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We're werewolves not swearwolves
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Online Availability
All the time
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female


Welcome to Tenebris Academy. Hidden in the Californian hills, it is an exclusive school, regarded as one of the best in the world. Not much is known about it's students or teachers. Nobody's quite sure where they come from, or where they go once they graduate. Not much is known about the school in general, other than it has an employment rate of one hundred percent. If it's students become prominent while in education, they fade into the darkness from which they came when they graduate. Someone who wishes to teach at Tenebris first has to find contact details for the school- none of which are available to the public. If, perhaps, they chance upon the school while on a hike, they would be sorely disappointed. The school is unusually well protected. If, by some miracle, they found the school and got into the grounds, they would still not be hired, no matter what qualifications they had. If Tenebris wants to hire you as a teacher, they will find you.

While all these security measures seem drastic, the nature of the school requires it. You see, Tenebris is not an ordinary school. It's students come from the shadows and disappear back into the shadows. It is a training ground for special agents- whether it's MI6, the CIA, FBI or any other agency. The young people trained at this academy range from fifteen to nineteen. They are trained in the arts they will need for their job. But most do not go on to become part of the main agency. Many of these agencies have small teams dedicated to the missions which appear... Out of the ordinary. Regular human agents cannot solve them- but Tenebris's past pupils can.

Tenebris Academy does not take in everyday students. It's students have unique abilities. It's not known exactly how the headmistress tracks them down, as they often come from the shadows. The teachers also have these abilities- some, past pupils of the Academy, others, students that turned down their place or that the school could not find.

As a new term begins, students, both old and new, bring secrets with them that they must keep. It will be part of their future career- it is time they got used to it.

All students take the basic subjects- math, decoding, self defense, weapon proficiency, ability training, linguistic studies and physical education. Students can choose to specialize in up to two areas of the four offered. These are: computer analysis, covert operations, behaviour analysis and situation and negotiation tactics. Students in their first year take a starter course in all of the options then choose to specialize.

Sports and fitness are strongly encouraged, and all students must participate in physical education. There are a wide variety of extra-curricular sports available. To those who aren't as interested in sports, extra-curricular activities range from debating to chemistry.

School trips are rare, due to the secretive nature of the school. When there are trips, they tend to be to the headquarters of future employers. Sometimes these agencies take the older students along on missions to give them experience in the field.

Discipline is strict in the school. All wrongdoing is punished as they would be in the field. Punishments may be lessened if the intentions were good, but for minor infringements with bigger and worse intentions, punishments will be made stricter. A list of school rules can be found below.

1:Use of abilities to physically harm other students outside of ability training is forbidden. This is punishable by loss of free periods and detention.
2:Any students in possession of firearms outside of Weapons Proficiency will be immediately placed on in-school suspension.
Alcohol is only to be consumed at official school events.
All students are to be in their rooms by 11 on school nights.
5:All male students are to be gone from the female wing by 10 and vice versa.
6:Any fighting in the corridors will be punished.
Harassment of teachers can be punished at the teacher's discretion.

1: Iwaku rules apply (I.E. No godmodding, metagaming)
2: I would like for your characters to be finished by at least next week. That being said, I understand life can get in the way so if you need more time, please PM me.
3:I don't expect you to write a novel. I do expect some coherency and substance. I'd say a 2 paragraph minimum for posting but I can be flexible depending on the content.
4:It is okay to swear, but any additional explicit content such as sex will not be allowed. If you want to play it out, move it to PM please.
5: Please try to stay active as well. If you are unable to post in a timely manner, PM me or post in the OOC to let me and others know.
6: I won't be changing the power of the teachers or students without a very good case for it. For your convenience I have included a link describing individual's powers/abilities.
7: I see so many RP's without a good balance between male/female characters. To counter this, there will be 4 male and 4 female teachers. There will also be 4 male and 4 female students. On your reservation, please include the power and gender of your character to ensure fair distribution.
8: I will only accept REAL Face Claims. No anime/digital pictures please.
9: Doubling up is fine as long as you're comfortable keeping up with it.

1: Headmaster/Headmistress: Persuasion :
2: Abilities and Math: Empathic Mimicry :
3: Self Defense and Physical Education: Adoptive Muscle Memory :
4:Situation and Negotiation Tactics: Precognition : Taken by Winnie (Male)
5: Decoding and Computer Analysis: Technopathy : Taken by Kuu (Male)
6: Covert Ops and Weapons Proficiency: Malleable Anatomy :
7: Linguistics and Behavioral Analysis: Omnilingualism :
8: History: Immortality : Taken by ~Dark Disney~ (Female)

1:Accelerated Probability:
2: Intangibility:
3:Intuitive Aptitude: Taken by Princess Poisoned Rose (Female)
4:Memory Manipulation: Taken by DarkiusHeavenstein (Male)
5:Emotion Manipulation: Taken by Cresion Breezes (Male)
6:Invisibility: Taken by KC (Female)
7:Illusion: Taken by Winnie (Female)
8:Rapid Cellular Regeneration: Taken by darkflames13 (Male)

Disclaimer: This plot is the original content of iCat on RoleplayGateway. It died before it even had a chance to start. This is a reboot.

[IMG or GIF here]

Power: Describe what exactly your character can do with it. The link provided is purely for guidance. Every power needs a weakness be it a physical or mental one.

Secrets: Everybody has secrets. You can include your character's weakness here.


Personality: 1-2 paragraphs minimum.
History: Should be longer than personality.

