Stranger Things Based RP?

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"Mike?" El stood there, surrounded by dozens of other students passing her, unable to move from where she stood for a few long moments. So many emotions were racing around her mind- confusion, anger, joy, regret. The young woman didn't even know what to do about her thoughts. She hadn't seen him since the Snowball, but she never forgot about him. She had been found, taken by another government agency, then sent out of the country in order to 'get lost' so to say. Even when she had the choice, she didn't go back to Hawkins. Trying to get her cooperation, they had told her he was dead, showed her his dead body. El hadn't wanted to be in Hawkins if he wasn't there.

She hadn't been called 'El' or 'Jane' in a long time though. Because she had been trying to hide, they had given her the name Adara to keep her identity a secret. She wasn't even sure if he would recognise her. The short brown hair he had last seen her with grew long, and they had dyed it a reddish-ginger colour, and her face and body had matured as she grew.


Hey there, so obviously looking for someone to play Mike here. I was thinking that they would see each other when they were moving into college, a nearly impossible event. Eleven has been gone for years; he hasn't seen her since the Snowball. I would prefer someone who can post at least a decent sized paragraph per post, and someone who can post at least 2-3 times a week, but I get that life can get hectic, so don't feel bad if you can't respond for a bit. I'd just like you to tell me if it'll be a decently long break. This is just something I typed up in like 5-10 minutes, so I can write more or less. Anyway, if you're interested, feel free to pm me
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