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Eden shifted a bit to look over at the young woman, a mild almost reluctant smile on her face. Someone intuitive might, by body language get the idea that there was some mental trauma in the recent past.

Eden for her part, could tell that Harley was being careful from the get go, at least emotionally.

" I'm Eden, Eden Haller. I'm new in town, how about you ?"

"Harley Quinn. Nice to meet cha. I just moved here. My car is outside, and I drove here with my family." Harley said. She wanted to ask Eden if something was wrong. "You okay? Ya look like your upset."

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Marina Herring
@LuckycoolHawk9 @Others

Marina raised a brow, evidently confused... But nonetheless, she did what she was told, deciding not to take any chances.

"The hell did he do? Reset the timestream or something?" She asked, obviously joking.

Though, perhaps she hit closer to home than she had thought, by saying that, as she had no idea who exactly Lucky's father was... Or just how crazy things were about to get...​

Eden shifted uncomfortably on the bench.

" My trip into town was a bit rough. It was.... unexpected and my friend died when we arrived. Now, leaving town is out of the question, so I am going to try to make the best of it. What kind of car ?"

Harley could tell that Eden wanted to change the subject. "My parents are kinda rich, so they got me a Lamborghini. It's nothing special, but I like it. If you want, you can come over to my house. Be careful of my dog, Sugar Cube, he's kinda hyper." Harley doesn't care that her parents are rich. Doesn't make a difference to her. She doesn't like most fancy things though.

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Eden was a smart girl, extremely smart. She recognized some time back what kind of mental state she was in. Despite her intelligence, she couldn't escape the doldrums of the depression and sadness leaving her world and the death of J had caused her. He died saving her. Her mind wanted to analyze Harley, but she simply couldn't manage to rouse that part of her mind. She heard herself speak.

" Lamborghini ? Wow, yeah, that would be nice sometime. Harley, I think you are really cute..what's with all the make up ?"

Eden slowly reached over and touched Harley's cheek.
Harley flinched at Eden's touch. Only her parents really did that. "T-to hide. From people who try to...well, kill me." Harley's pale skin glowed in the light filtering in through the shaded windows.

@Gands (sorry I keep forgettting)
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Eden withdrew her hand quickly as if shocked.

" I'm sorry, I think I can understand that. Lots of people hide from what hunts them. All hurts count, real or imagined, still hurt. I know that things aren't right with me right now either. But that part of my mind just can't do anything about it yet. Maybe we are looking for something to care about ? "

" I don't have any friends in town yet, would be nice to have one ? "

"It would. Sorry for flinching..." Harley sighed. "I don't think we're gonna get out of his soon. I'm going to go home. Wanna come?"


Eden tilted her head looking once more at Harley.

"Stay with me Harley. We can look out for one another until they come for us. I feel this can be a good place. After classes we can visit, fair enough ? "

"Fine. But, if someone tries to kill us, I have a gun." Harley says flatly.

Before the Reset Settles.....

Terra shrugged and knew that it was going to be something that they were going to have to brace for. He expected it to all go terribly wrong, but it seemed he was right about his theory as time moved back- but they didn't.

It seemed that neither Crimson or Razor noticed the light that was protecting Adam. The light made all of their attacks bounce back from what should have killed them.

As the light engulfed, Crimson and Razor would feeling a burning sensation, almost as if the light wanted them dead instead of in the past.


Jack looked over at Adam and sighed and hoped that things would be better after this. There were problems with changing time no matter how good the cause was.

The dragon nodded and he watched as the doctor made an adjustment.

As he did, the light overpowered the dragon, but the doctor was safe as he had been moved.

Eros knew that this wouldn't affect him as much as the others. There were powers at play here that even he didn't understand, but he knew that his own energy and the gods amongst him were keeping them safe. He looked over at him with a heavy sigh though.

The god gave a curt nod to show that it was the truth.


Jasper looked over at her and wondered if she was expecting someone else. He was always disappointing people, so what was one more person to his ever growing list of people?

He looked over at her and smiled as he looked over at her. He was happy that she wasn't going crazy in the shadows. Sometimes when he rescued people from the world and into the shadows, then things went badly. It wasn't like things could get any worse- actually now, that he thought, it was most likely that something was going to go horribly wrong. He took a deep breath as he understand that she was making a jest.

" Well, I am guessing that you don't notice your eyes are glowing blue. I also imagine that there is something that we don't know that we should know. The devil is always in the details after all. I imagined that we probably screwed up again. Let's see, our track record for fucking up the world now is a solid 30 to 0. We always fuck something up, even when we are trying to fix a mess. Knights tend to fuck up more than any family in the universe would admit. Tis the irony of being a night and I should know it."

He shrugged, as she pointed out what was obvious to him. His father had fucked the world again. It was common place.

" 'Tis always the joke when something you expect to save you ruins you. There are always consequences we can never.... hmmm.... that is problematic."

@Thuro 116 Pendragon

Lucky looked over at her for a brief moment and was thankful that she had listened to what he had said to her sadly though.

" You are not too far off the mark. He did indeed reset the timestream of the city," he said.

As the light engulfed, everything that was around it, there wasn't much to say. Only time could tell where they were going to land though sadly and time was a cruel mistress.



Those who stood close to the Knights during the final moments of the reset would find themselves in front of Starlight Academy, fully clothed with the exception of Lane, David, Donna, Razor and Crimson. The Knights themselves and most others weren't there. Actually, the only people on the ground were Shorius, Marina, Lillith, KillStroke and Pride.