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Name: Timothy Fisher
Nicknames: Tim, Timmy, Phisher
Age: 27
Hometown: Tuscumbia, Alabama
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Power: Technopathy Tim's power grants him the ability to control objects with electrical components. This includes, but is not limited to computers, phones, GPS systems, etc. He does this through something like a mental interface with the machine. Physical contact with the device boosts his ability, but is not necessary. At it's core, his ability allows him to turn machines on and off at will, sometimes at a distance. This most basic form can allow him to produce blackouts of the machines. At it's second tier is the ability to perceive and interpret electronic signals, allowing him to "speak" to electronic devices. He may also alter these signals to his advantage. He can easily override security codes of the most advanced systems and infiltrate the software. He may manipulate the flow of all intricate machinery to assemble or disengage their programming at his will. The downfall of his ability is that he must be around technology. He is powerless outside of the modern world. He has no power of machinery that has no electrical components, such as those powered by steam or that of purely mechanical components.

Secrets: Tim is plagued by Social Anxiety Disorder, preventing him from having normal social interaction with others. When social interaction is attempted, Tim will visibly shake and will stutter when he speaks. Antidepressant medication is taken to curb the disorder, and it proves largely ineffective.

~In addition to his ability, Tim is intelligent when it comes to math and science. This knowledge aids his own ability, as complex algorithms are sometimes used in software.
~Despite his time spent behind the computer, Tim is a fit and healthy individual, capable of great strength when the time is called for it.
~Unsurprisingly, Tim can understand and speak in binary code.


~His disorder is a deficit in and of itself, limiting his social interactions with others.
~A major downfall of his ability is it's total dependency on modern technology.
~Because of his lack of social adeptness, he is gullible and too quick to trust.


-Video Games
-The quiet
-His job
-His power


-Social Interaction

Timothy can best be described as socially inept. He spent almost his entire life tied to technology and has no concept of how to interact with other humans face to face, making him an easy target for manipulation. This lack of interaction in his past has lead to him being diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. His disorder has come to define him both inside and outside of the school. His antidepressant helps with panic attacks and overall uncomfortable feeling he gets from being social, but no medicine is foolproof and he will often disengage from society for a week or so at a time.

Tim has periods of time in which he becomes lonely as all humans do and will seek out a person to talk to, though these times are few and far between. When these do come about however, he overcompensates in his social interaction by acting awkward and goofy. He finds this particularly humiliating but is unable to control the way he acts, which only serves to intensify his disorder. When presented with a member of the opposite sex, he is incapable of speaking clearly and stumbles over his words.

Born in America's deep south, Tim was raised by his mother all on her own. His good-for-nothing father skipped town with a pretty redhead mere weeks before his birth. He was born in a time when technology had just gained a foothold in society, emerging from labs and businesses to be used by everyone for everyday use. This new world fascinated him and his mother, seeing his passion, bought him a computer with the meager money she earned. It was not long before he had immersed himself in the object, spending all of his free time on it.

They offered classes at his school, teaching people all about mechanics and programming. It was in these classes, that Tim learned of his power. In his own way, he learned to control his ability telling no one of what he could do. As time drew on, Tim talked less and less to his peers and spent more and more time "conversing" with his computer. He reverted into his own private world for so long, that as time passed, he grew uncomfortable when people were around him and trying to talk to him.

On his twenty-fifth birthday, Tim and successfully hacked into a major corporation's mainframe, wreaking havoc on the system. It took them a year and a half to track down who had done it and longer still to fix the damage caused. Having been found out, Tim was to be sent to jail for life. The government intervened after the CIA learned of his "special problem" and he was given an ultimatum: Teach at a school for others like him, or be sent to prison, never to touch technology again. The former was obviously the best choice and he took it. This will be his first year teaching at Tenebris.

Tim is a chain smoker, as it helps reduce the stress of dealing with people.

Kady Cavanaugh
Belfast, Ireland

User possesses an infinite life span, as they can never die, never age, and can shrug off virtually any kind of physical damage.​
Absolute Immortality

  • Cannot age.
  • Immune to all diseases, toxins and drugs.
  • All wounds and injuries heal instantly.
  • Immortality applies to not only the body, but mind and soul as well, rendering the user truly "absolute".
  • Power is absolute, so it can never be removed, nor can the user's existence from timelines.
  • User may still be able to feel pain.
  • Inability to die may cause user to descend into boredom and madness with the endless time.
  • Can be sealed in an empty dimension with no chance to escape.
  • Immortality Negation might weaken the level of immortality enough to harm or kill the user.
  • Immortality Manipulation may render the user vulnerable.
  • Users of Unavertable Death may be able to kill the user permanently.

Slightly Mad as in crazy
Has a library record of each century
Slightly hates being able to live forever

Speaking many Different languages
Good with many kinds of combat




Personality: 1-2 paragraphs minimum.
History: Should be longer than personality.

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Simon Almend

FC: Max Henhappel

Simon Almend



Los Angeles, California


Memory Manipulation
Simon has an exellent memory on its own, which is probably due to his powers. He is unable to forget anything! However the longer ago something is the more time and concentration is needed for him to remember it. He can also invades another persons memory, though he has to be in direct physical contact with them. This helps him with interrogation, but also with infiltration. He is now learning how to do this on a distance, but so far has only managed to do so with memories he had seen before or memories of situation he was part of. He assumes he can eventually even be capable of overwriting memories of others. Erasing memories is something he can do, but so far he has to figure out how to do this in a controlled way since it has ever happened when he had paniced and was a lot younger and unaware of its consequences.

