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  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


I reject your reality and substitute my own
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Online Availability
Daytime. Night time. Any time.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Romance, Fantasy. Always some kind of non-human involved. (Such a vampires, succubi, incubi, etc.)
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vitae consectetur enim, id gravida sapien. Sed laoreet fringilla est, sit amet feugiat urna semper nec. Quisque at nisi tristique, feugiat justo ut, feugiat tellus. Sed sit amet faucibus risus. Aenean vitae dolor blandit, mattis lacus sit amet, vehicula sapien. Aliquam sagittis sollicitudin diam, sit amet consectetur libero dignissim vel. Ut hendrerit, elit nec venenatis aliquet, lorem ex interdum velit, in condimentum libero lacus ut velit. Aenean quam purus, sagittis ut ipsum eu, fringilla faucibus urna. Suspendisse a ex sit amet massa malesuada pellentesque. Duis vulputate quam eget tellus dapibus, a hendrerit nisi mollis. Integer ut dictum ipsum, vel imperdiet arcu. Suspendisse iaculis aliquet dui, id convallis urna malesuada a. Praesent ut laoreet purus.

In turpis eros, lobortis a facilisis ut, semper a risus. Nunc euismod urna vitae tellus laoreet commodo. Sed venenatis mi quis magna rhoncus porttitor. Etiam sapien justo, semper in semper eu, accumsan ut ex. Curabitur dignissim molestie varius. Cras aliquet est dolor, vel ultrices eros faucibus lacinia. Nunc eleifend dapibus dapibus. Morbi dolor arcu, mattis a posuere sit amet, rutrum porta enim. Etiam aliquam mollis mi, sit amet viverra lacus pellentesque pretium. Nunc et justo mi. Duis ac luctus arcu. Curabitur venenatis pulvinar purus, in imperdiet purus. Maecenas rhoncus lacus quis dui aliquet, nec malesuada orci viverra. Mauris mollis tortor vitae tincidunt rutrum. Nulla facilisi.

Cras lorem augue, cursus non lorem eget, porttitor sollicitudin risus. Sed et felis nec nulla ornare viverra ut sit amet felis. Duis lacinia sollicitudin felis id efficitur. Duis ipsum dolor, consequat vitae ante vel, varius eleifend purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras sit amet faucibus risus, vel scelerisque metus. Sed a elit ut neque imperdiet fermentum eget non orci. Maecenas commodo eget nulla quis volutpat. Suspendisse potenti. Ut luctus varius fringilla. Aliquam quis ligula magna.

Maecenas sollicitudin aliquet lectus, at tempor diam ornare sed. Aenean lectus orci, convallis ut posuere ut, dignissim sed velit. Donec dapibus maximus sapien vulputate aliquet. Donec dui orci, rutrum ac erat nec, varius pharetra nibh. Vestibulum eu commodo nulla. Ut gravida scelerisque venenatis. Duis eu tincidunt nisl. Suspendisse vitae iaculis urna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed lobortis efficitur est, sit amet maximus ligula pulvinar quis. Vestibulum quam leo, accumsan eu velit sed, faucibus vestibulum libero.

Etiam sit amet eleifend metus, id condimentum mi. Maecenas a nunc sed ipsum facilisis hendrerit in non ligula. In venenatis viverra venenatis. In lobortis velit massa, vitae porttitor dui aliquet condimentum. Vivamus accumsan sapien eu dolor feugiat cursus. Donec vulputate interdum purus, et elementum tortor imperdiet a. Curabitur sagittis sodales porttitor. Morbi aliquam bibendum velit at elementum. Mauris auctor suscipit sapien, ut gravida elit fermentum vitae.

Curabitur ut volutpat metus, at ultrices nunc. Nullam commodo sapien ac dolor pharetra, sed interdum felis sodales. Donec velit nisi, semper ut lobortis non, lacinia vitae mi. Aenean vel orci eget sem laoreet laoreet. Phasellus at magna id sapien scelerisque molestie. Vestibulum sed vehicula tortor, sed sagittis purus. Nulla vulputate eget lacus in varius. Vestibulum ultrices tempor lorem non auctor. Etiam eros metus, vulputate vel sagittis ut, volutpat quis nisl.

Proin iaculis urna ac lacinia interdum. Sed id nibh vitae libero laoreet venenatis nec a orci. Aliquam id nisl vel diam feugiat scelerisque non eget tortor. Proin pellentesque felis vel porttitor gravida. Ut non egestas dui, sit amet fringilla sapien. Donec posuere viverra leo, nec varius felis condimentum nec. Donec a lectus laoreet, gravida massa sit amet, rutrum neque. Nam eu vulputate nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer justo diam, luctus interdum laoreet ac, luctus sed nisi. Suspendisse potenti.

Mauris laoreet ornare metus sed facilisis. Sed tristique in nisl id auctor. Sed rutrum gravida nibh vel rhoncus. Morbi ultrices libero id vehicula viverra. Duis eget pretium ligula. Vivamus finibus nisl vitae lobortis eleifend. Morbi condimentum bibendum metus a ultrices. Donec finibus cursus volutpat. Sed quam urna, euismod non nulla vel, pellentesque convallis tortor. Donec pharetra turpis erat, nec ornare ligula tempor et.

