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"You don't seem weird or complicated to me. Happy, yes but not one or the other." He supplied outwardly in response. "To answer your question, I don't go to school. I work as a priest in a church alongside the portals to the upper and lower umbra. The spirit worlds." He added in response to whatever expression she made. "The rest of the time, I just do...."

A memory of a werewolf pack of gangbangers flashed through his mind, claw and fang borne against blade. A banshee death metal star wailed at him as he strove to push towards the stage. A dragon loomed behind his business desk. A ghoul swallowed the hand of the corpse it had bit off, before rushing him in a scream that mingled with the roars of the others he had met and faced...

"....Community service."

" Trust me, you'll see the weirdness eventually, everyone does. Spirit worlds? I kind of know what priests and churches are but back home there's not a lot of that stuff, so I don't really pay attention to it. But portals..." She made a sort of pffht kind of sound and waved a hand. "Portals I can do. That's easy peazy."


" Trust me, you'll see the weirdness eventually, everyone does. Spirit worlds? I kind of know what priests and churches are but back home there's not a lot of that stuff, so I don't really pay attention to it. But portals..." She made a sort of pffht kind of sound and waved a hand. "Portals I can do. That's easy peazy."


"I take it you're some variant of metahuman then?" He asked, looking her over in curiosity. "I'm under the impression that there is quite a lot of them in this particular area alone." Some more violent than others, but that was life all over really.

"Did you just arrive then?"

@Michale CS @York

"I take it you're some variant of metahuman then?" He asked, looking her over in curiosity. "I'm under the impression that there is quite a lot of them in this particular area alone." Some more violent than others, but that was life all over really.

"Did you just arrive then?"

"I'm Mewman. From Mewni. Technically, a princess there. I got sent to Earth by my parents to learn more about, well everything that I need to be a princess while still busting monsters. I just have access to loads of magic. It runs in the family." Star replied while twirling her wand in one hand.

"And yeah, I told you I just got here, when you said you had to ask me a question. I suppose I'll have to find a place to stay and probably enroll in school too, just so my parents don't totally freak out on me. I wish I could have brought someone with me, even a laser puppy or two would have been nice. Oh well, I'll just make new friends here! Like you!"

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Marina Herring
@Michale CS @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands @Ringmaster

It all came in flashes... The seamines she had supposedly disarmed... A sudden explosion... Blistering heat... An apartment room... And then... ... Nothing.

Sooner or later, Marina awoke to feel nothing but a distinct, chilly sensation of the wind blowing through her hair. Despite how dehydrated she should have been feeling, she felt... Surprisingly... Okay?

Putting a finger to her neck, she felt the familiar, bumpy texture of her gills... Causing her to breathe a sigh of relief; at least she hadn't dreamt those up... Which meant her other abilities should still be there.

However, it seemed the whole incident with those sea mines, and who knows what else... Might have just been a dream, as far as she was concerned anyways.

Groaning softly, she tenderly opened her eyes, and sat upright, only then realizing that she had dozed off on a bench, and looking around, she realized she was at the beach she had been drawing the ocean on... At the place she had met Orion.

Her head hurt, but other than that, she was fine...

There was a sketchbook laying in the sand, with a half complete drawing of the scene in front of her, which she figured she had been using before she had dozed off... And her bag wasn't too far from her.

Deciding she would head home, she quietly stowed her sketchbook away, alongside the pencil she had been using, almost buried in the sand next to it... Before she picked her bag up and was about to head back home.

When suddenly, the mysterious appearance of a cartoonish, pixelated looking pop-tart cat suddenly drew her attention as its melodic but repetitive "nyan" sounds ehcoed throughout the sky.

If there was one thing she knew didn't belong, it was that.

So without another thought... Marina decided to investigate, perhaps hoping for some answers as to what had been going on these past few days.


Though, when she arrived on the scene, Marina noticed that the source, or so it seemed, was already conversing with someone else... So for the time being, she decided to hide behind a nearby building, around the corner of a comic book store to be precise and eavesdrop a little... As contrary to her temptations, she wasn't sure if interrupting the conversation at hand was a good idea.​

"I'm Mewman. From Mewni. Technically, a princess there. I got sent to Earth by my parents to learn more about, well everything that I need to be a princess while still busting monsters. I just have access to loads of magic. It runs in the family." Star replied while twirling her wand in one hand.

