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You Are Far Too Nice, Mercy Has a Price
Original poster
Posting Speed
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  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
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  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Will be updated when school year starts. For now, pretty much whenever
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Starlight City. That's it. Not Starlight Kingdom. That one is for the history books. Located on an island roughly twice the size of the combined mass of the Hawaiian islands at a halfway point between the east coast of the USA and the UK.

In ancient times, it was called Atlantis. Now, it's got other nicknames. Not all of them are repeatable in polite company. You see, reality itself is just a little... damaged around this island, and portals directly to places people call Heaven and Hell both for lack of a better word, and, well, the things who come through those portals call them that too.

That's not the only pair of portals you'll find in Starlight City. The main civic center plaza has a huge one. But, you really never know where that one is going to go, or who or what is going to come out of it. Why base your city around such a random thing? Would you rather the strange visitors from other realities show up on the outskirts of town, where if they have ill intent they have plenty of time to hatch their nefarious plans? See, I knew you'd get it.

And that was great, sort of, for awhile. Then, well, portals just started showing up all over. People appearing, disappearing, and so on. Reality just was blindfolded and handed a big handful of darts. If you get hit by one, you might get superhuman powers. You might... well disappear. The thing is, a lot of people are really tempted to take that chance. Plus, rumor has it that there's other things out there, enhancers if you will, that can amp you up as surely as that random bolt from heaven, hell, or wherever, can.

Even if you're not interested in becoming more than human, it's pretty much the best place in the world to get fame and notoriety, so there is that. Or, you might have just been born here and this crazy is the normal you know.
-Excerpt provided by @Michale CS ( Was originally used for the Starlight City clan page)

Starlight City is a easy to find city. It is a world where heroes, villains and supernatural creatures live. It borders the world of fiction and fanfiction. Come to the city, we have a school, some great attractions and have a good time! Just know that death could lurk around any corner. - Taken from a tourist who left.... It's all lies.

The IC is up!

Starlight Academy- The school Academy where students can enroll and take classes from daycare all the way up to and through college. This will consist of the dorms, the connecting bridge between dorms, classrooms, houses for the teachers and the school's boiler room and adminstration office and medical wing

Police Station- This consists of the station and the meta-human task force for the city and includes the jail.

Starlight Graveyard- This is the graveyard where there is a certain god who you can make deals with to bring your loved ones back from the dead or visit the dead.

Glistening Lake/Rainbow Forest- It is a rainbow lake and it shows you your favorite colors at certain times of day. The lake can give you powers if it deems that you are worthy. There's a guardian sprite of the lake. The forest is the area that surrounds the lake and holds the cities worst creatures

Downtown Starlight City-- This consists of the park, plaza, town hall, hospital, the hotel, orphanage, harbor, bar, resturant/ brothel, apartments and Superior Genetic Modification Industries.

Mirroredge Pantheon- This is where the gods of the city reside.

Starlight Crevice- This is where the ruins of church are. The portals to Heaven and Hell are also located there.

Shining Stars- The fancy hotel where most events are held.

The portal- This is where people from other worlds can stumble into here. (limited to 4 per person)

Arch 1 is completed.

Arch 2: Harboring Some Dark Secrets is finished.

Arch 2.5: Take me to Church is also finished.

Arch 3: Chaos at the Fall Ball is also finished.

Arch 4: The Cryptic Calm is finished

Arch 4.5: B4 is finished


Character template
(Image should be first or just below the name . I prefer real life pictures, but I will accept anime photos, hand-drawn drawings and video game photos if you can't find others)

Hero name: This only applies if your character is a hero.
Villain Name: This only applies if your character is a villain.
Appearance: ( Details the photos do not include/ scars/ height, weight,etc.)
Grade ( If they are currently a student):
Occupation ( If occupation is teacher, please also list their class):
Species :
Abilities/ skills:
History: This field is semi-required. If you prefer to reveal your character's past over time/ don't have anything in mind, you can put unknown or classified.

