tentative new role-play search [mxm, fxf]

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poor little meow meow
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
  6. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Evening/Late Night (MST)
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
High fantasy, modern fantasy, gaslamp fantasy, Anything Fantasy, dark comedy, supernatural, paranormal, psychological, essentially everything except slice-of-life and historical.

well yeah not quite, i'm a poltergeist

  • Hello, friends! My name is Opal. I'm 26 years old, Canadian, and I stay up way too late. I'm tentatively opening a search for new role-plays, because I am shy and awkward but I have a lot of ideas in my head that just won't leave.


    That picture about communication issues isn't just there to be funny: I seriously have communication issues. I am saying this up front so no one gets surprised by my BS, though I certainly don't expect anyone to put up with it. The long and short of it: I have severe social anxiety. It has me on constant alert that I'm going to fuck up my interactions with other people, making it difficult to talk to others. I am trying really hard to deal with it, but it's a slow process. Slow and difficult. I'm basically like a stray dog: hard to befriend, but once you do, I'm hard to get rid of.

    If this, for whatever reason, doesn't scare you off, read on!

    Unfortunately unpredictable. Can sometimes reply multiple times a day, but to be safe, let's say expect one post from me once every week to ten days. I post updates in my status a lot, so keep an eye on that!

    My starter posts are often between 800 and 1200 words, and my posts after that can range anywhere between 300-600 words or more, depending on the context. However, I never expect anyone to match my length.

    I will write in the traditional third person, past tense, but I also enjoy writing in third person, present tense. I do not participate in first person role-plays.

    I'm not super picky. As long as there is character development, we can go 70/30 plot-to-smut, or 30/70 plot-to-smut. It always depends on the story!

    I dislike shoving characters into dominant/submissive roles, unless we're talking about a D/S relationship/lifestyle. I don't mind playing dominant characters, but I don't like being forced to do so. I will also not play dominant characters opposite paper thin woobies with no backbone or substance.

    I will happily play tops, bottoms, or switches, and I don't at all subscribe to the idea that top = dominant and bottom = submissive. Dominant power bottoms? Yes pls. 8)

    A lot of my boys are on the feminine side. Not all of them, but a lot of them. Let me know if you're really put off by this and I'll use one of my more traditionally masculine characters with you.

    I only role-play queer characters/pairings. MxM, FxF, and nonbinary characters are all cool with me. However, I do prefer MxM most of the time, as that is what I have the most experience with. I don't role-play MxF under any circumstances, please don't ask!

    I prefer using art for character images, but I'll use real life face claims if that's what my partner is comfortable with.

    I only role-play on the forums.

    PMs make me antsy, even when only used as an OOC. If you see me replying to other things before replying to your PM, please don't be alarmed! I'm working on it! I don't hate you!

    I'm ditch friendly.
    I have infinite patience and I will never pressure you for replies. I understand that this is a hobby, and we all have real lives outside of the computer screen. If for whatever reason you're not feeling the role-play any more, that's just fine. I don't mind. I mean, I'd appreciate it if you let me know, but even if you don't, I won't cry.

    I don't mind having multiple role-plays with the same partner. When you find a good partner, you gotta keep 'em!

    If I have, at any point in time, ended up buggering off on you, I extend my deepest apologies.

    This base code is by FieryCold!


    ✤ I will probably end up being a bit picky with my partners this time around because I have learned that it's honestly better to pick your partners carefully to save heartbreak on both sides. I'm looking for someone that enjoys writing detailed posts, likes to plot things and share headcanons and songs, and is very patient, because I'm an unreliable turd. My motivation is as fleeting as a fart in the wind, but I always try my best to communicate such a thing with my partners.

    Basically I am looking for an adept/advanced partner, according to Iwaku's terms. I don't expect novellas, but I do expect detail and insight in your writing. I'm a very character oriented writer myself.

    ✤ An aggressive role-player or someone who is not only willing to, but enjoys collaborating on the plot and the progression of the role-play. If I wanted to direct a plot on my own, I'd write a novel!

