OPEN SIGNUPS Strange New Arrivals In Remnant (rp thread)

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The thugs look towards one another as Victor offers them that deal. The offer of a deal. One of them, the big talker, shakes his head and puts his sword/club away into it's sheathe on his hip. "I don't know who you are, but you're obviously not a Huntsman. Our boss just bailed on us… and the enforcements're gonna be here any second." Others help to get their injured man up, and they start to flow into the alley next to the Dust shop. The talker motions to Victor as he starts to follow the group "You'd be good to disappear too, dude." And as he disappears into the darkness, he starts to immediately move faster with this group. Knowing they are being chased now. And as if on cue…
Victor would hear heavy footfalls coming from behind him. Boots, heavy boots. And then a loud voice "Faunus! Drop your weapon and turn to face me right now!" From the opposite direction, armored men seem to come out of nowhere. They are armed with what could perhaps only be described as laser rifles. From the opposite direction 4 more of the light armored officers approach and give chase to the thugs. The initial officers start to surround Victor as one of them speaks. "By order of the Atlesian Military Police you are to be detained for questioning!"

And as he falls silent, an Atlesian airship emerges over the building housing the Dust shop. And another approaches from the opposite direction.

The glowing purple shield rotates in front of Ruby, and she looks up to see her savior from her curled up crouch. Ruby whispers in utter awe "A Huntress!" The blond woman glares up at the airship Roman climbs aboard, and he just smiles a charming smile to her and winks. A gunshot from behind Ruby heading towards Roman… and about a foot in front of him the bullet seems to disintegrate in a soft flash of orange and yellow. Roman turns and heads into the ship, seeming to bow at someone hidden in shadows in the interior.

Ruby shifts her position to look behind her as she clutches her scythe. Wide eyed she stares up at Bayonetta with utter admiration. If this were one of Ruby's cartoons, her eyes would be shimmering stars with excitement. "Another Huntress YouAreSoCoooool!"

dd5c4y0-cbc4203d-5b97-4050-86f7-c22e938a35e6.jpgNow up in the open door of the airship, a person in shadows becomes known. Only because you can make out a pair of glowing orange eyes, flames churning at their edges. The blond woman shouts as she draws her riding crop down in a strong gesture. Both of you back right now!" 5 different beams of flaming energy explode from the door of the airship, and the blond woman elegantly pivots on her heels and whips her riding crop from side to side. The beams don't make it passed the ledge of the roof before they explode into swirling glowing orbs of purple. She draws the riding crop back… the orbs surge towards her.. and then she flicks the riding crop forward and those orbs shoot right at the airship. It rocks to one side as it is hit with three of the orbs. Those flaming eyes in the darkness of the interior of the ship flare, and the door begins to close. Another airship, an Atlesian Military ship starts to close in. And the villians' ship takes off.

The blond woman stands as still as a statue upon the rooftop then, the Altesian craft giving chase. She then looks over her shoulder towards Ruby and Bayonetta, anger in her eyes. 4 armored Altesian Military personnel seem to drop out of the sky, out of nowhere, to surround Ruby and Bayonetta, rifles aimed at the pair. One of them shouts "Drop your weapons! Now!" Ruby scrambles to her feet, grasping her scythe as she exclaims in a tone of confusion "HEY we're the good guys! You-" She is cut off as the blond woman now turns and shouts in a stern tone "DO AS THEY SAY! Now!" Ruby flinches and drops Crescent Rose, it landing on the rooftop with a heavy metallic 'KLANK'. She throws her hands into the air in surrender.
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Kazuma Kiryu
Kiryus scanning stopped when he heard the bunny woman, Velvet as she said speak up. Her accent sounded diffrent to most here, australian he thinks from what he remembers. He turned his head to her and chuckled softly shaking her hand. being careful to not put too much force there. His strength is very notable afterall. "genuine pleasure to meet you aswell Velvet"

He let go of her hand and rested his arms on his legs a bit, before coming to this hall he had practiced his fighting in a gym in Vale...did break a sandbag which he paid for embarrassingly. He needed to keep his skills up and running well afterall. Especially after some of the reactions hes seen to faunus. Though thinking of fighting hes curious how some of the students would fight, not all of them seemed as combat focused as he expected...though based on his experience that can hide a scary amount of skill.

Kiryu looked at Velvet again, she seemed happy and all, good to see as she already seemed rather nice. He also spotted the nearby wooden box, small and rather nice looking. "yeah just takes getting used to, might i ask how youve been doing here, out of curiosity" he asked trying to get used to talking casually again, his life had gotten so strange before he kind of forgot.​

Now how does she answer such a question truthfully… and yet not seem harsh? 'I've been constantly harassed and made fun of by about every Human I've met here!'. No no… that might be an exaggeration. But to Velvet, that is what it feels like. But she surely doesn't want to seem to be playing the part of the victim, or exclaiming her need to have her friends here.