"And yeah, I told you I just got here, when you said you had to ask me a question. I suppose I'll have to find a place to stay and probably enroll in school too, just so my parents don't totally freak out on me. I wish I could have brought someone with me, even a laser puppy or two would have been nice. Oh well, I'll just make new friends here! Like you!"


Not quite like him he'd hoped. Metahuman though she was, he doubted any parent would be pleased at someone like him befriending their little princess. Literally and figuratively, as it were. Still, there was an emotion he was surprised to note was disappointment as he realized he wouldn't go to school with her. It was an experience he had missed growing up and he wondered what it was like.

And then a distraction happened.

Though, when she arrived on the scene, Marina noticed that the source, or so it seemed, was already conversing with someone else... So for the time being, she decided to hide behind a nearby building, around the corner of a comic book store to be precise and eavesdrop a little... As contrary to her temptations, she wasn't sure if interrupting the conversation at hand was a good idea

It was really very little. Movement in the corner of his eye, a flash of red against black in his sight. He had no idea what it was, but it was enough to briefly draw his eye. A moment later, he turned his gaze to the princess once more.

"Well, I certainly hope you can make friends as well, besides I. I'm not exactly Mr. Popular in certain circles."

@York @Michale CS

It was really very little. Movement in the corner of his eye, a flash of red against black in his sight. He had no idea what it was, but it was enough to briefly draw his eye. A moment later, he turned his gaze to the princess once more.

"Well, I certainly hope you can make friends as well, besides I. I'm not exactly Mr. Popular in certain circles."

"Besides I. You speak like some of the older folks I know in Mewni. Don't worry, hanging around me can make anybody popular!" Star had thought she'd noticed a girl peek around the corner too, but figured she was just being shy (A childhood of running away from Palace Guards that were supposed to keep her from getting into trouble had honed her 'I'm being watched' senses). She'd learned the hard way that you don't try to coax people out of being shy, it just drove them further away.

"It's too bad that we're both new here. It would be so awesome if someone just... happened to be here, to help us both out." She sent a pointed glance in the general direction of where she thought the girl was. Which... was off by a fair bit but it was sort of in the general direction of where Marina was hiding. "But I guess I'll just finish my burrito and then go look for a place to stay and a school."

@York @Ringmaster

"Besides I. You speak like some of the older folks I know in Mewni. Don't worry, hanging around me can make anybody popular!" Star had thought she'd noticed a girl peek around the corner too, but figured she was just being shy (A childhood of running away from Palace Guards that were supposed to keep her from getting into trouble had honed her 'I'm being watched' senses). She'd learned the hard way that you don't try to coax people out of being shy, it just drove them further away.

"It's too bad that we're both new here. It would be so awesome if someone just... happened to be here, to help us both out." She sent a pointed glance in the general direction of where she thought the girl was. Which... was off by a fair bit but it was sort of in the general direction of where Marina was hiding. "But I guess I'll just finish my burrito and then go look for a place to stay and a school."

@York @Ringmaster

"I'm sure things will go well for you. I would like to discover if there is anything to watch out for in this city." Well...Besides the normal, run-of-the-mill troubles.

@Michale CS
Steven Lasket-Bank

Steven looked over at her and then back at where Lucifer Jr. had been. He was gone.... which wasn't surprising to him as much as it was disappointing. He took a deep breath and wondered who the helper was, but was quiet. " Seeing as nothing else of interest is happening, I think that would be a good day. It was nice to meet you Nate." Steven wasn't sure why, but he felt that going to the hospital was a good idea. Maybe it was because Lincoln was there or maybe, the other person was rubbing him the wrong way.

Matthew Harris/ Twiggy- Entrance to Superior Industries

Matthew smiled, happy that she could help. " That would be great. These are kind of Adam's, one of the main hero's adopted children. One is his actual grandson, but the other is someone the boy has grown close to. William and William or Will and Liam. Brunette they were trying to hold back was Will, newer one is Liam. So, who do you want to carry to the hospital? Will or Liam? "


Eros hugged him back, happy to see him too in a weird way.

"He should be. The superior Industries medicine helped."

David didn't stir as much as he rested more peacefully, breathing up and down with the light blanket going up and down when his wings moved.

" The people here are a mixed bag. Some are honorable and others aren't. It's hard to give a list but the city has just many bad as good seeds. As for stability, I'm not certain. Sometimes it breaks and sometimes it is whole. "

Eros chuckled. " Shorius regardless of where I want to take David, he will fight me tooth and nail and want to teach his classes. The man hates being coddled. He will probably go back to his house on the Starlight Academy campus.