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  • Love
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica


Sex: Race:
basic information

Name : Saoirse Faoláin
Eye Color:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lacus lectus, porttitor a risus sed, dignissim volutpat purus. Nulla condimentum dolor at augue iaculis, eget cursus libero tristique. Vestibulum ut varius nulla, a consequat elit. Vestibulum elementum ante eu nibh dignissim, non gravida tortor tempor. Nam quam mi, pulvinar ac elit nec, rhoncus pretium mi. In malesuada volutpat lacinia. Pellentesque ultrices ex a nulla bibendum, in congue ex elementum. Aliquam nec ante vel mi venenatis pharetra volutpat quis erat. Nunc interdum eros ac odio bibendum, eu gravida magna mattis. Donec imperdiet lorem et nulla sagittis ultrices. Pellentesque eu dictum mauris. Morbi maximus, tortor quis ornare egestas, mauris tortor condimentum quam, id rhoncus felis elit feugiat risus. Pellentesque mollis ultricies erat ut mattis.

Donec dui lectus, consequat sit amet nibh in, iaculis pulvinar diam. Sed pretium ex eu lacinia accumsan. Suspendisse nec sodales velit. Integer pretium ipsum id felis tempus vulputate. Maecenas luctus, felis et posuere efficitur, eros odio fermentum purus, sed cursus tellus lectus vel ipsum. Curabitur iaculis leo ut lacus pellentesque, molestie tempus nunc tristique. Nulla fringilla auctor placerat. In suscipit lacinia nisi sed mattis.


Faceclaim: Vika Levina

Layout by FieryCold
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  • Love
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica

. Sansa

Sex: Female Race: Vampire

Father: Bastille Løvenskiold
Mother: Svetlana Løvenskiold
Sibling: Ivar and Jakob Løvenskiold
Notable other family: None
Pet: None at Hogwarts; 2 wolves at home.
Social standing: None

basic information

Name : Sansa Løvenskiold
Age: 1,236
Birthday: October 13
Nationality: Scandinavian
Blood status: Pure Blood before her death.
Wand: 10", stiff, Rosewood with veela hair core.


Hair color: Blonde
Hair style: Long and wavy, trailing just past her bottom.
Eye color: Heterochromia (left silver blue, right emerald green)
Height: 5 feet 8 inches
Weight: 115 pounds
Build: Petite
Clothing style: Vintage but classy, a little more on the 'dark' side.
Accessories: The occasional necklace, but always has feathers and braids in her hair.
Other distinguishing features: A set of rune-like tattoos running up the outside of her left thigh, along with a long scar across her chest.


Traits: Quiet, intelligent, cunning.
Likes: Furry animals, the snow in the winter, the night sky on a full moon, basking in the sun.
Dislikes: Public speaking, fear of her and what she is, spiders, small spaces.
Bad at: Comforting those who are upset, herbology.
Hobbies: Playing the harp, dancing, singing (but not in public,) flying through the sky
Fears: Her father coming back from the grave, spiders crawling all over her, being buried alive.
Ambition: To create a better life for her kind.

individual magic

Wand reaction when first held: A gust of wind blowing past her.
Boggart: Her father
Patronus: A mountain lion
Animagus: Is a metamormagus
Polyjuice: An dazzling emerald shade
Amortentia: Freshly fallen rain, sage, and almonds.

Layout by FieryCold
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras non consectetur ligula, eu porta arcu. Sed ac nisi ante. Curabitur pellentesque odio molestie magna luctus rutrum. Morbi felis arcu, euismod sit amet ante sed, sollicitudin vestibulum enim. Pellentesque facilisis ligula nunc, ut viverra enim convallis luctus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean ac lectus elementum, blandit ipsum non, vulputate nulla. Aenean sed libero semper, commodo mauris vitae, feugiat ex.

Sed sit amet massa at eros bibendum commodo vel sed libero. Phasellus rutrum dignissim mauris in sodales. Nullam sit amet elit nulla. Aliquam erat quam, gravida sit amet gravida a, placerat et lectus. Sed sed bibendum ante, non tincidunt neque. Ut blandit nibh lectus, fringilla pretium elit auctor nec. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer eget elit condimentum, luctus erat in, egestas diam. Aenean vehicula finibus varius. Vestibulum efficitur eros eu magna aliquet, id eleifend nibh pellentesque. Vestibulum posuere nibh ut tristique auctor. Suspendisse potenti. Sed non nulla libero. Sed in ligula eu felis rhoncus efficitur. Curabitur velit lorem, finibus ac risus id, lacinia molestie metus. Proin aliquet, dui vitae tincidunt pharetra, nisl orci bibendum tortor, ut tincidunt orci risus sed eros.

Duis ultrices luctus est at efficitur. Nam scelerisque, dui vel ornare lacinia, erat mi pellentesque urna, et porttitor libero ante non sapien. Mauris nulla odio, ultricies ut ipsum sed, commodo scelerisque justo. Nam finibus pellentesque ligula, non tempus diam scelerisque id. Mauris non faucibus magna, a tempus libero. Nam ac magna pellentesque, egestas arcu et, consectetur odio. Suspendisse risus dolor, aliquet eu fringilla in, consequat eu odio. Ut iaculis enim ut felis euismod aliquam. Integer tempor faucibus ipsum, nec varius leo feugiat sed. Aenean vel ornare orci. Duis vitae justo tempor lorem gravida faucibus. Proin est urna, bibendum efficitur orci id, ullamcorper sagittis sem. Sed ipsum turpis, vehicula ut risus vitae, rutrum vestibulum quam.

Cras sit amet maximus metus. Ut mollis, arcu sit amet volutpat consectetur, felis mauris dictum sapien, eget sagittis ligula arcu quis sem. Ut laoreet accumsan metus, vitae ultricies ex convallis et. Etiam et interdum leo, vitae venenatis metus. Etiam placerat quis leo at hendrerit. Proin nec venenatis dui. Sed sollicitudin, ex ut dapibus consequat, dui lectus pharetra dolor, eu euismod justo magna eleifend magna. Pellentesque nulla eros, lobortis et massa ut, vulputate sagittis nibh. Suspendisse commodo efficitur est, a sollicitudin quam rhoncus ac.

