The 3rd Reich (OOC & Sign-Ups)

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Most excellent to hear.
Name: Damien King
Nickname: Black Eagle
Race: Vampire
Country of Origin: Former United States
Age: 849
Birthday: January 19
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 5'9
Weight: 145 lbs.
Special characteristics: He has a magic seal on his right eye. He covers it with an eye-patch.

Personality: Damien is rather intelligent but you can find him mostly being a sarcastic dick. Hes been a vampire for 824 years and it can teach you quite a few things. He took most of his time trying to understand people and how they think. He took an interest in how to manipulate humans and trying to make them do what he wanted but make the humans think it would be for their benefit. When he joined WWII many of his friends died to Nazis and he wants pay back. As long as he can kill Nazis he doesn't care what anyone thinks of him as long as they don't get in the way or get him killed. Damien is quite harsh on Humans and he absolutely detests Werewolves which is why nobody can get a positive or nice response from him.

Interests and hobbies:
Cleaning his guns.
Commanding troops on the field.
Classical music

Quick Reflexes
Heightened senses


History: Not much is know before he entered WWII on the Allies side. He was an American and he was pretty disinterested in the whole war. Damien had been in many wars and it got quite boring to him so he didn't see the point of joining. A couple of his friends had been drafted; some of the best Vampires he ever knew. Because of this he wanted to join the war to help out their cause if not them themselves. He was put in a unit with wife. Her name was Anne and she was also a Vampire. He knew that she could take care of herself so he wasn't exactly worried but anything could of happened. Sadly that is what happened. They were one of the units chosen to land on the shore for D-day. It was nothing short of a massacre and we just kept sending bodies at them. It was a mess and nothing went as planned. The landing vessel next to us got hit with a howitzer shot. All of us got knocked out of the boat but we were close to shore. We had made our way up to the beach and saw a trench that was built by another unit. We ran out and jumped into the trench. We caught the attention of an MG nest. As we ran out 3 of our unit got caught by mg fire. It was just Damien, his wife, a medic and some rookies. Damien was the commanding Captain, and his wife was his lieutenant. They made their way through the trench and around near the MG nest. They cleared it out and kept making their way around to others. After a while it seemed like their luck was turning and more marines were making it past the beach.

After they started to get far inland and close to Berlin Damien's unit moved to help capture the Nazi headquarters. They waited until the Soviets moved their armies and attacked until he joined the fight. They would hit them from both sides, well at least that what everyone thought. The night of Vampires clad in black attacked the Allies and the Soviets. The army was obliterated but sun up. It was almost like magic. Damien's unit got into a small skirmish with the Vampires. He managed to kill one and he checked the body. It was the fuckin' Nazis. Before he could turn around his wife had been killed and so had his other men. He was left devastated but he made his way out. Damien took cover by stealing and killing a Nazi Officer. He took his clothes and made his way to a transport vehicle. Luckily he knew enough German to get by and stole the truck. He just left and never went back. Ever since then his life has just been a blur in and out of combat like it was walking in and our of a room in your own house. All he wants to do now is kill the Nazis and anything in the way of that is his enemy.


Crosses (Somewhat)

An m1911
Captured STG-44

Gear: Damien carries an extra 4 mags for his STG-44.

Other: Since he has been on the front lines for most if not all of the wars with the Nazis since America joined WWII, he takes pride in his ability to kill Nazis and loves to be on the battlefield.

Can speak German, Japanese, and Russian.
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Name: Tatiyana Pavelovna Kirova
Nickname: Tanya,
Birthday: Aug. 28, 1922
Sexual orientation:

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 105 lbs.
Special characteristics: Her eyes are sunken and she rarely looks like she gets enough sleep. A very faint (detectable by dogs and werewolves) smell of death follows her. A spirit medium will be able to see several female specters following her. They are all dressed in ragged army uniforms.

Personality: Stoic and fatalistic, she is rather numb to hardship and suffering. At one time, she was a very caring and maternal person, that part of her might still be there, but it is buried very deep. She has trouble forming lasting bonds, most of the time they either transferred or more likely died. She has one goal now: avenge her comrades.

Interests and hobbies: Whittling, woodcarving, Ballet

Skills: Reconnaissance, marksmanship, ambush tactics, battlefield medicine

Fears: Needles, being covered in maggots, being violated

History: Tanya considered herself a fairly lucky person, her father was a factory were worker in Leningrad. They didn't die in the aftermath of Stalin's five year plan. Her childhood was unremarkable and she had planned on becoming a nurse, the war only strengthened this drive. Eventually the siege of Leningrad ground down and even the nurses were being thrown into the meat grinder. She became a medic and eventually evacuated when the city fell. She was passed around in various outfits since then, mostly serving as a medic or sharpshooter.