A soft and amused chuckle escapes her lips, and her big brown eyes look around them as she speaks. "Oh… ya know. It's been a bit of adj'stment… not quite used ta a school so big. Almost feels like this gym is about as big as the whole of Pharos Academy." She says with a soft chuckle at her own joke.
Now one may note that Velvet still seems to be.. on guard. Like she is expecting a Grimm to leap out at her or something. She does her best to keep this fact hidden, not wanting to seem like some kind of child or coward in front of this throng of people. Her voice is still softspoken, her mannerisms slighlty subdued and her shoulders still angled a bit upwards.

"I 'ave lived in different regions all over this world, m'family moved a lot when I was a lil girl." She nods as she continues to smile to Kiryu. "Ya know, never in one place for to long. M'first time really away from my mom'n all." Her eyes widen and she makes a dismissive motion as she seems to correct herself "I mean livin' in a place without my parents in the next room'n all" she says with another light chuckle. "But now" she motions to him and then to herself "we both know a new person here, so more's the better!"
Stephen Strange

"Oh that, ah yes I remember that test."

Stephen made an effort to pretend he remembered the test, but as a newcomer to this universe, everything was unfamiliar. Although it was all new to him, he decided to act as if he knew to avoid raising suspicions. He cast a cautious glance at Clint, then shifted his focus to Yang, wearing a slight smile and nodding along with feigned interest in her words.

"It won't be a problem for us, I can fly and Clint is well accustomed to jumping from high places and landing where he wants."

Strange recalled that the Avengers frequently leaped from air carriers or their personal jet to reach a specific mission location. Thus, the idea of being propelled into the sky and figuring out a landing strategy wouldn't trouble Clint.

"Hope your up for it Clint."

Take the risk or lose the chance

@AshenAngel @Camleen

Cereza somersaulted forward to dodge, demonstrating fantastic reflexes, flexibility, and flair. The fire rays zipped past, creating a spectacle as the authoritative blonde parried and redirected them. The Umbra witch pressed the advantage, rushing towards the escaping airship with her guns blazing.

The rush of footsteps around her caused her to pause and twist around. People were demanding she... drop her weapons? "What in the bloody hell is th—" Her gaze turned fiery as the older woman demanded she comply. By now, there were several guns trained on her, and without her full suite of powers, there was no way she could outmaneuver multiple bullets. A low growl turned into a roar through gritted teeth as she threw down her pistols in defeat. The ones on her heels stayed; the last thing she needed was these plebeians misinterpreting it as her drawing a weapon.

Finally, she lifted her hands high and glanced to the scythe wielder. "And this, dear, is why I'm not so fond of men in uniform," she hissed.

Interactions: @Camleen
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Going on the run wouldn't serve his best interests. He was already in a tight spot with his choices in Mistral, he didn't need to make more enemies for himself in Vale. Victor clicks the safety on his weapon and drops it, keeping his hands in clear sight. "... I'll comply." He says clearly, his distrustful gaze scanning over the officers looking for any sign of trouble from them. "There's a cat in my bag, be gentle with her." He cautions, calm and careful as always.

He goes along quietly, keeping a tight hold on his bag and staring down any officers that get too close for comfort. His tail was still fluffed out from his underlying nerves, the tip flicking every now and then. He doesn't speak again until they reach their destination, thoughts drifting to that scythe wielder and the random woman that went after her. Hopefully they weren't too reckless.

Finding a place to spend the night at was going to be a rather disappointing task to follow up the whole ordeal with.

Victor Zeyan

Clint watches Yang's gestures more so than her lips at the explanation, some words recognized but others a bit questionable. His gaze slid back to Strange when he saw him starting to talk. He was glad he had gotten a few of his trick arrows in working order, otherwise Strange's confidence in his abilities might have been off the mark. Of course things did have a way of going wrong in spectacular fashion for him. His mind goes through his most recent high fall injury list like a catalogue: shattered pelvis, three broken ribs, sprained neck, cracked fibia, left clavicle, right ulna… "That's not too bad, I should be fine."

Lady sitting on his other side has him cautious of something, not too sure what. It would be harder to keep track of her and Stephen if they both started chatting. Maybe he could pretend to fall asleep or something if they got started. All the new faces today were wearing him out a bit, but at least he found Stephen. It could be a lot worse.