Proin semper, massa quis dignissim luctus, diam ex scelerisque lorem, et varius nisi ex in erat. Nam dictum in lorem nec faucibus. Quisque consectetur risus ac pretium hendrerit. Ut eget massa nec urna venenatis venenatis et quis dolor. Etiam nec erat a quam efficitur auctor et a tellus. Donec in felis fermentum, pulvinar nisi quis, porttitor lectus. Integer euismod metus sit amet sodales lacinia. Suspendisse vitae nulla sit amet mi sagittis accumsan. Cras non eros non sem auctor rutrum eu volutpat sapien. Curabitur dignissim justo felis, vel lacinia nunc mollis quis. Vestibulum diam sapien, luctus nec euismod vitae, dapibus id diam. Vivamus pharetra hendrerit eros, quis pharetra mi vulputate nec. Maecenas venenatis elementum nulla, at congue arcu porttitor nec.

Aliquam dui ex, mollis quis aliquet sed, tempus sed mauris. Maecenas nisi turpis, ullamcorper in justo sit amet, feugiat lobortis orci. Sed rutrum tempor mauris vel euismod. Nullam sagittis eros nec laoreet congue. Sed scelerisque leo at odio dapibus, sed facilisis libero maximus. Phasellus luctus vestibulum cursus. Etiam id eros id risus laoreet facilisis sed dapibus lacus. Mauris cursus lacinia dolor vel suscipit. Phasellus dignissim pellentesque purus non mattis. Praesent eu tempus metus, ut tempor sem. Nam scelerisque tincidunt tristique. Aenean a sapien nec augue ultrices mattis in non nunc.

Maecenas ut nunc efficitur, consequat elit non, iaculis ipsum. Mauris id lacus egestas, convallis massa quis, hendrerit erat. Pellentesque tempus lacus in semper porttitor. Vestibulum a ligula id neque vestibulum fermentum. Praesent et viverra magna, ut imperdiet orci. Nunc dictum leo at ante aliquet aliquam. Etiam pharetra molestie libero, nec bibendum purus molestie ut. Mauris dictum, nunc at imperdiet lacinia, odio sem efficitur ligula, a porta ex turpis eu sem. Donec sed lobortis nisi. Sed non laoreet risus, ut euismod velit. Vivamus et mattis sem. Duis in imperdiet enim, quis varius erat. Quisque at est eget eros bibendum aliquam eget vel lorem.

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  • Love
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica


"I apologize. Would you mind repeating what you just said?" She didn't believe it. Honestly. Mismatched eyes stared at the old man standing before her, his beard long and white with time. His question seemed genuine enough, but she simply didn't think he was serious.
"Miss Løvenskiold, what I ask is genuine. You were a witch when you were a human, correct?" She nodded slowly at the man.
"Yes, but that was well over a thousand years ago." He shook his head softly.
"That is not what I am asking. I am just asking for you to give your kind a chance at living normally after-" he paused.
"After they're killed." He nodded once. Sansa rose from her large chair and began pacing, her long dress dragging along the ground behind her. Guards of all species stood at the entrances, and with a wave of her hand, they all left. "Albus, you do realize that I am a vampire, correct?" The man chuckled softly, nodding as he walked slowly to the seemingly young female.
"Sansa, we have known each other for some time. Come to Hogwarts. Help all magical creatures have a better future." It only took a moment of pondering for her to come to a decision, and with a small smirk, the girl placed her hand in his and shook it.

Nearly three months later, and a very short trip to see a very peculiar fairy, the vampire stood outside the castle, staring up at it. It was the first time in ages she'd been nervous about something, and her nerves are probably what made her so late. Judging by the time, and the smell wafting in through the halls, it was dinner and the students were already sorted and enjoying their first meals at the school.

Shedding her cloak, she took a breath, the wing tattoos on her back suddenly lifting from her skin. The girl wasn't much in the mood for walking, and the little spell that fairy had put on her gave her a few extra abilities. Within moments, Sansa stood at the door, folding the leathery things back into her skin and pulling the cloak back on. Ravenclaw would be her house, as per the sorting hat's request, but with how late she was, was there even a point to disrupting their meals?

Heaving a sigh, the girl placed pale hands on the large doors and pushed only slightly before they swung open. Mismatched eyes took in the scene, the faces looking at her, then finally the table up at the front. Albus didn't stand, but nodded his smiling face towards her, raising a hand to show her which table was hers. In a few moments, the girl found a seat, raising a brow at the faces that continued to stare.

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  • Love
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica

"The Doll"


Doll Namexxxxxxxxxx

Build Datexxxxxxxxxx
xxxBuilt In Late 1800's

Activation Instructionsxxxxxxxxxx
xxxInsert crank in back and turn; doll remains active until user deactivates doll

Congratulations On Your New Dollxxxxxxxxxx
xxxBuilt to be the perfect companion, "Clara" has a fully functioning personality, able to think and move on her own once activated! Preloaded with all the latest and most delicious recipes, "Clara" is able to cook you a delicious meal. This doll is also able to sew, clean, sing, and play music. She is the first and only of her kind!

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  • Love
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras non consectetur ligula, eu porta arcu. Sed ac nisi ante. Curabitur pellentesque odio molestie magna luctus rutrum. Morbi felis arcu, euismod sit amet ante sed, sollicitudin vestibulum enim. Pellentesque facilisis ligula nunc, ut viverra enim convallis luctus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean ac lectus elementum, blandit ipsum non, vulputate nulla. Aenean sed libero semper, commodo mauris vitae, feugiat ex.

