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"I only wanted to kill you to complete my mission but it looks like my missions is over so there is no reason to use energy on you when you pose no threat to my mission or my plans."

"well if you need help dealing with him or any of his allies be sure to ask me because when it comes to killing that's the thing I'm the best at, it works hand in hand with the talent I just showed you."
Lucas looked at him and wondered what else there was to say and he looked at the ground for a brief moment too. He looked at him for a moment. " Well, then, perhaps what else you like to see?" He asked.

Lucien looked at him for a brief moment. " I will ask you a question then," he said, looking at him. " Well, then, I'll call you if I need anything else from you in the future," he said, taking out his card and handed him.

"What else would I like to see? I didn't come here to see anything I came here to kill a guy and destroy his drug shipments there is nothing more to see." Raveen answered still not trusting this guy.

Takes the card. "Kind of strange your giving me a card usually since I'm the one making the toys it would be me giving a card but since I'm not really a business man I have no card to give out."
Lucas sighed as he wasn't going to get anything out of him so he wasn't going to even bother. So any things had been broken in the mean time and he had a feeling he didn't trust him. He took a breath and went to fly off.

Lucien smirked. " I prefer that you know how to contact me and know what my number is then the other way around. The other way has jiped me out of seven or so deals with people," he said, looking at the ground waiting for him to leave.

Raveen lets the mine fly off and begins to walk away when he got a little ways away Raveen planned on detonating the rest of the explosives and level the docks to get the rest of the bonus he was promised by causing more damage.

"So does that mean you want me to contact you for a job or are you still going to contact me?" Riken asked waiting for a answer after he go it he planned to leave, so he leaves the poison liquid briefcase bomb on the ground. "Oh and we cant forget the pay since I got you two bombs."
Lucas knew that the docks wouldn't be there for much longer as he understood that someone wanted the docks leveled and he was going to have some fun figuring that little bit out, but for now he slipped into the darkness, uncertain of what to say.

" I will contact you, just a safe precaution since it is easy to make excuses for why I was talking with a possible bad man too," he said, as he looked at him. " Of course, the payment," he said. He took out about 2000 or so dollars. " Shall that suffice or do you need something much larger?" He asked.

Raveen walked away from the docks and then pushed the button on the detonator causing all the planted bombs to go off, Raveen then proceeds to go to the person who hired him while keeping a look out to make sure he isn't followed.

"I believe that shall be adequate amount." Riken flicks his cigarette butt into the air and it disappears in a small explosion. "Then I guess that means we shall meet again soon?"
Lucas took a deep breath as the harbor blew up ( again). It would only be the seventeenth or so that the harbor had been destroyed by some bombs and only the third or so time that it involved the drug lord instead of him too quite uncertain.

Lucien smiled, happy that he hadn't have to give some more. He needed to save the bigger payment for another friend of his in the future. " Yes, my good sir, we shall meet again soon," he said, gesturing for him to leave.

Riken talks the money that Lucien offered him and turns around to leave and begins to walk the same way they came in, while putting the money into his pocket.
Lucien smiled and nodded as he wasn't about to let anything ruin this moment as he stared at the bombs. The pieces were starting to go into place and everything was going well.

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Emilia simply gave a nod and a thoughtful 'hm' when the male gave his idea on what was the cause of the incident, 'Meta, guess I was right then.' However, she would still have to make sure later on. Although despite the panic that arose from what had happened, no one appeared to be injured. The office lady just seemed extremely annoyed and talked about quitting – she'd love to give the meta a hug for that – which was definitely unfortunate. 'No casualties, I guess this could be considered a great start to the year.' It was better than other incidents last year wherein people actually got hurt from a meta using their abilities. But she wouldn't say her thoughts aloud. She most certainly did not want to jinx herself.

When the male offered to escort her, she couldn't help but tease him, "Aw, well aren't you clingy." She told him with a smile before continuing taking hold of her bag and walking to the direction of the dorms, stopping momentarily to look at her newfound acquaintance, "Well? Aren't you coming?"
Apparently it was the day before Misery had to go to school. Great. School. Fun times, not! Still, she needed to go to orientation and she was not happy about it. She stared out the car window, utterly bored out of her mind. She was thankful Mom and Dad were there to support her. So what if she was an adopted child? She didn't care, she really loved her parents ever since they'd adopted her. "Honey, we're here!" She snapped out of her thoughts and noted how Starlight Academy was just the same as ever. Yaaay. They parked the car and she hopped out, waving goodbye to her parents before going to the school building for orientation. Yaaay, now she was in high school. Honestly, she didn't know why they lumped all schools together, from kindergarten to college. Just...how? She adjusted her backpack, which she had brought along in case she needed to do something, and went inside the academy.