Clint Barton

Mecha Sonic
Mec listened to Yangs explanation with genuine curiosity, the landing stuff seemed interesting. Though dangerous, given part of his....destruction included being thriwn off Angel island. Big falls worried him. However he had some ideas for how to land.

"I remember being..sort of told, lucky i can fly" He stated simply hearing Cayde chuckle at his statement, likely mild surprise given his build. The scrapnik scanned the group a bit while also looking at the levels of his internals in his vision. Core heat levels:High and rising. Core heat might need venting soon, would need to find a way to do so discreetly. Why didnt he think of this before coming here. He was distracted by...actually making friends or so he thinks.

"Though i might not do so, dont want to burn cloak could be fun to try new thing" he adds jokingly as he adjusts his foots position, his saw leg briefly more visible. He put his arm on his knee internally analysing the numbers in his head, looking a slight bit nervous potentially as he began to look for private spots or ways he can briefly exit from. Core was getting closer to venting temperature.​
Cayde chuckled at Ladys response to his statement. "well you pulled out some good stuff there Lady, picked up good fashion sense from ya biking days?" he joked lightly laying down on his side and watched Yangs explanation. A launch and land huh....thats gonna be fun, gonna be interesting to try one without the lights backup. Maybe something with a kick could help him. or a superhero landing.

"two flyers huh, well i have done some stupid crap so im used to long falls...though once involved me in a barrel being hurled at a guy" he chuckled out, strange being a flyer was interesting honestly, guess that was his semblance. But big and blunt being one too...was oddly suspicious to him, especially since he mentioned it burning his cloak, he had a jetpack on too? He needed to figure out that guys deal.

He tapped his finger against his own cheek as he relaxed. He was liking this group, odd but he adored off plus they where quite cool. He didnt sleep as much as others so he was plotting what to do. Not that he didnt need sleep...he was simply full of energy as Zavala once said.​
Upon young Ruby's face there is trepidation when she glances to Bayonetta. The woman sounded… very… upset. But the blond haired Huntress didn't flinch or even change expression. The soldiers begin to surround them, gathering Bayonetta and Ruby's weapons. And for the record, the officer that lifts Ruby's folded up scythe seems. Ruby's face seems to get as red as her outfit upon seeing her Crescent Rose handled by someone else. And with hands still raised, she steps forward and speaks in an angry, distressed tone "We were helping! You can't-" she is cut off by a viscous glare from the Huntress fair in black and white, her voice coming forth in a stern and elevated tone. "Quiet! The both of you. You're being apprehended for your own good."

A couple of the armored officers approach now Ruby and Bayonetta with what look like metal cuffs and coiled cables. One of them starts to reach out to Bayonetta to restrain her… but the restraining bindings are suddenly just… gone… with a surge of purple energy. The Huntress has her riding crop now pointing at that officer as she exclaims in a firm tone. "None of the three of them are to be bound. Is that understood, officers?" As one the troops let out a disciplined "Yes, ma'am!" and the other officer puts his restraining device away.

Now Ruby says nothing to this (not wanting to be yelled at again!) but notes the Huntress said… three of them? A soft gasp accompanies the realization.. is she referencing the man she left in the midst of those bad guys down below? A worried look is given in the direction she left Victor.

And with that brilliant segue…

One of the armored officers reaches for his own restraining device and starts to approach Victor. But he stops abruptly and they all glance to one another. He puts the device away upon hearing the order through his helmet, they all did. Another of the officers speaks, still aiming their weapons at him. "You just stay cool with us and we'll stay cool with you. And your little kitty, too."

Now, without much further fanfare or hassle, the three apprehended are put into separate vehicles and are air lifted away from the scene. The Huntress in black and white rides in the same vehicle as Bayonetta, but never once addresses or speaks to the woman. For much of the short flight (well 40 minutes or so), the Huntress is speaking to someone on a digital pad with a translucent screen. There is no sound from the device, as it is apparent she is wearing an earpiece. And the image on the screen… whomever she is speaking to is obscured by a dark room and shadows. In another story setting it would be as if she were communicating with the evil mastermind pulling the strings.

But perhaps that is exactly the situation…

Perhaps Bayonetta would be able to discern certain words and snippets from the hushed conversation.
Absolutely don't. Academy. Enemy. Force. Agree. Of control. Atlesian. Show of.