~ He fears his own power and the possibilities and consequences that come with it. He is afraid of getting trapped into someone elses mind. Besides he has already figured out that erasing memories comes at a very harsh price. One he would not be willing to pay again.
~ He is afraid to be abandoned and passed around (again) which also causes him commitment issues.
~ His past. He doesn't tell what happened to anyone.

~ Coding. He is absolutely amazing with computers. Both as a gamer as with actual coding. Due to his memory he can simply remember whole strings of codes and algorythm that are used. It helps also that computers are a passion of his. At least that is a memory he can manipulate without emotions attatched to it.
~ Smoothtalking and manipulating. If he wants he can have a silver tongue that gets him everywhere. He can be quite a flirt. Though his power may have a bit of an influence in this as well.
~ Cooking. One thing people do not expect from him is that he is a star in the kitchen. Whole recipes he knows by hearts and with the right ingredients he can bring you a five star meal without trouble.

~ His power is a blessing and a curse. His power can be triggered by strong emotions of another person (anger, fear, panic attacks) or his own (mostly anger, when he feels like someone is lying to him or keeping something from him). In other words, if he touches a person stuck in a panic attack, he will be overwhelmed with the memories causing such reaction. Hence why he will mostly back away from people who display strong emotions and thus can come off as uncaring.
~ Flashbacks. Sometimes he can get caught in his own memory from hearing a specific set of words or seeing something that was critical or a crucial part of said memory. He will simply space out (no matter what situation he is in)

~ Computers
~ Gaming (Leauge of Legends, mostly)
~ Working out (especially when stuck on a problem or frustrated with something)
~ Cooking new dishes

~ People talking to him when he is busy with something. He doesn't mind noise in the background though
~ People keeping information from him
~ Secrets that someone hints about, but does not tell.
~ Harry Styles, and being told he looks like him.
~ Talking about himself, his past, fears or emotions.

Simon can come off as a very social guy. He is rather easy going and easy to talk to. Yet there is a limit, a boundary that Simon guards very careful. As soon as things get too serious, he shuts down and changes paths. He makes sure that he keeps everything and everyone on a shallow level. He doesn't trust himself to let others in, and honestly he doesn't even have any idea how to let others in. So keeping everything on the surface is just fine for him. It sometimes makes him seem uncaring and aloaf. Despite him being quite a joker and a flirt, there is definitely a serious side to him as well. Not on social levels perhaps, but on professionalism and educational level there is. Any assignment is taking up as if it is the most important thing in the world. He isn't someone to slack off on his work and will always push himself to do his absolute best. Hand him a laptop or assignment and his whole personality seems to flip around, once his is submerged in work he can easily ignore whatever is going on around him and get quite pissy when he is disturbed.

Overall, Simon is quite levelheaded. He can perform quite well under pressure or in stressful situations. He doesn't let emotions get into his way and keeps things rational. He isn't fan of the disorder, chaos and drama emotions bring with them or they way they can influence desicion to be non-benefitical for the situation. It makes him come off as a cold, rather cut throat person, which perhaps he is and has to be in terms for the job. Yet he has a warm and caring side, that is covered up by thick layers of self protection. Every now and then it will shine through when he just knows to get that favorite coffee or candy or whatever when someone is feeling down.

Simon Almend was an accident. Despite his parents loving eachother dearly and being engaged at that point. Both of them had never wanted children. They liked their life as it was and with their jobs it was simply impossible to create a home for a child. However despite all their care, they got the most horrible message ever. "Congratulation, you are pregnant." However the newly weds were not happy at all, all they could see the destruction this unborn child could bring to their little paradise. They searched for ways to terminate the pregnancy, but no doctor would take that risk. Eventually they settled for adoption as soon as the kid was born. Unlucky for all parties involved... that never happened. You see, seeming like a wholesome American family did have its perks and its fame. So getting rid of the child would certainly cause quite some rumors and reputation damage. So alas, the child was born and kept.

From a young age, it was already clear that his brain and specifically his memory was exceptional. Which only caused more problems, since his teachers couldn't keep up. And for a moment this seemed to be a good thing. His parents were proud they had brought forth such an exceptional child and did all they could to help him learn more and more. And so Simon did. He skipped from early kindergarten and though he could keep up with education, there became a gap between him and his fellow students. It forced him growing up much faster than he should and skipping over a normal childhood. Teachers and psychologists did point out this problem, though his parents were sadly too busy to care for that. Or make time for useless teach appointments. Their child had become their throphy to show off its intelligent. Other than that it was passed between nannies for his other needs.

While young Simon accepted this all, and didn't know any better, teenaged Simon started to see how 'weird' he was. How abnormal their non existing family life was. That and like any other child becoming a teenager meant a rush of hormones. He wanted the attention from his parents and he quickly figured out ways to get that. Misbehaving was a very good one. Thus Rebel Simon slowly but surely started to go further and further. Where it started rather innocent with not getting top grades, it quickly changed into staying out late, with all the wrong people at all the wrong places. And when he was forbidden to do that, he simply started to bring girls home. And when that didn't shook anyone anymore it changed to boys. With his parents example he had no problem breaking hearts and using others for his own benefit. Yet it all came to a quite horrible and sudden stop.