Canon character Sheet
Character Name:
History: Wiki can work here if you want.

** If the Wiki goes into great detail on these topic, I am fine with you linking them here.

Characters who may be accompanying them/known family here.

God Character Sheet
Alias ( Name they use when hidden amongst mortals.)
Actual Age:
Perceived Age: (How old they look)
Appearance: ( Details the photos do not include/ scars/ height, weight,etc.)
Occupation ( If occupation is teacher, please also list their class):
Weakness(ONE FOR EACH ABILITY/POWER): Note, Godarium is the universal god killer, so make sure that this is a part of their weakness)
Pantheon they are from: ( Greek, Roman, Norse, Mirroredge ( If you pick Mirroredge, PM me to hash out what they are god of)
Abilities/ skills:
History: This field is semi-required. If you prefer to reveal your character's past over time/ don't have anything in mind, you can put unknown or classified. For gods, you can also give the way the world knows their history.
Character list for active members and characters
Matthew Ryan Harris
Zane Jackson
Eros Valentino
Nathan Stone
Ryan Thorn

Alec Jackson
Adam Daniel Robert Brandon Maxwell Knight
Steven Lasket Jr
David Amadeo
Marina Herring-Owned by York
Garett Gunn-Accompanying Nicholas as a bodyguard to the states.
Bradley Valentino
Joseph Clark
Maya Brooke

Tamara Holstead- Owned by Michale CS
Savina Daye-Owned by Michale CS
Star Butterfly-Played by Michale CS
Tyler Darkness
Brody Richards
Nanuet Mirielis Octavian-Owned by Zarko Straadi
Nicholas Star- Currently in use by me. (School)
Nicholas Danny Harris Currently on a business trip to the state
Laura Brook- Free to use. ( Lake)
Julia Star- At Police station. Not in use.
Lincoln Campbell- will allow use with permission, will mostly be involved in small plotting, currently and actively in use by me. ( Superior Industries)
Michael Star- At police station
Jasper Jackson Knight
Robert Alexander Knight/Legendary
Drake Lasket
Peter Lucas Thorn ( Ethan Rodriguez)
Dorothy Robinson
NPCS that make an occasional appearance
Lucas Alexander Star( At Superior Industries)
Lucifer Diablo Junior/ Lucien Solio ( At school)
Connor Blake (Unknown-last seen at hotel)
Benjamin Baker/ Kirk Austin/Mark James/ Tobias Hoy/ Cyrus Manson ( Unknown- last at hotel)
Derek Cornine (Unknown- Unknown location last seen)
Julienne Ann Nissly- Originally owned by Kitsune, permission has been given to use as a NPC by the original owner- Free to use ( Last location was park)
Syrena Brighton- Owned originally by Little_Miss_Storm_Cloud, permission given to be restaurant NPC- currently in use by me.
Areon/ Nightfire- Owned originally owned by neobendium, NPC status granted- Not in use. ( Unknown)
The Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble- Owned by Sir Nick of Ni( NPC status granted due to their inactivity and permission via discord)- Currently back home. PM me if you would like to use.
Skylar Inkston- The Whore of Babylon ( Profile complete- currently unknown)
Lucifer Morningstar ( Profile will not be completed.)
Brandon Knight/Misfortune- Son of Adam Knight and unknown woman. God of magic and Misfortune. ( Profile complete- at water reservoir)
Chris Howard/ Chase Hunter- Kretin ( Vampire-Werewolf hybrid) (Profile complete- at superior Industries)
Max Knight- Young adult clone/replica of Robert Knight/ Legendary ( Profile complete- at superior industries)
Nathaniel Harris- "Older Brother"/ Future version of Matthew Harris (Profile complete- at superior industries)
Blake Jones/Lucky- A normal human who posses the medallion of Fortuna which grants him extreme luck... as long as he is wearing it. (Profile complete- At superior industries)
Anthony Carter- Twin Brother of Matthew Harris. Mercenary. (Profile complete)
Ryker Rodgers and Jett Rodgers- That is a secret, they are going to be sitting here for a while. ( These two will not be getting official profiles- unknown)
Gabriel Jackson- Younger brother of Alec and Zane. Member of the brotherhood of Assassins. Only member currently stationed in this area. ( Profile complete- unknown)
Bonnie and Clyde- Self-explanatory. ( I will also not be making profiles for them- Superior Industries)
Jak Thorn- Ryan's father. Alpha werewolf of his pack that Ryan is a part of. ( General information can be found on the SC album- At school)
Terra Knight- Pride camp
William Harris/ Knight- Superior Industries
"Liam Knight" ( Owned by Thuro 116 Pendragon, permission granted to use name and likeness, will be explained further in plot)- Superior Industries
Anyone who has a sheet in Medieval and Future ancestors is also fair game.
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Spoiler Warning!
WARNING! This character sheet contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Keep reading this sheet at your own risk.

