Tentative interest probe for dieselpunk fantasy

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Holy Terror
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I've had some ideas rattling around in my brain, was wondering if i should get them rattling around in other ppl's brains too. I like the idea of a glamorous city ruled by a corrupt tycoon, and I'm thinking of throwing in some low fantasy elements akin to Full Metal Alchemist... or maybe aim higher and borrow some stuff from Ghibli? Just wanted to test the waters and see how an idea might be received before diving headfirst into running a second group RP

Why is picking tags so difficult omg
I'm also highly interested in this topic!!!

I would very much be interested in this if you decide to go about creating it :) If you'd like someone to chat with about ideas, plot threads, etc. You can feel free to PM me :D I have an overactive imagination that is always flooding with ideas haha.

Best of luck!
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If can you give more info on a setting or a plot and we can start bouncing ideas and see if we can get something put together. Dieselpunk fantasy sounds interesting though
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I've got some loose ideas in the works, a science fantasy decopunk setting with fantasy races and a corrupt New York like city run by a mob boss.
So would our characters be trying to get rid of the mob boss? Or we could do a rival gangs kind of thing. A power struggle between two groups
Haven't gotten that far in planning yet, in all honesty. Given the "punk" part, I think taking fighting the system is an excellent overall plot, but I'm open to suggestions.
No worries if you haven't gotten a lot of planning done just throwing around ideas because it seemed like you weren't entirely sure what oyu wanted to do.
The traditional rebel group vs the mob is always a sound plot to start with. It could lead into something like there's a mole in the mob or police trying to crack down on both of them. Or if you wanna ho REALLY WILD, someone gets a hold of dieselmech technology.

edit;; also I realized this is incredibly late and old if it's been made yet ;;~;;
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Super late here too but like after watching Sucker Punch again, Boo is sooooooo loving the idea of zepplins, trains and giant robo suits stomping around :333