It happened just a month before he was offered to come to Tenebris. Both his parents had been home and as usually they scolded Simon on his behaviour. On how it was damaging their reputation and status as well. Simon wished he could say he wasn't aware of the details anymore, yet he remembers it all clear as the day. He told them off as he went to his room, his mother followed him. She grabbing his hand to stop him and he turned and told her that "if he really caused so much trouble they could just go on and forget about him already". He felt an electric spark and pushed her away and she fell down the stairs. An ambulance was called and she was hopitalized. No one was aware of what had happened, until Simon came to visit her and she seemed to be completely unaware of who he was. Amnesia the doctors ruled.

Once at Tenebris things quickly became really clear to Simon. He had caused his mothers amnesia. He had felt it in that little moment of anger and pushing her away. He had seen all those memories flash by and now they were all gone. Forever. And it was all his fault. It hunts him still and makes him very aware of the curse he was hit with. Now at Tenebris he seemed to finally have settled down and is determined to make something of his life.


Axion Lucien


None, yet




San Jose, California



Emotion Manipulation
Axion is best at manipulating the intensity of a person's emotions, from making them completely unfeeling to a devastated hysterical state, but the degree of the effect and the effort it takes varies from person to person. The effectiveness of his powers are determined by the target's logical thinking abilities and emotional stability at the time. Someone who is extremely stable might take him more time and effort to control while a person who is already in a frenzy of uncontrollable emotions will fall prey to him easily. In addition to manipulating the intensity, Axion can also change the emotions that the target in feeling, but doing that requires a "hook" such as a taunt, threat or praise in order for an opening to be breached. He can also exchange the emotions of multiple people onto each other or even himself, but he dislikes doing that due to his pride not wanting his own mind to be tainted by the "uncivilized, impulsive feral instincts of humanity." The effects of his powers fade slowly if he is away from the target for too long, it takes about 1-3 days for the effects to disappear completely depending on how much control he attempted to put on said target. That said, there is repercussions for overusing the ability. The emotional intensity and willful resistance of the target reflects on him by giving him debilitating migraines, and it is also physically exhausting to keep the brain in a constant stimulated state. Theoretically he has the ability to take away all of a person's feelings, rendering them essential a vegetable without a motivation to eat, sleep socialize or even live, he calls this the 0th stage, Total Shutdown, the other extreme is to drive one insane by letting them feel multiple uncontrollable emotions at once, which he calls the 12th stage, Total Meltdown. These are only his own estimates, he has never actually carried it out in concern of the physical and mental consequences that may rebound to him. Although in his "trainwreck" years when he first started high school he did developed a grading system for his ability, it involves 31 unique emotional branches with 12 levels each that can be combined.

-His older brother's suicide, as well as a series of suicides at his first high-school were all caused by him either directly or indirectly
-He keeps a journal about the people he meets, and writes down his day to day interactions with them in every entry, using it to judge how easily manipulated each individual around him is and from what angle are they the most vulnerable
-He thinks he is an unlikable person without his abilities, as he has always made friends by making people happy with his power

- Observational Skills: In order to fully utilize his ability, Axion developed very sharp sense. He can see tiny body movements, facial expressions and tenseness of muscles, he is also sensitive to motion and smells such as shaking limbs and scents of certain surroundings. These skills actually help him flourish in social situations, along with his powers to intensify happiness in others.
- Absolute Parallel Thought Processing: With the power to control multiple people at once, it came with the perk of parallel thinking as he can work out multiple problems and assets many aspects of one situation simultaneously
-Philosophy and History: Interestingly enough he knows a lot about world history and different philosophical ideologies, he often use these facts as a way to deteriorate a target's psychological defenses and manipulate them.
-Mathematics and Theoretical Physics: He believes at it's core math and philosophy is essentially the same thing, so he took up an interest in abstract theoretical sciences as well.


- Insecurity: Having seen the worse of humanity being brought out by emotions, Axion is distrusting of most people due to his belief that humans are uncontrollable, unpredictable and dangerous at their core
- Chronic Insomnia and Medication Abuse: His paranoia as well as the nature of his abilities often over stimulates his brain, causing restlessness and eventually hallucinations from sleep deprivation. During those times he curles up and refuses to do anything or meet anyone while continuously apologizing for his past actions, which he actually unaware of. He takes sleeping medication almost everyday and can barely sleep properly without them, even with that he averages 3-5 hours of sleep a day.
- Albinism: His grey-white hair and skin are cause by achromasia, or albinism, which makes him very prone to sunburns and is unable to stay in sunlight for extended amounts of time, along with photosensitive eyes.
- Risk Management: He tends to be the "all or nothing" type of strategist, with an almost unhealthy amount of nihilism when it comes to fighting style, often he'll put himself at risk for others or for no reason, not out of compassion but just because he is so uncaring for himself.
- Physical Abilities: While ok when compared to an average civilian, his stamina and other physical abilities are just not great for some secret agent in training, he can barely keep up with other students, male and female when it comes to physical activity related classes.


-The outdoors but only on overcast days
-Hypothetical Situations
-Word play and jokes
-Comments with a sadistic edge, sometimes down right insults towards others
-Being in control of the situation
-Math, history, philosophy and study of some religions
-Maintaining his hair


- Warm days, humidity and bright sunlight
-Physical contact, especially if it's not for combat purposes
-Alcohol, he has an impossibility low alcohol tolerance, almost any alcohol can easily make him throw up then put him out for a whole day
-Tobacco, especially the smell
-Things of a sexual nature
-Strong scents
-Anything that clouds rationality
-People that he can't understand or see through
-People who have a problem with his long hair

With a general glance, Axion is a well-educated, well-mannered, elegant and sometimes soft spoke young man. He enjoys spending time alone but never turns down socialization without a reasonable ,polite excuse, and is always open to helping others and new relationships. But once in awhile he would lash out at others, ranging from sarcasm to down right insulting, it's usually for his own amusement and curiosity of the person's reactions. He is likeable enough, but only if it's a haphazard relationship.