Once the three ships have docked, they three are lead into a building with a lit sign upon it exclaiming 'Vale Police Force' and in smaller letters under that 'Region 9'. And as they are lead together into the building, Ruby looks discretely towards Victor with an apologetic gaze and mouths the word 'Sorry'. With a light shove Ruby is then lead down a converging corridor, stumbling a few steps as she exclaims "Hey!" As for Victor and Bayonetta, they are lead further down the corridor. Said corridor (and building) is bustling with people. Both civilians and officers; some wearing light armor and some not. The two of them are lead into a nondescript room…

The room is darkened, hardly any light to it. It has a small desk against a wall, and in the middle of the room is a table with enough space for perhaps 4 people. And around that table.. 3 chairs. There is also a window, one looking into another room. That room seeming identical to the one they are in, save for the absence of the desk. The guard motions them in without a word, and then closes and locks the door behind them. The room is empty, for about 4 minutes. And then… the door to the opposite room opens, and through the window they would see Ruby stepping sheepishly into the room. The door closes behind her, and she looks around slowly… fearfully. She wrings her hands together as she looks around the room, a look of panic on her face. The door to that room opens again, and now the Huntress with black and white clothing steps in. Ruby takes in a sharp breath.. and the look of panic is gone. The door closes behind her and she motions to the table, and the chairs around it. "Sit." She says sternly. She holds the same datapad she had on the transport. "You are… Ruby Rose? Is that correct?" Her tone is flat, without emotion. Ruby nods a little and slides into a chair, obviously still scared.

Bayonetta and Victor would have made note by now… they can hear the other room through a small speaker mounted under the window. And that window… it is actually a 2 way mirror. They can hear and see what is going on in that other room, but that other room can not hear or see them. Ruby is in an interrogation room. "You did well against those men, Ruby Rose. If it were up to me, you would get a pat on the back" Ruby brightens, seeing a compliment FINALLY coming… and that is quickly shot down. Glynda smacks the table right in front of Ruby's hands with her riding crop, causing Ruby to squeak in fear and draw back "And a smack on the wrist! You are not the police, the army or a Huntress! What you did was irresponsible, dangerou-" Ruby interrupts her, speaking up. There are almost tears in her eyes "I was trying to help! They were robbing that place! I lo--ove… that---" Her words pitter out as Glynda glares at her. And Glynda then continues "Irresponsible and dangerous. And you could have gotten others in danger." Ruby's eyes widen as she suddenly remembers "Oh! That other woman! And the guy that was near the store! Please don't do anything to them! This was all me! They didn't have a thing to do with it!" Glynda smacks the table again with her riding crop, and once more Ruby silences herself and draws her hands back in fear. "I would love to see you sit in a cell overnight, to give you proper time to think about how stupid this was of you. But… there is someone that wishes to speak to you." She glances at the door… and through it casually walks in a man. Short hair of silver, clad in a very classy looking black and green outfit. He holds in one hand a cup of some beverage, and the other.. a plate of chocolate chip cookies. Ruby stares frightened a moment… and then…. her eyes widen as they fix on those cookies. The door closes behind him as he stands there a moment, uttering softly.

"You have silver eyes."

Ruby blinks and looks around herself discretely, letting out a soft and awkward "uuuuhhhh" The man smiles and now moves to the table, sitting across from Ruby. He sets the plate in front of her. Glynda hands him the data pad. He watches it as he sips from the mug, and Ruby seems entranced by the cookies. "It's quite alright. They aren't poisoned." He says as he watches on the translucent screen images of Ruby fighting those thugs. Immediately Ruby reaches out and takes a cookie in each hand, devouring one of them quickly.

The cookies never stood a chance.

"You are very adept in fighting… and with a scythe. A rare weapon, nowadays. How did someone so young and of small stature learn to use one?" He glances to Ruby from behind his small glasses. "I know of only one other that can use a scythe at this level. An old crow of a--" He is silent as Ruby speaks up, sitting up in her chair "mhts m umle cmow!" His head tilts a little to one side, and Ruby swallows the cookies she had stuffed into her mouth, crumbs falling onto the table in front of her. "That's my uncle Qrow! He taught me everything I know!" She seems.. utterly so proud to say that. "I see…" He now sits back in the chair, taking another sip from his mug.
Victor is silent, a cold fear surging through him as the restraints are brought forward. None of it shows on his face, but maybe a little in the depths of his eyes. There were weapons still drawn and pointed at him, and he starts to sweat as he tries peaking a little further into the future. He didn't get a good look, so many things up to chance clouding his view. If he ended up here, who was to say members of the EVOL Task Force didn't as well? He didn't have himself established enough, he could be made to disappear here and none would be the wiser. He couldn't let that happen. The other officer's voice has him nodding stiffly in agreement. "Fair enough."