Sed sit amet massa at eros bibendum commodo vel sed libero. Phasellus rutrum dignissim mauris in sodales. Nullam sit amet elit nulla. Aliquam erat quam, gravida sit amet gravida a, placerat et lectus. Sed sed bibendum ante, non tincidunt neque. Ut blandit nibh lectus, fringilla pretium elit auctor nec. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer eget elit condimentum, luctus erat in, egestas diam. Aenean vehicula finibus varius. Vestibulum efficitur eros eu magna aliquet, id eleifend nibh pellentesque. Vestibulum posuere nibh ut tristique auctor. Suspendisse potenti. Sed non nulla libero. Sed in ligula eu felis rhoncus efficitur. Curabitur velit lorem, finibus ac risus id, lacinia molestie metus. Proin aliquet, dui vitae tincidunt pharetra, nisl orci bibendum tortor, ut tincidunt orci risus sed eros.

Duis ultrices luctus est at efficitur. Nam scelerisque, dui vel ornare lacinia, erat mi pellentesque urna, et porttitor libero ante non sapien. Mauris nulla odio, ultricies ut ipsum sed, commodo scelerisque justo. Nam finibus pellentesque ligula, non tempus diam scelerisque id. Mauris non faucibus magna, a tempus libero. Nam ac magna pellentesque, egestas arcu et, consectetur odio. Suspendisse risus dolor, aliquet eu fringilla in, consequat eu odio. Ut iaculis enim ut felis euismod aliquam. Integer tempor faucibus ipsum, nec varius leo feugiat sed. Aenean vel ornare orci. Duis vitae justo tempor lorem gravida faucibus. Proin est urna, bibendum efficitur orci id, ullamcorper sagittis sem. Sed ipsum turpis, vehicula ut risus vitae, rutrum vestibulum quam.

Cras sit amet maximus metus. Ut mollis, arcu sit amet volutpat consectetur, felis mauris dictum sapien, eget sagittis ligula arcu quis sem. Ut laoreet accumsan metus, vitae ultricies ex convallis et. Etiam et interdum leo, vitae venenatis metus. Etiam placerat quis leo at hendrerit. Proin nec venenatis dui. Sed sollicitudin, ex ut dapibus consequat, dui lectus pharetra dolor, eu euismod justo magna eleifend magna. Pellentesque nulla eros, lobortis et massa ut, vulputate sagittis nibh. Suspendisse commodo efficitur est, a sollicitudin quam rhoncus ac.

Proin semper, massa quis dignissim luctus, diam ex scelerisque lorem, et varius nisi ex in erat. Nam dictum in lorem nec faucibus. Quisque consectetur risus ac pretium hendrerit. Ut eget massa nec urna venenatis venenatis et quis dolor. Etiam nec erat a quam efficitur auctor et a tellus. Donec in felis fermentum, pulvinar nisi quis, porttitor lectus. Integer euismod metus sit amet sodales lacinia. Suspendisse vitae nulla sit amet mi sagittis accumsan. Cras non eros non sem auctor rutrum eu volutpat sapien. Curabitur dignissim justo felis, vel lacinia nunc mollis quis. Vestibulum diam sapien, luctus nec euismod vitae, dapibus id diam. Vivamus pharetra hendrerit eros, quis pharetra mi vulputate nec. Maecenas venenatis elementum nulla, at congue arcu porttitor nec.

Aliquam dui ex, mollis quis aliquet sed, tempus sed mauris. Maecenas nisi turpis, ullamcorper in justo sit amet, feugiat lobortis orci. Sed rutrum tempor mauris vel euismod. Nullam sagittis eros nec laoreet congue. Sed scelerisque leo at odio dapibus, sed facilisis libero maximus. Phasellus luctus vestibulum cursus. Etiam id eros id risus laoreet facilisis sed dapibus lacus. Mauris cursus lacinia dolor vel suscipit. Phasellus dignissim pellentesque purus non mattis. Praesent eu tempus metus, ut tempor sem. Nam scelerisque tincidunt tristique. Aenean a sapien nec augue ultrices mattis in non nunc.

Maecenas ut nunc efficitur, consequat elit non, iaculis ipsum. Mauris id lacus egestas, convallis massa quis, hendrerit erat. Pellentesque tempus lacus in semper porttitor. Vestibulum a ligula id neque vestibulum fermentum. Praesent et viverra magna, ut imperdiet orci. Nunc dictum leo at ante aliquet aliquam. Etiam pharetra molestie libero, nec bibendum purus molestie ut. Mauris dictum, nunc at imperdiet lacinia, odio sem efficitur ligula, a porta ex turpis eu sem. Donec sed lobortis nisi. Sed non laoreet risus, ut euismod velit. Vivamus et mattis sem. Duis in imperdiet enim, quis varius erat. Quisque at est eget eros bibendum aliquam eget vel lorem.
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Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica

"Clara Løvenskiold"
xxxx//Five foot Eight
Hair Color
Eye Color
xxxx//Heterochromia (Left blue, right green)

xxxxShe didn't much know how she'd gotten her 'powers.' One second, she was a normal girl, with a normal family, doing normal things, and the next moment, there was something different about her. Able to control electricity, the weather changing with her emotions. At first, it was just a light breeze when she was happy. But then, it started getting more and more intense. It would rain when she was sad, or storm when she was angry. Clara didn't know what to do, and so, when she was sixteen, she ran off on her own.

xxxxEver since then, the girl was on her own, doing her best to stay 'under the radar' while looking for her own fellow witched. Her parents had always told her about 'night creatures,' and how she should always stay away from them. And Clara did just that. At least, as well as she could.​
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The night air was cold and silent as she walked the Manchester street, pulling her jacket tighter around herself. It was the city she'd decided to call home for the time being, mismatched eyes looking around at the scenery and also searching for faces that were out of place. Her mother had always warned her of the shadows that crept in the night, with eyes hungry for what was not theirs to take. Clara always did her best to be aware of her surroundings, no matter where she was.

