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[btn=moda|https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=7AB7BF235AF2EB1D!1700&authkey=!AOSUYJKkUO-GVSQ&ithint=onenote%2c]Lore book[/btn]
Button for some reason appears to be broke, so here's a link to the lore book.

Well, I'm not too good with intros and summaries, but here goes.

Hello new members of the SDF Special Operations Team. Your mission is to investigate rumors of a new shadow organization that has popped up a couple years ago and, if necessary, eliminate them. You will endure attacks from monsters and other beings of darkness, setbacks, and possibly misery. But it is for all the greater good, as we must not allow darkness to rise again.

...I promise it's a lot cooler than it sounds. The lore book contains a good amount of information that should give you a better idea of where I'm planning to go with this. Lots of evil, lots of action, lots of fantasy, and lots of fun(I hope so anyway. >.>) This is based on a series of RPs I did on a previous forum that was moderately popular, so I thought I'd give it a go over here.

Race(No angels or demons.):
Appearance(Either text or picture is fine.):
Ability type:
1. There is a lot of potential in this RP for OPness and god modding. I will tolerate none of it. It's not fun for me, it's not fun for the other players in the RP, and it certainly won't be fun for you. I will judge this on a case by case basis.

2. No characters are allowed to wander away from the main group(unless I give express permission.) There may be times however during the RP where characters are split up due to circumstances.

3. I require at least one paragraph, which is five sentences. Two is great. More is awesome.

4. No bright/hard to read text colors! Such as red, black, or yellow. I'll tell you if your post has readability issues.

5. While romance is not a main point for this RP, I'm fine with it as long as it stays SFW and doesn't get in the way of progression. If push comes to shove, I can and will take control of characters to keep the RP going the right direction(but I reallly don't want to do that.)

6. Characters must be humanoid. They don't have to be human, but they have to have the general shape of one.

7. Think long and hard before you choose your abilties. You have the potential to be quite powerful yes, but I think I've made it clear that the more powerful the ability, the worse the effects are.

8. I'm pretty lenient about how often you guys post, but if I see two players posting back and forth constantly, I will start asking questions. Likewise, if I notice some players have not posted in a while, I will get in touch with them. That said, I understand that sometimes, your character may have nothing meaningful to do, or you may have stuff going on in real life.

9. You do not have to use one of the races I've written down, however if you don't you must include a description of your race. This also applies for magical abilities.

10. Your character(s) do not have to use magic. However, I will be taking harder looks at character sheets that do something other then magic, since I need to decide whether you've made your character powerful/skilled enough to fit in with the rest of the group.

11. Lastly, I've not implemented an age limit since I believe even those under 16 can be mature enough to handle this RP. However, there may be some rather violent/gruesome scenes(limited of course by the rules of iwaku), so this is not for the weak of stomach.
This RP takes place among several different dimensions, and sometimes even different times! As such, the members of the task force must be capable of adapting to many different customs, cultures, styles, and even magic to some degree. The base of operations for the SDF, Idris, is located on what is known as an Axis, a space where several different dimensions overlap. As such, it has gotten many recruits in the past two centuries it has existed, having over 80 million troops and growing. The base itself is twice the size of New York City, with walls as tall as the Empire State Building and as thick as the Pentagon. It has 4 gates, each being made of Adamantite and nearly as tall as the walls.

Founded two centuries ago, their main mission is the protection of the dimensions from demons and other forces of evil. They are very scientifically advanced and have a lot of technology that is unavailable in most dimensions.

Magic can take many different forms, from elemental control, to shapeshifting, and even what is called Divine magic, the ultimate judgement force. And there are spots, called Axis, where magic power is exponentially more powerful(and sizeably harder to control). Idris has measures in place that allow for easier and finer control of magic within its area, but it is not the only Axis. In Axis, the fabric of space-time is much weaker, allowing those with the skills required easier access to other dimensions and times. Magic is encouraged in most dimensions, but in some dimensions it is feared, or even treated as an evil thing.