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    Character Name:
    Stephen Vincent Strange

    Doctor Strange, Defender Strange, Sorcerer Supreme

    Marvel (Earth-838)



    6′2″ (1.88 m)

    180 lbs (81.65 kg)

    Hair Color:
    Black, Grey-haired streaks

    Eye Color:

    Multiversal Magic:

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    "Seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. We harness energy drawn from other dimensions of the Multiverse to cast spells, to conjure shields and weapons, to make magic."

    Multiversal Magic or also known as Quantum Magic is an advanced form of Eldritch Magic that is capable of achieving greater feats than is possible with Eldritch Magic. This form of magic is only recorded in the Book of the Vishanti and can only be practiced by Sorcerer Supremes. He is able to do this by drawing upon alternate universes to utilize the quasi-mystical forces across the Multiverse. It is light-based magic that produces sparks and fiery energy in a white/blue mixed color palette that is capable of giving off not only light but also warmth. Being highly versatile, it can be used to generate near-invulnerable constructs of tangible dimensional energy, such as melee weapons and shields, as well as to cast spells by conjuring specific formations and geometric patterns with the white fiery energy. While many of these arrays of intricate holographic symbols commonly appear as rings or bands that surround the caster's arms. Similarly, certain spells can manifest as an aura of white arcane energy that emanates from the hands and forearms of the caster. However, unlike the main Doctor Strange's Eldritch Magic, Defender Strange's Eldritch Magic is white instead of orange and much more advanced and stronger than the main Doctor Strange.

    Exocentric Arts/Arcanum Exo:

    "Mystic principalities, or simply principalities, were higher beings invoked for power. Many have been described as both cosmic abstracts and eldritch beings, or neither. Virtually all of these beings are of extradimensional origin."

    Dr. Strange can channel the extra-dimensional energy of mystical and non-mystical beings in multiple dimensions (known as Principalities) to empower his spells. By invoking the power of Principalities who's each power can be used in certain spells to achieve a change in reality. This can take the form of standard spells ("Crimson Bands of Cyttorak") or just state what he wants to occur and channel some being to make it happen. It is unknown at this time what debt, if any, he incurs by invoking the powers that be. There is no strict quid pro quo (as the simple acknowledgment and invoking of the entity increases the entity's own powers, inexplicably), though some entities will feel he is obliged to heed their call when they need help in their conflicts as did the Vishanti. This ability to be a conduit to multiversal power sources has given rise to the phrase "Dr. Strange is as powerful as the entity he invokes." Doctor Strange's powers typically come from one of three transcendent sources: The Vishanti (a trinity formed of Hoggoth, Oshtur, and Agamotto), the Octessence (a group of eight beings, consisting of Balthakk, Cyttorak, Farallah, Ikonn, Krakkan, Raggadorr, Valtorr, and Watoomb) and other beings who owe him a debt (this includes Satannish and even Dormammu). However, certain abilities of his stem from more obscure sources, such as the Faltine, the Seraphim, Cinnibus, Sheol, Ikthalon, Denak, Cyndriarr, Munnopor, Morpheus, Dyzakk, the divine beings (such as Anubis and Hecate) and others.