But this night was different. Something was off, and her mind was distracted. The girl had occupied Manchester for a bit too long and it was getting close to the time that she should be off. There was no doubt her family would be catching up to her soon; but why the secrets, and why would she run from them?

Probably the fact that she didn't have much control over her magic. While the girl had a better handle of the electricity that coursed through her veins, enough to give the lonely street thug the shock of his life, the weather was something completely different. People were beginning to catch on that when her emotions changed, so did the weather. And so, she was ready to take her leave of New Hampshire. Perhaps Arizona would be a good location after this.

Clara could feel eyes on her as she walked, eyes scanning the darkness for any abnormality every few seconds. But it wasn't until she bumped into a shadowy figure did she finally see him. The girl gasped slightly as her frame slammed into his, immediately shaking as his icy hands wrapped around her arms. The young femme could feel the cold through her jacket, like death embracing her.
"What's a pretty thing like you doing out so late?" But she didn't respond, just stared up at the man in horror. The corners of his lips turned up to reveal his pearly whites- and also his fangs. "Well fine, then. I see how it is. Fast food it is, then." The man chuckled as he leaned his face down, teeth scraping against her skin. It wasn't until she felt the pop of his fangs sinking into her skin and the pain of the muscles spreading that she realized exactly what was going on and reacted. It took every ounce of control but she managed.

Clara had sent enough electricity into him to stop a human man's heart, and when he exhaled a shriek and fell back, the girl immediately began running.

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She didn't quite know what to say to the headmaster. Just stared for a long while, brow raised in confusion. Her back was exposed in her dress, an array of golden lines tracing up her skin in different patters, eventually hiding underneath her white tresses. They seemed to move on her milky white skin, almost alive.
"I'm sorry, Albus. Would you mind repeating that once more?" Her accent was rough, a mix between perhaps Russian and English, but her words were clear as day. The older man standing in front of her chuckled softly, nodding his head once and taking a step towards her throne which she sat upon. The two men to the sides of her shifted, hands moving towards the weapons on their hips but immediately stopped as their queen waved her hand.
"I believe you heard me correctly, Miss Løvenskiold."
"Really, Albus? After all this time, you're still going to call me by my last name?" Her mismatched eyes met his as he looked up from his bow, spreading his arms as the girl stood and made her way towards him. They took each other in a gentle embrace, shaking her head. "I really worry about your mental health in your old age, Albus." She was teasing him, chuckling softly as she leaned back.
"My mental health is fine. But my question, Clara, is will you accept?" She heaved a sigh, taking a step away from him.
"I don't think you understand what you're asking me, Albus. I can control myself. But I still need to feed, and in my age, I can eat an array of things. But for me to bring other vampires into the school. Dorian I can trust, but he's head of the queen's guard, and not even a vampire." The golden eyes hidden beneath a helmet of the same color looked at the old man, hands moving to remove the metal from atop his head. "I can't trust other vampires in the school. The lives of your students would be at risk and they wouldn't even know it." Once again, the man chuckled.
"With Harry Potter still in the school, their lives would be in danger regardless. I suspect Lord Voldemort will be appearing soon, and I would feel better having you and your kind there. In case there was a fight. Give your species the chance to have normal lives, Clara. Not all vampires were muggles before they were turned." She stared at him for a long while, eventually taking a deep breath and nodding once.
"You drive a hard bargain, my friend. I'm afraid I have no option but to accept." He smiled and took her hand, shaking it firmly. "But I am not responsible if some of my kind have an issue keeping their fangs to themselves. I will deal with them, but I will not take the blame for a death." He nodded softly, a warm smile plastered on his features.

And so, three months, sixteen days, and four hours later, a blonde girl stood outside the castle, black feathered wings folded against her back. She was late, mainly thanks to the small pit stop she had to make in Ireland to take care of a vampire who was a little to open about what he was around muggles. Her muscles were sore from the flight, but a quick bite to eat would solve that. The golden haired incubus standing to her right offered his wrist, which she gladly took, sinking her fangs into his skin as her wings melted into the golden lines on her back. She didn't take much, enough to satisfy her thirst, but enough for the moment.
"Call me Clara while we're here. You're still head of the Queen's guard, but in secret." He smiled and nodded, the incubus adorning his Slytherin house robes while the girl dressed in her Ravenclaw onces.
"Are you ready, Clara?" She looked up at him.
"It's been ages since I've been here. I'm a bit nervous." He gasped playfully.
"Clara Løvenskiold, afraid? Queen of the Dark Realm, keeper of the peace, Viking and warrior?" He smiled, nudging him in the arm.
"Let's go."

And with that, she pushed the door open, making her way into the castle with a deep breath. Albus smiled at the girl as she made her way down the center isle, voices falling silent as they stared at the two. Albus stood as she approached the table, holding out a hand to shake hers.
"Clara, here I thought you'd changed your mind." She smiled at him, shaking her head.
"Of course not. I always stick to my word."
"Have a seat for now." He motioned to the two tables. "We shall discuss your stay after the feast." The girl nodded and moved over to the Ravenclaw table, taking a seat in the first empty spot she could find. Faces stared, but the voices returned, some talking of the two late comers, and others discussing their summers and the news.
it's only blood

Name | Sigrid Clara Skarsgård | Gender | Female | Age | Twenty-three


Darkness- While it doesn't seem like much, Sigrid can see perfectly well in any kind of darkness. If locked in a pitch black shipping container with so windows or doors, she could still see perfectly. It comes in handy when she is working.

Future Sight- While the girl can see into the future, she only gets glimpses of it. She can't control when it appears to her and for how long, which can come at wildly inconvenient times.