Two years ago, her squad was scouting along the Volga when they were caught by a Vampire SS detatchment. She managed to escape by hiding in a culvert under a dead body. Those who were captured were less lucky. Tanya could only close her eyes and listen helplessly as her comrades were tortured and violated in horrifying and degrading ways. Her utter hatred for Vampires blossomed after that day. They were always the enemy, but more than that, they are an abomination to God.

Strengths: Keen eyes, steady hands, she has also proven surprisingly resistant to supernaturally based harm.

Weaknesses: Her build and overall physique make it hard for her to fight in a melee. The haunting specters hanging over her make animals and werewolves feel uneasy, hostile creatures tend to attack her first.

Weapons: Scoped Mosin-Nagant OR PTRD-41 anti-tank rifle OR Scoped Mauser. Whatever pistol she can get ammo for. Knife

Gear: Carving knife, rations, cigarettes, pack of cards, weapon maintenance kit, general supplies.

Other: She is haunted by several spirits of her fallen sisters in arms.
Name: Tatiyana Pavelovna Kirova
Nickname: Tanya,
Race: Human
Birthday: Aug. 28, 1922
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Straight

Height: 5'4"
105 lbs.
Special characteristics:
Her eyes are sunken and she rarely looks like she gets enough sleep. A very faint (detectable by dogs and werewolves) smell of death follows her. A spirit medium will be able to see several female specters following her. They are all dressed in ragged army uniforms.


Personality: Stoic and fatalistic, she is rather numb to hardship and suffering. At one time, she was a very caring and maternal person, that part of her might still be there, but it is buried very deep. She has trouble forming lasting bonds, most of the time they either transferred or more likely died. She has one goal now: avenge her comrades.

Interests and hobbies: Whittling, woodcarving, Ballet

Skills: Reconnaissance, marksmanship, ambush tactics, battlefield medicine

Fears: Needles, being covered in maggots, being violated

History: Tanya considered herself a fairly lucky person, her father was a factory were worker in Leningrad. They didn't die in the aftermath of Stalin's five year plan. Her childhood was unremarkable and she had planned on becoming a nurse, the war only strengthened this drive. Eventually the siege of Leningrad ground down and even the nurses were being thrown into the meat grinder. She became a medic and eventually evacuated when the city fell. She was passed around in various outfits since then, mostly serving as a medic or sharpshooter.

Two years ago, her squad was scouting along the Volga when they were caught by a Vampire SS detatchment. She managed to escape by hiding in a culvert under a dead body. Those who were captured were less lucky. Tanya could only close her eyes and listen helplessly as her comrades were tortured and violated in horrifying and degrading ways. Her utter hatred for Vampires blossomed after that day. They were always the enemy, but more than that, they are an abomination to God.

Strengths: Keen eyes, steady hands, she has also proven surprisingly resistant to supernaturally based harm.

Weaknesses: Her build and overall physique make it hard for her to fight in a melee. The haunting specters hanging over her make animals and werewolves feel uneasy, hostile creatures tend to attack her first.

Weapons: Scoped Mosin-Nagant OR PTRD-41 anti-tank rifle OR Scoped Mauser. Whatever pistol she can get ammo for. Knife

Gear: Carving knife, rations, cigarettes, pack of cards, weapon maintenance kit, general supplies.

Other: She is haunted by several spirits of her fallen sisters in arms.
Name: Lily Martenelli
Nickname: Lils, Lilypad, Lil
Race: Human
Age: 27
Birthday: May 16th, 1924
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Straight

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 135lbs
Special characteristics: Lily has a tiny birthmark behind her ear in the shape of an "s"


Lily is usually known for being a loner and very wary of others, her past as a spy made her constantly question everyone around her, so it is very hard for her not to be on guard around others. Since she lost her whole family she doesn't like letting others close enough to her, let alone Alessandro, her nephew, and keeps her distance. However she is Sassy and sarcastic, and is never afraid to speak her mind, but she does know when to keep her mouth shut, for the most part. For the most part most people don't see her compassionate side, she goes out of her way to make the lives of others easier when she can, the only ones who do see are the children she does help. Now being a nurse isn't always the most she is used to cursing, and since the war it has been difficult to curb her tongue, especially when she is stressed. She also has a violent side to her that comes to the surface when she senses danger, most of the time this shows by her sarcastic nature, but if pushed she will not hesitate to hurt the offenders. However she has a very deceiving appearance that makes it easy for her to get information from others, either through seduction or because others seem to trust her, must be the pretty face.