@York @Gands @LoveandHate91

Eros felt his phone in his pockets. If there was one thing that was consistent, no matter the timeline, it was the need of people calling him because something stupid happened. He imagined that this involved Miss T-Rae since he had only gave his number to her and he hadn't heard from her before the reset. After a brief moment, he picked up the phone and took a deep breath, listening to her explain what had happened. He already knew this stuff, but he felt it was better to not tell her that he remember until he arrived at her place much later with some clothes.​

If there was one thing that the god of desire was good at, it was finding the perfect time to answer things. " I will bring you some clothes to make sure that everything is okay. I am going to take a guess on your size, but I am probably going to be right, so don't freak out about that. Also,call Steven. Kid has already pestered me."

Though Pestered was probably not the right word. He had only called twice and both times had been the same question. Why he couldn't just call the house phone was beyond the god of desire. He arrived at the apartment with some clothes for T-Rae to change in. He had seen less revealing things, so he had no shame when she answered the door naked and simply invited himself in.

@Michale CS

Matthew had been one of the first to adjust once the reset happened. He paused and looked at the date. Things were in motion already.... the ship, the other stuff. It was going to happen now. Perhaps if the ship didn't explode, things wouldn't spiral out of control. He ran pass Harley, Eden, Marina, Savina, the doctor, Pride, Shorius and Lillith. There was no time like the present. Maybe it might be a safe bet to see where he was going and try to help.

@Michale CS @Gands @York @LoveandHate91 @Harley_Quinn20045
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Harley saw Matthew run by. "Aye! Why you runnin'?" Harley yelled to him.

Matthew slowed down and blinked twice. He titled his head. Was that Harley Quinn? Huh- he would have to address that later. " Explosion at the harbor- less than an hour. Got to make it there before the ship explodes and stuff." He didn't bother to explain how he knew that.

Shorius aka Mike Shore

Shorius got up and dusted himself off. He checked the date on his watch and looked around. Suddenly catching Mathew running towards and past him. Further, he caught the why being yelled at the unusual looking woman.

For a moment he thought about it. It clicked, his memories, the dates, the disasters. Though, part of his mind did wonder what had happened to the others.

" He's right, we might be able to stop the harbor disaster !"

With that, Shorius started running after Mathew, a pen in his hand.

Mind you, Shorius had not entirely unjumbled things in his head. But he lived above a Restaurant in the Harbor district. It had not been damaged by the explosions and fires..but it had been a close thing. Business had suffered distinctly.


The teenager had looked over at Harley a bit puzzled.

"What do you think that means ? Are you, I mean we, going to go help ?"

@Harley_Quinn20045 @LuckycoolHawk9 @
"Of course. Let's go." Harley slings her backpack over her shoulder and walks outside. She opens the door of her sleek black Lamborghini and gets in and starts the car, waiting for Eden.

@Gands @LuckycoolHawk9
Matthew took a deep breath, only slowing down enough to listen to them. His first concern was all the sailors who could survive and the damages that wouldn't have to be paid. A bonus was Lucas Star being put into jail for now though.

It wasn't like his secret identity was very secret, so he pressed the button underneath his clothes to get into his superhero armor. Everybody knew who he was, but nobody wanted to mess with the normal life of his.

He wasn't even aware when Shorius went to follow him with his pen.

Matthew summoned his shield. He didn't know how it exploded, but imagined it had something to do with pressure plates.

He took a deep breath and focused. He couldn't wolf out here. He also knew that he couldn't take Zane no matter how much he wanted too. He had to take care of Nathan Stone who deserved a guardian just as much as he did though.

He bit on his lip and waited for something to happen though.

Matthew knew he was going to need help, but he wasn't about to admit that though.

His own stubborn male pride prevented him from asking. After a bit, he caught his breath. Fifty minutes. Still some time to get there and prevent the disaster. He sent a text to Orion to help him though.

@Harley_Quinn20045 @Gands
Shorius aka Mike Shore

Shorius noticed the two girls running for the beautiful car, Mike turned and followed them instead. Getting to the car, he gave them both a nod and started to ask.

" You drive this car miss ? You take me to the Harbor, maybe we can do some good "



Eden followed Harley because friends for her are hard to find and harder to keep. Because her father told her that doing the right thing is it's own reward.

" Wait for me. I am coming too ! "

@Harley_Quinn20045 @LuckycoolHawk9
The Doctor

The Doctor too gets up and dusts himself off, checking his sonic screwdriver, then looks over at Savina.

" I'm afraid it's a bit complicated Miss. All timey wimey and whatnot. I think, if you'll check, you've moved back in time. the hazards of life in Starlight City I think. "

He watches two men run off towards the harbor.

" You will forgive me, I have a friend to check on. You see those two fellows running off, I think they are trying to head off some disaster at the harbor".

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Michale CS
The Doctor

The Doctor too gets up and dusts himself off, checking his sonic screwdriver, then looks over at Savina.

" I'm afraid it's a bit complicated Miss. All timey wimey and whatnot. I think, if you'll check, you've moved back in time. the hazards of life in Starlight City I think. "

He watches two men run off towards the harbor.

" You will forgive me, I have a friend to check on. You see those two fellows running off, I think they are trying to head off some disaster at the harbor".

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Michale CS


"Disaster? Well, say no more." She swoops down and offers her hand to the Doctor. "I'll get you there faster than you'd believe. That is, if you're not afraid of flying..."