In his personal life he is actually extremely chaotic, he is obsessively stubborn with certain aspects of his life,a little vibe of a perfectionist and clean freak. Sometimes he has sever hallucinations due to his non-eixistent circadian rhythm. Most of it is due to his ability, over the years of using it and experimenting it has effectively desensitized him to human emotion. Thus, even though he is capable of handling social situations very well, to him it is more of a science that he's mastered than something intuitive. To him the science of socialization and emotions is the most important study, due to this he treates most of his relations as useful tools or learning opportunities. This caused his untrusting nature, he is constantly paranoid about whether the people around him have enough self control to remain emotionally stable. He is also capable of genuinely enjoying another person's emotion turmoil and suffering if the situation interests him, as he does tend to put his self interest and curiosity above wellbeing of others. But in the end Axion tries to not let his personal problems show, even if he is sometimes desperate for outlets he will use his own abilities to surpress the desire while stubbornly ignoring potential consequences, since his own insecurities and pride doesn't allow him to hand his issues to other people.

Born to two theoretical physicists at Stanford University, who were big enough nerds to name their two kids after subatomic particles, Axion Lucien, and his older brother Lepton Lucien. Axion almost died right out of the womb, born prematurely and staying in an incubator for weeks after birth. Though luckily, as time went on he had a fairly normal early childhood, and had all the usual children issues, including being constantly bullied for his sickly white skin and hair. This was upsetting to any child, but his family was a loving and supportive one, especially his brother. Lepton constantly told him that his unusual coloring was a sign that he was special, that he was a superhero like the ones on television, who is destine to save the world one day. As time went on Axion gained friends in school, clubs and in the neighborhood, he was happy but was puzzled by one thing. Everyone of his friends, when asked why they were his friend, answered that being with him made them feel strangely happy. He dismissed it at first, he wanted his friends to be happy, who wouldn't? Soon more strange things started to happen, when a teacher was mad at him, or a school bully was wanting to hit him, they would calm down and turn away, simply because he hoped that they would calm down.

Even at a young aged it was beginning to concern Axion, it appears that he seems to have a mind controlling superpower that can change how people felt. He kept this a secret, only telling the person he trusted the most, his older brother. Lepton was first suspicious and dismissed it as a child's imagination, but told Axion that if he truly had abilities like that, he should try to do good in the world. And to a child, the world is black and white. After that Axion set off on a quest to make everyone around him happy, his friends, family and himself. Naturally, it backfired at some point. It began when his parents had their research thesis plagerized and stolen, the couple was preparing lawsuits, and got into constant angry arguments with lawyers, coworkers and each other. This always terrified the child, and he actively tried to calm them down. It worked, his parents called off the lawsuit, and had their lifelong research stolen. His father was also jailed on a false accusation of removing government funds. He didn't calm his parents down, he mellowed them down, making them lose their ambitions and motivations.

After the events, his single mother's career deteriated, but she still worked hard to support her two sons. Time went on as Axion stopped consciously using his abilities, until the summer before high school, he found out from his middle school friend group that many of them has came down with depression, or are just plain sad after graduation. Axion worries that his existence itself may be effecting people, and his worries were confirmed. Once started high school he lost contact with his brother who went to New York for university, in three months news was brought that his brother committed suicide. This was devastating, as it wasn't only a loss for Axion, but the realization that his very existence caused people around him to suffer. Since he was so close to his brother, he had always subconsciously repressed his negative emotions, his mental state couldn't bear the influx of regular emotions after he was separated from Axion and the effects faded. After his brother's death, Axion was determined to gain full control of this dangerous ability he had, for himself and for everyone else.

His starting point was great, but to tame a monster, one may need to become a monster themselves. First, under the orders of his school's mental health counseling department, Axion was placed in a support group for those who recently suffered emotional turmoil. It was here that he realized the full extend of his abilities. Against someone who is in extreme grief, anger or any other emotion, he could freely take control of their feelings like puppets on a string, at some points even predicting what they are going to do when put under a certain emotion. As a child born to a science orientated family, he began to use a scientific process to study his own power. Hypothesize, find materials, experiment, summarize, repeat. Slowly he found out more and more, how he could manipulate the type and intensity of people's emotions. This also brought him to the conclusion that he did indeed ruin the life of his parents and drove his older brother to suicide.

But at this point, he couldn't grief anymore. His experiments, targeted at people with different personalities, backgrounds and recent experiences had already caused enough chaos. There were three more suicides at his high school, as well as cases of students coming down with psychological disorders, all from the long term exposure to his ability. Repeating this process, and obsessively training himself in emotional manipulation has desensitized Axion, he constantly kept notes on human behavior, read psychology papers and carrying out planned tests with people around him. After many times, his relationships to him devolved to nothing but sets of descriptions, variables and experimental processes.

