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Lucas stared at him twice more and he noticed that he was quite strange too. He saw that he was starting to charge too and he moved out of way before he could kill him. He focused and started to use his wind magic. If this man wanted to fight, well, it wouldn't end well for one of them and he honestly knew he could take a lone mercenary before he could be murdered by him.

Lucien waited for him to close his door and waited for his question. " Let me think for a second," he said, mulling over what to go over first. " Yes, I have a job for you. I need the schematic for a certain device stolen, a reset bomb is what they call it from Superior Industries. A son of the Devil has his resources," he simply answered to his second question.
Raveen extra weight due to being made of a heavy metal kept him from being blown anywhere Raveen aims his hand at Lucas and sprays a barrage of needle like projectiles at him these are not very deadly unless enough hit to cause someone to bleed out or pierce the eyes, Raveen stays right behind the spray so that he could follow the attack up with a slash for the mans right arm.

"A mission to steal and here I thought I was going to be hired to kill or hurt someone, do you have any other info about the reset bomb or how would be a way to get it, and hopefully those resources don't just go giving my info out, because that's not always good for business as former employers learned."
Lucas cursed under his breath as he hated it when he didn't take things into account and he groaned as he offered up some dark shields to stop the needles from going into his body. He needed a good place and decided to go up into the air to get a vantage. Sometimes having flight came in handy when it came to situations like this and especially whenever he was stuck on the harbor too.

" I know that it is on the ground floor of the building behind a glass case that is behind a book-shelf, behind a safe, behind a locked door. If it wasn't obvious, this device can kill the whole city, no matter what species you are, but it only works if it is built right. I will tell them not to be sharing your information. I am going to need you for a lot more," he said.
The person seemed to dodge his attack by fling up above him Raveen creates a spike about the size of a spear and launch's it after his opponent in a attempt to hit him, and sends a second one after the first one with the second one with a metal wire connected to it. "Why don't you come back down here."

"So you plan on destroying the town is that it, well hopefully you let me leave town before that happens and if you need a bomb I can create that easily I can turn anything into a bomb and my bombs are 100% lethal if you have a prisoner I can demonstrate on them how I can make a bomb and theres are two ways I can do that."
Lucas looked at him and sighed. This was going to be one of those fights, one of the words that were just going to annoying him. He dodge both arrows and noticed the wire and muttered a spell under his breath to cut on the wire. If he tried to tackle him, he would learn that he was much stronger than people expected.

Lucien sighed as once again he had to explain how his plan was to harm the city. " Not exactly, I have that as a a paranoia distraction for something else. Though, I wouldn't mind showing you showing your power," he said, as he summoned a hell hound. " Here, show me on the mutt on what you could exactly do," he said to him quite honestly.
Raveen swings the wire to try to wrap around one leg which his opponent would soon learn is extremely sharp (If it works.) And when the wire looks to be in the right possession Raveen pulls it hard enough to trap the leg and cause bleeding but not to cut the leg off. Raveen also turns his chainsaw arm into a drill and gets ready to jump if he needs to.

"So the bomb is just to distract them would doing something like blowing up a military base work as well looking like terrorist attack or do you want the deaths to be kept small." Watchs a as a hell hound is summoned. "Do you really want a bomb in your office?"
Lucas sighed as he was starting to see the trend that was happening too. He wasn't sure what he was going to do, but he knew that he was trying to make him blind and he groaned. He needed a plan and then he tilted his head and decided to prove that he was on his side. He aimed his blast at the explosives would go off and kill the people in there too.

" That is the idea. I actually need a large amount, but only want a small amount for the city as I have a better plan for the rest of the people," he said, knowing that he was going to poison the water, he would give him the cure if he was worthy later on of course. " I have a secret room," he said, pressing his hand. " We can do it there," he said.
The blast of Raveen explosives were far enough away that he wasn't hit by the explosives but this was going to get bad really fast since those bombs went off. "Raveen pulls out the master detonator he had. "Want to explain whats going on here since this place is going be swarming with Cops?"

"Well if you only need a amount of bombs I can readily make those without hardly any materials and how big do you want the explosion in the room and want to summon a second dog so I can show you the two ways I can use this power." He pulls off his gloves showing the marks on the insides of his hands.
Lucas looked at him and decided to answer him in the simplest way. " I don't like the idea of my harbor being used for drugs of any kind, hell, I want to destroy those things just as much as you. As for the second thing," he landed and pressed a button on his walkie-talkie. " This is Officer Star, That 10-80 doesn't need any investigation by others, I am right by the harbor and can do it, don't send others," he said into it and turned into off. " Now where were we?"

Lucien decided to answer him once he finished his sentence so that he could see the full extent of his power too. " Yes, I can easily summon another dog for you to use," he said to him, being quite honest and doing so. " As for the size of the bomb, I want something small for the time being, I do need this room," he said.
"Well why didn't you let me leave and blow this entire place to hell I can still do that? Why arnt you calling for any kind of backup it seems you have some trouble dealing with me or do you not want any more casualties to be on your hands." Raveen asked while staring at the man with his finger still on the detonator.