Nathan Stone-Outside of Eden's room

Despite himself, Nathan Stone found himself knocking on the door to Eden's room. If she answered or opened it, he would talk to her. " I'm sorry about earlier, my temper and nerves were getting to me. I thought Zane was going to die.... he's the only family I got and I was wrong in how I treated you.... I was hurt." He waited for a reply.

Ryan and Orion

Ryan noticed Marina heading in an alley and noticed that she seemed to want to talk to the girl and made a gesture to show he was there. However, Orion was not as subtle. Actually, he was about as a subtle as a train. " You seem to be troubled about not getting here sooner. Maybe you can talk with both her and the other boy. It might help you. After all, making friends is good."

Ryan rolled his eyes at Orion. "Hey, if she doesn't want too, she doesn't have too. Who knows how trustworthy they are?" He asked, clearly NOT talking about Star or Lucifer, but the mysterious man Orion had met earlier.

" I think she should try to make friends..."

Regardless if poor Marina ever got to respond, Ryan and Orion had talked loud enough that both Star and Lucifer could hear them... oops.

@York @Ringmaster @Michale CS @Gands
Mike Shore aka Shorius

Shorius brought a chair closer to David's bed and sat down.

"It's funny Uncle, I feel a connection with him. I really don't know why. Been searching a long time for a someone to have a connection with. Nothing you have anything to do with right ? "

Mike very gently takes David's hand as he sits there. The act is mostly on a subconscious level.

" There was a man, on that ship in the harbor when the mines were supposed to go off. He was some sort of important guy. He was deaf. A couple of us though he might have had something to do with the mines.. He fell into the water when one of the others created a big wave to put out a fire on the ship. I dragged him back to shore and he had me thrown in jail. He gave me the creeps, so keep an eye out for him. "

He looked down at his hand, briefly made an odd face.

"There was another fellow, Mathew I believe his name was. He got us started running down to the harbor to stop the mines. Looked and acted like a nice enough fellow, knew the Police chief really well. Really the whole thing was pretty crazy, confusing you know. "

" The womanish thing, at the Jail, She looked like she knew you and you her... and not happily. The two men, were like us, but sour, not quite as corrupted as she was. "

He looked at his Uncle, though really family ties were not a strong suite of his relations, there was some reason he felt safe and comfortable around the primordial god of life.

"Grand Uncle, I must say it has been many many years since I have felt comfortable around anyone from my family. To find you in this place, and feel so comfortable around you, seems incredibly strange in some way".

"And...Now I am here, comforting this fellow I haven't met.. but that I carried out of danger. This place feels right.. This city.."


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Eden Haller

Eden answers the door.


" Well, Mister Thorn. Thank you for coming by, and for the apology. I accept it for that. However, you left me with captain charming Lasket by the way, unforgiveable thing perhaps. "

She backs up, allowing him in.

' Do you consider yourself dangerous Mister Thorn ? Should I worry about having you in here ?

She smiles at him, softening.

" Did I tell you, I knew a man... exactly like your Zane, from my world. He was my protector, my bodyguard in the world. ( very softly now ) He died protecting me, when we came here accidently.... "

She sits on the edge of her bed, looking at him.

" When I saw your Zane, I freaked out. I didn't mean to hurt him at all. So far all that happened, I am sorry too. I think it's very nice of you to come by here and offer an apology. "

She extends her hand to him.

" Can we start over ? First day here, I could really use a friend. But I warn you, I seem to be hard on them ! "

"I'm sure things will go well for you. I would like to discover if there is anything to watch out for in this city." Well...Besides the normal, run-of-the-mill troubles.

Ryan rolled his eyes at Orion. "Hey, if she doesn't want too, she doesn't have too. Who knows how trustworthy they are?" He asked, clearly NOT talking about Star or Lucifer, but the mysterious man Orion had met earlier.

" I think she should try to make friends..."

Regardless if poor Marina ever got to respond, Ryan and Orion had talked loud enough that both Star and Lucifer could hear them... oops.
"Hey! More people! Come on over, please! Plenty of seats and there's Tacos! " Star waved them over, standing up and making rather a big fuss.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @York @Ringmaster

Matthew Harris/ Twiggy- Entrance to Superior Industries

Matthew smiled, happy that she could help. " That would be great. These are kind of Adam's, one of the main hero's adopted children. One is his actual grandson, but the other is someone the boy has grown close to. William and William or Will and Liam. Brunette they were trying to hold back was Will, newer one is Liam. So, who do you want to carry to the hospital? Will or Liam? "
"It... really doesn't matter to me." She walked over and did a careful bridal carry of Will, looking over at Twiggy. "Just point me in a direction, and I'll fly carefully there so we don't injure him any further."