    It is to note that Defender Strange got this ability by reading the Book of the Vishanti and learning from it, this is why other Doctor Strange variants don't have this unique ability.

    Mirror Dimension Manipulation:

    "The Mirror Dimension, ever present but undetected. The real world isn't affected by what happens here. We use the Mirror Dimension to train, surveil, and sometimes to contain threats."

    Doctor Strange has the ability to manipulate and shape the Mirror Dimension, a metaphysical reality layered equidistant to our own. The Mirror Dimension is a parallel dimension that mimics Earth's plane of existence. It is complete with the same surroundings and inhabitants, but its visual appearance is distorted like a fractured mirror. Accessible only by users of the Exocentric Arts, sorcerers use the Mirror Dimension as a reconnaissance platform and a teaching aid for magic practitioners, since it can be reshaped and manipulated freely without fear of adversely affecting the natural order of the world.


    The Mirror Dimension allows an advanced sorcerer to train more advanced and dangerous spells without adversely affecting the real world, keep an eye on threats without being noticed, and a prison for those banished by the sorcerer.


    "The signature ability of the Planeswalker is to travel the length and breadth of the multiverse."

    Dr. Strange can create dimensional rifts to alternate universes, which she can use to traverse realities, timelines, and dimensions. He gained this unnatural ability after successfully absorbing the powers of America Chavez and getting the Book of the Vishanti to defeat the Ribboned Creature. Due to forcibly taking America Chavez's powers, he couldn't replicate the star-shaped gateways that America Chavez created, but it appeared as a rip through reality.


    Former Expert Surgeon/Surgical Consultant:
    Strange holds an M.D. in neurosurgery and was once considered one of the foremost experts in his field. However, the nerve damage he suffered in his car crash severely compromised the manual dexterity in his hands, preventing him from performing surgery except when temporarily supplemented by magic.

    Even without magic, Strange retains his medical knowledge. He still practices medicine, was the Illuminati's surgeon, can guide other less skilled, yet un-maimed surgeons through intense effort, and is still capable of serving as a consultant.

    Genius-Level Intellect:
    Strange has a photographic memory and perfect recall that had originally greatly aided him in medical school, helping him to earn both his M.D. and Ph.D. simultaneously, going on to become one of the world's most renowned neurosurgeons, and later proving himself equally prodigious in the study of mystic arts. During his mystic arts studies in Kamar-Taj, Strange managed to master entering the Astral Dimension, despite Wong not believing him to be ready. When Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to restore the missing pages from the Book of Cagliostro, he only saw the page for about 15 seconds but was able to learn about Dormammu, the Dark Dimension, and the ritual for eternal life as well as work out the ritual and deduce how the Ancient One has remained alive for so long. He proved to be capable of intellectually sparring with Tony Stark and Thanos.

    Expert Occultist & Magical Knowledge:
    During his studies which continued until recently, Dr. Strange has gained expert awareness of cults and the extra-dimensional entities they worship, this knowledge as of yet far exceeds any on Earth in the Universe.

    Expert Strategist:
    Though Stephen seems to suffer from an impulsive nature, instinctively jumping into situations of life or death, it's apparent that he works best this way possessing considerable strategic skills, which have been employed in leadership structures, and spontaneous situations, all of which are a necessity in the random environment of Mysticism.

    Expert Martial Artist:
    Dr. Strange is a skilled athlete and was trained in the martial arts used by Tibetan monks in Kamar Taj, proving sufficiently talented to pass down such training to others, such as Clea. These talents have assisted him from time to time when incapable of using his sorcery. Strange is a formidable opponent to any skilled attacker and continues to train regularly with Wong. He has in some cases, been known to occasionally spar with other heroes; in one case, Strange was able to evade a kung fu hand-chop by Mantis (the future mother of the Quoi) "only three others have ever done" and who has been able to subdue Thor in sheer physical combat, despite his strength nearly hundreds of times superior to her own.