The use of magic, for the most part, depends heavily on the user's mental and physical attributes, with different types of magic requiring different attributes of the two. For example, shapeshifting requires a strong sense of self and grounding, or else the shapeshifter may not be able to return to their original form, while also requiring a sizeable knowledge of the creature they are shifting into.

Elemental magic depends more on emotion and physical strength. For example, Fire users tend to be more hot headed and/or fierce, while Water users are more calm.

One of the hardest types of magic to master, this requires a strong understanding(but not neccessarily ability to use) of all the other types of magic, as well as a sense of balance. In addition, users of this magic must abide by certain laws, or else risk losing their connection to the force that is Magic entirely. As such, users of Divine Magic tend to also be masters of other magicks in case of emergency. To this point, the only magic wielders to be known to be able to wield this powerful magic are descended from the Angels themselves. Wielders of this magic are capable of channeling angelic energy through themselves to enhance their other abilities, manipulating time-space itself, utilizing divine weapons/armor/equipment, and rendering divine judgement unto the forces of darkness. This takes an enormous amount of energy, and if care is not taken during use, can kill or permanently impair the user.

The laws a wielder of this magic must follow are as follows.
1. You must not murder those not of evil.
2. You must only use this power against forces of darkness.
3. You must not interfere with the timeline.

These are just a tier below Divine Magic. They are, again, very difficult to master and very powerful. They include control over space-time(similar to Diving Magic), temporary bending of the laws of the universe, and use of extremely high level magic spells such as Ultima. Again, like Divine Magic, this requires an exorbitant amount of energy from the caster and requires a near mastery of magic as well as over one's soul, body, and mind. In addition, all Ancient Magic has a cost, be it days/weeks/months/years of the caster's life, loss of memory of an event, the life of the caster or another being. Often, the cost is not even known to the caster, so users of this magic should think long and hard before utilizing it. Because of this, wielders of this magic often have knowledge of other magic.

Much more common then the above two magicks, users of elemental control usually only have control over one element, due to requiring absolute understanding of the element. The wielder usually has similarities to the element they control, be it physically(such as darker skin in the case of a fire user), or mentally(such as an air user being shy and timid.) Wielders of this magic often(but not always) use a physical focus to help with the channeling of their element.

Another very common magic, holder magic requires significantly less mental and physical strength then other types of magic. Users of this magic utilize magical equipment(such as weapons, armor, items, books, scrolls) to cast their will upon the world. Masters of this type of magic are capable of creating their own magical equipment/items.

A not neccessarily rare, but uncommon magic, users of this are capable of shifting their physical forms to that of other beings(both human and inhuman). Doing this requires both a strong sense of self/grounding, as well as a strong understanding of the being they are shifting into. Most shapeshifters are only capable of shifting into one or two forms, though masters are capable of shifting into a wide array of beings.

Alchemy users are usually also gifted in holder magic. These users create decoctions that can aid or inhibit them and other users.

One could call this the yang to Divine magic's yin. Users of this magic, while not necessarily requiring physical strength, require an enormous level of self-discipline/mental strength. Wielders have mastery over Fire and Darkness, are capable of utilizing demonic tools, and are capable of channeling demonic energy through them. However, demonic magic wielders have a stroke of darkness within them, and are weaker to the whisperings of darkness. Many end up losing their self control, allowing demons to take host over their mind and body. And the more they use their power, the stronger the whisperings grow.

Wielders of this magic require both significant mental strength and a strong understanding of the universe. They are capable of ripping tears in the fabric of space, allowing for dimensional travel. This however requires an enormous amount of energy, so wielders often carry with them an oricalchum dagger, through which they focus their energy.

Similar to holder magic, users of combat magic utilize magical equipment for combat. However, they have the ability to store their equipment in a pocket dimension, being able to pull the equipment out on a whim. Experienced users of this magic often have numerous combinations of equipment. It takes relatively little energy to utilize, however some equipment does require a constant flow of magical energy to continue using(such as most armors).