There was the sound of beating wings and two angels descended onto the school grounds. Amaryllis wouldn't let go of her grandfather's hands, still scared of going to a new grade, especially with this school. Schools weren't supposed to be all there all at once, it simply reeked of wrongness and it was not helping her senses at all. At least she could tell the different kinds of wrongness that happened in school in case that happened. So far, her experience with school was...okay, better than most new kids, that's for sure. Probably because she was an angel, but the amount of people thinking she was going to protect them was... Yeah, too terrifying, which was why she reported that to the teacher and then the teacher told the principal and- well, they went away grumbling sort of. But back to the present, her grandfatehr gave his granddaughter a hug and let go of her hand. She watched with a sinking feeling as he flew away before heading inside the building for orientation to middle school.​
Matthew noticed that she gave him a hm like he had just confirmed what she had suspected and he wasn't sure if that was normal, but it felt out of ordinary for him and he wondered if anyone had been hurt, it seemed that everyone was going around and making chaos but nobody ever died . . . well almost nobody. There was Danny and Rosie Rose who had been killed trying to protecting their best friend and son, they had been the last casualty this city had seen in terms of meta-humans and it worried him too. That meant people were planning more and making sure that the kills mattered too. He didn't want to jinx anything at all by saying it aloud as that was the root of all his problems, saying something like that a loud.

Matthew smirked, as the teasing was something that he found normal. " Nah, not clingy, was just raised by a very strict father who told me to always be kind to women," he said, deciding to add in the in distress part as his mother would have found out somehow and give him a good one too. " Of course," he said, following.
Ryan was dropped off by his father at the school and the older man gave him a look that said it all. It said to stay in control and to not split into seventeen different personalities that wondered around the last school like last year where he had nearly had a breakdown. Ryan sighed, as he looked at his father. He was giving him one of his glares, one of the ones you wouldn't notice if you weren't his kid or a submissive beta under him. It was one of those things that there was no escaping and that was saying a lot too. He had been on the recieving end of those glares a lot. It wasn't exactly his fault that he lost his mind, kidnapped a boy and got kicked out of another school,that was not HIS fault, it was HIS dark side Adrian Thorn who did that, but nope, he was back here. The school in the city full of terror and danger that trained young heroes, no matter how unstable they were or might become in the future.

Gregory stared up at his sire and groaned. There were things about this school that worked great, the fact nobody questioned why he looked barely 5 when he should have been about sixteen, why he was the youngest looking student in their class or the fact that everything was going to hell and there was nothing he could about it. He had been told numerous times by Gabriel that he may never get older and might be stuck at looking six forever since that was the age he had been turned into a vampire about and there was nothing the older man could do about it for now. He sighed, as he chewed on his bottom lip, a very child-like habit that he used more often than not when he was bored since nobody would question it. Hopefully, Gabriel was right and that he would age up on the time he was born today which was less than three hours away, three long agonizing hours of looking like a six year old and that was crazy enough and he headed towards his dorm, hoping to run into no one.

@Autumn @chaosheart13
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Both Misery and Amaryllis had gone to their group for orientation. There was the listening to the speech bit, the moving around campus to their different classes, the works. Misery in particular found it very, very boring, preferring to play with fire than to be here any second longer. She let out a huff before seeing seeing some kid walk around campus, heading straight for- hey, weren't those the dorms where people from far away stayed? 'Course she lived here, so there wasn't any need for that, but... Anyway, back on topic. Why was someone so young heading towards them? It was aa good thing the class showcase was just about done and they all were heading towards the dorms, just to get a feel for the campus. Her eyes lit up when their instructor told them that they were now taking a tour of the dorm rooms. Sweet, so she can talk to this kid now! ...What? She could be nosy if she wanted to. They neared him and she broke off from the group to talk to the six year old.

"Hey kid, why are you heading for the dorms?" she asked bluntly, "Do you live around here or something? Shouldn't your parents or guardian or whatever be showing you around?" Yep, way to be subtle, Misery.
Gregory looked around for a brief moment and wasn't sure what to say as the others went to the orientation at the time and he hopefully could get away from the area where they would be before they came out and try to ask him where his parents or his guardian was and he would have to explain things again to the new students. He had only been having to explain for the past five or so years . .. or it was six? When you looked six for over ten years, it was hard to know how much time had passed in between them and he looked around too taking a deep breath without looking up. Curse his tiny legs that made walking a short amount of distance take forever and a day. He wasn't far from his dorms, but for a six year old body not far was still about a twenty minute walk and orientation only ever took ten minutes ( no matter how long they actually stayed in there.) He was about halfway to the dorms before someone came and tried to talk to him and he wished cursing didn't sound so bad in a six year old body.

