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"Hi Marina! Great, because Matthias and I are really new - especially me - and a local to show us around would be awesome!" Star exclaimed, beaming from ear to ear.

At the demonstrated powers, Star's eyes got big as saucers as she tracked the movement.

"Whoooaaa. That is so Awesome! Isn't it, Matthias?"

@Ringmaster @York @LuckycoolHawk9
Eros Valentino

David was okay, his heart monitor slowly rising and falling, showing he was okay.

" I can assure you that I haven't done anything to mess with your love life. I generally try to avoid the desires of love, it never ends well for the one who tries to manipulate things."

David being in the unconscious state that he was, didn't pull back from him, holding his hand back too.

" I have heard about him. I have contacts around and one of them, Gabriel Clark has been keeping an eye on him and the strange vampire who wondered into town. It is to make sure that neither of them does anything too insane. I imagine if he is who I think he is, he had a small part to play in why we are back here again. Sometimes you jut have to learn to figure things out here."

Eros didn't comment on his odd face, wondering about it.

" I know Matthew. You have to remember that I teach here, so I know a lot about the heroes and students here. He's a good kid and he does know a lot of people in the town. Lived here is his whole life. Used to be able to interpret prophecies when he was younger, but hasn't recently. Ah, yes, her. That Shorius was the Whore of Babylon. The fact she is out is never a good thing. You are only half-right. Leonars is a demi-god, but Lucifer Junior is not like us, just a very powerful supernatural son of the king of Hell."

Eros ran his hand through his hair. It felt so weird to be here with family when most had grown to hate him, even if the things he didn't do was his fault. Sometimes you couldn't control the actions of others.

" I can honestly say that it has been many years since I have felt like family with others, but it feels right with you," he said, looking over at the monitor worrying that Shorius wouldn't be okay if David didn't make it.

" Don't let the rightness lead you to a place of security, the city is very good at feeling right even when it is most corrupted."

Nathan Stone

Nathan was surprised that she had answered the door.

" To start off, it's Mister Stone. It wasn't right of me to be that way, but sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me. Ah, you met Drake. He seems to leave that impression on most he meets."

Nathan stepped into the room.

" No more dangerous than a man who has lost everything. I'm harmless as long as you don't touch my skin."

He was also surprised by the smile.

" Nobody has ever come to this city on purpose from my knowledge. I know that you mentioned that he looked like your bodyguard, but I was too angry to listen to what you had to say about it."

He watched as she sat on the edge of her bed.

" Well, after he got better and woke up, I knew it was the right thing to do. He may not be your Zane, but he insisted that I came and I agreed that I was in the wrong for once," he admitted.

He takes her hand with his gloved hand.

" I think I would like it if we started over. It would make things better for everyone involved in it. Well, what is a friendship wihout hardship?"


Matthew Harris/Twiggy-Entrance of Superior Industires

" Well, it is north east of here. It's nice to impossible to miss as it is one of the tallest non-skyscrapers in a city. I'll see you there," he said, picking up Liam bridal style and using his speed to head towards the hospital.

Steven Lasket

Steven looked over to her and paused. " Yeah, even I had to admit that is weird even for here. Generally villains don't steal from each other and random people don't come to save the day. If we actually fought, it would have taken a whole lot more time to beat them than I would care to do." He wondered what they could do to kill the time and wondered if there was anything that needed his help. It seemed that the alarm from Superior Industries had quieted down and there was nothing there. He was going to suggest going home. " I guess we can rest up for now it seems. The alarm from Superior Industries isn't going off right now." Steven's phone buzzed with a text from his mother which he ignored. Of course, it was out and the text was reading to check up on his younger brother. God, why hadn't he changed his number when he got back here?

@Michale CS

Orion and Ryan

Orion looked over at Ryan when Marina asked to join. " Fine, I'll join you guys. I hope that I'm not being rude, Matthias and Star, but I'm Ryan Thorn. I'm a defective psychic werewolf, as in I'm a werewolf and can hear the future and use telekinesis with the name of voice, hence the defective part," he said, looking over at Orion.

" I'm Orion... I can break force fields, age progress and regress myself about half. Right now I flip between 12 and 24. I also can become a wolf and manipulate ice. The other things I can do I'm still learning," he admitted. He wondered if he should add anything else, but decided it might be better for Marina if he shut up.

@Ringmaster @Michale CS @York


"Wow! Everyone has powers here? That will make this place WAY more cool!" Star clapped, and looked at Matthias. "Isn't that cool? Well... I... do magic. All kinds of magic. I can kinda make up whatever I want as a spell. This place is going to be so amazing!"


"All right. Hey... since we're... off duty... why don't we go grab dinner or something? I mean, like, an actual date. One that doesn't involve busting bad guys or time travel or portals or dinner parties thrown by vindictive ghosts?" There. I asked. We hadn't been on any sort of 'real' date. Not that hadn't been interrupted by some disaster or another.


Savina kept up with Twiggy easily, hoping that this speed wasn't so fast that it would harm the injured folks they were carrying. Once arriving, she gave whatever information she had to those she was turning him over to.