The forty minute flight was spent in silence, holding his bag tight to him as his gaze flicked between the emergency exits and anyone that moved closer to him. He didn't have much trust in that previous agreement. His tail was still bristled out, but over the course of the flight the fur had smoothed out ever so slightly. Their arrival at the Vale Police Force building settles one tiny worry among many. The girl was unharmed, but taken in as well... He shook his head slightly when she started to apologize, his dark grey eyes cold and focused on what was ahead. He'd made his choice in getting involved, he'd own that one. His tail bristles once again as Ruby is shoved down a different corridor. His voice is low in warning, eyes nearly black with that little dose of anger to pair with his fear. "That was unnecessary."

Still, he proceeds without a fuss, acutely aware of the armored and armed individuals bustling through the halls. His stomach is twisting with worry as they get locked into the observation room, his gaze darting around looking for other ways out and turning up fairly empty. His restless searching freezes when he sees Ruby enter the other side of the room. Her fear has him coiling up, ready to do something on the more reckless end of his spectrum, the current scenario toeing the line a little too close to memory. The softest of growls rumbles in his throat as the stern woman strikes the table repeatedly with her weapon. But he waits, seeing the start of a bad cop good cop routine. Cereza has the fortune, or misfortune to see his more feral tendencies up close and personal, a dangerous feeling hanging around him that hadn't been there during his brief encounter with those thugs.

Victor Zeyan
Kazuma Kiryu
Kiryu listened to Velvets answer, she seemed on guard but he cant..really blame her. Change can be hard, that he knows for sure given his past experiences. This was a big gym, bigger than most of the ones hes seen. Would be kimd of intimidating for some of the students he expects.

The Komodo dragon kept listening to the rabbits answer, continuing to look at her with a reassuring smile. "its probably the first time away from my family for me aswell, but i at least know theyre alright so that helps and all" he added chuckling softly. Half true, he was away from his family for a long time but knew they had certain folks looking out for them. "Thats true, we at least know someone here now, another faunus aswell, feels kind of nice" he admitted with a chuckle.

Kiryu adjusted himself a bit before gesturing to the wooden box. "might i ask whats in there, i mean if its yours, it looks nice".​
A sympathetic smile draws across the young Faunus' features when Kiryu speaks of his family. "M'mum would always say she lookin forward to when I went out ta school. Ya know…" She glances towards Kiryu, her long ears perked up "excited for me. Find m'own way. Buuuuuut… I think its as hard for her as it was for me." She says with a soft chuckle. Making a dismissive motion she looks away from him, brown eyes scanning the crowd as it starts to really settle in. "When I left m'old school… I mean graduated'n all… I had m'own circle of friends. But now I figure is a good chance ta make more." She motions in the direction of the group congregating with Yang "They're very nice, too." Now she hasn't met any of the people Yang is in conversation with, but apparently she has had interaction with Yang. "An yeah, nice havin another Faunus ta hang out with."

When he mentions the wooden box, her eyes widen with delight. "Oh!" Her slim form twists at the waist and she picks up the wooden box. "This… is Anesidora. It's my.." she is about to say 'weapon', but remembers she was cautioned about saying that here. Since weapons were not allowed in the gymnasium… but cameras are. "camera!" She sets the wooden box in front of her, her heart emblem imprinted on the front. With a click the lid opens, hinged like a chest. She reaches in and pulls out the camera itself.. it is brown colored with gold accents. A shutter slides out in the front of it, and a flash bulb unfolds from inside of the camera itself. It, frankly, looks like a camera from the 1940's. She holds it with both hands, and turns it to show him the screen on the back. "See? I really like photography." She scoots closer to him, now an image showing on the screen. She starts to scroll through the pictures rather quickly, speaking with each one. "So that's a weapon from one of the other new students. And so is that. And so is that. And so is that. And… so is that. And…" she looks up to him with an apologetic smile "When I got here I took lots of pictures…" She looks back down and scrolls now faster, getting passed all of the pictures she took this morning. He may notice some from Yang's group, too. "Oh!" She shows him once more the screen, now with Velvet in it surrounded by a crowd of cheering people. They all seem her age, all of them wearing school uniforms. Velvet in the picture is blushing a little and laughing along. "That's some of m'friends from Pharos Academy." She now points to each person on the screen "See. That's Cocoa.. an that's Lemmy… an that's Sunny.. an that's Amber… an that's me" she looks to him as she laughs "Ya prolly knew that though!"

While the pictures may seem rather random, all of them are actually well done. Good lighting, proper focus, keeping the subject as the focal point. Yes, this camera and its box are her signature weapons… but she genuinely loves photography too.
"Ya like 'em? Do ya like photography at all? Most people jus' use their scrolls, but I don't think they take as good pictures as m'camera… not… not ta brag.." she says with a sheepish laugh.