    ✤ Someone patient. I don't mind a kick in the ass once every week or so, but I get very touchy when someone starts bothering me every day to post. Keep in mind that I have infinite patience, so I will always wait for you (that sounds a bit romantic, doesn't it?). You could come back a year later and ask if I was still interested, and the answer would probably be 'yes'.

    ✤ Someone friendly and enthusiastic! Very important! I love to chat OOC. I like to make friends. I like to know my partners are as excited about the role-play as I am. I like to find songs that suit my characters and the story. I like to gush nonsensically about head canons and possibilities. If you like those things, too, I think we'll get along great. :-D

    ✤ Someone who is all right with the use of occasional time skips.

    ✤ Someone who understands that sometimes a little power playing is necessary to move the story along.


    I'm really interested in starting one or two FxF role-plays! I don't really have any ideas, though, so we may need to brainstorm there. Also, I prefer my FxF role-plays to be more romance based than sex based, almost entirely because I have approximately 0 experience writing sex scenes from a female perspective. 8) Pls be patient with me.

    Also, I just tend to be generally picker about my FxF role-plays. I don't know what it is. The female characters I do have are my precious babies and I must shield them from evil or something, who knows.

  • For a detailed list, take a look at my House Eros page.

    Some things I'm particularly fond of:
    • (Tw)incest
    • Heat/oestrus
    • Knotting
    • Dramatic age differences (no character younger than 16)
    • Hurt/comfort (basically my favourite thing)
    • Monsters/demons/non-humans
    • Bossy/dominant bottoms (esp. in a master/pet situation)
    • Coercion/black mail
    • Begging/desperation
    • Orgasm control/denial
    • Cross-dressing/boys in lingerie

    Most important things I do not like:
    • Parent/child incest
    • Anything you would do in a toilet
    • Pony/puppy play
    • Pregnancy/m-preg/children pls no

    Things I'd like to give a try:
    • Daddy kink
    • One sub/multiple doms

    On the topic of m-preg for omegaverse:
    I am fine if the possibility of male pregnancy exists in a universe. I'm just not on board for our characters bearing a child. Infertility is an option, for added strife, or fail-proof birth control. In some cases, I may even be all right with one of our characters conceiving a child, as long as (this is terrible I'm sorry) the child is lost. Whichever. I just am really squicked out by pregnancy in general and don't like the element it adds to stories. No interest in playing out a family dynamic. Or it can just not exist at all, as I have written for a couple of my omegaverse ideas. Definitely more than okay with that. 8|

  • The more asterisks, the more I want to play it (though I like all of these ideas; I wouldn't put them here if I didn't).

    Some plots I'm fine playing out with multiple partners, even if I have a partner already. Those will be marked with (!).

    Content warnings are mostly potentials. If there is something that triggers you, please let me know; I'm almost always willing to remove and/or work around it. I don't want to trigger anyone!

    KISSING THE BEEHIVE ******************
    Content Warnings: Mental illness*, abuse, dub/non-con, hurt/comfort
    * Could also be attributed to possession or something if you don't want to go down the MI route.

    Character A is an angel, and is fascinated with mortals and their world. He is known to spend hours on end mingling with humans and exploring all of the fascinating trinkets and locations, like cars and fast-food restaurants and those strange waterfall machines mounted in men's washrooms. However, when A gets into one particular scuff, the gods are not happy; his punishment is to watch over one particular young man who is having some troubles.

    Character B suffers from dissociative identity disorder. One alter, his 'true' self, is very gentle, polite and soft spoken and could never hurt a fly. His other alter is cruel, tyrannical and horribly sadistic, and would love nothing more than to murder a man with his own two hands. Although A is convinced he can handle it, he finds that this job isn't quite as easy as it was cracked up to be.

    I have a character for the angel:

    As well as some lore for angels/demons/the afterlife. I also have a very long introduction written for this, so I'm ready to go!
    TRY TO KEEP UP *******
    Content Warning: (Possible) underage, violence.

    Character A is the rebellious grandson of a mob (Cosa Nostra, yakuza, Bratva, whatever) boss.
    Character B is the bodyguard hired to watch him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. Probably unsuccessfully.