"I don't think we were properly introduced. I'm Savina. Full name, Savina Theresa Daye. Yeah my parents were both metas back home where I was attending Sky High, so they named me Savina T Daye. Corny huh? So I don't even need a super hero name, even if I wanted to hide my face for some reason." She told Twiggy

Marina Herring
@LuckycoolHawk9 @Michale CS @Ringmaster

Marina could only smile awkwardly, causing her water spear to dissipate... Her conversational skills could use some work, but, she figured she would try and get the conversation going again... Somehow.

Turning to Mathias, noticing his silence, she decided to address him directly, hoping to break the ice a little this way, so to speak anyways.

"So. What brings you two to Starlight City?" She asked, cocking a brow.

Well, at least this was a start. Maybe they could go for a little tour or something later on...​
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Marina Herring
@LuckycoolHawk9 @Michale CS @Ringmaster

Marina could only smile awkwardly, causing her water spear to dissipate... Her conversational skills could use some work, but, she figured she would try and get the conversation going again... Somehow.

Turning to Mathias, noticing his silence, she decided to address him directly, hoping to break the ice a little this way, so to speak anyways.

"So. What brings you two to Starlight City?" She asked, cocking a brow.

Well, at least this was a start. Maybe they could go for a little tour or something later on...​
Star Butterfly(1).jpg
"Well..." Star took a deep breath. "I was on Mewni but then my mom got all mad at me for getting out of control - Pffft, go figure, right? And sent me to Earth. A different one, not this one and not me exactly - well kind of exactly. Uhh... Lemme start over. There was a magical accident and now there's two of me, so my mom sent me here."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @York @Ringmaster
Marina Herring
@LuckycoolHawk9 @Michale CS @Ringmaster

Marina could only smile awkwardly, causing her water spear to dissipate... Her conversational skills could use some work, but, she figured she would try and get the conversation going again... Somehow.

Turning to Mathias, noticing his silence, she decided to address him directly, hoping to break the ice a little this way, so to speak anyways.

"So. What brings you two to Starlight City?" She asked, cocking a brow.

Well, at least this was a start. Maybe they could go for a little tour or something later on...​
View attachment 159721
"Well..." Star took a deep breath. "I was on Mewni but then my mom got all mad at me for getting out of control - Pffft, go figure, right? And sent me to Earth. A different one, not this one and not me exactly - well kind of exactly. Uhh... Lemme start over. There was a magical accident and now there's two of me, so my mom sent me here."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @York @Ringmaster

"I'm on assignment myself." He shared from his seat, before adding on. "I'm the priest from the Church on the Hill, watching the portals between the Nine Hells and Seven Heavens."

@York @Michale CS
Eden Haller

Eden kept an eye on Nathans emotional state now as she spoke with him .

" Thank you, Mister Stone. I would like that very much. Perhaps in the future, you, your father and I could meet for a meal.For now, perhaps you could walk with me to the school cafeteria ? I suddenly realized how famished I am ."

Andy strolled down the warm street leaving her house. She didn't actually know where she was going, or what she wanted to do, but that was the fun of adventure. She wore a bright, happy smile, along with tight, skinny jeans that pared with a grey tank top and blue flannel. This was her favorite outfit, because she could wear her black, flat bill hat with it. Her blonde hair fell straight down onto her shoulders in light strands, and the backwards hat covered her head. She felt ready for anything, and blocked out everything that had happened the previous night; the worst yet. She knew she should be in school, but didn't mind a little extra work tomorrow.
Pele awoke with a start, breathing hard. She sat up, realizing she didn't know where she was. "Ugh," she thought to herself. The surroundings clicked with her memory, and she sighed. The room was dark, only a little bit of light streaming in through the cracked window, indicating the time of day. With a groan, she climbed out of the bed with unfamiliar covers, and picked up her clothes. This sequence of events had become a routine. Go to a club, get drunk, leave with a guy, then leave in the morning before they noticed. This time, the guy wasn't next to her, drooling on his sheets. He would probably be cooking breakfast for her, or some mushy crap like that. Suddenly, she heard the door crack open. She froze. Usually she was gone before the guy came in, and she actually had to converse. Pele peered up, and her breath that she had been holding, let out in a heavy blow. To her surprise, a little gray cat came strutting in. She rolled her eyes and fell back into the bed. A moment later, she was dressed, and out the window she went.
Ryan Thorn and Orion

It's not exactly that everyone has powers here. There is a good chunk of the population that is powerless. It's just that they tend to have a shorter life expectancy than most of the others around here. Of course, we also have the best hospitals if they get hurt though," he said.

Orion wasn't sure why Ryan had actually chosen to be honest about the city, but he was also worried that Marina would get more tongue tied. He really hoped that she didn't always get this nervous like him.

Despite having his free will, he still felt protective over everyone he befriended and had previously guarded. He wondered why that was though.

He smiled, happy that she had picked a good conversation starter on the matter.