Lady rolled her eyes, dismissing the praise with which Cayde showered her simple pajama outfit. "Thinkin' about getting your own and becoming my twin?" she teased before pointing to herself. "Dibs on being the evil one."

Stephen had dropped some tidbits of info regarding his and Clint's abilities and experience. With Cayde counting two flyers and two used to long falls including himself, Lady hummed in acknowledgement. "You two sound like most of us have been racking up some frequent-flyer miles. Am I right?" she pried under the veil of humor. If she could just get something to slip, she could say for certain if they were demons or puppets of one.

One thing was for certain, though: Mec was something else. She had seen several demons take on a pseudo-mechanical form, yet they always looked more chitinous than metallic. The glint of steel from under Mec's cloak made her think he was something else entirely. A cyborg...? The theory seemed far-fetched, but everything lately was unbelievable to her.


Cereza huffed as she was hauled away in some smelly police vehicle a thousand sweaty asses had surely sat in at one point or another. "Not quite the limousine ride and red carpet I was hoping for," she sighed as they arrived. They at least didn't cause her wrists any chafing with a pair of handcuffs. For that, she counted her blessings.

After being left in the room with that boy from the street, the witch's outfit shifted to be a long, black, fishtail dress. If she was being detained, she was at least going to make it fun. "This is one hell of a blind date. Wouldn't you agree?" she remarked sarcastically, watching the girl devour an entire plate of cookies in mere moments. Cereza's nose wrinkled at the sight; gross, but she also wanted some sweets for herself. "While she's eating herself into oblivion, I suppose we should get to know one another. They call me the lovely Bayonetta." With a snap of her fingers, two lollipops—one shaped like a red rose and one like a purple butterfly—poked up from between her digits. Some sleight of hand trick, perhaps... "Lollipop?" she finally offered.
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"Tell me Miss Rose…" Ozpin speaks calmly and slowly. But not as if to sound like a dullard. More it is that each word seems to be thought out and measured. "What exactly was your thought process when you chased after those bad men?" He leans back a little in his chair, his eyes staring into Ruby's. And for Ruby's part, she seems to want to reach for the very final cookie upon the plate.. but just can not seem to bring herself to do so. Throwing up chocolate chips on the floor of the police station is probably not a great look. She's in enough trouble as it is! "They were… I mean they were robbing the place. They wanted to rob me!" She says as she sits up in her chair, motioning to herself. There is a pause of silence, then broken as Ozpin speaks. "And so you thought that gave you the right to chase after the crew in the midst of the night, like Batman?" His head tilts to one side as he speaks. Ruby gets a dumbfounded look on her features… "Whas a bat-man?" Ozpin smiles and shakes his head. "Nevermind, Miss Rose. You said you were willing to take responsibility for those other two that were there? The man in the suit and the dark haired woman on the roof?" Ruby nods immediately, her eyes widened. "Yes!" "They could both potentially be charged with attempted murder. And you would want to take the punishment for them? For a pair of Strangers?" (Capitol 'S') Ruby seems to shrink down a bit in her chair, nodding faintly. "Y..yes… I … I would…" "Such a punishment would ruin your young life, Miss Rose. And perhaps that of your family." Ruby looks away from him, her skin seeming a bit more pale. "If.. if I hadn't acted… then… they wouldn't… have jumped in to… to help me…" "You can't know that for sure." Ruby shakes her head and looks back to Ozpin, now speaking with more assurance in her tone. "But that's what happened. They don't deserve to be punished… Whatever punishment there is, it's on me." Ozpin watches her dispassionately. Ruby's words brings back another voice from his past. A woman that also utilized a chrome rose in her Huntress gear. "Those men.. they were robbing people… they were armed. I had to step in…" "No, you didn't." Ozpin counters "You're not the police." Ruby looks up to him, a more assured look on her young features "If you can help someone you should. It doesn't matter or not if you should or shouldn't!" In a show of unimaginable bravery… she sits up slightly in her seat (unimaginable for Ruby, that is). "What's the point of all my training and all the things I can do if they aren't used to help people?! I mean… that's what being human is all about! About being of use to those around you... " Ozpin continues to just watch her silently, not wanting to interrupt. Ruby seems well over her fit of courage, and slouches just a bit in her chair once more, her hands nervously fidgeting on the table "My parents were Huntsmen… mom would read to us every night. She would tell us stories of brave Huntsmen and Huntresses. She made them sound like real heroes. She was a real heroine! Like… people that just wanted to help. My sister read me those stories too at bedtime… " Now her glistening silver eyes stare at her fidgeting hands. "I wanted to be a heroine, like in the stories they read me. And being that heroine means helping the world around you, even if you have to sacrifice for that world…" Her gaze fearfully flicks up to Glynda and Ozpin "So that's why I'm willing to take the punishment… it's just the right thing to do.." Ozpin takes a sip from his mug, and then speaks "You make it sound very simple, Miss Rose." A faint smile draws across thin lips, her shoulders shrugging a little as her eyes only lift to look towards him "Well.. isn't it?" "And that's why you want to be a Huntress?" Ruby just nods a little.