    A simple idea that I think could be really cute. :-D Looking for a more comedic story but I'm fine with things taking on a darker theme (obviously considering it involves the mafia). Dark comedy would be ideal. Of course we can work out details together, because I have no real concrete plot. I would prefer to play the grandson, but I will also play the bodyguard.
    USE ME, I'M YOURS **************
    Content Warning: (consensual) master/slave, dom/sub, sex heavy

    Set in a universe where vampires have dominated over humans, and use them primarily for servants, entertainment, and food. Most vampires, even the middle class, have a human slave. It's expected. Noble vampires are expected to take upon a human slave, and artificial breeding is a thriving industry amongst nobility to create the 'perfect' humans. Humans are to be used; they aren't to be loved. It's considered shameful for a vampire to involve themselves with humans in any other capacity, and nobles can easily be exiled if they are found out to have a romantic relationship with humans - or to treat them as anything other than cattle.

    Character A is a noble vampire who has only ever really had one desire: to be dominated. He has no interest in dominating over humans. In fact, he wants to be dominated by them. When his father insists that it's time for him to pick out a human slave, he dreads it: until he notices a beautiful, but unruly slave (Character B), who he believes will be perfect for his needs.

    Honestly just shamelessly ripped off from the manhwa Blood Bank. I certainly don't want the plot to be remotely the same, but the concept is something that interests me. Mostly I just want to play a sexually repressed, incredibly submissive vampire. :E I don't get the chance to play submissive characters often, nor do I normally want to, but I would like to here!

    And hey look at this I got a character right here:
    RETURN TO SENDER *************
    Content Warning: sex slavery, dubious consent, (past) rape, (past) abuse, homophobia, hurt/comfort.

    Character A is your average young adult closing in on his thirties. Nothing in his life is particularly out of the ordinary. He has a job that pays the bills, lives on his own, and has a good group of friends. The only problem is that both his parents and friends have started nagging and teasing him about his perpetually single status. His mother wants grandchildren. His friends think he needs a girl to keep him on his toes.

    The only problem is that A is so deep in the closet that he can see Narnia. His family is homophobic, something that has rubbed off on him, causing him to struggle with a lot of internalized hatred. One day, he gets so fed up with the constant harassment, he gets drunk off his rocker, and impulsively clicks on a junk ad for mail order brides. He intended it as a joke, he really did - but between desperation and intoxication, he actually ends up ordering someone. And going through with it.

    When he arrives at the airport to apprehensively pick up his illicit girlfriend, he doesn't see her. All he sees is a young man (character B) vaguely fitting the woman's description. He's beautiful, and frankly exactly A's type, but he panics. He was supposed to receive a woman!

    Understandably angry, A takes B home, but threatens to have him sent back ASAP. B, having endured unspeakable horrors in his home country under the 'care' of the owner of the company, begs A not to return him. He promises that he'll do whatever A wants him to do; he'll even pretend to be a girl, if he wants him to.

    A horrible angsty plot with miserable angsty characters abound. I'd like to play B/the 'bride'. Idea picked up from a fan fic that ended in an extremely disappointing way. :E
    A DEAL ****
    Content Warnings: Dubcon, blackmail, degradation/humiliation, age differences, teacher/student - anything else we want to add.

    Character A (whom I would prefer to play) has a debt with the mob, one that he's been trying to escape from for quite some time. Character B is A's student, and also just so happens to be the mafia boss's son. Once the teacher learns this, he's horrified, but the student offers him a deal: his silence for the teacher's servitude.
    Content Warnings Hurt/comfort (lots of it), rape*, horror/shock*, mental illness. Possible: Blackmail, abuse, dubcon. Depends on the road we want to take things.

    * Not between the two main characters.

    Summary: Character A loves his best friend. Character B is strapped for cash, agrees to make a porno - it's a really bad porno. One of those videos buried under mountains of warnings and hosted on morally questionable sites. A shock video, if you will.

    Character A has had a crush on his best friend, Character B (whom I would prefer to play), for many years. Sometimes he thinks he's flirting with him, but he has no real idea. One day, after a particularly rough go at work, A decides to unwind at home with some porn. Only, as he's flipping through pages trying to find something to watch, he discovers the latest horror/shock video circling its way through the internet: and the poor bastard happens to be B.