Steven Lasket-Bank

Steven looked over at her and then back at where Lucifer Jr. had been. He was gone.... which wasn't surprising to him as much as it was disappointing. He took a deep breath and wondered who the helper was, but was quiet. " Seeing as nothing else of interest is happening, I think that would be a good day. It was nice to meet you Nate." Steven wasn't sure why, but he felt that going to the hospital was a good idea. Maybe it was because Lincoln was there or maybe, the other person was rubbing him the wrong way.

"The pleasure is all mine, I assure you. I must be off, as I suddenly have remembered I must be home soon. Cable guy. They always leave long vague tracks of time they may be there. You know how it is." Nate walked around the corner and seemingly disappeared as soon as he did, but he was teleporting back to his newly-rented apartment to contain the enhanced spider and choose its beneficiary...

"Well... that was weird. Even for here. Where to next, Steve? Go watch another villain not steal something and leave without a fight? Not that I'm complaining, going up against people called Lucifer Junior and Anarchy didn't sound fun at all." I looked over at Steve, as I was willing to let him run the show for now, simply because I was still confused as fuck about what just happened. Not that I let him know that. Just before we left, though, I gave the area a quick scan with all my senses. I picked up a few inorganic bits moving around. Iron filings? Tiny robots? Maybe it was those 'industrial microbes' that old guy mentioned. I decided not to say anything for now, but bring it up to Steven later since this was essentially public and the things didn't seem to be hurting anything.

Marina Herring
@Michale CS @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9

Marina was prepared to try and play things off if she noticed someone breaking away and walking towards her... Which, was just about to happen. Though, before she could even begin to move, Orion's voice nearby startled her; although she was glad she hadn't just dreamt him up either... Although, she hadn't quite expected him and his friend to catch up to her quite like this.

Regardless, it didn't take her too much convincing to come out of hiding, despite her appehension. So with a sigh, she spoke, deciding to try and ease the tension just a little.

"Nono, you're right. I think I'll-..."

And Marina didn't even get to finish her sentence before Star called out to them... Looks like even if she wanted to continue hiding, her cover was blown. Oh well, it was probably for the best...

"Get some tacos... I guess." She finished.

Turning to both Ryan, and Orion, she brushed a lock of her hair out of the way as she looked to the two inquisitively.

"Care to join me?" She asked.

Looks like her mind was set... Although, she decided she would wait for some sort of response before she decided to join the mysterious, but... Rather loud girl at the taco stands.​
"Get some tacos... I guess." She finished.

Turning to both Ryan, and Orion, she brushed a lock of her hair out of the way as she looked to the two inquisitively.

"Care to join me?" She asked.

Looks like her mind was set... Although, she decided she would wait for some sort of response before she decided to join the mysterious, but... Rather loud girl at the taco stands.
She didn't wait for the girl to join them, all she heard was get some tacos and Star flew over and grabbed Marina's hand. If she didn't resist she would be flown back over to where Matthias was as she waved to the cook to bring more tacos for her new friend.
"Sooo, I'm Star Butterfly, and this is Matthias. What's your name? And do you have any cool powers? You'll have to excuse me I'm a liiittle more hyper than usual. Sugar rush. Woohoo! But it'll wear off -" She blinked. "Aw, about now. What can I say? Fast metabolism!"

@York @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9
Lucifer was haplessly bemused.

Star seemed a force all on her own, and it dragged another person into it. His eyes widened briefly, his senses detecting something about her. Perhaps with experience, an older version of the boy could have recognized her for what she was. As it was?

He blushed instead and looked away.

"Ah...Um, hello there."

Don Juan he was not.

@York @Michale CS @LuckycoolHawk9
Marina Herring
@Michale CS @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9

Literally in the blink of an eye, Marina was pulled away from Orion and Ryan, the only two who she was even remotely familiar with right about now... And towards a table. From there, she was bombarded with words... But, amongst them was an introduction, or well... Two, actually.

The girl's name was star... And a boy as well. Mathias, was it?