" I live in the dorms," he said, answering her very stupid question with a simple answer. He had to not groan a loud when she asked where his parent or guardian were. " I'm nearly 16, I just look six because I am a vampire," he said.


"Oh. Wait, you're a vampire? Then..." Misery cringed at the thought, knowing exactly how vampires were created. Ouch, poor guy. "Dang, that must suck. Uh, yeah, sorry for calling you a kid." She grinned sheepishly as she introduced herself. "Name's Misery, what's your name?"
Feival was still with the orientation group, having taken everything in with interest. This was way better than back home, that's for sure. Maybe he'll come to love this city, who knew? His ears twitched as he heard something, turning to the source. Eh, just a human. Speaking of humans, he'd never met any so...accepting like this city was. Maybe it was because the lack of half humans half animals, he didn't know. But what got his interest was the class where people practiced whatever power they had. If it'd been his homeworld, they would've been hunted down and- Let's not go there. He stopped moving for a bit before heading towards the guy that made the noise, Ryan. "I take it you're sort of new too?" he asked. Then again, he did seem like he wasn't really a part of his orientation group, so maybe not? Well, he needed someone else to guide him, he knew so little about this place...​
Gregory always liked the awkward moment when they cringed. It made him feel better that he was making them feel bad about them being wrong about how old he is. " It's okay, you couldn't know how old I am based on my appearance. " I'm Gregory," he said to her, his voice very child-like hillariously

Ryan was happy that he could skip orientation as he was in tenth grade and that his father knew enough people to get him around it too. If he had to sit through some more of Adam Knight's long speechs about everything he might have snapped again. Despite being a god and very powerful, the man still found no way to make orientation interesting and different from grade to grade. The elementary school, the junior high school, the high school and college orientation were all the same, no variations, no differences, just some teacher differences too and that was about it and he didn't take it well any of the times that were going to happen. He looked up when someone spoke to him. It looked like a cat creature thing from the looks of it. " Yeah, transfer student from another school, it just so happened that something out of my control happened and now I am back here for now," he said to her.


"Gregory, huh? Nice to meetcha," Misery said, unsure of what to do next now that introductions were out of the way. ...Well she could just ditch orientation and just have a nice chat with Gregory, she didn't know. Well, it was boring anyway, soooo... "Hey, maybe I can walk with you to your room? I'm bored anyway," she said with a shrug, "Oh yeah, is someone looking after you? Like, I dunno, some kind of guardian? You're still technically a minor like I am."
Feival made some weird noise that sounded like a meow. "That so, huh?" he said, "Wonder what being a transfer student is like... Anyway, name's Feival Telefron and don't you forget it!" The group had already left the two, though he wasn't paying much attention to the group. "Hey, since you seem to know a bit about this place, can you tell me about it? I just came from this weird...thing...uh, what did they call it?" Pause. "Oh yeah, portal! I'm from a different place so everything here is waaay different from what I'm used to."​
" Well, nice to meet you too," he said, looking up at her, wondering what he could do from here with her. She seemed fine with orientation ditching which was something he had done a lot and it wasn't like a student hadn't done this in the past with another student too as he would say. " Sure, I am fine with that. Also dorming means I can stay without adults, plus we got the dorm advisors who watch over us and all that jazz," he said to her, feeling a slight pain in his body.

Ryan looked at him for a moment as he noticed the meow that seemed to come with his speech pattern and he looked at him too and wondered what was up with the name but he decided to stay quiet about it before he introduced himself. He wondered what to say to the kid. " I'm Ryan Thorn," he said, pausing as he did know the strangeness of this place too. " Sure, I can even show you around if I wanted too," he said to him, looking around for a moment. " So, what do you want to do know first about this strange place," he said.

Oh, Misery was a-okay with ditching orientation. It was pretty much the same thing like in middle school, especially with the showing around campus bit. "Nice!" Pause. "Oh, right. But I mean before you go to school, right during summer break. Who do stay with? Or am I not supposed to know about it?" she asked cheekily as they started walking to Gregory's dorm.
"What I know about this place? Uh..." Feival had to think for a moment before answering, "There's, uh, a lot of humans with powers? I think I saw one perform some kind of magic tricks to kids, except it wasn't a trick for the guy. Uh...That's pretty much it? I'm not sure if there's other things that make this city stand from all the rest, so..." Yeah, he knew jack. Hopefully Ryan would actually help him out, having noticed the "If he wanted to" bit.​