    At least, he thinks it is. Character B has been getting progressively unwell, and Character A worries that it has something to do with the horrors he endured in order to make shock porn. Both are worried it might be HIV (it's not).

    Can go two ways from there: Character A takes care of Character B as he struggles through both trauma and whatever illness he has, developing a romantic relationship along the way. Or Character A takes advantage of Character B as he struggles through both trauma and whatever illness he has, because he thinks it's the only way he'll ever get the relationship he wants with him.

    Totally based on a BadBadBathhouse kink meme prompt I gave in 2009. 8)

    Though I would prefer to play Character B, I'll play Character A, too!
    Content Warning: ??? TBD. Kind of a fluffy idea, so not much.

    Character A is a fisherman, operating out of the Venice lagoon, just like his father, and his father's father, and his father's father's father. As the lagoon pollutes, business gets harder to sustain, but they manage, mostly operating on tourism, and selling to big-name chefs who think cooking with their catch to be intriguing. He's a simple boy, living a simple, happy, hard-working life.

    Character B is a merman. One day, he gets broken off from his pod, and accidentally ends up in the lagoon, surrounded by people and unable to really navigate himself back to his family. Terrified that he will be discovered, he hides. One night, character A is doing some solo fishing, after a particularly slow week. Instead of a fish, however, what does A catch but character B?

    Cue a lot of 'DOES MERMAIDS REAL???'

    I dunno this is a simple, dumb, cute idea. I'd like to play character A ideally, but I'll play whoever.
    Content Warning: Omegaverse, knotting, heat/mating cycles, ???

    The standard omegaverse trope assumes that omegas are at the bottom of the social ladder. What would happen if alphas were uncommon, and were considered brutish, animalistic, and untrustworthy? What happens when one of the most talented dancers in Character A's class, Character B, is actually an alpha?

    Doesn't need to be dancers. Can be anything. This is not particularly detailed yet; I just thought it would be a refreshing change. I will happily play either character.
    DON'T LET ME FALL **********
    Content Warning: Nonhuman characters/monsters, hurt/comfort, awkwardness

    Character A and Character B have been friends for a long time (alternatively, the characters have known of each other, but kind of can't stand one another to start with). They live relatively ordinary lives, with their own struggles and successes. For the most part, things seem to be going well for both characters.

    Until Character B wakes up one morning with wings/ears/a tail/etc. where he most certainly should not have them.

    If Character A and B are friends, then I suppose it goes from there that Character A tries to work things through with B. If they're Not Friends/rivals/enemies, then Character A somehow stumbles upon Character B in a compromising position with his new appendages.

    Inspired by the webcomic Avialae (which is fuckin' fantastic and y'all should go read it right now. Warnings for dicks). I would really like to play Character B/the monster boy!
    BLOOD AND PAINT *******
    Content Warnings: Vampires, blood play, and whatever other things we think of along the way.

    Character A is a struggling artist. He lives in a small, beat up apartment with the roommate from hell, and barely makes ends meet working at a dead end job. He always wanted to support himself on his art, but just can't catch his break.

    Character B is a vampire, and an incredibly talented - and egotistical - painter. He lives in a large mansion with several servants, but is generally quite lonely; immortality does that to you. One night, B goes out to get plastered and meets A, who is also lonely and miserable, and takes him home. When B wakes up, A is sketching B, which infuriates him. He goes up one side of him and down the other, critiquing his work, which makes A feel even worse about himself. B had no intentions of keeping A around, but after noticing how dejected he is, and seeing promise in him, he decides to offer to let him stay in his mansion as a sort of apprentice.

    A thinks this is too good to be true - and it is. B will keep A around in exchange for one thing: his blood.

    Based on the 'Model' manga. I'll play either character, no preferences.

    Vague ideas:
    - A pair with a serious size difference. Like, one character is non-human and is seriously huge kind of size difference.

    - The relationship that blossoms between a single father of a young child, and the child's kindergarten teacher. Totally unusual for me to want to try something like this, but I really want to for some reason???