Now Ozpin gives a small smile. He sets his mug down and folds his hands on the table. "Do you know who I am?" Ruby finds herself sitting up a little more as she nods, answering now in a more confident tone. "You're Professor Ozpin, the head of Beacon Academy." He nods to her and pleasently "Hello." Ruby nods and smiles a little more "It's very nice to meet you." Ozpin glances over his shoulder to Glynda… and she just rolls her eyes and looks away. Ozpin's gaze returns to Ruby "Would you like to be in my Academy?" Her response is immediate, her tone breathless "More than anything, sir." Ozpin nods as he starts to stand "I'm happy to hear that. I will make arrangements." Ruby's smile starts to get wider, an excitement building in her. But then she catches sight of Glynda staring at her and she settles the hell down. "For now.. you're going to go home. Your father is here." Ruby visibly flinches. Oh no they called her dad! To the police station! To pick her up! "Get your things in order, and you will be hearing from us soon." He picks up his mug and the plate (which now has been reduced to a single cookie and some crumbs) and turns, glancing towards the two way mirror that Bayonetta and Victor could see them through. He exits the room, and Glynda stares at Ruby as she also exits, the door closing behind them.

The very moment she hears the door latch, she jumps up from her chair (the chair falling back) and she thrusts her hands in the air as she lets out a joyous cry. She hops up and down and every few hops her body disappears into a cluster of red petals and then reemerges as she dance/jumps around the room. She almost trips over the chair, but rights herself in time. She hops up and down excitedly now in place, and pats down her top and skirt. She lets out a loud "Auuuugh!" as she realizes she doesn't have her scroll. Stupid cops taking her stuff! Just as she thinks that… a man in a dark blue suit opens the door, and motions for Ruby to follow him. She freezes when the door is open… her face red as she realizes he might have seen her bounding around the room. She promptly walks with him, the door to the now empty room closing.

Now it is only a matter of a minute or so after that room is empty that the door to Bayonetta and Victor's door slowly opens. And through it steps Ozpin, holding now only the plate of cookies. Well… plate of cookie. Since it has only one left, and all. His body turns a little and he closes the door softly. Turning once more he sets the plate in the middle of the table and speaks in a soft tone. "I do sincerely apologize. I didn't have as many treats as I had thought." Now he casually strolls to the window, and he turns off the speaker. "Odd.. well that shouldn't be on." he utters softly. Then he turns, his hands folded behind his back as he faces them. "Mr. Zeyan, good evening." He then motions to Bayonetta with a hand before casually holding his hands behind his back once more. "And you, miss? Might I ask your name?" His tone remains steady and friendly, a small smile upon his lips.
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The Scarred
The attack was sudden as it was brutal with how it started. One moment it was business as usual, calm even but then as a soldier was investigating a odd noise from nearby, it started. A unknown burning orange substance was launched at him, his upper torso and head was completely destroyed. The soldier aimed their weapons in the direction it came from.

The next any of them knew a large mechanical arm slammed into Private Monroe's neck, tearing it from the body as a primal roar emerged from the large creature. The men tried to fire at it, but the bullets that landed on it as it rushed to them either bounced off or didnt stop the charge. The Grey twins couldn't stop it as it picked one up and swung her into the other, breaking their spines. It afterwards fired the orange blast from a large canon arm at the rest, killing two.

The remaining soldiers tried to retreat but it kept up its assault but started dodging the shots, crawling on the ceiling to avoid a rocket. It pounced down on the group with another roar. The noise in the base ceased half an hour later, the team sent to investigate the silent base only found a burning wreck, the mens bodies strewn all over and brutalised. A organised attack was suspected to be a whitefang assault until a strange symbol was found near a blown down wall...alongside strange footprints belonging to a single creature. The symbol depicted four circles close together with a line pointing to the bottom right on each.