    "There is a distant relationship between the energies of science and those of sorcery, but my power over the former is limited."

    It is difficult to defeat intelligent, independent machines with sorcery. Unless specifically stated, as in the Mesmermechanism spell, robots, androids, computers, etc., cannot be affected by magical spells that normally affect the mind or body of living beings. A Healing spell will not reattach a robot's arm, an illusion of a wall will not affect a machine with sensors unless those sensors are hooked to a human brain, as in the case of a cyborg, Charming a tank would not work, nor would a Spell of Translation allow a magic wielder to converse with a computer, though he could read the print outs of a computer if it is in a non-machine language. For the most part, magic is most effective on organic beings.

    Another weakness is that Strange, despite all his spells and magical training, is only human physically. Hence, if not taking proper care or defenses, Stephen can be overpowered by mere blows, energy attacks, or gas. While technically immortal per se, he still must take care of his body in order to survive.

    Dr. Strange also depends on spoken incantations, mystical gesturing, and arcane artifacts in his duties; likely these can be counted as weaknesses. Strange has been incapacitated various times by being gagged and bound, preventing him from uttering arcane invocations or performing mystic gestures. Breaking his hands can greatly cripple his magic ability for instance.

    He cannot fight for long periods of time, since his magic is so complex and enigmatic that using it for too long can be severe for his bodily condition, thus must refrain from overusing it. This can cause him to get migraines, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and other negative side effects of using his magic too much, even potentially going unconscious.

    Energy is delivered to the body through the foods we eat and the liquids we drink. Foods contain a lot of stored chemical energy; when you eat, your body breaks down these foods into smaller components and absorbs them to use as fuel. But since his magic uses that same energy, he's literally depriving his body of its sustenance to function properly. This is where the negative effects of using magic, shown above come into play, what is even worse is that he has a higher chance to get organ failure and hemorrhage.

    The importance of a magic-wielding character's concentration and study for the use of magic cannot be overstated. This is why some forces, such as sonics, are so devastating to magic wielders because they disrupt the ability to concentrate and find the flow of the dimensional forces.
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    Stephen Strange is eccentric. He spends so much time in other dimensions and associating with magical beings that elements of normal human life escape or perplex him. He has trouble managing his finances or noticing when his clothes are out of place. He loves just getting a chance to stop and eat a hotdog, or Astral Project into a Mets game. That said, he is also a very pleasant, polite, and compassionate man. He makes friends and allies easily and is always there when they need him. He has a great fondness for meeting new people and learning their customs, of observing their own odd quirks. As a result, he is often unflappable in the face of weirdness.


    Stephen Strange was a Master of the Mystic Arts who became the Sorcerer Supreme of his universe. Strange was in love with Christine Palmer, but they were unable to be together.

    Stephen Strange encountered the dimension-hopping entity America Chavez, who was being pursued by a malevolent force across the Multiverse for her power. Strange agreed to help keep her safe, and the two spent some time together.

    Their journey eventually led them across the Multiverse to the Gap Junction, the space between realities, in search of the legendary Book of Vishanti, said to grant a sorcerer whatever power they required to defeat their enemy. While in the Junction, the pair were chased by a powerful and relentless Ribboned Monster, forcing them to swiftly navigate the bizarre terrain of the Junction to avoid it. The two grew close to the Book, but the monster burst out in front of them, cutting them off from reaching it. A strike from the monster pierced Strange's leg, injuring him, and causing immense pain as he tried to heal himself.

    Fearing that the Multiverse would not be safe with such power in the hands of a child, Strange opted to take the power for himself, even though doing so would surely kill America Chavez. While blocking the strikes of the Ribboned monster, he levitated Chavez and attempted to draw her power out from her, telling her that in the vast Multiverse, her sacrifice would be worth far more than her life.