A relatively rare type of magic, summoners are able to summon beings from other dimensions to assist them in their efforts. For summoning, one requires a sizeable amount of magical power. Most summoners can only summon one being at a time. In addition, their summons grow more powerful as their summoner does. However, to use these beings, the summoner needs to make a contract with the being in question before hand. Users of other higher level magics can also summon to a degree. Divine Magic users, at the cost of a extremely large amount of energy, are capable of summoning angels(and particularly powerful ones can summon ark angels.) The same goes towards demonic magic users. And elemental magic users, if they have mastered their element, can summon a being that represents the element.

The most numerous of all the races, they are very adaptable/flexible in their abilities. However, they have relatively short lives.
Also known as the Fair Folk, they are a very long lived race, living for up 1800 years. They are known for their prowess and knowledge in many aspects of magic(and are rumored to be the origins of ancient magic), as well as their deep magical reserves. They greatly resemble humans, except they are normally slightly taller, have tapered ear tips, and cat like eyes. They are quick on their feet, but their physical strength is usually not as great as some other races(such as humans). In addition, they do not breed well. It is not uncommon for elven couples to only be able to have one or two children. Because of this, they place great value in their children, and it is also not unknown for elves to mate with other similar races, such as humans or fae. They also have a strong connection to nature, living in cities made of treehouses and occasionally cursing beings who intrude upon their forests to hunt and chop down trees. They age much slower physically then humans, with a 300 year old elf being equivalent to a 18 year old human.
Beings that stand for light, justice, and holiness, they live up in heaven and rarely mingle with the other races, preferring to allow them to sort out their own problems.
Short of stature and temper, they, like the elves, have long life expectancies, capable of living for centuries. Their physical strength is unmatched among the earthly races, but they do not take well to magic, taking longer to learn and master magic then other races. They normally live in large cities made of stone within caves or mountains, and have a strong affinity for minerals/rock, often being very talented at smithing of both ordinary and magical equipment.
On average the size of a human teenager, they usually are found living close to elven cities, among the forest. They are a mischievous race, often playing pranks on humans or dwarves who wander near their coves. They have an affinity for water and ice, often becoming talented elemental mages. Their life expectancy is on average three to four centuries, not as long as most other races.
The opposite of angels, they are beings of darkness. They regularly interfere with the affairs of the other races, attempting to take over the dimensions and, eventually, Idris. They have been known to do anything from whisper promises of power into the ears of susceptible beings, to mounting full scale incursions onto earth, which were always repelled by Idris.
Name: Arya Lightwood

Age: 600

Race: Elf

Appearance(Either text or picture is fine.): Is roughly 5ft 10in. Has a lean build, brown eyes, and neck length brown hair. Usually prefers practical clothing such as t-shirts and loose shorts/skirts.

Ability type: Divine/Ancient Magic and Combat.

Equipment: Normally keeps a long bow made of rowan wood and a quiver strapped to her back. When in battle she wields an adamantite claymore with runes along both sides of the blade, and can equip a short tunic with chainmail or a full set of plate made of mithril. When channeling her angelic power, she is capable of equipping the runite blade Ragnarok for a short time.

Personality: Calm and collected, she is very articulate in the way she speaks. She is slow to anger, however she's willing to risk her life to protect her team.

Bio: Coming from a long line of angelic blood, her great great great grandfather was the arch angel Uriel. Due to this, she is capable of wielding Divine and Ancient magics, though rarely does due to the demands of both. 20 years ago, she joined the SDF, eventually making her way up to lieutenant major in the SDF. Recently, she was put in charge of the Special Operations team for Operation Thunder Crack.