Interests and hobbies:
In her free time Lily loves to read, she could spend hours reading and not lose interest. She also loves to sing, back before the wars Lily was constantly singing songs for her family, now however the only time she sings is when trying to get Alessandro to sleep. She is actually interested in learning more about the supernatural creatures that now seem to rule the earth with Hitler. She also enjoys hunting, something she has been doing since she was old enough to carry the rifle, it helps keeps her skills honed and her family fed.

Lily is a trained nurse, languages come easily to her Good actress, Lying is like a second nature to her, Flower talk (Use of Flowers to send messages). For some reason unknown to her, people seem to trust Lily, so she can easily gain information without even trying. Lily is also fluent in English, French, Italian and Spanish.

~ Lily is absolutely terrified of Childbirth since she lost both her mother and twin to it. She would rather die than bear children of her own, although she is willing to raise them, the thought of giving birth is to high a risk to take for her. ~
~ After her near death experience at the hands of her ex lover, she refuses to let anything near her neck, no necklaces, scarves, not even Alessandro, she tends to hold him to her hip, rather than her chest. ~
~ She also fears for Alessandro, she is afraid to lose him as he is the last of her family, and is terrified to be the only one left of her family, so she tends to be overprotective of him. ~

Born shortly after World War one, Lily and her twin sister, Rosemary, grew up hearing war stories from their father about his time in the war. Being an Italian living in Canada following the Great War was not easy, and they were met with a lot of prejudice. For most of their lives they lived below the poverty line and kept away from most of society, living on a small farmhouse outside of Montreal, Quebec. Lily and Rosemary were barely 15 when the Second World War broke out and her father and older brothers were drafted and sent to Europe.

2 years later, Lily and Rosemary were the only ones left, Father was the first to go, followed shortly by her brothers Gianni, Lorenzo, and then Roberto went M.I.A, Mama had died in Childbirth years ago, so they were alone. Both girls had taken it upon themselves to become nurses so they could go over and help the men when they found themselves alone. Finishing school while trying to protect each other from the advances of the remaining men was difficult, but they managed as best as they could.

Rosemary was the first to be sent to London, leaving Lily by herself in a town where she was hated for her race. It was during this time that she caught the attention of a high ranking Military man. One night when she was walking home after work at the factory, she was accosted by a drunk man, instead of taking it however she fought back and accidentally killed him. Instead of being hauled off to the war camps for her crime, the man saw an opportunity with her. She was given the option of going to prison or joining a secret military organization to aid in the war effort, which she obviously picked the later.

She was brought to Camp X, the Spy training facility for the war effort. They were in desperate need of spies who could speak French or Italian, and since she was a good looking female she was the perfect candidate. For the next 3 months she was trained to be a deadly weapon for the Allied forces. She was first deployed to Normandy where she was to gather information about the occupation and pass along any information she could, pretending to be a nurse. She remained there for 6 months before they brought her to London, where she quickly located her sister. After a year of being apart they had a lot to catch up on, mostly Rose telling Lily about what had been going on, but it was one of the last happy memories that Lily had for the next 3 years.

She had been redeployed to Sicily, months ahead of Allied troops and gathered any and all information she could. Unfortunately this time she had to become the Mistress of one of the Italian Captains, a man named Emilio Barsetti, who was a heavy drinker, with an even heavier fist. She endured for her country and for the safety of her sister, but one day Barsetti went too far and tried to kill Lily by strangling her. Thankfully someone walked in just as she lost consciousness, finding herself safe in the local hospital later on that day. Barsetti was dealt with by the Italian government and Lily hadn't seen him since then, so she could only guess that he was killed or reassigned.

Finally all of her work paid off and the war seemed to be going in the Allies favor, they were pushing back the Axis forces and winning the war, however that was all about to come crashing down. She had heard the rumors of a secret project in France, but didn't put much stock in it since only the Germans seemed to know anything. It was a mistake on her part for not bothering to learn German, if she had maybe the Allied forces may have been more prepared for what was to come next. Lily had thought the the supernatural creatures were a myth, stories told to scare the children into behaving, never once believing they did exist.