Orion hoped that Ryan volunteered to help tour Starlight City, even though it was a small area.
" Yeah, we're sorry about the unwanted destr-," Ryan stopped himself mid-sentence, pausing to think about it. Why didn't he remember a priest being at the church when he had heard it had been destroyed?

Actually now that he thought about it more and more, they were in a time before the church had been destroyed. Maybe originally the priest had died or been away. Of course, the nagging thought in the back of his mind was that Adam had altered something so there was now a priest there, but he didn't want to bring up or question. He had learned better than to do that. " So, where would you want to tour?" He asked.

@York @Michale CS @Ringmaster

Matthew King/Twiggy- Hospital entrance

Savina kept up with Twiggy easily, hoping that this speed wasn't so fast that it would harm the injured folks they were carrying. Once arriving, she gave whatever information she had to those she was turning him over to.

Thankfully, for both the unconscious Will and Liam and the superheroes carrying them, the super speed did no harm to their bodies that could directly be noticed. He looked down and noticed that there was something off about Liam, but he couldn't place it.


" You are correct that we never got properly introduced. I'm Matthew. Full name, Matthew Ryan Harris. My dad is actually the head scientist at Superior Industries, as for my mom, I know she is somewhere in New York. My superhero name is more of a title, everyone knows I'm Twiggy, it's just the hero mantle that everyone refers to me as when I rescue them," he honestly replied to Savina.

Steven Lasket

" I don't think it would be a bad idea for us to have an actual dinner date as we have been through so much chaos. We got tossed around crime scene, nearly died at a dinner party and we are back for now. I would recommend a place, but well, I imagine that we can find one better if you look for one," he said, smiling at T-Rae, happy to be on a real date with her.

@Michale CS


Eros looked over at Shorius and was happy that he was listening to him.

" In a way yes, I imagine that he will be at least one of the sources of the trouble around here again. As for the prisoners, Leonars seems to be wondering the city and Lucifer Junior has gone off-grid for now."

David stirred a little bit, but he still wasn't quite ready to be woken up. In a way, he was lucky he wasn't dead or missing like Jason and the others who appeared at the party.

Nathan Stone

Nathan's emotional state remained the same as he spike with her, not changing.

" I would like for you and my father to have a meal together when we have the chance. I imagine it might take him some time to warm up to you again. I think we can head down to the cafeteria for now, it will be easy enough to show you the way there," he said.


Andrea Jackson Dragonheart

Andrea hated travelling to the past more than anything else in the world and there were a lot of things he hated. However, being the hero he was and the type of hero, he knew the fact that the timeline had been altered back meant that something needed to be fixed. He ran his hand through his hair and hadn't been paying attention to where he was walking and literally collided with Andy. " Oh god, I'm sorry, I'm such a klutz. Are you okay? Did I hurt you? You're not dead, are you?" He asked. He knew that people in this time were fragile, but he hadn't expected to have possibly/ accidently murder one the second he arrived. Oh god, what would happen if she was important to the timeline? He started to have trouble breathing, worried he had already fucked up.

Zane Jackson/ Living Lightening

Zane needed a walk after everything that had happened at the pier. He had seen a woman and his mind had been invaded by thoughts of her. He had never felt such an overwhelming sense of both loss and also hope beaming through his mind. He knew that he collapsed and he knew that Nathan had gone to apologize, but he couldn't wait for him to finish apologizing. He needed the fresh air and he powered up, launching himself into the air. He needed something to drink, but he also couldn't afford to get drunk as he knew that his brother was pissed and could possibly kill him in his sleep. So that was a problem too. He finally landed on the ground, looking over and noticing a woman jumping out of the window of a house. " I thought I had seen everything, but a woman jumping out of a window just to get out of a house. Was the sex so bad that you couldn't even look in his face and lie to him about it?" He asked, feeling good to be conversing with someone.

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Mike Shore aka Shorius

Still holding David's hand while listening closely to his Uncle. He wasn't entirely certain why he felt a need to protect this person. He thought it came from himself and it was a powerful feeling, his own he was pretty certain. Though there was still the tiniest trickle of distrust of his Uncle, the primordial god of passion and procreation.

"Do you have a vehicle Uncle? Do this fellow's wings get any smaller when he is in a car ? I think I'd like to get him out of here before he becomes a target out in the public here. You are right though, the one is a good deal away and ... I don't feel the other. But I think some friends are here, that I remember from the Bay? "

One more thing that was strange about this place. The place was chock full of powerful users. Many of which, with bloodlines more like his than a normal person, he could sense.