Taking everything in stride, Marina attempted to answer Star's questions, one at a time.

"Just call me Marina. I'm a local." She said, even giving Mathias a little wave, taking note that he was... Apparently flustered about the whole situation, so... She decided not to press him any further.

Instead, she decided to demonstrate her powers to Star. She looked around, making sure the coast was clear, and she wasn't going to get any unwanted attention, before she raised a hand, looking to be concentrating... Water began to flow through the air from a nearby fountain towards herself... Forming it into rather solid, watery spear of sorts in her hand.

Then, she spoke again.

"I'm good with water." She said, smiling a little awkwardly.

Frankly, she wasn't sure how else to explain her powers right now... And well... As for her deal with staying hydrated, and everything else? Perhaps she'll just have to cross that bridge when they came to it.​
"Just call me Marina. I'm a local." She said, even giving Mathias a little wave, taking note that he was... Apparently flustered about the whole situation, so... She decided not to press him any further.

Instead, she decided to demonstrate her powers to Star. She looked around, making sure the coast was clear, and she wasn't going to get any unwanted attention, before she raised a hand, looking to be concentrating... Water began to flow through the air from a nearby fountain towards herself... Forming it into rather solid, watery spear of sorts in her hand.

Then, she spoke again.

"I'm good with water." She said, smiling a little awkwardly.

Frankly, she wasn't sure how else to explain her powers right now... And well... As for her deal with staying hydrated, and everything else? Perhaps she'll just have to cross that bridge when they came to it.

"Hi Marina! Great, because Matthias and I are really new - especially me - and a local to show us around would be awesome!" Star exclaimed, beaming from ear to ear.

At the demonstrated powers, Star's eyes got big as saucers as she tracked the movement.

"Whoooaaa. That is so Awesome! Isn't it, Matthias?"

@Ringmaster @York @LuckycoolHawk9
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Eros Valentino

David was okay, his heart monitor slowly rising and falling, showing he was okay.

" I can assure you that I haven't done anything to mess with your love life. I generally try to avoid the desires of love, it never ends well for the one who tries to manipulate things."

David being in the unconscious state that he was, didn't pull back from him, holding his hand back too.

" I have heard about him. I have contacts around and one of them, Gabriel Clark has been keeping an eye on him and the strange vampire who wondered into town. It is to make sure that neither of them does anything too insane. I imagine if he is who I think he is, he had a small part to play in why we are back here again. Sometimes you jut have to learn to figure things out here."

Eros didn't comment on his odd face, wondering about it.

" I know Matthew. You have to remember that I teach here, so I know a lot about the heroes and students here. He's a good kid and he does know a lot of people in the town. Lived here is his whole life. Used to be able to interpret prophecies when he was younger, but hasn't recently. Ah, yes, her. That Shorius was the Whore of Babylon. The fact she is out is never a good thing. You are only half-right. Leonars is a demi-god, but Lucifer Junior is not like us, just a very powerful supernatural son of the king of Hell."

Eros ran his hand through his hair. It felt so weird to be here with family when most had grown to hate him, even if the things he didn't do was his fault. Sometimes you couldn't control the actions of others.

" I can honestly say that it has been many years since I have felt like family with others, but it feels right with you," he said, looking over at the monitor worrying that Shorius wouldn't be okay if David didn't make it.

" Don't let the rightness lead you to a place of security, the city is very good at feeling right even when it is most corrupted."

Nathan Stone

Nathan was surprised that she had answered the door.

" To start off, it's Mister Stone. It wasn't right of me to be that way, but sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me. Ah, you met Drake. He seems to leave that impression on most he meets."

Nathan stepped into the room.

" No more dangerous than a man who has lost everything. I'm harmless as long as you don't touch my skin."

He was also surprised by the smile.

" Nobody has ever come to this city on purpose from my knowledge. I know that you mentioned that he looked like your bodyguard, but I was too angry to listen to what you had to say about it."

He watched as she sat on the edge of her bed.

" Well, after he got better and woke up, I knew it was the right thing to do. He may not be your Zane, but he insisted that I came and I agreed that I was in the wrong for once," he admitted.

He takes her hand with his gloved hand.

" I think I would like it if we started over. It would make things better for everyone involved in it. Well, what is a friendship wihout hardship?"


Matthew Harris/Twiggy-Entrance of Superior Industires

" Well, it is north east of here. It's nice to impossible to miss as it is one of the tallest non-skyscrapers in a city. I'll see you there," he said, picking up Liam bridal style and using his speed to head towards the hospital.