The tides of war quickly turned against the Allies, and soon the war was over, and she was on the losing side. She was stuck in Italy for the most part during the war, but managed to charter a boat and escape to London to find her sister. What she found however was a little boy and the 2 year old grave of her twin. Rosemary had fallen in love with an American pilot and had secretly married each other before he was sent to fight in France, she was 5 months along when the news reached her that her American lover had died. Rose had managed to hang on till the end of her pregnancy, but she died shortly afterwards leaving her son and sister behind.

Lily managed to smuggle herself and the little boy out of Britain just in time, for the once great Superpower fell to ruin as Germany destroyed what was left of the country. Back in Canada Lily had to not only provide for herself but the child she named Alessandro, after their father. Lily could only sit back and watch as the world turned dark and North America isolated itself from Europe, forming the UA, finally achieving the Manifest Destiny America had always wanted.

For the next few years Lily worked the farm left to her by her family, however the war had been too much, and she quickly sold it, moving into the city with Alessandro. She was contacted by the man who originally recruited her during the war, however she refused due to the fact she had to take care of her nephew, and instead became a nurse.

Observant, great listener and is easy to talk to, Patriotic, Loyalty

Lily is extremely overprotective of her nephew and would do anything for him. Compulsive Liar, Doesn't trust anyone, Loner, Terrible Cook

Lily has at least three knives on her at all times, one up her sleeve, one on her thigh, and one other hidden along her waist. She also carries around a lipstick container that is full of poison and small hand-gun (BROWNING HI POWER CANADIAN MK1 NO 1 9mm LUGER).

When she tends to go out she has a mini first aid kit on her just in case. During the war she often had to keep multiple dresses on hand either to wear or cut up for bandages. She also carries a mini decoder as well as much ammo for her gun that she can physically carry

Lily is fluent in Italian, French, and English

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Little update. There will be deaths in this RP and we will be in combat a lot so make sure you have the proper equipment.
Name: Imogen Stein Goldhirsch

Nickname: "
Judenrachers"; "The Hebrew Avenger"; "Karma Herself"

English Jew


8th of November, 1923


Sexual orientation:

Height: 6'2"

185 lbs

Special characteristics:
Tattooed her wrist with the numbers "66623" in homage of the victims of the Holocaust, as well as a scar in her belly from her escape from Europe


Personality: With civilians and her comrades, she is carefree and rowdy. She prefers to not think about the fight until it actually happens, but when it happens, she's an avatar of hatred and cruelty, committed to putting lead in every German and silver in every Vampire. Her hatred of the Reich has resulted in her taking up sharpshooting to help her assassinate Hitler, despite her preference for heavy weapons.

Interests and hobbies: Drinking, driving, fighting, and shooting. After a fight, the pub is her first destination. She also enjoys a friendly brawl between friends, and fiercely respects anybody - man or woman - who can throw a punch.

Skills: Observant - Can spot a vampire from a Wehrmacht from a mile away, and catches an empty chamber faster than most soldiers
Dedicated - Her drive for vengeance against the Germans for the atrocities committed against her fellow Jews, homosexuals, and English countrymen fills her with deep hatred and contempt for anyone wearing what she calls "The most disgusting shade of grey."
Multilingual - Speaks most European languages, as well as Yiddish, Japanese, Mandarin, and Russian.

Fears: Dismemberment - The idea of being disabled is a crushing thought, one which, if fulfilled, would prevent her from taking vengeance against the Nazis and assassinating Hitler.
Claustrophobic - A tall and powerful woman, when she's stuck in a small space, it gets hard to breathe and the only thing she can think of is breathing.
Drowning - Just like with closed spaces, the idea of death by not being able to breathe is horrifying to her. While she's willing to traverse water, she refuses to put her head underwater without gear.

History: Her father was a Jew from Germany who served during WWI. Her mother was an English volunteer working in Germany to build communities. They had a fling and she got knocked up. Imogen was born during Hitler's attempted Coup in Munich, and her parents caught on and moved back to England, which was when she received her name. In '33, when Hitler became Chancellor, her father made sure she knew to hate the man, and as she heard stories about the enemy, she knew that was justified. When the war started, she wanted to join the army, but between her age and her gender, it wouldn't happen. Her father tried to join, but he was a bit too old, so he couldn't get a combat position - he settled for a position as a Royal Army Engineer, fixing up tanks, armor, and GPs. When London was attacked, he took up arms and worked to defend the country. He was shot 17 times and then executed. His wife and daughter were being evacuated at the time - Imogen picked up a fallen Wehrmacht MG42 and tried to fight their German pursuers. She took down three men before running out of ammo, then picked up a Panzerfaust and took out a squad. She managed to hold the line for the evac plane, but just as Royal Army Reserve arrived to secure the plane, she was seized by Wehrmacht and stabbed in the stomach. Her attacker was taken out by a Sten and a medic sewed her up in the air. Since that day, she clutches the gun she scrounged and rage screams in her head. Her father, knowing he'd die, gave her his yarmulke to remember him by and for use in prayer.