It was too long before he recieved a letter from Tenebris. Of course, Axion took no interest in becoming a government agent or having someone else train his ability, but his mother almost begged him to go, after seeing her son slowly waste away with his bizarre researches, even telling him that it was what his father and brother would've wanted him to do. After days of not sleeping the mention of his long gone family clicked some sort of button in his head and put him out in a long deep slumber for two days, when he woke up more letters arrived, this time it's detail evidence of the suffering he's caused to others during these years, and a threat of being charged with these crime legally. Eventually he gave in and went, under the threat of legal action, but also a genuine wish to be helped by those who's walked this path before.

-He still has no interest in being a government agent
-His hair reaches down to almost his thighs, it haven't been shortened since middle school, this is because of his paranoia about absolutely everything, including people poking sharp things around his head
-He is terrified of anesthetics and anything that will dull his senses, and has endured multiple stitched wounds without any, giving proper medical treatment to him requires knocking him unconscious first​
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  • Love
Reactions: DarkiusHeavenstein
if it is ok I am gonna join and take the 3:Intuitive Aptitude: with a female and this is my reserve
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Romana Azikiwe



Kigali, Rwanda


Adoptive Muscle Memory
Romana has the ability copy any movements or actions after seeing it performed once, including acrobatics, martial arts, and other physical stunts. This ability allows her to use a wide range of weapons and fighting styles. Her power had a limit however. Romana cannot copy the superpowers of others. In order to copy a certain movement/actions she has to witness it. In some cases it doesn't give Romana knowledge behind the action, for example after watching someone play the piano Romana will not be able to read sheet music if she could not before.

Romana was the mother of a lively little girl name Ayo. She was taken one day while Romana was away, it's unknown whether is alive or not

Martial Arts - With the help of her power Romana has become a master martial artist. In her youth she trained and watched a variety of fighters.

Weapons Proficiency - Romana is an excellent marksman. She has excellent aim. Her power allows her to use a number of weapons quite easily.

Intimidation - She uses her ability to her advantage frequently. Romana has a way of making people crack with a simple squinting of her eyes or blank stare.

Acting - Romana is talented when it comes to acting. She can mask her emotions and make others see only what she wants them to see.

Romana does not forgive easily, she can hold a grudge for a long time

She lacks the ability to truly open up to others

Cats || Wine || Rainy days || Mangos || Getting things done || Neo soul music || Free days

Dogs || Messes || Slackers || Rude behavior || Bigots

Intense is a word that is used to describe Romana more often than not. Her stare is penetrating and sharp, causing others to feel as if she's staring at their very soul. Romana can be described as a perfectionist. She prefers for certain things to be done in the way that she sees it. Control is something is values as much air. It's quite the challenge for her to give up control at times. Romana is not a shrinking violet by any means. She tends to speak her mind when the situation calls for it. While she's appears to be tame Romana is actually fierce. Her tongue is silver and sharp. Her mouth is full of thinly veiled insults and biting marks just waiting to be thrown at those who cross her. Romana can tear apart an individual verbally. Her bluntness makes it hard for others to like her. She was never one to beat around the bush or sugarcoat things. Romana would hold something back if it is important for her to do so.

She carries herself with grace, her back is straight and her head held high. Confidence is something that she doesn't lack. Romana is polite woman who uses her manner frequently. She has trouble with getting close with others. Romana can be intimidating at times and she uses this to keep others at arms length. Beneath her cold exterior is a compassionate individual. When is cares for someone Romana gives them her all. Her loyalty is not easily gained and hard to lose.

Romana grew up in Kigali, Rwanda to a large family. From a young age Romana realized that she was different from everyone else. She could do something that proved to be difficult for other people. At first it was believed that she possessed a excellent memory. That was proven wrong when she became showing the ability to do things that she had no prior knowledge of, things like playing the piano and coping acrobatic moves were just some of the things that she'd done. Romana's childhood was normal. Her family loved each other and got into arguments like any other. However, they were poor. Being the oldest meant that Romana had to help provide for her family and get an education. She tried a variety of jobs in order to help out but none were helping much. Eventually she became involved in a underground fighting ring. Her skills in fighting increased as she would watch other fighters when she didn't have any matches. The money flowed and her family was taken care. Sometime later Romana became pregnant with her first child. A little girl who she named Ayo. Her father decided that he wasn't ready for a child, leaving the baby girl in the care of her mother and family.

Life was good for them. Romana adored her baby girl and despite the struggle of motherhood she prevailed. While away at school Ayo had been playing outside. Her grandmother had called her inside but was met with silence. A search party was put together but the girl was nowhere to be found. Romana was devastated. Romana carries on with her life. She managed to finish high school and get into a college close to home. After graduating at the top of her class Romana decided to travel. Her town was far to small for her liking. She traveled the world, learning new things and meeting interesting individuals. She decided to expand her knowledge on fighting, training under different teachers. Romana eventually settled in America where she was able to become an agent, passing the mental and physical test with flying colors. She was offered more training and sent on missions. Eventually she was placed in Tenebris.

She speaks Xhosa and Kinyarwanda​
I have to bow out of this for now I don't have a lot of time any more

Nikandros Volkov
age 17 years old

gender Male

sexuality Heterosexual

hometown Moscow, Russia

01. Power

[ Rapid Cellular Regeneration ]
Nik's power allows him to regenerate cells in his body faster than normal. This enables him to heal minor wounds, such as cuts, bruises and light burns, faster. Reproducing blood cells can be hastened thus allowing him to be able to recover from minor blood loss. The bigger the wound is trying to heal, the more energy is drained from him.