Riken puts one hand on the dog next to it and begins to turn it into a fire bomb and walking away and then snaps his fingers and the dog explodes into flames. He walks to the next one and cuts it open and sticks his hands into it turning its organs into bombs and walks away. "5 4 3 2 1." Then dog explodes sending shrapnel every way. "So what kind of bombs do you need incendiary, shrapnel, sting balls, normal or something a little more special."
Emilia gave him a nod in agreement since studying together or simply going out to eat would be a nice thing to do. It would also be a nice break from having to constantly worry about the city. She found it a bit Even during daytime, it seems that troubles would still arise. The event at the office would be the best example for now. It would seem that there's never a time to rest in Starlight city. She'd be surprised if for a day, nothing did happen. It would surely signal the apocalypse if it did. Although she wondered what would be a time when they were both free. School days were always busy and even if they did study together, she was pretty sure it would mostly be done in silence with them both in concentration. If it was dinner, well, she wondered how well that would go. 'Well, it's a thought for another time.' For now, she had to focus on other things.

"Well, that's Starlight city for you. Something's always happening." Emilia responded as she continued to walk into a quick pace towards the scene. Just as she got there, there was a blast of smoke. 'So the smoke's definitely not from a fire. Meta-human or gadget it is then." Although she would bet it was more on the former. She used gadgets that emitted smoke so she knew what it would appear as.

As expected, people were already panicking. She wouldn't blame them. For people unused to this – although really, how can anyone not be used to something that happens nearly every day? – it would be a scary experience. She didn't look as fearful nor panicked as the others but she had the decency to look worried. It would be suspicious if she were too calm. She couldn't help but spare a glance at her newly made friend, "Gosh, there's a lot of smoke." She commented, placing her hand near her face and flicking her wrist back and forth to be rid of the smoke. If she could only get her gas mask from her bag then it would be much easier to proceed. Unfortunately, she couldn't. 'Sometimes, it sucks to be an ordinary person.' She thought as she pushed through the crowd to move towards where the second blast had occurred. It was exactly easy to do with people panicking and moving away.
Lucas blinked twice and sighed. Sometimes people were so damn dense about certain things that he wanted to strangle them and kill them slowly too. " You attacked me first and I don't care about the casualties caused but it would look suspicious if there was any," he said, not wanting to talk to this idiot any more too as it seemed.

Lucien looked at the dog that was exploded into flames and wondered what made it possible for the fire resitant hell hound to be killed by that fire and he noticed how he could just blow up the dog by turning him into a walking bomb which was great and all for once. He took a deep breath too. " I need something a little more special than what the average person could give you," he said, looking around and wondering what else there was going to be say.


Matthew wasn't sure if she was agreeing if it was going to be a good idea to study or eat together which was very good either way. He needed something to distract himself from all the pain and suffering of being a hero and all of the things he couldn't have without worrying. It wouldn't be easy to have something more permenant like a girlfriend or even a boyfriend ( he was still figuring things out at times) that would not end in ruin. Being a hero was always dangerous and it made it hard to commit to anything and add school into the mix and it was kind of a horrible idea for once. If they studied, he wouldn't get to know her in any capacity but if he went on a date with her, he feared that he would get to know her too well and that she would be expoloited as a weakness if anyone ever wanted to find out. He needed to focus on protecting people.

" You never can get a break from the madness that surrounds the city, it attracts danger like a bear is attracted to honey," he said, quite seriously. He saw the blast from there and he caught a scent, but then the scent was gone, it was like it had vanished from the air. He wondered if the person was still around and just hiding. Perhaps it was an accident or perhaps it was on purpose for once.

It didn't take long for people to start to panic here. There was the time that someone had brought a dog into a school and everyone had panicked then, but some people seemed just as numb as he was. They were so used to the craziness that it didn't fazed by it and that was the look of people who had been heroes, or came from a tough past. It was something that Matthew had yet to figure out as he looked at her. " Thank you, any more obvious observations you like to point out?" He sarcastically asked. He may find the girl to be nice and everything at the end of the day, but it wasn't the best thing to point out the obvious as he pushed through the crowd. He noticed that some of the teachers were ushering students out and once they got to the front, everything had vanished. All that remained was a trail that ended in the middle of nowhere and added up to nothing at all.

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"Yes I attacked you because I thought you may be some of the lackeys that drug lord had under him and I didn't need anyone ruining what I had planned and you just so happened to be here watching me. But if we arnt at odds anymore what's your next move?" Raveen asked his last question without relaxing he still didn't trust this guy.