Strengths: Bold - Driven by a fiery spirit, Imogen is capable of audacity that has saved lives - without her action, she and her mother would never have left the country alive.
Compromising - That's not exactly the word, although she can budge a bit if she values your opinion. Mostly, the best way to change her mind as to throw hands with her.
Wingwoman - Looking to get laid? She'll find you a girl. Need suppressing fire? Also her. No grenades but need a tank out? She's got you covered. You focus on doing your job, she keeps you happy and alive.

Weaknesses: Pigheaded - When her mind is set on something, she can only be convinced by a friendly brawl.
Naïve - While she can spot a German uniform on sight, she is terrible at catching spies and double agents. She desires to help civilians, and that can easily be turned against her, but her skills at Observation can keep her from falling for a vampire
Racist - Hates vampires and non-Jewish Germans. The only thing keeping her from killing any potential vampiric allies is that she's against fratricide, and she'll never attack a civilian - even if she hates them.

Weapons: Salvaged Wehrmacht MG42 from the Fall of London, customized with engravings on the barrel detailing a caricaturized version of Adolf Hitler taking a bullet in the eye
American M9 Bazooka
4 Mk 2 Pineapples
Bushman's Machete

Gear: Makes sure she carries ammo for her squad's guns, giving her the ability to top everyone off at least once per deployment
Two additional rockets for her M9
Three days' rations per deployment
First aid kit with enough materials to perform first aid twice per deployment
An infantry pack to carry all of it

Other: Her stomach scars flair in pain around heat above 110°F and when tomorrow's weather will be extreme, such as a heavy thunderstorm. She can fight through the pain, but it messes with her aim.
You know Soviet Russia openly persecuted Christians and people of various religions, I hope she's a closet worshiper.
Stalin himself allowed the church to open again during the war, even allowing the church to elect a new Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia in 1943
Stalin himself allowed the church to open again during the war, even allowing the church to elect a new Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia in 1943
A few churches were opened, yes. Countless more were utterly destroyed and their priests arrested or killed.
One instance of reprieve does not cancel out all other instances of mass-oppression.
A few churches were opened, yes. Countless more were utterly destroyed and their priests arrested or killed.
One instance of reprieve does not cancel out all other instances of mass-oppression.
I never said it did, but being religious (especially considering how the war is going in the RP) is probably something she doesn't need to hide.
I never said it did, but being religious (especially considering how the war is going in the RP) is probably something she doesn't need to hide.
I was just making sure you knew, wasn't saying to change it.
Name: Lily Martenelli
Nickname: Lils, Lilypad, Lil
Race: Human
Age: 25
Birthday: May 16th, 1924
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Straight

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 135lbs
Special characteristics: Lily has a tiny birthmark behind her ear in the shape of an "s"


Lily is usually known for being a loner and very wary of others, her past as a spy made her constantly question everyone around her, so it is very hard for her not to be on guard around others. Since she lost her whole family she doesn't like letting others close enough to her, let alone Alessandro, her nephew, and keeps her distance. However she is Sassy and sarcastic, and is never afraid to speak her mind, but she does know when to keep her mouth shut, for the most part. For the most part most people don't see her compassionate side, she goes out of her way to make the lives of others easier when she can, the only ones who do see are the children she does help. Now being a nurse isn't always the most she is used to cursing, and since the war it has been difficult to curb her tongue, especially when she is stressed. She also has a violent side to her that comes to the surface when she senses danger, most of the time this shows by her sarcastic nature, but if pushed she will not hesitate to hurt the offenders. However she has a very deceiving appearance that makes it easy for her to get information from others, either through seduction or because others seem to trust her, must be the pretty face.

Interests and hobbies:
In her free time Lily loves to read, she could spend hours reading and not lose interest. She also loves to sing, back before the wars Lily was constantly singing songs for her family, now however the only time she sings is when trying to get Alessandro to sleep. She is actually interested in learning more about the supernatural creatures that now seem to rule the earth with Hitler. She also enjoys hunting, something she has been doing since she was old enough to carry the rifle, it helps keeps her skills honed and her family fed.