Landing gracefully, she felt the well-kept grass under her black boots. Pele was feeling a bit extra yesterday, and dressed in knee-high boots, fish net leggings, and a skin-tight, white dress. Her black hair was pulled into a messy bun, not matching her outfit at all. She was tired, since she had probably drank too much. Dark circles circled her eyes, mascara spread in tight globs at her temples. She had freshened up a bit, but without a bathroom it had been hard. Suddenly, a handsome man came walking over to her from the sidewalk. Bewildered, she stood frozen, not knowing what to do. His remark amused her, and she gave a slight giggle. She really wasn't in the mood to flirt, she just wanted to get home. From his looks, the man seemed to be an average man she would take home from a club. After a few moments of looking him over, she decided to say something. "I've had better." She said, coating her words with dark humor. She hoped he would find that a joke. "I guess I was so wasted last night that I didn't really know who I went with, so escaping was my only hope to not find out it was my cousin or something." Pele usually wasn't this salty, but since she was tired and hung-over, her words sort of poured out of her. The longer she looked over the man, the more she could see through him. He didn't just look like a average, rich guy that just wanted sex, he looked different.. more genuine. More real.
Actually now that he thought about it more and more, they were in a time before the church had been destroyed. Maybe originally the priest had died or been away. Of course, the nagging thought in the back of his mind was that Adam had altered something so there was now a priest there, but he didn't want to bring up or question. He had learned better than to do that. " So, where would you want to tour?" He asked.


"Oh I don't know! This place looks so cool, I don't know where to start? How about..." She closed her eyes and spun around, a perfect pirouette. When she stopped, she pointed with her wand. The direction was toward the center of town, toward where the special unit was based, as well as a certain church. "...that way! Whatever you think is coolest that way will do!"

@York @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9

" You are correct that we never got properly introduced. I'm Matthew. Full name, Matthew Ryan Harris. My dad is actually the head scientist at Superior Industries, as for my mom, I know she is somewhere in New York. My superhero name is more of a title, everyone knows I'm Twiggy, it's just the hero mantle that everyone refers to me as when I rescue them," he honestly replied to Savina.


"Twiggy. Huh, okay. So... where do we go from here? I got dislodged something big time in whatever time reset just happened, cause I wasn't even here in Starlight at the point it was reset to? So, I guess I gotta start from scratch, finding a place to stay and all that stuff, and I guess enrolling in college, eventually too?" Savina replied, once their passengers were safely in the care of the hospital staff.


Steven Lasket

" I don't think it would be a bad idea for us to have an actual dinner date as we have been through so much chaos. We got tossed around crime scene, nearly died at a dinner party and we are back for now. I would recommend a place, but well, I imagine that we can find one better if you look for one," he said, smiling at T-Rae, happy to be on a real date with her.


Hell. I hadn't really scoped out really good restaurants when I was here before. I spent most of my meals either cooked at home or cheap fast food. "How about... Thai? We can just search up a Thai place with a good review, and go there?"

I searched up some places on my smartphone - wait, where did that come from? I thought I arrived here starkers after the reset? Must have been Eros or something. I shrugged it off and continued searching until I found a place whose name made me chuckle. And it wasn't far away. "Come on. I got the place." I didn't tell him the name. When we rounded the corner and the sign became visible, I pointed it out, and watched his reaction to it carefully. This should be good.

Thai Me Up.jpg
"There it is. Hope you're hungry."

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Eden Haller

At the school

Nathan and Eden walked down to the Cafeteria. Nathan might note that she ate mostly vegeterian with a little fish. For a girl she ate alot using the all you can eat salad bar.

Lunch was mostly quiet. Towards the end Eden would ask..

"Has anyone you were close to ever died Nathan ?"

Kent Freed.png

No, no way. Not this again.

Kent thought to himself, sitting back in his old prison jumpsuit in the police station he knew oh too well. He stood on the stone bench that sat nearby and looked out the window, greeted by the same world of lush green grass and the occasional colored flower. Soot covered the floor as Kent sat back down, a detail even recreated perfectly from the old prison. "This is. Not natural." He said out loud, as a knock came through the door with a rattle of metal. The same old events became as they once did. The cold handcuffs, the picture, the same people. Kent was quiet this time though, trying to piece together what just happened. The receiving officer felt the confusion and unstable nature of the kid, and forced his gas mask on Kent as a precaution.

The swat van with police surrounding it pulled up to the school, lights showing but no siren. Kent calmly walked out of the van when ordered and changed when needed. The world changed completely before him but nothing was different. Some of the police around could feel a weird aura, but couldn't place of what it was. Power, anger, general energy? They didn't know and Kent didn't know either, even as they pulled away and he walked into the gates of the Starlight Academy. He stopped as the lights faded from the distance and tried to obtain some sort of information.

Same school, same smell, same people and even the same events if he so chose to create them. And not one person to try and explain things to him. Kent pulled himself together, at much as he could and trudged onto the main office. Even the same under-paid teacher threw him the keys to his room, and most likely will quit in the near future. Kent quickly went off to the one place that he might know someone that can explain things, his room.

Upon arrival, nothing. The room stayed as it was, the person that greeted him before missing. Kent searched the room thoroughly finding nothing even hinting at the presence of someone else. He gave up the search and stood in the middle of the room, black smoke pushing itself out of the filters of his mask. Kent quickly reached up and undid the straps that tied it to him, mostly forgetting it was even placed upon him. With the piece of equipment in his hand, he threw the mask into a nearby bed. Just a few hours ago he was free, but now he was back in the school that held him for only a few hours before.