Steven Lasket
Steven looked over to her and paused. " Yeah, even I had to admit that is weird even for here. Generally villains don't steal from each other and random people don't come to save the day. If we actually fought, it would have taken a whole lot more time to beat them than I would care to do." He wondered what they could do to kill the time and wondered if there was anything that needed his help. It seemed that the alarm from Superior Industries had quieted down and there was nothing there. He was going to suggest going home. " I guess we can rest up for now it seems. The alarm from Superior Industries isn't going off right now." Steven's phone buzzed with a text from his mother which he ignored. Of course, it was out and the text was reading to check up on his younger brother. God, why hadn't he changed his number when he got back here?

@Michale CS

Orion and Ryan

Orion looked over at Ryan when Marina asked to join. " Fine, I'll join you guys. I hope that I'm not being rude, Matthias and Star, but I'm Ryan Thorn. I'm a defective psychic werewolf, as in I'm a werewolf and can hear the future and use telekinesis with the name of voice, hence the defective part," he said, looking over at Orion.

" I'm Orion... I can break force fields, age progress and regress myself about half. Right now I flip between 12 and 24. I also can become a wolf and manipulate ice. The other things I can do I'm still learning," he admitted. He wondered if he should add anything else, but decided it might be better for Marina if he shut up.

@Ringmaster @Michale CS @York

  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Orion and Ryan

Orion looked over at Ryan when Marina asked to join. " Fine, I'll join you guys. I hope that I'm not being rude, Matthias and Star, but I'm Ryan Thorn. I'm a defective psychic werewolf, as in I'm a werewolf and can hear the future and use telekinesis with the name of voice, hence the defective part," he said, looking over at Orion.

" I'm Orion... I can break force fields, age progress and regress myself about half. Right now I flip between 12 and 24. I also can become a wolf and manipulate ice. The other things I can do I'm still learning," he admitted. He wondered if he should add anything else, but decided it might be better for Marina if he shut up.

"Wow! Everyone has powers here? That will make this place WAY more cool!" Star clapped, and looked at Matthias. "Isn't that cool? Well... I... do magic. All kinds of magic. I can kinda make up whatever I want as a spell. This place is going to be so amazing!"
Steven Lasket
Steven looked over to her and paused. " Yeah, even I had to admit that is weird even for here. Generally villains don't steal from each other and random people don't come to save the day. If we actually fought, it would have taken a whole lot more time to beat them than I would care to do." He wondered what they could do to kill the time and wondered if there was anything that needed his help. It seemed that the alarm from Superior Industries had quieted down and there was nothing there. He was going to suggest going home. " I guess we can rest up for now it seems. The alarm from Superior Industries isn't going off right now." Steven's phone buzzed with a text from his mother which he ignored. Of course, it was out and the text was reading to check up on his younger brother. God, why hadn't he changed his number when he got back here?

"All right. Hey... since we're... off duty... why don't we go grab dinner or something? I mean, like, an actual date. One that doesn't involve busting bad guys or time travel or portals or dinner parties thrown by vindictive ghosts?" There. I asked. We hadn't been on any sort of 'real' date. Not that hadn't been interrupted by some disaster or another.

Matthew Harris/Twiggy-Entrance of Superior Industires

" Well, it is north east of here. It's nice to impossible to miss as it is one of the tallest non-skyscrapers in a city. I'll see you there," he said, picking up Liam bridal style and using his speed to head towards the hospital.

Savina kept up with Twiggy easily, hoping that this speed wasn't so fast that it would harm the injured folks they were carrying. Once arriving, she gave whatever information she had to those she was turning him over to.

"I don't think we were properly introduced. I'm Savina. Full name, Savina Theresa Daye. Yeah my parents were both metas back home where I was attending Sky High, so they named me Savina T Daye. Corny huh? So I don't even need a super hero name, even if I wanted to hide my face for some reason." She told Twiggy

What season is it? and time? and weather? lol. and can I have Andy interact with someone??​
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: Michale CS
Mike Shore aka Shorius

He sits and listens to his Great Uncle, occasionally nodding.

" Well, I'd guess that he was the chief source of the troubles before and will be again. Especially with her helping him. Do you know what happened to those two young men who were prisoner?"

He remains sitting, holding David's hand on the simple idea that the basic comfort of touch will aid the fellow during his recovery.