Extra: N/A
Name: Jerod Stormbolt

Apparent Age: Mid 40's
Actual Age: 1024

Eternal - A race of dimensional wanderers, the first trial that each of them undergo is to sever their connection to the flow of time, rendering them ageless, generally being physically equal to your average human and as easily slain from a damage perspective. This does not make them any stronger, faster, or more in tune with the arcane flows and ebbs of the world, each beings relation to the world and their own properties being as varied as other races. The only unique trait they have is spatial magic comes more easily to them, due to the fact that their race ritually severs many of the connections that bind them so readily to the world and its resident dimension. Each individual Eternal, however, may not necessarily pursue spatial magic, in fact, many don't in favor of forming roving bands of merchant wanderers, akin to Gypsy folk among humans, and are many times compared to them and no argument is typically made on the parts of the Eternal in question. Per roving band, only a small number, less than 5% usually, are Spatial mages, the rest dedicating themselves to other arts to support the community of roving Eternals as a whole. This allows the Spatial Eternals to either focus solely on that school of magic, or only have to concern themselves with one or two other schools of magic, trade skills coming with responsibilities to the band. Of course, this makes Spatial Eternals highly sought after by trans-dimensional travelers, for obvious reasons.


Ability type: Spatial/Lightning Elemental Control and Combat

Equipment: Jerod always has his attuned staff, through which he channels his Lightning magics and can use as an impromptu melee weapon if, for whatever reason, his other blades are not within reach or are not feasible options. Preferrably for a fight, he uses either his nameless sword which he has carried since his ritual Severing and is a mostly plain, functional blade. Which means all forging effort went into making it a deadly weapon, without concern for embellishment. As a Spatial Mage, he also carries an oricalchum dagger which is solely used for opening dimensional portals and is not a combat weapon typically. His robes are etched with runes that promote the flow of mana, but otherwise provides no actual protection to anything outside the elements when traveling.

Personality: Jerod enjoys being enigmatic and unconcerned with the idea of having to rush for any reason. The idea of not having time is laughable to the Eternal mage, literally having all the time in the world. Until he acts, he is methodical and deliberate, but acts without warning and with all the speed of a flash of lightning.

Bio: Jerod was born to a clan of Eternal wanderers that had fallen upon bad luck, and were nearly wiped out as a traveling colony. It was not unheard of for such events to occur, but it made survival a higher priority for the small clan than being successful in business or exploring new, unseen dimensions. Rather, they had to be able to survive as mercenaries and fighters, gathering what scraps they could from fighting against ill fortune and raiders that they had been plagued with. The band would eventually scatter, and their sole surviving Spatial Mage, Jerod, would go on his own as a solitary wanderer since he could open his own portals, which took considerable energy out of the Eternal mage. He would eventually cross paths with the SDF, and agree to work with them as a specialist, finding the path of the lone wanderer had gotten boring in his long years.

Extra: N/A
[Fieldbox="Lirael, purple, solid"]
Lirael (Transcendent do not use last names)

Theoretically ageless, though has currently existed for near 2000 years.

Race: Transcendent
Transcendent are thought to be perfected forms of Eternals; upon death, an Eternal may be resurrected as a Transcendent after a process of metamorphosis spanning a couple of months. It is unsure what conditions have to be fulfilled for this to occur, only that the incidence rate is phenomenally low - only 13 Transcendent are known to exist or to have existed previously. The Transcendent appear to know nothing of their past life, although their base DNA is identical to that of Eternals. Transcendent have additional chromosomes added to the nucleus of cells, though, which always possess dominant forms of genes - any Eternal DNA left will only be expressed if there isn't a new Transcendent variety there. Transcendent are not known to die naturally, and are seemingly immune to natural disease - their DNA instantly repairs itself upon mutation and pathogens are destroyed by potent pesticides in the blood without the need for the cell-based immune system. Peculiarly, Transcendent are cold blooded. Transcendent have several inherent abilities, although there is variation in the manifestation of these. Firstly, Transcendent have wings and can fly whenever there is sufficient energy currents to ride - typically around axis only. Secondly, Transcendent can transform various parts of their bodies into a strange black energy known as Dark Matter, which function very effectively as weapons. The red crystalline structure appears to be a side effect of using their magic, and possibly contains their souls. Evidence for this theory comes from the fact that given several years, a Transcendent can regenerate its entire body as long as 75% of the crystal survives. Damaging the crystal is near impossible past the 80% marker due to certain instinctive defense mechanisms, though some are known to have been fully destroyed. The regeneration process is incredibly slow, but still markedly faster than that of a human. It can be sped up by exposure to an axis. It takes 2-3 months to regrow a severed arm, and a couple of days to seal a moderate flesh wound. The new muscle is weak and requires retraining.