Energy/Mind Manipulation- Sigrid has the ability to control the energy around her, being able to lift, throw, and crush objects much larger and much heavier than her with just a wave of her hand. She can use energy manipulation as a sort of weapon, able to bend the energy into different shapes and use them to her advantage. She can also control the minds of the weak, manipulating them to think and do as she wants.

Weaknesses: Sigrid is, what most would call, mentally unstable. Due to her heritage, she has a hard time trusting people, and as such, she is prone to hurting people. Any bullet or stab wound could possibly kill her.


Sigrid Clara Skarsgård, Clara as she likes to be called, was born and raised by a rather wealthy Norwegian family. They had moved to the states when she was a small girl, when she began displaying some of her abilities. Fearing for their child's life and labeling as a 'witch,' they took an 'extended vacation.' As she grew older, the girl never understood why her parents forced her to leave her home; most of her friends and family were pagans, and as such, witches.

As she began to mature, Clara figured out the real reason for their departure. They didn't fear for her life. They feared for their own image. They were, after all, in full view of the public, and if it got out that the only daughter of the notable Skarsgård family was a freak, they would had been the laughing stock of Norway. Feeling hurt and destroyed by this news, Clara disappeared after accidentally blowing up their home. While her parents escaped the flames, it was believed Clara perished in the explosion.

And so now, Clara lives in hiding, picking up jobs that suit her palette. She is well known in the underground community, and only those who have worked with her generally know where to find her.

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Hey there, thanks for checking out my search thread! I'm XIII, and I've been gone for a while. I had some stuff come up that made it literally impossible to be on Iwaku. But now, I'm back, and I'm ready to get some roleplaying in. Before we start, however, let me set some ground rules;

1. I like to consider myself a literate writer, however, if you don't give me enough to work with, I won't be able to dish out much. At the same time, however, write too much and chances are, I won't be able to meet your length. I can do up to 6 paragraphs, any more than that and it seems to get kind of drawn out.

2. I only use photographs for my faceclaims, and I prefer you do the same. I really do love anime, but when I'm writing, I can't get serious with anime. If you're lucky, and ask nicely, I might use a bit of CG, but my characters always look realistic. And please, when you send me your CS, I would really prefer for you to use a guy who looks like a guy. Thanks.

3. Pertaining to smut, I don't generally include it in. I'm a total romance nerd, but when it comes to writing smut, I don't really make an effort to get to that point. However, if the mood is right and that's where our story progresses, I don't mind it.

4. Romance is a must for me. All my roleplays are centered around one main theme; romance. Definitely not the 'love-at-first-sight' kind, but the kind that grows and blossoms.

5. Fantasy. I love it. I'm a total Harry Potter nerd (Ravenclaw house, woot-woot!) and am obsessed with vampires. If either of these things interest you, let me know.

6. I only play females in my role-plays. I don't mind doubling, but for the love of everything that is holy, please don't ask me to play a male. Every single time I do, I end up killing the role-play. Not even joking.

7. Please, for the love of the gods, don't ask me to use Monster Girl Encyclopedia. Also, no futuristic role-plays, no robots, ghouls/zombies...umm....I think that's it.....

I have a few ideas and pairings, Bold and underlined is the character I would prefer to play. Please remember, all of these include some kind of fantasy element. If it says OC for you, I would prefer you to make your character something that isn't human. Vampire, demon, incubus, etc. If there's a P next to it, I have a premise for it.

x Wizard (P) (Harry Potter World)
Princess x OC
Angel x Demon Prince (P)
Girl x Mechanical Boy (P)
Witch x Vampire Leader (P)
Duchess x Non-Human Bodyguard (P)
Vampire x Human (P)

Please note that these are just some ideas. I don't mind hearing about yours! In fact, I want to hear about them!!

This is a private thread between

Posting is prohibited.
Stalking is encouraged.

{slide=Premise|left}"A young duchess finds herself at the center of an evil plot. Heiresses, princesses, and other higher status girls her age have all lost their lives to an unknown shooter. Not wanting to lose his daughter, the Czar of Russia hires a bodyguard to protect his daughter while she goes into hiding until the killer, or killers, are caught." {/slide}

Sansa Petrova

Twenty-Two | Human | Grand Duchess of Russia

Makar Alexander

Flashes of light. Screams. Blurred faces. Cold, distant, unseeing eyes. That was all that sat in her memories of the previous night. She didn't know what was going on, didn't feel it when the bullet entered her stomach and exited through her back. She just listened and did as she was told like a good girl. All the brunette knew for sure was that he older brother was now dead, and she was next in line for the crown. Her entire world had suddenly changed all in one night, most certainly not in a favorable way. Her brother knew what he was doing. He was smart, dedicated, loved by everyone he met, and incredibly passionate. San was just... there. There was nothing especially special about her. But now she sat, confused, wondering just who would want her family dead. The girl had heard of attacks on people of power recently, but it was mainly in the United States. The very idea of an attack coming to Russia made the girl previously laugh. But now, someone she loved dearly was dead. And she couldn't do anything to change it.

Mismatched eyes looked up toward the driver as he sped down the road, careful but certain.
"Nikolai, where are we going?" She pondered aloud, raising a brow, curious and suspicious at the same time. His green eyes met hers and he shook his head softly.
"I'm sorry, your majesty. I cannot tell you. Strict orders from your father. You will be safe, though. He has already hired a private bodyguard for you. Given him strict instruction to remain by your side at all hours of the day." Sansa stared at the balding man, raising a brow.
"You won't be staying?" He shook his head once more.
"No, there are important matters to attend to that your father requests I be there for." She puffed out her cheeks slightly, suddenly curious about the man who would be protecting her from that day out. "And Miss Petrova, Please don't get attached to him. You'll be with him every day until we figure out who is behind these attacks. But once the attacks are ended, you two will part ways again. I don't think any of us could bare to see you go through heartbreak again." The girl scoffed at him, leaning back in her seat and staring out the window.
He was right, however. She could still feel the wounds in her heart from the first time. The engagement, the parties, the love, then the betrayal. She had vowed to never let it happen again.