Lily is a trained nurse, languages come easily to her Good actress, Lying is like a second nature to her, Flower talk (Use of Flowers to send messages). For some reason unknown to her, people seem to trust Lily, so she can easily gain information without even trying.

~ Lily is absolutely terrified of Childbirth since she lost both her mother and twin to it. She would rather die than bear children of her own, although she is willing to raise them, the thought of giving birth is to high a risk to take for her. ~
~ After her near death experience at the hands of her ex lover, she refuses to let anything near her neck, no necklaces, scarves, not even Alessandro, she tends to hold him to her hip, rather than her chest. ~
~ She also fears for Alessandro, she is afraid to lose him as he is the last of her family, and is terrified to be the only one left of her family, so she tends to be overprotective of him. ~

Born shortly after World War one, Lily and her twin sister, Rosemary, grew up hearing war stories from their father about his time in the war. Being an Italian living in Canada following the Great War was not easy, and they were met with a lot of prejudice. For most of their lives they lived below the poverty line and kept away from most of society, living on a small farmhouse outside of Montreal, Quebec. Lily and Rosemary were barely 15 when the Second World War broke out and her father and older brothers were drafted and sent to Europe.

2 years later, Lily and Rosemary were the only ones left, Father was the first to go, followed shortly by her brothers Gianni, Lorenzo, and then Roberto went M.I.A, Mama had died in Childbirth years ago, so they were alone. Both girls had taken it upon themselves to become nurses so they could go over and help the men when they found themselves alone. Finishing school while trying to protect each other from the advances of the remaining men was difficult, but they managed as best as they could.

Rosemary was the first to be sent to London, leaving Lily by herself in a town where she was hated for her race. It was during this time that she caught the attention of a high ranking Military man. One night when she was walking home after work at the factory, she was accosted by a drunk man, instead of taking it however she fought back and accidentally killed him. Instead of being hauled off to the war camps for her crime, the man saw an opportunity with her. She was given the option of going to prison or joining a secret military organization to aid in the war effort, which she obviously picked the later.

She was brought to Camp X, the Spy training facility for the war effort. They were in desperate need of spies who could speak French or Italian, and since she was a good looking female she was the perfect candidate. For the next 3 months she was trained to be a deadly weapon for the Allied forces. She was first deployed to Normandy where she was to gather information about the occupation and pass along any information she could, pretending to be a nurse. She remained there for 6 months before they brought her to London, where she quickly located her sister. After a year of being apart they had a lot to catch up on, mostly Rose telling Lily about what had been going on, but it was one of the last happy memories that Lily had for the next 3 years.

She had been redeployed to Sicily, months ahead of Allied troops and gathered any and all information she could. Unfortunately this time she had to become the Mistress of one of the Italian Captains, a man named Emilio Barsetti, who was a heavy drinker, with an even heavier fist. She endured for her country and for the safety of her sister, but one day Barsetti went too far and tried to kill Lily by strangling her. Thankfully someone walked in just as she lost consciousness, finding herself safe in the local hospital later on that day. Barsetti was dealt with by the Italian government and Lily hadn't seen him since then, so she could only guess that he was killed or reassigned.

Finally all of her work paid off and the war seemed to be going in the Allies favor, they were pushing back the Axis forces and winning the war, however that was all about to come crashing down. She had heard the rumors of a secret project in France, but didn't put much stock in it since only the Germans seemed to know anything. It was a mistake on her part for not bothering to learn German, if she had maybe the Allied forces may have been more prepared for what was to come next. Lily had thought the the supernatural creatures were a myth, stories told to scare the children into behaving, never once believing they did exist.

The tides of war quickly turned against the Allies, and soon the war was over, and she was on the losing side. She was stuck in Italy for the most part during the war, but managed to charter a boat and escape to London to find her sister. What she found however was a little boy and the 2 year old grave of her twin. Rosemary had fallen in love with an American pilot and had secretly married each other before he was sent to fight in France, she was 5 months along when the news reached her that her American lover had died. Rose had managed to hang on till the end of her pregnancy, but she died shortly afterwards leaving her son and sister behind.

Lily managed to smuggle herself and the little boy out of Britain just in time, for the once great Superpower fell to ruin as Germany destroyed what was left of the country. Back in Canada Lily had to not only provide for herself but the child she named Alessandro, after their father. Lily could only sit back and watch as the world turned dark and North America isolated itself from Europe, forming the UA, finally achieving the Manifest Destiny America had always wanted.