Kent stood, unknowing what to do next, eventually deciding on heading outside and confirming that the past events would happen again. He grabbed his mask, reconnecting the straps around his belt loops and heading outside to where the teacher was drawing a crowd again. The smoke rose from Kent's body, a light white as he got more and more closer to the gathering and more confused he gets from thinking being transported into the past again.​
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"Oh I don't know! This place looks so cool, I don't know where to start? How about..." She closed her eyes and spun around, a perfect pirouette. When she stopped, she pointed with her wand. The direction was toward the center of town, toward where the special unit was based, as well as a certain church. "...that way! Whatever you think is coolest that way will do!"

@York @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9

He had just come from that direction actually.

Which reminded him as he got up.

"My home is that way. Should any of you wish to visit, enter freely and of your own will."

He had to go suddenly and with a nod to all, he turned and was gone.

@Michale CS @York @LuckycoolHawk9
Moving day. It was both a great yet terrible day for the twenty-year-old. Great because it's a day of adventure and laziness. Terrible because it meant the next day school would start. Nevertheless, she continued to smile as she went out of her cab and paid the driver with a generous tip – she had the money so why not let others benefit as well? – saying, "Have a safe trip, sir!" as she closed the door and watched the car drive away. She tucked strands of her short hair behind her ear, revealing an earbud from the earphones connected to her phone. Bringing out her phone from her pocket, she sent a quick message to her guardian – despite being an adult, she still had a guardian constantly pestering her about what she was doing – that she has arrived in school. Once the task was done, she pocketed her phone but continued to listen to what she had been listening since a while ago. Many would assume she was listening to music and she never bothered to correct them. After all, it'd be pretty awkward to say that she was listening to the police talking. 'It's pretty quiet today. Then again, all days start out quiet.' And she wasn't talking about the school.

'Wait. What?' Emily stopped in her tracks for a moment and looked at her surroundings. 'Deja vu? I felt like this all happened before.' She did her best to remember what happens afterwards, she wouldn't have her dorm key and there would be an incident in school. Yes, she remembered it all clearly. 'But just to be sure.' She checked her pockets and even her bag, just as expected, there was no key. 'Weird.' The only ability she had was to control ice, she was quite sure clairvoyance was not something she had nor will ever have. 'Time travel?' Well, it certainly is a possibility. With all the crazy things that happened in the city, it wouldn't be a stretch. She wondered what did happen exactly. If this was time travel then she didn't know why it would happen. It was certainly a first for her, both as Emily and as Midnight. 'Midnight...' She stopped being the hero for a while, even having to leave the city because of certain unforeseen incidents 'What were they again? I can't remember.' The news considered her as a hero that just disappeared without a trace and she supposed that's what she did. 'Well, nevermind that! First things first, to find out what happened.' With that in mind, she continued on, perhaps she'll find something on the way.
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Location: Hospital

Eros and

David was still very much unconscious during all of this. Honestly, he was shot and though, the cure was processing, it wasn't something that was going to heal in an instant. He would get better, but it was going to take time and that was something that even Shorius could understand. He did stir occasionally, perhaps being close to waking up.

" I'm the god of desire and have been alive for a long time and can fly.... so of course, I have a car. If you asked me about three years ago, I would have told you no that I don't have a car. Also, yes, his wings do detract, it will be less painful for him if he is awake and does it himself, but I do know how to make them detract if he can't wake up."

He wondered if the others coming in were also Greek demi-gods or different. He couldn't tell, but it didn't matter if they left so soon. Hopefully, Mr. Campbell was on staff to help out with the injured folks.


Location: Outside of some random's house

Zane Jackson/ Living Lightening

If Zane was a more sarcastic man who believed in sight gags, he would hold up a ten for Pele's landing on the grass so perfectly. He would normally would have cared what she was wearing, but he honestly didn't care. He could tell that she was tired and probably a bit drunk, though he wouldn't say any of those things aloud. He also didn't comment on the fact that she looked like she was kind of bad looking. Not ugly as much as she was looking like she had rolled out of bed and jumped out of the window. He of course was too much of a gentleman to bring any of this points up to her though. He chuckled at her response. " I imagine from the way you jumped out of the window because of something like that quite honestly," he said, noting her humor, but choosing to ignore her it for now. He wasn't looking to go out and date or do anything and he wouldn't bring it up. He smirked. " Relations are something that should be done before you have sex. I have overheard horror stories from some girls. One of them once had kissed their uncle- because they didn't know that they were related," he replied, looking over at her and then back at himself. It didn't seem like being all electric was necessary as he landed and went back to his normal self. It was easier for her to distinguish features like his hair and eye color when he wasn't engulfed by electricity. He wasn't sure why she was still staring at him, but he wasn't about to ask her. Maybe he reminded her of an ex.


Location: Town Center

Ryan and Orion

Ryan looked over to see which direction the blonde hair woman was pointing in and he saw that it was the church. Of course, it was the church. It couldn't have been a normal place that she found. It had to be one of the creepiest places in town, next to the graveyard. " Well, I think that there is a church that we can show you that way," he replied, looking over at the trio.

