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your local crog!
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Similar to a character storage, but for plots! I would like to have a storage of my plots rather than listing them all on my partner search thread(s).

These are all plots written by me! Some may be a few years old, a few months old, or written very recently.

DISCLAIMER: If any of my plots are of interest to you, PLEASE PM ME. Do not claim any of my plots as your own by copy and pasting them. Though, you may write your own plot similar if it inspires you!

table of contents to come one day
[1] Love is Blinded
[2] Two Burning Flames
[3] In a Field of Dandelions
[4] Miss Missing You
[5] People Watching
[6] Talk Some Sense Into Me ✭
[7] You Fill My Head And My Heart ✭
[8] Some of Us Love You ✭
[9] Bright Blue Skies and Peach Pink Lips ✭
[10] Eleven Blocks ✭

key: titles marked with ✓ are taken plots
roles within plots marked in #F3A999 is my preferred role
a hyperlinked ✭ will take you directly to the post with the correct plot

below is a code that will be used in every post for plots.
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[div=border: none; width: 125px; height: 25px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 20px; color: #000; text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps; text-transform: lowercase;]title_here[/div]
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width: 220px;
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text-align; justify;][div=
width: 100%;
height: inherit;]plot here xx
[/div][/div][div=overflow: auto;
width: 220px;
height: 175px;
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padding: 5px;
padding-right: 10px;
font-family: georgia;
font-size: 12px;
color: #ffffff
text-align; justify;][div=
width: 100%;
height: inherit;]• genre(s)
• pairing
• trigger warnings


[b]word bank:[/b] slowish burn, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random
[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][div=text-align: center;
padding-top: 3px;
font-size: 8px;
color: #000;]coded by hypnos.[/div]
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• romance / mythology
• mxm
• no specific trigger warnings

word bank: random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random

Muse A is the offspring between a simple mortal woman and the god Eros himself, making him a demigod. unfortunately, Muse A was very quickly cursed before he was even born. This curse was to leave him blind; in order to reverse this and gain sight, he was to find his "true love", someone who loved him for him.
Muse B is miraculously the son of Medusa herself, making Muse B able to change anyone that looks directly into his gaze into stone. That's always led his love life...down the drain. Every partner he meets eventually turns to stone. There was no way to ever reverse this curse, it simply ran through his blood.
All through their lives, either they weren't the one or their partner was lost to being stone like the rest. Until one day A trips into B, seems to look them in the eye yet still lives. After that day, Muse A and Muse B morph into incredibly close friends (never knowing that one is the son of a god or the son of a famous Greek "monster"), but when feelings start to blossom for Muse A, he can only hope that B returns them when he professes his love for the son of Medusa.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Mi ipsum faucibus vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper. Etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis scelerisque fermentum dui. Pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies mi quis. Amet nisl purus in mollis. Porttitor rhoncus dolor purus non enim praesent. Orci porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse. Leo vel orci porta non pulvinar. Tempus imperdiet nulla malesuada pellentesque elit eget gravida cum. In pellentesque massa placerat duis ultricies lacus sed. Eu lobortis elementum nibh tellus. Praesent tristique magna sit amet purus gravida quis blandit. Erat nam at lectus urna duis convallis convallis tellus.

made by zenith

• supernatural / soulmates
• mxm
• trigger warnings

word bank: werewolves, supernatural, slow burn, romance, soulmates

muse a is seemingly simple and normal person. they've got a couple close friends, a little apartment to themselves and a good job to sustain their way of living. they've always had multiple people interested in them, but they've always turned them down claiming the they didn't have a good "connection". other than seeming relatively normal, muse a has a huge secret that only their hand full of friends know. muse a is a werewolf, and their friends? they are too. now, here's muse b. they have just moved in across the hall from muse a, far away from their old town for one reason or another. muse b just so happens to be a werewolf themselves, and when both muses happen to bump into each other in the hall, muse a can already feel issues arising. muse a and their little pack have been the only werewolves in town they've known for the few years they've lived there, so with an outsider coming into their "territory" has got muse a all kinds of bent out of shape. and not only is this an issue, but another issue has presented itself. muse a and muse b feel a strange attraction towards each other that they'll never felt with another person before.