In normal, day-to-day life, the wings and tail do not exist, the arm is just a normal arm and the crystal protrusion is diminished. These only manifest while she is using her ability.

Ability type: Precept Magic - Entropy

Precept magic is the ability to manipulate a given 'law' or principle. They have free control over this principle, although being able to use any other form of magic besides inherent Transcendent magi-biology is exceptionally rare. Currently, it is thought only Transcendent can use Precept Magic, and the same form of Precept Magic cannot exist twice at the same time.
Lirael is able to manipulate Entropy - increasing, decreasing and eliminating entirely, including reversing it. Entropy is the tendency for energy to be lost in a system as the system becomes less orderly. Using the example of a fireball spell, this can be used in four ways. First, by increasing the entropy of the spell, the magnitude of the fireball can be decreased as more of the created energy is forced to become useless heat energy instead of the kinetic energy of the fireball. Conversely, by decreasing entropy, the fireball can be made more powerful. By eliminating entropy, 100% of the energy created by the magician goes into the fireball, however, this may make it less controllable. By reversing entropy, the fireball becomes overloaded, with the fireball having perhaps 120% or maybe even 200% of the energy actually created by the spellcaster. Spellcasters unless trained are unable to deal with this though, so reversing entropy can cause the spell to fail explosively. The Entropy of non-magical things can also be manipulated, such as forcing a lightbulb to produce more light than would normally be made. Entropy requires pre-existing systems, so Lirael cannot generate these systems herself unless she does so physically - for example, reversing the entropy of friction to make a bullet move faster than usual.

Lirael does not carry any equipment as it is not necessary for combat.

Lirael is quite detached in general, and has only a simple set of emotions - anger, frustration, admiration and "general happiness" are pretty much the limits of this. Unless things are personally interesting to her, she will probably forget it.

Lore book last edited March 19, 2016 at 7:34 PM EST. I added a new race, the Eternals, to the Race page.
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Hmmm... I feel a need for more variety.

Are Fae the traditional ones with a plethora of shapes and sizes or the more modern depictions?
Hmmm... I feel a need for more variety.

Are Fae the traditional ones with a plethora of shapes and sizes or the more modern depictions?
Woops, I need to do do a better job of defining the Fae. Consider the Fae in this sense to be like the Sylph. I know what you are talking about however, and I'll be changing the race to the Sylph, and instead making Fae represent beings such as the Sylph and elves.
Hmm, seems like this could be interesting, I'll have to draw up a CS then, sure as sure.
Alright, suppose I'll post my CS first.

Name: Arya Lightwood

Age: 600

Race: Elf

Appearance(Either text or picture is fine.): Is roughly 5ft 10in. Has a lean build, brown eyes, and neck length brown hair. Usually prefers practical clothing such as t-shirts and loose shorts/skirts.

Ability type: Divine/Ancient Magic and Combat.

Equipment: Normally keeps a long bow made of rowan wood and a quiver strapped to her back. When in battle she wields an adamantite claymore with runes along both sides of the blade, and can equip a short tunic with chainmail or a full set of plate made of mithril. When channeling her angelic power, she is capable of equipping the runite
blade Ragnarok for a short time.

Personality: Calm and collected, she is very articulate in the way she speaks. She is slow to anger, however she's willing to risk her life to protect her team.

Bio: Coming from a long line of angelic blood, her great great great grandfather was the arch angel Uriel. Due to this, she is capable of wielding Divine and Ancient magics, though rarely does due to the demands of both. 20 years ago, she joined the SDF, eventually making her way up to lieutenant major in the SDF. Recently, she was put in charge of the Special Operations team for Operation Thunder Crack.

Extra: N/A
Took long enough, but it hopefully works.