Orion took a second to look at the others too.

It would seem that they were going to head to the church.

" I don't remember there being any buildings that way though," Orion replied, confused by this development.

Ryan shrugged it off and decided to follow him where he was going now.

@York @Michale CS @Ringmaster

Location: Outside of the Hospital

Matthew Harris/ Twiggy

" Well, I'm going back to my college dorm now that I'm done for the day. I expect something bad to happen at the administration office if I remember correctly. But, I am sure that I can help you with settling in since I haven't seen the person since he was jailed. I can also help you enroll in college if you want too, I'm one of the many students who go to Starlight Academy. It's kind of our school from birth to like college," he replied.

@Michale CS

Location: Near the Thai Place

Steven Lasket

Steven looked over at her and wondered what she was going to suggest to him. It could have been simple or something a bit more complicated though. " I think Starlight City might have a Thai place or two around that you can find for us. I believe in you."

Steven wasn't sure where she had gotten the phone or the data from, but he assumed that it was a gift from Eros or someone else who blamed themselves for the debacle that they were. He took a deep breath and wondered why she was chuckling. It wasn't a good thing if he didn't know the name and that she was not telling him. He took a deep breath and saw the sign and being the shy awkward mess that he was, he didn't say a word, though his face said a lot like ' Oh god, why?'

" It's just a completely normal place, so I'm hungry, yes," he said, hoping he wouldn't regret his words.

@Michale CS

Location: School Cafteria

Nathan Stone/Siphon
Nathan noticed that she hadn't picked out any meat and was going for the vegetables. He wondered if she couldn't eat meat or choose to not eat meat. There was a key difference between the two.

He chewed on his meat and awkwardly waited for her to talk first.

" I haven't personally seen anyone close die, but my mom died when I was a baby," he said.


Location: In route to Starlight Academy/ Starlight Academy

Playing on the radio was a strange song.

Despite the fact that it should stop playing the second that he had left and entered the car and entered the police station, it continued. Even stranger, it kept playing. " You know, this song has been playing for the past few hours, same song. It's between this and Coldplay's The Scientist. Only two songs that seem to be playing on the radio," the police officer replied through his gas mask and looking over at him. Though he didn't have any prompts to continue speaking, he took the silence as a cue to keep talking. " It's by a band called NeverShoutNever. It's called Time Travel," he replied. There would be something kind of strange about the police officer casually mentioning it as if it was nothing. It was almost like he didn't know that he was in a time he had been in..

The police officer helped him out of the car and he was grateful that they had brought powerful back-up, though he wasn't certain why his father had suggested that they bring metas. It was only one person they were transporting and how much trouble could he be? He walked him over to the gate and he looked at him and noticed that he was there and he left. The campus seemed to be empty when Kent arrived, but then just as suddenly, everyone Kent had seen was there now. It was weird that some things were changing and other things were staying the same and that was saying a lot.

The teacher was not happy to be there and she threw the key to him. It was almost like his life was on replay, but it wasn't perfect. When he arrived at his room, there was nobody there to greet him. He was alone and that hadn't happened before. Though, it might be impossible for him to fully piece together everything that happened, he could looked around, but he would find nothing that even reminded of who used to be here. It was like he never existed or moved rooms.
Tick-tock. Time moves by and there is no changing it. The loop was the same and yet it was different. The clock kept spinning and it was moving, almost as if nothing was real that happened. But of course, it was possible to recreate events that had happened. There was no stopping him from doing it, but the consequences would be the same. There was no changing the consequences of the choices you made, it was something that was the truth. There was a key difference that Kent didn't realize though. There were new people here, even if some of the old ones had disappeared and were gone though.

Though, it seemed that he was going to repeat the same thing and be more confused, time stop for a moment, though just for him. " I'm surprised that you remember things, but I figured that there would be people who remember. You have lived this day and you are not going crazy. I'm Adam Knight, the principal of the school and I'm sure that you have many questions, so please follow me to my office so that I can answer them before you repeat the same action and gain the same consequence," he said, gesturing for Kent to follow him.


Location: Starlight Academy

Maya Brooke

Moving day. It was so weird for Maya to be moving and even weirder that her dad had decided to move back to Starlight City, she knew that things hadn't gone great at the other place, but she didn't expect him to want to move. She noticed a new girl too and was surprised to see that she wouldn't be the only girl at the school. It was a surprise since she didn't know that many girls in the city though. She had heard about how fast the harbor mess had been cleaned up and she was very surprised about that. She wanted to approached the girl, but it seemed a little weird to be doing that since she didn't know her name. Maya did wonder why the school felt so full and yet so empty at other times. She could have sworn that a few times that people had literally disappeared and reappeared, but it wouldn't be a good idea to tell anyone that. She would look crazy and that was the last thing that she wanted to look. She wondered if the city had always been this quiet, but she could have sworn it had been nosier during her childhood, but maybe her memories were playing tricks on her. She collected her thoughts and looked over at her and noticed her stop in her tracks. Was something wrong?

