Taking Care

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If you had told Tiberius two days ago that he'd end up (in short order) an hour and a half late to helping the movers break into his family home, with a mate who was neither an omega nor a werewolf, and the consulting alpha werewolf on a murder investigation--he would have laughed at you.

But here Tiberius Maleum was, standing at the edge of a gruesome crime scene with a man he wasn't even sure he knew the name of, yet was in the eyes of both humans and weres, the fiancee of. This all could have been avoided, he reflected. Hindsight was 20/20 or so the saying goes.

The whole fiasco started earlier that afternoon. Tiberius had been driving too fast, tearing down the old backroads that he knew like second nature. Lost in thought, maybe. Lost in memories of a much younger child tearing through the woods lining these streets, shrieking like a banshee and leading his band of betas around on a merry chase after something or another. A deer, perhaps. They were pups, they enjoyed chasing 'deer' that turned out to be naught but shadows.

He hadn't been paying attention, that much was sure. Not that he thought he needed to, on these quiet back roads. But in the five years he'd been gone from Green Haven, it seemed that the town decided to build a college and the associated youths had spread across the town. On a lazy Sunday afternoon, he supposed he probably startled the group of young adults milling around as much as they startled him.

Startled so much in fact, that he nearly didn't see the brunet man trying to cross the street until he'd nearly mowed him down on in his sleek sports car. The alpha slammed on the brakes, swerving to the side to hopefully avoid killing the poor idiot that stepped in front of him.

The car came to a screeching stop, and Tiberius flung himself out, already halfway to demanding what the hell the boy was thinking--only to quite literally smack into him.

The werewolf instinctively grabbed the other man, steadying him, at the same time glaring and demanding "What the hell, man?!"

I figured we'd start with the meeting, and then loop our way around to the crime scene. Also, there's a lot of me maneuvering your character in this post, but I promise it won't happen too much. It's just one of those 'get us going the right direction' things. ))
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It was suppose to be a fun and normal day. In Nathaniel Sharpe's life, he was use to the dull days passing by without much excitement. He also expected the rest of his life to be just as uneventful - as if it was the most boring book anyone could ever read. Little did he know that was not what life had in stored for him...

On one Sunday afternoon, Nate was spending the day with his small group of friends. It was sunny outside, and the temperature was nice, so they all thought it would be fun to go outside in a nearby field and play frisbee. It was normal at first, just the usual messing around as they threw the disc. However, Liam, being the most athletic in the group, threw the disc far over Nate's head. Nate had no hopes of jumping high enough to catch it, so without a second thought, the brunette ran into the streets.

He didn't notice the car racing down the streets. The frisbee disappeared in the woods beyond the streets. Then there was a loud screeching noise.

Before Nate could registered what was happening, a much taller man slammed into him and grabbed him roughly. Nate winced a bit then looked up at the blonde. "I-I'm sorry!" He yelped, his hands instinctively reaching up to push the other blonde away. At first, Nate didn't understand where the man suddenly appeared from, things were moving much too quickly for him to comprehend. However, he soon realized that the man in front of him was the driver of the car that nearly ended his life. When did the stranger get in front of Nate?

"You... shouldn't have been speeding that quickly anyways...!" Nate muttered unhappily, though he knew that it was his fault for running out into the streets in the first place. "Though, how did you get here...?"

In the distance, Nate could hear his friends calling out his name in worry.