Name: Jerod Stormbolt

Apparent Age: Mid 40's
Actual Age: 1024

Eternal - A race of dimensional wanderers, the first trial that each of them undergo is to sever their connection to the flow of time, rendering them ageless, generally being physically equal to your average human and as easily slain from a damage perspective. This does not make them any stronger, faster, or more in tune with the arcane flows and ebbs of the world, each beings relation to the world and their own properties being as varied as other races. The only unique trait they have is spatial magic comes more easily to them, due to the fact that their race ritually severs many of the connections that bind them so readily to the world and its resident dimension. Each individual Eternal, however, may not necessarily pursue spatial magic, in fact, many don't in favor of forming roving bands of merchant wanderers, akin to Gypsy folk among humans, and are many times compared to them and no argument is typically made on the parts of the Eternal in question. Per roving band, only a small number, less than 5% usually, are Spatial mages, the rest dedicating themselves to other arts to support the community of roving Eternals as a whole. This allows the Spatial Eternals to either focus solely on that school of magic, or only have to concern themselves with one or two other schools of magic, trade skills coming with responsibilities to the band. Of course, this makes Spatial Eternals highly sought after by trans-dimensional travelers, for obvious reasons.


Ability type: Spatial/Lightning Elemental Control and Combat

Equipment: Jerod always has his attuned staff, through which he channels his Lightning magics and can use as an impromptu melee weapon if, for whatever reason, his other blades are not within reach or are not feasible options. Preferrably for a fight, he uses either his nameless sword which he has carried since his ritual Severing and is a mostly plain, functional blade. Which means all forging effort went into making it a deadly weapon, without concern for embellishment. As a Spatial Mage, he also carries an oricalchum dagger which is solely used for opening dimensional portals and is not a combat weapon typically. His robes are etched with runes that promote the flow of mana, but otherwise provides no actual protection to anything outside the elements when traveling.

Personality: Jerod enjoys being enigmatic and unconcerned with the idea of having to rush for any reason. The idea of not having time is laughable to the Eternal mage, literally having all the time in the world. Until he acts, he is methodical and deliberate, but acts without warning and with all the speed of a flash of lightning.

Bio: Jerod was born to a clan of Eternal wanderers that had fallen upon bad luck, and were nearly wiped out as a traveling colony. It was not unheard of for such events to occur, but it made survival a higher priority for the small clan than being successful in business or exploring new, unseen dimensions. Rather, they had to be able to survive as mercenaries and fighters, gathering what scraps they could from fighting against ill fortune and raiders that they had been plagued with. The band would eventually scatter, and their sole surviving Spatial Mage, Jerod, would go on his own as a solitary wanderer since he could open his own portals, which took considerable energy out of the Eternal mage. He would eventually cross paths with the SDF, and agree to work with them as a specialist, finding the path of the lone wanderer had gotten boring in his long years.

Extra: N/A
Accepted. In addition, I'll work on adding your character's race to the lore book.

EDIT: Race has been added to the book of lore.
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  • Like
Reactions: Rax Rosetta
Cool, much obliged.
Sounds cool, sign me up!

Also, there's an anime on at the moment called SDF which has similar themes. I'm not sure if you're aware of it or intentionally based this on it, but if you didn't, it might be worth pointing out somewhere that it's not the same world, because I came here originally expecting a fandom RP of that anime :P
Sounds cool, sign me up!

Also, there's an anime on at the moment called SDF which has similar themes. I'm not sure if you're aware of it or intentionally based this on it, but if you didn't, it might be worth pointing out somewhere that it's not the same world, because I came here originally expecting a fandom RP of that anime :P
Sweet. Also, I did not know of that anime, but I'm going to have to watch it now. >.>
@Rax Rosetta I'd like to base this race on Eternals, if possible, but if you're not OK with that then I can change it to being based on another race instead.
@Aragorn12 SDF itself is part of the name, not the whole thing. If you google search it, you get the wrong anime. Seaching Gate: Jieitai should get it. (Jieitai is the japanese for SDF)

[Fieldbox="Lirael, purple, solid"]
Lirael (Transcendent do not use last names)

Theoretically ageless, though has currently existed for near 2000 years.

