life force
-Shapeshifting (Appearance only)
-Mental influence (Suggestion/Charm magic)
Both characters (or two in the potential case of Joan) sound awesome! I think they'd fit right in!
Dude this sounds so dope man, I'd love to join as a mash-up of a Black Panther // Flash character. Basically a speedster with very adept training because of his past. He'd be an anti-hero leaning more towards the good.
Sure, sounds like a fun character to play off of! Does his speed come with wit or is he a respectable guy? ;)
I might be interested in joining, though I do want to ask what the preferred power levels are for metas on the squad?
This sounds very, very awesome actually. Mind if I join as a self-duplicating earth hero? I'm thinking of someone whose hard upbringing led to him becoming an experienced survivalist that sees the possibilities in everything, but he has a lax and somewhat nonchalant attitude due to his clones and earth powers doing most of his dirty work. Technically, he isn't really a Hero, just a Metahuman that's in the T.H.U.N.D.E.R for hopes of a heavier wallet and a job more dynamic than touring people across the same cave system everyday.
Hmm, I'll think about joining as an anti-hero (what are heroes anyways pssh :3)

I don't know what the difference between meta-human and human is. Is a meta-human just a superpowered person?
Hmm, I'll think about joining as an anti-hero (what are heroes anyways pssh :3)

I don't know what the difference between meta-human and human is. Is a meta-human just a superpowered person?

Yes, Metas just have superpowers (either artificially given to them via science or they're born with them like mutants).

I might be interested in joining, though I do want to ask what the preferred power levels are for metas on the squad?

I'd say anywhere from Harley Quinn/Black Widow (powerless, but extremely resourceful due to an arsenal of weapons) to Superman/The Incredible Hulk (High-Powered Metas who are capable of dishing out extreme forms of Justice while still being able to take a beating).

Anything above Superman levels (ex. Galactus/Darkseid or any cosmic beings that are invincible and have literally no weaknesses) are out of the question. But if you're giving yourself a Superman-esque character in terms of a power set, make sure you provide them with a significant weakness(es) in order to balance everything out.

This sounds very, very awesome actually. Mind if I join as a self-duplicating earth hero? I'm thinking of someone whose hard upbringing led to him becoming an experienced survivalist that sees the possibilities in everything, but he has a lax and somewhat nonchalant attitude due to his clones and earth powers doing most of his dirty work. Technically, he isn't really a Hero, just a Metahuman that's in the T.H.U.N.D.E.R for hopes of a heavier wallet and a job more dynamic than touring people across the same cave system everyday.

So he has the ability to control the Earth (I'm thinking like an Earth Bender?), or he's just from Earth?

And would his clones have a specific lifetime before they died out or would they stick around for as long as he needed them/before he absorbed them into his body?

Also, T.H.U.N.D.E.R. is the name of the agency funding the team (like how S.H.I.E.L.D. funds the Avengers), not the actual team itself. Just wanted to clarify that since it seemed like a point for confusion.

But to answer your question, you could have him join up with the team under the promise that when he chooses to back out, he's adequately paid for his services.
Awesome! Is it possible to be reincarnated? I'm thinking about making some sort of female with faery abilities!
Like, reincarnated as a different person or just being unable to die permanently?
Reincarnated as a different person lol.
Alright, what would her weakness(es) be?

Just asking since I'm trying to avoid death-avoiding super powers (invulnerability, instant healing, and to an extension, reincarnation), so I'm curious to know what her limits would be and what any of her additional powers might be?
Was going to roll in someone who can turn into a select bunch of mythical creatures(as opposed to mundane animals) but I guess this RP's all science.

But what if magicks were justified as the abilities of ancient Metahumans, long before the term or concept was known?

I was thinking of a 'Pixie Dust' who can turn into a wide variety of Fae or an 'Ayakashi' who can turn into a wide variety of Yokai. If magicks are far-fetched, what if this was some very low-level reality warping powered by the belief and existence of folklore?

The former will have a weakness of never being able to lie, and the latter will have very, very, versatile abilities.

If these can't be justified, I might resort to some sort of Arthropod-only animalshifter. Probably former villain, because bugs are bad. Also the character will have limited size alteration, otherwise all forms will be puny and the like, unfit for combat.

I'll keep a close eye on this thread for advancements regarding application length, world information and posting requirements.
Magic'a fine (my guy is literally on the line between regular super hero and magic wielding super hero), I just want to make sure that we don't wind up with some overly powered characters with little to no weaknesses (as it bogs down the RP and makes it less fun for us all).

And I also believe we've hit our player cap xD

That was amazingly quick ^^
Alright, what would her weakness(es) be?

Just asking since I'm trying to avoid death-avoiding super powers (invulnerability, instant healing, and to an extension, reincarnation), so I'm curious to know what her limits would be and what any of her additional powers might be?

for the reincarnation, her limitations would be:
  • May be reborn as an infant.
  • Memories may not return to the reborn immediately, and the process may take time or requirements.
  • User's soul must be transferred inside the new body, ie. if the soul is thwarted by outside forces, such as Reincarnation Denial, it will be unable to be reborn.
  • May not be reincarnated in linear/causal manner, ie. being born before/during/after they died.
  • May not be reborn in same world/plane/reality/verse they died in.
And for her additional powers, I'm not entirely sure yet. I'll let you know asap!
So would she be more in-line with Chucky, where she selects who she's reincarnated as each time?

Or is it more like Baby Groot where something awful happens to her and she's reborn as the younger version of herself (but this one is different from the previous one)?
Well, time for multiverse-hopping hijinks.

I don't understand this.

So would she be more in-line with Chucky, where she selects who she's reincarnated as each time?

Or is it more like Baby Groot where something awful happens to her and she's reborn as the younger version of herself (but this one is different from the previous one)?

Uh, Chucky? I don't know who that is... I only imagined her being reincarnated once for the roleplay, not like reincarnating ten times during the roleplay, if that makes sense.
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