For the next few years Lily worked the farm left to her by her family, however the war had been too much, and she quickly sold it, moving into the city with Alessandro. She was contacted by the man who originally recruited her during the war, however she refused due to the fact she had to take care of her nephew, and instead became a nurse.

Observant, great listener and is easy to talk to, Patriotic, Loyalty

Lily is extremely overprotective of her nephew and would do anything for him. Compulsive Liar, Doesn't trust anyone, Loner, Terrible Cook

Lily has at least three knives on her at all times, one up her sleeve, one on her thigh, and one other hidden along her waist. She also carries around a lipstick container that is full of poison and small hand-gun (BROWNING HI POWER CANADIAN MK1 NO 1 9mm LUGER).

When she tends to go out she has a mini first aid kit on her just in case. During the war she often had to keep multiple dresses on hand either to wear or cut up for bandages. She also carries a mini decoder as well as much ammo for her gun that she can physically carry

Lily is fluent in Italian, French, and English

Name: Imogen Stein Goldhirsch

Nickname: "
Judenrachers"; "The Hebrew Avenger"; "Karma Herself"

English Jew


8th of November, 1923


Sexual orientation:

Height: 6'2"

185 lbs

Special characteristics:
Tattooed her wrist with the numbers "66623" in homage of the victims of the Holocaust, as well as a scar in her belly from her escape from Europe


Personality: With civilians and her comrades, she is carefree and rowdy. She prefers to not think about the fight until it actually happens, but when it happens, she's an avatar of hatred and cruelty, committed to putting lead in every German and silver in every Vampire. Her hatred of the Reich has resulted in her taking up sharpshooting to help her assassinate Hitler, despite her preference for heavy weapons.

Interests and hobbies: Drinking, driving, fighting, and shooting. After a fight, the pub is her first destination. She also enjoys a friendly brawl between friends, and fiercely respects anybody - man or woman - who can throw a punch.

Skills: Observant - Can spot a vampire from a Wehrmacht from a mile away, and catches an empty chamber faster than most soldiers
Dedicated - Her drive for vengeance against the Germans for the atrocities committed against her fellow Jews, homosexuals, and English countrymen fills her with deep hatred and contempt for anyone wearing what she calls "The most disgusting shade of grey."
Multilingual - Speaks most European languages, as well as Yiddish, Japanese, Mandarin, and Russian.

Fears: Dismemberment - The idea of being disabled is a crushing thought, one which, if fulfilled, would prevent her from taking vengeance against the Nazis and assassinating Hitler.
Claustrophobic - A tall and powerful woman, when she's stuck in a small space, it gets hard to breathe and the only thing she can think of is breathing.
Drowning - Just like with closed spaces, the idea of death by not being able to breathe is horrifying to her. While she's willing to traverse water, she refuses to put her head underwater without gear.

History: Her father was a Jew from Germany who served during WWI. Her mother was an English volunteer working in Germany to build communities. They had a fling and she got knocked up. Imogen was born during Hitler's attempted Coup in Munich, and her parents caught on and moved back to England, which was when she received her name. In '33, when Hitler became Chancellor, her father made sure she knew to hate the man, and as she heard stories about the enemy, she knew that was justified. When the war started, she wanted to join the army, but between her age and her gender, it wouldn't happen. Her father tried to join, but he was a bit too old, so he couldn't get a combat position - he settled for a position as a Royal Army Engineer, fixing up tanks, armor, and GPs. When London was attacked, he took up arms and worked to defend the country. He was shot 17 times and then executed. His wife and daughter were being evacuated at the time - Imogen picked up a fallen Wehrmacht MG42 and tried to fight their German pursuers. She took down three men before running out of ammo, then picked up a Panzerfaust and took out a squad. She managed to hold the line for the evac plane, but just as Royal Army Reserve arrived to secure the plane, she was seized by Wehrmacht and stabbed in the stomach. Her attacker was taken out by a Sten and a medic sewed her up in the air. Since that day, she clutches the gun she scrounged and rage screams in her head. Her father, knowing he'd die, gave her his yarmulke to remember him by and for use in prayer.