Riken pulls out a cigar and cuts of the tip before lighting it with a handheld blow torch he had on him. "I turned them into bombs the longer my hands touch the object or person the stronger the bomb as you say I made one into a incendiary grenade and the other into a shrapnel bomb I can also make it normal to release a shockwave and with prolonged touch its possible to turn it electric, acid, or freezing such as liquid carbonite it that dosnt interest you how about a poison grenade and if you want to be really mean lets make that mustard gas."
Lucas figured that he didn't have the trust of the man who was on his side too. He needed to prove himself in such a way that he didn't harm the structure and then he remembered a good old trick that he learned a while back. " I am going to talk to the drug lord and he is going to take a little walk with me and it will look like an act of self defense," he said, landing and going back into his more known form. It was his biggest example of trust to anyone.

Lucien was't going to talk about the pitfalls of smoking or making a bomb out of a cigar since it seemed kind of pointless to him too. He listened to him explain his powers about how he could make a bomb that was incendiary or something that would slowly kill a person which interested him in a way that couldn't be measured in words either. " I think a simple bomb and a single poison grenade will do wonders so I can start my posioning with a particular unkillable pain in my side," he said, referring to Twiggy, the town's bona fide savior in everything.

"And all this is assuming that the drug lord survived the four bombs that went off on the four sides of the warehouse and any other explosives that were inside." Raveen nods his head in the direction of the warehouse that the bombs were mainly on. "Hard to believe a drug lord could survive something like that."

Riken opens his suitcase and pulls out a steel pipe and turns it into a bomb and continues to put power into while turning the suitcase he had into a poison bomb. "Do you want the poison to be a gas or liquid in its final form?" Riken asked Lucien with all seriousness. And if you need someone killed don't be afraid to ask."
Lucas wasn't about to mention that was something else that would make him that way. Almost everyone was some sort of different species here and it wouldn't shock him if the man had some form of immunity to fire or bombs or of the such. " Depends on who you got the bomb from,if it is a meta-human then you should be fine, but normal bombs may not work," he added.

Lucien looked at him for a brief moment and wondered what else he had to say about things too to be more specific about what he needed. He paused and thought about it. " Liquid in its final form," he said, as he wanted to slip it into the water supply and slowly kill the people here. " I won't, but he 's a special case," he muttered.

"The bombs I make have some special spikes added to them so I don't think a meta human can survive that if he did then I will have to find him later and tie up that loose end but until I get that word I will consider him dead." Raveen continues to stare at the man.

"Ok this briefcase will explode into a poison liquid with enough poison to kill the entire city, so you do have someone that needs to be killed and do you want any evidence that he was the one killed or do you want him turned into a bomb and maybe delivered to the mayors office or something similar."
Lucas listened to what he had to say and decided to be quiet now. He wondered if there was something that was much dangerous about to come around. " True, I doubt they survive. So, I think I am done here, unless you still want to kill me," he said, looking at him for a moment.

" Good, that is very good," he said, as he was getting exactly what he wanted and he paused as he thought about it. There were so many problems with finding his hero outside of his armor. For one, there were three others who looked like him and he wasn't ready to lose an ally. " No, I will deal with him later," he said.

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"I'll let you know when I do." Emilia said with a smile as she went through the crowd, unfazed by the male's sarcasm. She was fully aware that she pointed out what was clear to everyone. But she didn't do so without a cause. She had thought that the male would provide some insight on the smoke to see if her theory was correct. Unfortunately, he gave no such answer. 'Well, he wasn't helpful at all.' It would seem that if she wanted to check her theory, she'd have to rely on herself. Then again, what else was new? She's relied on herself ever since she was old enough to walk. Trusting others would only lead to one's downfall.

However, there were too many people to look for clues and too much smoke to see clearly. Whoever had done this would definitely be long gone by now. It would be much too easy to escape in this crowd. 'Guess I'll just have to check later.' Although maybe she could check to see if there were any cameras that covered the event. 'I'll do that later with my trusty laptop.' Going back to where she thought she saw the male, she told him, "Guess there must've been a fire or something. There's not much to see so I'll be going to my dorm. I thought there'd be something more exciting happening." She told him with a disappointed look, she said her words to make her curiosity and search for excitement as an excuse as to why she rushed to look at what had happened.
Matthew arched an eyebrow clearly confused on how she was unfazed by his sarcasm. Normally he would have gotten some sarcasm back or at least get yelled at but that didn't seem to be the case this time around at all. He felt so weird knowing that she had wanted his opinion on the smoke, but he wasn't about to know much about it. He could have suggested a meta-human, but he wasn't sure. He hadn't seen something like this for a long time and that was last seen with a person who should have been in jail. He should have known that he was out, but he wasn't about to admit that being in the loop wasn't always had been the best thing for him too for a brief moment.

It was impossible to find clues about the area when everyone was still panicking and losing themselves in the moment too as he would put it to the best of his ability too. He looked at her briefly for a moment and decided he would go and investigate it later. He had a friend who could hack into the cameras but he was going to have to see the office himself as his hero alternate ego to see if everything was fine too. He looked at her for another brief moment. " Well, I guess it was nothing at all then, probably some new meta who doesn't have control of their powers or something to that effect too. "He wasn't sure what to say for once and then he looked at her. " I could probably escort you to your room, maybe we are across the bridge from each other," he said, wondering where in the girl's dorm she was staying.

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