But soon enough, the vehicle slowed and turned down a dirt road. A bit off the beaten trail and the drive mostly hidden by brush, the vehicle moved forward for a long time until a gate finally appeared in front of them. Nikolai rolled the window down only an inch, just enough to get an I.D. out to the guard, who took one look and waved them through.
"Nikolai, is he already here? My bodyguard?" The man nodded to her with a smile.
"His name is Makar Alexander. He's already been briefed on you." The girl narrowed her eyes at him.
"And what was told about me?" San wasn't much a fan of people talking about her, whether it be for business or something else. But her tone made the drive chuckle and adjust his mirror to see the young Duchess better.
"Just that you are... blunt. Proper. Smart and very cunning, and also very headstrong." Sansa couldn't help but shake her head, taking a deep breath as the vehicle came to a halt in front of a mansion. "We will protect you, your highness." Nikolai said to her softly as he opened the door.
"I know. Thank you." And with that, she turned and made her way towards the mansion to the waiting bodyguard.
kill the messenger
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Whale, Hello!
Hello, darling, and thanks for stopping by! I'm XIII, roleplay extraordinaire (only not really.) I love making new friends, and love roleplaying. I was gone for a little while, had some personal stuff come up in life, but now I'm back and definitely ready to dive into a good plot! Here's some stuff about me;

I absolutely LOVE romance. It is an absolute must for me in any roleplay. However, I'm slightly uncomfortable when it comes to smut. Don't hate me if I would prefer to 'time skip' over those moments.

I generally only use photographs for my characters, but will, on the rare occasion, use some kind of realistic CGI image.I also have a whole stash of realistic manga images. So if you really can't do realistic, we may be able to work something out.

You have to be able to write well. Period. I consider myself literate (a bit rusty because I've been on a long hiatus,) but proper English in third person is what I need from you.

Oh my gods, I love fantasy. I'm super obsessed with Harry Potter and Vampires, so if you'd like to do something that pertains to one, or both of these, I will forever be your best friend.

I would really prefer not to play males. Not that I'm not willing to, but I'm really not in touch with my masculine side and I have been the death of many role-plays because of it. I only do M x F.

Please, for the love of the gods, don't ask me to use Monster Girl Encyclopedia. Also, no futuristic role-plays, no robots, ghouls/zombies...umm....I think that's it.....


Ding, Ding, Ding!

⚜ If you're not interested in my plots, let me know! I'm always open to suggestions!
⚜ I'm looking for a long term role-play, at least a post every other day. If you have something come up, let me know, and I will certainly do the same for you.

⚜ Let's discuss the plot. The characters, the twists, the turns, the ups and downs. I would love it if you were just as involved as I will be.
⚜ I simply can't do text talk. As stated above, I need proper English.
⚜ I'm a single mother. I'm busy with work and raising my crazy child. I can't be on 24/7, but if something comes up with my mini human, I will let you know. Please don't be angry with me for not being on every second of the day.
⚜ I absolutely need at least 2 paragraphs per reply. I definitely understand writer's block, however, consistent short posts, and I may or may not lose interest.
⚜ Speaking of losing interest, let me know if you want to drop it. We can either discuss ways to fix it, or if you don't want to, I wish you well on your roleplay road!
⚜ I always do very basic profiles for my characters. Just name, age, gender, species, etc. It's just for the post at the top of the thread. I don't need anything special or intricate.


Pairings & Premises

⚜⚜ 'Bold' are the roles I'd prefer to play. ⚜⚜

Faery x Vampire Rock Star
Wizard x Vampire (Harry Potter Universe)
Witch x Vampire Leader
Duchess x Non-Human Body Guard
Human x Mechanical Boy
Princess x OC

Plot I
"Coin Operated Boy"
Genres: Fantasy, Romance

Premise: A young woman is constantly putting work before her personal life. While things are going well for her, her family has been bugging her for years to get married and have children. When she receives an invitation for her sister's wedding in the mail, she automatically knows what is going to happen when she arrives.

A co-worker, who she dares call 'friend' suggests she go to the local antique shop, where strange things have been known to happen. When she walks in, she finds a life-sized mechanical man sitting in the corner, hidden away and covered in dust. Upon further inspection, the directions read 'kiss to activate.' After arguing with the shop owner, he finally convinces her to purchase the man and she takes it home. What she soon finds is that this mechanical man is special, and there is certainly more than meets the eye.


Plot II
"Wands and Fangs"
Genres: Romance, Drama, Fantasy

Premise: A new year is starting at Hogwarts. Students come bustling into the castle, groups of first years finally being sorted. Rumors of new students seemed to be false, but as the last of the first years get seated, a group walks in. They seem like your every day witch or wizard, but what the other students don't realize is that the new students are a part of an experiment. Can vampires contain their thirst and be civilized, or will they prove everyone else correct?

Note: Yes, I know vampires are a part of the Harry Potter universe, and I know they're nothing like how I want them to be in this plot. If this interests you, let me know. I was thinking there are different species of vampires.

Plot III
"The Crimson War"
Genres: Romance, Fantasy, Drama, Dark
Premise: In 1740's England, a war was in full swing. Vampires and werewolves had been fighting for what seemed like centuries, keeping to the shadows, a world long forgotten. No one knows how the war started, but for every vampire or werewolf, they know their orders; find and kill the enemy. Through the years, the war died down slowly. Neither side had made any progress in centuries, just lost thousands of their kind. They needed something else, something to help them gain an advantage over their opponents.