Race: Transcendent
Transcendent are thought to be perfected forms of Eternals; upon death, an Eternal may be resurrected as a Transcendent after a process of metamorphosis spanning a couple of months. It is unsure what conditions have to be fulfilled for this to occur, only that the incidence rate is phenomenally low - only 13 Transcendent are known to exist or to have existed previously. The Transcendent appear to know nothing of their past life, although their base DNA is identical to that of Eternals. Transcendent have additional chromosomes added to the nucleus of cells, though, which always possess dominant forms of genes - any Eternal DNA left will only be expressed if there isn't a new Transcendent variety there. Transcendent are not known to die naturally, and are seemingly immune to natural disease - their DNA instantly repairs itself upon mutation and pathogens are destroyed by potent pesticides in the blood without the need for the cell-based immune system. Peculiarly, Transcendent are cold blooded. Transcendent have several inherent abilities, although there is variation in the manifestation of these. Firstly, Transcendent have wings and can fly whenever there is sufficient energy currents to ride - typically around axis only. Secondly, Transcendent can transform various parts of their bodies into a strange black energy known as Dark Matter, which function very effectively as weapons. The red crystalline structure appears to be a side effect of using their magic, and possibly contains their souls. Evidence for this theory comes from the fact that given several years, a Transcendent can regenerate its entire body as long as 75% of the crystal survives. Damaging the crystal is near impossible past the 80% marker due to certain instinctive defense mechanisms, though some are known to have been fully destroyed. The regeneration process is incredibly slow, but still markedly faster than that of a human. It can be sped up by exposure to an axis. It takes 2-3 months to regrow a severed arm, and a couple of days to seal a moderate flesh wound. The new muscle is weak and requires retraining.

In normal, day-to-day life, the wings and tail do not exist, the arm is just a normal arm and the crystal protrusion is diminished. These only manifest while she is using her ability.

Ability type: Precept Magic - Entropy

Precept magic is the ability to manipulate a given 'law' or principle. They have free control over this principle, although being able to use any other form of magic besides inherent Transcendent magi-biology is exceptionally rare. Currently, it is thought only Transcendent can use Precept Magic, and the same form of Precept Magic cannot exist twice at the same time.
Lirael is able to manipulate Entropy - increasing, decreasing and eliminating entirely, including reversing it. Entropy is the tendency for energy to be lost in a system as the system becomes less orderly. Using the example of a fireball spell, this can be used in four ways. First, by increasing the entropy of the spell, the magnitude of the fireball can be decreased as more of the created energy is forced to become useless heat energy instead of the kinetic energy of the fireball. Conversely, by decreasing entropy, the fireball can be made more powerful. By eliminating entropy, 100% of the energy created by the magician goes into the fireball, however, this may make it less controllable. By reversing entropy, the fireball becomes overloaded, with the fireball having perhaps 120% or maybe even 200% of the energy actually created by the spellcaster. Spellcasters unless trained are unable to deal with this though, so reversing entropy can cause the spell to fail explosively. The Entropy of non-magical things can also be manipulated, such as forcing a lightbulb to produce more light than would normally be made. Entropy requires pre-existing systems, so Lirael cannot generate these systems herself unless she does so physically - for example, reversing the entropy of friction to make a bullet move faster than usual.

Lirael does not carry any equipment as it is not necessary for combat.

Lirael is quite detached in general, and has only a simple set of emotions - anger, frustration, admiration and "general happiness" are pretty much the limits of this. Unless things are personally interesting to her, she will probably forget it.

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Ah alright. Also, the whole post isn't showing up(I think the huge picture is causing it.) :p
Ah ok, I'll put that in a spoiler then.

Lirael is done now.
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By all means, you're more than welcome to use the Eternals to offshoot into another race.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Karakui
Approved. I'll add your character to the list in a few mins.
I'm going to go ahead and express my interest.

Thinking of making a Demonic Magic user if that works for you.
I'm going to go ahead and express my interest.