    - Something to do with music and the unhealthy lifestyle that often accompanies it. Or, like, an addict/dealer relationship of some kind.

    - An omegaverse role-play involving twins. Yes pls. I wanna do this a lot.

    - A human (a rare species!) is discovered by a member of a different (alien or magical) race, and the relationship that spurs from it. Bonus points if humans are regarded as these fantastic, magical creatures, so character of a different race is ecstatic.

    - Arranged marriage: whether it be between two characters who dislike each other, or an ordeal wherein two lovers are forced into a 'mistress' situation when one party is forced to marry someone else. Maybe a fantasy/medieval setting, including royalty.

    - Something involving a very feminine man with a very masculine man, wherein they both love each other very much and the very masculine man is the feminine man's - pardon my crude language - bitch. I just. I just really want this lmao

    - Hanahaki disease.

    More will be added as I think of them.

  • I have exactly 2 fandoms for which I'm confident in my ability to actually write canon characters
    but here they are 8)

    A '❤' means I would prefer to play this character. If there's nothing, then I'll gladly play either character.
    A '✯' means I'm very interested in this. Multiple '✯' for added effect.
    A '!' means I have some kind of vague plot idea or two.

    Yuri on Ice
    Yuri Plisetsky ❤ x Otabek Altin ✯✯✯ !

    Persona 4
    Souji/Yu x Yosuke ! ✯✯

    ... and then some fandoms that I'm only interested in using OCs for:

    Harry Potter (I'm not a Super Harry Potter fan so I don't have the deepest knowledge of the series; I'd kind of like to piss around with one of the other schools)
    Dragon Age
    Silent Hill
    Pokemon (some dumb Adult Version of Pokemon, idk)

  • On top of my various plot ideas, I also have a few characters I'm looking to use. Some are abandoned from old role-plays, some just haven't had the chance to be part of a story yet at all, and some are old OCs of mine that I love too much not to slap up here.

    Characters Looking For Love :'(

    Scholarly elf prince, necromancer-in-training, pacifist, failure to his family. Loves small animals and strawberries.

    Originally was created for a role-play wherein he was betrothed to a human woman from another kingdom. Said human woman was actually a human man who was forced to take a female form in order to be married off into a powerful kingdom. The story/characters for that role-play will always have my heart, but I really love Faolan and would like to actively use him in a role-play again.

    We can try using a similar plot, or work something else out in a high fantasy setting! I love world building too.

    Just a boring ole' human for once. 8) He is a struggling (and extremely sexually frustrated) artist. Can be used in any modern setting, or a supernatural (vampires, werewolves, whatever) setting. Probably something with a lot of sexual content, some comedy, maybe a little bit of romance. Slice-of-life-ish. He's just kind of ridiculous.

    An exotic performer/call boy who has been spliced with snake DNA. Originally created for a group role-play that I was unable to keep up with. He is sweet but quite co-dependent and almost irritatingly eager to please. Also, he has two dicks. That too. 8 )

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Hey, I'd be absolutely thrilled to do "Use me, I'm yours" with you! It's tough finding some good consensual stuff, and the role-reversal aspect of that one in particular seems really fun! Maybe we could also work in some plot around the human character trying to obtain enough power to satisfy some internalized issues? Maybe segue into some diabetes-inducing moments where the subby little vampire helps their dom to work through their problems without selling their soul to some horrific magical entity of untold power?

I dunno, I've got a lot of ideas for something like this. We should talk about it.
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Hey, I'd be absolutely thrilled to do "Use me, I'm yours" with you! It's tough finding some good consensual stuff, and the role-reversal aspect of that one in particular seems really fun! Maybe we could also work in some plot around the human character trying to obtain enough power to satisfy some internalized issues? Maybe segue into some diabetes-inducing moments where the subby little vampire helps their dom to work through their problems without selling their soul to some horrific magical entity of untold power?

I dunno, I've got a lot of ideas for something like this. We should talk about it.

That sounds fantastic! I'd love to hear your ideas and work something out together. :-D I'll drop you a PM.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Eon
I PMed you~