Although he can regenerate cells, there are still limitations to the extent he can heal. For one, he is unable to reattach or regrow a dismembered limb. He can't heal fatal wounds completely, such as damage to internal organs and the nervous system, but he can close up any wounds to prevent further blood loss. Lastly, Nik is unable to heal fatally damaged cells such as in the case of a severe burn.

It should also be noted that while the cell regeneration process is faster, it is not instantaneous. The time it takes to heal a wound is proportional to the amount of cells need to be regenerated--the bigger the damage, the longer it will take to heal. He is unable to heal multiple wounds at once and thus prioritises the wounds that are most severe which he is capable of healing.

( reference: Regenerative Healing Factor )

02. Secrets

[ All Walled Up ]
As boisterous as he may seem, Nik is still shaken up by Kole's death. He's afraid of what may happen to someone who becomes as close to him as Kole was. Friends are fine, but anything beyond makes him retreat. It's not that he thinks being his close friend is going to lead to anyone to danger, it's just that he's afraid of the emotional pain he could experience when someone he's grown extremely close with gets hurt.

[ A Fear ]
Nik isn't certain to the extent of how much his ability can grow into. For now he knows and is comfortable with what his limits are, but what if he reaches a point where his cells regenerate faster than they age? Would that make him immortal? He's afraid of possibly reaching such a point. Nik doesn't know if it's even possible but he still can't help but think of the what if.

03. Profile

[ Skills ]
Street Fighting - Hanging out with Kole has taught him a few tricks, one being how to brawl with others. Nik has become quite adept at hand-to-hand combat.
Quick Reflexes - Nik is quick to react to things. He can easily catch or dodge something that was thrown at him.
Graffiti Artist - It may not be a very practical skill, but he is pretty good when it comes to marking a wall with the use of a can of spray paint. He thinks his artistic skill comes from his late mother who was a painter.

[ Deficits ]
Crass Hothead - His bad temper matched with his tendency to speak in an insensitive manner has gotten him into trouble with others many times in the past.
Impatient - He is the type of person who easily gets bored. Nik constantly wants to be doing something fun and exciting. There may be a ton of things that he needs to do, but if they all bore him, he'll push them away try to find something else to do.
Reckless - Nik has a tendency to rush into things head on without much of a plan in mind.

[ Likes ]
Dogs - Nik loves dogs and can easily get distracted by one. When he's in a sour mood, or one of his fits, playing with a dog makes him forget what it was that he was mad or upset about. Nik has a rather goofy smile around these animals. They simply bring him great joy.
Graffiti art - He is a fan of graffiti art and is known to dabble in it every now and then.
Meat - Nik is a meat lover. When it comes to his steak, his preference is a medium raw.

[ Dislikes ]
Bunnies - As tough and scary as he may seem, Nik is actually afraid of bunnies. He flinches at the first sight of them. It was a fear he developed when he was still a kid and never grew out of. He swears that all bunnies are evil and are slowly working to take over the world. People find it funny how death barely fazes him but a little adorable fur ball can send him cowering.
Anastasia - His stepmother. He considers her to be a she-witch who lives to antagonise him and suck the soul out of his father.
Loud music - He claims that it hurts his ears which is quite ironic as he is known to be a loud person.

04. Personality

[ Loud & Temperamental ]
Nik is a loud person, not just in the literal sense of him talking loud, but also in the sense of being vocal on things. He is the type of person who isn't afraid of confrontation and will call out someone's bullshit if he sees it--regardless of who it is. Nik doesn't always do this in the most pleasant ways sadly, and has gotten himself into trouble many times in the past because of it. His horrible temper doesn't help either.

He is a hotheaded person, it doesn't take much to rile him up. Nik loves to tease people, but when it's his turn to be teased, he gets upset pretty easily. Even the tiniest of things can tick him off. He is also very impulsive. More often than not, he lets his emotions dictate his actions. All of this, plus his bad temper has led him to a couple of fights here and there while growing up. It certainly didn't help that has a bad habit of jumping to conclusions. He has a tendency to overlook the other side of things, especially when angered.

[ Loyal & Selfish ]
The phrase 'sharing is caring' was one he was never fond of. Nik simply didn't like sharing what was his. He can be quite possessive of things and, sometimes, even people. What's his is his alone, and he makes sure that people know this.

Lucky for him, his loyalty outshines his selfishness. There isn't a lot of people that he trusts, but those that do have his trust are his friends, and those that he does consider to be his friends have his undying loyalty. For them, he would go through hell and back. They are the people he listens to the most. He will support them in whatever endeavour they decide to take and won't question their decisions, no matter how dodgy they may seem at the time. Nik simply trusts that they would do the right thing.

[ Dauntless & Aggressive ]
There's not a lot of things that Nik fears and, unlike most, death is not one of them--at least, not his own death. He fears more for his loved ones than he does for himself. Nik is the type of person who would be ballsy enough to tango with death. His reckless and impulsive tendencies show this greatly. While he may not be scared of death however, it didn't mean that he longed for it.

Although he can be violent and aggressive, he does have some semblance of self-restraint. Nik wouldn't hit people just because he was angry and whatnot. He's a hothead, but he has morals as well. He knows that physically taking his anger out on others was just plain wrong. Unfortunately, this did not extend to object. His notoriety for breaking things stems from this. Instead of taking his anger out on someone, he tends to take it out on the next object that he spots. However, if a person has done him or his loved ones wrong, then he doesn't hesitate to pick a fight with them.