    But instead of dying like what was supposed to happen, Stephen successfully contained the Ribboned Creature and forcibly took all of America Chavez's power, killing her in the process. He would then get his hands on the Book of the Vishanti to slaughter the ribboned creature before going back to America Chavez's body. Saddened by his actions, he decided to take her body and bury it back in Kamar-Taj. Now having these newly attained abilities, he decided to test them. Opening a rift through reality, he flew through it just to come out and find himself in another universe. But what made him panic was the fact that he couldn't go back. Something was preventing him from physically going back. He decided to explore this new world he came upon and maybe get some help to go back home.

    Book of the Vishanti
    "The Book of the Vishanti is a force in and of itself. It is the accumulation of countless millennia's worth of knowledge; a collection of spells, histories, and dark fables meant to guide you on your path. Merely by clutching this volume, a Magician may repel many of the most powerful spells of attack. You'll find that The Book is virtually indestructible, and its enchantments will work only for those seeking to defend rather than offend."

    The Book of the Vishanti contains the most powerful white/order magic spells known, many of them being counterspells to other magic disciplines. It seems to have an endless number of pages, which seemingly materialize from nothing. The book itself can be used to deflect magic. In addition, its spells can never be used for offense, only for defense. The Book is marked with the Seal of the Vishanti. It also contains extensive knowledge introduced by several powerful magicians, such as the information collected by Agamotto regarding his discovery and mastery of the "Three Paths to Enlightenment", and widely detailed information about the universe's cosmology itself, which was presumably dictated by the Vishanti to the first primordial humans. Even though the Book of Vishanti is a tome of benevolent magic, the spells within can still be dangerous when used improperly.

    The Book of Vishanti is also able to grant a sorcerer whatever power or spells they needed to vanquish their enemy. It is known as the antithesis to the Darkhold's dark, corrupted, and corrosive magic.

    Eye of Agamotto (Knowledge):
    Web capture_22-2-2022_23139_.jpeg
    "Let the Eye of Agamotto now guide us to our goal–
    let the gaze of the all-seeing peer deep into your soul–
    release the thoughts and frame from evil's everweening might–

    that we may cast off death's dark shroud, to walk forth into the light!"
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    Regarded as either the third Eye of Agamotto, this amulet represents prescience, with its power manifesting knowledge. It is a powerful and valued artifact that has many functions, most commonly dealing with the truth, light, and sight. Using the Eye, Doctor Strange can see through any lie, deception, or illusion, send the eye out at light speed to intercept and absorb massive amounts of any type of energy, and free others who are trapped in their own illusions. It is often used to amplify his mind's eye, giving psychic abilities that rival the most powerful of psionics. It is also often used to play back an area's past events, lift beings weighing thousands of pounds into the air telekinetically, open dimensional portals, as well as place beings in suspended animation. The Eye can track beings by their psychic or magical emissions. The light given off by the Eye also weakens a variety of evil mystical beings, such as demons, devils, undead beings, and dark extra-dimensional entities, and even sufficiently corrupt human practitioners of dark magic. When used offensively, no being can withstand its light for long; due to its lethal effect, it is often used as a weapon of last resort. The amulet can only be used by a being with a pure heart and a clean soul. The Eye of Agamotto is the name commonly given to the amulet that contains the Eye of Agamotto, known as the Amulet of Agamotto, though the Eye itself actually resides within the amulet and is released from time to time.
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    Sword of Bone:
    "Let the Sword of Bone bite deep into the flesh of our enemies!
    As Oshtur has decreed…no thing made of man or god shall stand before it!"

    The Sword of Bone is a formidable mystical sword wrapped in blue ethereal flames that can disrupt, negate, dissipate, and/or withstand tremendous magical forces. It is one of the Four Cornerstones of Creation and an artifact made by the Elder Goddess, Oshtur. It may also be employed as a physical weapon, shattering stone walls, excavating massive tunnels over long distances, and even injuring superhumans with high endurance/durability. The Sword can unleash energies that cure wounds in the user's body, mind, and soul, as well as those in others. The Sword of Bones can continue to exist and be used by others if it is separated from its worthy bearer. Only those with a pure soul may summon the Sword's true nature and strength. The Sword of Bone is only a bone to the corrupted. Furthermore, if the Sword of Bone is placed in the hands of an unworthy person, it reverts to a rib. The sword is particularly efficient against supernatural adversaries, especially of a dark type, such as demons, vampires, wendigoes, dragons, zombies, hellhounds, etc. The Sword looks to be magically alive in some way, capable of determining who is honorable and resisting or combating forces or persons attempting to utilize it for malicious ends.