Maya noticed that the girl had stopped in the middle of the campus and decided that after she started walking, she decided that it would be a good idea to follow her. " Hey, I'm Maya. I noticed that you looked confused and I wanted to make sure that everything was okay. Did you lose your room key? I hate it when that happens, it's too bad that I got a single room. Also, Matthew dropped someone off at the hospital and he mentioned to me that there would be a lost girl looking for her keycard. I have no clue how he knew that you would be missing your card, but he also had it and said to give it you, so here I am," she said, pulling out of the card and handing it to Emily. " It's kind of weird that he knew all of that, and it's even weirder because I just got my card and we are in the same room, which is weird because the grumpy teacher didn't mention a roommate. I'm used to roommates though because I get to meet interesting people," she said, though it was mostly that she got to experience different emotions through other people.

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Ryan looked over to see which direction the blonde hair woman was pointing in and he saw that it was the church. Of course, it was the church. It couldn't have been a normal place that she found. It had to be one of the creepiest places in town, next to the graveyard. " Well, I think that there is a church that we can show you that way," he replied, looking over at the trio.

Orion took a second to look at the others too.

It would seem that they were going to head to the church.

" I don't remember there being any buildings that way though," Orion replied, confused by this development.

Ryan shrugged it off and decided to follow him where he was going now.


"Cooool. I never got into the whole church thing back when I was with Marco and his parents. I assume they went, but I was usually sleeping in on Sunday mornings because that's a Mewni tradition. Saturday is for partying and Sunday is for sleeping." She in fact had no idea if that were true but it sounded about right. Her memories as Star were a little patchy in places. The longer she was separate from the original Star Butterfly, the more divergent her thoughts had become from her.

"So there's singing and learning and people being happy being like a family there, right? Because that's about what I got from how church was described to me before."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Ringmaster @York

Matthew Harris/ Twiggy

" Well, I'm going back to my college dorm now that I'm done for the day. I expect something bad to happen at the administration office if I remember correctly. But, I am sure that I can help you with settling in since I haven't seen the person since he was jailed. I can also help you enroll in college if you want too, I'm one of the many students who go to Starlight Academy. It's kind of our school from birth to like college," he replied.


"I kind of remember that from last time. Just point me in the right direction and I'll matriculate with the best of them." Savina replied, happily. Finally she'd get settled in and figure out where to go from there. Things had been really hectic since she left Sky High.


Steven Lasket

Steven looked over at her and wondered what she was going to suggest to him. It could have been simple or something a bit more complicated though. " I think Starlight City might have a Thai place or two around that you can find for us. I believe in you."

Steven wasn't sure where she had gotten the phone or the data from, but he assumed that it was a gift from Eros or someone else who blamed themselves for the debacle that they were. He took a deep breath and wondered why she was chuckling. It wasn't a good thing if he didn't know the name and that she was not telling him. He took a deep breath and saw the sign and being the shy awkward mess that he was, he didn't say a word, though his face said a lot like ' Oh god, why?'

" It's just a completely normal place, so I'm hungry, yes," he said, hoping he wouldn't regret his words.


I could tell how embarrassed he was from the changes in his body that he couldn't hide. I smiled and pat him on the shoulder. "Come on, it's not that bad. And you're right, it's just Thai food..."

It was just Thai food, very good food too, but I left no opportunity that whole night for making puns and double entendres. It wasn't that I was that devoted to making Steven uncomfortable - well partly - the other part of me hoped that he'd joke back so we'd get further than a chaste hug and kiss at the door at the end of the night.

After dinner, I spoke up. "So, want to go grab drinks somewhere, or just swing by a liquor store and go back to my partially furnished apartment?" I gave him an exaggerated wink. "We could christen my new bed..." I'd joked about sleeping with Steven before, but this time, I actually meant it. Of course, since I always joke with him that way, it's pretty likely he wouldn't catch on that I wasn't just trying to continue making him uncomfortable again...

A girl can hope.

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Eden Haller

"You know, you are staring at me like eating salad is a bad thing, my body doesnt process pork well at all. Poultry is okay, beef in small amounts. Aren't there things you dont like to eat Nathan ?

Nathan might notice for a younger and slightly smaller than average girl could put away alot of salad,

Mike Shore aka Shorius

Shorius took a deep breath and cleared his head. The day as a whole had been... full of strange things, enemies, thoughts and feelings. Never in his long long life had things and time gotten twisted like this. He did feel it would not be good to sttay here too long, for himself or David. But for the moment, it was safe enough. Anything powerful enough to really worry him he should be able to feel it coming.

Being such an unusual day, perhaps he should simply eat and wait here till David was conscious at least. He called his restaurant and ordered four of his best meals to be brought to the hospital with a jug of tea and a bottle of wine.

" I am ordering food Uncle, will you stay and have some with me?"