Whatever attacked this place was now loose. And ready to cause more mayhem.​
Victor mostly tuned out Cereza in lieu of listening to the charges that Ozpin was willing to throw around to scare the girl. Attempted murder for assisting a girl that looked like she was in danger? Really? That was really how they were playing this? Fine. Let's play. "My name's Victor." He introduces himself with a disinterested note to his voice, however her costume change and the presenting of a lollipop had his brow quirking slightly. He tentatively accepts the butterfly looking one, some strange part of his brain somehow managing to worry about the quality of the candy conjured from thin air. A shadow of a smile crossed his face briefly as Ruby stood her ground and made her dream a reality. Good for her... hopefully she could handle it.

The professor's glance in the mirror once again brought caution back to the forefront. When the professor enters the room, Victor's expression ices over once more. "I doubt anyone would have accounted for that particular display..." He gave the professor the benefit of the doubt on that one. But the microphone? "It shouldn't?" He echoes with a note of clear doubt in his voice.

The professor knew his name... Most likely pulled from the entrance exam he'd failed. It left a bad taste in Victor's mouth, that failure. The written portion he'd scored exceptionally high on thanks to his habit of practically living in libraries leading up to the exam, but the combat portion had been an absolute slaughter. He simply did not have the combat experience needed to perform as well as the other applicants and the school was correct in denying his entry, as much as it pained him. He forces his mind back on task. "You'd try to bring a plate of cookies to a pair of attempted murderers?" He asks in the hopes of making his thoughts on this whole contrived situation very clear.

Victor Zeyan

The purple butterfly lollipop possessed a strange, almost magical quality; more than simply a fruity bouquet, it seemed to replenish what little energy Victor had wasted on those dime-store thugs.

"More like 'cookie', singular... And he didn't try, dear. He simply did," Cereza corrected the ice king beside her while reaching for said singular sweet. What were Victor's abilities, anyway? It would come as a shock if he didn't have the fury of the Arctic winds behind him, given his attitude. While pondering the question, she turned the cookie a few times to make sure the glutton next door hadn't slobbered on it, prior to devouring it herself.

Now that the tasty, chocolate-infused treat had won the witch's approval, she stood and struck a pose, as if on the cover of a magazine. "The lovely Cereza, better known as Bayonetta, at your service," she introduced herself. "Now, what brings you to this lovely room for two? Perhaps an offer for compensation? My wallet is feeling awfully light after losing a potential bounty."
With Victor's words he glances towards the mirror but says nothing. But all things have been happening for a very specific reason. Even if no one is aware of it at the time. Bayonetta introduces herself elegantly… and Ozpin's response is to take a slow drink from his mug as he watches her. A moment's pause, and he then pulls out the nearest chair at the table and sits down in it. With a soft 'clink' he sets his mug down "Well, it's certainly nice to meet you, Ms. Cereza." He looks between the two of them, his hands folding on top of the table.

"I'm afraid any sort of compensation is quite off the table. And"
he looks now to Victor "You and I both know that was just a ruse… an exaggeration… to allow Ms. Rose to say aloud what is in her heart. I think she needed to hear it just now." He pauses thoughtfully once more before he speaks in the same even tone "There will be no charges brought up this time. Nor will there be anything given to either of you.. save for some advice. And this I offer for free." A hand comes up and he pushes his thin glasses back on his nose "You have both been remanded to my custody. This mostly due to my reputation and your… unique… circumstances." His hands once more fold upon the table, his eyes shifting between the two of them. "Please, I would like to hear your thoughts thus far before we continue."
While his first guess to his present company's EVOL… Semblance, he corrects himself, was light manipulation; the energy he felt from the little sweet had him leaning more towards it being energy manipulation as a whole. It was intriguing and he'd ask more if they didn't have supervision.

Somehow it didn't surprise Victor in the slightest when his 'date' for the evening devours the remaining cookie. "I fail to see any particularly unique circumstances that would be shared between us. We're both Faunus, but she's a stranger to me. I applied to your school, she did not, if your lacking any identification of her isn't just another ruse." He shared his thoughts with a small frown, his tail slowly starting to flick behind him. He finally moves to settle in, taking a seat with his posture open to both Ozpin and Cereza. It took a conscious effort to not cross his arms or draw one of his legs up to hug against his chest in a more defensive move, the new uncertainty of his current situation having him in a very cautious state.

It took a moment for a possible reason to click. The police were unable to locate any guardians to pick the two of them up. The address he'd given for his exam was a library he'd been frequenting, not an actual residence. Could Cereza be in a similar position as him? Her semblance was able to change her outfits, and she was monetarily driven... It was a possibility. "I'm glad that things worked out for Miss Rose, but... You aren't filling me with trust, Professor. I prefer keeping things straightforward, so, politely: Cut to the chase." He says with a vague gesture, his arms finally crossing against his chest in defense of what the professor might actually have to say.

Victor Zeyan