• neither muses believe in it, but they are in fact soulmates
• for extra tension, muse a & b are alphas of their own respective packs
• muse a & b have to figure out what's going on with them and why they feel this way for each other
• kinda of a slow burn rp

made by zenith
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• fantasy / romance
• any pairing
• trigger warnings = possible mentions of death, injury

word bank: random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random

muse a is somewhat of an adventure seeking and active person. they love scouting out random locations that may have some lore to it. they also love going hiking and taking walks. one day they get word from some friends that there's some weird "kid" roaming around the woods. so naturally curious, muse a decides they're going to try and find this kid and figure out what the hell is going on. while in the woods, muse a loses their footing and slips and hits their head, ultimately going unconscious. when they finally wake, they are laying in the same spot, but they're accompanied by someone with a comforting aura who happens to be tending to their head wound.
muse b is a faery. they've been in these woods caring for the animals and nature since they were born. ultimately, they were deemed the protector of the woods and their little family suddenly disappeared one night, leaving them alone to care for the woods. no one has known about him until some pesky humans decided to come in the woods and be a nuisance. a few days after the incident, muse b finds another human in the woods, but this time they're unconscious and bleeding from their head. so, the faery decides to sit with the human and take care of the wound until they wake and to make sure no harm comes to them.
now with muse a awake, they can barely remember basic details about their life or how they even got here, oddly though, they only remember their name. muse b decides to take sympathy on the human and bring them back to their little abode, at least until muse a remembers their life before their accident.

• side plot idea: muse a and b spend time together, muse a learns that muse b is of fae race, but feelings happen to blossom between them, and they share a kiss which in turn happens to cause muse a's memory to flood back.
muse a has also been marked as a missing person for weeks, and when they emerge from the woods with the information of muse b, it causes a ruckus in town and a sudden man hunt goes on for the faery. muse b is suddenly being hunted down because people have heard that the wings of faeries and valuable, so now, muse a has to somehow rescue b so they aren't killed.

made by zenith

miss missing you

it'd been a little over three years since muse a had lost his boyfriend, muse b. muse a was an absolute wreck when it'd happened and deep down, he still was. muse b had gone out of town for a couple of days to visit his parents, and after those couple of days he'd he'd began his drive back home to muse a. it was only a six hour drive, but muse b decided to do it at night thinking there wouldn't be much congestion on the road ways. muse a decided to wait up all night for his boyfriend to come home. seven hours passed. then eight. then nine. muse a was beginning to worry. a couple more hours passed and muse a heard no word of muse b's return. at hour fifteen, muse a got a call. it was from muse b's father, and at first it relaxed his nerves a bit. maybe muse b had decided to stay another night and forgot to tell muse a. but when muse a answered, his whole world came crashing down. muse b had been killed by a drunk driver.

three and a half years later, muse a is finally getting his life back together. he packed all of muse b's things away and has been in a solid relationship for about six months. he's doing quite better. but there's talk of a new face in town, but this new face reminds them so much of muse b. this oddly familiar face ends up running into muse a and his current significant other in a coffee shop. and muse a is shocked. they're so much like muse b. yet something about muse b's presence. is's almost as if it's pure and relaxing? muse a is so confused. he could have sworn muse b had passed! muse a is absolutely baffled and confused about this new boy in town, but he feels so compelled to become his friend and slowly, yet surely he feels a certain way about muse b he'd only every felt about his ex boyfriend that'd passed.
• genre(s)
• mxm
• trigger warnings may include mentions of death. grief


TL;DR/summary: muse b died 3 & a 1/2 years ago, leaving muse a to pick up all the broken pieces of his death. 3 1/2 years later, there's a huge buzz of a new face in town who ends up running into muse a and his current boyfriend. muse b has come back to earth as an angel and in a new body. muse a & b become friends and muse a finds himself catching the deepest feelings for muse b even though he has a boyfriend.

word bank: random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random
coded by hypnos.
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people watching

muse a and muse b have been friends since fifth grade. muse a has always had the hugest crush on muse b, but he's never made his feelings known believing it'd make their friendship awkward. so, muse a has sat back and watched muse b chase after all these boys ad girls and fall in love and get their heartbroken. every time one of muse b's relationships fall through, muse a is there to comfort and be there for their friend. They have now graduated from high school and are soon supposed to be going to college together. muse a is starting to grow sick of this back and forth and having his feelings toyed with, wanting to turn over a new leaf with their feelings before starting their freshman year of college, they write a rant song and upload it to the internet under an alias. because living in a small town, the song is quick to spread and suddenly the town is bustling with questions on who this mysterious singer it is. muse b has his suspicions it's his friend, but no amount of pestering seems to get muse a to break and say if it's him or not.

a few weeks go by, and the town has quieted down a bit, yet muse b still holds his suspicions. yet, they continue on with his life, his suspicions slowly washing away when he meets a new girl(or boy) and seems to fall head over heels for her. muse a sees all it is happening and finds himself completely heartbroken. so, it leads to him writing another song and the town is quick to find it and the buzz to find this person is back up. muse b listens to this new song that come out and his suspicions seem to be confirmed, so he goes to confront muse a.
• slice of life / romance
• mxm preferred, any
• no specific trigger warnings


word bank: slowish burn, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random
coded by hypnos.
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