    Extra Information

    Due to absorbing the powers of America Chavez, Dr. Strange has achieved peak humanity in body and mind, as the extra-dimensional energy he regulates in his body allowed him to reach this stage of his body. While he doesn't have any supernatural condition, his reach is at peak human capabilities.

    Infinite Longevity/Fearlessness:
    Dr. Strange's lifespan has been extended and his fear of dying subsided in a manner similar to that of his mentor the Ancient One, due to a successful contest against Death. Though he can still be killed and even physically wounded, he cannot succumb to any medical diseases, nor does he age. However, he still requires food, water, oxygen, and sleep, the same as a normal human. Strange passed a test by the Ancient One and defeated Death, or more accurately, accepted Death. As a result, from that moment forward, Doc stopped aging. "Death may come only from without, in battle-- and not from within."

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@Crytorryk-Sar Accepted ( This is technically the third Marvel character to be trapped here. A version of Tony Stark escaped and Lincoln Campbell is just chilling here)
@Crytorryk-Sar Accepted ( This is technically the third Marvel character to be trapped here. A version of Tony Stark escaped and Lincoln Campbell is just chilling here)
Thank You. Oh Lincoln Campbell, I'd never thought anyone would play him, nice to see someone recognizing him lol. Also his sheet actually has some minor spoilers for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, so can I put a warning for that. Also i forgot to put another weakness of his.
Heya! I was wondering if I could throw a wolf detective into this? I know it's a rather far fetched idea, but wise man once said you miss 100% of shots you don't take!
@Crytorryk-Sar I'll probably have one of my girls interact with you to get the balling rolling for the Sorceror Supreme =)
Here we are! Took a hot minute.

Name: Kensington Maxwell
Maxwell sfw.png
Nickname: Detective Hunter
Age: 28
Appearance: ( Details the photos do not include/ scars/ height, weight,etc.):
Height: 6'02"
Weight: 235 lbs

Occupation ( If occupation is teacher, please also list their class): Major Crimes Detective

Personality: Over the years Kensington has become a rather high spirited individual despite the challenges and encounters he has faced over the years. In a non-work related capacity he's laid back, cracking a few jokes every now and then, occasionally displaying a inviting, almost carefree demeanor as if it were some reward to be where he was at that time; someone who had earned another day of being out of the office and away from the crime scenes. There are, however, some subtle hints he gives away every now and then, hints a keen eye could catch that really showed the fact he never really took his mind off work. His eyes would always dart around every now and then, he never sits with his back facing the door while eating, and he occasionally look as if he were not even there, as if some deep thoughts were swirling around in his head.

When working, his confidence and eagerness would transfer over, but he also had a different posture, a different overall internal switch in his thought process. Everything had value to him, his attention to detail was attuned and focused at all times. He had a mixture of determination and discipline that came from years of handling a variety of problems in the field. He still have held onto his empathy through all of it, giving that extra push for those around him. He was no Dirty Harry on the job, but he does have a habit to take risks, some risks can endanger his position, others can endanger his very life.

When the going gets tough, and he is put on edge, Kensington can be snappy, but still calm under pressure. He can get tunnel visioned on the task at hand, and that gotten him into some trouble in the past.

Weakness(ONE FOR EACH ABILITY/POWER): Agility Focused - Kensington focused on his speed, stamina, and agility for the most part. When it comes to brute strength he is somewhat behind on the curve. For the most part he is able to hold off trouble until help arrives, its when there is no help coming when he becomes in real danger.