Thinking of making a Demonic Magic user if that works for you.
That's fine. As long as you remember the costs that come with the use of demonic magic, such as the increased receptiveness to darkness.
Name: Azrael Conolly
Age: 31

Race: Human

Credit His face however does not have the scarring/tattoos seen in the image. He does sport a deep crimson scarf and the same jacket with a faded grey pair of Khakis and black gloves.

On his back he has a tattoo depicting the Arch Angel Gabriel as he descended from the clouds to Mary Magdalene in her dream, telling her of her carrying of God's son, Jesus. His arm's are full sleeves of thorns and rosary beads with doves and clouds woven in between and the occasional fake drops of blood where the thorns have "pricked" Azrael's skin.

Ability type: Demonic Magic

Equipment: Azrael uses two Glock 19s, with bullets made of Silver and blessed by the Cardinal Bishops in the Vatican. On the side of his right hand Glock 19 there is an inscription that reads "I am Wrath. I am Steel. I am the Mercy of Angels."

Personality: With a likelihood to ramble to himself and speak to no one in particular, Azrael is taken as some what of a whack job. If only the others knew how much worse it was. He enjoys to interact with others when he isn't.... occupied... To top it all off he is comical and almost like able at times, if only the others could understand why he never seemed very happy that those around him enjoyed his presence.

"The date is [Redacted]. This is Deputy Jonathan [Redacted] of the [Redacted] Sheriffs Department." Papers being shuffled "I'm sitting across from a young man by the name of Azrael Conolly.... Azrael could you confirm this information for the record."

*Transcription note. Data Corrupted, time skips ahead eight minutes thirty three seconds*

"They named me after an Angel... An Archangel." Heavy breathing "They thought it would bless me you know?! How could they believe that...?" Slight pause "What are you going on about? I'm asking about the fire Azrael. People saw you at the house. There are witnesses. I need to know who your accomplice was, they said there was someone else there but no one got a good look.... You're only fourteen, don't take this all on yourself Azrael." Door opening, unintelligible speech. Door closes. "... Help me, and I can help you Azrael."

"You don't want to know who it was." Chair being moved, someone stands up. Hands and some sort of glass placed on the table. "I do, Azrael, and you're going to tell me."

"It was [Redacted]." Deputy Jonathan [Redacted] laughs. "You're shitting me. [Redacted]? This isn't a joke son, don't fuck with me." Door bolt locks in background. "I'm not joking. It really was [Redacted]."

"Alright kid get up, this interview is ove--- Can you guys turn the lights back on come o--" Gargling noises, scratching on metal table. Chair seems to have been knocked over.


Twelve minutes pass on recording before the humming of lights is once again audible, banging on interview door throughout. Door bolt clicks open.

"Jon! Get an ambulance out here! Jon..!" Moving of a heavy object, Presumably the Deputies body. "What did you do?"

"It wasn't me. I'm all tied up." chinking of handcuffs audible.
End of Recording

Sister Meredith,
Azrael Conolly is to be placed under constant supervision at Saint Margaret's Asylum in upstate New York until rehabilitated. He is not to be allowed contact to the outside world, he will attend the daily prayer and bible lessons as well as every Mass that he can make wihtout missing any of the other prescribed daily activities listed here. He shall eat with the others under close supervision, and will be allowed one hour of solitary yard time a day.

Sister, you must heed my warning, under no circumstances are the lights to be dimmed or turned off while he is in the presence of others. Handle him with the utmost care. Do not inquire of the patients past, and do not, absolutely do not ask who he is talking to.

Archbishop Ferdinand Anrigala, Archdiocese of New York
To Whom it May Concern at Saint Margaret's Aylum,

Patient Azrael Conolly is to be transported to the care of the SDF immediately, under no circumstances is this request to be denied.


Extra: He does enjoy dogs.

Alright. Pretty sure that's it, Hit me with anything that needs to be changed if you need to.

As far as where he came from. Was it safe to imagine that characters can belong to our world/dimension seeing as you referenced NYC and the ability to go to other dimensions, I thought that would be okay for him to have been recruited from that dimension if it isn't the main one. Get back to me on that part please because I'm a bit confused on that.
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