Kent Freed.png
Kent heard the man talking to him and was confused on how he couldn't feel him coming. But he listened to the man and his offer, while scanning himself as a person. The abnormally tall person looked like he was in power but relaxed at the same time, an open nature that allowed persons to be comfortable. Although his hat was not at a jaunty angle, Kent trusted this man to be very dapper and decided to follow him towards his office. "Alright alright, i'll follow. But you better explain stuff or i'm going to go burn down that police station once again."

Pele's feet ached, and her stomach groaned. She needed to take better care of herself. Her head throbbed, and only a portion of what the man was saying got through. She kept looking at him, and she read him right through. Things in his life were really rough right now. "I should get going." She mumbled. However, she didn't move. She discovered she couldn't. Her head pounded so hard, she could scream. Pele had had this experience before where everything in her body ached.. once before her accident, when she had got food poisoning, and once after her accident, when her body had been inhabited by the demon. The demon was long out of her now, so what was it, she wondered. After a while of standing upon the nice cut grass of her one night stand, she went to turn away, but missed her footing. She collapsed in a fit of defeat. Her body gave way, and everything went black.
Location: Town Center

Ryan and

Ryan looked over at her and decided that it was best to not question about things. "
Well, there aren't exactly services at the church as far as I know. Of course with the universe reset recently, I'm not sure I know everything about the city. I know a good chunk though," he said, looking over at her and wondering when she had arrived in the other timeline, or was new. Sometimes he wondered what had changed and what would be remaining the same from it. Things were weird when time travel was involved.

You know, church is not something that I know either... but that sounds right about what Connor told me. The only thing you are missing is donating money to keep the building intact," he replied.

@Michale CS @York @Ringmaster

Location: Hospital/ Starlight Academy

Matthew Harris/ Twiggy

" It's that way, I'll meet you back by the entrance. I'm assuming that we should get there at about the same time," he said, pointing to the north before he sped off to the entrance of the school and heading towards it, stopping for some food on the way. He wasn't sure who would get there first, but he was curious how fast the girl could get there.

Location: Thai Place/ En route toTamara's apartment

Steven Lasket

Steven didn't want to admit that he was very easy to read, but he hadn't thought of how bad things were going to be by what she said. He was happy that it was just Thai food and not something worse.

He attempted to joke back, but he wasn't as skilled as jokes and puns and his double entendres fell flat on their face faster than anything else. He was trying to get comfortable, but it wasn't easy for him to admit that he wasn't. He fiddled with his fingers and hoped that he hadn't made the date any worse than it already was going.

Steven looked over at her. " Some drinks would be great and I wouldn't mind the other things happening either," he replied before he felt a sharp pain in his back. Oh god, he hadn't done something before the reset,hadn't he? Before he could react for the shortest of seconds, he glitched back to how he looked before the procedure.


He was fast enough to jab something into his leg and go back to his 'Captain America' appearance with a beard. God, he had never told her about it.

"…… That's not what it looks like."

@Michale CS

Location: School Cafeteria

Nathan Stone/ Siphon

" I'm just surprised that all you eat is salad and I was wondering if you could eat meet, but I can see the answer now that you told me. I'm not a big fan of vegetables, but I also can't eat or touch fish at all, side effect of powers, can't breath if I eat it since gills are considered a power to my body."

He did notice that there was a lot of salad on the girl's plate and wondered how she could it eat it though.

Location: Hospital

Eros and David

David was still very unconscious, but he was stable, so there was that. After a long time of tossing and turning in his state, he would slowly stir awake for the briefest of moments and look over to see Shorius and Eros before faking going back to sleep. He wasn't quite ready to have awkward conversations and he couldn't remember much about what had happened in the last few days and would rather not know.

Eros looked over at David and saw he had woke up and was silent for the time being, waiting to see if his nephew would notice. He listened to him order the best of the meals along with some wine for the two of them. He bit down on his lower lip.

" Yeah, I will have some. David looks like he is stirring awake and he might want some too."


Location: Adam's office

Adam adjusted his hat to be at a jaunty angle and looked over at him. " Well, Mr. Freed, I imagine that if you would like to be less ironic, you should listen. For a brief starter, I'm Adam Knight, the principal of this school and well, the cause of this mess quite honestly. In trying to save my son, I reset the timeline to an earlier time, hence the notice. Very few people realize that it happened and I noticed that you seemed to notice it, so, there is that. I would imagine a second chance would be better for you then falling back into the same patterns as before."


Location: Outside of some Random's house

Zane Jackson/ Living Lightening

Zane wasn't sure what to make of the woman, but he really didn't want to think much of the conversation that was happening and wanted to be on his way. There was no reason for him to go when she mentioned that she had to get going and he was positive that she was telling the truth. He did notice that she didn't move, but he had considered that to be an after effect of her night and not weird. Of course, he quickly noticed that was not the case at all when she collapsed on the ground. He sighed and despite being a supervillain, he knew what the right thing was to do, as he reactivated his powers, but on a lower frequency as he picked her up and brought her towards the hospital. He imagined that the hospital or someone or the staff would know what she needed and how to make things so much better.

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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