Sensitive Hearing - His hearing is above average compared to a human, which can bring good and bad things to the table. On the bad side of things loud noises beyond the everyday loud sound can have major negative impacts on Kensington. Its one thing to be in the pitch fever of a firefight, but dangerously high pitches, and weaponized sounds are a lot more debilitating for the detective. He also wont be happy if you blow a whistle in his ear.

Limited - Even a non-human has human limits! He has no superpowers, he gets tired, he suffers from fatigue when pushing himself too far. He can feel pain and fear. His training might push through a good chunk of his shortcomings, but even he has a limit and a breaking point.

Species : Otherworldly Wolfman!

Powers : N/A, he's a pretty average fella, just has some fur!

Abilities/ skills :

Above Average Agility and Stamina-
Boy can that fella run! Kensington is a quick sprinter and a long runner. His records were never recorded whenever he ran his yearly basic abilities tests, the practitioners claiming he has a unfair advantage over the humans. Can you believe that? Hopefully you don't have this detective on your tail, or you'll have to than just run!

Equipment Proficiency- The detective is proficient with his equipment. He's a skilled driver, shooter, and fighter. He might not be able to fight some martial artist, but he knows enough to outmatch your common street thug and get those handcuffs on snug and tight!

Heightened Senses- Kensington can pick out smells or sounds better than the average human. It comes at a cost though; his sensitivity can betray him at a flip of a coin in some cases!

7 Year Veteran- Going 7 years in the force, Kensington has picked up a lot of skills and is a lot more focused on the attention to detail. He's been through brawls, foot chases, car chases, and everything in between to pick up enough experience to hold out on his own in even the most chaotic of situations.

History: Kensington wasn't your average born in Starlight citizen. He dropped in through one of the many portals at a very young age. At first people thought he was some stray animal, then he began to grow! He turned human shaped, he began walking, he even began talking! His adopted parents realized they had more than just some picked up stray, and soon they began to change gears, to raise Kensington to the fella he is today. Kensington got his education, and grew of age to go through the Starlight academy's law courses before he was picked up by a local recruiter to go into law enforcement. Naturally, the wolf became great at being a cop! Years passed and he eventually was transitioned from a street cop uniform to a detective themed attire. He currently works as a Major Crimes detective, working through the pile of cases he gets to the best of his ability... Through his high arrest record, and his appearance, he earned the nickname hunter. A wolf, a natural hunter, now tracking the predators of the city that prey upon its people.

Family: No Biological Family. Frankly, he can't remember where he came from! He does have a human mother and father. Mr. Jenson Armistan, and Ms. Amy Armistan. He still keeps in touch, but not soo much as to put them in the spotlight... He would never forgive himself, if someone he had gotten arrested would use them as a way to get payback.

Extra: Fun Fact: Kensington was voted most likely to be in a scuffle or beaten some bad guy because of his confidence fueled recklessness and impulsiveness during the chase. He seemed to always hate waiting for backup.

Equipment- At all times Kensington has his service handgun, and two spare magazines in his pockets along with a pair of handcuffs. Whenever working he tends to carry more handcuffs and a baton on his belt.
@Furasian Accepted!

Also commentary from the Police chief Nicholas Star below:

"Don't ask how I was convinced to let a wolfman on the force and to get promoted. I don't like talking about it."
Cool beans, I'll get to writing tomorrow!
@LuckycoolHawk9 Would Steven Lasket know Dr. Strange since he went to the Marvel Universe? Or did he go to the comic universe or the cinematic universe?
@Crytorryk-Sar I'm going to go with maybe on Steven. He probably heard of Strange but seeing as half of the time he was kidnapped and experimented on HYDra and the other half he was away from most other MCU characters probably not. That being said, Stephen would definitely recognize him. He looks like Chris Evans in Infinity War and is the son of Tony so there's that.
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Sorry for the delay! Got a bit swamped in the day time...

By the way, is there anyone who has a character they'd like to get into the IC spotlight? If anything I can tailor this first post to give them an RP opportunity!