Every species knew about the legends, about the secrets that tried to remain hidden. A small group of humans were their only hope to win the war. But for centuries, neither side knew how to find these humans, or even how they were special. They were both determined to find them, though. Werewolves needed their blood to make them stronger, and the vampires wanted to turn them, to use their powers, which would be enhanced by the vampiric transformation, to destroy the werewolves once and for all. In modern times, a young girl is special in every way. Very bright and holds a special ability, one that, if discovered by either vampires or werewolves, would decide who wins the war.

Note: I would prefer to play the witch in this story. Obviously, I would prefer you to play a vampire. Either the leader, or a lower ranking vampire.

Plot IV
"Love Me Dead"
Genres: Romance, Drama

Premise: When she was little, she lost her family to a vampire attack. He didn't know why, but he found her and saved her from his own kind, suddenly taking the role of her protector. He watched her grow, and slowly the love he felt for the young girl turned into more as she grew up. She was in her twenties now, and he knew it was time for the girl to have her own life, away from vampires and death. He leaves, which leaves her open to the attacks his kind had been planning for her. But they don't want to kill. The king of vampires wants her, and her magic, for himself, and is determined to claim her for himself.

Plot V
"Ravenwood University"
Genres: Romance, Drama

Premise: Only a few short years ago, vampires revealed themselves to the world. While the majority of the human race shy away from the thought of vampires, there are those who sympathize with them. A small University is set up for young vampires wishing to learn. With the promise only to drink from donated blood, a small group of humans is allowed to attend, with the agreement of having weekly blood draws to be provided to the nocturnal students. The students understand that drinking directly from humans in forbidden. At least, as long as no one is looking.

Note: This roleplay is the original idea of pooderthepirate's. I just love the plot so much, I'd love to do it with multiple people. Also, I would like to play a human female in this one.


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"I'm confused. You're giving blood in exchange for tuition?" Chocolate brown eyes peered over at the crimson haired girl as she sat at her vanity, adjusting what little make-up she wore.
"It's for scientific stuff, Elle. I have a rare blood type. I'm happy to give some up so the scientific community can understand it better!" The girl sitting on the bed rolled her eyes and scoffed, falling back onto the sheets.
"I will honestly never understand you." Emilia smiled at her friend and went back to what she was doing, eventually leaning back and looking over herself. With a nod, she stood and adjusted the uniform. "Do you want a ride?"

curiosity often leads to trouble
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lacinia mi et erat iaculis, id rutrum mauris consectetur. Quisque et pulvinar nisl. Praesent volutpat, tortor gravida rutrum venenatis, dolor nulla luctus magna, ac fringilla risus metus a dui. Nullam tristique efficitur posuere. Duis dignissim varius cursus. Phasellus metus nisi, sodales ac ipsum a, condimentum fringilla sem. Sed sollicitudin rhoncus felis non aliquet. Donec tempus justo a nulla volutpat, ac porttitor lorem venenatis. Fusce sed elit odio. Aliquam eget velit aliquet, tempus ante non, pellentesque risus. Quisque tempor auctor orci, a lacinia elit pulvinar vitae. In id magna sit amet elit eleifend fringilla in vitae tortor. Nunc vitae commodo metus. Donec sit amet porttitor nunc, sed porta risus. Nullam consequat, enim vitae lacinia convallis, tellus arcu consectetur tortor, in sollicitudin quam mauris vitae eros. Quisque sit amet malesuada dolor.

Vestibulum tristique arcu vitae dictum posuere. Maecenas vel fermentum velit, eu commodo diam. Nullam eget nulla finibus lectus dignissim suscipit. Aliquam sagittis, turpis nec mollis auctor, diam quam commodo nibh, condimentum euismod odio urna venenatis elit. Mauris suscipit velit felis, ut iaculis sapien vulputate quis. Donec bibendum feugiat augue, eget sagittis magna pellentesque eu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed cursus, ipsum quis molestie dapibus, eros est viverra nulla, sit amet lacinia ipsum odio a enim. Morbi pulvinar nec turpis id sodales. Aliquam est justo, lobortis eu purus id, dapibus sagittis felis. Suspendisse felis velit, tempus eget porttitor ut, pulvinar ut urna. Sed rhoncus aliquam orci eu iaculis.

Nunc rutrum lacus id cursus commodo. Sed tincidunt magna a diam varius ullamcorper vitae pulvinar libero. Sed et dui vitae libero pretium bibendum lobortis nec libero. Proin at sapien laoreet, semper libero id, bibendum ipsum. Nam sed magna in tortor mollis blandit. Duis porta lectus rutrum nisi laoreet imperdiet. Quisque mollis ornare elit, quis dapibus tortor bibendum eget. Quisque suscipit lectus venenatis dolor placerat, vel lacinia ipsum sagittis. Sed eu laoreet sapien, at rhoncus neque. Pellentesque ac purus neque. Integer id est metus.

In facilisis, mauris nec sodales egestas, dolor lectus blandit felis, nec rhoncus lectus arcu ac lorem. Vivamus ornare arcu ac dapibus volutpat. Donec feugiat justo a tellus pharetra molestie. Aliquam ac aliquet nisl. Aenean elementum vitae augue condimentum convallis. Cras gravida fermentum sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas erat urna, pretium ac vulputate et, egestas sit amet dolor. Donec pellentesque, risus vel tincidunt iaculis, odio lorem faucibus sem, et finibus magna odio at est. Curabitur sit amet urna et felis viverra cursus sed fermentum purus. Vivamus dignissim elementum laoreet.

curiosity often leads to trouble
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