Spring has sprung!

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Unto my alter, offer me this bleeding heart....
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. No Preferences
Fantasy, Romance, Mutant, Post Apoc

Finally after a long wait, spring has peeked over the horizon and showered us with it's pretty little face!!

This weeks challenge is all about what spring means to YOU!

Anything that reminds you of spring can be the content of the poem. Feel free to do it in whichever style you'd like, and just have fun with it!

Here are some ideas:
* Things you like
* Things you dislike
* Things remembered
* Weather
* People
* Events

Feel free to write one or more poems if you're feeling inspired!! :D
The spring brings growth and life to all,
Sweet music pure, a lively ball.
As flowers spring up from the earth,
The birds and bees bring childbirth.

The seeds will sprout, the plants will grow
As earth we till and grain we sow.
We dance about the Maypole tall,
And heed our Mother's gentle call.

We dance upon the soft green grass,
And laughter from each lad and lass
Will fill the air, reminding them
That winter's past, and spring has come.
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Flowers bloom and emotions stir,
Hearts beat fast while hazy minds blur.
Pulses race as fields open up,
Eyelids flutter and breaths just stop.

Colours fill a white, empty void,
And a beautiful tale is told
By the pure snow drops and lillies,
A story woven with great ease.

But look! Where the sky and ground meet
The storm clouds of summer gather
Muffling the story with blather,
Destroying all in one heartbeat.

And after them comes the brown fall
With its dull, droning, endless rain.
Then winter, washing all away,
Leaving white canvas for the spring.
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Northern Canadian checking in

Spring is the joy
Welling up in my heart
When I don't have to plug in
For my engine to start

Spring is swapping
My winters for summers
Spring is the return
Of allergy bummers.

Spring is retiring
My tired old spade
From digging a path
Through the snow every day

Spring is the snowmelt
Running down all the streets
Spring's the return
Of crows, flies, and bees​
Spring is the people
More often than not
Who after bitching all winter
Complain it's too hot.

Spring is packing
My mittens away
Spring is the planting
And wishing for rain

Spring is the pride
Among countrymen
Each year just to boast
"We made it again!"​
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I sit and wait in this fragile place,
To continue my dull living into this empty space.
My strong arms to reach out of this darkness,
Hoping to grasp out of this emptiness.

"Oh!" I quietly say, this odd sensation had crept upon me.
"My oh my!" I began to shout, as I spotted something sprouting from the leaves.
"Buds?" I question as I try to reach and touch,
But I am motionless, the beauty was enough.

I have only shuffled in and out of this dreary cold.
To see such beautiful light warm my skin, a love for such has me on hold.
I am transfixed in their subtle way,
I am breathless in their brightening days.

May I forever be in this happy state,
Though as time passes I only hope it will not deflate.
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sweet perfume,
a colorful

After the icy kiss of winter has come to pass
It's sister Spring has come to at last
When everything was slow and cold
In spring, in it's all fast and hyper
Where the flowers bloom once again

Seeing the greenly grass and with the warm wind
Picking up the Roses on the side of the garden
Reeking of mud due to playing in the dirt
Intercepting the mailman's delivery once again
Never forgetting winter's warm lips
Getting hyper on the streets

At last spring is nearly ending
But it's famous cousin summer is coming
The season all students cherish
But i will miss Spring blooming face upon me
But for her sake
Will be looking forward to Summer's rowdiness