05. History

The bastard son of a rich business man named William Volkov. Nik was conceived before his father was wed to his current wife. His mother, Julia Ellsworth, raised him up as a single parent. The woman initially had no intention of telling his father, not wanting to destroy his relationship with his wife. She changed her mind after William had been the first to reach out with the intent of apologising for how things had ended between them. The two caught up and before she knew it, Julia had told William about their son who then wanted to meet him. Being the kindhearted woman that she was, Julia allowed him his wish. That was how Nik met his father. From then on, William regularly visited his son.

He was eight when his mother died. Upon his mother's death, Nik was taken in by his father to live with them. It was then that he met Anastasia, his new step-mother who was pregnant with what was to be his half-brother. Anastasia was a far cry from his birth mother. The woman was all hugs and smile when his father was around, but as soon as he leaves, the woman turns into the evil step-mother. William wasn't around a lot due to his work which made it all the more easier for Anastasia to terrorise his son. She hated Nik for being the living reminder of how William had--and continued to--love Julia. Likewise, Nik hated her for making his life at home miserable.

Fortunately, Nik wasn't a prisoner to his home. He could leave and come when he wanted, which was what he often did. Everyday after school, he would stay a few more hours outside. He dreaded having to go home and stayed out for a long as he possibly could without worrying his father. It was during one of his excursions that he met and older kid named Kole.

Kole was someone who he kept running into and eventually became his friend and brother figure. He taught Nik how to stand up for himself. Unfortunately, Nik may have gotten a bit too courageous. He became eager to fight anyone who insulted them. It was not uncommon for them to get into a fight or two with other people whenever they hang out. As good as Kole was for Nik, he was also bad for him. Alas, Nik was blind to the latter.

One day, he and Kole got into a pretty bad accident. Kole died as a result of this, but Nik survived. The damaged the two of them sustained was supposedly approximately the same, yet somehow the doctors found that it wasn't. It was as if Nik's body had managed to mitigate the damage. It took him a few stitches and only a few days of rest before he was fully healed and released from the hospital.

Kole's death devastated him. Nik refused to come out of his room for weeks after his release. The closest friend--the best friend he's ever had was dead. He couldn't help but blame himself. Perhaps if they didn't go out that day then Kole would still be alive.

Less than a week after having been released, Nik received a visitor who he turned down. He didn't want to see anyone as he continued to grieve the loss of someone who was like a brother to him. The man respected this and claimed he would return at a later date.

After several more weeks of mourning and locking himself in his room, Nik finally went back to living his life. Anastasia's attitude towards him didn't change, but now, Nik didn't let the bitch get to him. However, he still didn't tell William about Anastasia's attitude towards him. He believed that his father loved the royal bitchiness and didn't want to spoil it for him just for his own selfish reasons. Nik played with his younger half-brother a lot; the kid actually adored him. Although Nik hated his mother, he had no reason to hate the child. His dad began to make sure to balance his time between work and home more. He would make certain that his weekends were free to spend time with his two sons. Life was starting to look better for Nik.

Nik had nearly forgotten about his unknown visitor when he came back for another visit, just as he had said he would. He still didn't know who the man was but it was clear from his appearance that what he had to talk about was important. It was then that he learned about Tenebris Academy, a place for people with special abilities like he did. At first, Nik thought he was crazy, after all, he didn't have any special abilities that he knew of. He was proven wrong when the man explained about his exceptional healing. The man left Nik with an invite to the academy.

As days passed, the offer looked more and more appealing to him. Eventually, Nik decided to take it up and enlisted the following school year.

06. Others

[ Helios ]
While he loves just about every dog out there, his favourite dog would always be his pet corgi, Helios. Helios has been with him since he was fifteen. His father got him a dog in hopes it would help him cheer up after the loss of his friend. At first, Nik hated the dog and he was mad at his father for giving it to him. He felt as if his father thought that a dog would be able to replace the best friend he lost. After a while however, he eventually warmed up to the pup and now he loves him to bits.

Helios is a pembroke welsh corgi who bore a striking resemblance to a dog in a painting that his mother made long ago. The painting was an illustration of an ginger corgi playing with a blue ball. It had always been Nik's favourite creation of hers and was hung on the corridor wall leading to his room. Nik remembers showing it to his father when he was younger and telling him how it was his favourite out of his mom's works. Looking back, Nik thinks that Helios looking like that dog was no mere coincidence. He has no doubt that his father had specifically chosen the dog for him because he remembered the painting that little Nik excitedly showed and told him about. It made Nik love both Helios and his father even more.

[ Playlist ]

Emperor's New Clothes
Panic! At the Disco

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Had Enough
Lower Than Atlantis

timberwolf - #DBD7D2 ; purple colour - #76697b
Ooh, color me interested. Are sign-ups still open? I'd like to claim a guy with intangibility.
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Uh oh. Did this die? I hope it didn't, that'd be kinda sad.
Uh oh. Did this die? I hope it didn't, that'd be kinda sad.
No idea really. @kuukakulily the GM hasn't replied in a long time. Hope this rp will still pick up though since I love my character.
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No idea really. @kuukakulily the GM hasn't replied in a long time. Hope this rp will still pick up though since I love my character.

Same, I've been developing the OC I plan to use and I really like the way he's turning out. Has the GM mentioned a reason for their absence?
I checked and @kuukakulily hasn't been seen on Iwaku in over 2 weeks, but there's no status update or anything explaining an absence. Hopefully she isn't gone long...
3 weeks of silence, what is going on?
if this ever comes back into play i will happily return with my character Jarrah :)
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