Strengths: Bold - Driven by a fiery spirit, Imogen is capable of audacity that has saved lives - without her action, she and her mother would never have left the country alive.
Compromising - That's not exactly the word, although she can budge a bit if she values your opinion. Mostly, the best way to change her mind as to throw hands with her.
Wingwoman - Looking to get laid? She'll find you a girl. Need suppressing fire? Also her. No grenades but need a tank out? She's got you covered. You focus on doing your job, she keeps you happy and alive.

Weaknesses: Pigheaded - When her mind is set on something, she can only be convinced by a friendly brawl.
Naïve - While she can spot a German uniform on sight, she is terrible at catching spies and double agents. She desires to help civilians, and that can easily be turned against her, but her skills at Observation can keep her from falling for a vampire
Racist - Hates vampires and non-Jewish Germans. The only thing keeping her from killing any potential vampiric allies is that she's against fratricide, and she'll never attack a civilian - even if she hates them.

Weapons: Salvaged Wehrmacht MG42 from the Fall of London, customized with engravings on the barrel detailing a caricaturized version of Adolf Hitler taking a bullet in the eye
American M9 Bazooka
4 Mk 2 Pineapples
Bushman's Machete

Gear: Makes sure she carries ammo for her squad's guns, giving her the ability to top everyone off at least once per deployment
Two additional rockets for her M9
Three days' rations per deployment
First aid kit with enough materials to perform first aid twice per deployment
An infantry pack to carry all of it

Other: Her stomach scars flair in pain around heat above 110°F and when tomorrow's weather will be extreme, such as a heavy thunderstorm. She can fight through the pain, but it messes with her aim.
Both are accepted!

I will flood Iwaku with only the finest of memes.
Name: Cless Leatherman
Nickname: Used to be known as the infamous Vampire Hunter "Alcatraz" but no one has known him since when he was active as Alcatraz, he used mask to cover his identity.
Race: 1/4 Werewolf
Age: Appears to be 27
Birthday: ???
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Straight

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 168 lbs.
Special characteristics: Cless have small amount of characteristic than other werewolf, in werewolf form instead of becoming full werewolf, he grow ears and tail instead though his strength are on par with normal werewolf. He have twin blade which he always carry around his back, the sword are more durable enough to withstand a werewolves strength.


A laid back guy who never seems to be taking everything serious apart from the Nazis and vampires though he rarely shown his serious face and tend to sarcastically insult them. He seem to be a good observant as well from the look of his uneasiness believing other, whether the person he's talking with an ally or foes he'll look around he's surrounding, just to be sure that he'll wouldn't get ambush just like his past. Despite being cautious he doesn't really care about who he's siding with, vampire, human, or werewolves, he just want to achieve his goals as he though it as a "win win solution". Cless isn't famous for his laid back nature but also his ability to detect people's lie or not, though it's not 100% correct he tend to speculate things right.

Interests and hobbies:
Insulting Nazis
Writing Diaries
Observing people from afar
Thinking of a cool entrance

Tactical Intelligence
High Observant
Skillfully master the art of twinblades
Highly Agile
Adept hand in hand combat

Nothing apart from his mother's scolding

No knew about Alcatraz but those who survived by the mercy of the vampire slayer himself. Cless doesn't remember clearly when he start to use his alter ego, Alcatraz, to slay vampires and some werewolves but it's cleary far before the world war broke out. The request were mainly from high end society or monarchs, at first he thought that it would be good to make a living, all he need to do is what he always do the best, to kill his target. So for the last centuries he kept killing his target until he came into realization that what he did was making thing imbalance for the world and society itself, it was when he came into contact with lower society itself. After dissapear as Alcatraz, he donated his money to churches and other to small villages leaving him nothing but his trusty blades around him. Not long after he donated his money, WWI broke out and force him to pick the bloody path once more but this time it up for good use. When WWII, he decided to join the resistance as an act to bring the world back to normal or so he think.

Tactical Intelligence
Close combat experties
Not afraid to die in battle

Beginner in shooting
Despite being agile that doesn't mean he couldn't die
He gets agitated when someone proud of Nazi and for what they did

His two trusty twin long sword, Kurogane and Sakura

Quite simply the resistance uniform or not he always use anything casual like farmer's shirt.

He have scratches mark, bite mark, and bullet all over his body mainly upper torso.
Don't worry guys I'm making the IC and it should be up within the week.
So I figured we would also fight Imperial Japan. Do you guys have a preference who we fight first?
Hmm, screw history, let's kick Japan in the nads first. Then go for Germany.
Either works, if we do Japan first then the two Nazi characters can very easily be explained as being there for some sort of research expedition.
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